Preprint volume - SIBM

Preprint volume - SIBM Preprint volume - SIBM


Pre-print Volume – Posters Topic 3: INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT Three descriptors have been considered: ecological values of organisms (values attributed at each sample correspond to values of the organism with the highest sensitivity level present in the sample), number of organisms/groups, heterogeneity of assemblages (calculated through PERMDISP analysis; Anderson, 2006). Values of Environmental Quality (EQV) calculated from these three descriptors were divided from reference values (values obtained from Montecristo Island) to obtain the Environmental Quality Ratio (EQR’). The EQR of the water bodies was evaluated as the mean of the three EQR’. According to the European Water Framework Directive, five ecological status classes were defined (0-0.4 bad, 0.4-0.55 poor, 0.55-0.7 moderate, 0.7-0.85 good, 0.85-1.0 high). Results – The application of the proposed method to the 4 locations sampled along the coast of Tuscany, showed that Monte Argentario resulted in high condition, while the other locations resulted in good condition (Tab. 2). Tab. 2 - Results of application of the new method to 4 locations of Tuscany coasts. Risultati dell'applicazione del nuovo metodo (E.S.C.A.) nelle quattro località toscane. Location EQR’ sensitivity level EQR’ Number of taxa/group EQR’ heterogeneity 41 st S.I.B.M. CONGRESS Rapallo (GE), 7-11 June 2010 171 EQR Ecological status Argentario Month 0.97 (high) 0.99 (high) 0.79 (good) 0.92 High Vada Shoal 0.92 (high) 0.89 (good) 0.66 (moderate) 0.83 Good Meloria Shoal 0.90 (high) 0.82 (good) 0.61 (moderate) 0.78 Good Calafuria (LI) 0.90 (high) 0.77 (good) 0.54 (moderate) 0.74 Good Conclusions – The proposed method allowed to clearly separate the studied locations, in agreement with results obtained with other methods already used in monitoring programs (eg. CARLIT). The three selected descriptors sowed similar patterns in the attributing ecological values at the five locations. The widest range of EQR values was related to the level of heterogeneity, that seems to represent a valid descriptor of ecological quality of coralligenous assemblages. The proposed method shows the advantages that it is not a destructive method, it does not require highly specialized taxonomists and it considers different ecological aspects of the assemblages. However, this method needs to be tested on a large set of data, in order to evaluate its effectiveness and to highlighted possible differences related to geographic areas. References ANDERSON M.J. (2006) - Distance-based test for homogeneity of multivariate dispersions. Biometrics, 62: 245-253. BALATA D., PIAZZI L., CECCHI E., CINELLI F. (2005) - Variability of Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages subject to local variation in sediment deposits. Mar. Environ. Res., 60: 403-421. BALLESTEROS E. (2006) - Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages: a synthesis of present knowledge. Oceanog. Mar. Biol. Annu. Rev., 44: 123-195. PIAZZI L., BALATA D., CECCHI E., CINELLI F., SARTONI G. (2010) - Species composition and patterns of diversity of macroalgal coralligenous assemblages in the north-western Mediterranean Sea. J. Nat. Hist., 44: 1-22.

Pre-print Volume – Posters Topic 3: INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT G. COSTANTINO, N. UNGARO, F. MASTROTOTARO * , D. BATTISTA * , M. BLONDA, A.M. PASTORELLI, R. CARLUCCI * , A. TURSI * ARPA Puglia - Regional Agency for the Environmental Protection and Prevention ARPA Puglia DAP, Via Oberdan, 18/E - 70126 Bari, Italia. * Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, University of Bari, Via Orabona, 4 - 70123 Bari, Italia. RECENT DATA FROM THE MONITORING OF POSIDONIA OCEANICA IN TWO MARINE PROTECTED AREAS OF THE APULIAN COASTS (CENTRAL-EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA) DATI RECENTI SUL MONITORAGGIO DI POSIDONIA OCEANICA IN DUE AREE MARINE PROTETTE DELLE COSTE PUGLIESI (MEDITERRANEO CENTRO-ORIENTALE) Abstract – This paper reports recent bio-ecological data on the Posidonia oceanica meadows located in two Marine Protected Areas of the Apulia region, Tremiti Islands and Porto Cesareo, placed in the Southern Adriatic Sea and North-Eastern Ionian Sea, respectively. The main features of the meadows (morphoecology, phenology, lepidochronology) were estimated. Moreover, in situ (-15 depth) continuous recording of light intensity (Lux) and water temperature (°C) was carried out during the period Oct. 2008-Sept. 2009. Key-words: Posidonia oceanica, monitoring, MPAs, central-eastern Mediterranean Sea. Introduction – European and National acts (Directive EC/2000/60, Italian Law Decree 152/2006, Italian Ministry Decree 56/2009) strongly recommend the monitoring of phanerogams, including Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, as Biological Quality Element for the assessment of the environmental status of marine coastal waters. In the framework of the monitoring program in the Apulian region, two P. oceanica sites respectively located in the MPAs “Tremiti Islands (Adriatic Sea)” and “Porto Cesareo (Ionian Sea)” have been investigated (Oct. 2008 – Nov. 2009) in order to collect both biotic and abiotic data. Materials and methods – The two investigated P. oceanica meadows are located into distinct basins (Southern Adriatic Sea, North-Eastern Ionian Sea) (Fig. 1). The sampling plan, as well as the laboratory analysis protocol (phenology and lepidochronology), were standardized at national level (Cicero & Di Girolamo, 2001; ISPRA, 2009). In each meadow, n. 1 sampling stations were investigated by scuba divers at the fixed depth of 15 m (n. 9 counts in 40×40 cm square; n. 18 shoots sampled; morpho-ecological observations). At this depth a waterproof temperature/light data-logger was placed close to the sea floor for the continuous data recording (20’ time step). Results – The analytical results from the monitoring of both bio-ecological parameters and physical ones (annual trend of temperature and light intensity at -15 m depth) are reported in the Tab. 1 and in the Fig. 2. Higher values of “Density”,”Leaf Area Index” and “Leaf Standing Crop” have been estimated for the Porto Cesareo meadow, while higher values of “Epiphytes Biomass” resulted for the Tremiti meadow. The sea floor temperature highlighted the same annual trend in both the sites; the annual average values calculated over the Oct. 2008-Sept. 2009 period were 17.14 °C and 18.39 °C in the Tremiti and Porto Cesareo meadows respectively. At the same time interval the average value of light intensity was 82.86 lux in the Tremiti and 292.15 lux in the Porto Cesareo meadows. 41 st S.I.B.M. CONGRESS Rapallo (GE), 7-11 June 2010 172

