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<strong>UNIVERSITATEA</strong> <strong>“TRANSILVANIA”</strong> <strong>BRASOV</strong><br />









Scientific Coordinator:<br />

Prof. univ. dr. ec. Liliana DUGULEANĂ<br />

Summary of PhD Thesis<br />

Rezumatul tezei de doctorat<br />

Braşov, 2010<br />

Doctoral Student:<br />

Thiemo HAFEMEISTER<br />



<strong>UNIVERSITATEA</strong> TRANSILVANIA DIN <strong>BRASOV</strong><br />

<strong>BRASOV</strong>, B-DUL EROILOR NR.29, 500036,<br />

TEL. 026841300, FAX 0268410525<br />


CĂTRE...................................................................................................................................<br />

Vă aducem la cunostinţă că în data de 25 noiembrie 2010, ora 12.30, în corpul U, sala U II 3, la<br />

Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice şi Administrarea Afacerilor va avea loc susţinerea publică a tezei de<br />

doctorat intitulată:<br />





elaborată de doctorand Thiemo Hafemeister, în vederea obţinerii titlului stiinţific de doctor, în<br />

domeniul MARKETING.<br />


Numită prin Ordinul Rectorului Universităţii Transilvania Brasov<br />

Nr. 4184 / 10.09.2010<br />


Prof. univ. dr. ec. Ileana TACHE<br />

Prodecan la Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice şi Administrarea Afacerilor<br />

Universitatea “Transilvania” Brasov<br />


Prof. univ. dr. ec. Liliana DUGULEANĂ<br />

Universitatea “Transilvania” Brasov<br />


Prof. univ. dr. Aurelia Felicia STĂNCIOIU<br />

Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti<br />

Prof. univ. dr. Ilie ROTARIU<br />

Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” Sibiu<br />

Prof. univ. dr. Niculaie ANTONOAIE<br />

Universitatea “Transilvania” Brasov<br />




Scientific coordinator: Prof. univ. dr. Liliana DUGULEANĂ<br />

Doctorand: Thiemo Hafemeister<br />

.<br />


In all Western European Nations public health care systems are regulated by the state due to the fact<br />

that no free market exists in terms of independent customer decisions. On this base the<br />

pharmaceutical market is analyzed considering increasing healthcare costs, the major pharmaceutical<br />

protagonists, as well as different pricing strategies, in Chapter 1.<br />

The distribution channel from the pharmaceutical manufacturer up to the pharmacist will be analyzed<br />

concerning actual structures and future potentials, in Chapter 2. Based on this analysis considering<br />

concentration processes within the pharmaceutical sector future structures and developments are<br />

forecasted, in Chapter 3. To understand and intensively reflect the upcoming trends it is necessary to<br />

understand these changes from a theoretical perspective. Present marketing models are being<br />

discussed and analyzed in Chapter 4. Next to the marketing models the different selling behaviours<br />

are introduced as well, since the field force as the sales vehicle for the pharmaceutical companies<br />

will be significantly affected by these changes as well.<br />

The pharmaceutical environment is pretty well established. Nevertheless in terms of Marketing<br />

models or deeper strategic analysis this area has not been widely covered yet from a theoretical base.<br />

The thesis analyzes on an empirical base future distribution models and hereby assessing in how far<br />

these models can be realized, what burdens and challenges will be faced and if the necessary support<br />

by the key stakeholders is given, in Chapter 5.<br />

Due to the lack of data an empirical study will be necessary to find a base what changes can be<br />

realistically supported and in how far implementations are realistic.<br />

Within this thesis the theoretical frame is given for the changes happening within the pharmaceutical<br />

sector. After the theoretical foundation the implications mainly for the pharmacy landscape are<br />

analyzed empirically, in Chapter 6. Based on a questionnaire an evaluation is done within the supply<br />

chain and clearly analyzing key trends as well as future models. The market changes are happening<br />

presently even faster and more aggressively, then originally expected. Several trends are moving into<br />

the direction which was forecasted and the model created has a high probability to forecast upcoming<br />

trends and developments, since margins are shrinking and horizontal integration especially is being<br />

done to realize synergies. This prediction will be a chance for all market stakeholders to prepare<br />

themselves and undertake preventive actions to react specifically to market changes. Just with the<br />

help of these parameters are the effects and implications within the healthcare sector assessable.<br />




Coordonator ştiinţific: Prof. univ. dr. Liliana DUGULEANĂ<br />

Doctorand: Thiemo Hafemeister<br />


În toate ţările Vest Europene, sistemele publice de îngrijire a sănătăţii sunt reglementate de stat,<br />

pentru că nu există piaţă liberă, în sensul existenţei deciziilor independente ale clienţilor. De aceea<br />

piaţa farmaceutică este analizată considerând atât creşterea costurilor în sănătate, protagoniştii<br />

majori în domeniul farmaceutic, cât şi diferitele strategii de preţuri, în cadrul capitolului 1.<br />

Canalul de distribuţie, de la producătorul farmaceutic până la farmacist, este analizat pe baza<br />

structurilor actuale şi viitor potenţiale, în capitolul 2. Pe baza acestor analize, considerând procesele<br />

de concentrare din intreriorul sectorului farmaceutic, se previzionează viitoarele dezvoltări şi<br />

structuri, în capitolul 3. Pentru a înţelege şi a reflecta intensiv la următoarele trenduri, este necesară<br />

înţelegerea schimbărilor din perspectivă teoretică. Actualele modele de marketing sunt discutate şi<br />

analizate în capitolul 4. Odată cu modelele de marketing sunt prezentate diferite comportamente de<br />

vânzare, pentru că forţele de vânzare, care constituie forţa motrice a companiilor farmaceutice, vor fi<br />

în mod semnificativ afectate de aceste schimbări.<br />

Mediul farmaceutic este destul de stabil. Fără îndoială, în termeni ai modelelor de marketing sau a<br />

unei analize strategice mai profunde, acest domeniu nu a fost încă larg acoperit cu o bază teoretică.<br />

Teza analizează, pe baze empirice, modele noi ale distribuţiei, stabilind în ce măsură pot fi realizate<br />

aceste modele, cu ce sarcini şi provocări se confruntă şi dacă este necesară implicarea principalilor<br />

părţi interesate, în capitolul 5.<br />

Datorită lipsei de date este necesar un studiu empiric pentru a stabili baza unor schimbări care să fie<br />

în mod real suportate şi în ce măsură acestea pot fi implementate.<br />

Teza conţine cadrul teoretic al schimbărilor care au loc în sectorul farmaceutic. După fundamentarea<br />

teoretică sunt analizate empiric implicaţiile, în principal, în mediul farmaceutic, în capitolul 6. Pe<br />

baza unui chestionar, s-a realizat o evaluare a lanţului de aprovizionare şi o analiză clară a trendurilor<br />

cheie precum şi modele viitoare.<br />

Schimbările pieţei au loc în prezent, chiar mai repede şi mai agresiv, decât cele iniţial aşteptate.<br />

Câteva trenduri acţionează în direcţia previzionată şi modelul creat poate previziona trendurile şi<br />

dezvoltările viitoare, pentru că marjele sunt în scădere şi integrarea orizontală este, în mod special,<br />

menită să realizeze sinergii. Acestă previziune va fi o şansă pentru toţi participanţii pe piaţă pentru a<br />

se pregăti şi a întreprinde acţiuni preventive de reacţie specifică la schimbările pieţei. Numai cu<br />

aceşti parametri, efectele şi implicaţiile din domeniul sănătăţii sunt comensurabile.<br />



SYNTHESIS ...................................................................................................................................... 8<br />

CHAPTER 1 – THE PHARMACY MARKET................................................................................ 8<br />

1.1 Increasing healthcare costs across the world··············································································8<br />

1.1.1 Health Care costs are a severe business problem........................................................... 8<br />

1.1.2 Opt-Out Incentives.......................................................................................................... 9<br />

1.1.3 Manage Supplier Performance ....................................................................................... 9<br />

1.1.4 Disease Management options .......................................................................................... 9<br />

1.2 Pharmaceutical Market Analysis································································································10<br />

1.2.1 Major therapeutic areas................................................................................................ 10<br />

1.2.2 Ten companies dominate the worldwide pharmaceutical market............................... 10<br />

1.2.3 The US market as the most lucrative market............................................................... 10<br />

1.2.4 Blockbuster drugs are dominating the market ............................................................ 11<br />

1.2.5 Pharmaceutical growth ................................................................................................. 11<br />

