An outrageous parody - Contemporary Drama Service

An outrageous parody - Contemporary Drama Service

An outrageous parody - Contemporary Drama Service


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RANCE: OK! Now let’s meet the other member of your<br />

tribe — Phil! (MELBA makes a face of disgust and sticks her<br />

finger down her throat.)<br />

PHIL: (Enters and is very shy. He’s shaking.) H-hi, R-ralph.<br />

RANCE: That’s Rance, Phil.<br />

MELBA: Look at that wimp! Why did you have to team me<br />

up with that pathetic … whatever it is?<br />

RANCE: Phil, are you … nervous?<br />

PHIL: I-I’ve never been on T-TV before, Ralph.<br />

RANCE: Rance! So, Phil, what do you do for a living?<br />

PHIL: I’m on the p-police b-bomb squad, Ralph. I d-defuse<br />

b-bombs. I have nerves of s-steel!<br />

MELBA: Yeah, right! (Goes “boo” in PHIL’s face and PHIL<br />

jumps.) Boo!<br />

RANCE: Tell us you hobbies, Phil!<br />

PHIL: I collect butterflies and defuse bombs. They make<br />

excellent planters, Ralph — the defused bombs, I m-mean.<br />

(Forces a nervous smile.)<br />

MELBA: See?! He’s a wimp! (Yelling in PHIL’s face) You’re a<br />

wimp, Philly! (PHIL tries hard to smile.)<br />

RANCE: Now let’s meet the members of the Snake Tribe!<br />

Sally and Jane!<br />

SALLY: (Enters; she does a few tumbles and trips. JANE trips over<br />

her.) I am not a klutz, Jane!<br />

JANE: You just tripped! Mr. Artichoke, must I, a<br />

professional ballet dancer, be teamed up with this …<br />

this bourgeois clumsy … person??<br />

SALLY: I’m just a little … disoriented. I’m in astronaut<br />

training, you know. I guess I’ve spent a little too much<br />

time in the centrifuge. But it’s worth it! I’m going to<br />

Mars! (Applause)<br />

JANE: Soon, I hope!<br />

RANCE: (Forcing a laugh and trying to keep SALLY from beating<br />

up JANE) Easy there, Sal! We’ll dispense with your<br />

hobbies. We’re a little pressed for time. So let’s meet the<br />


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