FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency


RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S Please refer to Master Response 4 for additional detail on project trip generation associated with accessory uses. Comment 332-g: Comment Summary - Trip reduction and air emission reduction estimates based on the shuttle service are overly optimistic: there's no guarantee the shuttle service would be highly utilized. The Alternative mode reduction included in the trip generation calculations includes bicycling, walking, carpooling, etc, trips, as well as transit and shuttle (Boulder Bay van service) trips. Master Response 3 provides additional clarification on internal/external Alternative mode trips. The Alternative Transportation Plan provides for the following specific measures to reduce private vehicle use: • Provide financial subsidy to increase North Lake Tahoe Express Service between Reno-Tahoe International Airport and Incline Village/Crystal Bay from 7 runs per day to 11 runs per day during peak travel seasons (summer and winter); • Reduce existing Crystal Bay to Tahoe Vista Trolley headways from 30 to 15 minutes during summer daytime hours by operating an additional Trolley at no cost to users; • Operate Year-Round Tahoe Connection Shuttle Service using three Alternativefueled vans (12-15 passenger) to provide free transit service throughout the Tahoe/Truckee region to Boulder Bay guests and residents; • Encourage Alternative transportation strategies for Boulder Bay employees by offering subsidized employee transit passes, preferred carpool parking, carpool matching service, showers/lockers, and bicycle amenities; • Provide two bays for Transit buses and shuttles along SR 28 and an Alternative Transportation Center for transit, bicycle and pedestrian travelers to be protected from the elements (including a bicycle station with an air compressor and secured parking); • Onsite Alternative-fuel car share service (up to four vehicles) for Boulder Bay guests and residents; and • Onsite bicycle-share service for Boulder Bay guests and residents, including some bicycles with “electric assist”. These measures will likely reduce private auto use and increase Alternative modes beyond the estimates made in the trip generation analysis (i.e. project trips could be less than estimated). Comment 332-h: Comment Summary - The flaws in the traffic and therefore air quality impact analysis do not allow for a determination of consistency with the Tahoe Mariner Settlement Agreement, which requires no adverse impacts. Please refer to Master Response 2, which compares the Proposed Project and Alternatives to an alternative existing baseline. Please see response to comment 37-a regarding the ability to amend the Settlement Agreement. Comment 332-i: Comment Summary – The description of current and proposed uses of the site is not clear enough in terms of gaming space, CFA, and accessory uses to perform an impact analysis. Alt. A 80,000 sf, and Alt. C would be 120,000 sf: is this accurate and the EIS should clarify. PAGE 8- 132 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010

RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S Chapter 2 of the DEIS details the current land uses within the project area in the description of Alternative A (No Project Alternative). Chapter 4.1 further details existing uses on pages 4.1-1 and 4.1-2. Proposed land uses are detailed in the descriptions for Alternatives B, C, D and E and analyzed in Chapter 4.1, Land Use. Existing gaming area, CFA and accessory uses have been verified by TRPA and are disclosed in the DEIS (Appendix D). Proposed uses are analyzed against the agreed upon evaluation criteria. Comment 332-j: Comment Summary - An accounting of existing and proposed gaming spaces needs to be calculated and shown in the EIS. The NTRPA certified 29,744 sf of the TRPA verified CFA for gaming use, of which 22,400 sf is in use presently (page 4.1-12 of DEIS). The Project proposes to retain 10,000 sf for gaming use (page 2.10 of the DEIS). Comment 332-k: Comment Summary - The EIS must clarify the reduction in CFA. The EIS states a 17,935 sf reduction (p. 2-22) from the 19,744 sf of reduced certified gaming area, but this is not an actual reduction in gaming space, but a reduction in certified gaming area (some of which may not be a permanent reduction). Actual reduction in existing gaming is only 12,400 sf from subtracting Alt. C 10,000 sf of floor space from the current gaming floor space at the Biltmore/Alt A (22,400 sf). There is only a 12,400 sf reduction of real CFA, not 17,935 sf. As stated in the comment, the amount of gaming area currently in use at the Biltmore is 22,400 sf. The difference between the certified gaming area of 29,744 sf and the gaming area currently in use (22,400 sf) is gaming area potentially available for use by Boulder Bay. In Alternatives C and D, Boulder Bay has proposed to permanently retire 9,914 sf of their certified gaming area. This area would no longer be available for use as gaming, but would still be banked onsite and available for use as CFA. As a result, 17,835 sf of banked CFA remains available in the project area for potential use in the future under Alternative C. Please see response to comment 93-c. Any application to use additional gaming area would be subject to review and approval by TRPA. Comment 332-l: Comment Summary - In regards to CFA and GFA the EIS does not make a fair comparison of Alt. A and Alt. C. On p 2-22 Alt A has 56,322 sf of CFA, which includes verified CFA and certified (some of which is not existing) GFA. But only 48,978 CFA (combined CFA and GFA) is in actual use. The EIS claims a reduction of 19,744 GFA, does not state that the 19,744 will be considered verified CFA. Alt A calculations includes existing, verified, and certified CFA/GFA, but Alt. C calculations only includes what will be used on the ground and not verified/certified. This is misleading. Please see response to comment 332-k. With Alternative C, 17,835 sf of unused CFA will be banked within the project area and would be available for future use or transfer to another project. Any application to use additional gaming area would be subject to review and approval by TRPA. Comment 332-m: Comment Summary - Explain how Alts. A and B are inconsistent with stormwater treatment but include 20-year one-hour storm capture upgrades. The referenced row of Table 3-3 lists water quality, circulation and urban design features. Under Alts A and B, stormwater facilities would be required per TRPA regulations to correct existing stormwater deficiencies to treat the 20 yr/1hr storm SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES PAGE 8- 133