1.3 Health Care market ······················································································································12<br />

1.3.1 Expenses increase within the pharmaceutical sector ................................................... 12<br />

1.3.2. Sales share across the major regions throughout the world....................................... 12<br />

1.3.3 Health Care expenditure growth across the countries................................................. 12<br />

1.4 Major pharmaceutical protagonists···························································································13<br />

1.4.1 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing – Start of the process chain ...................................... 13<br />

1.4.2 The physician – intermediate within the centre of interests ........................................ 14<br />

1.4.3 Pharmaceutical wholesalers.......................................................................................... 14<br />

1.4.4 Pharmacists and the portfolio of a pharmacy .............................................................. 14<br />

CHAPTER 2 - CONCENTRATION PROCESS ........................................................................... 15<br />

2.1 The structure of pharmaceutical markets·················································································15<br />

2.2 Measures affecting prices internationally ·················································································15<br />

2.3 Types of intervention in pharmaceutical markets ···································································16<br />

2.4 Concentration process within the pharmaceutical field force environment························16<br />

2.5 Concentration process within the wholesale sector ·································································17<br />

CHAPTER 3 - DISTRIBUTION DEVELOPMENTS .......................................................................<br />

WITHIN PHARMACEUTICALS.................................................................................................. 18<br />

3.1 Characteristics of pharmaceutical distribution········································································18<br />

3.1.1 The wholesaling reimbursement system is "fundamentally weak”............................. 18<br />

3.1.2 “Specialty" pharmaceutical distribution...................................................................... 19<br />

3.1.3 Technological changes................................................................................................... 19<br />

3.2 Terminology of Health care chain ······························································································19<br />

3.2.1 Existence and objectives of a value chain..................................................................... 20<br />

3.2.2 Relationship with Consumers ....................................................................................... 20<br />

3.3 Logistic problems within the health care distribution chain··················································21<br />

3.4 Distribution challenges within the health care market in Europe·········································22<br />

3.4.1 Background of the distribution challenges................................................................... 22<br />

3.4.2 Potential reforms of the supply network ...................................................................... 22<br />

3.4.3 Structure of the work analysis ...................................................................................... 22<br />

3.4.4 European regulations and trends ................................................................................. 23<br />

3.4.5 Goal and Principles of the European pharmaceutical strategy................................... 23<br />

3.5 Distribution network and simulations ·······················································································24<br />

3.5.1 Distribution within the micro and macro economic environment............................... 24<br />

3.5.2 Distribution logistics...................................................................................................... 25<br />

3.5.3 Logistics costs ................................................................................................................ 25<br />


3.6 Basic conditions and development tendencies around the globe ···········································26<br />

3.7 Conclusion concerning distribution challenges in Europe ·····················································26<br />

CHAPTER 4 - NEW CONCEPTS WITHIN......................................................................................<br />

PHARMACEUTICAL MARKETING........................................................................................... 27<br />

4.1 Pharmaceutical marketing mix···································································································27<br />

4.2 New concepts in pharmaceutical marketing ·············································································28<br />

4.3 Social Marketing····························································································································28<br />

4.4 Integrated Customer Marketing·································································································29<br />

4.5 Limited product opportunities in pharmaceuticals·································································30<br />

CHAPTER 5 - NEW DISTRIBUTION MODELS.............................................................................<br />

WITHIN PHARMACEUTICALS.................................................................................................. 31<br />

5.1 Cost evaluation as the base for new distribution models ························································31<br />

5.2 Increasing control of drug distribution to enhance patient safety ………………………33<br />


WITHIN THE PHARMACEUTICAL MARKET.............................................................................<br />

IN GERMANY ................................................................................................................................ 33<br />

6.1 Questionnaire conception·············································································································33<br />

6.2 Evaluation and interpretation·····································································································34<br />

6.2.1 System changes and cost reductions implications ........................................................ 34<br />

6.2.2 Openness for changes in the distribution cycle in the enterprises............................... 34<br />

6.2.3 How high are the following cost factors being rated? .................................................. 34<br />

6.2.4 Physical structure and controlling of the supply chain................................................ 35<br />

6.2.5 Equipment of the national and/or European central storage depots .......................... 35<br />

6.2.6 Trends in the outsourcing process ................................................................................ 36<br />

6.2.7 Supply chain co-operations ........................................................................................... 36<br />

6.3 Expectations and openness for new models in the pharmaceutical sector···························36<br />

6.4 Key results of empirical study·····································································································37<br />

6.5 Interpretation of the key trends – based on the findings of the empirical study ················38<br />

CONCLUSIONS AND PERSONAL CONTRIBUTIONS............................................................. 39<br />

ILLUSTRATIONS OVERVIEW ................................................................................................... 41<br />

LITERATURE OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................... 43<br />

INTRODUCERE............................................................................................................................... 8<br />

CAPITOLUL 1 – PIAŢA FARMACEUTICĂ ................................................................................. 8<br />

1.1 Creşterea costurilor de sănătate în lume .···············································································8<br />

1.1.1 Costurile în sănătate reprezintă o serioasă problemă de afaceri .......................................... 9<br />

1.1.2 Stimulente Opt-Out .......................................................................................................... 9<br />

1.1.3 Managementul performanţei furnizorului .......................................................................... 9<br />

1.1.4 Opţiuni de management al bolii ........................................................................................ 9<br />

1.2 Analiza pieţei farmaceutice ···········································································································10<br />

1.2.1 Arii terapeutice majore ................................................................................................... 10<br />

1.2.2 Zece companii domină piaţa farmaceutică din toată lumea ............................................. 10<br />

1.2.3 Piaţa Statelor Unite, ca piaţa cea mai lucrativă ................................................................ 10<br />


1.2.4 Medicamentele cardiovasculare domină piaţa ................................................................. 11<br />

1.2.5 Creşterea domeniului farmaceutic ................................................................................... 11<br />

1.3 Piaţa în sistemul îngrijirii sănătăţii································································································.12<br />

1.3.1 Cheltuielile cresc în sectorul farmaceutic ........................................................................ 12<br />

1.3.2 Cota de vânzări în marile regiuni ale lumii ...................................................................... 12<br />

1.3.3 Creşterea cheltuielilor cu îngrijirea sănătăţii la nivelul ţărilor ......................................... 12<br />

1.4 Marii protagonişti în domeniul farmaceutic ·················································································13<br />

1.4.1 Prelucrarea în domeniul farmaceutic – Începutul lanţului de proces................................. 13<br />

1.4.2 Medicul – intermediar întrun centru de interese ............................................................... 14<br />

1.4.3 Angrosiştii în domeniul farmaceutic ............................................................................... 14<br />

1.4.4 Farmacişti şi portofoliul unei farmacii ............................................................................ 14<br />

CAPITOLUL 2 – PROCESUL CONCENTRĂRII........................................................................ 15<br />

2.1 Structura pieţelor farmaceutice ···························································································15<br />

2.2 Măsuri care afectează preţurile internaţionale······································································15<br />

2.3 Tipuri de intervenţie în pieţele farmaceutice ·······································································16<br />

2.4 Procesul concentrării forţelor din domeniul farmaceutic·······················································17<br />

2.5 Procesul concentrării în sectorul vânzărilor angro ·······························································17<br />


3.1 Caracteristici ale distribuţiei în domeniul farmaceutic ································································18<br />

3.1.1 Sistemul de rambursare în vânzarea angro este ................................................................ 18<br />

3.1.2 Distribuţia farmaceutică de „specialitate” ........................................................................ 19<br />

3.1.3 Schimbări tehnologice .................................................................................................... 19<br />

3.2 Terminologia lanţului valoric în sănătate ·····················································································19<br />

3.2.1 Existenţa şi obiectivele lanţului valoric ........................................................................... 20<br />

3.2.2 Relatia cu consumatorii ................................................................................................... 20<br />

3.3 Probleme logistice în interiorul lanţului de distribuţie în sănătate ··············································21<br />

3.4 Provocări ale distribuţiei pe piaţa sănătăţii din Europa ·······························································22<br />

3.4.1 Concepte de bază pentru provocările din canalul distribuţiei............................................ 22<br />

3.4.2 Reforme potenţiale al reţelei de aprovizionare ................................................................. 22<br />

3.4.3 Structuri ale analizei muncii ........................................................................................... 23<br />

3.4.4 Reglementări europene şi trendinţe ................................................................................. 23<br />

