Chorale, Kantorei, Concert Choir - Dordt College Homepages

Chorale, Kantorei, Concert Choir - Dordt College Homepages Chorale, Kantorei, Concert Choir - Dordt College Homepages
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CHRISTMAS CHORAL CONCERT To support the concentration of both the performers and the audience, please refrain from flash photography and disable the alarms of pagers, cell phones, and watches. Organ Prelude Dr. Joan Ringerwole I Personent Hodie ANONYMOUS, ARR. LARA HOGGARD (b. 1915) Personent hodie, Let there sound forth today Voces puerulae The voices of children, Laudantes iucunde Joyfully praising qui nobis est natus, Him who was born for us, Summo Deo datus, Who was given by God on high, Et de Virgineo And brought forth from Ventre procreatus. The virgin’s womb. In mundo nascitur, He is born in the world, Pannis inuolitur, He is wrapped in cloth, Praesepi ponitur He is placed in a manger, Stabulo brutorum. In a stable for animals. Rector supernorum. The ruler of the realms above Perdidit spolia Has lost his belongings, Princeps infernorum! The chief of the realms below! Magi tres venerunt Three magi have come; Munera offerunt. They offer gifts. Paruulum inquirunt They seek the child, Stellulam sequendo, Following a star. Ipsum adorando, Adoring him, Aurum, thus et myrrham, Offering to him Ei offerendo. Gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Omnes clericuli Let all the young priests Pariter pueri Together with all the children Cantent ut angeli, Sing like angels. Aduenisti mundo: You have come to the world: Gloria in excelsis Deo! Glory in the highest to God! - Anonymous, “Piae Cantiones” (1582) David Hjelle, Lori Philipsen, Joel Schreurs, and Jenae Vander Wal, trumpet Mark Buteyn, Scott Dunwoody, and David Kok, percussion Danielle Vander Linden, organ COMBINED CHOIRS


To support the concentration of both the performers and the audience,<br />

please refrain from flash photography and disable the alarms of pagers, cell phones, and watches.<br />

Organ Prelude Dr. Joan Ringerwole<br />

I<br />

Personent Hodie ANONYMOUS, ARR. LARA HOGGARD (b. 1915)<br />

Personent hodie, Let there sound forth today<br />

Voces puerulae The voices of children,<br />

Laudantes iucunde Joyfully praising<br />

qui nobis est natus, Him who was born for us,<br />

Summo Deo datus, Who was given by God on high,<br />

Et de Virgineo And brought forth from<br />

Ventre procreatus. The virgin’s womb.<br />

In mundo nascitur, He is born in the world,<br />

Pannis inuolitur, He is wrapped in cloth,<br />

Praesepi ponitur He is placed in a manger,<br />

Stabulo brutorum. In a stable for animals.<br />

Rector supernorum. The ruler of the realms above<br />

Perdidit spolia Has lost his belongings,<br />

Princeps infernorum! The chief of the realms below!<br />

Magi tres venerunt Three magi have come;<br />

Munera offerunt. They offer gifts.<br />

Paruulum inquirunt They seek the child,<br />

Stellulam sequendo, Following a star.<br />

Ipsum adorando, Adoring him,<br />

Aurum, thus et myrrham, Offering to him<br />

Ei offerendo. Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.<br />

Omnes clericuli Let all the young priests<br />

Pariter pueri Together with all the children<br />

Cantent ut angeli, Sing like angels.<br />

Aduenisti mundo: You have come to the world:<br />

Gloria in excelsis Deo! Glory in the highest to God!<br />

- Anonymous, “Piae Cantiones” (1582)<br />

David Hjelle, Lori Philipsen, Joel Schreurs, and Jenae Vander Wal, trumpet<br />

Mark Buteyn, Scott Dunwoody, and David Kok, percussion<br />

Danielle Vander Linden, organ<br />


II<br />

O Magnum Mysterium BENJAMIN KORNELIS (1989)<br />

O magnum mysterium, O great mystery,<br />

et admirabile sacramentum. and wonderful sacrament,<br />

Ut animalia viderunt Dominum natum, that beasts should see the newborn Lord,<br />

jacentem in praecepio. lying in a manger.<br />

O beata Virgo, cujus viscera meruerunt O blessed Virgin, in whose unblemished womb<br />

portare Dominum Jesum Christum. was carried the Lord Jesus Christ.<br />

Song of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ M ARC-ANTOINE CHARPENTIER (1643-1704)<br />

