FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency


RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S Speaker 6 – Steve McKibbin, Lake Tahoe School Comment 6-a: Comment Summary – Supports the project Comment noted. Speaker 7 – Jennifer Quashnick Comment 7-a: Comment Summary – Storm sampling data is not adequate for analysis. Data collected by DRI is available – why was it not included in the DEIS? Please refer to Master Response 1. DRI data is included in Appendix AB of the FEIS; however analysis of the data does not suggest a change in impact significance. Comment 7-b: Comment Summary – What is load reduction for 20 year design system vs. what is proposed for Boulder Bay? What is the net gain? Where is the monitoring plan to ensure that the proposed system will work? Please refer to Master Response 1 and Appendix AB of the FEIS. Chapter 6 details standard practice SP-9, Post-project BMP and Stormwater Management Program. Comment 7-c: Comment Summary – How was the 90% reduction of TSS or fine sediments determined? Cannot find the analysis in the DEIS. This information needs to be included in a DEIS for public review. Speaker 8 – Ellie Waller Please refer to Master Response 1 and Appendix AB of FEIS. Comment 8-a: Comment Summary – What would water quality benefit be if height and density were reduced? Too much proposed. A reduction in height could necessitate more land coverage, which would generate larger runoff volumes. A reduction in density could result in reductions in land coverage, which would result in less runoff volume. Comment 8-b: Comment Summary – Only one tall building exists now. Boulder Bay wants too much additional height. Speaker 9 – Brian McRae This is not a comment on the content or adequacy of the DEIS. This information is passed on to the Project proponent and decision maker(s) for consideration. No further response to this comment in relation to the DEIS is warranted. Comment 9-a: Comment Summary – Supports the project. Thinks the plan is cutting edge. Comment noted. Speaker 10 – Susan Gearhart Comment 10-a: Comment Summary – Increased height should not be allowed. This is not a comment on the content or adequacy of the DEIS. This information is passed on to the Project proponent and decision maker(s) for consideration. No further response to this comment in relation to the DEIS is warranted. Comment 10-a: Comment Summary – Water quality question related to rain on snow events. Can the proposed system handle these flows? PAGE 8- 176 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010

RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S Impact HYDRO-3 addresses stormwater treatment system capacities. Table 4.3-12 outlines the calculations in support of capture, conveyance and infiltration of stormwater volumes up to the 100yr/1hr storm event (Alternatives C and D). Speaker 11 – Ann Nichols, North Tahoe Preservation Alliance Comment 11-a: Comment Summary – DEIS does not adequately analyze height. Please see responses to comments 93-a, 93-b, 93-i, 117-a, 286-a, 286-b, 286-c, 286-e, 286-f, 286-j, 306-b, 322-gy and 322-hi. Comment 11-b: Comment Summary – Project also needs a Community Plan amendment to recognize special areas in the CP for height (Proposed Project puts the cart before the horse). The text of the NSCP does not indicate specific height limits, rather it references TRPA Code of Ordinances Chapter 22 – Height for height limits. If Code of Ordinances Chapter 22 is amended, it is not necessary to amend the NSCP because the text of the NSCP remains accurate. Comment 11-c: Comment Summary – Density calculation has changed from category E to F. Why? The note below the Table in TRPA Code Subsection 21.4.B(1) states that "Any other combination of uses, including three or more uses in a project area, is assigned to Category F." The Project includes tourist accommodation, multi-family residential for sale, multi-family residential for rent (affordable) and commercial uses. Please see responses to comments 108-b and 322-ds. Comment 11-d: Comment Summary – Why is the amendment of the existing Settlement Agreement acceptable? The existing Mariner Settlement Agreement is not a TRPA Regional Plan document. Therefore, the settlement agreement is not a threshold for determining impacts for TRPA and is not a TRPA planning document that defines allowable land uses. Changes to the settlement agreement occur separately from, but in conjunction with, the EIS process. Comment 11-e: Comment Summary – Part of non-Community Plan area in the Settlement Agreement area is used to calculate density. Should not be allowed. Density calculations included in Impact LU-1 do not include acreage located outside of the NSCP for determining allowable density. Comment 11-f: Comment Summary – Crystal Bay Motel site is in the project area. Will it stay vacant? The Crystal Bay Motel will be demolished and land coverage relocated. Please see response to comment 93-d. Comment 11-g: Comment Summary – 10,000 square feet for gaming can expand in the future. In order for gaming floor area to be expanded over the 10,000 square feet proposed in Alternative C, Boulder Bay or another future applicant would have to apply to TRPA and the NTRPA for a new permit, which would require additional environmental analysis. Comment 11-h: Comment Summary – Accessory space increase is too much. Not correctly spelled out in the DEIS or presentation to the Governing Board. Please refer to Master Response 4. SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES PAGE 8- 177


B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S<br />

Speaker 6 – Steve McKibbin, Lake <strong>Tahoe</strong> School<br />

Comment 6-a: Comment Summary – Supports the project<br />

Comment noted.<br />

Speaker 7 – Jennifer Quashnick<br />

Comment 7-a: Comment Summary – Storm sampling data is not adequate for analysis. Data<br />

collected by DRI is available – why was it not included in the DEIS?<br />

Please refer to Master Response 1. DRI data is included in Appendix AB of the<br />

<strong>FEIS</strong>; however analysis of the data does not suggest a change in impact significance.<br />

Comment 7-b: Comment Summary – What is load reduction for 20 year design system vs. what is<br />

proposed for Boulder Bay? What is the net gain? Where is the monitoring plan to<br />

ensure that the proposed system will work?<br />

Please refer to Master Response 1 and Appendix AB of the <strong>FEIS</strong>. Chapter 6 details<br />

standard practice SP-9, Post-project BMP and Stormwater Management Program.<br />

Comment 7-c: Comment Summary – How was the 90% reduction of TSS or fine sediments<br />

determined? Cannot find the analysis in the DEIS. This information needs to be<br />

included in a DEIS for public review.<br />

Speaker 8 – Ellie Waller<br />

Please refer to Master Response 1 and Appendix AB of <strong>FEIS</strong>.<br />

Comment 8-a: Comment Summary – What would water quality benefit be if height and density were<br />

reduced? Too much proposed.<br />

A reduction in height could necessitate more land coverage, which would generate<br />

larger runoff volumes. A reduction in density could result in reductions in land<br />

coverage, which would result in less runoff volume.<br />

Comment 8-b: Comment Summary – Only one tall building exists now. Boulder Bay wants too much<br />

additional height.<br />

Speaker 9 – Brian McRae<br />

This is not a comment on the content or adequacy of the DEIS. This information is<br />

passed on to the Project proponent and decision maker(s) for consideration. No<br />

further response to this comment in relation to the DEIS is warranted.<br />

Comment 9-a: Comment Summary – Supports the project. Thinks the plan is cutting edge.<br />

Comment noted.<br />

Speaker 10 – Susan Gearhart<br />

Comment 10-a: Comment Summary – Increased height should not be allowed.<br />

This is not a comment on the content or adequacy of the DEIS. This information is<br />

passed on to the Project proponent and decision maker(s) for consideration. No<br />

further response to this comment in relation to the DEIS is warranted.<br />

Comment 10-a: Comment Summary – Water quality question related to rain on snow events. Can the<br />

proposed system handle these flows?<br />


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