rint fe e - Charity Blossom

rint fe e - Charity Blossom

rint fe e - Charity Blossom


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Form P F - or " Section Return 4947(a)(1) of Private Nonexempt Foundation Charitable OMB Trust N0 1555-0052<br />

Department of the Treasury " Tl"E8tEd BS 3 Pl"iVat9 FOUTldatl0l1<br />

internal Revenue service ) Note" The foundation may be able to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements<br />

For calendar year 2009, or tax year beginning , 2009, and ending<br />

G Check all that apply H Amended Initial return return LI IrU&aUl Address return change of a former I I Name public change charity LI Final return<br />

Name of foundation A Employer identification number<br />

Use the IRS label. <strong>rint</strong> THE <strong>fe</strong> CIRI eFOUNDATION<br />

92-0087914<br />

omerwlsei Number and Street (or P O box number if mail is not delivered to stre - - - :­<br />

t<br />

"type" 3600 SAN JERONIMO DRIVE P)<br />

5 ((35%-*Ep<br />

See Specific<br />

lnstructioni City or town, slate, and ZIP code<br />

ANCHORAGE, AK 99508<br />

nrt 18 201%<br />

I I<br />

,20<br />

ROOITT/SUlte B Telephone number (see page 10 ol the inst.rui:t.iors)<br />

256 (907) 793-3575<br />

C If<br />

pending,<br />

exemption<br />

check here<br />

application<br />

- - - - -- ­<br />

is ,<br />

D 1 Foreignorganizations,checkhere , ,tit<br />

2 Foreign organizations meeting the<br />

85% test check here and attach<br />

H Check type of organization tl(-I Section 501(c 3 exe UW* dm C,,,,,pu,,,",,,,,, U U U U U U U- U p tj<br />

Section 4947(g)(1) nonexempt chantable trust 0 I : -" - I- o - rivate foundation is If private foundation status was terminated<br />

I Fair market value of all assets at end J Accounting method t-/Jilash t-Xt Accrual unde, sechm 50,(,,)(,,(A)U check new U p tj<br />

of year (from Part //I CO/ (C): /,ne E other (Specify) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- F If the foundation is ii-i360-mgnth termination<br />

15) p 5 4 6 , 7 15 , 52 6 . (Part I, co/urm (d) must be on cash basis ) unaefseetion sovib)i1)iB),eneeknere , P<br />

Analysis of Revenue and Expenses (77ie<br />

total of amounts in columns (b), (c), and (d)<br />

may not necessan/y equal the amounts in<br />

column @)-(see page 11 of the instmctions) )<br />

5a<br />

b<br />

6a b<br />

7<br />

10a<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16a<br />

17<br />

- 18<br />

-- 19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

b<br />

c<br />

a<br />

b<br />

Contributions ifts, grants, etc , received (attach schedule) ,<br />

Check , If) gtgiishfcgtggdgtion is notUreUquUired toU<br />

Interest on savings and temporary cash investments<br />

Dividends and interest from secunties , U , U<br />

Gross rents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Net rental income or (loss)<br />

Net gain or (loss) from sale of assets not on line 10<br />

Grosssalespnceforall assets online 6a 19U335U819<br />

Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line 2) .<br />

Net short-term capital gain . . . . . . .. .<br />

Income modifications - - - - - - - - - -- ­<br />

and Gross allowances sales - less - - - ­retums<br />

2 , 1 1 8<br />

Less Cost of goods sold ,<br />

Gross profit or (loss) (attach schedule) U U U<br />

Other income (attach schedule) U U U U UU U<br />

Total. Add lines 1 throuqh 11 . . . . . .. .<br />

Compensation of ofhcers, directors, trustees, etc U U<br />

Other employee salanes and wages . . . . .<br />

Pension plans, employee benefits U U U , ,<br />

Legal <strong>fe</strong>es (attach schedule) U U U U U UU U<br />

Accounting <strong>fe</strong>es (attach schedule) U U U UU U<br />

Other pro<strong>fe</strong>ssional <strong>fe</strong>es (attach schedule) ,*, ,<br />

Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Taxes (attach schedule) (see page 14 ot the instructions)<br />

Depreciation (attach schedule) and depletion,<br />

Occupancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Travel, con<strong>fe</strong>rences, and meetings , , , ,, ,<br />

P<strong>rint</strong>ing and publications , , , , , , , ,, ,<br />

Other expenses (attach schedule) ,<br />

Total operating and administrative expenses.<br />

ta) Revenue and in) Nei investment ie) Adiusied net<br />

expenses per ll"1C0m9 IDCOITIB<br />

books<br />

387, 995. ATCH 1<br />

1,498,966. 1,168,444.<br />

-1, 427, 125.<br />

AddIines13through23 , , , . , , , ., , 110241476- 343/742­<br />

Contributions, gifts, grants paid 1 I 1 O4 I 32 6 "<br />

Total expenses and disbursements Add lines 24 and 25<br />

2,128,802. 343,742.<br />

Subtract line 26 from line 12<br />

Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements U U -1,648,522.<br />

Net investment income (if negative, enter -O-) 8 7 6 , 0 0 8 .<br />

(d) Disbursements<br />

for charitable<br />

purposes<br />

(cash basis only)<br />

2,118.<br />

18,326.<br />

480,280)<br />

145,727.<br />

177, 388.<br />

108, 505.<br />

51,306.<br />

1,219,750.<br />

ATCH 2<br />

145,727<br />

175, 121<br />

118,702<br />

61,500. 61, 500<br />

435, 931. 343, 742. 92, 189<br />

14,474.<br />

54,672. 54, 672<br />

2,270. 2,270<br />

1,396. 1, 396<br />

22,613. -25, 429<br />

X U c Adjusted net income (if negative, enter -0-). . -0"<br />

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 30 of the instructions. * ATCH 3 JSA<br />

X 518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V 09-8.1 418865<br />

/<br />

X "E14102 O00<br />

626, 148<br />

1,136, 050<br />

1,762,198<br />

Form 990-PF (zoos)<br />

Z, /9 - /O2<br />


Form 990-PF (zoos) 92-0087 914 page 2<br />

ttached schedules and amounts in the<br />

Balance She escription column should befor end-of-year<br />

mounts only (See instructions )<br />

1 Cash - non-interest-bearing I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

2 Savings and temporary cash investments I I I I I I I I II I<br />

3 Accounts receivable P --------------- --gl-L<br />

Less allowance for doubtful accounts P ----------- -­<br />

4 Pledges receivable P ---------------------- -­<br />

Less allowance for doubtful accounts P ----------- -­<br />

5 Grants receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

6 Receivables due from ofl"icers, directors, tmstees, and other<br />

disqualified perS0rtS (attach schedule) (see page 16 ofthe instmctions)<br />

7 Other notes and loans receivable (attach schedule) P - - - - ­<br />

Less allowance for doubtful accounts P ----------- -­<br />

8 Inventories for sale or use I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

9 Prepaid expenses and de<strong>fe</strong>rred charges , , , , , , , I I II I<br />

1 0 8 Investments - U S and state govemment obligations (attach schedule) ,<br />

b Investments - corporate stock (attach schedule) IAITICIHI I5 I<br />

c Investments - corporate bonds (attach schedule),ATfQH I I<br />

1 1 Investments - land, buildings, ,<br />

and equipment basis . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . -.. ­<br />

Less accumulated depreciation p<br />

(attach schedule) ----------------- - ­<br />

1 2 Investments - mortgage loans I I , I , , I I I I I I I II I<br />

13 Investments - other (attach schedule) I I I I I II I<br />

" t22?5,2Zi?*%%Z.?"d F ......... 3291591-.<br />

(iiT3ci?Z2tL"d"J?$?"*deP<strong>fe</strong>"*"""* .......... -.2.QQr.fl5Q-.<br />

15 Other assets (descnbe b ------------------- -- )<br />

16 Total assets (to be completed by all filers - see the<br />

instructions Also, see page 1, item I) , , , , , , , , , , ,, ,<br />

17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses I I I I I I I I II I<br />

18 Grams payable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

9, 19 De<strong>fe</strong>rred reverrue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

20 Loans from oft"icers, directors, trustees, and other disqualitied persons<br />

"Q N 21 Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) I I I I I<br />

"I 22 Other liabilities (descnbe P ----------------- -- )<br />

23 Total liabilities (add lines 17 through 22) . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Foundations that follow SFAS 117, check here PIL,<br />

and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31.<br />

24 Unrestricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

25 T@mP0f2fIlvf@Sl"Cl@d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

25 Pefmafteflllv<strong>fe</strong>sificied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

EIU<br />

1<br />

JSA<br />

9E142D 1 000<br />

Beginning of year d of year<br />

(a) Book Value (b) Book Van (c) Fair Market Value<br />

929,210 2,590,588 2,590,588<br />

103, 273 81, 380 81,380<br />

2,111 3,270 3, 270<br />

21, 381,300 28,152,262 28,152,262<br />

10,775,748 9,298, 955. 9,298, 955<br />

5,249,820 6,568, 476. 6,568,476<br />

35,069 20,595. 20, 595<br />

38, 476,531 46,715, 526. 46,715,526<br />

66, 619 151,162<br />

86,000 54,276.<br />

152, 619. 205, 438<br />

25,245,020 33, 138, 604<br />

13, 078,892 13,371, 484<br />

27<br />

Foundations that do not follow SFAS 117,<br />

check here and complete lines 27 through 31. P<br />

Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds I I I I II I<br />

28 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, bldg , and equipment fund I I I<br />

29 Retained earnings, accumulated income, endowment, or other funds , ,<br />

30 Total net assets or fund balances (see page 17 of the<br />

instructions) I I I I II I<br />

38, 323, 912 46, 510, 088<br />

31 Total liabilities and net assetslfund balances (see page 17<br />

of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 38, 476, 531 46,715,526.<br />

Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances<br />

Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year - Part Il, column (a), line 30 (must agree vinth<br />

end-of-yearfigure reported on prior yeafs retwn) I I I I I<br />

Enter amount from Part I, line 27a<br />

Other increases not included in line 2 (itemize) ------- -­<br />

dd lines 1, 2, and 3<br />

Decreases not included inline 2 (itemize) p---------------------.----------- ------- -­<br />

Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line 5)- Part ll, column (QI), line 30 . . . . .<br />

518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V 09-8.1 418865<br />

38, 323, 912<br />

-1, 648, 522<br />

9, 834, 698<br />

46, 510, 088<br />

46, 510, O88<br />

Form 990-PF (2009)

Form Part IV Capital 990-PF Ga nd Losses (zoos) for Tax on Investment Q 92-0037 Income 914 O Page 3<br />

(a) List and describe the kind(s) of property sold (e g , real estate, $253823 I(d) Dajte sold<br />

2-story brick warehouse, or common stock, 200 shs MLC Co) l-i%1,f,?"Zf5e (m0 . day. YY) mo " ay* yr)<br />


(1) Depreciation allowed (9) C051 0*" Other DBSIS<br />

(B) Gross sales price (or allowable) plus expense of sale<br />

Complete only for assets showing gain in column (h) and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69<br />

. (j) Adjusted basis (k) Excess of col (i)<br />

1*) F M V as of 12/31/59 as of 12/31/69 over col 0), ifany<br />

2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) . . . . . l<br />

3 Net short-term capital gain or (loss) as defined in sections 1222(5) and (6)<br />

If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column (c) (see pages 13 and 17 ofthe instructions)<br />

If (loss), enter -0- in Part I, line 8.<br />

(h) Gain or (loss)<br />

(e) plus (f) minus (g)<br />

(I) Gains (Col (h) gain minus<br />

col (k), but not less than -0-) or<br />

Losses (from col (h))<br />

If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7<br />

lf (loss), enter-0- in Part I, line7 E 2 "1,3l7fl34­<br />

1.<br />

Qualification Under Section 4940(g) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income<br />

(For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 494O(a) tax on net investment income )<br />

If section 494O(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank<br />

(3) thi (ci *dl<br />

Was the foundation liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base period? I I I I E Yes No<br />

lf "Yes," the foundation does not qualify under section 494O(e) Do not complete this part<br />

1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year, see page 18 of the instructions before making any entries<br />

Base penod years Distribution ratio<br />

Cale,-ma, yea, (D, ,ax yea, be9,,,n,ng ,ny Adjusted qualifying distnbutions Net value of nonchantable-use assets (Col (b) dmded by col (CI)<br />

2008 2,553,538. 49,267,367 0.051830<br />

2007 2,508,483. 55,437,788 0.045249<br />

2006 2, 686,291 51, 596, 331 0.052064<br />

2005 347,233. 49, 175,259. 0.047732<br />

2004 230,472 46,243,830. 0.048233<br />

2 Total of line 1, column(d) I I<br />

3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period - divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by the<br />

number of years the foundation has been In existence if less than 5 years ,<br />

4 Enter the net value of noncharitable-use assets for 2009 from Part X, line 5<br />

5 Multiply line 4 byline 3 I I I<br />

6 Enter 1% of net investment income (1% of Part I, line 27b) I I I I I I I II I<br />

7 Add lines 5 and 6 I I I I II I<br />

8<br />

JSA<br />

Enter qualifying distributions<br />

Form<br />

from Part Xll, line 4 I I<br />

990-PF<br />

I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

8<br />

(zoos)<br />

If line 8 is equal to or greater than line 7, check the box in Pait Vl, line 1b, and complete that part using a 1% tax rate See the<br />

Part Vl instructions on page 18<br />

9E14301000<br />

518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V 09-8.1 418865<br />

2<br />

3<br />

0.245108<br />

0. 049022<br />

4 41,155,426.<br />

5 2,017,521.<br />

6 8,760.<br />

7 2,026,281.<br />


l 6<br />

Form 990-PF (zoos) 92-0087 914 Page 4<br />

Part VI Excise Tax on Investment Income (Section 4940(a), 4940(b), 4940(e), or 4948 - s e 18 of the instructions)<br />

1a Exempt operating foundamscnbed in section 4940(d)(2). check here * I and enter "NIA" on line1 I I I I<br />

Date of ruling or determination letter ---------- - -(attach copy of ruling letter if necessary - see instructions)<br />

b Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, check 1<br />

here v lj am-niefi%ofParii,i-ne21b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

c All other domestic foundations enter 2% of line 27b Exempt foreign organizations enter 4%<br />

of Part I, line 12, col (b)<br />

Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) I I I<br />

Add liiieS1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) I I I<br />

Tax based on investment income. Subtract line 4 from line 3 If zero or less, enter -0- I , I I I I I I I I II I<br />

Credits/Payments<br />

a 2009 estimated tax payments and 2008 overpayment credited to 2O09I I I Sa 4 2 I 7 2 4 ­<br />

b Exempt foreign organizations-tax vinthheld at source I I I I I I I I I I II I m O ­<br />

c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) I I I I II I B 0 ­<br />

d Backup withholding erroneously withheld I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I m<br />

7 Total credits and payments Add lines 6a through 6d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7<br />

3 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax Check here lj if Form 2220 is attached , , , , ,I , 8<br />

9 Tax due. If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I P 9<br />

1 0 Overpayment. lf line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid I I I I I I I II I P 10<br />

11<br />

Enter the amount of line 10 to be Credited to 2010 estimated tax p 2 5 i 2 0 4 - Refunded p 11<br />

Part VII-A Statements Regarding Activities<br />

1a During the tax year, did the foundation attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did it<br />

Pamclpate 0*" mtewene In 30)/ P0mlC3t Campaign? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see page 19<br />

of the instructions for defiriitidrii? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

lf the answer is "Yes" to 1a or 1b, attach a detailed descnption of the activities and copies of any matenals<br />

published or distributed by the foundation in connection with the activities<br />

c Did the foundation file Form 1120-POL for this year? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year<br />

(1) On the foundation * $ 2-1--L " (2) On foundation managefs , $ O "<br />

e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the foundation during the year for political expenditure tax imposed<br />

on foundation managers P $ 0 "<br />

2 Has the foundation engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? I I I I I I I I II I<br />

lf "Yes, " attach a detailed descnption ofthe activities<br />

3 Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles of<br />

incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? If "Yes,"attach a confonried copy of the changes I I I I I I I II I<br />

4a Did the foundation have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more dunng the year? , , , , , , , , , ,, ,<br />

b lf "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

5 Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

lf "Yes," attach the statement required by Genera/ Instruction T<br />

Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either<br />

0 By language in the governing instrument, or<br />

o By state legislation that ef<strong>fe</strong>ctively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that<br />

conflict with the state law remain in the goveming instrument? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I I I I I , I I II I<br />

7 Did the foundation have at least $5,000 in assets at any time dunng the year? lf"Yes,"complete Part ll, col (c), and PartXV<br />

Ba Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see page 19 of the<br />

instructions) P -A-K-f ----------------------------------------------------------- -II<br />

b lf the answer is "Yes" to line 7, has the foundation furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney General<br />

(or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G? lf "No, "attach explanation , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, ,<br />

9 ls the foundation claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942(j)(3) or<br />

4942(j)(5) for calendar year 2009 or the taxable year beginning in 2009 (see instructions for Part XIV on page<br />

27)? /f"YeS,"C0mP/H16 PartX/V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

10 Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? If "Yes," attach a schedule listing their<br />

names and addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

JSA<br />

9E1440 1 000<br />

I 518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V 09-8.1 418865<br />

17,520.<br />

17,520.<br />

0 .<br />

17,520.<br />

42,724.<br />

25, 204 .<br />

Yes No<br />

.LEX<br />

.-1b. X<br />

1c X<br />

12.1.. " X<br />

u 3 X<br />

4a X<br />

4b X<br />

- X<br />

51.*<br />

X<br />

7 X<br />

X N351*<br />

L-1X<br />

10 X<br />

Form 990-PF (zoos)

Form 990-PF (zoos) 92-0087914 Page 5<br />

arding Activities (continued) .<br />

1 1 At any time during the y- , did the foundation, directly or indirectly, own a controlled entity within the<br />

meaning of section 512(b)(13)? lf "Yes," attach schedule (see page 20 of the instmctions) . . . . . . . . . . .. . X<br />

12 Did the foundation acquire a direct or indirect interest in any applicable insurance contract before<br />

August 17, 2008? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

13 Did the foundation comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? . . . . .<br />

Website address , WWW . THECIRI FOUNDATION . ORG d<br />

14 The books are in care of ........ -- Telephone no P -----ggzizgg-Qgi?g----­<br />

Located at v 3 6 0 0 S511. .J.E.R.O.N.I.M.O. .D.R.IXE.f. .S.LlI.T.E -23 E J3N9E*9.Rf*.G.E.f. 2315 - - - - zip + 4 P . ....... - ­<br />

15 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts tiling Form 990-PF in lieu of Form 1041 - Check here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ,U<br />

and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , P (1 5I /Q / Pi<br />

Part Vll-B Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required<br />

File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the "Yes" column, unless an exception applies. i-YiNl0<br />

1a During the year did the foundation (either directly or indirectly) ?<br />

(1) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified person? , , , , , ,, , E, Yes L N0<br />

(2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from) a ,.disqualified<br />

person? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . - Yes i N0<br />

(3) Furnish goods, services, or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? . . . . .. . Yes 1 N0<br />

(4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? , , , , , ,, , - Yes L N0<br />

(5) Trans<strong>fe</strong>r any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available for ,the<br />

benefit or use of a disqualified person)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I3 Yes N0 T 7 T<br />

(6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? (Exception. Check "No" if<br />

the foundation agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period after ..termination<br />

of government service, if terminating within 90 days ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . lj Yes L N0<br />

b lf any answer is "Yes" to 1a(1)-(6), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions descnbed in Regulations<br />

section 53 4941(d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 20 of the instructions)? - - - - L - - - - Q<br />

Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , 1<br />

c Did the foundation engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in 1a, other than excepted acts, that<br />

were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2009? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , *Iii<br />

2 Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the foundation was a private<br />

operating foundation defined in section 4942(i)(3) or 4942(i)(5))<br />

a At the end of tax year 2009, did the foundation have any undistributed income (lines Gd and<br />

6e, Part Xlll) for tax year(s) beginning before 2009? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . lj Yes N0<br />

If "Yes," list the years 5 -------- -- , * * - - - - --- , * - - - - -- - , - - . - - *- ­<br />

b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the foundation is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2)<br />

(relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year"s undistnbuted income? (lf applying section 4942(a)(2)<br />

to all years listed, answer "No" and attach statement - see page 20 of the instructions ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . OM<br />

c lf the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here<br />

P ........ -- i . . . . . . .- - . . . . . . .- - i . . . . . .- ­<br />

3a Did the foundation hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business<br />

enterprise at any time during the veal? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . lj Yes "0<br />

b lf "Yes," did it have excess business holdings in 2009 as a result of (1) any purchase by the foundation or<br />

disqualified persons after May 26, 1969, (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved by the<br />

Commissioner under section 4943(c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequestg or (3) the lapse<br />

of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Fomi 4720, to determine if the<br />

foundation had excess business holdings in 2009 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

4a Did the foundation invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its charitable purposes? , , , , , ,, , 41 X<br />

b Did the foundation make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its<br />

charitable purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2009? . . . .. . 4b X<br />

Form 990-PF (zoos)<br />

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Form 990-PF (2009) 92-U08 /914 Page 6<br />

arding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required (Conv)<br />

5a During the year did the . dation pay or incur any amount to ?<br />

(1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945(e))? I I I II I lj Yes L No<br />

(2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955), or to carry on, *<br />

(3) directly Provide a or grant indirectly, to an individual any voter for registration travel, study, drive? or other I I similar I I I I I purposes? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I Yes 1 l No<br />

(4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc , organization descnbed in i<br />

section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3), or section 494O(d)(2)? (see page 22 of the instructions) I I I I II I C1 Yes L No<br />

(5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational ?<br />

purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I lj Yes L No<br />

b lf any answer is "Yes" to 5a(1)-(5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in<br />

Regulations section 53 4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 22 of the instructions)? . . lb- X<br />

Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here I I I I I I I I I I I I II I P 1<br />

c If the answer is "Yes" to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from the tax -*<br />

because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant? , I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I II I EI YGS 1 N0<br />

If "Yes, " attach the statement required by Regulations section 53 4945-5(d) /M) / A<br />

6a Did the foundation, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums -.<br />

on a personal benefit contract? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . lj Yes i N0 .<br />

b Did the foundation, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? I I I II I I I I I I I Gln*-L<br />

If "Yes" to 6b, file Form 8870 *v<br />

7a At any time during the tax year, was the foundation a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? I I lj Yes l No i "<br />

b If es, did the foundation receive any proceeds or have any net income attributable to the transaction? . . . . . . . . . . .. . 7b /J /A<br />

information and About Contractors Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees,<br />

1 List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation managers and their compensation (seepage 22 of the instructions).<br />

(b) Title, and avera e c Compensation (d) Contributions to<br />

(3) Name and address hours per week g not paid, enter employee benefit plans (eZ,5,)$eglTf:ac,$gg$nt"<br />

devoted to position -0-) and de<strong>fe</strong>rred compensation<br />

-pIi%it-6H1T4Etxf1*"?9 """""""""""""""""""" " 145,727. 32,351. 1,080<br />

2 Compensation of five highest-paid employees (other than those included on line 1 - see page 23 of the instructions).<br />

If none, enter "NONE,"<br />

(b) Tme- and avemge (?e)rriC(l0n:elgut1le)r::fi1o (e) Expense account<br />

(a) Name and address of each employee paid more than $50,000 hours per week (c) Compensation planps aim de<strong>fe</strong>rred other allowances .<br />

devoted to position Compensahon<br />


40.00 60,697. 11,273. O<br />

Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .PI NONE<br />

Pom 990-PF (2009)<br />

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Form seo-PF(zoo9) 92-0087914 Page 7<br />

Part VIII Informatio.out Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Pgmployees,<br />

and Contractors (continued)<br />

3 Five highest-paid independent contractors for pro<strong>fe</strong>ssional services (see page 23 of the instructions). If none, enter "NONE."<br />

(a) Name and address of each person paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation<br />

NONE<br />

/<br />

Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for pro<strong>fe</strong>ssional services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Pl NONE<br />

Part IX-A Summary of Direct Charitable Activities<br />

List the foundation*s four largest direct charitable activities dunng the tax year Include relevant statistical infomiation such as the number<br />

of organizations and other beneficianes served, con<strong>fe</strong>rences convened, research papers produced, etc<br />

1 N/A<br />

2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -­<br />

3----1<br />

4--1$­<br />

Expenses<br />

Part IX-B Summary of Program-Related Investments (see page 23 of the instructions)<br />

Describe the two largest program-related investments made by the foundation dunng the tax year on lines 1 and 2 Amount<br />


2-1111<br />

All other program-related investments See page 24 of the instructions<br />

3 NONE<br />

Total. Add lines 1 through 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .P<br />

JSA<br />

9514651000<br />

518<br />

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Form 990-PF (2009)

Minimum Form Invest 990-Pr t Return (All domestic (2009) foundations 92 must -oo com plete 37 this part 91 Foreig 4 ndations, ,J Page 8<br />

see page 24 of the instructions )<br />

1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc ,<br />

purposes<br />

a Average monthly fair market value of securities I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

b A)/@1399 of m0"th1Y C350 balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

c Fair market value of all other assets (see page 24 ofthe instructions) I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

d Total (add lines 12. b. and cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines 1a and<br />

1c (attach detailed explanation) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I 1e I<br />

1a<br />

1b<br />

1c<br />

1d<br />

41,393,149<br />

389, 009<br />

O<br />

41,782,158<br />

2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

3 Subtract line 2 from line 1d<br />

2<br />

3<br />

0<br />

41,782,158<br />

4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities Enter 1 1/2 % of line 3 (for greater amount, see page 25. I 7<br />

Of the l"S"UCfl0"S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

5 Net value of noncharitable-use assets. Subtract line 4 from line 3 Enter here and on Part V, line 4­<br />

6 Minimum investment return. Enter 5% of line 5 , , , , , , , , , , I I , I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

626, 732<br />

41, 155, 426<br />

2,057,771<br />

m Distributable Amount (see page 25 of the instructions) (Section 4942(j)(3) and (j)(5) private operatng<br />

foundations and certain foreign organizations check here P I-*I and do not complete this part)<br />

1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1 2 , 057 I 77 1<br />

2a Tax on investment income for 2009 from Part VI, line 5 I I I I I II I 2a 17 , 520b<br />

Income tax for 2009 (This does not include the tax from Part VI )I I I 360­<br />

C u n l I u I u u u u - w a n n u n s n u I - - - u - . I - . n u c w Q u w w n n - w un w<br />

Distributable amount before adjustments Subtract line 2c from line 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

3 4 . . - n - r u u u n a u n u . I n n u s u u w u u n u - - u I I n - I - - n u u I n n nn 1<br />

2c 17, 880<br />

2, 039, 891<br />

18, 326<br />

2, 058,217<br />

Deduction from distributable amount (see page 25 of the instructions) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

Distributable amount as adjusted Subtract line 6 from line 5 Enter here and on Part XIII,<br />

Ijne 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Part XII Qualifying Distributions (see page 25 of the instructions)<br />

1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc, purposes<br />

a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc -total from Part I, column (d), line 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

b Program-related investments - total from Part IX-B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc ,<br />

Purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

3 Amounts set aside for speciic charitable projects that satisfy the<br />

a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

7 2,058,217<br />

1a 1,762,198<br />

1b 0<br />

2<br />

3a O<br />

3b 0<br />

4 Qualifying distributions. Add lines 1a through 3b Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 I I I II I 4 1 f 7 62 1 1 99<br />

5 Foundations that qualify under section 494O(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment income<br />

Enter 1% of Part l, line 27b (see page 26 ofthe instructions) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I 5 N/A<br />

6 Adjusted qualifying distributions. Subtract line 5 from line 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I 6 1 , 7 52 I 1 99<br />

Note: The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation<br />

qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years<br />

JSA<br />

9E1470 1 O00<br />

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0<br />

Form 990-PF (zoos)

Form 990-PF(2oo9) U 92-0087 914 0 page 9<br />

Part XIII Undistributed Income (see page 26 of the instructions)<br />

1<br />

2<br />

a<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

b<br />

a<br />

b<br />

c<br />

d<br />

e<br />

f<br />

a<br />

b<br />

C<br />

d<br />

e<br />

a<br />

b<br />

C<br />

d<br />

e<br />

f<br />

10<br />

a<br />

b<br />

c<br />

d<br />

e<br />

JSA<br />

(al lb) (Cl (dl<br />

Distributable amount for 2009 from Part XI, COFPUS Yeafs P001" 10 2003 2003 2009<br />

liner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2058/217­<br />

Undistnbuted income, if any, as of the end of 2009<br />

Enter amount for 2008 only I I I I I I I II I<br />

Total for pnoryears 20 O7 ,20 O6 I20 05<br />

Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2009<br />

From 2004 I I I II I 0­<br />

From 2005 I I I II I ­<br />

From 2006 I I I II I ­<br />

From 2007 I I I II I<br />

From 2008 I I I II I<br />

Total of lines 3a through e I I I I I I I I II I<br />

Qualifying distributions for 2009 from Part XII,<br />

l,ne4 p 5 1,762,198.<br />

Applied to 2008, but not more than line 2a I I I<br />

Applied to undistnbuted income of prior years (Election<br />

required - see page 26 ofthe instructions) I I I II I<br />

Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election<br />

required - see page 26 of the instructions) I I I I<br />

Applied to 2009 distributable amount I I I I I<br />

Remaining amount distributed out of corpus I I<br />

Excess distributions carryover applied to 2009 I<br />

(lf an amount appears in column (d), the same<br />

amount must be shown in column (a) )<br />

Enter the net total of each column as<br />

indicated below:<br />

Corpus Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e Subtract llne 5<br />

Prior years" undistributed income Subtract<br />

line 4b from line 2b I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

Enter the amount of prior years" undistributed<br />

income for which a notice of deficiency has been<br />

issued, or on which the section 4942(a) tax has<br />

been previously assessed . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Subtract line Sc from line 6b Taxable<br />

amount- see page 27 of the instructions I I I I<br />

Undistributed income for 2008 Subtract line<br />

4a from line 2a Taxable amount - see page<br />

27 ofthe instructions . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Undistributed income for 2009 Subtract lines<br />

4d and 5 from line 1 This amount must be<br />

distributed in 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I II I<br />

Amounts treated as distributions out of corpus<br />

to satisfy requirements imposed by section<br />

170(b)(1)(F) or 4942(g)(3) (see page 27 of the<br />

instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Excess distributions carryover from 2004 not<br />

applied on line 5 or line 7 (see page 27 of the<br />

instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Excess distributions carryover to 2010.<br />

Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a I I I I II I<br />

Analysis of line 9<br />

Excess from 2005 ­<br />

Excess from 2006 I I I ­<br />

Excess from 2007 I I I<br />

Excess from 2008 I I I<br />

Excess from 2009<br />

9514801000<br />

518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V O9-8.1 418865<br />

35,545.<br />

O . 0<br />

35,545.<br />

1,726, 653.<br />

331, 564 .<br />

Form 990-PF (2009)

Form 990-PF (zoos) 92-0087 91 4 Page 10<br />

gg 1a If Foundations the foundation has (see ived page a ruling 27 or determination of the instructions letter that it is and a private Part operating Vll-A, u 9) NOT APPLICABLE<br />

foundation, and the ruling is ef<strong>fe</strong>ctive for 2009, enter the date of the ruling D . - . - U . - - - I- I P<br />

b Check box to indicate whether the foundation is a private operating foundation descnbed in section ( ( 4942(i)(3) or ( I 4942(j)(5)<br />

2a (usted Enter net the income lesser from of Part the (a) ad- 2009 Tax (b) 2008 year (c) Prior 2007 (d) 3 years 2006 (e) Total<br />

I or the minimum investment<br />

retum from Part X for each<br />

yearlisted - . - U .i U<br />

b 85%ofline2a , , , , ,<br />

C Qualifying distnbutions from Pait<br />

XII, line 4 for each year listed ,<br />

d Amounts included in line 2c not<br />

used directly for active conduct<br />

o<strong>fe</strong>xemptactivilies. . . . .<br />

6 Qualifying distributions made<br />

directly for active conduct of<br />

exempt activities Subtract line<br />

2d from Iine2c U , I I, ,<br />

3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the<br />

alternative test relied upon<br />

3 "Assets" allemative test - enter<br />

(1) Valueofall assets . . .<br />

(2) Value of assets qualifying<br />

under section<br />

4942(j)(3)(B)(l). . . . .<br />

b "Endowment" alternative testenter<br />

2/3 of minimum investment<br />

return shown in Part X,<br />

line6for each yearlisted f .<br />

C "Support" altemative test - enter<br />

(1) Total support other than<br />

gross investment income<br />

(interest, dividends, rents,<br />

payments on secunties<br />

loans (section 512(a)(5)),<br />

or royalties) I I D ID I<br />

(2) Support from general<br />

public and 5 or more<br />

exempt organizations as<br />

provided in section 4942<br />

GX3)(B)(I1I) . . . .. .<br />

(3) Largest amount of support<br />

lrom an exempt<br />

organization , , , , ,<br />

4 Gross investment income,<br />

Supplementary information (Complete this part only if the foundation had $5,000 or more in assets<br />

at any time during the year - see page 28 of the instructions.)<br />

1 Information Regarding Foundation Managers:<br />

a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation<br />

before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000) (See section 507(d)(2) )<br />

N/A<br />

b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the<br />

ownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest<br />

N/A<br />

2 information Regarding Contribution, Grant, Gift, Loan, Scholarship, etc., Programs:<br />

Check hereb (jif the foundation only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept<br />

unsolicited requests for funds If the foundation makes gifts, grants, etc (see page 28 of the instructions) to individuals or<br />

organizations under other conditions, complete items 2a, b, c, and d<br />

a The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom applications should be addressed<br />


b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include<br />


c Any submission deadlines<br />


d Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions, or other<br />

factors<br />


9E,,,f,%A, 000 Form 990-PF (zoos)<br />

518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V O9-8.1 418865

Formseo Part XV Supplementnnformation PF(2oo9) (continued) 92-0097914 0 Pa9e11<br />

3 Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment<br />

lf recipient is an individual,<br />

fo dat status of<br />

Reclpiem show any relationship to Foundation Purpose of grant or<br />

Name and address (home or business) 2,"Zub2,2n,,"aT"w"Q?2S2,T,2 recipient C0""*b""0"<br />

a Pa/d dur/ng the year<br />

ATTACHMENT 1 1<br />

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . P 3a 1,136,050b<br />

Approved for future pa yment<br />


Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ...b ab 54,276.<br />

JSA<br />

9514911000<br />

518 106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V 09-8.1 418865<br />

Amount<br />

Form 990-PF (2009)

Form Part XVI-A Analysis 990-PF(2009) come-Producing Activities*i<br />

92-0087914 0 Page 12<br />

(el<br />

(3) (b) (C) (d) unc ion i<br />

Enter gross amounts unless othen/vise indicated Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514<br />

R<strong>fe</strong>lattted ornegcgnmept<br />

See e 28 of<br />

1 program sen/Ilce revenue Business code Amount Exdusion code Amount #he lnggqlcilons )<br />

a<br />

b<br />

c<br />

d<br />

e<br />

f<br />

g Fees and contracts from govemment agencies<br />

2 Membership dues and assessments I I I I I<br />

3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments<br />

4 Dividends and interest from securities I I I I 1 4 1 f 58 9 f 8 7 2 ­<br />

5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate<br />

a Debt-financed property I I I I II I<br />

b Not debt-financed property I I I I I<br />

6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property I<br />

7 Other investment income I I I I I I I II I 523000 -901 906­<br />

8 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 1 8 I 1 I 4 2 7 I 1 2 5 ­<br />

9 Net income or (loss) from special events I I I<br />

10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory. . 2 I 1 1 8 "<br />


c<br />

11 Other revenue a<br />

d<br />

e<br />

12 subtotal Addcoiumns(b),(d),and(e) I I I, -90/905 162/747- 20,444­<br />

13 wal./iddime12,coiumnsibi,tdi.andie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 13 92f 285­<br />

(See worksheet in line 13 instructions on page 28 to verify calculations )<br />

Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes<br />

Line N0, Explain below how each activity for which income is reported in column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed importantly to<br />

v the accomplishment of the foundations exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) (See<br />

page 29 of the instructions)<br />







Jsp.<br />

9514921000<br />

518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V 09-8.1 418865<br />

Form 990-PF (2009)

Form 990-PF (2009) 92-O08 /914 Page 13<br />

E . .<br />

Part XVII Informaq xempt anizations Regarding Trans<strong>fe</strong>rs To and Transactions and Relation* With Noncharitable<br />

1 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described Yes No<br />

in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political<br />

a Tirgagrsltzegiirtsofmriiliiw the reporting foundation to a nonchantable exempt organization of<br />

(1) Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Quilt*<br />

(2) Other assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . kglll<br />

b Other transactions<br />

(1) Sales of assets to a nonchantable exempt organization , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , 1b(1)<br />

(2) Purchases of assets from a nonchantable exempt organization , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , 1b(2)<br />

(3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets , , , , , , , D - , . I - . - I . - . . I - I I , I I . I . . I I I . -I , 1b(3)<br />

(4) R@lmbUfS@mS"1arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1bI4)<br />

(5) LOBHS Of 10811 QUHYHHIGSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1b(5t<br />

(6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , 1b(6)<br />

c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , . . . . . . .N151<br />

d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fair market<br />

value of the goods, other assets, or sen/ices given by the reporting foundation If the foundation received less than fair market<br />

value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or sen/ices received<br />

- N /A - N /A<br />

(a) Line no (b) Amount involved (c) Name of nonchantable exempt organization (d) Description of trans<strong>fe</strong>rs, transactions, and shanng anangements<br />

2a Is the foundation directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in<br />

section 501(c) ofthe Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 5277 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , lj Yes No<br />

b lf "Yes," complete the followinq schedule<br />

(a) Name of organization (b) Type of organization (c) Description of relationship<br />

9 v 9. 1<br />

irm"sname(oryour KPMG L P EIN P 134-3565207<br />

Under lties of per , l clare that I have examined this retum, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and<br />

belief is true, corr an mplete Dec ration of preparer (other than taxpayer or fiduciary) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge<br />

, U0. I2 ,M2 , (?&$g"dggQ6f0<br />

Signature of officer or tmstee Date Title<br />

Date Preparer"s identifying<br />

Check If number (See Signature on<br />

- repa,-eps , Self-employed E page 30 of the instnictions)<br />

-- ,, S. nature , IO-l 9 O POO146956<br />

self-employed), address, 701 WES TH AVENUE, SUITE 600<br />

Pmdzlpcode ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 Phgneng 907-265-1200<br />

Form 990-PF (zoos)<br />

JSA<br />

9E1d93 1 000<br />

518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V O9-8.1 418865

Schedule B . Schedule of Contributors 0 OMB "0 1545-0""<br />

(Form 990, 990-EZ,<br />

of Department seo-Pr) of the Treasury v Attach to Form 990, 990-Ez, or 990-PF.<br />

lntemal Revenue Service<br />

Name of the organization Employer identification number<br />


Organization type (check one)<br />

Filers of: Section:<br />

Form 990 or 990-EZ 1 501(c)( ) (enter number) organzation<br />

1 til<br />

Special Rules<br />

: 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation<br />

i 527 political organization<br />

Form 990-PF L 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation<br />

i 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation<br />

: 501(c)(3) taxable private foundation<br />

92-0087914<br />

Check if your organization is covered bythe General Rule or a Special Rule.<br />

Note. Only a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization can check boxes for both the General Rule and a Specal Rule See<br />

instructions<br />

General Rule<br />

1 For an organization filing Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF that received, during the year, $5,000 or more (in money or<br />

property) from any one contributor Complete Parts land ll<br />

lj<br />

lil<br />

For a section 501(c)(3) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ that met the 331/3% support test of the regulations under<br />

sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi), and received from any one contributor, during the year, a contribution ofthe greater<br />

of (1) $5,000 or (2) 2% of the amount on (i) Form 990, Part Vlll, Ilne 1h or (ii) Form 990-EZ, ine 1 Complete Parts land<br />

ll<br />

For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ that received from any one contributor, dunng<br />

the year, aggregate contributions of more than $1,000 for use exc/us/ve/yfor religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or<br />

educational purposes, or the prevention of cruelty to children or animals Complete Parts l, ll, and lll<br />

For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ that received from any one contributor, during<br />

the year, contributions for use exclusively for religious, charitable, etc , purposes, but these contributions did not<br />

aggregate to more than $1,000 lf this box is checked, enter here the total contributions that were received during the<br />

year for an exclusively religious, charitable, etc , purpose Do not complete any of the parts mless the General Rule<br />

applies to this organization because it received nonexclusively religious, charitable, etc , contributions of $5,000 or more<br />

dUflfl9 the Veal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Caution. An organization that is not covered by the General Rule and/or the Special Rules does not tile Schedule B (Form 990,<br />

990-EZ, or 990-PF), but it must answer "No" on Part lV, line 2 of its Form 990, or check the box on line H of its Form 990-EZ,<br />

or on line 2 of its Form 990-PF, to certify that it does not meet the tiling requirements of Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or<br />

990-PF)<br />

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2009)<br />

for Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF.<br />

JSA<br />

9E 1 251 2 000<br />

518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V O9-8.1 418865<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... *$-li?

