Preprint volume - SIBM

Preprint volume - SIBM

Preprint volume - SIBM


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Pre-print Volume - Oral presentations<br />


method. A fragment of 642 bp of the COI locus and a portion of the ITS1 region<br />

variable in length from 430 to 587 positions, were amplified by PCR using the primers<br />

LCO1490/ HCO2198 and ITS1L/58C respectively. The PCR protocol was as follows:<br />

95°C 5'; 95°C 1', 45°C (COI) or 55°C (ITS1) 1', 72°C 2', 35 cycles; 72°C 5'. All PCR<br />

reactions were performed in a total <strong>volume</strong> of 25 µl included 2.5 µl of 2 mM of each<br />

dNTP (GE Healthcare), 2.5 µl of 10× load buffer-MgCl2 (Qiagen), 2.5 µl of 2 µM of<br />

each primer (Invitrogen), 0.25 µl of 5 U/µl Taq DNA polymerase (Qiagen), 19 µl of<br />

demineralized water and 1 µl of the DNA template. Each amplicon was purified using<br />

the GFX PCR DNA and GEL band purification kit (GE Healthcare) and sequenced on<br />

both strands. Haplotype diversity (h), nucleotide diversity (π), hierarchical analysis of<br />

molecular variance (AMOVA), ΦST and FST fixation indices were computed using<br />

Arlequin 3.11. A combined data set composed by COI and ITS1 concatenated<br />

haplotypes were used to investigate the phylogenetic relationship between the two<br />

populations. The analysis was performed using the Bayesian inference (BI), computed<br />

with MrBayes 3.1.2 and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations tree sampling<br />

procedure. The analysis was run for seven millions generations, assuming the GTR +I<br />

+Γ evolution model and with parameter values and trees calculated et every 100 th step.<br />

The estimated log-likelihood scores were plotted against generation time, to assess<br />

when the log-likelihood values reached the stationary. The log-likelihood scores had<br />

been clearly plateaued after 10,000 generations, that is after 10,000 generations the<br />

changes in trees topology and parameter values did not continue to improve the trees<br />

likelihood scores. Therefore the first 100 trees (from the first 10,000 generations) were<br />

excluded and the remaining trees were used to make a 50% majority rule consensus<br />

and to estimate the Bayesian Posterior Probability (BPP), to give support for tree<br />

nodes. Only BPP values equal or above 95% were considered significant.<br />

Results - COI sequences comparison revealed 63 variable sites, and 49 of them were<br />

parsimony informative. This polymorphism defined 9 distinct haplotypes among the 31<br />

individuals, giving the sample an overall haplotypic diversity of 0.391 and a nucleotide<br />

diversity of 0.002. ITS1 sequences showed 58 variable sites 31 of which were<br />

parsimony informative. This polymorphism defined 17 distinct haplotypes among the<br />

31 individuals, giving the sample an overall haplotypic diversity of 0.965 and a<br />

nucleotide diversity of 0.048. AMOVA of the COI partial sequence data showed that<br />

the majority of the genetic variation was explained by the within populations<br />

component, with only a small fraction of no-significant variance explained by the<br />

between populations component (ΦST=0.008; p=0.145). Similarly, AMOVA of the<br />

ITS1 partial sequence data showed that most variability was found within populations,<br />

with a lack of significant variability between populations (FST=0.009; p=0.327).<br />

Phylogenetic estimate made for the combined data set (COI+ITS1), reveals clearly two<br />

major clades, one consisting of Mediterranean specimens and one including both<br />

Mediterranean and Atlantic specimens (Fig. 1). Therefore, while the Atlantic group<br />

appears monophyletic, the Mediterranean group is polyphyletic. However, all the BPP<br />

values are lower than the limit of 95%.<br />

41 st S.I.B.M. CONGRESS Rapallo (GE), 7-11 June 2010<br />


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