HENOK MERHATSIDK 1.pdf - Addis Ababa University

HENOK MERHATSIDK 1.pdf - Addis Ababa University

HENOK MERHATSIDK 1.pdf - Addis Ababa University


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The year 2006 witnessed the intervention of Ethiopian soldiers in Somalia in the pretext of<br />

the UIC waged Jihad on Ethiopia and the TFG(Transnational Federal Government of<br />

Somalia) invited Ethiopian forces to intervene, Ethiopian armed opposition groups ONLF<br />

and OLF used Somalia as their springboard for their military incursions. Ethiopian soldiers<br />

took little time to control Mogadishu. However, international terrorist groups came to<br />

Somalia to assist the UIC. The TFG was not strengthened despite the help of the Ethiopian<br />

government, terrorist groups engaged in guerrilla fighting and caused massive cost on the<br />

side of Ethiopian soldiers. In turn, Ethiopian soldiers killed civilians, even women’s; this led<br />

the human right institutions to condemn the act of the Ethiopian government (Ploch, 2010).<br />

The ever hostile Somali attitude towards Ethiopian harvested various militant groups. The<br />

international community including USA wanted the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces. Ethiopia<br />

is one of the poorest countries in the world and was not able to carryout such a protracted war<br />

in political and economic terms; Ethiopian forces withdrew from Somalia in 2009. For those<br />

who calculated the cost/benefit analysis of Ethiopian intervention in Somalia it was too<br />

costly, the operation stops neither terrorist forces in Somalia nor in the Ogden region of the<br />

Ethiopian state. Hence, Ethiopia is still preoccupied with the issue of terrorism (Ploch,<br />

2010:8-15).<br />

Recently, Al –Shabaab, a militant terrorist group in Somalia, committed terrorist attack in the<br />

Capital of Uganda on civilians who were assembled to see the final world cup game inside a<br />

restaurant owned by an Ethiopian. This event suggested that Ethiopian is at clear and present<br />

danger from terrorist groups which reside in Somalia and assisted by the Eritrean<br />

government. The Ethiopian government commitment in ‘fighting terrorism’ has not been<br />

fruitful, the capacity of Al-Shabaab increased from time to time even, to the extent that<br />

planning, organizing and committing its destructive activities out- side Somalia territory.<br />

It was after Ethiopian intervention in Somalia that ONLF killed Chinese and Ethiopian who<br />

were doing their business in Ogaden. Later on the Ethiopian government waged campaign to<br />

uproot the ONLF, series of human right violations by the Ethiopian soldiers including killing<br />

civilians, burning houses and rape. These situations produced fertile ground for recruitment<br />

of many Ogadeny youth to the ONLF. Besides, the human right institutions condemned the<br />


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