3.4.5 Scopul şi principiile strategiei europene în domeniul farmaceutic .................................... 23<br />

3.5 Reşeaua de distribuţie şi simulări ··································································································24<br />

3.5.1 Distribuţia în mediul micro şi macroeconomic ................................................................ 24<br />

3.5.2 Logistica distribuţiei........................................................................................................ 25<br />

3.5.3 Costuri de logistică ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26<br />

3.6 Condiţii de bază şi tendinţe de dezvoltare pe întreg globul ·························································26<br />

3.7 Concluzii despre provocări ale distribuţiei în Europa···································································26<br />

CAPITOLUL 4 - NOI CONCEPTE ÎN MARKETINGUL FARMACEUTIC............................. 27<br />

4.1 Mixul de marketing farmaceutic ····································································································27<br />

4.2 Aplicarea analizei cost beneficiu şi a eficienţei costurilor în domeniul farmaceutic··················28<br />

4.3 Marketing social……………………………………………………………………… 28<br />

4.4 Forţe de influenţă în marketingul farmaceutic ·············································································29<br />

4.5 Opportunităţile limitate de produs în domeniul farmaceutic ·······················································30<br />


5.1 Evaluarea costului ca bază pentru modelele noi ale distribuţiei ·················································31<br />

5.2 Natura şi evaluarea costurilor în sănătate ······················································································33<br />



DISTRIBUŢIEI PE PIEŢA FARMACEUTICĂ DIN GERMANIA............................................. 33<br />

6.1 Conceperea chestionarului·············································································································.33<br />

6.2 Evaluarea şi interpretarea··············································································································. 34<br />

6.2.1 Schimbări de sistem implicatii ale reducerii costurilor..................................................... 34<br />

6.2.2 Deschiderea pentru schimbări în canalul de distribuţie al întreprinderilor ........................ 34<br />

6.2.3 Cum sunt cotaţi factorii de influenţă ai costurilor?........................................................... 35<br />

6.2.4 Structura fizică şi controlul lanţului de aprovizionare ...................................................... 35<br />

6.2.5 Echipamentul depozitelor centrale de naţionale şi/sau europene ...................................... 36<br />

6.2.6 Trendinţe în procesul de externalizare ............................................................................. 36<br />

6.2.7 Colaborări în lanţul de aprovizionare............................................................................... 36<br />

6.3 Aşteptări şi deschidere pentru noile modele din sectorul farmaceutic·········································36<br />

6.4 Rezultate cheie ale studiului empiric ·····························································································37<br />

6.5 Interpretarea trendurilor cheie – pe baza rezultatelor studiului empiric······································38<br />

CONCLUZII ŞI CONTRIBUŢII PERSONALE ........................................................................... 39<br />

LSTA FIGURILOR ........................................................................................................................ 41<br />

BIBLIOGRAFIA............................................................................................................................. 43<br />



The pharmacy market undergoes dramatic changes. One of the key questions within this changing<br />

environment is to determine what products should be manufactured offshore and if in which way.<br />

When deciding the most appropriate products to manufacture offshore, products in the mature phase<br />

of their lifecycles are obvious candidates. The shift offshore presents less Intellectual Property IP<br />

(IP) risk as it has largely been depreciated, and improves the product line’s competitive positioning<br />

as costs are lowered. Taking into consideration the increasing wealth in China and other Asian<br />

countries this growth will continue and be therefore stronger than other industries.<br />

1.1 Increasing healthcare costs across the world<br />

Employers across the United States are grappling with continually rising healthcare costs, but none<br />

more than manufacturers.<br />

While employers understand what is driving health-care costs upward, there is little they can do<br />

about it. How can they counter government mandates or inflation? And unlike companies in<br />

industries such as banks or professional services, unionized manufacturers do not have the option of<br />

passing along the rising costs to employees. But there is a way to bring down drug and hospital costs,<br />

keep health-care provider costs in balance and manage demand. 1<br />

1.1.1 Health Care costs are a severe business problem<br />

1 see ABDA bzw. Instituts für Handelsforschung in Köln 2004<br />


The experience showed that too many companies treat the problem of soaring health-care costs as a<br />

benefits problem rather than a business problem.<br />

A perfect example recently appeared in The Wall Street Journal. After spending a year devising<br />

ways to reduce health-care costs, an executive with a major automotive manufacturer remarked that<br />

“the solution wouldn’t come any time soon.” Would shrinking market share be treated soglibly?<br />

Would declining revenues or profits provoke such a cavalier response?<br />

1.1.2 Opt-Out Incentives<br />

In millions of working families across the United States, both husband and wife are eligible for<br />

health coverage. Each of these families represents a potential savings for one employer. But how<br />

does Company A make Company B’s health plan more attractive? Leading companies are answering<br />

this with novel strategies that influence employees’ coverage elections.<br />

One solution is simply to require working spouses to use their own employer’s health-care programs.<br />

1.1.3 Manage Supplier Performance<br />

Supplier management never stops. The cycle begins with the contract and continues with monitoring<br />

performance, enforcing guarantees and resolving problems; then it begins all over again. In our<br />

experience, strong performance guarantees that focus on the right metrics will generate higher levels<br />

of satisfaction among employers and employees. At the same time, performance guarantees assure<br />

that companies do not lose substantial sums through financial or procedural inaccuracies.<br />

Companies can be considerably more aggressive in negotiating guarantees by implementing an atrisk<br />

compensation strategy, in which the provider places a %age of administrative service fees paid<br />

to the benefits administrator at risk. Following an acquisition, the company decided it was a good<br />

time to address performance issues with one of its key health-plan providers.<br />

1.1.4 Disease Management options<br />

The top-five chronic diseases in the United States—cardiovascular disease and stroke, cancer,<br />

diabetes, obesity and asthma—are responsible for approximately 75% of health-care costs, according<br />

to the DHHS. In many cases, patient behaviour contributes to the disorder and can just as effectively<br />

contribute to the recovery.<br />

Disease-management services can be divided into three phases:<br />

− Phase one aims to keep employees healthy through education and behaviour modification.<br />

− Phase two tries to slow or reverse the progress of chronic conditions, and the third phase focuses<br />

on managing acute episodes.<br />

Strong efforts in phase one will result in huge cost savings in phases two and three. The key to costeffective<br />

disease management is selecting the right service provider<br />


1.2 Pharmaceutical Market Analysis<br />

While looking deeper into the data of the different therapeutic areas it is absolutely important to<br />

manifest where the most research is being conducted and where the highest need for the patients<br />

exists.<br />

1.2.1 Major therapeutic areas<br />

The central therapeutic areas being Cardiovascular and CNS, which are rising in significance.<br />

Cardiovascular drugs include cholesterol-lowering agents<br />

Central nervous system (an area that remains poorly understood in medical terms) recently<br />

driven by the emergence of important drugs for treating mental illnesses such as depression<br />

and schizophrenia<br />

Anti-infectives (predominantly antibiotics) retain high importance, despite the age of many of<br />

the key products<br />

Gastrointestinal treatment showed a strong growth, most significantly those for ulcers and<br />

acid reflux<br />

Respiratory treatments stagnating<br />

Especially Cardiovascular will be the number one syndrome in future where pharmaceutical<br />

companies put a lot of energy in.<br />

1.2.2 Ten companies dominate the worldwide pharmaceutical market<br />

Two major trends are being viewed within the last years. On the hand side the big companies are<br />

getting even bigger and increase their market shares by either internal growth or external growth via<br />

acquisitions. Around 45% of the worldwide sales are being made by the 10 leading companies listed<br />

below 2 and half of them are coming from the US based market. These companies are looking for<br />

further synergies and the expectation is that further acquisitions in the coming years will increase<br />

their market share even more. Small companies will struggle in this enormous competition for<br />

innovative drugs and efficient cost bases.<br />

Despite a decade of mergers, the research-driven industry remains highly fragmented<br />

The largest 5 players have together less than 30% market share<br />

This will change as part of the concentration process in the world within the next years dramatically.<br />

1.2.3 The US market as the most lucrative market<br />

As follows the markets should be analyzed based on the key facts.<br />

North America<br />

– North America has the least restrictions, larger funding and higher R&D investment than<br />

European and Asian countries; growth is expected to continue<br />

2 Analysis of 2009 annual released reports (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pharmaceutical_companies)<br />


– Companies in the US show increasing export sales. The ban on drug imports from Canada is<br />

believed to have resulted in windfall profits of $150 billion for the US pharma industry<br />

– Saturation in the North American market has led all pharmaceutical companies to focus on the<br />

