Preprint volume - SIBM

Preprint volume - SIBM Preprint volume - SIBM


Genoa Sestri Levante Pre-print Volume – Oral presentations Topic 3: INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT Ligurian Sea 15° E 40° N Fig. 1 – Map of the sampling location. Localizzazione geografica del sito di campionamento. Sagittal otoliths were extracted under a stereomicroscope, cleaned and stored to dry. One otolith from each pair was aged, mounted on glass slide, and ground (with 3M Imperial lapping film) to expose the core. Otoliths were then rinsed, sonicated for 10 min in de-ionized water, and analyzed using a LA-ICPMS (laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer) for 8 elements (Li, Mg, Mn, Zn, Sr, Ba, Pb and Hg; the values of Mn and Hg were consistently below the detection limits and therefore excluded from the data analyses). The LA-ICPMS system was calibrated using 610 and 612 glasses. Calcium was used as internal standard to take into account variation in ablation and aerosol efficiency. Three replicates from each core were sampled by three sequential pits vertically collected (Ruttenberg et al., 2008) using a spot size of ~28 μm. Three additional pits were collected in the juvenile region (~40-50 μm far from the core; Cermeño et al., 2006) to assess potential differences in the microchemical composition of the otolith related to the ontogenetic development (Elsdon & Gillanders, 2005). Prior to analysis, samples were pre-ablated to remove any surface contamination (laser at 50% power). The putative differences between ‘core’ and ‘juvenile’ otolith sectors, and among otoliths (using otolith × element matrices) were analysed using two-way permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA; Anderson, 2001). The sampling design consisted of 2 factors: “core” vs “juvenile” otolith sectors (C vs J; fixed factor with 2 levels) and ‘otolith’ (Ot; random and orthogonal). Multivariate analyses were based on dissimilarity matrices based on Euclidean distances and log(x+1) transformed data. nMDS of centroids for each otolith (separating cores and juvenile sectors) was used to visualize the pattern observed (Clarke & Warwick, 2001). The SIMPROF (similarity profile) test, associated to cluster analysis (PRIMER 6 package; Clarke & Gorley, 2006), was used to test the null hypothesis that our set of otolith cores, not a priori divided into groups, do not differ from each other in microchemical composition. The SIMPROF test was run after having split anchovy samples into age groups. Otoliths corresponding to specimens 3 (n=10) and 4 years old (n=3) were too scarce numerically and were excluded from the statistical analyses. Results - Otoliths of European anchovy from Sestri Levante showed different microchemical patterns when cores were compared with juvenile otolith sectors (Fig. 2). PERMANOVA test revealed that cores and juvenile sectors were significantly different (d.f.: 1; pseudo-F: 1766.98; P

Pre-print Volume – Oral presentations Topic 3: INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT Fig. 2 – nMDS plot of chemical composition of European anchovy otoliths from Sestri Levante (Ligurian Sea). Centroids of each otoliths were plotted (C: core; J: juvenile sector). Grafico nMDS relative alla composizione microchimica degli otoliti di acciuga campionati a Sestri Levante (Mar Ligure). Sono riportati i centroidi di ogni otolite (C: ‘core’; J: settore giovanile dell’otolite). Otoliths from fish born in 2008 and 2007 (corresponding to anchovies 1 and 2 years old, respectively, having been sampled in 2009) showed different microchemical patterns. Otolith cores of anchovies born in 2008 (i.e. 1 year old anchovies; Fig. 3A) showed a quite homogeneous chemical composition (except from a single specimen) suggesting a single natal origin. Anchovies born in 2007 (i.e. 2 years old anchovies; Fig. 3B), instead, showed 5 statistically different groups (suggesting multiple natal origins). Fig. 3 – Classification of otolith cores of anchovy (A: born in 2008; B: born in 2007). Dashed lines indicate non-significantly different samples (SIMPROF, P>0.05). Classificazione dei campioni di otoliti (cores) di acciuga (A: nate nel 2008; B: nate nel 2007). Le linee tratteggiate indicano campioni non significativamente differenti (SIMPROF, P>0.05). Conclusions – These first results suggest that: 1) direct comparisons among different otolith regions may come out with significant differences. Such a general pattern can be attributed to both intrinsic differences in absorption of microelements among the different stages of the life cycle (Green et al., 2009) or effective habitat/spatial changes experienced by fish during the ontogenetic development (Fontes et al., 2009 and references therein); 41 st S.I.B.M. CONGRESS Rapallo (GE), 7-11 June 2010 160

Genoa<br />

Sestri Levante<br />

Pre-print Volume – Oral presentations<br />


Ligurian<br />

Sea<br />

15° E<br />

40° N<br />

Fig. 1 – Map of the sampling location.<br />

Localizzazione geografica del sito di campionamento.<br />

Sagittal otoliths were extracted under a stereomicroscope, cleaned and stored to dry.<br />

One otolith from each pair was aged, mounted on glass slide, and ground (with 3M<br />

Imperial lapping film) to expose the core. Otoliths were then rinsed, sonicated for 10<br />

min in de-ionized water, and analyzed using a LA-ICPMS (laser ablation inductively<br />

coupled plasma mass spectrometer) for 8 elements (Li, Mg, Mn, Zn, Sr, Ba, Pb and Hg;<br />

the values of Mn and Hg were consistently below the detection limits and therefore<br />

excluded from the data analyses). The LA-ICPMS system was calibrated using 610 and<br />

612 glasses. Calcium was used as internal standard to take into account variation in<br />

ablation and aerosol efficiency. Three replicates from each core were sampled by three<br />

sequential pits vertically collected (Ruttenberg et al., 2008) using a spot size of ~28<br />

μm. Three additional pits were collected in the juvenile region (~40-50 μm far from the<br />

core; Cermeño et al., 2006) to assess potential differences in the microchemical<br />

composition of the otolith related to the ontogenetic development (Elsdon &<br />

Gillanders, 2005). Prior to analysis, samples were pre-ablated to remove any surface<br />

contamination (laser at 50% power). The putative differences between ‘core’ and<br />

‘juvenile’ otolith sectors, and among otoliths (using otolith × element matrices) were<br />

analysed using two-way permutational multivariate analysis of variance<br />

(PERMANOVA; Anderson, 2001). The sampling design consisted of 2 factors: “core”<br />

vs “juvenile” otolith sectors (C vs J; fixed factor with 2 levels) and ‘otolith’ (Ot;<br />

random and orthogonal). Multivariate analyses were based on dissimilarity matrices<br />

based on Euclidean distances and log(x+1) transformed data. nMDS of centroids for<br />

each otolith (separating cores and juvenile sectors) was used to visualize the pattern<br />

observed (Clarke & Warwick, 2001). The SIMPROF (similarity profile) test,<br />

associated to cluster analysis (PRIMER 6 package; Clarke & Gorley, 2006), was used<br />

to test the null hypothesis that our set of otolith cores, not a priori divided into groups,<br />

do not differ from each other in microchemical composition. The SIMPROF test was<br />

run after having split anchovy samples into age groups. Otoliths corresponding to<br />

specimens 3 (n=10) and 4 years old (n=3) were too scarce numerically and were<br />

excluded from the statistical analyses.<br />

Results - Otoliths of European anchovy from Sestri Levante showed different<br />

microchemical patterns when cores were compared with juvenile otolith sectors (Fig.<br />

2). PERMANOVA test revealed that cores and juvenile sectors were significantly<br />

different (d.f.: 1; pseudo-F: 1766.98; P

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