FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency


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B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S<br />

the maximum amount of land coverage available within the NSCP area consistent<br />

with GEO-1 for Alternatives C & D. The retirement of onsite land coverage will be<br />

made a condition of the TRPA permit.<br />

Comment Letter 234 – Trimble, Thomas, 02/02/2010<br />

Comment 234-a: Comment Summary - Form letter - traffic, fine sediment, and BMPs.<br />

See Master Responses 1, 2, 3 and 4.<br />

Comment 234-b: Comment Summary - Replace traffic light by either a tunnel or bridge for pedestrian<br />

Pedestrians currently have a protected crossing on SR 28 at the pedestrian traffic<br />

signal and would continue to have a protected crossing with the Project. Even with<br />

construction of a tunnel or bridge, it is likely that pedestrians would continue to cross<br />

SR 28 at the street level because pedestrians typically follow the path with the<br />

shortest distance and travel time. A grade separated crossing would not reduce travel<br />

distance or time.<br />

Comment Letter 235 – Tulloch, John, 02/02/2010<br />

Comment 235-a: Comment Summary - Plans attempt to put an overly large number of hotel rooms,<br />

time shares, and other housing in a space that is not suitable for it.<br />

As documented in Impacts LU-1 and LU-2, the density and land uses proposed in the<br />

Boulder Bay Project are consistent with the NSCP. No timeshare units are included<br />

within the program for the proposed project (Alternative C).<br />

Comment 235-b: Comment Summary - Traffic analysis does not adequately take into account the true<br />

effects of adding so many people to such a small space.<br />

Please refer to Master Response 2, which compares the Proposed Project and<br />

Alternatives to an alternative existing baseline.<br />

Comment Letter 236 – Uskert, Kathleen, 02/02/2010<br />

Comment 236-a: Comment Summary - Concerned about impact traffic will have.<br />

This is not a comment on the content or adequacy of the DEIS. This information is<br />

passed on to the Project proponent and decision maker(s) for consideration. No<br />

further response to this comment in relation to the DEIS is warranted.<br />

Comment Letter 237 – Vanderlaan, Justin, 02/02/2010<br />

Comment 273-a: Comment Summary: Consider increase in traffic that development will incur.<br />

Please refer to Master Response 2, which compares the Proposed Project and<br />

Alternatives to an alternative existing baseline.<br />

Comment Letter 244 – Anderson, Terri, 02/03/2010<br />

Comment 244-a: Comment Summary: EIS needs adequate traffic analysis.<br />

Please refer to Master Response 2, which compares the Proposed Project and<br />

Alternatives to an alternative existing baseline.<br />

Comment 244-b: Comment Summary - EIS needs to include meaningful quantification of water quality<br />

benefits.<br />


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