EU market<br />

Europe<br />

– European market influenced by restrictions on pricing and profits of pharmaceutical<br />

companies: the market has been affected by the new refund list, cuts in regulated drug prices,<br />

growing market competition, and tax cuts<br />

– Poland expected to be one of Europe's most attractive drug markets<br />

Rest of World / Asia<br />

– Companies in Asian countries are mainly focusing on generic and biogeneric drugs<br />

– Only a few Asian companies are entering the US market<br />

– India is regarded as a major outsourcing hub for pharmaceutical research and clinical tests<br />

– Chinese market is growing at double-digit rates and within a decade is likely to be the world's<br />

third largest, after the US and Japan<br />

1.2.4 Blockbuster drugs are dominating the market<br />

The pharmaceutical companies are looking for blockbusters to increase their sales situation overall.<br />

Blockbuster drugs continue to dominate the market worldwide and this trend will definitely increase<br />

over time. Specifically the impact of persons increasing their life expectancy contributes to the<br />

above sales increase forecast. The fact that the pharmaceutical industry especially invests in areas<br />

where high return of investments are being seen, the more they look at the drivers where profits can<br />

be generated as cardiovascular and Oncology. The growth rates and blockbuster successes can only<br />

continue, if the investments are being done in the right categories.<br />

1.2.5 Pharmaceutical growth<br />

Health care costs are rising across the world – since all countries are facing the same challenges and<br />

problems. Especially when you compare this development with the GDP it is obvious that the health<br />

care costs are increasing intensively and the governments have to find ways of financing these<br />

additional costs. Looking now at Romania especially the situation is as follows:<br />


Source: World bank indicators 2009<br />

Figure 1: Romania – Health expenditure; Total (% of GDP)<br />

This page includes a chart with historical data for Health expenditure; total (% of GDP) in Romania.<br />

Romania is an upper-middle income economy. In recent years, domestic consumption and foreign<br />

direct investments have been stimulating Romania's GDP growth.<br />

1.3 Health Care market<br />

The health care market is growing intensively across the world. Maintaining and recreation health is<br />

one of the major functions of the public financed health care system. The health care market is not<br />

consistently defined, but it comprises all products and methods, which are in some way characterized<br />

by prevention, diagnosis, and post operative treatment.<br />

1.3.1 Expenses increase within the pharmaceutical sector<br />

Research, development, production and marketing are subject to safety and regulation requirements<br />

and are therefore regulated by the state. For the pharmaceutical manufacturers this Pharmaceuticals<br />

account already for 50% 3 of the world’s greatest market the telecommunication market. Both<br />

industries are still growing intensively.<br />

Having analyzed the global trends of course the view in the rest of the world has to be made by<br />

country. In nearly every country the spending has increased.<br />

Therefore the trend to reduce pharmaceutical expenses to reduce governmental budgets is the same<br />

intention in all industrialized countries 4 . A huge factor for this deviation is the fact that<br />

pharmaceutical prices vary significantly around the world – moreover as expressed before the GDP<br />

and personal income of the inhabitants vary also and contribute to the above significant difference in<br />

absolute spending.<br />

1.3.2. Sales share across the major regions throughout the world<br />

Sales share across the major regions throughout the world are increasing significantly with shares of<br />

more than 5%. The impact per country, especially in the context of financing these additional<br />

expenses will be a tough burden for all countries world-wide.<br />

1.3.3 Health Care expenditure growth across the countries<br />

The following factors contribute to the fact that the pharmaceutical sales are increasing presently and<br />

will probably increase in the next years as well in the same style: roughly one additional year has<br />

been added to life expectancy at birth every five years since 1965; baby boomers will turn 65 form<br />

2010 onwards; Healthcare expenditures fore people 65+ are estimated to be nearly 4 times those of<br />

people under 65<br />

3 IMS Deutsche Bank research 2004, PWG<br />

4 OECD Data analysis 2005<br />


Market penetration: More rapid broad penetration of markets: seeking as many medical indications<br />

for a drug as possible, better marketing of products.<br />

Innovation: Increasing number of targets for drug interaction<br />

In terms of Health care budgets Pharmaceutical companies represent a very cost-effective means for<br />

governments or insurance companies to contain the healthcare costs of an ageing population.<br />

1.4 Major pharmaceutical protagonists<br />

To be able to understand the characteristics of this market the major participants will be analyzed<br />

below. The focus will be put on finished pharmaceutical goods – services offered, therapies and<br />

further utilities and hospital processes will not be covered. Below a short summary, covering the<br />

main stakeholders of the pharmaceutical process chain:<br />

Key Stakeholders within the pharmaceutical sector<br />

Key<br />

Participants<br />

Government/<br />

regulation<br />

(1) HMO = Health Maintenance Organization;<br />

(2) PBM = Pharmacy Benefits Management<br />

Health<br />

insurance,<br />

HMOs 1)<br />

Physicians<br />

Clinics &<br />

rehabs<br />

Pharmaceutical<br />

companies<br />

Pharmacies<br />

&<br />

PBMs 2)<br />

Medical<br />

devices<br />

ource: Fourth Report of Session 2004-05, Volume 2<br />

Figure 2: The influence of the key stakeholders within the pharmaceutical industry<br />

Patients<br />

These key participants are key protagonists for the upcoming changes. Especially pharmaceutical<br />

companies try to increase their influence.<br />

1.4.1 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing – Start of the process chain<br />

In Germany around 1.100 companies are registered as “Pharmaceutical enterprise”. Looking at<br />

pharmaceutical manufacturers there are 4 main forms to be differentiated between:<br />

• Companies carrying out fundamental research<br />

• Companies researching in narrow therapeutic areas<br />

• Companies who are looking for the further development of already existing actives, but do<br />

not maintain any basic research<br />

• Companies without own R&D, who are only giving patent expired products a new name and<br />

market them under their own name in the form of generic products<br />

S<br />


All the above mentioned companies are on the one hand in a tough competition under a free<br />

enterprise system with the intention to maximize their profits<br />

1.4.2 The physician – intermediate within the centre of interests<br />

The physicians are the key partner for the industry, since their prescriptions are the base for their<br />

sales. They are the opinion leaders making the decisions concerning kind, frequency and intensity of<br />

the medicine being prescribed. The patient has to rely on the judgement of the doctor and takes the<br />

recommended product. But the freedom of the doctor is reduced by the health insurance funds, who<br />

limit him by giving a financial budget for his prescriptions. It can therefore be stated that the<br />

autonomy of decision making is limited significantly and this process will continue in the future.<br />

1.4.3 Pharmaceutical wholesalers<br />

Wholesalers have the function of the physical distribution of the pharmaceutical products. In<br />

Germany most pharmacists receive between 1 and 5 deliveries per day. The trend in most countries<br />

is towards only one delivery per day to reduce the costs incurred at wholesaler level, since margins<br />

were reduced significantly as part of national healthcare reforms. To increase their power<br />

wholesalers are trying to expand especially into Eastern Europe. Germany’s largest wholesaler<br />

Celesio has reached agreement with the Slovenian manufacturer Lek to acquire its stakes.<br />

Furthermore they prepare to buy stakes of Kemofamacija which has 2 subsidiaries Unipharm and<br />

Pharmafarm in Croatia and Romania respectively. The plan is to build up a pan- European network<br />

involved in wholesale, logistics and Marketing.<br />

The pharmaceutical wholesaler landscape will tremendously change within the next years. Some key<br />

points are the base for the analysis below. Key trends will be analyzed deeper over the next<br />

chapters. Clearly the forward integration of wholesalers plays a major role in this trend.<br />

1.4.4 Pharmacists and the portfolio of a pharmacy<br />

The classical pharmacist’s function exists already since the 13th century in Europe. Pharmacists had<br />

the right to produce pharmaceutical products and the physician was responsible for the therapy and<br />

the diagnosis. This principle of mutual supervision prosecutes the legislator till today 5 . The<br />

pharmacist has two main functions which are supply of products and a consulting function.<br />

Based on a small sample the following analysis was conducted in Germany. RX products are<br />

identical in price – nevertheless OTC products can be sold at any price and are not related to a fixed<br />

price regulation policy – the drug price ordinance. Therefore two major components have to be<br />

analyzed when comparing the portfolio being offered by pharmacists: Consultancy and the perceived<br />

price level.<br />

5 Gaude, W. 1986; p. 13<br />



Markets for pharmaceutical products differ from markets for consumer goods to their high level of<br />

regulation. Some of these regulations are an absolute imperative to ensure public health. But other<br />

regulations are the consequence of inefficient structures within the whole health sector.<br />

