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0.25 to 4.00 (TABU 6) In a sef of R1 famllles arising lrom a single explont, when the variants d<br />

a similar phenotype were considered to have arlsen from a single mutational event. This<br />

method of lrequency calcuiatlons was alw followed for sugarcane by Lee and Phllllps (1987)<br />

and lor malze by Edallo et 01. (1981). However, the frequency of a somaclonal mutatlonol<br />

event could be even higher because the variants of a similar phenotype may not have arisen<br />

from a single mutational event as there could have occurred independently in different<br />

regenerated planh due to Me presence of mutation sensMve regions In the chromosomes.<br />

With Increase In culture time, Lee et al. (1988) observed an Increase In the frequency of variant<br />

phenotypes In regenerated malze plants from 0.5 lo 1.3 variants per regenerated plant whlle<br />

in wheal, Ryan et al. (1987) recovered potentially useful variation for quali characters like<br />

increases In kernel weight, hardness and protein content and reduced yellow pigmentation.<br />

In soybean, Barwale and Widholm (1990) reported segregation for sterili, wrinkld led<br />

morphology, multiple branching, twin seeds and leaflet number in at least three generations<br />

of selling. They also found the frequency of qualitative variation per lnfiial regenerant to range<br />

from 0.05 to 1.00. Alw in malze. Zehr et al. (1986) reported average mutation frequency for<br />

qualitative variation per regenerated plant to range lrom 0.18 to 0.71.<br />

Among thesomaclonol population (R1 plants), the highest frequency of variants was otwrved<br />

for the tralt seed cod pottern (41% of somaclones) followed by rtrophiolation (31% d<br />

somaclones). About 2% each d somaclones were variant for the lralls Indeterminate and<br />

semi-determinate. White seed coat colwr was observed In 16.4% of Me wmaclones while<br />

colwr around hllum was observed In 18% of wmaclones. Thus a considerable amount and<br />

type of variation has occurred in the tissue cullure generated putative maclones.<br />

All the qualitative mutations Mat apparenffy occurred wen visible In the flnt sen-pollinated<br />

generation. The falts such as nowering hablt, ptosence d strophiole and leaf shape ore

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