Schedule Name of organization B T (Form I RI 990, FOUN 990-EZ,MF) DAT I ON Employer (2009) identification page of number of pa,-H<br />

92-0087914<br />

Contributors (see instructions)<br />

(2)<br />

No.<br />

(al<br />

No.<br />

(H)<br />

No.<br />

(2)<br />

No.<br />

la)<br />

No.<br />

(2)<br />

No.<br />

(bl<br />

Name, address, and ZlP+4<br />


(0)<br />

Aggregate contributions<br />

P.O. BOX 2682 $ 6,250.<br />

KENAI, AK 99611<br />

lb)<br />

Name, address, and ZlP+4<br />


(C)<br />

Aggregate contributions<br />

1577 C STREET, STE 304 $ 10,000.<br />

ANCHORAGE, AK 99501<br />


(bl<br />

Name, address, and ZlP+4<br />

(C)<br />

Aggregate contributions<br />

1689 C STREET, SUITE 219 $ 24,000.<br />

ANCHORAGE, AK 99501<br />

(bl<br />

Name, address, and ZlP+4<br />

(0)<br />

Aggregate contributions<br />


117 WEST HASTINGS ST SUITE 1901 $ 10,000.<br />


CANADA<br />

5 KPMG LLP<br />

6 CIRI<br />

lb)<br />

Name, address, and ZIP+4<br />

(C)<br />

Aggregate contributions<br />

701 W 8TH AVENUE $ 10,000.<br />

ANCHORAGE, AK 99501<br />

(bl<br />

Name, address, and ZIP-+4<br />

(0)<br />

Aggregate contributions<br />

PO BOX 93330 $ 292,592.<br />

JSA Schedule B<br />

QE12531 000<br />

ANCHORAGE, AK 99509<br />

106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V 09-8.1 418865<br />

(d)<br />

Type of contribution<br />

Person<br />

Payroll ­<br />

Noncash ­<br />

(Complete Part ll if there is<br />

a noncash contribution)<br />

ld)<br />

Type of contribution<br />

Person<br />

Payroll ­<br />

Noncash - ­<br />

(Complete Part ll if there is<br />

a noncash contribution)<br />

(dl<br />

Ty pe of contribution<br />

Person<br />

Payroll ­<br />

Noncash ­<br />

(Complete Part ll if there is<br />

a noncash contribution )<br />

(dl<br />

Type of contribution<br />

Person<br />

Payroll ­<br />

Noncash ­<br />

(Complete Part ll if there is<br />

a noncash contribution)<br />

ld)<br />

Type of contribution<br />

Person<br />

Payroll ­<br />

Noncash ­<br />

(Complete Part ll if there is<br />

a noncash contribution)<br />

(d)<br />

Type of contribution<br />

Person<br />

Payroll ­<br />

Noncash ­<br />

(Complete Part ll if there is<br />

a noncash contribution )<br />

(Form 990, 990-EZ, Or 990-PF) (2009)

Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ,MPF) T (2009)<br />

Page of of Part I<br />

Name of organization IRI FOUNDATION Employer identification number<br />

92-0087914<br />

Contributors (see instructions)<br />

(2)<br />

No.<br />

(2)<br />

No.<br />

(2)<br />

No.<br />

(2)<br />

No.<br />

(al<br />

No.<br />

(al<br />

No.<br />

(bl<br />

Name, address, and ZIP + 4<br />


(C)<br />

Aggregate contributions<br />

3600 SAN JERONIMO DRIVE STE 410 $ 20,355.<br />

ANCHORAGE, AK 99508<br />

lb)<br />

Name, address, and ZIP + 4<br />

lb)<br />

Name, address, and ZIP + 4<br />

lb)<br />

Name, address, and ZIP + 4<br />

lb)<br />

Name, address, and ZIP + 4<br />

lb)<br />

Name, address, and ZIP + 4<br />

(C)<br />

Aggregate contributions<br />

$<br />

lc)<br />

Aggregate contributions<br />

$<br />

(0)<br />

Aggregate contributions<br />

$<br />

(C)<br />

Aggregate contributions<br />

$<br />

(C)<br />

Aggregate contributions<br />

$<br />

JSA Schedule B<br />

9521253 1 000<br />

518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V 09-8.1 418865<br />

(dl<br />

Type of contribution<br />

Person<br />

Payroll ­<br />

Noncash ­<br />

(Complete Part Il if there is<br />

a noncash contribution )<br />

(fi)<br />

Ty pe of contribution<br />

Person<br />

Payroll<br />

Noncash<br />

(Complete Part ll if there is<br />

a noncash contribution)<br />

ld)<br />

Ty pe of contribution<br />

Person<br />

Payroll<br />

Noncash<br />

(Complete Part Il if there is<br />

a noncash contribution)<br />

(dl<br />

Type of contribution<br />

Person<br />

Payroll<br />

Noncash<br />

(Complete Part ll if there is<br />

a noncash contribution )<br />

(dl<br />

Type of contribution<br />

Person<br />

Payroll<br />

Noncash<br />

(Complete Part ll if there is<br />

a noncash contribution )<br />

(dl<br />

Type of contribution<br />

Person<br />

Payroll<br />

Noncash<br />

(Complete Part II if there is<br />

a noncash contribution )<br />

(Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2009)

JSA<br />

Perm 4 7 9 7 (Also 0 Sales Involuntary of Business Conversions Property and 0 OMB Recapture N0 1515-0184 Amounts<br />

Department of Under the Sections Treasury 179 and 280F(b)(2)) , . Attachm nt<br />

imemei Revenue sen/tee (99) P Attach to your tax retum. P See separate instructions. Sequencf, No 27<br />

Name(s) shown on retum Identifying number<br />

THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

1 Enter the gross proceeds from sales or exchanges reported to you for 2009 on Form(s) 1099-B or 1099-S (or<br />

substitute statement) that you are including on line 2, 10, or 20 (see instructions) , . I I I . . . I I , I , I I I, , V 1<br />

Sales or Exchanges of Property Used in a Trade or Business and Involuntary Conversions From Other<br />

2<br />

8<br />

Than Casualty or Theft - Most Property Held More Than 1 Year (see instructions)<br />

(a) Description (b) Date acquired (c) Date sold (d) Gross allowed<br />

(e) Depreciation<br />

or basis, plus<br />

(f) Cost<br />

(9) Gam<br />

or other<br />

or(<br />

lo<br />

55)<br />

acquisition expense of sale<br />

S bt t fr th<br />

sum ( (e)<br />

of property *, (mo , day, yr) (mo , day, yr) sales pnce allowable since improvements and U ras, ag? e<br />

Gam- *f a"Y- from Form 4584- "ne 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Section 1231 gain from installment sales from Form 6252, line 26 or 37 I . - I . I I I I I I I - I I I I I D Di I<br />

Section 1231 gain or (loss) from like-kind exchanges from Form 8824 . . I I I I I I I I I - U I I U I D . , .. D<br />

Gain, if any, from line 32, from other than casualty or theft . I I I I - . . D . I I I I I F I . I I I U I I . D Ii u<br />

Combine lines 2 through 6 Enter the gain or (loss) here and on the appropnate line as follows . I . . I I . I .i I<br />

Partnerships (except electing large partnerships) and S corporations. Report the gain or (loss) following the<br />

instructions for Form 1065, Schedule K, line 10, or Fomi 11208, Schedule K, line 9 Skip lines 8,9, 11, and 12 below<br />

Individuals, partners, S corporation shareholders, and all others. lf line 7 is zero or a loss, enter the amount from<br />

line 7 on line 11 below and skip lines 8 and 9 If line 7 is a gain and you did not have any prior year section 1231<br />

losses, or they were recaptured in an earlier year, enter the gain from line 7 as a long-term capital gain on the<br />

Schedule D filed with your return and skip lines 8, 9, 11, and 12 below<br />

Nonrecaptured net section 1231 losses from prior years (see instructions) . . . I I . . . I I I I D I D I . I .i i<br />

.L-1-l<br />

9 Subtract line 8 from line 7 lf zero or less, enter -0- lf line 9 is zero, enter the gain from line 7 on line 12 below lf line<br />

9 is more than zero, enter the amount from line 8 on line 12 below and enter the gain from line 9 as a long-term<br />

capital gain on the Schedule D filed with your return (see instructions) . I D I . I I I I I . I - I I I I D I . -I v 9<br />

Ordinary Gains and Losses (see instructions)<br />

10 Ordinary gains and losses not included on lines 11 through 16 (include property held 1 year or less)<br />

ATTACHMENT 1 3 105,524.<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

Loss. if any. from ine 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Gain, if any, from line 7 or amount from line 8, if applicable I I - I U - I D U I I I I I I - I - - I I . - . . .I .<br />

Gam. -f env. from fine 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

Net gain or (loss) from Form 4684, lines 35 and 42a I I I D . . - I I I I , . - I D U U - D I D I I , . I - . II l<br />

Ordinary gain from installment sales from Form 6252, line 25 or 36 I I I D I D . - I I I U I U I - D - - D I .- i<br />

Ordinary gain or (loss) from Iikekind exchanges from Form 8824 I . . U . I I D I . . D - I I I . U . I I D I DD I<br />

Combine 1-nes 101hwuQh16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

For all except individual returns, enter the amount from line 17 on the appropriate line of your return and skip lines a<br />

and b below For individual returns, complete lines a and b below<br />

If the loss on line 11 includes a loss from Form 4684, line 39, column (b)(ii), enter that part of the loss here Enter the<br />

part ot the loss from income-producing property on Schedule A (Form 1040), line 28, arid the part ot the loss from<br />

property used as an employee on Schedule A (Form 1040), line 23 Identify as from "Form 4797, line 18a "<br />

599 lflSlfUCU0f1S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

b Redetermine the gain or (loss) on line 17 excluding the loss, if any, on line 18a Enter here and on Form 1040,<br />

line 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .<br />

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions.<br />

9X261O 1 000<br />

518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V O9-8.1 418865<br />

.lutiil<br />

.il<br />

Eli..­ .$.11<br />

.,212 Eli<br />

17 105,524.<br />

18a<br />

18b<br />

Form 4797 (zoos)

JSA<br />

Form mv (2009, .I 92-0087 9, page<br />

m Gain From osition of Property Under Sections 1245, 1250, 1252, 1254, an 255<br />

Y (see instructions)<br />

-19 (a) Description of section 1245, 1250, 1252, 1254, or 1255 property (b?rEgtIedg$?L#"):d 8rcrl)0D.iitSy?cc?)<br />

P rt P C<br />

i These columns relate to the properties on lines 19A through 19D P rope y A rope,-ty B Property Property D<br />

20 Gross sales price (Note:See I/ne 1 before completing) 20<br />

21 Cost or other basis plus expense of sale I I I I II I 21<br />

22 Depreciation (or depletion) allowed or allowable I I I 22<br />

23 Adjusted basis Subtract line 22 from line 21 I I I 23<br />

Q1 Total gain Subtract line 23 from line 20 . . . .. . 24<br />

25 lf section 1245 property.<br />

a Depreciation allowed or allowable from line 22 I I I 25a<br />

b Enter the smallerof line 24 or 25a . . . . . . .. . 25b<br />

26 If section 1250 property lf straight line depreciation was<br />

used, enter -0- on line 269, except for a corporation subject I<br />

to section 291<br />

a Additional depreciation after 1975 (see instn.rctions)I 26a<br />

b Applicable percentage multiplied by the smaller of<br />

line 24 or lrne 26a (see instructions) I I I I , , ,I I 2Sb<br />

C Subtract line 26a from line 24 If residential rental property<br />

or line 24 is not more than line 26a, skip lines 26d and 26e I 26c<br />

d Additional depreciation after 1969 and before 1976 I 26d<br />

e Enter the smaller of line 26c or 26d I I I I I I II I 26e<br />

f Section 291 amount (corporations only) I I I I ,, , 26f<br />

i g Add lines 26b, 26e, and 261 I , I I I I I I I II I 253<br />

27 If section 1252 property Skip this section ifyou did not<br />

dispose of farmland or it this form is being completed for a<br />

partnership (other than an electing large partnership)<br />

a Soil, water, and land clearing expenses I I I I II I 27a<br />

b Line 27a multiplied by applicable percentage (see instructions) I I I 27b<br />

i c Enter the smaller of line 24 or 27b , , , , , , ,, , 271:<br />

28 If section 1254 property:<br />

a Intangible drilling and development costs, expenditures for<br />

development of mines and other natural deposits, mining<br />

exploration costs, and depletion (see instructions) I I I I I 28a<br />

i b Enter the smaller of line 24 or 28a . . . . . . .. . 28b<br />

29 lf section 1255 property:<br />

a Applicable percentage of payments excluded from<br />

income under section 126 (see instructions)I I I I I 29a<br />

i b Enter the smaller of line 24 or 29a (see instructions), 29h<br />

Summary of Part III Gains. Complete property colum ns A through D through line 29b before going to line 30<br />

30 Total gains for all properties Add property columns A through D, line 24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I 30<br />

31 Add property columns A through D, lines 25b, 26g, 27c, 28b, and 29b Enter here and online 13 I I I I I I I I I II I 31<br />

32 Subtract line 31 from line 30 Enter the portion from casualty or theft on Fomi 4684, line 37 Enter the portion from<br />

other than casualty or theft on Form 4797, line 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I 32<br />

Part IV Recapture Amounts Under Sections 179 and 280F(b)(2) When Business Use Drops to 50% or Less<br />

(see instructlons)<br />

33 Section 179 expense deduction or depreciation allowable in pnor years I I I I I I I I I I II I 33<br />

34 Recomputed depreciation (see instnictions) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I 34<br />

35 Recapture amount Subtract line 34 from line 33 See the instructions for where to report . . . . . 35<br />

sxzezorooo 518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V 09-8.1 418865<br />

1 ,<br />

(a) Section (b) Section<br />

79 280F(b)(2)<br />

2<br />

Form 4797 (2009)

THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

cAPiT . GA FORM Ns ANO 990-PF Losses FOR - TAX PART ON iNvEsTivi iv E* iNcOiviE<br />

P<br />

Kind Of Property Description Or Date Date sold<br />

D acquired<br />

Gross sale Depreciation Cost or FMV Adi basis Excess of Gain<br />

price less allo wed/ other , as of as of FMV Over Or<br />

expenses of sale all-(Ma-bje (13315 1231-L5.9 *L2L3j-L59 adi basis - (loss)<br />



19335819. 20868468. -1532649.<br />



-284,485.<br />

TOTAL GAIN(LOSS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... -1817134.<br />

JSA<br />

9E 1 730 1 000<br />

518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V 09-8.1 418865

THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

0 ATTAQHEZNT 8<br />




TOTAL 9,834l698.<br />

518106 1832 10/1/2010 1:45:09 AM V O9-8.1 418865<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATI$ 92-0087914<br />


02 05 09 Name: -Zig-1<br />


The CIRI Foundation<br />

The mission of The CIRI Foundation (TCF) is to promote individual self-development and economic selfsufficiency<br />

through education and to maintain pride in culture and heritage among Alaska Natives. The<br />

Foundation supports the education and career development of eligible original enrollees of Cook Inlet<br />

Region and their direct lineal descendants through post-secondary scholarships and grants.<br />

Application Package, The materials listed below must be received by The CIRI Foundation on or before the<br />

appropriate deadline for full consideration. All scholarships and grants are awarded subiect to availability of funds.<br />

. Completed four-page application - signed and dated<br />

. Proof of eligibility for first-time applicant (Birth certificates and/or name change documents)<br />

. Letter of re<strong>fe</strong>rence - signed, dated, and with contact information (valid for three years)<br />

Copy of most recent official grade transcripts or certificates of completion<br />

Statement of purpose<br />

Proof of acceptance/enrollment/registration confirmation from school<br />

Updated class schedule<br />

8. Photograph of yourself (optiona/-P/ease note that your photograph becomes the property of TCF and may be<br />

used in TCF pub//cations)<br />

lj 9 Release of information consent form (optional, available on our website)<br />




1 I certify that I am: i EI an Original Enrollee D Erggliig Lmeai Descendant of an Original i III a Tribal Member<br />

lj Cook Inlet Region, Inc, (CIRI) lj Ninilchik Native Association, Inc. El Salamatof Native Association (SNA1)<br />

56<br />

descendant of this Reiauonshlp * *<br />

3 Original Enrollee:<br />

ciii 9 a<br />

Cl Parent El Grandparent lj Great-Grandparent<br />

Cir<br />


Name (Last, First, M1 )<br />

4<br />

Mailing Address (correspondence will be mailed fwfr) E-mail address (correspondence will be emailed here)<br />

CIW I Sta<strong>fe</strong> ZIP C032 Date of Birth Gender<br />

a lj Tyonek Native Corporation EI Native Village of Tyonek lj Salamatof Native Association Spouse<br />