2.1 The structure of pharmaceutical markets<br />

Pharmaceutical products are different consumption goods for several reasons. From a theoretical<br />

perspective the question lays on the table what the background for merger waves is. As stated by<br />

Brealy and Myers 6 , merger waves are one of the ten unsolved puzzles in economics and finance. At<br />

present, there is not an accepted theory that can simultaneously explain why firms merge, what are<br />

the characteristics of merging firms and, more importantly, what are the effects of these operations<br />

on firms performance.<br />

Among the many limitations of these empirical works, three are worth to point out. First, recent<br />

findings show the existence of industry clustering in merger activity (Andrade, Mitchel and Stanford,<br />

2001). This suggests that the use of cross-industry data might be responsible for the inconclusiveness<br />

of previous studies and calls for an analysis that is based on a well-defined industry. Second,<br />

although there is a vast literature studying the short-run effects of Merger and acquisition firms,<br />

prices, products and market value, little attention has been devoted to the long-run assessment of<br />

dynamic efficiency. The traditional static analysis of the effects of mergers on firms, market power<br />

and efficiency shows some important limitations when applied to those R&D intensive industries<br />

where both margins and costs are largely determined by innovation. Finally, there has been little<br />

effort to link the ex-post effects of mergers to the ex-ante observable characteristics of merging<br />

firms. But it is likely that the degree of successful of a merger depends largely on these<br />

characteristics.<br />

2.2 Measures affecting prices internationally<br />

Which measures affect the price? Price authorities generally face difficulties whether the launch<br />

price set by a manufacturer is appropriate or not. The more it needs to be justified in how far<br />

measures are in place and how prices are being affected?<br />

A small but affluent country is especially at risk of being exploited by the drug manufacturer who<br />

may charge more to that small country, than to a country with a comparable GDP per capita but a<br />

much higher population. Many countries are taking into account the prices charged in other countries<br />

when negotiating an appropriate launch price of a new drug. International price comparisons are also<br />

6 Brealy and Myers 2003<br />


made when a government wishes to re-evaluate the price of a drug after it has been on sale for a<br />

while. These strategies apply to branded and patented drugs and branded off patent drugs.<br />

2.3 Types of intervention in pharmaceutical markets<br />

For a variety of reasons governments are intervening in the health care market – the most frequent<br />

reasons are the following:<br />

A) Concern over monopolistic pricing<br />

Patented pharmaceuticals do not face any direct competition - that is the reason why many<br />

governments fear that this apparent monopolistic situation will be exploited. Moreover neither<br />

prescribing physicians nor patients have any incentive to act in a price sensitive manner, since<br />

someone else is obviously paying the bill. The purchasing decision lies however solely in the hands<br />

of the physician and the patient. Governments believe that the prices charged by pharmaceutical<br />

companies are negatively correlated with co payment rates of consumers. Price interventions are<br />

therefore regarded as a legitimate way to induce market like prices.<br />

B) Concern over excessive demand & expenditures<br />

A patient rationally acting buys a product as long as marginal costs do not exceed marginal utility.<br />

Marginal costs to the patient are only a minor proportion of marginal costs to society. A patient may<br />

therefore require a produce whose marginal utility exceeds his marginal costs (co-payment) but not<br />

the marginal costs to society. The physician who wishes to maintain his business relation with that<br />

customer will readily prescribe the product. Prescription guidelines are a common tool used to<br />

impede uneconomical prescriptions.<br />

Concerns over excessive expenditures are typical for countries with a tax funded NHS system. In<br />

order to procure added funds for the health sector such governments can only: increase taxes,<br />

increase indebtedness, cut expenditures in other sectors.<br />

Increasing taxes or indebtedness negatively influences the attractiveness of that country for investors<br />

and its long term economic growth expectancies. Cutting costs in other government sectors will<br />

generally meet resistance in the affected departments and is difficult to implement. Therefore<br />

healthcare and pharmaceutical budgets are generally the response used by these governments.<br />

C) Concern over equity and access<br />

Some diseases that can be cured by the pharmaceuticals have a significant impact on society. The<br />

most recent examples in history are the therapies found to combat HIV that can be expected the<br />

productive lifetime of affected patients by years or even decades. Governments may intervene in the<br />

pharmaceutical markets to make such products as available as needed on a socially equitable basis.<br />

Concerns over excessive pricing, prescribing and spending have led all western governments to<br />

implement cost containment strategies. Cost containment strategies may either apply to the<br />

reimbursement price the overall volume consumed or to overall spending on pharmaceuticals.<br />

2.4 Concentration process within the pharmaceutical field force environment<br />


The pharmaceutical industry is undergoing a fundamental transformation. Unprecedented<br />

competition, diminishing margins, public scrutiny, and ever increasing regulation now characterize<br />

the industry 7 . As a response to the changing dynamics of the business, particularly heightened<br />

competition, many pharmaceutical firms have radically increased the size of their sales forces. The<br />

underlying assumption is the existence of a direct correlation between sales force size and market<br />

share. This widely held belief that the bigger the sales force, the bigger the market share, has long<br />

dominated pharmaceutical sales and marketing strategy. But now, with the sharp rise in the number<br />

of sales representatives and significant changes in the work environment of most physicians, the<br />

logic has to be questioned. Physicians today are facing a rapidly changing work environment<br />

characterized by strict reimbursement policies, extensive budget pressures, and a shortage in<br />

qualified personnel. As a result, their workload has increased significantly. Pharmaceutical firms'<br />

efforts to throw an increasing number of sales representatives at the physicians make the situation<br />

even worse. Many physicians, especially the top prescribes, feel under constant assault. They also<br />

perceive that sales representatives do not provide the necessary information and their knowledge is<br />

often limited to the sales pitches devised by marketers at corporate headquarters. As a result,<br />

physicians have started to limit the number of sales representatives they admit each day 8 . Under<br />

these circumstances, it becomes increasingly difficult for sales representatives to get an opportunity<br />

to speak with a physician.<br />

2.5 Concentration process within the wholesale sector<br />

Pharmaceutical-wholesale industry, and their control over the market is drawing the attention of<br />

lawmakers, the scrutiny of regulators and the wrath of smaller rivals who intensively watch the<br />

market developments and the concentration process within the big wholesalers, whose market share<br />

is increasing over the last years and the potential of new logistic models.<br />

The transition from a central planning to a market economy in Central and Eastern European<br />

countries has led to major and rapid changes in society. Democratic liberalization has empowered<br />

citizens through basic rights, freedom and the development of civil society rights. Economic<br />

liberalization has bought the promise of improved living standards and granted individuals increased<br />

choice in consumption, education, health and employment. The changing norms and values of<br />

society are moving towards Western European ideas and standards. The changing economic<br />

framework and income expectations of health care professionals were the major driving factors for<br />

health financing reforms. All health care financing reforms in CE countries are in the mainstream of<br />

the European tradition, which includes the ideas of solidarity, universal coverage and active health<br />

policies. The CE countries shifted from a strong hierarchical Semashko model to a more regulated<br />

market model.<br />

7 e.g. Puschmann et al. 2002<br />

8 i.e. Elling et al. 2002, 89<br />


The new system being developed right now encompasses the influence of western European<br />

marketing models. The effects western countries are facing apply to Eastern countries as well – only<br />

the magnitude differs. But within the next two to five years the same challenges will be faced – for<br />

that reason are the changes being discussed relevant for the East European markets as well.<br />

Health care financing has been an important topic on the political agenda worldwide in recent<br />

decades. For every government it is a subject of continuous concern that costs of health services are<br />

increasing. Health care costs form a substantial burden of the national economy. Every government<br />

is eager to keep this burden as low as possible by implementing cost containment policies. Due to<br />

these severe reductions the financial pressure on pharmaceutical companies is increasing worldwide.<br />

New marketing concepts are being looked for, in order to survive in an intensive competition to<br />

sustain or increase market shares at the cost of competitors. Only the innovative companies with<br />

new, flexible and creative concepts are able to master the increasing challenges all companies are<br />

facing.<br />



The goal of this section is to analyze a large segment of the health care industry that is getting more<br />

and more attention within the academic world – the health care value chain. What does this term in<br />

detail contain? Trading relationships are being analyzed between producers (manufacturers) of health<br />

care products, purchasers of these products (wholesalers, distributors) and health care providers<br />