I. Praeludium<br />

II. Recitative of the Evangelist<br />

Liz McPherson, soprano and Jasmine Moeller, alto<br />

III. Air of the Angel<br />

Brenda Janssen, soprano<br />

IV. Chorus of Shepherds<br />

V. Marche<br />

VI. Recitative of the Evangelist<br />

Seth Postma, tenor<br />

VII-IX. Air of a Shepherd, Chorus of Shepherds, Ritornelle<br />

Holly Meyer, Miriam Van Niejenhuis, and Robyn Abbey, sopranos<br />

Erika Van Den Hul and Jennifer Van Den Hul, violin<br />

Coralin Den Boer, cello<br />

David Kok, organ<br />

III<br />

O Yule Full of Gladness NORWEGIAN CAROL, ARR. CAROLYN JENNINGS (1976)<br />

Jenny Goslinga and Kim Obbink, flute<br />

Çobanlar geliyor EROL ÖZER, ARR. BENJAMIN KORNELIS (2000)<br />

Çobanlar geliyor, Müjde veriyor The Shepherds are coming, bringing the good news:<br />

Davut’un ehrinde, Mesih’im do du In David’s city my Messiah is born,<br />

Betleyhem erinde, yemlikte yatiyor In the city of Bethlehem [he] is lying in a manger.<br />

Sevinin, sevinin, Mesih’im do du Rejoice, rejoice, my Messiah is born.<br />

Meyem’in, Yusuf’un sonsuz sevingi Mary and Joseph’s endless joy--<br />

Melekler göklerde söyle ilahi Angels in heaven, sing hymns!<br />

Betleyhem erinde, yemlikte yatiyor In the city of Bethlehem [he] is lying in a manger.<br />

Sevinin, sevinin, Mesih’im do du Rejoice, rejoice, my Messiah is born.<br />

Verin bu müjdeyi bütün dünyaya Take this good news to all the world:<br />

Günahi kaldiran Kurtaricimiz Our Savior, who has taken away sin,<br />

Betleyhem erinde, yemlikte yatiyor In the city of Bethlehem is lying in a manger.<br />