Name (I-353 Flfsfi M 1 ) Other Last Names Used<br />

2 I am a direct lineal<br />

7 Tel No ( ) , Fax No ( ) ­<br />

8<br />

Are you related to a current Board member of The CIRI Foundation?<br />

lj No lj Yes (specify who and your relationship to them)<br />

Slibiiiit yri.ir #ppl-rawor to<br />

The CIRI Foundation<br />

3600 San Jeioiiimo Drive, Ste 256, Aiicliortii-ge, AK 99508<br />

Tel (Q07) 793-3575 // Toll-Free (800) 764 3382 // Fax (907) 793 358%<br />

Wet-si:e i-.iw-.-. tiiecirifot-ndation org // E."-rail: tcf@thecirifoundation org Page 1<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

l, / 2009 THE CIRI FOUNDATION<br />


The C IRI Foundation<br />

02.06.09 Name: -*-iii<br />

C. APPLICATION CATEGORY AND DEADLINE (see flow chart on page 11)<br />

Please indicate the deadline you are applying for: CHOOSE QNE<br />

Scholarship Award Deadlines (TCF & Village) Grant Award Deadlines (TCF & Village)<br />

I D June 1 lj December 1<br />

9 General Semester and General Semester El Mal"Cl"l 31 U June 30 D September" 30 EI D@CBlTlbSl* 1<br />

Annual Awards only<br />

lo Have you applied before? lj No lj Yes, during the year (specify).<br />

Other names used (if any). I<br />


Education Level/Date of completion: Check all that aggly<br />

lj Currently in High School III Have 2-year Associates degree<br />

11 A<br />

12<br />

lj High School Graduate lj Have 4-year Degree<br />

lj General Education Diploma (GED) EI Have Masters Degree or Ph.D<br />

El Have VOCBUODBI training/C@FlIflCBIB lj Have not been enrolled in the past five years<br />

lj Currently in College (check one): El Fr Cl Soph. EI Jun. III Sen. El Grad, lj Cert. EI M.D II) Ph.D<br />

Recent Community/ Volunteer Activities, Honors, Awards, Accomplishments (if none put n/a)i<br />


Name ol School<br />

13 14 E1 Check if online or correspondence<br />

15 Fax Tel No ( ) ­<br />

Financial Aid Office Address<br />

State Zlp Code<br />

Current El El C1 D<br />

16 Degree 2-year 4-year Masters Doctorate Vocational Training Other<br />

Program Associates Bachelors Certificate<br />

Field Of SUNY (M3500 Date ol expected graduation/completion<br />

17 III Declared U Undeclared<br />

i Field of study as on acceptance letter:<br />

18 My most recent cumulative grade point average (GPA) is: (If GED, put 2.5)<br />

Submit yo-.ir applicazioi-. to<br />

The CIRI Foundation<br />

3600 San leion-mo Drive, Ste 256, Arcliarage, AK 99508<br />

Tel (90/) /F13 15"f5// 1oli-.fri-rr (S00) 76/ .3382 // Fax foil/) /J? 3555<br />

l.-/etsilc i-wi--f tm"-".iiii-J-..ridfit-,ii c--1 // E aa-i tgj@tbg-cirifoundation org Page 2<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATl$ 92-0087914<br />


02 oe 09 Name: -1--ll.<br />


The CIRI Foundation<br />


19 My School*s calendar is based on. lj Semesters El Quarters lj Trimesters El Other<br />

20 I am applying for the following term(s)" lj Fall El Winter lj Spring lj Other<br />

21 A. Date term begins: 1 1 B. Date term ends" L L<br />

22<br />

I will complete credits/hours during this term. If changes in enrol/ment occur. notifv The CIRI<br />

Foundation in writing immediately<br />

I understand that I am expected to complete all of the courses and credits for which I receive funding<br />

from The CIRI Foundation (see #22.)<br />

23 lj* (please check the box and initial)<br />

IN FRACTION POLICY-Please read carefully<br />

Scholarship and grant recipients must complete enrollment and courses or program of study as stated on<br />

the application and maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA or better (on a 4.0 grading scale). Failure to complete<br />

the terms of an award will jeopardize future scholarship and grant funding eligibility. Should the<br />

eligibility and selection criteria not be maintained by the scholarship/grant recipient, that person will be<br />

ineligible to apply to The CIRI Foundation for two (2) award periods from the date of the determination<br />

made by The CIRI Foundation. To the extent possible, all unused funds will be recovered from the postsecondary<br />

institution and returned to The CIRI Foundation.<br />


24 t.1,liE86.f?1"LlN.B9l-&Y---. --.-1....-L.f*..1--i 3.3- 1 --3. .:*...-1,.-L.-1....,-1 -je-.L -r -Lf* mmm I .El 1<br />


While attending school, will you be living in on-campus housing provided by your school? D Yes lj No<br />

25<br />

26<br />

I Complete your education budget for the term(s) indicated on line #21.<br />

Do not leave any blanks. If the amount is zero, put -O-.<br />


Direct Academic Costs Resources for Schooling<br />

Student <strong>fe</strong>es $ Tuition waiver $?<br />

Tuition $ Personal/family contribution to education 35,?­<br />

Books & required supplies $ Government Allowances i<br />

Room and Meal Plan Costs (4) Veterans Administration Aid Sig<br />

On-campus housing $ State/Federal Social Security $l<br />

On-campus meal plan $ Other (specify). ggi<br />

Personal Expenses (o) Academic Financial Aid<br />

(Maximum $500) $ Scholarships and/or Fellowships $3­<br />

Tribal Scholarships/Grants $1<br />

State/Federal Student Loans $i<br />



-is Only students who live away from their permanent home to attend school and are staying in school provided oncampus<br />

housing are eligible to use award funds toward room/meal plan costs.<br />

4 Examples of Personal Expenses (including, but not limited to) Off-campus housing, meals, transportation, and<br />

childcare.<br />

Siibnzi-: .fr..i.f anplicffwor- lo<br />

The CIRI Foundation<br />

3600 San Jeioi-uno C-sive, Sie 256, Ai: nniage, AK 395052<br />

l Tel I9()/l) 7"-33 Ii/ri I/ Toi*-frf-.G R300* /64 738? // fax (93/) /fl? 3355<br />

Wet-Si:-2 -.-.-.-.i.-. L"icciiii"oLrida:i"i-. o.-"i ,f/ l-1-nail tcf@thecirifoundation org 1*.-fir 3<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION I 92-0087914<br />

it / 2009 THE CIRI FOUNDATION<br />

02 06.09 Name:<br />


The CIRI Foundation<br />

H.<br />

27<br />


Attach a written statement of purpose on a separate sheet of paper. Your statement of purpose is<br />

important and evaluated carefully by the Education Awards Committee according to the following<br />

criteria: clarity of educational/career goals, correct use of English language, relationship to community,<br />

and overall quality.<br />

- First time Applicants (approximately 500 words) - Describe your education and career goals How are you currently, or<br />

plan to, contribute to a positive Alaska Native community? Explain your reasons for these goals and how your degree program fits<br />

with your education and career plans. You may attach your personal history and a summary of accomplishments.<br />

- Repeat Applicants (approximately 300 words) - Update your education and career goals How are you currently, or plan to,<br />

contribute to a positive Alaska Native Community? To what extent are you moving toward your goals? What changes might have<br />

occurred since your last application and why? What new information do you have about your career and education goals?<br />


28<br />

By signing this statement, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the guidelines and the<br />

information below.<br />

Application Information. To the best of my knowledge, the information in this application is true, correct and<br />

complete. I understand that this application does not obligate The CIRI Foundation to award an education<br />

scholarship or grant to pay any costs incurred in the submission of this application I also understand that any<br />

award decision made by the Education Awards Committee is final.<br />

Use of Funds. I understand that the education scholarship or grant funds, if approved, will be used to further my<br />

education in the certificate or degree program where I am enrolled as approved by The CIRI Foundation.<br />

Changes in Enrollment. I will notify The CIRI Foundation if there are any changes in my enrollment. In general,<br />

changes in enrollment made prior to or during the add/drop period are permissible. Changes made after that period<br />

are not. You are required to complete all courses and credits funded by TCF.<br />

Unused Award. I understand that the full amount or any portion thereof is to be refunded to The CIRI Foundation<br />

if, for any reason, I am unable to use the award for which I am selected.<br />

Certificate of Completion, Official Grade Transcripts. I understand that immediately upon completion of the<br />

semester, term, or seminar, I must submit a copy of my final, official grade transcripts or certificate of completion<br />

to The CIRI Foundation to verify completion of the courses of study during the semester or term for which the<br />

award was made.<br />

Submission of Application. I understand that it is my responsibility - NOT that of The CIRI Foundation or any<br />

other party (e g parent, spouse, school) to obtain the necessary application materials from The CIRI Foundation<br />

and/or submit the completed application on or before the deadline to receive full consideration for an award<br />

Confidentiality. All applicant information is kept confidential in accordance with the Family Education Rights and<br />

Privacy Act of 1974. Information will not be released to another party, including parents or family members, without<br />

having written consent of the applicant.<br />

Limited Release of Contact Info. I give The CIRI Foundation permission to release my comments, photo, name,<br />

address, email, and telephone number for employment or education re<strong>fe</strong>rrals and CIRI publications as appropriate.<br />

I certify that the information in this application, including all attachments and supporting materials is true and<br />

correct. If approved for a scholarship or grant, I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the award.<br />


Subniit yr: ir applicaioii lo<br />

The CIRI Foundation<br />

3600 Sari Jeioninio Drive, Ste 256, Arcliorage, Ai( 995118<br />

Tc-I (90/) 793 3575 I/ Poll Free (800) /"G4 3382 //" Fax (907) 793-3585<br />

Wellsne- wwvi. tliecirifoundauoi* org /,l Email tcf@thecirifoundation org Page 4<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

K I<br />

x.&5X/<br />

The ClRIFOuViolatt0i1 2009 scHoLARsi-up AND GRANT PROGRAM<br />


A complete application includes the following:<br />


Cl 1. Application The complete, signed, and dated four-page scholarship and grant application provided by The CIRI<br />

Foundation If you are filling out an electronic application, an original signature on page four of the application is still<br />

required.<br />

EI 2a. Proof of eligibility. (First time applicants only) Original enrollment to CIRI can be verified by The CIRI<br />

Foundation with the appropriate documents submitted by the applicant Examples of appropriate documents are. Birth<br />

Certificate/s or adoption decree to demonstrate your relationship as a direct lineal descendant of an Alaska Native who<br />

is an original enrollee of Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI). More than one birth certificate may be necessary to document<br />

your relationship to an Original Enrollee<br />

- If you are applying for one of the Village scholarship/grants, an official written statement or enrollment cards<br />

from either one of the corporations of Kenai Natives Association, Inc., Ninilchik Native Association, Inc.,<br />

Salamatof Native Association, Inc., Tyonek Native Corporation, or Eklutna, Inc. More than one birth certificate<br />

may be necessary to document your relationship to an original enrollee<br />

v Certificate of Indian Blood for members of The Native Village of Tyonek. (TNC Scholarship/Grant Program<br />

only.)<br />

lj 2b. Proof of Name Change. If your name or the original enrollee/descendants name has been legally changed from<br />

that indicated on the birth certificate/s please provide appropriate documentation. (e.g. marriage and/or divorce<br />

certificates, adoption decrees )<br />

lj 3. Letter of re<strong>fe</strong>rence. Letters of re<strong>fe</strong>rence are valid for three years and must include a signature, date and contact<br />

information.<br />

lj 4. Official Grade Transcripts and/or Certificates of Completion. A copy of your Hnal and official grade transcripts or<br />

certificates of completion for the most recent schooling that you have had (when available.) Note: Official grade<br />

transcripts are signed by the schoo/is registrar and/or have an official sea/ from the school.<br />

lj 5. Statement of Purpose. Approximately 500 words on a separate sheet of paper. Your statement of purpose is<br />

important and evaluated carefully by the Education Awards Committee according to the following categories- clarity of<br />

goals, correct use of English language, relationship to community, and overall quality<br />

0 First time applicants - Describe your education and career goals How are you currently, or plan to,<br />

contribute to a positive Alaska Native community? Explain your reasons for these goals and how your degree<br />

program fits with your education and career plans You may include your personal history and a summary of<br />

accomplishments.<br />

v Repeat applicants - Update your education and career goals. How are you currently, or plan to, contribute<br />

to a positive Alaska Native community? What changes have might have occurred since your last application<br />

and why?<br />

III 6. Proof of enrollment Scholarship applicants must submit a copy of the letter of acceptance into an associate,<br />

bachelor, or graduate degree program and proof of registration for the term (i e. class schedule.) If undeclared, the<br />

applicant must indicate the same in their Education Plans.<br />

El 7 Photograph (optional). If you submit a photo, please enclose a signed Photo Release form. Please note that<br />

your photograph becomes the property of TCF and may be used in p<strong>rint</strong> and electronic TCF Publications. Digital<br />

photos may be sent via email to tcf@thecirifoundation org.<br />

Page 5<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATIOl . 92-0()g7914<br />

X /<br />

s.&X/ I<br />



The CIRI Foundation Scholarship program is open to original enrollees of CIRI and the direct lineal descendants (either<br />

natural-born or legally adopted) of original enrollees of CIRI. Individuals who have inherited or received gifted shares<br />

do not qualify as original enrollees. All scholarships are made subJect to available funding and up to the amounts<br />

listed below<br />

Scholarship applicants are:<br />

o Students accepted or enrolled full-time in a degree-seeking program at an accredited or<br />

recognized institution. Full-time enrollment is taking at least twelve (12) undergraduate credit<br />

hours, nine (9) graduate credit hours during a semester/term/quarter, or as defined by your<br />

institution.<br />

If you are enrol/ed in a certificate program or part-time in a degree-seeking program, please see the Grant Program<br />

E/igibi/ity and dead//nes (next page)<br />


Purpose: Merit scholarships for applicants with<br />

academic promise.<br />

Requirements: Must be accepted or enrolled fulltime<br />

in either a 2-year or a 4-year undergraduate or<br />

graduate degree program Applicants should have a<br />

cumulative 2.5 GPA or better<br />

Amount: Up to $2,500 per semester<br />

Duration: One semester. A student may receive no<br />

more than two (2) general semester scholarships<br />

during the academic year.<br />

Deadlines: June 1 for the Fall term and December 1<br />

for the Winter(Spring term<br />


Purpose: Merit scholarships for applicants with<br />

exceptional academic promise.<br />

Requirements: Must be accepted or enrolled fulltime<br />

in a 4-year undergraduate degree or graduate<br />

degree program. Applicants must have a cumulative<br />

3.0 GPA or better to be considered.<br />

Amount: Up to $8,000<br />

Duration: One academic year<br />

Deadline: June 1, only<br />


Purpose: Merit scholarships for outstanding academic<br />

and community service experience.<br />

Requirements: Must be accepted or enrolled full-time<br />

in a 4-year undergraduate degree or graduate degree<br />

program Applicants must have a cumulative 3.5 GPA or<br />

better to be considered<br />

Amount: Up to $10,000<br />

Duration: One academic year<br />

Deadline: June 1, only<br />


Purpose: Merit scholarship for exceptional academic<br />

and community service experience.<br />

Requirements: Must be accepted or enrolled full-time<br />

in a 4-year undergraduate or graduate degree program.<br />

Applicants must have a cumulative 3.7 GPA or better.<br />

Pre<strong>fe</strong>rence is given to the fields of business, education,<br />

math, sciences, health services, and engineering. This<br />

award is made at the discretion of the Education Awards<br />

Committee.<br />

Amount: Up to $20,000<br />

Duration: One academic year<br />

Deadline: June 1, only<br />


Applications must be received by The CIRI Foundation on or before the deadline to receive consideration. Late<br />

applications will not be considered. The stated deadline remains in ef<strong>fe</strong>ct whether the day falls on a weekend or a<br />

holiday. Please submit an application before the start date of your coursework. Courses completed prior the<br />

application deadline are not eligible for funding When we receive more applications than the available funding,<br />

meeting the minimum selection criteria does not guarantee funding at any level Applicants are considered for the<br />

appropriate award categories based on the information provided in their application.<br />


Scholarship funds are for the direct educational expenses including tuition, student registration <strong>fe</strong>es, course-required<br />

books/supplies, and on-campus housing/meal plans. Only if funds remain after the direct educational expenses are<br />

met, then up to $500 per scholarship award may be released to the student for personal expenses.<br />

Page 6<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

xg /<br />

The CIRI FOM716lL1ll0l"l 2009 sci-ioi.ARsHIP AND GRANT PROGRAM<br />


The CIRI Foundation Grant program is open to original enrollees of CIRI and the direct lineal descendants (either<br />

natural-born or legally adopted) of original enrollees of CIRI. Individuals who have inherited or received gifted shares<br />

do not qualify as original enrollees. All grants are made subject to available funding and up to the amounts listed<br />

below<br />

Grant applicants are:<br />

o Students enrolled part-time in degree-seeking program taking 11 or <strong>fe</strong>wer undergraduate credit<br />

hours or 8 or <strong>fe</strong>wer graduate credit hours during a semester/term/quarter at an accredited or<br />

recognized institution ((0R))<br />

- Students enrolled part-time or full-time in a vocational training or technical skills program at an<br />

accredited or recognized institution for which a certificate of completion is earned.<br />

If you are current/y enrolled fu//-time /n a degree-seek/ng program, please see the Scholarship Program El/gibi/ity and<br />

dead//nes (previous page).<br />


Purpose: To promote preparation for successful<br />

careers in a specialized technical skills field<br />

Eligibility: Must be accepted or enrolled part- or fulltime<br />

in a technical skills certificate or vocational<br />

training program. Should have a high school diploma<br />

or GED, must maintain at least a 2.5 grade point<br />

average) and must be prepared to demonstrate the<br />

availability of employment upon completion of the<br />

training<br />

Amount: Up to $4,500 received during a calendar<br />

year<br />

Duration: May re-apply each quarter of a calendar<br />

year until the grant cap is reached. May re-apply the<br />

following calendar year after grant cap has been<br />

reached.<br />

Deadlines: March 31, June 30. September 30,<br />

December 1<br />


Purpose: To encourage employment skills upgrades or<br />

re-entry into the job market to achieve improved Job<br />

status through promotion or success in securing<br />

employment.<br />

Eligibility: Must be accepted or enrolled part-time in a<br />

course of study that directly contributes toward<br />

potential employment or employment upgrade. Total<br />

credit hours must be 11 or <strong>fe</strong>wer undergraduate credit<br />

hours or 8 or <strong>fe</strong>wer graduate credit hours. Should<br />

have a high school diploma or GED, must maintain at<br />

least a 2 5 grade point average.<br />

Amount: Up to $4,500 received during a calendar<br />

year.<br />

Duration: May re-apply each quarter of a calendar<br />

year until the grant cap is reached. May re-apply the<br />

following calendar year after grant cap has been<br />

reached<br />

Deadlines: March 31. June 30. September 30.<br />

December 1<br />


Applications must be received by The CIRI Foundation on or before the deadline to receive consideration. Late<br />

applications will not be considered. The stated deadline remains in ef<strong>fe</strong>ct whether the day falls on a weekend or a<br />

holiday. Please submit an application at the deadline before the start date of your coursework Courses completed<br />

prior to the application deadline are not eligible for funding When we receive more applications than available<br />

funding, meeting the minimum selection criteria does not guarantee funding at any level Applicants are considered<br />

for the appropriate award categories based on the information provided in their application<br />


Grant funds are for the direct educational expenses including tuition, student registration <strong>fe</strong>es, course-required<br />

books/supplies, and on-campus housing/meal plans for students who must live away from their permanent home in<br />

order to attend college. Only if funds remain after the direct educational expenses are met, then up to $500 per<br />

calendar year may be released to the student for personal expenses<br />

Page 7<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATIOII 92-0087914<br />

