Preprint volume - SIBM

Preprint volume - SIBM Preprint volume - SIBM


Pre-print Volume – Introductory lectures Topic 2: MARINE ORGANISMS AND ECOSYSTEMS AS MODEL SYSTEMS F. BOERO, G. BAVESTRELLO * , S. PIRAINO Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche e Ambientali, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italia. * Dip. Sci. Mare, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche - 60131 Ancona, Italia. MARINE BIODIVERSITY AND UNEXPECTED EXPERIMENTAL MODELS: THE ROLE OF MARINE STATIONS LA BIODIVERSITÀ MARINA E MODELLI SPERIMENTALI INATTESI: IL RUOLO DELLE STAZIONI MARINE Abstract - Experimental organisms are used to elucidate basic processes regarding the manifold features of the structure and function of living beings. Each model satisfies the particular needs of specific fields of investigation. Suitability to experimental manipulation and easy reproduction under laboratory conditions are common features of experimental model systems. These features allow selection of genetically related strains and continuous availability of experimental organisms. These characteristics, however, are not common to most species being, on the contrary, rather exceptional. Animals like the zebrafish, Drosophila, Coenorabditis, Hydra and, of course, mice and rabbits, are exceptional, hence the paradox that we infer about rules from information obtained from exceptions! Marine stations, first of all the Zoological Station of Naples, were founded for two main reasons: study biodiversity, and provide organisms for experimental biology. These organisms do not need being kept under laboratory conditions, they can be obtained from natural populations in the vicinity of the station, as exemplified by two striking cases: the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata leading to the discovery of anaphylaxis, and the jellyfish Aequorea victoria, leading to the isolation of the Green Fluorescent Protein. Studies on both organisms led to Nobel Prizes, namely Richet in 1913 and Shimomura, Chalfie and Tsien in 2008, respectively. In both cases large amounts of specimens were obtained from natural populations sampled in the surroundings of the Station Biologique de Roscoff in Brittany for Anemonia and of the Friday Harbor Laboratories, a Marine Station in Washington State, for Aequorea. In the end of the XIX century, August Weissman developed his general theory on the early segregation of the germ-line while working on colonies of the hydrozoan Eudendrium racemosum, continuously supplied by the fishery service at the Stazione Zoologica A. Dohrn. A similar case is the “immortal jellyfish”, Turritopsis dohrnii, a species with the unique ability of reversing its life cycle and, hence, a beautiful model for developmental biology. The species, however, is difficult to rear in the laboratory and is to be sampled from natural populations, during the months of medusa production. Salvatore Lo Bianco, an eminent naturalist at the Stazione Zoologica of Naples, in 1909 published a monograph covering the animal diversity of the Gulf of Naples, reporting, species by species, the locations where they occurred, the periods of both presence and sexual maturity. That monograph was the catalogue of experimental animals for the biologists visiting the Station, but is also a precious account on the biodiversity of the Gulf of Naples, covering also the phenology of the species. This information can become a benchmark for studies on the impact of global change. The use of a limited number of model animals is depriving experimental biology of organisms that might be conducive to important discoveries: the exploration of biodiversity and of the natural history of the species can lead to the unravelling of many biological questions, but this cannot be planned in advance. The limited diversity of model animals is to be implemented with new models, with mutual benefit of both biodiversity studies and experimental approaches. Many unexpected novelties are waiting to be discovered, if we only were able to look for them. Key-words: biodiversity, model organisms, experimental biology. 41 st S.I.B.M. CONGRESS Rapallo (GE), 7-11 June 2010 89