Pre-print Volume – Posters<br />


Three descriptors have been considered: ecological values of organisms (values<br />

attributed at each sample correspond to values of the organism with the highest<br />

sensitivity level present in the sample), number of organisms/groups, heterogeneity of<br />

assemblages (calculated through PERMDISP analysis; Anderson, 2006). Values of<br />

Environmental Quality (EQV) calculated from these three descriptors were divided<br />

from reference values (values obtained from Montecristo Island) to obtain the<br />

Environmental Quality Ratio (EQR’). The EQR of the water bodies was evaluated as<br />

the mean of the three EQR’. According to the European Water Framework Directive,<br />

five ecological status classes were defined (0-0.4 bad, 0.4-0.55 poor, 0.55-0.7<br />

moderate, 0.7-0.85 good, 0.85-1.0 high).<br />

Results – The application of the proposed method to the 4 locations sampled along the<br />

coast of Tuscany, showed that Monte Argentario resulted in high condition, while the<br />

other locations resulted in good condition (Tab. 2).<br />

Tab. 2 - Results of application of the new method to 4 locations of Tuscany coasts.<br />

Risultati dell'applicazione del nuovo metodo (E.S.C.A.) nelle quattro località toscane.<br />

Location EQR’<br />

sensitivity<br />

level<br />

EQR’<br />

Number of<br />

taxa/group<br />

EQR’<br />

heterogeneity<br />

41 st S.I.B.M. CONGRESS Rapallo (GE), 7-11 June 2010<br />

171<br />

EQR Ecological<br />

status<br />

Argentario Month 0.97 (high) 0.99 (high) 0.79 (good) 0.92 High<br />

Vada Shoal 0.92 (high) 0.89 (good) 0.66 (moderate) 0.83 Good<br />

Meloria Shoal 0.90 (high) 0.82 (good) 0.61 (moderate) 0.78 Good<br />

Calafuria (LI) 0.90 (high) 0.77 (good) 0.54 (moderate) 0.74 Good<br />

Conclusions – The proposed method allowed to clearly separate the studied locations,<br />

in agreement with results obtained with other methods already used in monitoring<br />

programs (eg. CARLIT). The three selected descriptors sowed similar patterns in the<br />

attributing ecological values at the five locations. The widest range of EQR values was<br />

related to the level of heterogeneity, that seems to represent a valid descriptor of<br />

ecological quality of coralligenous assemblages. The proposed method shows the<br />

advantages that it is not a destructive method, it does not require highly specialized<br />

taxonomists and it considers different ecological aspects of the assemblages. However,<br />

this method needs to be tested on a large set of data, in order to evaluate its<br />

effectiveness and to highlighted possible differences related to geographic areas.<br />

References<br />

ANDERSON M.J. (2006) - Distance-based test for homogeneity of multivariate dispersions.<br />

Biometrics, 62: 245-253.<br />

BALATA D., PIAZZI L., CECCHI E., CINELLI F. (2005) - Variability of Mediterranean<br />

coralligenous assemblages subject to local variation in sediment deposits. Mar. Environ. Res.,<br />

60: 403-421.<br />

BALLESTEROS E. (2006) - Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages: a synthesis of present<br />

knowledge. Oceanog. Mar. Biol. Annu. Rev., 44: 123-195.<br />

PIAZZI L., BALATA D., CECCHI E., CINELLI F., SARTONI G. (2010) - Species composition and<br />

patterns of diversity of macroalgal coralligenous assemblages in the north-western<br />

Mediterranean Sea. J. Nat. Hist., 44: 1-22.

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