FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency


RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S The Project is required by TRPA to contain and treat peak runoff volumes from the 20yr/1hr design storm. The Project, as a participant in TRPA's CEP Program, agreed in the February 4, 2008 Resolution "for allocations to be reserved and projects to be approved, CEP projects are required to commit to substantial environmental improvements, which must include specifically identified EIP projects. Your project proposes a number of environmental benefits/improvements; however, TRPA requires a written commitment regarding the funding, construction, and overall maintenance/monitoring for these EIP project contributions in order to ensure the projects are implemented. The EIP concerns listed in TRPA’s January 16, 2008 letter shall be addressed." In commitments to substantial environmental improvements, the Project will help fund EIP Project 732 and for CEP Alternatives C and D proposes a more regional stormwater system to maximize the capture and treatment of runoff from the contributing watershed areas beyond the immediate project area. The commenter requests quantification and documentation of hydrology beyond that affected by the project area. Comment 337-h: Comment Summary - Quantify and document the 100-year rainfall event watershed tributary area runoff. See Appendix AB for the supplemental surface water quality analysis, which details the modeled, predicted runoff volumes (including the 100yr/1hr storm) and corresponding sediment and nutrient loading from a variety of water year conditions. See responses to comments 337d-g above for discussions on contributing watershed areas. The project area and contributing watershed areas up gradient from the project area that contribute runoff to the project area will not continue to contribute to the "pass through discharge" from the greater watershed tributary area. Comment 337-i: Comment Summary - Analyze the entire watershed tributary area and hydraulic calculations for existing and proposed drainage systems in Nevada and California and document how Caltrans drainage concerns will be addressed. The request for complete hydrologic calculations for the entire watershed tributary area and hydraulic calculations for the existing and proposed drainage systems within the State of Nevada and State of California is outside the scope of the Project because the Project does not have the authority to address runoff issues outside of the project area. The Project addresses the existing and potential impacts (project area contributions to runoff) to existing and proposed Caltrans drainage systems. Comment 337-j: Comment Summary - Correct the DEIS to state the existing 18-inch drainage pipe crossing beneath SR 28 will be replaced by a larger pipe accommodating all excess 100-year return event flows. The commenter requests the replacement of the 18-inch drainage pipe. See response to comment 337d. Comment 337-k: Comment Summary - Table 4.8-2: Note the peak month ADT is 44% higher than ADT near the Stateline Road intersection. While the intersection analysis was during a peak month, it did not address all the peak times. The traffic analysis was performed for the Friday PM peak hour during the summer, which is considered the peak traffic period for Lake Tahoe. Peak month traffic volumes in the Lake Tahoe region occur in July and August. Traffic volume data was collected at the study intersections in August. PAGE 8- 154 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010

RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S Comment 337-l: Comment Summary - If long westbound queues still form on Sundays due to the pedestrian crossing, discuss this in DEIS and provide solutions. Reducing skew/length of crosswalk could reduce green time required for pedestrians. The traffic analysis was performed for the Friday PM peak hour during the summer season, which is considered the peak traffic period for Lake Tahoe. Sunday queues have reduced in recent years. Queues will be monitored and if necessary, signal timing will be modified. Comment 337-m: Comment Summary - Page 4.8-67 states Alternative C results in a significant Stateline Road intersection impact, but no mitigation is provided. The Alt. E mitigation on page 4.8-52 would address impact from Alt. C. The SR 28/Stateline Road intersection will operate at LOS A for the overall intersection, and LOS C for the worst movement with Alternative C, as shown in Table 4.8-20 of the DEIS. The level of service threshold for this project requires that intersections operate at LOS D or better, therefore there is not a significant impact at the SR 28/Stateline Road intersection under Existing plus Alternative C conditions. Comment 337-n: Comment Summary - Comments provided on NOP regarding runoff and traffic are attached, as well as background materials on the drainage issues. Comments submitted on the NOP are part of the Project Record and are included in DEIS Appendix B. Comment Letter 338 - Johnson, Royce, Brockway Home Owners Association, 02/04/10 Comment 338-a: Comment Summary - The following NOP Scoping Comments were not addressed in the EIS: Please see responses to specific comments below. Comment 338-b: Comment Summary - The impact on Brockway of new construction from 10, 20, 50 and 100 year storm runoff: a. How will plans be fully integrated with the Placer County’s Brockway Erosion Control Project; b. Potential for home damage from runoff. See responses to comments 137b, 137c, 286aj, 332t and 337a-n. Comment 338-c: Comment Summary - Environmental, social and scenic impact on Brockway from increased traffic in Crystal Bay. The DIES addresses significant impacts associated with applicable TRPA, state, and county standards. Please refer to Chapter 4 (Environmental Analysis) for a detailed discussion of impacts. Comment 338-d: Comment Summary - Impact on TRPA designated Sensitive Stream Areas. No TRPA delineated stream environment zones (SEZs) are mapped within the project area. Comment 338-e: Comment Summary - Estimate of additional usage of Speedboat Beach: a. Potential for environmental degradation; b. Additional traffic and parking required; c. Impact of required upgraded services and facilities; d. Survey to determine the presence of endangered species the impact of additional usage Additional use of Speedboat Beach will affect the quality of the recreational experience at this beach. Additional traffic and parking are not issues as this beach is SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES PAGE 8- 155