Sevinin, sevinin, Mesih’im do du Rejoice, rejoice, my Messiah is born.<br />

- Erol Özer<br />

Lindsay Cameron, soprano


Ding Dong! Merrily on High FRENCH CAROL, ARR. CAROLYN JENNINGS (1982)<br />


Offering and Intermission<br />

Offering designated for music scholarships.<br />

IV<br />

Make We Joy JIM LEININGER (1996)<br />

Refrain:<br />

Make we joy now in this feast,<br />

In quo Christus natus est: (On which Christ was born) Eya!<br />

A Patre unigenitus, (From the Father only begotten)<br />

Through a maiden is come to us:<br />

Sing we of him and say, ‘Welcome,<br />

Veni Redemptor gentium.’ (Come Redeemer of the nations) Refrain<br />

Agnoscat omne seculum: (Let every age ackowledge [thee])<br />

A bright star made three Kingès come,<br />

For to seek with their presents.<br />

Verbum supernum prodiens. (The celestial word proceeding.) Refrain<br />

O lux beata Trinitas! (O blessed light of the Trinity!)<br />

He lay between an ox and ass,<br />

And by his mother maiden free.<br />

Gloria tibi Domine! (Glory to thee, O Lord!)<br />

- Anonymous 15th Century<br />

A Christmas Carol CHARLES IVES (1874-1954)<br />

Hodie Christus Natus Est FRANCIS POULENC (1899-1963)<br />

Hodie Christus natus est: On this day Christ is born:<br />

Hodie Salvator apparuit: On this day salvation appears:<br />

Hodie in terra canunt Angeli, On this day angels sing on earth,<br />

laetantur archangeli: with archangels:<br />

Hodie exsultant justi, decentes: On this day the just exult, saying:<br />

Gloria in excelsis Deo, alleluia. Glory to God in the highest, alleluia.<br />

- Antiphon at the Magnificat<br />


V: Come, Lord Jesus . . .<br />

He Comes to Us as One Unknown C. HUBERT H. PARRY (1848-1918)<br />

please join the choir in the singing of stanza five:<br />

ARR. JOHN FERGUSEN (1996)<br />

- Timothy Dudley-Smith ©1984<br />

Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, IL 60188<br />

All rights reserved. Used by permission.<br />

Music ©1996 Augsburg Fortress.<br />

All rights reserved. Used by permission.<br />

Benedictus EMILE PALADIHLE (1844-1926)<br />

Benedictus qui venit Blessed is he who comes<br />

in nomine Domini. in the name of the Lord.<br />

Hosanna in excelsis. Hosanna in the highest.<br />

Tricia Van Ee, soprano<br />

Matt Nuiver, tenor<br />

Thou Shalt Know Him M ARK SIRETT (1995)<br />

VI: He Comes . . .<br />

Ave Maria ROBERT PARSONS (1530-1570)<br />

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Hail Mary, full of grace,<br />

Dominus tecum. The Lord is with thee.<br />

Benedicta tu in mulieribus, Blessed art thou among women,<br />

Et benedictus fructus ventris tui. And blessed is the fruit of thy womb.<br />

- Luke 1:28, 42<br />

And interpretive dance will be performed during the singing of ‘Ave Maria.’<br />

One dancer will retain the role of Mary throughout,<br />

while the other will begin as Gabriel and will later portray Joseph.<br />

Rebecca Hathaway and Danielle Vander Linden, dancers

O My Dear Heart ELEANOR DALEY (1993)<br />

For Unto Us a Child is Born (from Messiah) G.F. HÄNDEL (1685-1759)<br />

VII: . . . and we are changed<br />

Ye Were Sometimes Darkness RANDALL THOMPSON (1899-1984)<br />


VIII<br />

Silent Night FRANZ GRÜBER (1787-1863)<br />


ARR. M ALCOM SARGENT (1895-1967)<br />

“May he who by his Incarnation gathered into one things earthly and heavenly,<br />

fill you with the sweetness of inward peace and goodwill . . . .”<br />

- Blessing from the Ceremony of Nine Lessons and Carols<br />


Friday, January 19 at 7:30 pm: <strong>Concert</strong> <strong>Choir</strong> Tour Home <strong>Concert</strong><br />

Saturday, March 3 at 7:30 pm: Campus Band and Jazz Band <strong>Concert</strong><br />

Friday, March 9 at 7:30 pm: Hymn Festival with Michael Burkhardt<br />

Friday, March 30 at 7:30 pm: <strong>Concert</strong> Band and Chamber Orchestra Tour Home <strong>Concert</strong><br />

Wednesday, May 2 at 7:30 pm: Instrumental Ensembles Spring <strong>Concert</strong><br />