X /<br />

mfizxx/ I<br />



All applications are considered for the appropriate funding categories based on information you provide in your<br />

application. During the selection process, all applications are scored and ranked based on the following criteria:<br />

the deadline 7 Financial need<br />

1. Application is submitted on-time and before 6 Personal financial contribution<br />

2. Application is complete 8 Employment preparation (Does the degree<br />

3 Cumulative GPA meets the minimum 2 S program directly relate to career goals?)<br />

requirement 9. Statement of purpose (Clarity of career goal,<br />

4. Rigor of coursework/degree program (2-yr, 4- correct grammar, giving back relationship to<br />

yr, Graduate) community, and overall quality)<br />

5 Grade level (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, 10. Extent of community involvement and in<br />

Senior, Graduate, Certihcate) volunteer/civic activities<br />

The annual scholarship awards are highly competitive and meeting the GPA requirement is only part of the selection<br />

process. Other factors considered in the selection of annual scholarship awards include an exceptional statement of<br />

purpose with a clear articulation of education and career goals, a high level of community service and civic activities,<br />

and a demonstrated intent to give back to community and Alaska.<br />


The CIRI Foundation"s Education Awards Committee makes the award selections and all decisions are final. All<br />

funding decisions are released in writing. Results are not released over the telephone or in person. Students are sent<br />

an award letter that contains important details regarding the terms and responsibilities of the recipient. It is essential<br />

that award recipients read and understand fully the terms of their financial aid<br />


Award recipients are required to complete all courses and credits for which they are funded, and maintain a<br />

cumulative GPA of 2 5 or higher on a 4 0 grading scale. Failure to meet the terms of an award may Jeopardize an<br />

applicantfs future eligibility. Except in cases of special circumstances, recipients who infract will be ineligible to apply<br />

to The CIRI Foundation for two (2) award deadlines from the date of determination.<br />


If you receive a conditional scholarship, grant, or <strong>fe</strong>llowship award, you have thirty (30) days from the date on the<br />

conditional award letter to fulfill the award requirements. Funds will be released only if the requested information is<br />

provided to The CIRI Foundation by the conditional award deadline. If an application remains incomplete after the<br />

conditional award deadline, the award is automatically canceled.<br />


Award checks are made payable to both the student and the university/school, and must be endorsed by both parties<br />

to be processed. Award checks are sent directly to the financial aid office at the institution specified on your<br />

application. Students are sent a photocopy of the disbursement letter that accompanies the award check. To avoid<br />

unnecessary delay in the receipt of your financial aid, please provide accurate payment information on your<br />

application. If your educational program requires a dif<strong>fe</strong>rent payment procedure (ie payable to school only, online<br />

program), please indicate on the application (line #13)<br />


Scholarship and grant recipients must submit final official grade transcripts or certificates upon the completion of each<br />

semester/term of funding Proof of completion must be received before any additional funds will be released or future<br />

applications can be considered.<br />


While there are several Foundation scholarship and education grant programs, an applicant is permitted to receive<br />

only one (1) award at a time and no more than two (2) semester scholarship awards per academic year or the<br />

maximum amount of grant funding in a calendar year.<br />

If you have questions or issues that are not addressed in these guidelines,<br />

please visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of our website: yvww.thecirifoundation.orq<br />

Page 8<br />


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The CIRI Foundation 2009 scHoi.ARsH1P AND GRANT PROGRAM<br />


In addition to scholarships and grants awarded from The CIRI Foundation General Endowment, TCF also manages<br />

several designated endowments and named funds. These funds were established by community members to celebrate<br />

individuals and recognize specific accomplishments.<br />

THE CIRI FOUND/U10* . 92-0037914<br />

Eligible applicants are original enrollees of CIRI and the direct lineal descendants (either natural-born or legally<br />

adopted) of original enrollees of CIRI Inherited or gifted shares do not qualify as original enrollment. Awards from<br />

the designated endowments and named funds are only considered at the deadlines specified below.<br />




Established in 1990 with donations received through<br />

the CIRI Golf Classic to encourage students enrolled in<br />

the literary, performing, and visual arts<br />

Eligibility: Must be accepted or enrolled full-time in a<br />

2-year or 4-year undergraduate degree or graduate<br />

degree program in the literary, performing, or visual<br />

arts. Should have a cumulative 2.5 GPA or better.<br />

Amount: $2,000 maximum based on stated need.<br />

Duration: One semester only.<br />

Deadlines: June 1 and December 1<br />


FUND<br />

Established in memoriam by CIRI, Sally Berlin and<br />

Frank Saracoff, Peter and Evelyn Hocson, and Robert<br />

and Kathy Woodhead to encourage students pursuing<br />

the study of law.<br />

Eligibility: Pre<strong>fe</strong>rence for undergraduate degree or<br />

graduate degree students enrolled in the study of law.<br />

Should have a cumulative 2.5 GPA or better.<br />

Deadline: June 1, only<br />


FUND<br />

Established by Southcentral Foundation in 1995 to<br />

encourage students seeking an undergraduate degree<br />

or graduate degree particularly in health services.<br />

Eligibililty: Pre<strong>fe</strong>rence is given to students enrolled in<br />

health fields.<br />

Deadlines: June 1 and December 1<br />



Established by CIRI in 1993 to encourage students<br />

enrolled in Alaska Native studies.<br />

Eligibility: Pre<strong>fe</strong>rence is given to students enrolled in<br />

Alaska Native studies.<br />

Deadlines: June 1 and December 1<br />


FUND<br />

Established by Howard Keck and Westmin, Ltd. to<br />

encourage undergraduate or graduate students in all<br />

fields.<br />

Deadlines: June 1 and December 1<br />


Established in recognition of Carl H. Marrs in 2001 to<br />

encourage students seeking an undergraduate or<br />

graduate degree in business administration,<br />

economics, finance, organizational management,<br />

accounting or similar fields. Funds provided by<br />

Barbara Donatelli, Craig and Thea Floerchinger, Mark<br />

and Leslie Kroloff, Kirk McGee, and Gloria O*Neill.<br />

Deadline: June 1, only<br />



Established by Cook Inlet Region, Inc. in 1989 to<br />

provide merit scholarships.<br />

Eligibility: Pre<strong>fe</strong>rence is given to students enrolled in<br />

liberal arts fields - language, education, social<br />

sciences, arts, communications, and law<br />

Deadlines: June 1 and December 1<br />



Established by Kirby McDonald in 1991 to encourage<br />

careers in the culinary arts.<br />

Eligibility: Pre<strong>fe</strong>rence is given to students enrolled in<br />

the culinary arts, business, or engineering.<br />

Deadlines: June 1 and December 1<br />



Established by CIRI in memory of George Miller, Jr in<br />

1996 to foster improvement of tribal, cultural and<br />

corporate management skills for career advancement<br />

Eligibility: Must be a business leader of demonstrated<br />

outstanding ability and potential to improve tribal,<br />

cultural and business leadership and management<br />

skills for career advancement.<br />

Amount: Up to $6,000.<br />

Duration: One year. May apply once during the<br />

calendar year.<br />

Special <strong>fe</strong>atures: The Fellowship is for organizational<br />

management courses of study, internships or<br />

specialized or general management or organizational<br />

training programs.<br />

Deadlines: June 1 or December 1<br />

Page 9<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATI$ . 92-00g7914<br />

N I<br />

xfbxr/<br />



The CIRI Foundation is proud to suppoit the members of and descendants of original enrollees of the following villages<br />

in the Cook Inlet Region These funds administered by The CIRI Foundation through management agreements with<br />

each village corporation.<br />

Applicants who meet the necessary eligibility requirements may be considered for awards from both TCF General<br />

Endowment and the village funds. Awards from the village funds are only considered at the deadlines specified below.<br />




Established in 1992 by the Ninilchik Native<br />

Association, Inc. to of<strong>fe</strong>r merit-based scholarships.<br />

Eligibility: Original enrollees of NNAI and their direct<br />

lineal descendants Must be accepted or enrolled<br />

full-time in an undergraduate or graduate degree<br />

program or technical skills training program. For<br />

tuition, required <strong>fe</strong>es, books, on-campus-related<br />

room, and meal plan and for other direct school<br />

related costs. Should have a cumulative 2.5 grade<br />

point average or better<br />

Duration: One semester. Must re-apply each<br />

semester<br />

Deadline: June 1 and December 1 for scholarshig,<br />

June 30 for grants<br />



Established in 1992 by the Salamatof Native<br />

Association, Inc. to of<strong>fe</strong>r merit scholarships.<br />

Eligibility: Original enrollees of SNAI, their direct<br />

lineal descendants, and spouses. Must be accepted<br />

or enrolled full-time in an undergraduate or graduate<br />

degree program or technical skills training program.<br />

For tuition, required <strong>fe</strong>es, books, on-campus-related<br />

room, and meal plan and for other direct school<br />

related costs. Should have a cumulative 2.5 grade<br />

point average or better<br />

Duration: Annual. Applicants apply only one time<br />

during the year.<br />

Deadline: June 1, only<br />



Established by the Tyonek Native Corporation in 1989 to<br />

encourage pro<strong>fe</strong>ssional preparation for careers after high<br />

school<br />

Eligibility: Original enrollees of TNC, their direct lineal<br />

descendants, and tribal members of the Native Village of<br />

Tyonek (NVT). Must be accepted or enrolled full-time in<br />

an accredited or otherwise approved post-secondary<br />

college, university, or technical skills education program.<br />

Must have a cumulative 2 O grade point average or<br />

better.<br />

Duration: Scholarship applicants must re-apply each<br />

semester. Grant applicants may re-apply each deadline<br />

of a calendar year until the funding cap is reached and<br />

may re-apply the following calendar year after grant cap<br />

has been reached.<br />

Deadline: June 1 and December 1 for scholarships:<br />

March 31. June 30, September 30. December 1 for<br />

QFBDLS<br />



A separate agp//cat/on is required. Applications and<br />

guidelines for the Eklutna, Inc. Scholarship and Grant<br />

Program are available on our website at<br />

www.thecirifoundation org.<br />

Page 10<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDAT1(), . 92-0087914<br />

N /<br />

The CIRI Foundation 2009 scHoi.ARsH1P AND GRANT PROGRAM<br />

Which Deadline should l apply for?<br />

Full-Time Student Part-Time Student<br />

v 3 J<br />

Certificate-Seeking<br />

Program<br />

I am 3-" Undergraduate 12+ credits<br />

Graduate 9+ credits .<br />

Degree-Seeking Program<br />

In au. .Associates oBachelors<br />

.Masters aDoctorate<br />

Undergraduate 11 credits or <strong>fe</strong>wer<br />

Graduate 8 credits or <strong>fe</strong>wer<br />

Scholarships Grants Grants<br />

General Semester Career Upgrade Vocational-Training<br />

M Applicatiaflieadlme:<br />

June 1 : Fall Funding June 30, September 30,<br />

December1 : Splr-ing funding December 1, March 31<br />

See page 6 for Scholarship See page 7 for Grant<br />

Program descriptions Program descriptions<br />

Page 11<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />


Last Name First Name<br />

Abalama Vivian<br />

Active Raelene<br />

Alex Lyon­<br />

Skaggs<br />

Sarah<br />

Allen Tracy<br />

Almon Kristy<br />

Amaktoolik Candice<br />

Anderson Nicole<br />

Anderson Megan<br />

Anderson Jenni<strong>fe</strong>r<br />

Andrews, Jr Vtfilliam<br />

Andus Tanishia<br />

Apok<br />

Erica<br />

Arendt Diane<br />

Ashley Tammy<br />

Ashley<br />

Chester<br />

Austin Christopher<br />

Ayek Kimberly<br />

Baker Debra<br />

Barnes John<br />

Barnes Alexandra<br />

Barnes Joseph<br />

Bartlett Jussi<br />

It recipient is an<br />

Recipient ,,,d,,,,d,,a,, show any Foundation<br />

rp gr io Amount<br />

relationship I0 any status of Pu ose of ant or contribut n<br />

Address foundation manager or reclplem<br />

substantial contritutor<br />

University of Maryland - Univ College<br />

BURSAR-3501 Univ Blvd E , SFSC 22i None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

Adelphi, MD 20783<br />

Trendsetters Hair Salon and School<br />

407 E Northern Lights Blvd<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99503<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,800<br />

Everest College<br />

2156 Pacitlc Ave<br />

Tacoma. WA 98402<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,575<br />

Washington State University<br />

PO Box 641068<br />

Pullman, WA 99164<br />

Piledrivers and Divers Local Union 252i<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

825 East 8th Ave<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99501<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,964<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

P O Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks. AK 99775<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

San Diego City College<br />

1313 Park Blvd A-113<br />

San Dieqg, CA 92101<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,327<br />

Bastyr University<br />

14500 Juanita Dr NE<br />

Kenmore, WA 98028<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514-1608<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Alaska Medical Training Associates<br />

300 W Swansan, Ste 101<br />

Wasilla, AK 99654<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,600<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg-, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Seminary of the Southwest<br />

501 East 32nd Street<br />

Austin, TX 78705<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraohei AK 99514-1608<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State<br />

200 Student Sen/ices Building<br />

Blacksburq, VA 24061<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

University of Tennessee at Martin<br />

205 Administration Bldg<br />

Martin. TN 38238<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 3,011<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

West Coast Trianing<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

3805 Dike Road<br />

P O Box 970<br />

Woodland. WA 98674<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,800<br />

University of Washington, Seattle<br />

P O Box 355880<br />

Seattle, WA 98195<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Evergreen State College<br />

2700 Evergreen Parkway NW<br />

Olvmpia, WA 98502<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Everett Community College<br />

2000 Tower Street<br />

Everett, WA 98201<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 2,775<br />


THE ClRl FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

I1 recipient is an<br />

Reclplent individual, show any F07-mdatlon<br />

Last Name First Name Address f"""da"0" manage* C" recipient<br />

substantial contritulor<br />

C nBlu<br />

ary Art<br />

Baumann Natasha<br />

Baumann Ashley<br />

Becker Mara<br />

Becker Christina<br />

Bell Jamieann<br />

Bell Margaret<br />

relationship 10 any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

Le ordo e College of Culin<br />

1315 Mendota Heights Rd<br />

Mendota Heiqhts, MN 55120<br />

None<br />

N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Hillsdale College<br />

33 East College Street<br />

Hillsdale, Ml 49242<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Seattle University<br />

901 12th Ave<br />

Seattle, WA 98122<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Charter College<br />

2221 East Northern Lights Blvd , Ste 1<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99508<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 3,200<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P.O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514-1608<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Charter College<br />

2221 East Northern Lights Blvd<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99508-4140<br />

Ste 111 None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 6,000<br />

Bennett Cami<br />

University of North Dakota<br />

Twamley Hall Rm 216, 264 Centennial<br />

Grand Forks, ND 58202-8371<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

McNeese State University<br />

Benoit Kara PO Box 93260<br />

Lake Charles, LA 70605<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Berg<br />

University of Alaska Southeast<br />

Maia Sabrina 11120 Glacier Highway<br />

Juneau. AK 99801<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,970<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

Berg Rosema ry 101 Eilson Building P O Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks. AK 99775<br />

Alaska Vocational Technical Center<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Berg Bronson PO Box 889<br />

Seward, AK 99664<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 3,535<br />

San Francisco State University<br />

Berry David 1600 Holloway<br />

San Francisco, CA 94132<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,575<br />

Berry Telicia<br />

Bissett Perea Jessica<br />

University of Delaware<br />

Office of Scholarship and Financial Aid<br />

Newark. DE 19716<br />

University of California, Los Angeles<br />

10920 Wilshire Blvd , Ste 107<br />

Los Anqeles, CA 90024-6503<br />

None<br />

None<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

Excellence Annual Scholarship<br />

1,966<br />

5,000<br />

Bleakley Ann-Marie<br />

Sandhills Community College<br />

3395 Airport Road<br />

Pinehurst, NC 28374<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

Bogard Camerin<br />

Kenai Peninsula Community College<br />

34820 College Drive<br />

Soldotna.AK 99669<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

Bogard Rachel<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchorage, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Boin Tasha<br />

Jones International University<br />

9697 E MineralAvenue<br />

Centennial, CO 80112<br />

Alaska Med Code LLC<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Bolam Amy P O Box 233165<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99523<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,575<br />

CompuCom<br />

Bouwens Vlhlliam 3000 C Street, North Vthng, Ste<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99503<br />

102 None N/A Vocational Training Grant 500<br />

Brayko Andrea<br />

Oregon State University<br />

218 Kerr Administration Bldg<br />

Corvallis, OR 97331<br />

None N/A Excellence Annual Scholarship 5,000<br />

Brewer Michaela<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Brown Hunter<br />

University of Washington<br />

P O Box 355880<br />

Seattle. WA 98195-5880<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

Brown Franklin<br />

if recipient is an<br />

Recipient ,,,d,,,,dL,a,, show any Foundation<br />

Last Name First Name Address foundallon manager" recipient<br />

substantial contrilulo<br />

Bruce-Arriaga Tina<br />

Brunkhorst Nathan<br />

Bryant<br />

Bunz<br />

Burdette<br />

Burgoyne<br />

Burgoyne<br />

Burnett<br />

Butler<br />

Byerly<br />

Campbell<br />

Campbell<br />

Canfield<br />

Carlson<br />

Carson<br />

Chapman<br />

Chapman<br />

Chase<br />

Cheatham Cooper<br />

Chickalusion KC<br />

Chord Amanda<br />

Chord Melissa<br />

Brigham Young University<br />

A-41 ASB<br />

Provo, UT 84602<br />

University of Nevada Las Vegas<br />

PO Box 452016, 4505 S Maryland Par<br />

Las Vegas, NV 89154<br />

University of Wisconsin, Stout<br />

802 S Broadway St<br />

Menomonie, Wl 54751<br />

Austin Peay State University<br />

Ellington Building Rm 216 P O Box 45­<br />

Clarkvilie. TN 37044<br />

California State University, Fullerton<br />

PO Box 6804-UH146<br />

Fullerton, CA 92834<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

New Mexico lnstitue of Mining & Techn<br />

801 Leroy Place<br />

Soccoro, NM 87801<br />

University of Alaska Southeast<br />

11120 Glacier Highway<br />

Juneau. AK 99801<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514-1608<br />

Touro University<br />

Attn Amanda Paredez<br />

874 American Pacific Drive<br />

Henderson, NV 89014<br />

Evergreen State College<br />

2700 Evergreen Parkway NW<br />

Olympia. WA 98505<br />

Li<strong>fe</strong> University<br />

1269 Barclay Circle<br />

Marietta , GA 30080<br />

Oregon State University<br />

Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship­<br />

218 Kerr Administration Building<br />

Corvallis, OR 97331<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

P O Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks, AK 99775<br />

University of Maryland, University Collel<br />

Unit 29216<br />

APO, AE 09102<br />

Liberty University<br />

1971 University Blvd<br />

Lynchburq, VA 24502<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

Oregon Institute of Technology<br />

3201 Campus Drive<br />

Klamath Falls, OR 97601<br />

Baker College<br />

1903 Marquette Ave Attn Financial Aia<br />

Muskeqon, Ml 49442<br />

New York University<br />

25 W 4th St<br />

New York, NY 10011<br />

University of Houston<br />

31 E Cullen Building<br />

Houston. TX 77204-1010<br />

Brigham Young University Idaho<br />

525 South Center Street<br />

Rexburqi ID 83460<br />

Brigham Young University, Idaho<br />

100 Kimball Building<br />

Rexburq, lD 83460-1610<br />

relationship 10 any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

None<br />

N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 4,300<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 644<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 2,450<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 4,100<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