Pre-print Volume – Introductory lectures Topic 2: MARINE ORGANISMS AND ECOSYSTEMS AS MODEL SYSTEMS C. BROWNLEE, G.L. WHEELER, A. CHRACHRI, A.R. TAYLOR, A. HIGHFIELD, F.J. VERRET, D. SCHROEDER. Marine Biological Association of the UK, The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth PL1 2PB, UK. COCCOLITHOPHORE BIOMINERALIZATION: FROM MOLECULES TO GLOBAL PROCESSES BIOMINERALIZZAZIONE DEI COCCOLITOFORIDI: DALLE MOLECOLE AI PROCESSI GLOBALI Abstract – Coccolithophores are responsible for a major component of biogenic calcite formation in the oceans. Despite their biogeochemical importance, the molecular and cellular mechanisms of calcification are poorly understood. However, a deep understanding of the transport and biomineralization processes underlying coccolithophore biology is essential for understanding their ecological success and for predicting how they may be affected by or respond or adapt to future ocean acidification scenarios. Key-words: coccolithophores, calcification, genomics, cell biology. Introduction - Coccolithophores occur in all of the world’s oceans and are represented by many different unicellular species. They are characterized by the production of intricate calcium carbonate (calcite) scales (coccoliths) during at least one phase of their life cycle. Some species form massive seasonal blooms in temperate oceanic waters and the reflectance of the calcite in these blooms renders them visible from space. Estimates suggest that coccolithophores account for approximately half of global biogenic calcium carbonate production. This group of organisms thus plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycling of carbon in the oceans. A significant proportion of the carbon fixed into calcite sinks to the ocean floor where it may form sediments that give rise to chalk and limestone deposits. This represents a significant long-term sequestration of inorganic carbon. Coccolithophores are known to produce two types of calcite scales: Holococcoliths that have a simple crystal structure, and heterococcliths that are formed by interlocking calcite crystals made up of calcite crystal elements of complex shape. Significantly, heterococcolith production has been demonstrated to occur in an intracellular compartment - the coccolith vesicle (CV). This vesicle is derived from the Golgi body and encloses the forming coccolith in a membrane-bound isolated compartment, allowing the chemical composition to be regulated to promote the ordered deposition of the calcite crystals (Brownlee and Taylor, 2005). A wide rang of experimental studies have shown that external bicarbonate is the inorganic substrate for calcification. The intracellular precipitation of carbonate results in the production of protons. It follows that calcification requires transport of the substrates for calcification (bicarbonate and calcium) into the cell and removal of the ionic products (protons) from the cell. Our earlier work has shown that the magnitude of the fluxes involved in calcification is extremely large, since fixation of inorganic carbon by calcification can often occur at similar rates to the photosynthetic fixation of carbon. Some key questions relating to transport processes underlying calcification relate to the identification of membrane transporters. Do coccolithophore cells have calcificationspecific transport systems or does calcification recruit the cell’s normal transport 41 st S.I.B.M. CONGRESS Rapallo (GE), 7-11 June 2010 90

Pre-print Volume – Introductory lectures<br />



Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche e Ambientali, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italia.<br /><br />

* Dip. Sci. Mare, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche - 60131 Ancona, Italia.<br />





Abstract - Experimental organisms are used to elucidate basic processes regarding the manifold features of<br />

the structure and function of living beings. Each model satisfies the particular needs of specific fields of<br />

investigation. Suitability to experimental manipulation and easy reproduction under laboratory conditions<br />

are common features of experimental model systems. These features allow selection of genetically related<br />

strains and continuous availability of experimental organisms. These characteristics, however, are not<br />

common to most species being, on the contrary, rather exceptional. Animals like the zebrafish, Drosophila,<br />

Coenorabditis, Hydra and, of course, mice and rabbits, are exceptional, hence the paradox that we infer<br />

about rules from information obtained from exceptions!<br />

Marine stations, first of all the Zoological Station of Naples, were founded for two main reasons: study<br />

biodiversity, and provide organisms for experimental biology. These organisms do not need being kept<br />

under laboratory conditions, they can be obtained from natural populations in the vicinity of the station, as<br />

exemplified by two striking cases: the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata leading to the discovery of<br />

anaphylaxis, and the jellyfish Aequorea victoria, leading to the isolation of the Green Fluorescent Protein.<br />

Studies on both organisms led to Nobel Prizes, namely Richet in 1913 and Shimomura, Chalfie and Tsien in<br />

2008, respectively. In both cases large amounts of specimens were obtained from natural populations<br />

sampled in the surroundings of the Station Biologique de Roscoff in Brittany for Anemonia and of the<br />

Friday Harbor Laboratories, a Marine Station in Washington State, for Aequorea. In the end of the XIX<br />

century, August Weissman developed his general theory on the early segregation of the germ-line while<br />

working on colonies of the hydrozoan Eudendrium racemosum, continuously supplied by the fishery service<br />

at the Stazione Zoologica A. Dohrn. A similar case is the “immortal jellyfish”, Turritopsis dohrnii, a<br />

species with the unique ability of reversing its life cycle and, hence, a beautiful model for developmental<br />

biology. The species, however, is difficult to rear in the laboratory and is to be sampled from natural<br />

populations, during the months of medusa production.<br />

Salvatore Lo Bianco, an eminent naturalist at the Stazione Zoologica of Naples, in 1909 published a<br />

monograph covering the animal diversity of the Gulf of Naples, reporting, species by species, the locations<br />

where they occurred, the periods of both presence and sexual maturity. That monograph was the catalogue<br />

of experimental animals for the biologists visiting the Station, but is also a precious account on the<br />

biodiversity of the Gulf of Naples, covering also the phenology of the species. This information can become<br />

a benchmark for studies on the impact of global change.<br />

The use of a limited number of model animals is depriving experimental biology of organisms that might be<br />

conducive to important discoveries: the exploration of biodiversity and of the natural history of the species<br />

can lead to the unravelling of many biological questions, but this cannot be planned in advance. The limited<br />

diversity of model animals is to be implemented with new models, with mutual benefit of both biodiversity<br />

studies and experimental approaches. Many unexpected novelties are waiting to be discovered, if we only<br />

were able to look for them.<br />

Key-words: biodiversity, model organisms, experimental biology.<br />

41 st S.I.B.M. CONGRESS Rapallo (GE), 7-11 June 2010<br />


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