B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S<br />

Chapter 2 of the DEIS details the current land uses within the project area in the<br />

description of Alternative A (No Project Alternative). Chapter 4.1 further details<br />

existing uses on pages 4.1-1 and 4.1-2. Proposed land uses are detailed in the<br />

descriptions for Alternatives B, C, D and E and analyzed in Chapter 4.1, Land Use.<br />

Existing gaming area, CFA and accessory uses have been verified by TRPA and are<br />

disclosed in the DEIS (Appendix D). Proposed uses are analyzed against the agreed<br />

upon evaluation criteria.<br />

Comment 332-j: Comment Summary - An accounting of existing and proposed gaming spaces needs to<br />

be calculated and shown in the EIS.<br />

The NTRPA certified 29,744 sf of the TRPA verified CFA for gaming use, of which<br />

22,400 sf is in use presently (page 4.1-12 of DEIS). The Project proposes to retain<br />

10,000 sf for gaming use (page 2.10 of the DEIS).<br />

Comment 332-k: Comment Summary - The EIS must clarify the reduction in CFA. The EIS states a<br />

17,935 sf reduction (p. 2-22) from the 19,744 sf of reduced certified gaming area, but<br />

this is not an actual reduction in gaming space, but a reduction in certified gaming<br />

area (some of which may not be a permanent reduction). Actual reduction in existing<br />

gaming is only 12,400 sf from subtracting Alt. C 10,000 sf of floor space from the<br />

current gaming floor space at the Biltmore/Alt A (22,400 sf). There is only a 12,400<br />

sf reduction of real CFA, not 17,935 sf.<br />

As stated in the comment, the amount of gaming area currently in use at the Biltmore<br />

is 22,400 sf. The difference between the certified gaming area of 29,744 sf and the<br />

gaming area currently in use (22,400 sf) is gaming area potentially available for use<br />

by Boulder Bay. In Alternatives C and D, Boulder Bay has proposed to permanently<br />

retire 9,914 sf of their certified gaming area. This area would no longer be available<br />

for use as gaming, but would still be banked onsite and available for use as CFA. As<br />

a result, 17,835 sf of banked CFA remains available in the project area for potential<br />

use in the future under Alternative C. Please see response to comment 93-c. Any<br />

application to use additional gaming area would be subject to review and approval by<br />

TRPA.<br />

Comment 332-l: Comment Summary - In regards to CFA and GFA the EIS does not make a fair<br />

comparison of Alt. A and Alt. C. On p 2-22 Alt A has 56,322 sf of CFA, which<br />

includes verified CFA and certified (some of which is not existing) GFA. But only<br />

48,978 CFA (combined CFA and GFA) is in actual use. The EIS claims a reduction<br />

of 19,744 GFA, does not state that the 19,744 will be considered verified CFA. Alt A<br />

calculations includes existing, verified, and certified CFA/GFA, but Alt. C<br />

calculations only includes what will be used on the ground and not verified/certified.<br />

This is misleading.<br />

Please see response to comment 332-k. With Alternative C, 17,835 sf of unused<br />

CFA will be banked within the project area and would be available for future use or<br />

transfer to another project. Any application to use additional gaming area would be<br />

subject to review and approval by TRPA.<br />

Comment 332-m: Comment Summary - Explain how Alts. A and B are inconsistent with stormwater<br />

treatment but include 20-year one-hour storm capture upgrades.<br />

The referenced row of Table 3-3 lists water quality, circulation and urban design<br />

features. Under Alts A and B, stormwater facilities would be required per TRPA<br />

regulations to correct existing stormwater deficiencies to treat the 20 yr/1hr storm<br />


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