(hospital customers) that are the end users of these products.<br />

3.1 Characteristics of pharmaceutical distribution<br />

The following analysis is more strategic than operational. The goal is to understand the bases of<br />

cooperation and competition along the value chain, the sources of efficiency in contracting between<br />

suppliers and providers and the emerging best practises and strategic alliances along the value chain.<br />

3.1.1 The wholesaling reimbursement system is "fundamentally weak”<br />

New industry studies see a transition to fee-for-service relationships between manufacturers and<br />

distributors. Furthermore the pace in which wholesalers are running is and has to increase<br />

significantly in future to stay in place. Health care distributors have had phenomenal organic growth<br />

relative to almost any other distribution industry being tracked and analyzed. This has been driven by<br />

growth in end-use consumption, growth in the product prices, and growth in distribution's share of<br />

the channel. Health care distributors now handle the majority of overall market consumption in the<br />

health care supply chain. In fact, their aggregate share of channel volume is up dramatically over the<br />


past 25 years. Alternative channels have not been as much of a threat here compared to retail and<br />

technology channels.<br />

3.1.2 “Specialty" pharmaceutical distribution<br />

Especially with regard to biopharmaceuticals this business is different from traditional<br />

pharmaceutical distribution. A crucial difference between conventional drugs and new<br />

biopharmaceuticals have created wholly distinct marketing and distribution channels, leaving<br />

incumbent wholesalers poorly positioned in the commercialization of new biotechnologies.<br />

Pharmaceutical manufacturers have found themselves ill-equipped to deal with the new sales and<br />

marketing challenges, leading to broken alliances and even litigation between former alliance<br />

partners. Traditional wholesalers, busy pursuing scale economies through consolidation, ignored the<br />

opportunity to take a leadership position in the fast growing, higher margin business of bringing<br />

biopharmaceuticals to market. Today, biopharmaceutical manufacturers rely on the support of the<br />

new channels to remain focused on research and free of burdensome alliances. Operating margins for<br />

specialty distributors are four to five times as large as traditional pharmaceutical wholesalers due in<br />

large part to their many value-added services within the health care system.<br />

3.1.3 Technological changes<br />

The bar-code/electronic product code/RFID movement is changing a lot of business practices in<br />

pharmaceutical distribution. How is this going to play out in the pharmaceutical field? Are<br />

distributors in the lead position in adapting to this, or are they simply following the instructions of<br />

the manufacturers?<br />

The customer is driving most change in the supply chain right now. Wholesalers with ties to buyers<br />

are experimenting with RFID [radio-frequency identification], such as Wal-Mart and the Department<br />

of Defence, are actively assessing the potential impact and getting ready for implementation.<br />

3.2 Terminology of Health care chain<br />

The term value chain was popularized by Michael Porter among academic circles – he means<br />

herewith the entire production chain from the input of the raw materials to the output of the final<br />

product consumed by the end users 9 . The chain is called a value chain because each link in the chain<br />

adds some value to the original inputs.<br />

Within the industry the term supply chain tends to be used more frequently than value chain. A<br />

supply chain is a virtual network that facilitates the movement of a product from its earliest point of<br />

production through packaging and distribution up to the ultimate point of consumption 10 . The supply<br />

chain is thus the path travelled by the product, each stop along that path defines a link in the supply<br />

chain. A marketing term forming the strategic goal from push to pull can be seen in this environment<br />

9 Enzyklopedie – in vierundzwanzig Bänden, neunter Band GOT – HERP, 19. völlig überarbeitete Auflage, 1989<br />

Mannheim, p.445<br />

10 Wöhe, G. (2002): Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschafts, 21.neubearbeitete Aufl., München 2002<br />


as well. Supply chain networks may operate to both “push” manufactured products through the<br />

chains using intensive field force activities and promotional campaigns, and “pull” products through<br />

the chain to continually replenish retailers inventories and meet customer demands.<br />

The “push model” is thereby characterized through manufacturers who promote and sell as much<br />

product as they can to the consumers. According to the “pull model” customers’ demand products<br />

from the preceding link in the chain. Those vendors then become responsible to manage the<br />

customer’s inventories.<br />

3.2.1 Existence and objectives of a value chain<br />

Supply chains exist because there is little vertical integration of manufacturers into the distribution<br />

and delivery of their products up to the end customer. Vertical integration is so far relatively low,<br />

since manufacturers believe that the costs of transacting with the marketplace for distribution and<br />

delivery are much less than the costs of attempting to take distribution in-house and coordinating all<br />

of these changes using hierarchical means. And this is the major reason why manufacturers believe<br />

that it is cheaper for them to buy distribution services from product wholesalers in the marketplace<br />

rather than make distribution services in-house. Consequently, manufacturers have elected not to<br />

enter the distribution business but rather let specialist firms produce these services for them.<br />

After having described the details of the value chain the questions arises what the objectives of a<br />

value chain are. Attached a comprised overview of the major objectives:<br />

Optimizing the overall activities of firms working together to create bundles of goods and services.<br />

Managing and coordinating the whole chain from raw material suppliers to end customers rather than<br />

focusing the interests of one player<br />

Developing highly competitive chains and positive outcomes for all firms involved. The goal is<br />

establishing a portfolio approach to work with suppliers and customers, deciding which players to<br />

work with most closely and establishing the processes and information technology (IT) infrastructure<br />

to support these relationships 11 . Value chains are supposed to be collaborative partnerships between<br />

players engaged in economic exchange.<br />

3.2.2 Relationship with Consumers<br />

What the consumers need, and how they get it, are some of the questions that guide the wholesaler in<br />

providing the service. Effectively, the retailer shapes his service and image in the manner that<br />

responds to consumer needs. This is because consumer places value on the retail experience, and not<br />

just on the product he purchases. While price is an important decision factor, the shopping<br />

experience in itself could significantly affect purchasing behaviour. Some individuals may prefer a<br />

particular geographic location, or put a high value in stores with large product portfolios, or simply<br />

go for stores that provide the best retail service (like fast movement in the queue, properly ventilated<br />

11 Sterzel, A. (2002): Deregulierung des Arzneimittelvertriebs in Deutschland –<br />

Versandapotheken als Reformoption? – Eine ökonomische Analyse, Berlin 2002<br />


stores, and credit card acceptance even for small purchases). It is very rare that shoppers would visit<br />

a retailer on a purely lowest price service. For this reason, retail competition not just takes place on<br />

the pricing aspect, but also on non-price dimension. 12<br />

Non-price dimension, from the consumer’s viewpoint, can come in the form of: convenience,<br />

product range/ selection, quality, cleanliness of retail outlet, friendly staff, convenient operating<br />

hours, store design and atmosphere.<br />

Retailer image and advertising are the other factors that affect consumer relationship. In most cases,<br />

the image is built through the products the outlet carries, the store design, and quality of retailer<br />

service.<br />

3.3 Logistic problems within the health care distribution chain<br />

Product demand is heavily based on the clinical preference of the physician but not based on a<br />

formal cost-benefit analysis or budgetary constraint.<br />

Professional training in procurement and logistics has never been a hallmark among providers, given<br />

the prominent role of clinicians and their preference for branded items 13.<br />

Despite of all consolidation processes taking place the industries along the value chain are still very<br />

fragmented with no clear leadership at any stage. The fragmentation complicates therefore the<br />

difficult task of connecting thousands of different parties involved at each stage of the value chain,<br />

standardizing the ordering process formats and the content of business transactions.<br />

Providers have historically made their technological investments rather in patient care than in<br />

information systems and infrastructure.<br />

As a consequence of the mentioned factors above the health care sector has been rather slow in<br />

changes. The health care industry is often being analyzed via porter’s 5 forces model, which<br />

emphasizes competitive rivalry, supplier and customer bargaining power and the threat of product<br />

substitutes and new entrants to industry. Having analyzed this chain the question arises who the real<br />

customer is. Given the complexity of the flows of the value chain it is evident that there are multiple<br />

customers in the value chain. Hospitals, health care systems and nursing homes are institutionally<br />

based customers – within these institutions there are multiple customers who are directly or<br />

indirectly responsible for the product ordering 14 .<br />

Based on the ordering process the role of the wholesalers and distributors is classified as following.<br />

Wholesalers are independently owned and operated intermediaries in the distribution channel. As<br />

independent intermediaries they also operate their own warehouses for product inventories.<br />

12<br />

Raff, Daniel M. (2003):’The Wholesale and Retail Trade in the United States’, The Wharton School<br />

University of Pennsylvania , Reginald H. Jones Centre Working Paper WP 2003-07<br />

