FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency


RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S • NOISE -3A: Time of Day Construction Restrictions and Noise Barriers; • NOISE -3B: Equipment Location Guidance; • NOISE -3C: Noise Compliant Coordination and Response; • NOISE -5A: Mechanical Equipment Noise Level Specification and Sound Control; • NOISE -5B: Loading Dock and Truck Circulation Design; and • AIR-2/TRANS-1: Traffic and Air Quality Mitigation Program. See Chapter 6 of the DEIS for detailed mitigation measures and Chapters 4.9 and 4- 10 for discussions of how mitigation measures reduce potential impacts from noise and to air quality to levels of less than significant. Potential traffic impacts during construction are analyzed under Impact TRANS-7 (page 4.8-58 of DEIS) and the level of impact is less than significant. The potential affect of the Project to viewsheds (e.g. Scenic Corridor) is addressed under Impact SR-1. Mitigation measures SR-1A: Modify Proposed Code Chapter 22.4.E Height Amendment and SR-1B: Redesign Building A are necessary to reduce impacts from Alternatives C and D to a level of less than significant. Alternatives A, B and E cannot be mitigated and impacts to scenic corridors remain significant and unavoidable. See items number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 of the PMA for additional information regarding the project applicant commitments to SWC. Comment 196-b: Comment Summary - Requests traffic calming mitigation measures on SR 28 near Stillwater Cove: two solar controlled speed identification panels, middle turn channelization lane, repaving to attenuate road noise, removal of parallel parking. The traffic and noise analysis impacts do suggest installation of solar controlled speed identification panels, repaving to attenuate road noise, or removal of parallel parking. The Proposed Project (Alternative C) includes an extension of the existing center left-turn lane of SR 28 from Stateline Road to Wellness Way (north of the Stillwater Cove Driveway. See item number 1 of the PMA for additional information regarding the project applicant commitments to SWC. Comment 196-c: Comment Summary - Requests noise attenuation sound wall/barrier along SR 28. No significant noise impacts were identified along SR 28. Therefore, noise mitigation measures were not included. See item number 2 of the PMA for additional information regarding the project applicant commitments to SWC. Comment 196-d: Comment Summary - Requests park should be a public park but without large gatherings, concerts At this time no outdoor concerts or events are planned for the park area associated with the Project. See item number 3 of the PMA for additional information regarding the project applicant commitments to SWC. PAGE 8- 60 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010

RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S Comment 196-e: Comment Summary - Requests no construction staging on the Mariner property, and staging areas should have noise and light attenuation provisions, hours of operation, and limited activities to reduce noise, light impacts. This comment is noted. Specifics on staging areas have not been detailed. This comment can be considered in the construction noise control program. See item number 4 of the PMA for additional information regarding the project applicant commitments to SWC. Comment 196-f: Comment Summary - Requests the developer provide guarantees of sufficient funding to complete project and mitigation measures. Developer funding guarantees are not an EIS requirement. While this could be requested during the project approval process, it is not required documentation of an EIS and does not need to be included in the text of the document. This is a matter for TRPA to consider separately from the EIS. See item number 5 of the PMA for additional information regarding the project applicant commitments to SWC. Comment 196-g: Comment Summary - Requests full mitigation of noise and light impacts to Stillwater Cover be fully mitigated by setting back, reducing in height, and screening Building A; access road landscaping installation and maintenance. Where noise impacts have been determined, mitigation measures have been included. Mitigation measures were identified in the DEIS to increase setbacks or reduce height of Building A. Proposed landscaping to the park access roadway is shown in simulations provided in DEIS Chapter 4.5. See item number 6 of the PMA for additional information regarding the project applicant commitments to SWC. Comment 196-h: Comment Summary - Requests new landscaping at Crystal Bay Motel site that shown on p. 4.5-41. The removal of the existing Crystal Bay Motel is proposed as part of the Project. With the removal of the structure, the site will require restoration to ensure the protection of water quality. While there are no plans for redevelopment of the existing Crystal Bay Motel site in the current Project, the current proposal would not preclude future development on the former Motel parcel. However, if future development were proposed, the future Project would require a TRPA permit and associated environmental review. See item number 7 of the PMA for additional information regarding the project applicant commitments to SWC. Comment Letter 212 – Marlow, David, State of Nevada, Division of State Lands, 02/02/2010 Comment 212-a: Comment Summary - On p. 4.3-8, it is unclear what is meant by the statement that SR 28 runoff shows the poorest water quality in the project area, since in Table 4.3-3 primary roads do not show the highest loading. The Boulder Bay EMCs incorporate samples from the entire project area, including samples from monitoring sites reflecting runoff from SR 28. The table reports the EMC results from six storm events that were captured. The column for Primary SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES PAGE 8- 61


B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S<br />

Comment 196-e: Comment Summary - Requests no construction staging on the Mariner property, and<br />

staging areas should have noise and light attenuation provisions, hours of operation,<br />

and limited activities to reduce noise, light impacts.<br />

This comment is noted. Specifics on staging areas have not been detailed. This<br />

comment can be considered in the construction noise control program.<br />

See item number 4 of the PMA for additional information regarding the project<br />

applicant commitments to SWC.<br />

Comment 196-f: Comment Summary - Requests the developer provide guarantees of sufficient funding<br />

to complete project and mitigation measures.<br />

Developer funding guarantees are not an EIS requirement. While this could be<br />

requested during the project approval process, it is not required documentation of an<br />

EIS and does not need to be included in the text of the document. This is a matter for<br />

TRPA to consider separately from the EIS.<br />

See item number 5 of the PMA for additional information regarding the project<br />

applicant commitments to SWC.<br />

Comment 196-g: Comment Summary - Requests full mitigation of noise and light impacts to Stillwater<br />

Cover be fully mitigated by setting back, reducing in height, and screening Building<br />

A; access road landscaping installation and maintenance.<br />

Where noise impacts have been determined, mitigation measures have been included.<br />

Mitigation measures were identified in the DEIS to increase setbacks or reduce<br />

height of Building A. Proposed landscaping to the park access roadway is shown in<br />

simulations provided in DEIS Chapter 4.5.<br />

See item number 6 of the PMA for additional information regarding the project<br />

applicant commitments to SWC.<br />

Comment 196-h: Comment Summary - Requests new landscaping at Crystal Bay Motel site that shown<br />

on p. 4.5-41.<br />

The removal of the existing Crystal Bay Motel is proposed as part of the Project.<br />

With the removal of the structure, the site will require restoration to ensure the<br />

protection of water quality. While there are no plans for redevelopment of the<br />

existing Crystal Bay Motel site in the current Project, the current proposal would not<br />

preclude future development on the former Motel parcel. However, if future<br />

development were proposed, the future Project would require a TRPA permit and<br />

associated environmental review.<br />

See item number 7 of the PMA for additional information regarding the project<br />

applicant commitments to SWC.<br />

Comment Letter 212 – Marlow, David, State of Nevada, Division of State Lands,<br />

02/02/2010<br />

Comment 212-a: Comment Summary - On p. 4.3-8, it is unclear what is meant by the statement that SR<br />

28 runoff shows the poorest water quality in the project area, since in Table 4.3-3<br />

primary roads do not show the highest loading.<br />

The Boulder Bay EMCs incorporate samples from the entire project area, including<br />

samples from monitoring sites reflecting runoff from SR 28. The table reports the<br />

EMC results from six storm events that were captured. The column for Primary<br />


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