FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency


RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S DEIS does not claim population projections indicate a demand for resort facilities, nor does this affect the environmental analysis. Project objectives would suggest that a project like Boulder Bay is needed to recapture the visitor base that is traveling elsewhere to resorts with amenities that reflect modern needs and desires. Comment 322-gt: Comment Summary - What population growth rate is needed to support a resort of this size and scope? What is the impact of increasing the visitor population as part of the Boulder Bay project on local residents? The DEIS states that homeowners are tourists. Does it mean to say they are second homeowners? Actual new population numbers needed to support the resort (employees) are discussed in SPH-1 through 3. Tourist populations are not permanent and are not reflected in area population counts or actual growth rates. The impact of increasing the visitor population is discussed throughout Chapter 4 of the DEIS as Project operations (noise, air quality, traffic, etc.). The DEIS does not state that homeowners are tourists. Under the analysis for SPH-3 on page 4.11-13, the DEIS states: "Alternatives C, D and E will include up to 59 whole ownership market rate multifamily dwelling units. Assuming 2.52 persons per household (average Washoe County household size in 2007), full time resident population may increase by up to 149 persons under Alternative C, 53 persons under Alternative D, and 83 persons under Alternative E. This would be a worst-case scenario since the majority of these units will likely be sold to second homeowners not permanently residing in these units. Since 50% to 70% of the historical real estate sales for such units are to second homeowners, permanent populations in these units are more likely to be 60, 21, and 40 persons, respectively." Comment 322-gu: Comment Summary - Please address that locating affordable housing adjacent to gaming does not conform to the goals of the NSCP. Figure 2 in the NSCP shows land use concepts for the area, including the Tahoe Mariner site. For this site, the land use concept includes a casino/hotel and employee housing. While employee housing does differ from affordable housing, it is anticipated that resort employees that qualify as low-income will occupy the onsite housing. NSCP 1.2 states that employee housing shall be used to "buffer" the casino and commercial uses from residential uses. In effect, the project implements the goals of the NSCP by placing affordable housing between the commercial areas and other existing housing units. Comment 322-gv: Comment Summary - Building elevations should be shown. Please see response to comment 322-x. Comment 322-gw: Comment Summary - Increased building setbacks from Hwy 28 of 40' are discussed as a benefit at the site plan indicated a setback of approx. 20'. What is the setback to the property line on Hwy 28? Is the 40' reference a setback to edge of pavement? Building setbacks are calculated using the distance between the proposed SR 28 edge of pavement and the specific building. The proposed Code Chapter 22 amendment also would measure setbacks from the edge of pavement. Comment 322-gx: Comment Summary - 2-23 What is the current massing and cubic volume of the Biltmore versus the proposed massing and cubic volume of the new project? The existing structures within the project area include approximately 123,000 square feet of gross floor area. Under Alternative C, the gross floor area of buildings would increase to approximately 465,000 square feet. Under Alternative D, the gross floor PAGE 8- 120 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010

RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S area of buildings would increase to approximately 589,000 square feet. Under Alternative E, the gross floor area of buildings would increase to approximately 290,000 square feet. Comment 322-gy: Comment Summary - Why are none of the buildings conforming to height in Alt C? One of the goals of the project is to reduce building footprints and land coverage needed for the development program. Building height is extensively analyzed in Impact SR-1 in Chapter 4.5 of the DEIS. The 76 foot tall legally existing Biltmore Hotel building exceeds allowable height standards. Building heights that conform to existing height standards would be limited due to how allowable height is calculated on highly sloped areas. To meet existing height standards, Boulder Bay would have to design buildings that consume greater land coverage. A height amendment is proposed for the Boulder Bay project to address the land coverage issue. Please refer to the revised proposed special height district amendment presented in Appendix AC of the FEIS. Comment 322-gz: Comment Summary - Do the three multi-family buildings have separate entrances? They appear to be 3 separate buildings joined at the roof, why are they referred to as one building? Building A has covered walkways on each level that runs the full length of the three residential buildings. Comment 322-ha: Comment Summary - LU-1 95% height is not inconsistent with NSCP. LU-2 Nonconforming height expanded in NCSP is inconsistent. Please address. Please see responses to comments 93-g and 286-j. Comment 322-hb: Comment Summary - Table 3.2-1 incorrectly states that new height is consistent with the NSCP. The proposed height code amendment requires a community plan amendment, which should be analyzed separately in advance of an actual project. Please see response to comment 93-g and 286-j. The proposed building heights are consistent with implementation of the Code of Ordinances Chapter 22 amendment. Please refer to the revised proposed special height district amendment presented in Appendix AC of the FEIS. Comment 322-hc: Comment Summary - Current structures are not visible from the Lake but proposed structures will be. Why wouldn't visibility decrease the shoreline score as viewed from the Lake? All new structures block views of mountains. Under Alternative C, the existing Crystal Bay Motel would be removed and proposed structures would be visible where the motel structure was previously located. The amount of structure visibility would not increase and therefore, the impact would be less than significant. Under Alternative D, the amount of structures visible would increase through the existing tree line based on the additional height of structures under Alternative D. Therefore, under Alternative D, the impact from Lake Tahoe viewpoints is considered to be significant. Comment 322-hd: Comment Summary - How is there adequate buffering of adjacent uses and neighborhood compatibility when there is only a 20' setback from Stateline Rd./Lakeview to 65- and 75-foot high buildings? Please see response to comment 93-b. The measured height of the buildings viewed from adjacent roadways are documented in Table 8.5-7. SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES PAGE 8- 121