13<br />

Schöffski, O. (1995): Die Regulierung des deutschen Apothekenwesens - Eine<br />

ökonomische Analyse, Baden-Baden 1995<br />

14<br />

Pfohl, H.-C. (2004a): Logistikmanagement: Konzeption und Funktion, 2. überarbeitete und<br />

erweiterte Aufl., Berlin et al. 2004<br />


Wholesalers are firms that sell products to another intermediary. The typical case is that a<br />

pharmaceutical wholesaler purchases drugs from a manufacturer and resells them to a pharmacy,<br />

which in turn sells them to the end customer directly. The basic function of distributor is therefore to<br />

satisfy customer needs and to match supply and demand.<br />

3.4 Distribution challenges within the health care market in Europe<br />

Into the structures of the German medicament distribution significant movement has been coming<br />

within the recent years. Mainly the apparently inexorably rising expenditures of the health insurance<br />

companies for medicaments force the legislator to measures, which are intended to limit the<br />

increasing costs in this sector in a long-term basis.<br />

3.4.1 Background of the distribution challenges<br />

These efforts are executed in the light of the background of an increasing average age and an<br />

associated increase usage of medicaments – especially for people in the ages above 65 years. The<br />

permission of the internet pharmacies, the abolition of reference prices and the existence of<br />

pharmacy chains has taken place recently. Application of fixed prices for certain products and the<br />

permission of small chains represent thereby only the beginning of the changes within a former very<br />

regulated market. The mentioned changes will affect substantially the health care system in the<br />

European countries.<br />

Moreover stores or supermarkets attached pharmacies for the near future are quite conceivable. The<br />

question arises which consequences will have these modifications for the health care system 15. And<br />

how they are viewed by the fact that an increasing part of the population is dependent due to<br />

advanced age, increasing immobility and the need of a surface covering supply to evaluate?<br />

3.4.2 Potential reforms of the supply network<br />

In the media and the relevant literature completely different opinions are being expressed concerning<br />

further reforms on the supply network. Certain market studies and strategy papers are based on a<br />

long-term reduction of the pharmacy numbers of up to 30%. Usually these statements are based on<br />

expectations of market participants being questioned via market research. A goal of this paper is to<br />

examine a model which is based on mathematical relations how future reforms and changes affect<br />

the pharmacy net in Germany and Europe. Since the changes are actually happening simultaneously<br />

across the countries the same effects and impacts are being discussed.<br />

3.4.3 Structure of the work analysis<br />

The focus lies apart from the definition on the impact of the medicament distribution. In addition the<br />

initial position and foreseeable developments are described and analyzed. Special attention is put on<br />

the commercial stages. A view in the order-political context of the medicament trade follows. The<br />

third subsection is concerned with the economic situation of the pharmacy and wholesale level under<br />

15 Kotler, P. et al. (2003): Grundlagen des Marketing, 3. überarbeitete Aufl., München 2003<br />


the influence of the political conditions. The structure of the model and its variants are described on<br />

the basis of the model in this segment. The following section determines the premises and the<br />

acceptance which can be met regarding the model and the regarded market. The used parameters,<br />

their sources and data, are stated in detail. In addition the description of the used simulation area,<br />

economical characteristic numbers and the regulation of two parameters critical for the model results<br />

are being validated. The model validates the conclusion, by means of one confrontation of results of<br />

the two model variants.<br />

Constructing on the bases a scenario is simulated and their results are being analyzed. Thereby the<br />

determination of effect strength and effect tendencies is certainly the centre of attention, which the<br />

direct consequences of a certain development (e.g. a rising market share of the dispatch pharmacies<br />

or a trade profit margin sinking by increasing competition) represent. This places a payment in<br />

advance for the development of the total scenarios 16 .<br />

3.4.4 European regulations and trends<br />

As already pointed out within the European countries different trends can be analyzed. Therefore the<br />

European perspective of the pharmaceutical forum and working group on pricing will be analyzed<br />

and described below.<br />

The overall goal is to ensure that more competitive and dynamic markets are put into place.<br />

Innovations and forward oriented market mechanisms should be supported and rewarded across the<br />

member states.<br />

3.4.5 Goal and Principles of the European pharmaceutical strategy<br />

The goal of for the European pharmaceutical strategy should be to ensure that every European has<br />

timely access to safe and effective prescription drugs, and that all patients in the member states of the<br />

European Union are deprived of needed prescription drugs because of his or her states inability to<br />

pay for this medication. To achieve this goal the following principles to frame the strategy’s<br />

development, implementation and evaluation are being proposed:<br />

All policy decisions, including drug approval and program coverage, are based on an impartial<br />

review of the best available scientific evidence and on the adoption of best practices nationally and<br />

internationally. All initiatives are carefully assessed in accordance with a comprehensive evaluation<br />

strategy. Pharmaceuticals are evaluated not in isolation but as an integral part of the health system.<br />

Health care providers and health organizations have access to the knowledge and information<br />

necessary to facilitate optimal and appropriate pharmacotherapy.<br />

Appropriate use is made of the knowledge and skills of physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other<br />

health care providers. The decision-making process is open, transparent and accountable, and<br />

16 Gersch, M. (2004):Versandapotheken in Deutschland – Die Geburt einer neuen<br />

Dienstleistung – Wer wird eigentlich der Vater? - in: Marketing Zeitschrift für Forschung<br />


incorporates the active, meaningful participation of patients, health professionals, and other relevant<br />

stakeholders including public and private insurers.<br />

Toward a unified, aligned and prospective oriented European Pharmaceutical Strategy the above<br />

principles, and the following recommendations, apply broadly to any pharmaceutical strategy,<br />

including the nine-point National Pharmaceuticals Strategy (NPS) proposed by governments. The<br />

elements of a comprehensive Canadian pharmaceutical strategy are interdependent and should be<br />

developed concurrently to ensure that the strategy is coherent and holistic. In addition, they should<br />

form part of a broader framework that encourages research and development of new medicines all<br />

across Europe’s Drug Coverage principles.<br />

Coverage should be based on optimal and appropriate standards of treatment for all Europeans. It<br />

should be comparable across the country, minimizing disparities between provinces and territories.<br />

Coverage plans should include coverage for catastrophic drug costs.<br />

As a first step, governments should adopt a common operational definition of “catastrophic”. In<br />

order to find a common formulary the following principles should be adhered to:<br />

Governments should work toward national harmonization of formularies, based on optimal and<br />

appropriate standards of treatment. Decisions regarding inclusion of drugs in formularies should be<br />

based primarily on scientific evidence of their impact on health outcomes, and informed by evidence<br />

regarding their cost-effectiveness.<br />

A process should be in place for allowing patients to access non-formulary agents in cases of<br />

medical necessity.<br />

3.5 Distribution network and simulations<br />

For the classification of the distribution term it is expedient to differentiate in a micro economic and<br />

a macro economic dimension of the expression.<br />

3.5.1 Distribution within the micro and macro economic environment<br />

The macro economic distribution is seen as an economic activity of three branches. Production<br />

covers the range of the goods production, the consumption, the goods consumption for need<br />

satisfaction and the distribution, which represents the link between the two first mentioned ones, is<br />

responsible for the goods transmission and/or the goods conversion. The term of the distribution as a<br />

micro economic term is determined as marketing activities, which concerns the ways of the goods<br />

transmission. From the view of the marketing theory the distribution politics decide the place about<br />

the fourth „P “marketing-mix, the place.<br />

The distribution, or even in the broader sense the selling, has the organization of the product<br />

paragraph on the markets to contents. Two components leave themselves being differentiated: the<br />

acquisition and the physical component. The acquisition stands for the preparation of sales. To it the<br />

determination of the selling ways belongs and their organization. Generally it can be differentiated<br />

between two basic types of selling. Here the enterprise without detour sells directly to the final<br />


consumers and the indirect selling. The latter marketing agents are used, like for example the single<br />

selling agents and the wholesalers. The simplest characteristic of a distribution channel is its length;<br />

it is also determined by the number of stages. All paragraph-intermediate, those to one commercial<br />

level belong to the retail trade, exactly these stages are added. Manufacturers and final users are<br />

regarded in this structure as terminator points. They do not count as own stages, the direct sale<br />

between manufacturers and customers contain no commercial stages. A distribution channel, which<br />

includes gross and retail trade, represents a two-stage channel.<br />

In the special case of the trade with medicaments the freedom of election is reduced concerning the<br />

selling ways. The delivery of pharmacy-requiring medicaments is regulated by the legislator. The<br />

delivery to the patients as their customers may only happen via a pharmacy or professionally via the<br />

physician respectively via a hospital. Thus a zero-stage channel - as the direct paragraph of an<br />

enterprise to the final consumer - is not possible yet. At least one marketing agent must be included<br />

into the delivery of the medicaments. Under normal conditions it includes at least the pharmacist in<br />

his role to distribute the product based on the medicament prescription by the doctor. The physical<br />

component has the distribution of the products and goods up to the place of the final usage 17.<br />

