Preprint volume - SIBM

Preprint volume - SIBM

Preprint volume - SIBM


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Pre-print Volume – Posters<br />


IV (growing), stage V (premature), stage VI (mature), stage VII (partly spawned),<br />

stage VIII (post spawned).<br />

Results – As shown in Fig. 1A, the percentage of individuals with gonads in which<br />

developing gametes were found (stages III to VIII, grey background patterns) was<br />

more than 90% on April and never decreased until 50% also in summer, when a resting<br />

period would be expected; on September the percentages of pre-mature and mature<br />

individuals (V-VII) which had decreased on summer, increased again, being more than<br />

70% on November. The Gonad Index (Fig. 1B) reflected the gonad conditions, being<br />

higher on April and September, when gonad ascini were filled of both nutritive<br />

phagocytes and mature gametes.<br />

100%<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

0%<br />

A<br />

St-I St-II St- III St-IV<br />

St-V St-VI St-VII St-VIII<br />

April May July Sept Nov<br />

0<br />

B<br />

41 st S.I.B.M. CONGRESS Rapallo (GE), 7-11 June 2010<br />

248<br />

14<br />

12<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

April May July Sept Nov<br />

Fig. 1 – Gonad reproductive condition (A) and Gonad Index (B) for each sampling time.<br />

Stadio riproduttivo delle gonadi (A) ed indice gonadico (B) ai vari tempi di campionamento.<br />

Conclusions – The populations of P. lividus in the Mediterranean area remain mature<br />

all year, with a brief resting period (stages I-II) from July to September (Sánchez-<br />

España et al., 2004), being able to “skip” the resting period in presence of high<br />

availability of food (Byrne, 1990; Spirlet et al., 1998). The specimens here analyzed,<br />

taken from the mid-to-low Adriatic, exhibit a similar reproductive pattern; the almost<br />

continuous presence of individuals with an active gametogenesis and the ability of the<br />

sea urchin gonads in quick responding to abrupt variations in the availability and<br />

quality of food is of crucial importance in order to set up rearing protocols for a shortterm<br />

induction of gonad yield and of gamete maturation in controlled conditions.<br />

References<br />

BYRNE M. (1990) - Annual reproductive cycles of the commercial sea urchin P. lividus from an<br />

exposed intertidal and sheltered subtidal habitat on the west coast of Ireland. Mar. Biol., 104:<br />

275-289.<br />

GUIDETTI P., FRASCHETTI S., TERLIZZI A., BOERO F. (2003) - Distribution patterns of sea<br />

urchins and barrens in shallow Mediterranean rocky reefs impacted by the illegal fishering of the<br />

rock-boring mollusc Lithophaga lithophaga. Mar. Biol., 143: 1135-1142.<br />

SÁNCHEZ-ESPAÑA A.I., MARTINEZ-PITA I., GARCÌA F.J. (2004) - Gonadal growth and<br />

reproduction in the commercial sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816)<br />

(Echinodermata: Echinoidea) from Southern Spain. Hydrobiologia, 519: 61-72.<br />

SPIRLET C., GROSJEAN P., JANGOUX M. (1998) - Reproductive cycle of the echinoid<br />

Paracentrotus lividus: analysis by means of the maturity index. Invert. Reprod. Develop., 34 (1):<br />

69-81.<br />

Research supported by MIUR (Decr. 09.10.02; grant n.143 to dott.ssa A. Fabbrocini).

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