Friday, May 4 at 7:30 pm: Choral Ensembles Spring <strong>Concert</strong>



Kara Bentz, Platte, SD Melissa Abee, Salt Lake City, UT<br />

Lindsay Cameron, Rugby, ND Reanna Baker, Kalamazoo, MI<br />

Laura Cowherd, Shenandoah, IA Melanie Bruin, Willmar, MN<br />

Heather den Hoed, Hull, IA Rachel De Bruin, Fremont, IA<br />

Annette Elgersma, Sioux Falls, SD Tamara Guillaume, Edmonton, AB<br />

Kathryn Kroese, Boyden, IA Kerri Huitink, Sheldon, IA<br />

Elizabeth McPherson, Lincoln, NE Rebecca Koedam, Byron Center, MI<br />

Holly Meyer, Saint Ann, MO Karen Memmelaar, Escondido, CA<br />

Rachel Persenaire, Escalon, CA Angela Schaap, Orange City, IA<br />

Stacey Rozema, Byron Center, MI Tiffany Ulferts, Edgerton, MN<br />

Rebecca Schlabaugh, Kalona, IA Kristin Vanden Bosch, Rock Valley, IA<br />

Kim Stiemsma, Randolph, WI Julie Vanden Heuvel, Chino, CA<br />

Miriam Van Niejenhuis, Edmonton, AB Sarah Vander Plaats, Orange City, IA<br />

Kelli Van Zee, Pella, IA Tricia Van Groningen, Tinley Park, IL<br />

SOPRANO II Leann Veenstra, Sioux Center, IA<br />

Robyn Abbey, Alexander, IA Cheryl Veurink, Waterford, ON<br />

Heidi Bolkema, Sheldon, IA Dawn Wielenga, Hull, IA<br />

Dyan Den Ouden, Ripon, CA ALTO II<br />

Valerie DeVries, Salt Lake City, UT Michelle Key, Randolph, WI<br />

Natalie Draayer, Sioux Center, IA Naomi Kooi, Lynden, WA<br />

Bethany Ehlers, Newell, IA Kim Kooiker, Sioux Center, IA<br />

Jessica Geleynse, Clinton, ON Jasmine Moeller, Strawberry Point, IA<br />

Brenda Janssen, Beamsville, ON Andrea Pausma, Waupun, WI<br />

Valerie Maas, Mount Vernon, WA Lori Philipsen, Modesto, CA<br />

Shanna Smit, Twin Falls, ID Ashley Schuller, Ripon, CA<br />

Heidi Sorenson, Newport News, VA Candice Vande Zandschulp, Sioux Center, IA<br />