Christenson Robert<br />

ll recipient is an<br />

Recipient inaiviauai, show any Foundation<br />

Last Name First Name Address f"""da"0" manage* of recipient<br />

Christiansen l Ashley<br />

Christiansen Anthony<br />

Chuitt Anthony<br />

Chulin Wayne<br />

Clayton<br />

Jenna<br />

Cof<strong>fe</strong>e Joseph<br />

Cogan<br />

Halena<br />

Coleman Rikki<br />

Consiel Troy<br />

Coppedge<br />

Malika<br />

Corcoran Jessica<br />

Coveyou<br />

Coveyou<br />

Vlhlliam<br />

Craft Erin<br />

Katherine<br />

Cunning <strong>Charity</strong><br />

Curtis Erica<br />

Curtis Jessica<br />

Cutschall Kimimila<br />

Damon Cynthia<br />

David Randall<br />

Davis Anita<br />

Davis Kiana<br />

Charter College<br />

2221 East Northern Lights Blvd , Ste 1<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99502<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

Alaska Pacific University<br />

4101 University Drive<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99508<br />

Ohio University Correspondence Cours.<br />

Hanning Hall 222<br />

Athens, OH 45701-2979<br />

Trenholm State Technical College<br />

Attn Matha Arrington<br />

3920 Troy Highway<br />

Montqomerv., AL 36116<br />

San Bernadino Valley College<br />

701 South Mount Vernon Ave<br />

San Bernadino, CA 92401<br />

University of Georgia<br />

220 HolmestHunter Academic Bldg<br />

Athens, GA 30602<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

Charter College<br />

721 W Parks Hwy<br />

Wasilla,AK 99654<br />

AVTEC<br />

P O Box 889<br />

Seward, AK 99664<br />

University of Nevada, Las Vegas<br />

4505 Maryland Parkway Box 452016<br />

Las Veqas. NV 89154<br />

North Carolina State University<br />

Box 7302<br />

Raleiqh, NC 27607<br />

Trans Union Truck Driving School<br />

4624 River Road E<br />

Tacoma, WA 98443<br />

Sam Houston State University<br />

1903 University, Estill 201 Box 2328<br />

Huntsville. TX 77341<br />

Northwest Community College<br />

231 W 6th St<br />

Powell, WY 82435<br />

Alaska Pacific University<br />

4101 University Dnve<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99508<br />

California State Polytechnic University,<br />

3801 West Temple Ave Bld 26A<br />

Pomona, CA 91768<br />

California State Polytechnic University­<br />

3801 West Temple Ave , Bld 26A<br />

Pomona. CA 91768<br />

Black Hills State University<br />

515 West Boulevard<br />

Rapid City, SD 57701<br />

University of New Mexico Gallup<br />

200 College Road<br />

Gallug NM 87301<br />

The Paralegal lnstitute<br />

18275 N 59th Ave , Ste 186<br />

Glendale, AZ 85308<br />

Wayland Baptist University<br />

7801 East 32nd<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99504<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

<strong>fe</strong>lalifmship I0 any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

substantial contritulor I<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant<br />

3,200<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,935<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 576<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 486<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 5,500<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,575<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 3,200<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,575<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 2,649<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 4,554<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 581<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,691<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,775<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,875<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

ll recipient ls an<br />

Recipient .,,,,,,,,,,,,a,, show any Foundation<br />

Last Name First Name Address foundatlon "Wager of recipient<br />

substantial contritulor<br />

relationship 10 any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

Davis Hannah<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None<br />

N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,550<br />

Demldoff Cecilia<br />

Southern New Hampshire University<br />

2500 N River Rd<br />

Manchester, NH 03106<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Dock Halane<br />

Career Academy<br />

1415 E Tudor Rd<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99507<br />

Boise State University<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 3,535<br />

Dolifka Jeffrey<br />

Admin Building, Rm 113<br />

1910 University Drive<br />

Boise, ID 83725-1320<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Donaldson Jeremy<br />

Everest College<br />

425 SW Washington<br />

Portland, OR 97204<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,600<br />

Doss Barbara<br />

Nine Star Education & Employment Se<br />

125 Fifth Ave<br />

Anchoraqg, AK<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,250<br />

Dotson Jessica<br />

Pacific Lutheran University<br />

Ofnce of Financial Aid<br />

Tacoma, WA 98447<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Pacific University<br />

Draper Terri 2043 College Way<br />

Forest Grove, OR 97116<br />

None N/A Achievement Annual Scholarship 4,000<br />

Eben Michael<br />

Colorado State University<br />

1062 Campus Delivery<br />

Fort Collins, CO 80523<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Edelman Zsanelle<br />

Washington State University<br />

PO Box 641068<br />

Pullman. WA 99164<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Edgenon Evan<br />

Western Washington University<br />

516 High St, Old Main 265<br />

Bellingham, WA 98225<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Edwin Jessica<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A Achievement Annual Scholarship 4,000<br />

Egelak Chrystal<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchorage, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Eichholz Adam<br />

Western Washington University<br />

516 High Street<br />

Bellingham, WA 98225<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Eluska Jacqulyn<br />

Career Academy<br />

1415 Tudor Road<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99507<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,600<br />

Emery Chyanne<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514-1608<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Erickson<br />

Estes<br />

Fauceh<br />

Michelle<br />

Justin<br />

Bertha<br />

Arizona State University<br />

PO Box 870412<br />

Temg, AZ 85287<br />

Portland State University<br />

P O Box 851<br />

Portland, OR 97207-0851<br />

U S Career Institute<br />

2001 Lowe Street<br />

Fort Collins, CO 80525<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

Vocational Training Grant<br />

4,016<br />

2,050<br />

2,108<br />

Fehr Elizabeth<br />

Williams Baptist College<br />

P O Box 3734<br />

Walnut Ridqg, AR 72476<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Fehr Erin<br />

University of Oklahoma<br />

1000 Asp Ave, Buchanan Hall Rm 216I<br />

Norman, OK 73019-4078<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Fehr Esther<br />

Williams Baptist College<br />

P O Box 3734<br />

Walnut Ridqg, AR 72476<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Feller Erin<br />

Washington State University<br />

PO Box 641068<br />

Pullman, WA 99163<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />


, I O<br />

THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

l<br />

ll recipient is an<br />

Reclplent individual, show any Foundation<br />

relationship 10 any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

LastName First Name Address f0""da"o"ma"a9e"" recipient<br />

substantial contntutor<br />

Wake Forest University School of Medi<br />

Fehon Vance Office of Financial Aid, Medical Center<br />

Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1090<br />

None<br />

N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Finnegan Brenda<br />

Salt Lake Community College<br />

P O Box 30808<br />

Salt Lake City, UT 84130<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Columbia Basin College<br />

Fitzhugh Marquia 2600 North 20th Avenue<br />

Pasco, WA 99301<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Flyum Charlene<br />

University of Alaska Southeast<br />

11120 Glacier Highway<br />

Juneau, AK 99801<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Charter College<br />

Folger Amy 721 W Parks Highway<br />

Wasilla,AK 99654<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,575<br />

Foss Janelle<br />

Southwestern Oregon Community Colld<br />

1988 Newmark Ave<br />

Coos Bay, OR 97420<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Foster Darren<br />

West Virginia University<br />

PO Box 6004<br />

Morqantown, WV 26505<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Fy<strong>fe</strong> Robert<br />

Center for Employment Education<br />

1749 Ship Ave<br />

Anchoraq-ei AK 99501<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,600<br />

Gaines Shauna<br />

University of Kentucky<br />

128 Funkhouser Building<br />

Lexinqton. KY 40506<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Garber Sebastian<br />

Western Washington University<br />

516 High St Old Main 265<br />

Bellinqham. WA 98225<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Garcia Rose<br />

Career Academy<br />

1415 Tudor Road<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99507-1033<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,600<br />

University of Alaska Kachemak Bay Cal<br />

Garvey Matthew PO Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Gilbert Aaron<br />

Alaska"s Nautical Training School<br />

4855 E Alder Drive<br />

Wasilla, AK 99654<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,657<br />

Gilbert Joshua<br />

Lane Community College<br />

4000 E 30th Ave<br />

Eugene, OR 97405<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Giles Spencer<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

PO Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks, AK 99775-6360<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Giles Jenni<strong>fe</strong>r<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

P O Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks, AK 99775<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Gilheany LC<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

University of Alaska Southeast<br />

Gladsjo Dorothy 11120 Glacier Highway<br />

Juneau, AK 99801<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,970<br />

Glaser Michelle<br />

Yakima Valley Community College<br />

PO Box 22520<br />

Yakima. WA 98907<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Glick Kory<br />

Northern Industrial Training<br />

6177 E Mountain Heather Drive, St64<br />

Palmer, AK 99645<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,600<br />

Gonnason David<br />

Oregon State University<br />

218 Kerr Administration Building<br />

Con/allis, OR 97331<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Grabler Aron<br />

University of Southern Maine<br />

108 Corthell Hall, 37 College Avenue<br />

Gorham. ME 04038<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

Graves Sherry<br />

West Virginia University lnstitute of Te<br />

405 Fayette Turnpike<br />

Montoomerv, WV 25136<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

ll recipient is an<br />

Reclplent individual, show any Foundation<br />

LastName First Name Address f"""da"0"ma"a9e"" recipient<br />

substantial contritutor<br />

relationship tv any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

Greiner Jorden<br />

University of Puget Sound<br />

1500 N Warner St #1039<br />

Tacoma.WA 98416<br />

None<br />

N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

New York Institute of Photography<br />

Griffin Maria 211 East 43rd Street, Ste 2402<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 898<br />

New York, NY 10017<br />

AVTEC<br />

Griner Garret P O Box 889<br />

Seward, AK 99664<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,575<br />

Rocky Mountain College<br />

Grow Allison 1511 Poly Drive<br />

Billinqs, MT 59102<br />

California State University, Northridge<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Gunter Marcus Tribal Scholarships<br />

18111 Nordhoff St.<br />

Northndqg CA 91330<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

University of Idaho, Moscow<br />

Hakala Austin PO Box 444291<br />

Moscow, lD 83844<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Oregon State University<br />

Hale Tia 218 Kerr Administration Building<br />

Corvallis, OR 97331<br />

None N/A Eklutna Career Upgrade Grant 3,050<br />

Hansen Hans<br />

Pacific University<br />

2043 College Way<br />

Forest Grove, OR 97116<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,500<br />

Hansen Kevin<br />

Dickinson State University<br />

291 Campus Drive<br />

Dickinson, ND 58601<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Hannan Kathleen<br />

University of Alaska Southeast<br />

11120 Glacier Highway<br />

Juneau, AK 99801<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Conservatory Recording Arts and Scier*<br />

Harper Dennis 1205 N Fiesta Blvd<br />

Gilbert, AZ 85233<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,960<br />

Harrington Travis<br />

Western Seminary<br />

5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd<br />

Portland, OR 97215-3367<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 4,560<br />

Hart Clifton<br />

Lincoln Christian College 8. Seminary<br />

100 Campus View Drive<br />

Lincoln, lL 62656<br />

National Archives and Records Adminil<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Hartgrove Monique Room 5320, 8601 Adelphi Road<br />

Colleqe Park. MD 20740<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,960<br />

Hartley Rebecca<br />

Rochester Institute of Technolog Y<br />

60 Lomb Memorial Drive<br />

Rochester, NY 14623<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Hatch Lauren<br />

Edmonds Community College<br />

20000 68th Ave W<br />

Lynnwood, WA 98036<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,625<br />

Hazen Virginia<br />

University of Southern California<br />

USC Financial Aid Office, University Pa<br />

Los Anqeles, CA 90089-0914<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

University of Vthsconsin, Oshkos h<br />

Heinz Ashley 800 Algoma Blvd<br />

Oshkosh, WI 54901-8604<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Henrikson Joshua<br />

University of Washington, Seattle<br />

P O Box 355880<br />

Seattle, WA 98195<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,966<br />

Hermansen­<br />

Jent<br />

Herrera<br />

Kurt<br />

Janea<br />

Hobart Institute of Welding Tech nology<br />

400 Trade Square East<br />

Troy, OH 45373<br />

Delaware Technical 8- Community Colld<br />

100 Campus Drive<br />

Dover, DE 19904<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks, Tananal<br />

None<br />

None<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

Vocational Training Grant<br />

Career Upgrade Grant<br />

1,575<br />

1,095<br />

Heyano Josie 101 Eielson Building<br />

P O Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks, AK 99701<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

The Oriental Healing Arts School of Mal<br />

Heyano Nina 2636 Spenard Road<br />

Anchoraq-ei AK 99503<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,800<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

Last Name First Name Address<br />

Hilleary Vincent<br />

Hilleary Richard<br />

Hilleary Richard<br />

Hines Deborah<br />

Hoak Pamela<br />

Hoffman Helena<br />

Holmquist Ryan<br />

Holubik Kelsey<br />

Hubble Meghan<br />

Huddleston Matthew<br />

Hughes Norma<br />

Hughton Ethan<br />

Huhndorf Amber<br />

Huhndorf Josh<br />

Hurlburt Jeffrey<br />

Isaak Joel<br />

Jacobs Torin<br />

Jacuk Benjamin<br />

James Teahonna<br />

Jaworski Nathaniel<br />

Jef<strong>fe</strong>ry Laura<br />

Jensen Emily<br />

tf recipient is an<br />

Reclplent individual, show any Foundatlon<br />

College of Southern Nevada<br />

Student Financial Services<br />

Sort Code WDA<br />

6375 West Charleston Blvd<br />

Las Veqas, NV 89146<br />

University of Nevada, Reno<br />

Mail Stop 076<br />

Reno, NV 89557<br />

University of Nevada, Reno<br />

Mail Stop 076<br />

Reno,<br />

ii<br />

NV 89557<br />

Rollins College<br />

1000 Holt Ave- 2721<br />

Vthnter Park, FL 32789<br />

University of Delaware<br />

30 Lovett Avenue<br />

Newark, DE 19716<br />

Goldman School of Public Policy<br />

University of California<br />

Berkley, 2607 Hearst Ave<br />

Chadron State College<br />

1000 Main Street<br />

Chadron, NE 69337<br />

Whitwoith University<br />

300 W Hawthorne<br />

Spokane, WA 99251<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

University of Washington<br />

Box 355880<br />

Seattle, WA 98195<br />

Tidewater Community College<br />

300 Granby Street<br />

Norfolk, VA 23510<br />

George Fox University<br />

414 North Meridian<br />

Newberq, OR 97132<br />

Oregon State University<br />

218 Kerr Administration Building<br />

Corvallis, OR 97331-2120<br />

Oregon State University<br />

218 Kerr Admin Building<br />

Corvallis, OR 97331<br />

Central Connecticut State University<br />

1615 Stanley Street<br />

New Britain, CT 06050<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

PO Box 757480<br />

Fairbanks. AK 99775<br />

Institute of Audio Research<br />

64 University Place<br />

New York, NY 10003<br />

Biola University<br />

13800 Biola Avenue<br />

La Mirada, CA 90639<br />

Fort Lewis College<br />

1000 Rim Drive<br />

Duranqg, CO 81301<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

Career Academy<br />

1415 E Tudor Rd<br />

Anchoraqe, AK 99507<br />

University of Notre Dame<br />

115 Main Building<br />

Notre Dame, IN 46556<br />

<strong>fe</strong>lationshiplo any status of Purpose of grant or contribution AmOUrtt<br />

foundation manager or recipient<br />

substantial oontritutor<br />

None<br />

N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,500<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

None N/A Howard Rock Graduate Award 5,000<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,080<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,575<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,000<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 5,400<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

Last Name First Name Address<br />

Johnson Garon<br />

Johnson Devin<br />

Johnson Mary<br />

Johnson Sarah<br />

Johnson Ariana<br />

Johnson Sarah<br />

Jones Dakean<br />

Jones Chelsea<br />

Jordan Lisa<br />

Joseph Sonia<br />

Joule Puyuk<br />

Jullussen Sigvold<br />

Karabelnikoff David<br />

Karaffa Andrew<br />

Kashevarof Norman<br />

Keener Lindsay<br />

Keil Aubrey<br />

Ke rr Tammy<br />

Key Charlene<br />

Kiana Sr Christopher<br />

Kinder Garret<br />

Kinder Travis<br />

lf recipient is an<br />

ReClplef1T ,,,d,,,,d,,aL show any Foundation<br />

relationship 10 any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Arnou nt<br />

foundation manager or reclplem<br />

substantial contntutor<br />

Ohio University<br />

IDLP Haning Hall 222<br />

Athens. OH 45701<br />

Kenai Peninsula Collegea,1,458<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant<br />

34820 College Dr<br />

Attn. Financial Aid<br />

Soldotna, AK 99669-9798<br />

Louisiana College<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

1140 College Dr<br />

Box 582<br />

Pineville. LA 71359<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Alaska Paciflc University<br />

4101 University Drive<br />

Anchoraqg, Ak 99508<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Western Washington University<br />

516 High Street, Old Main 265<br />

Bellingham. WA 98225-9006<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 3,535<br />

Alaska Pacific University<br />

4101 University Drive<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99508<br />

None N/A Achievement Annual Scholarship 4,000<br />

Career Academy<br />

1415 E Tudor Rd<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99507<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,950<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchorage AK 99514<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 2,049<br />

University of Montana<br />

U of M Financial Aid Office<br />

Missoula, MT 59812<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Cosumnes River College<br />

8401 Center Parkway<br />

Sacramento, CA 95823<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,076<br />

Fort Lewis College<br />

1000 Rim Drive<br />

Duranqg, CO 81301<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,565<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 2,571<br />

The School for Renewable Energy Scid<br />

lS6O0<br />

Akureyn, IS 600<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Global University<br />

1211 S Glenstone Ave<br />

Sprinqfield, MO 65804<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,655<br />

George Fox University<br />

414 N Meridian #6089<br />

Newberq, OR 97132<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Academy of Cosmetology<br />

1975 Palm Bay Road<br />

Palm Bay, FL 23905<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,800<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

Penn Foster Online Education<br />

Student Service Center 925 Oak Streeti<br />

Scranton, PA 18515-0001<br />

University of Phoenix<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 713<br />

clo Jenni<strong>fe</strong>r Kuskie<br />

3157 E Elwood St<br />

Phoenix, AZ 85034<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

Maryland lnstitute College of Art<br />

Financial Aid Office, 1300 Mount Royal<br />

Baltimore, MD 21217<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

McDaniel College<br />

2 College Hill, Financial Aid Office<br />

Westminster, MD 21157<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

Last Name First Name Address<br />

King Chet<br />

Knight Tyler<br />

Knutsen Harvey<br />

Koivisto Lucy<br />

Koivisto Patrick<br />

Kraun<br />

(Larsen, Melissa<br />

Kvasnikoff Jack<br />

Lane Charles<br />

Larson Londa P O Box 2889<br />

Larson Jerome<br />

Larson Londa P.O Box 2889<br />

LaVigne Samantha<br />

Lawson Nicole<br />

Lee Jacqueline<br />

Leman Brieanna<br />

Lewis Nicole<br />

Little Wesley<br />

Liwanag Krystal<br />

Liwanag Katrina<br />

lf recipient is an<br />

Reclplent individual, show any FOUl"ld3il0l1<br />

substantial contritutor I<br />

relationship 10 any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

foundation manager or reclplem<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