B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S<br />

area of buildings would increase to approximately 589,000 square feet. Under<br />

Alternative E, the gross floor area of buildings would increase to approximately<br />

290,000 square feet.<br />

Comment 322-gy: Comment Summary - Why are none of the buildings conforming to height in Alt C?<br />

One of the goals of the project is to reduce building footprints and land coverage<br />

needed for the development program. Building height is extensively analyzed in<br />

Impact SR-1 in Chapter 4.5 of the DEIS. The 76 foot tall legally existing Biltmore<br />

Hotel building exceeds allowable height standards. Building heights that conform to<br />

existing height standards would be limited due to how allowable height is calculated<br />

on highly sloped areas. To meet existing height standards, Boulder Bay would have<br />

to design buildings that consume greater land coverage. A height amendment is<br />

proposed for the Boulder Bay project to address the land coverage issue. Please<br />

refer to the revised proposed special height district amendment presented in<br />

Appendix AC of the <strong>FEIS</strong>.<br />

Comment 322-gz: Comment Summary - Do the three multi-family buildings have separate entrances?<br />

They appear to be 3 separate buildings joined at the roof, why are they referred to as<br />

one building?<br />

Building A has covered walkways on each level that runs the full length of the three<br />

residential buildings.<br />

Comment 322-ha: Comment Summary - LU-1 95% height is not inconsistent with NSCP. LU-2<br />

Nonconforming height expanded in NCSP is inconsistent. Please address.<br />

Please see responses to comments 93-g and 286-j.<br />

Comment 322-hb: Comment Summary - Table 3.2-1 incorrectly states that new height is consistent with<br />

the NSCP. The proposed height code amendment requires a community plan<br />

amendment, which should be analyzed separately in advance of an actual project.<br />

Please see response to comment 93-g and 286-j. The proposed building heights are<br />

consistent with implementation of the Code of Ordinances Chapter 22 amendment.<br />

Please refer to the revised proposed special height district amendment presented in<br />

Appendix AC of the <strong>FEIS</strong>.<br />

Comment 322-hc: Comment Summary - Current structures are not visible from the Lake but proposed<br />

structures will be. Why wouldn't visibility decrease the shoreline score as viewed<br />

from the Lake? All new structures block views of mountains.<br />

Under Alternative C, the existing Crystal Bay Motel would be removed and proposed<br />

structures would be visible where the motel structure was previously located. The<br />

amount of structure visibility would not increase and therefore, the impact would be<br />

less than significant. Under Alternative D, the amount of structures visible would<br />

increase through the existing tree line based on the additional height of structures<br />

under Alternative D. Therefore, under Alternative D, the impact from Lake <strong>Tahoe</strong><br />

viewpoints is considered to be significant.<br />

Comment 322-hd: Comment Summary - How is there adequate buffering of adjacent uses and<br />

neighborhood compatibility when there is only a 20' setback from Stateline<br />

Rd./Lakeview to 65- and 75-foot high buildings?<br />

Please see response to comment 93-b. The measured height of the buildings viewed<br />

from adjacent roadways are documented in Table 8.5-7.<br />


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