B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S<br />

The Project is required by TRPA to contain and treat peak runoff volumes from the<br />

20yr/1hr design storm. The Project, as a participant in TRPA's CEP Program, agreed<br />

in the February 4, 2008 Resolution "for allocations to be reserved and projects to be<br />

approved, CEP projects are required to commit to substantial environmental<br />

improvements, which must include specifically identified EIP projects. Your project<br />

proposes a number of environmental benefits/improvements; however, TRPA<br />

requires a written commitment regarding the funding, construction, and overall<br />

maintenance/monitoring for these EIP project contributions in order to ensure the<br />

projects are implemented. The EIP concerns listed in TRPA’s January 16, 2008 letter<br />

shall be addressed." In commitments to substantial environmental improvements, the<br />

Project will help fund EIP Project 732 and for CEP Alternatives C and D proposes a<br />

more regional stormwater system to maximize the capture and treatment of runoff<br />

from the contributing watershed areas beyond the immediate project area. The<br />

commenter requests quantification and documentation of hydrology beyond that<br />

affected by the project area.<br />

Comment 337-h: Comment Summary - Quantify and document the 100-year rainfall event watershed<br />

tributary area runoff.<br />

See Appendix AB for the supplemental surface water quality analysis, which details<br />

the modeled, predicted runoff volumes (including the 100yr/1hr storm) and<br />

corresponding sediment and nutrient loading from a variety of water year conditions.<br />

See responses to comments 337d-g above for discussions on contributing watershed<br />

areas. The project area and contributing watershed areas up gradient from the project<br />

area that contribute runoff to the project area will not continue to contribute to the<br />

"pass through discharge" from the greater watershed tributary area.<br />

Comment 337-i: Comment Summary - Analyze the entire watershed tributary area and hydraulic<br />

calculations for existing and proposed drainage systems in Nevada and California<br />

and document how Caltrans drainage concerns will be addressed.<br />

The request for complete hydrologic calculations for the entire watershed tributary<br />

area and hydraulic calculations for the existing and proposed drainage systems within<br />

the State of Nevada and State of California is outside the scope of the Project because<br />

the Project does not have the authority to address runoff issues outside of the project<br />

area. The Project addresses the existing and potential impacts (project area<br />

contributions to runoff) to existing and proposed Caltrans drainage systems.<br />

Comment 337-j: Comment Summary - Correct the DEIS to state the existing 18-inch drainage pipe<br />

crossing beneath SR 28 will be replaced by a larger pipe accommodating all excess<br />

100-year return event flows.<br />

The commenter requests the replacement of the 18-inch drainage pipe. See response<br />

to comment 337d.<br />

Comment 337-k: Comment Summary - Table 4.8-2: Note the peak month ADT is 44% higher than<br />

ADT near the Stateline Road intersection. While the intersection analysis was during<br />

a peak month, it did not address all the peak times.<br />

The traffic analysis was performed for the Friday PM peak hour during the summer,<br />

which is considered the peak traffic period for Lake <strong>Tahoe</strong>. Peak month traffic<br />

volumes in the Lake <strong>Tahoe</strong> region occur in July and August. Traffic volume data<br />

was collected at the study intersections in August.<br />


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