Skagit Valley College<br />

2405 E College Way<br />

Mount Vernon, WA 98273<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Northern Industrial Training<br />

6177 E Mountain Heather Dr Ste4<br />

Palmer, AK 99645<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,800<br />

Michigan State University<br />

252 Student Senrices Building<br />

East Lansinq, Ml 48824-1113<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Kenai Peninsula College<br />

156 College Rd<br />

Soldotna, AK 99669<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,325<br />

MetrOasis Advanced Training Center<br />

401 W lnternationalRd #1C<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99518<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,186<br />

Capilano University<br />

2055 Purcell Way<br />

North Vancouver, BC Canada V7J 3Hq<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraog, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

University of Alaska- Mat-Su College<br />

Palmer, AK 99645<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,072<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage, Mai-srl<br />

P O Box 2889<br />

Palmer, AK 99645<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage - Matstl<br />

Palmer, AK 99645<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

Glendale Community College<br />

6000 W Olive Ave<br />

Glendale, AZ 85302<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Charter College<br />

2221 E Northern Lights Blvd Ste<br />

120<br />

Anchorage, AK 99508<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 3,145<br />

University of Alaska Southeast<br />

11120 Glacier Hwy<br />

Juneau, AK 99801<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,466<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P.O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

Eastern Washington University<br />

102 Sutton Hall<br />

, St<br />

Cheney, WA 99004-2447<br />

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities<br />

SE<br />

Minneapolis, MN 55455<br />

None<br />

None<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

1,966<br />

4,016<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchora@, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Pacific University<br />

2043 College Way<br />

Forest Grove, OR 97116<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Lopes Tiana 200 Fraser Hall 106 Pleasant<br />

Lord Wenonah<br />

Lorenzo Karina<br />

Lorenzo Anthony<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

Lorenzo Posto<br />

ll recipient is an<br />

Reclplent individual, show any Foundation<br />

Last Name First Name Address f0""da""" "*a"a9ef of recipient<br />

substantial contritutor<br />

Loyd<br />

Amanda<br />

Luther Alice<br />

Madison Mackenzie<br />

Madison Randi<br />

Madsen Matthew<br />

Mahle Joyce<br />

Mainord Jacinda<br />

Mainord William<br />

Mainord Daniel<br />

Mario Linnea<br />

Marsden Araina<br />

Martin Jenni<strong>fe</strong>r<br />

Martin Christopher<br />

Matson Amanda<br />

Matson John<br />

Matson John<br />

Matson Amanda<br />

McCoy<br />

Mclntyre<br />

McKinney<br />

Mi"chelIe<br />

Anne<br />

Amanda<br />

Mells Derrick<br />

Metcalf Danielle<br />

Kenai Peninsula College<br />

34820 College Rd<br />

Soldotna. AK 99669<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

AVTEC<br />

P O Box 889<br />

Seward, AK 99664<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

,Anchoraqg AK 99508<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

Charter College<br />

2221 East Northern Lights, Ste 120<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99508<br />

OHSU School of Medicine<br />

Department of Science and Engineering<br />

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd L109<br />

Portland. OR 97239<br />

California State University, San Bernala<br />

5500 University Parkway<br />

San Bernardino, CA 92407<br />

Walden University<br />

650 South Exeter Street<br />

Baltimore, MD 21202<br />

Portland State University<br />

P O Box 851<br />

Portland, OR 97207<br />

Fort Lewis College<br />

1000 Rim Drive<br />

Duranqg CO 81301<br />

San Juan Basin Tech College<br />

33057 Hwy 160<br />

Mancos. CO 81328<br />

Florida State University<br />

A-4400 University Center<br />

Tallahassee, FL 32306<br />

Gonzaga University<br />

502 East Boone Ave<br />

Spokane, WA 99258<br />

Perry Technical Institute<br />

2011 W Washington Ave<br />

Yakima, WA 98903<br />

Perry Technical Institute<br />

2011 W Washington Ave<br />

Yakima, WA 98903<br />

Gonzaga University<br />

502 East Boone Ave<br />

Spokane, WA 99258<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

Ohio University Southern Campus<br />

Chubb Hall O20<br />

Athens, OH 45701<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

P O Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks, AK 99775<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514-1608<br />

relaliefiship I0 any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

None<br />

N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,128<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,168<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A Howard Rock Undergraduate Award 2,500<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 4,370<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 800<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,000<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,000<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 3,535<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,550<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

Il recipient is an<br />

R@Clpier11 ,,,d,,,,d,,a,, Show any Foundation<br />

relationship iv any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

Last Name First Name Address foundamn ""*"a9*" of recipient<br />

substantial eonlnlutor<br />

Miller<br />

Miller<br />

Minium<br />

Mitchell<br />

Monsen<br />

Moon<br />

Moore<br />

Moore<br />

Moore<br />

Morris<br />

Morrison<br />

Morrison<br />

Morrison<br />

Mosquito<br />

Mueller<br />

Mullins<br />

Murphy<br />

Murphy<br />

Murray<br />

Musgrove Ethel<br />

Myers Joanna<br />

University of Delaware<br />

30 Lovett Avenue<br />

Neward, DE 19716<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

South Puget Sound Community Colleg<br />

2011 Mottman Road SW<br />

Olympia, WA 98512<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,796<br />

University of Alaska, Southeast<br />

11120 Glacier Highway<br />

Juneau. AK 99801<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

Alaska Pacit"ic University<br />

4101 University Drive<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99508<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

Reed College<br />

3203 SE Woodstock Blvd<br />

Portland, OR 97202<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 3,145<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,966<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

University of Oregon<br />

1278 University of Oregon<br />

Euqene, OR 97403<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Renton Technical College<br />

Financial Aid Office, 3000 NE Fourth Sl<br />

Renton, WA 98056<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Green River Community College<br />

12401 SE 320th St<br />

Auburn, WA 98092<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Virginia Commonwealth University<br />

901 West Franklin Street, PO Box 843(I<br />

Richmond, VA 23284<br />

Alaska Staff Development Network<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Attn Troy Choquette<br />

2204 Douglas Hwy Ste 100<br />

Douolas, AK 99824<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 765<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Charter College<br />

2221 East Northern Lights Blvd , Ste 1<br />

Anchoraq-el, AK 99508<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

PO Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514-1608<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,095<br />

University of Washington Extension<br />

P O Box 45010<br />

Seattle, WA 98145-0010<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,446<br />

St Joseph School of Practical Nursing<br />

5 Woodward Ave<br />

Nashua, NH 03060<br />

Alaska Vocational Technical Center<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,960<br />

PO Box 889<br />

Seward. AK 99664<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,960<br />

Attn University Annette of Linders, Nevada Las 4505 Vegas, Maryland Willid<br />

P O Box 452016<br />

Las Veqas, NV 89154-1003<br />

University of Pittsburgh (Central Colleg<br />

Navarro Amelia 4227 Fifth Ave , Alumni Hall<br />

Nelsen Thomas<br />

Pittsburqh, PA 15260<br />

Training Resources Limited<br />

2556 McCain Rd<br />

San Dieqg, CA 92101<br />

None N/A Achievement Annual Scholarship 6,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,800<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATIONI I 92-0087914<br />

ll recipient is an<br />

ReClplertt maiviauai, show any Foundation<br />

relationship I0 any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

Last Name First Name Address foundation manager or reclplem<br />

substantial contntutor<br />

Nelsen Kellie<br />

Nolen Jannell<br />

Norkett Jenni<strong>fe</strong>r<br />

O"Briant Jacqueline<br />

O"Donnell George<br />

Okpik DG Naouk<br />

Olanna Emma<br />

Ollestad Onnolee<br />

Olsen­<br />

Plscoya Laurel<br />

O"Neill Caitlin<br />

O"Neill Vanessa<br />

Orth Krystal<br />

Ostlind Erin<br />

Ostlind Justin<br />

Outwater Violet<br />

Patterson Teena<br />

Peck Kevin<br />

Peck Samantha<br />

Peck Veronica<br />

Pepion Theresa<br />

Perry Richard<br />

Peterson Jenni<strong>fe</strong>r<br />

Peterson Evangelina<br />

Western Washington Universi<br />

516 High Street<br />

Bellinqham, WA 98225-9006<br />

Polk State College<br />

999 Avenue H NE<br />

Winter Haven, FL 33881<br />

Baker College<br />

1903 Marquette Avenue<br />

Muskeqon, Ml 49442<br />

TY<br />

George Mason University<br />

Ofllce of Student Financial Aid, MS3B5- None N/A<br />

Fairfax, VA 22030<br />

Environmental Management Inc<br />

206E Fireweed Ln Ste 201<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99503-2773<br />

University of Southern Maine<br />

PO Box 9300<br />

Portland, ME 04104<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

C/O CRCD P O Box 756500<br />

Fairbanks, AK 99775<br />

North Seattle Community College<br />

9600 College Wy<br />

Seattle, WA 98103<br />

Oriental Healing Art of Massage Therapl<br />

2636 Spenard Rd<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99503<br />

Washington State University<br />

P O Box 641068<br />

Lighty Student Services 380<br />

Pullman, WA 99164-1068<br />

University of Santa Monica<br />

2107 Vlhlshire Blvd<br />

Santa Monica, CA 90403<br />

Gonzaga University<br />

502 East Boone Avenue<br />

Spokane, WA 99258<br />

Spokane Community College<br />

1810 N Greene St MS 2152<br />

Spokane, WA 99217<br />

George Mason University<br />

Office of Student Financial Aid, MS3B5- None N/A<br />

Fairfax, VA 22030<br />

Alaska Pacific University<br />

4101 University Drive<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99508<br />

Texas Wesleyan University<br />

1201 Wesleyan St<br />

Fort Worth, TX 76105<br />

Truckee Meadows Community College<br />

7000 Dandini Boulevard, RDMT 315 C<br />

Reno, NV 89512-3999<br />

University of Nevada Reno<br />

Mail Stop 0076<br />

Reno, NV 89557<br />

University of Nevada, Reno<br />

Mail Stop 076<br />

Reno. NV 89557<br />

Montana State University Billings<br />

Office of Financial Aid, 1500 University<br />

Billinqs, MT 59101<br />

University of Alaska Anchoage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

University of Nevada, Las Vegas<br />

4505 Maryland Parkway Box #452016<br />

Las Veqas, NV 89154<br />

University of Alaska Southeast<br />

Novatney 2nd Floor 11120<br />

, GI<br />

Juneau, AK 99801 acier HW1 None N/A<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship<br />

4,016<br />

l None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,000<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,966<br />

General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,195<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 2,773<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,990<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,800<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,600<br />

General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 2,304<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />



Pexa Shen<br />

Recipient<br />

Last Name First Name Address<br />

Pitman Nikki<br />

Pitts Matthew<br />

Pope<br />

PW<br />

Alan<br />

Kierstin<br />

Pulis Stacy<br />

Pulis Todd<br />

Pulu Keirra<br />

Quintana Isaac<br />

Rain Diane<br />

Ray Robyn<br />

Ray Robyn<br />

Ray Rosemarie<br />

Rector Chandalar<br />

Rednall Sidra<br />

Rednall Jerid<br />

Reed Andrea<br />

Reekie Renee<br />

Reese Della<br />

Reid Mi"shell<br />

Reid Alyssa<br />

Reppen<br />

Danielle<br />

Rice Derek<br />

lAmerican Real Estate College<br />

10900 W 44th Avenue, Ste 200<br />

Wheat Ridog, CO 80033<br />

National American University<br />

7490 NW 87th Street<br />

Kansas Citv, MO 64153<br />

Utah Valley University<br />

800 West University Parkway<br />

Orem, UT 84058<br />

Webster University<br />

470 E Lockwood Ave<br />

St Louis , MO 63119<br />

Southern Connecticut State University<br />

501 Crescent St<br />

New Haven. CT 06515-1355<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

Lindenwood University<br />

209 S Kings Hwy<br />

St Charles, MO 63301<br />

Mt San Antonio College<br />

1100 N Grand Avenue, Student Sen/ic<br />

Walnut, CA 91789<br />

University of New Mexico<br />

MSC 063610<br />

1 University of New Mexico<br />

Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001<br />

Charter College<br />

2221 E Northern Lights Blvd<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99508<br />

Metroasis Advanced Training Center<br />

401 W International Airport Rd #1C<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99518<br />

Metroasis Advanced Training Center<br />

401 W lnternationalAirport Rd #1C<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99518<br />

Oriental Healing Arts Center<br />

2636 Spenard Rd<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99503<br />

Monroe Community College<br />

1000 East Henrietta Rd , Financial Aid<br />

Rochester, NY 14623<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

Arizona State University<br />

P O Box 870442<br />

Temg, AZ 85287<br />

Ozarks Technical Community College<br />

1001 E Chestnut Exp<br />

Sprinqtteld. MO 65802<br />

Fordham Law School<br />

33 West 60th Street, 9th floor<br />

New York, NY 10023<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

P O Box 757920<br />

Fairbanks, AK 99775<br />

Kenai Peninsula College<br />

34820 College Drive<br />

Soldotna, AK 99669<br />

Plymouth State University<br />

Speare Administration Building, MSC 1<br />

Plymouth, NH 03264<br />

Orange Coast Community College<br />

2701 Fairview Road, Box 5005<br />

Coasta Mesa, CA 92628<br />

Spokane Community College<br />

1810 N Green St<br />

Spokane, WA 99217<br />

If recipient is an<br />

foundation manager or ,eC,p,e nt<br />

substantial conlritutor<br />

None<br />

92-0087914<br />

individual, show any Found?"-lon<br />

relationship 10 any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,960<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,245<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 3,145<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,500<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant<br />

I<br />

2,800<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,800<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,941<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A Achievement Annual Scholarship<br />

I<br />

4,000<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 903<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

Last Name First Name Address<br />

Shaginoff<br />

Swan Sondra<br />

. If recipient is an<br />

Reclplent individual, show any FOUDUBIIOD<br />

relationship I0 any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

foundation manager or reclplent<br />

I substantial oontntutor<br />

Ricks Ill Jimmie<br />

University of Hawaii Hilo<br />

200 W Kawili St<br />

Hilo. HI 96720-4091<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Riggan Rachelle<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P.O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraq-c-5 AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Brevard Community College<br />

Ritzel Misty Attn Kay Ensminger<br />

1519 Clearlake Rd<br />

Cocoa, FL 32922<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

Rivas Jenessa<br />

Alaska Pacific University<br />

4101 University Drive<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99508<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Robinette Amber<br />

Alaska Vocational Medical Training<br />

300 W Swanson Ste 101<br />

Wasilla. AK 99654<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,960<br />

Rodriguez Jamie<br />

Alaska Pacific University<br />

4101 University Drive<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99508<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Ross Charles<br />

University of Texas at Austin<br />

Office of Student Financial Services,<br />

PO Box 7758<br />

Austin, TX 78713<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Roth Zachary<br />

Brigham Young University<br />

A-41 ASB<br />

Provo, UT 84602<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Rowley Lucas<br />

The Foraker Group<br />

161 Klevin Street, Ste 101<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99508<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,300<br />

Ruesch Krista<br />

Alaska Pacific University<br />

4010 University Drive<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99508<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

Ruiz Patricia<br />

Utica College<br />

Attn Financial Aid, Laura Bedford<br />

1600 Burrstone Rd<br />

Utica NY 13502<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Russell Diane<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks, Tananal<br />

P O Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks. AK 99775<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,492<br />

Sanders Joshua<br />

IVY Tech Community College Lafayettd<br />

3101 S Creasy Ln<br />

Lafayette. IN 47903<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Santiago Ramon<br />

Cochise College<br />

901 North Colombo Avenue<br />

Sierra Vista. AZ 85635<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 2,517<br />

Santiago Constancia<br />

Cochise College<br />

901 North Colombo Avenue<br />

Sierra Vista, AZ 85635<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 4,562<br />

Schmidt Richard<br />

Clover Park Technical College<br />

4500 Steilacoom Blvd SW<br />

Lakewood, WA 98499<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Scholl Natalie<br />

Princeton University<br />

Box 591, 220 West College<br />

Princeton, NJ 08542<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Schramm Daniel<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Scott Tabitha<br />

Academy of Hair Design<br />

113 W Northern Lights Blvd<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99503<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,575<br />

Shaf<strong>fe</strong>r Daniel<br />

Boise State University<br />

1910 University Dr<br />

Boise. ID 83725<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Shaginoff Kari<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

P O Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks, AK 99775<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 875<br />

Shaginoff Melissa<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

Kenaitze Indian Tribe<br />

PO Box 988, Kenai, AK 99611<br />

None N/A Internship Program 875<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

RECIPIENT indrvidual, show any FOUI"ld3tl0D<br />

Last Name First Name Address f0""da""" manage* of recipient<br />

substantial contritutor<br />

Shaver Tiffaney<br />

Shelford Scott<br />

U niversity<br />

of Toledo<br />

2801 W Bancroft St Mail Stop 314<br />

Toledo, OH 43606<br />

Azusa Pacific University<br />

Student Financial Services<br />

P O Box 7000<br />

Azusa. CA 91702-7000<br />

ri nivers<br />

A zona State U ity<br />

ll recipient is an<br />

retailer-Shiptv any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

None<br />

N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Simeonoff Sarah<br />

ASU Student Accounts<br />

PO Box 870303<br />

Temgg, AZ 85287<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

Simmons Leslie P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

California State University Stanislaus<br />

Singer Wesley One University Circle<br />

Turlock. CA 95382<br />

Universi fyof<br />

Alaska Fairbanks<br />

Sinnok Ralph PO Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks, AK 99775<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

Sinnok Victoria P O Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks, AK 99775<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

Slayton Olivia P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

University of Central Oklahoma<br />

Smagge<br />

Nigh University Center Room #141<br />

Trey<br />

100 N University Dr Box 162<br />

Edmond. OK 73034<br />

Alaska Staff Development Network<br />

Smith Joleen 2204 Douglas Hwy , Ste 100<br />

Douqlas, AK 99824<br />

Ashford University<br />

Smith Thelma 13500 Evening Creek Drive N , Ste 60­<br />

Sa n Dieqgi A 92128 C<br />

Smith Sabnna University of Colorado at Denver<br />

­University of Missouri<br />

Solbrekken Yvonne Office of Student Financial Aid, 11 Jess<br />

Columbia, MO 65211<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

Vocational Training Grant<br />

Career Upgrade Grant<br />

Howard Rock Undergraduate Award<br />

Excellence Annual Scholarship<br />

5,352<br />

2,050<br />

2,050<br />

2,050<br />

4,016<br />

1,966<br />

3,466<br />

1,400<br />

3,200<br />

4,466<br />

5,000<br />

Spangler Sean<br />

Franklin & Marshall College<br />

PO Box 3003<br />

Lancaster, PA 17604<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Standi<strong>fe</strong>r Jenna<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

PO Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks. AK 99775<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 2,375<br />

Standi<strong>fe</strong>r Elizabeth<br />

Alaska Pacific University<br />

4101 University Drive<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99508<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 6,166<br />

Stef<strong>fe</strong>ner Justin<br />

Antioch University, Seattle<br />

2326 Sixth Ave<br />

Seattle, WA 98121-1814<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Steik Jason<br />

Boise State University<br />

1910 University Dr , Admin Bldg ROOFI<br />

Boise, ID 83725-1315<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Stevens Casey<br />

Kent State University<br />

P O Box 5190<br />

Kent. OH 44242-0001<br />

Brigham Young University, Hawaii<br />

None N/A Eklutna Annual Scholarship 1,000<br />

Stevens Michelle<br />

BYU-H#1955<br />

55-220 Kulanui Street<br />

Laie, Hl 96762<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Stevens Benjamin<br />