Sheena Van Boom, Fort Saskatchewan, AB Maria Van Zee, Lynden, WA<br />

Alyssa Vander Lugt, Hudsonville, MI Kari Vossen, Jefferson City, MO<br />

Renée Van Groningen, Ripon, CA Tracey Wikkerink, Duncan, BC<br />

Kimberly Van’t Hul, Pipestone, MN<br />

Kim Van Wyhe, Hull, IA BASS I<br />

Shayla Willer, Le Mars, IA Justin Breems, Renville, MN<br />

Matthew Deppe, Holland, MI<br />

TENOR I Laremy De Vries, Pella, IA<br />

Nick Alons, Sanborn, IA Mark De Vries, Orange City, IA<br />

Kraig Bleeker, Sioux Center, IA Jonathan Haak, Sunnyside, WA<br />

Daniel Fergen, Menno, SD Mark Jansen, Tucson, AZ<br />

David Fergen, Menno, SD Nathan Kauk, Saronville, NE<br />

Levi Nieuwsma, Pella, IA James Klaver, Le Mars, IA<br />

Seth Postma, Sanborn, IA Tim Mulder, Bellflower, CA<br />

TENOR II Tom Mulder, Bellflower, CA<br />

Josh Christoffels, Worthington, MN Don Stenberg, Lincoln, NE<br />

James Grossmann, Vermillion, SD Philip Van De Griend, Orange City, IA<br />

Aaron Jansen, Tucson, AZ Ben Visser, Sioux Center, IA<br />

Paul Olsen, Blooming Prairie, MN Eric Westra, Hull, IA<br />

Aaron Rietsema, Hollandale, MN BASS II<br />

Seth Steensma, Luverne, MN Jason Baartman, Rock Valley, IA<br />

Shane Tukker, Pella, IA Brad Bierma, Orient, CO<br />

Curtis Van Dam, Edgerton, MN Daniel De Boer, Rock Valley, IA<br />

Justin Vande Kerk, Hull, IA David Dieleman, Visalia, CA<br />

John Hoogeveen, Lincoln, NE<br />

ACCOMPANIST Ted Katsma, Oostburg, WI<br />

David Kok, Randolph, WI Reid Rozeboom, Chandler, MN<br />

Corey Rozenboom, Oskaloosa, IA<br />

Aaron Schreur, Kanawha, IA<br />

Brent Vander Mey, Redmond, WA<br />

Chris Wilson, Cambridge, MN



Kim De Groot, Ripon, CA Steve Bruin, Willmar, MN<br />

Angela Kroeze Visser, Orange City, IA Eric Carlson, Beresford, SD<br />

Sheri Rouw, Mount Vernon, WA Nathan Kuperus, Kentwood, MI<br />

Tricia Van Ee, Pella, IA Brian Marcus, Renville, MN<br />

Rochelle Van Ry, Lynden, WA Matthew Troost, Caledonia, MI<br />

Lani Van Someren, Amery, WI Zach Vreeman, Anchorage, AK<br />


Sara Bierma, New Brighton, MN Jason Koning, Kalamazoo, MI<br />

Lindsay De Wit, Rock Valley, IA Todd Kruse, Chandler, MN<br />

Megan Morrison, Willmar, MN Matthew Nuiver, Binghamton, NY<br />

Holli Nunnikhoven, Newton, IA Phil Postma, Sanborn, IA<br />

Jana Smeenk, Sunnyside, WA Kevin Rozenboom, Oskaloosa, IA<br />

Erika Van Den Hul, Sioux Center, IA Heath Verstraete, Grandville, MI<br />


Heather Johnson, Willmar, MN Brent De Jong, Sheldon, IA<br />

Luann Kosters, San Jose, CA Troy De Vlieger, Mount Vernon, WA<br />

Meghann Persenaire, Escalon, CA Doug Dirksen, Sanborn, IA<br />

Kim Philipsen, Orange City, IA Howard Gorter, Otley, IA<br />

Jennifer Van Den Hul, Sioux Center, IA Andrew Van Roekel, Sheldon, IA<br />

Jocelyn Van Vliet, Mount Vernon, WA Ryan Visser, Orange City, IA<br />


Lisa Bolkema, Sheldon, IA Brad Dykstra, Littleton, CO<br />

Cary Bruin, Edgerton, MN Rick Hoogeveen, Willmar, MN<br />

Rebecca Hathaway, Brockville, ON Mark Hoogwerf, Volga, SD<br />

Nicole Noteboom, Orange City, IA Greg Masselink, Edgerton, MN<br />

Rebecca Schelhaas, Sioux Center, IA Brian Ochsner, Maurice, IA<br />

Beth Vander Ziel, Colton, SD Andrew Schaap, South Holland, IL<br />


Danielle Vander Linden, Pella, IA<br />



Sara Bierma, New Brighton, MN Luann Kosters, San Jose, CA<br />

Lindsay De Wit, Rock Valley, IA Meghann Persenaire, Escalon, CA<br />

Tricia Van Ee, Pella, IA Jennifer Van Den Hul, Sioux Center, IA<br />

Rochelle Van Ry, Lynden, WA Jocelyn Van Vliet, Mount Vernon, WA<br />

Lani Van Someren, Amery, WI<br />

BASS<br />

TENOR Doug Dirksen, Sanborn, IA<br />

Eric Carlson, Beresford, SD Rick Hoogeveen, Willmar, MN<br />

Nathan Kuperus, Kentwood, MI Matthew Nuiver, Binghamton, NY<br />

Heath Verstraete, Grandville, MI Andrew Schaap, South Holland, IL<br />

Zach Vreeman, Anchorage, AK<br />


David Kok, Randolph, WI

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