FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency


RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S Comment 322-fu: Comment Summary - Mitigation should require a connection from Kings Beach to Stateline for the DEIS bike path connector. Please see response to comment 322-ch. Comment 322-fv: Comment Summary - There are no sidewalks on Wellness Way or Stateline/Lakeview Avenue to ensure safety while walking. Foot traffic to "Lookout" is ignored. Why are sidewalks along these roads not included in "pedestrian friendly resort"? Please see response to comment 322-cn. Comment 322-fw; Comment Summary - S-33 What is the employee shuttle program envisioned to include? The employee shuttle program is identified on pages 2-15, 4.8-21, and 4.8-56 of the DEIS. Two shuttle stops will be provided onsite; the route and frequency of the shuttle will be dependent upon the location and schedules of employees. Comment 322-fx: Comment Summary - 2-4 Describe how Project meets the objects of a multi-modal future when there are no connector paths to amenities outside the project area. The connector paths onsite connect to amenities onsite and the commercial/casino core area offsite. While the connections are primarily to tourist and retail and restaurant services, the improvements to the transit stop and the proposed shuttle services to and from the resort provide connections to amenities outside the project area. Mitigation REC-1 provides beach shuttle service to Boulder Bay guests and the public. Transit service connects the project area to various offsite locations. Boulder Bay shuttles to the airport, golf courses, beaches and ski resorts also connect guests and reduce dependence on personal vehicles. Also, bike route improvements and bike rental/sharing programs promote non-vehicular access through the site and the community. Existing bike lanes offer connection to offsite amenities in Kings Beach. Comment 322-fy: Comment Summary - No mitigation measures to lessen the impacts of increased recreational demand. Please see response to comment 171-d. Boulder Bay will be required to provide onsite signage (e.g., at bus turn out) to encourage the use of Boulder Bay sponsored shuttles to access beaches and parks. The Boulder Bay shuttles will not take visitors to nearby beaches such as Speedboat beach. The Mitigation Measure REC-1 requires Boulder Bay to coordinate with recreation providers to ensure that guests are not taken to facilities that are already over crowded. Additionally due to onsite amenities and accessory uses, more recreation needs are anticipated to be met onsite. Comment 322-fz: Comment Summary - Proper mitigation should include a requirement to purchase additional beach front property with a shuttle service to that beachfront for Boulder Bay guests in Crystal Bay as beaches in the area are already severely impacted. Saying that Speedboat beach won't be advertised is not appropriate mitigation. Please see responses to comments 171-d and 286-ap. Comment 322-ga: Comment Summary - What further community revitalization is contemplated by the references to such in DEIS? Is this reference to a specific project or set of projects? #9 - What large and small scale projects are being referred to by this reference? This is a comment regarding CEP goals and objectives listed on page 2-5 of Chapter 2.0-Project Description. An objective under CEP Goal #8 is that CEP projects are PAGE 8- 116 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010

RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S catalysts for further community revitalization. This means that the Project would lead to additional community revitalization, such as the Stateline mini-park and water quality improvements, utility undergrounding, restoration, and perhaps the motivation for other aging, poorly utilized, or non-compliant sites in the community to make improvements and revitalize the community through a healthy environment and economy. This objective is not in reference to a specific project or set of projects. Goal #9 states, "Create a model process for multi-jurisdictional review of project permits, implementation and monitoring." This is a goal of the CEP Program that is implemented through the policies listed in support of this goal, which are, "Implement on-the-ground projects in a reasonable and timely fashion and Provide an effective program designed to facilitate both large-scale and small-scale projects." The large and small-scale projects referred to by this reference are all CEP projects. Comment 322-gb: Comment Summary - Are part-time employees counted in the projected number of new employees needed for project? Although construction contractors are not included, the new employees include both full-time and part-time employees that would access the project area. Comment 322-gc: Comment Summary - S-5 The DEIS should address whether the "above and beyond" requirements to qualify for a CEP also include more affordable housing than the minimum stated. The CEP requires that 20% of housing proposed by a project include affordable units. Both Alternatives C and D meet or exceed this requirement, as discussed in Table S-2 on page S-34. Comment 322-gd: Comment Summary - Please clarify by what is meant that housing will accommodate approximately 38 persons at one person per room which is approximately half of the projected increase in employees for Alt C, except for some instances in which there may be 1.5 persons per room. Why is Boulder Bay planning on shifting affordable housing to places outside of Crystal Bay? Alternative C proposes 14 affordable housing units. These 14 units contain a total of 38 bedrooms (10 three bedroom units and 4 two bedroom units). With an assumption of one employee per bedroom, the affordable housing units could serve 38 employees. Alternative C would result in 74 new employees. Therefore, the 38 employees in the affordable housing units represent 51% of new employees. Where 1.5 persons per room is assumed, this is in relation to total population, which would include children, spouses, etc. of an employee who may reside in the affordable housing unit and is meant to show overall population growth and not just the number of employees accommodated. Based on employment data, it is anticipated that a majority of the remaining employees needed for the Project will come from currently unemployed leisure and hospitality workers already living in the Region. Comment 322-ge: Comment Summary - Is the DEIS reference to 162 affordable housing units in Tahoe Vista, Vista Village? This project has yet to be approved and the housing is for people employed in Tahoe Vista. The reference to 162 affordable housing units in Tahoe Vista on page 4.11-12 includes, but is not limited to Vista Village, which would provide 48 units if approved and developed. The DEIS specifically states in this same paragraph. "However, based on the uncertainty that these affordable housing units will be approved and constructed, it is assumed that they will not be available for Boulder SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES PAGE 8- 117