Brigham Young University<br />

A-41 ASB<br />

Provo, UT 84602<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,891<br />

Stewart Scott<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

Last Name First Name Address<br />

ll recipient as an<br />

Recipient Foundation<br />

individual, show any<br />

<strong>fe</strong>lalivnshlpfv any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

foundation manager or reclment<br />

substantial oontritutor<br />

Stewart Tracy<br />

Angelo State University<br />

ASU Station #11015<br />

San Anqelo, TX 76909<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship<br />

2,050<br />

Stewart Ana<br />

Vanderbilt University<br />

2309 West End Ave<br />

Nashville, TN 37203<br />

None N/A Excellence Annual Scholarship 5,000<br />

Stewman Marie<br />

Alaska Pacific University<br />

4101 University Dr<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99508<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Stokes Luke<br />

University of Miami, School of Nursing I<br />

Oftice of Financial Assistance Sen/ices<br />

PO Box 248187<br />

Coral Gables, FL 33124<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Stokes Sarah<br />

Alaska Pacific University<br />

4101 University Dr<br />

Anchoracg AK 99508<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,095<br />

Charter College<br />

Stone Fawn 721 West Parks Highway<br />

Wasilla,AK 99654<br />

Park University<br />

Strentz Connie 8700 N W River Park Drive<br />

Parkville, MO 64152<br />

Kenai Peninsula College<br />

Stuart Dillon 156 College Road<br />

Soldotna, AK 99669<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

Sweetsir Sheila P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

Brevard Community College<br />

Sykes Donald Attn Kay Ensminger<br />

1519 Clearlake Rd<br />

Cocoa, FL 32922<br />

State University<br />

Telemaque Tanya<br />

2NArizona<br />

Aveda Institute Portland<br />

Temple Jasmine 325 NW Thirteenth Avenue<br />

Portland, OR 97209<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

None<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

Career Upgrade Grant<br />

General Semester Scholarship<br />

Career Upgrade Grant<br />

Career Upgrade Grant<br />

Career Upgrade Grant<br />

Cap Lathrop Scholarship<br />

Vocational Training Grant<br />

1,095<br />

4,016<br />

1,095<br />

2,931<br />

875<br />

5,516<br />

2,800<br />

Teresin Stephanie<br />

Calhoun Community College<br />

PO Box 2216<br />

Decatur, AL 35609<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Tetpon Alan<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage,<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Theodore Herbert<br />

Anchorage, AK 99514<br />

AVTEC<br />

P O Box 889<br />

Seward, AK 99664<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,575<br />

Theodore Randolph<br />

Automotive Training Schools lnc<br />

4791 Pell Drive, Ste 1<br />

Sacramento, CA 95838<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,800<br />

Thiele Sara<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqgi AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Thompson Sherry<br />

Trinion Quality Care Services, lnc<br />

4450 Cordova Street, Ste 200<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99503<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 500<br />

Thorpe Sara<br />

Universite" Stendhal in Grenoble, Frand<br />

107 E Hopkins St<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Tigges Megan<br />

San Marcos, TX 78666<br />

SUNY Cobleskill<br />

118B Knapp Hall<br />

Cobleskill. NY 12043<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Tolbert Kristin<br />

Alaska Pacific University<br />

4101 University Dr<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99508<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 3,200<br />

Townsend Lindsy<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

Boyce College<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Trascritti Frank 2825 Lexington Road<br />

Box #2369<br />

Louisville KY 40280<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

Last Name First Name Address<br />

Trascritti James<br />

Traylor Natassja<br />

Tredo Eric<br />

Triplett Christina<br />

Tucker Angela<br />

Tucker Kyle<br />

Twitchell Lance<br />

Ungaro Heidi<br />

Van Thiel Thomas<br />

VanHove Jeannie<br />

Vartanian Tamar<br />

Venner Rhondel<br />

Waisanen Dane<br />

Ward Joe<br />

Warren Michelle<br />

Watson Ryan<br />

Watts Bnan<br />

Welch Stacey<br />

Welsh Kerston<br />

Westcoast Oleana<br />

White Yolanda<br />

Wicker Michael<br />

ll recipient is an<br />

ReClpl&l1t individual, show any Foundation<br />

Boyce College<br />

2825 Lexington Road<br />

Louisville, KY 40280<br />

Western Washington University<br />

516 High Street<br />

Bellinqham, WA 98225<br />

Walla Walla Community College<br />

Clarkston Campus,<br />

1470 Bridge Street<br />

Clarkston, WA 99403<br />

Career Academy<br />

1415 E Tudor Rd<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99507<br />

Virginia College<br />

488 Palisades Blvd<br />

Birmingham, AL 35209<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraq-gl AK 99514<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

P O Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks, AK 99775<br />

Alaska Chapter of the Appraisal lnstitutl<br />

Attn Katie Buller<br />

2605 Denali, Suite 204<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99503<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

Western Governors University<br />

4001 South 700 E , Ste 700<br />

Salt Lake City, UT 84107<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

University of Alaska Fairbanks<br />

P O Box 756360<br />

Fairbanks, AK 99775<br />

Associated Training Sen/ices Network<br />

Attn Kristy Hull<br />

7190 Elder Lane<br />

Sun Prairie, Wl 53590<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchorage, AK 99514<br />

Clark College<br />

Attn Financial Aid Office, 1933 Fort Va.<br />

Vancouver, WA 98663<br />

Academy of Art University<br />

79 New Montgomery Street<br />

San Francisco, CA 94105<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514-1608<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

Charter College<br />

2221 East Northern Lights Blvd , Ste 1<br />

Anchoraqg-I AK 99504<br />

Universiy of Phoenix<br />

3157 E Elwood Street<br />

Phoenix. AZ 85034<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

relationship lv any status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

foundation manager or reclplent<br />

substantial contritutor<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship<br />

4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,632<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,550<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,100<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,800<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 975<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,095<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,600<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 2,240<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

It recipient is an<br />

Recipient iniiiviiiiiai, sim any Foundation<br />

Last Name First Name Address foundam" "*a"a9e"" recipient<br />

substantial contntutor<br />

relationship I0 any status of Purpose of grant or contnbution Amount<br />

Vthk Danielle<br />

Community College of Aurora<br />

16000 E Centre Tech Parkway, Ste 20<br />

Aurora, CO 80011<br />

None<br />

N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Williams Barbara<br />

Northern Arizona University<br />

Ofiice ofthe Bursar 601 S Knoles Driv­<br />

Flaqstaff. AZ 86011<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 4,550<br />

Williamson Kirsten<br />

University of Rochester<br />

P O Box 270261<br />

Rochester, NY 14627<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

Vtfilliamson Crystal P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Vthlloya Theodore<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraq-Q, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Vlhnkelman Katie<br />

Alfred University<br />

Alumni Hall 1 Saxon Dr<br />

Alfred, NY 14802<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 2,050<br />

Winkle Jacqueline<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 4,016<br />

Vlfisdom Bryan<br />

Washington State University<br />

P O Box 641068, Lighty Student Svcs<br />

Pullman. WA 99164-1068<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Wood Ailee<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99514<br />

None N/A Career Upgrade Grant 1,970<br />

Woodhead Alexander<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchoraqg AK 99514<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,966<br />

Wystrach Angie<br />

Kaplan University<br />

2501 San Pedro NE, Ste 203<br />

Albuquerque. NM 87110<br />

None N/A General Semester Scholarship 1,242<br />

Yates Steven<br />

Environmental Management Inc<br />

206 E Fireweed Lane, Ste 201<br />

Anchorage, AK 99503<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,395<br />

Yates Thomas<br />

Gordon Cooper Technology Center<br />

One John C Bruton Blvd<br />

Shawnee, OK 74881<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,800<br />

Zilys Marjorie<br />

Leadership Anchorage<br />

421 W 1st Ave Ste 300<br />

Anchoraqg, AK 99501<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 1,750<br />

Recipient<br />

Address<br />

lt recipient is an<br />

individual, show any<br />

relationship to any<br />

Foundauon<br />

status of Purpose of grant or contribution Amount<br />

toundation manager or recipient<br />

First Book Anchorage P O Box 233553, Anchorage, AK 995 N/A 5o1(c)(3)<br />


4,422<br />

Ninilchik Village Tribe PO Box 39070, Ninilchik, Alaska 9963 N/A 501 (C)(3)<br />

Chickaloon Village Tradition PO Box 1105, Chickaloon, AK 99674 N/A 5o1(c)(3)<br />

Koahnic Broadcasting Corp 500 W 6th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99501 N/A 5o1(c)(3)<br />

oRcANizATioNs<br />







4,422<br />

6,000<br />

. 86,000<br />

Various Scholarships and Grants<br />

5,000<br />

(reversal of prior year accrual)<br />

TOTAL $1,136,050<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDATD 0 92-0087914<br />


It recipient is an<br />

Reclpiem indiviauai, snow any Foundation<br />

relationship to any status of<br />

Last Name First Name Address mundane" manager of VECIPIEHI<br />

substantial contritutor<br />

Bissett<br />

Perea<br />

Jessica<br />

Brayko Andrea<br />

Draper Tern<br />

Edwin Jessica<br />

Encelewski Launna<br />

Johnson Sarah<br />

Myers Joanna<br />

Reekie Renee<br />

Shaginoff<br />

Stuart Sondra<br />

Solbrekken Yvonne<br />

Standi<strong>fe</strong>r Paulina<br />

Stewart Ana<br />

University of Califomia, Los Angeles<br />

10920 Wilshire Blvd , Ste 107<br />

Los Angeles, CA 90024-6503<br />

Oregon Slate University<br />

218 Kerr Administration Bldg<br />

Corvallis, OR 97331<br />

Pacific University<br />

2043 College Way<br />

Forest Grove, OR 97116<br />

University of Alaska Anchorage<br />

P O Box 141608<br />

Anchorage* AK 99514<br />

Bellus Academy of Hair Design<br />

13266 Poway Road<br />

Powau CA 92064<br />

Alaska Pacific University<br />

4101 University Drive<br />

Anchoragg AK 99508<br />

University of Nevada Las Vegas<br />

4505 Maryland Parkway<br />

P O Box 452016<br />

Las Vegas, NV 89154<br />

Fordham Law School<br />

33 West 60th Street, 9th floor<br />

New York, NY 10023<br />

Kenaitze Indian Tribe<br />

PO Box 988, Kenai, AK 99611<br />

University of Missoun<br />

Office of Student Financial Aid<br />

11 Jesse Hall<br />

Columbia, MO 65211<br />

Career Academy<br />

1415 East Tudor Rd<br />

Anchorage, AK 99507<br />

Vanderbilt University<br />

2309 West End Ave<br />

Nashville, TN 37203<br />

Purpose of grant or contribution Amount I<br />

None N/A Excellence Annual Scholarship 5,000<br />

None N/A Excellence Annual Scholarship 5,000<br />

None N/A Achievement Annual Scholarship 4,000<br />

None N/A Achievement Annual Scholarship 4,000<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 2,800<br />

None N/A Achievement Annual Scholarship 4,000<br />

NONE N/A Achievement Annual Scholarship 4,000<br />

None N/A Achievement Annual Scholarship<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

4,000<br />

None N/A Internship Program 7,176<br />

None N/A Excellence Annual Scholarship<br />

5,000<br />

None N/A Vocational Training Grant 4,300<br />

None N/A Excellence Annual Scholarship 5,000<br />



$ 54,276<br />


I<br />


THE CIRI FOUNDQION 092-0087914<br />








518106 1832 9/4/2010 2:38:58 PM v 09-7.3 418865<br />

:5&flf11mlfxrY1@,r1/jc 15,1

i/He ami Fuffiftlffw . qopnosmciiei<br />

Controlled Foreion Corporation Reportinq<br />

The taxpayer is not required to file Form 5471 for the foreign corporation under the constructive owner"s<br />

tiling exception pursuant to Treasury Regulation Section 1 6038-2(j)(2) because the Hling requirements have<br />

already been satisfied. The information was tiled by.<br />

LS Power Equity Partners ll PIE, LP.<br />

FEIN* 20-5721439<br />

1700 Broadway, 35th Floor<br />

New York, NY 10019<br />

IRS Service Center where return was filed<br />

Odgen, Utah<br />

it-ttmnmmt ii it

* Fm 8868 0Application for Extension -of Time To File an Q<br />

trtev Apr-i 20091 Exempt Organization Return OMB NO 15454709<br />

Department ofthe Treasury , ,<br />

mama, Revenue Servlce P File a separate application for each return<br />

o lf you are hling for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part l and check this box p X<br />

0 lf you are filing for an Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete only Part ll (on -page-2-ot this torm) I l . D I<br />

Do not complete Partllunless you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously tiled Form 8868<br />

m Automatic 3-Month Extension of Time. Only submit original (no copies needed)<br />

A corporation required to tile Form 990-T and requesting an automatic 6-month extension - check this box and complete<br />

Part l only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . P E<br />

A/I other corporations (including 1120-C filers), partnerships, REM/Cs, and trusts must use Form 7004 to request an extension of<br />

time to file income tax returns<br />

Electronic Filing (e-file). Generally, you can electronically file Form 8868 if you want a 3-month automatic extension of time to file<br />

one of the returns noted below (6 months for a corporation required to file Form 990-T) However, you cannot file Form 8868<br />

electronically if (1) you want the additional (not automatic) 3-month extension or (2) you file Forms 990-BL, 6069, or 8870, group<br />

returns, or a composite or consolidated From 990-T Instead, you must submit the fully completed and signed page 2 (Part ll) of Form<br />

8868 For more details on the electronic filing of this form, visit www /rs gov/ef//e and click on e-T7/e for Charities 8. Nonproi7ts<br />

Type Or Name of Exempt Organization<br />

p<strong>rint</strong> THE CIRI FOUNDATION<br />

File bythe Number, street, and room or suite no lf a P O box, see instructions<br />

duedatefor 3600 SAN JERONIMO DRIVE<br />

1Check type of return to be med (file a separate application for each return)<br />

trieltzgrltwyrglge City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code For a foreign address, see instructions<br />

*"5"UCU0"S ANCHORAGE, AK 99508<br />

- Form 990 Form 990-T (corporation) Form 4720<br />

- Form 990-BL Form 990-T (sec 401(a) or 408(a) trust) Form 522<br />

i Form 990.52 Form 990-T (trust other than above) Form 60<br />

Form 990-PF Form 1041-A Form 8<br />

6 The books are inthe care of P COOK INLET TRIBAL COUNCIL<br />

Te,ephO,,eNo , 907 793-3434 FAXNO p 907 793-3466<br />

Employer identification number<br />

9 2 - 0 0 8 7 9 1 4<br />

0 lf the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box , , , , , , , I . - - -. -P lj<br />

0 lf this is for a Group Return, enter the organizations four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) if (ms ,S<br />

for the whole group, check this box - * L--I lf it is for part of the group, check this box- - *E and attach a list with the<br />

names and ElNs of all members the extension will cover<br />

1 l request an gg 5-Cgnloonth (6 months for a corporation required to file Form 990-T) extension of time<br />

until . .to file the exempt organization return for the organization named above The extension is<br />

for the organizations return for<br />

p calendar year 2009 or<br />

p - tax year beginning , , and ending ,<br />

2 lf this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason E Initial return E Final return E Change in accounting period<br />

nonrefundable credits. See instructions 33 5<br />

b lf this application is for Form 990-PF or 990-T, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments<br />

made Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit LJ 5 At Q, , lj) Li<br />

c Balance Due. Subtract line 3b from line 3a Include your payment with this form, or, if required, deposit "<br />

with FTD coupon or, if required, by using EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System) See<br />

3a lf this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any<br />

instructions 36<br />

Caution. If you are going to make an electronic fund withdrawal with this Form 8868, see Form 8453-EO and Form 8879-EO<br />

for payment instructions<br />

For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Instructions. Form 3353 (Rev 4-2009)<br />

JSA<br />

9FBO54 2 000 516106 1832 v 09-4.3 418065 PAGE 1<br />

bv<br />


Form sees (Rev 4-2009) 0 0 Page 2<br />

o lf you are filing for an Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete only Part II and check this box I D U , , ,, , 5 I-ff<br />

Note. Only complete Part ll if you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously tiled Form 8868<br />

o lf you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part I (on page 1)<br />

w Additional (Not Automatic) 3-Month Extension of Time. Onl Hle the original (no copies needed).<br />

Type or Name of Exempt Organization b si,-355:( Employer identification number<br />

prim Ti-ii-3 CIRI FOUNDATION 92-0087914<br />

*mended File by me 3600 Number, SAN street, JERONIMO and room DRIVE<br />

duedatefor<br />

or suite no If a P O box, see instructions "A 1 For IRS use only<br />

5 . ... .:.. .<br />

.. u--it-as . . ,J . A rx( If ri., ** ­<br />

ISQQECESIS ANCHORAGE, AK 99508 g",",?,"31IEfT,E,,i.,-,,<br />

tiling the City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code For a foreign address, see instructions 5.*j,:-i@"3*,f1Efg*.iag 3:-r, 3.5 eg,-3, , " 1,, -<strong>fe</strong> A 1* ,,T*I-Vi*.*,*. 1 iv -rf1.5,3ini".f, :IT<br />

Check type of return to be filed (File a separate application for each return)<br />

Form 990-BL 990 - Form 990-T 990-PF (sec 401(a) Form or 408(a) 1041-A trust) Form E Form 4720 Form 6069 8870<br />

Form 990-EZ Form 990-T (trust other than above) Form 5227<br />

STOPI Do not complete Part II if you were not already granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868.<br />

0 The books are inthe care of P COOK INLET TRIBAL COUNCIL<br />

1-e(eph0neNe , 907 793-3434 FAXNO 5 907 793-3466<br />

0 If the organization does not have an ofhce or place of business in the United States, check this box , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , P EI<br />

0 If this is for a Group Retum, enter theeorganization*s four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) lf this is<br />

for the whole group, check this box , , , P EI If it is for part of the group, check this box , , , PI and attach a<br />

list with the names and ElNs of all members the extension is for<br />

4 I request an additional 3-month extension of time until 1 1 /1 5 /2 0 1 0<br />

5 For calendar year 2009 , or other tax year beginning ,and ending<br />

If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason Initial return Final return -I-I Change in accounting period<br />

State In detail Why yen need the extension INFORMATION NECESSARY TO PREPARE A COMPLETE A<br />


8a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any<br />

nonrefundable credits Seeinstructions 8a $ 9-5.1100<br />

b If this application is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits and estimated 31.5<br />

tax payments made Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit and any amount paid<br />

previously with Form 8868 8b $ L1 9- . I-1<br />

c Balance Due. Subtract line 8b from line 8a Include your payment with this form, or, if required, deposit<br />

with FTD coupon or, if required, by using EFFPS (Electronic FederalTax Payment System) See instructions 8c S 4 ,cjltriv<br />

Signature and Verification<br />

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief,<br />

it is true, correct, and complete, and that l am authonzed to prepare this form<br />

CPA Form 8868 (Rev 4-zoo9)<br />

KPMG LLP<br />

Signature P Title P Date *LO " 3,111*<br />

JSA<br />

9Fso552ooo<br />

701 WEST STH AVENUE, SUITE 600<br />

ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 *<br />

518106 1832 6/24/2010 9:47:14 AM V 09-6.4 418865<br />

nhl"­<br />

gli/ICE<br />

os<br />

IUN 29 2010 1<br />



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