B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S<br />

Comment 322-fu: Comment Summary - Mitigation should require a connection from Kings Beach to<br />

Stateline for the DEIS bike path connector.<br />

Please see response to comment 322-ch.<br />

Comment 322-fv: Comment Summary - There are no sidewalks on Wellness Way or Stateline/Lakeview<br />

Avenue to ensure safety while walking. Foot traffic to "Lookout" is ignored. Why<br />

are sidewalks along these roads not included in "pedestrian friendly resort"?<br />

Please see response to comment 322-cn.<br />

Comment 322-fw; Comment Summary - S-33 What is the employee shuttle program envisioned to<br />

include?<br />

The employee shuttle program is identified on pages 2-15, 4.8-21, and 4.8-56 of the<br />

DEIS. Two shuttle stops will be provided onsite; the route and frequency of the<br />

shuttle will be dependent upon the location and schedules of employees.<br />

Comment 322-fx: Comment Summary - 2-4 Describe how Project meets the objects of a multi-modal<br />

future when there are no connector paths to amenities outside the project area.<br />

The connector paths onsite connect to amenities onsite and the commercial/casino<br />

core area offsite. While the connections are primarily to tourist and retail and<br />

restaurant services, the improvements to the transit stop and the proposed shuttle<br />

services to and from the resort provide connections to amenities outside the project<br />

area. Mitigation REC-1 provides beach shuttle service to Boulder Bay guests and<br />

the public. Transit service connects the project area to various offsite locations.<br />

Boulder Bay shuttles to the airport, golf courses, beaches and ski resorts also connect<br />

guests and reduce dependence on personal vehicles. Also, bike route improvements<br />

and bike rental/sharing programs promote non-vehicular access through the site and<br />

the community. Existing bike lanes offer connection to offsite amenities in Kings<br />

Beach.<br />

Comment 322-fy: Comment Summary - No mitigation measures to lessen the impacts of increased<br />

recreational demand.<br />

Please see response to comment 171-d. Boulder Bay will be required to provide<br />

onsite signage (e.g., at bus turn out) to encourage the use of Boulder Bay sponsored<br />

shuttles to access beaches and parks. The Boulder Bay shuttles will not take visitors<br />

to nearby beaches such as Speedboat beach. The Mitigation Measure REC-1 requires<br />

Boulder Bay to coordinate with recreation providers to ensure that guests are not<br />

taken to facilities that are already over crowded. Additionally due to onsite amenities<br />

and accessory uses, more recreation needs are anticipated to be met onsite.<br />

Comment 322-fz: Comment Summary - Proper mitigation should include a requirement to purchase<br />

additional beach front property with a shuttle service to that beachfront for Boulder<br />

Bay guests in Crystal Bay as beaches in the area are already severely impacted.<br />

Saying that Speedboat beach won't be advertised is not appropriate mitigation.<br />

Please see responses to comments 171-d and 286-ap.<br />

Comment 322-ga: Comment Summary - What further community revitalization is contemplated by the<br />

references to such in DEIS? Is this reference to a specific project or set of projects?<br />

#9 - What large and small scale projects are being referred to by this reference?<br />

This is a comment regarding CEP goals and objectives listed on page 2-5 of Chapter<br />

2.0-Project Description. An objective under CEP Goal #8 is that CEP projects are<br />


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