3.5.2 Distribution logistics<br />

With distribution logistics it concerns a market-connected logistic-system. It connects the production<br />

of the enterprise with the demand level. The major task lies in the bypass of temporal, quantitative<br />

and qualitative differences between the goods production and the consumption. Main parameters of<br />

the organization are planning, the execution and control of the achievement processes. Therefore the<br />

physical availability of the products and goods for the customer is located in the centre of the<br />

activities of distribution logistics. One of the most important fields of activity becomes the choice of<br />

location of the distribution storage places, the storekeeping, the job execution, the commissioning<br />

and packing, the goods despatched. Those charge security as well as transport parameters being<br />

encountered. The optimization of the logistics achievement, with the dimensions logistics service<br />

(delivery service) and logistics costs, is the goal of distribution logistics in the special one and<br />

logistics in general. Regarding the market it can be described as follows: It is intended for the use of<br />

the customer„… as good, competitive considering a one as possible use cost relationship of the<br />

goods transfer. “<br />

3.5.3 Logistics costs<br />

The logistics costs represent one of the major components of the logistics achievement, which can be<br />

divided into the following major cost blocks: System costs, Control costs, Storekeeping /inventory<br />

costs, Storage costs, Transport costs.<br />

17 Dambacher, E./Schöffski, O. (2002): Vertriebswege und Vertriebswegeentscheidung, in:<br />

Schöffski, O. (Hrsg.): Pharmabetriebslehre, Berlin et al. 2002, S. 243 – 270<br />


It concerns handling costs with the system costs the costs of the organization, planning and control of<br />

the flow of material as well as the pertinent information flows. Under the control costs one<br />

summarizes the expenditures for planning and controls of certain sub functions, like for example<br />

those for the arrangement or the job execution. Stock program costs cover capital freeze costs of the<br />

reproached materials and products as well as of insurance and devaluations of the existence. The<br />

costs of the supply of storage capacities as well as in and paging procedures in the camp are added to<br />

the storage costs. The transport costs block re-clamps the costs of internal and external<br />

transportation. Under the handling costs the loads for packing, the commissioning and the handling<br />

of the products are being summarized 18.<br />

3.6 Basic conditions and development tendencies around the globe<br />

The health care systems and services in Europe and the US are under constant reform pressure. The<br />

composition of the payers and recipients, the technical progress and the strong load of the social<br />

security systems, new records of unemployment rates require a change of the past system. One of the<br />

recent measures relevant for the topic is the law for the modernization of the legal health insurance<br />

(GMG). It is in effect since January 2004. Part of these legislature changes are among other things<br />

the basic conditions for the medicament distribution and the selling conditions. Small distance trade<br />

with medicaments was now made possible by certified pharmacies as well as the operation of small<br />

chains by an individual pharmacist. In the following the used data originate from the year 2004 and<br />

consider the changed basic conditions and regulations 19 .<br />

3.7 Conclusion concerning distribution challenges in Europe<br />

The substantial consequences of rising expenditures per head, sinking trade profit margins and rising<br />

market shares by mail order pharmacies are indicators for a reduction of pharmacies. On the other<br />

hand it was shown that the existence of multi-possession increases the number of pharmacies.<br />

Therefore both mechanisms have to be monitored in parallel closely to draw a combined result.<br />

Especially the abolition of the multi possession case represents the possibility via stronger<br />

competition to lower fixed costs and to ensure a stable supply at the same time. For these particular<br />

pharmacists the expected changes mean a rising competition pressure, which could endanger<br />

enhance or danger their independence. Altogether the simulations show that also further a certain<br />

stability is to be expected regarding the pharmacy number.<br />

In the long run however it might lead to a market dominance of large pharmacy chains. Individual<br />

pharmacies and the small chains are usually only regionally located and in certain niches. While<br />

specialization on a certain therapeutic areas they can bring in added value and remain to disease<br />

pictures a certain perspective. As consequence of an abolition of multi-possession prohibition is<br />

18 Goeke, C. (2005): Presseinfo 258 - Versandapotheken: Neue Perspektiven<br />

19 Kaapke, A./Hüsgen, U. (2004): Neue Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für die Preispolitik<br />


further a re-organization of the mail order segment. It is expected that the market entrance is<br />

accompanied by large and financially strong multi national companies. After a necessary<br />

standardisation the pharmacy industry might then be consolidated on a new level. From the<br />

circulations mentioned also the wholesale and its logistics are strongly involved. The permission of<br />

pharmacy chains places the wholesale before a dilemma. On the one hand side the conversion<br />

becomes the entrance for the large companies. Chains or other pharmaceutical wholesale dealers<br />

threaten the rest of the market. On the other side the establishment of its own pharmacy chain<br />

becomes a substantial drift for the remaining individual pharmacies lead. A consequence would be<br />

an extent of utilization reduction for existing systems. The logistics share of the cost might in such a<br />

case substantially rise, which could draw again the service level down to a degree that is already<br />

established in Scandinavia and the Eastern European countries. Pharmacies would then only be<br />

delivered once a day by the wholesalers. The cost avoidance for wholesalers would give them the<br />

chance to fight against mail order pharmacies and furthermore limit them in their goal to extent their<br />

business model on the costs of the well established small pharmacies in the market.<br />

The re-organization of the medicament distribution can then be carried out in two steps. A regional<br />

under delivery which is counter measured via rolling pharmacies. Legal basic conditions have to be<br />

created but first analysis shows that this concept is feasible.<br />



Based on the changes discussed above, new marketing concepts have to be worked out in order to<br />

react in line with the developments within the market. Perfect marketing organizations have to take<br />

the following pillars into consideration. All points are related with each other and form a well<br />

operating unit.<br />

4.1 Pharmaceutical marketing mix<br />

For the companies within the pharmaceutical industry the competitive strategy is the base for all<br />

marketing concepts. This strategy was in the past dominated by the development and consequent<br />

introduction of new products. Private and public health care systems were obliged to pay for these<br />

products.<br />

The insurers (public and private health care systems) and patients’ willingness to pay for higher<br />

priced products erode and costs of product research and development reduce financial returns.<br />

Therefore pharmaceutical companies are forced to change their traditional approach and are<br />

beginning to make fundamental competitive changes.<br />


Pharmaceutical companies have to move away from merely focusing on the product itself. One the<br />

hand side the number of product innovations are decreasing and on the other side the magnitude of<br />

product innovations is declining. So called “me too” products (products being a copy of other<br />

products) are increasing in the market. Since the companies have realized that they cannot rely on<br />

their product advantages alone, they have to change their marketing focus.<br />

New focus groups are especially patients, pharmacists and wholesalers - that’s why long term<br />

relationships with customers have to be built up. Closer relationships mean intensive dialogues and<br />

finding out what is the core customer need, where can it be added value better to the patient than<br />

competitors can?<br />

4.2 New concepts in pharmaceutical marketing<br />

Most of the stringent evidence comes from the USA. This is mainly to the fact that pharmaceutical<br />

companies are responding to the changing conditions in the US market.<br />

The US market has been for long times one of the most liberal environment for pricing.<br />

Pharmaceutical companies were able to require a price which was by definition fully reimbursed by<br />

the state. The US market is now moving inexorably towards a managed care market. But there is<br />

overall considerable evidence that pharmaceutical companies in Europe and Japan are also<br />

rethinking their approach to marketing to adjust to a new and unpredictable, competitive<br />

environment.<br />

4.3 Social Marketing<br />

Most of the concepts being described apply to all industries and are therefore relevant from a<br />

marketing perspective. One central feature is different to other concepts, since pharmaceuticals are<br />

part of health care, which is in fact a pure social market with implicit rules of social responsibility<br />

involving humanitarian issues which are becoming more difficult for the industry to rationalize.<br />

From a global perspective multinational companies are still having difficulties adopting standardized<br />

approaches across the world.<br />

Therefore a strong and sustained program to market their contributions and targets to society would<br />

be a good approach. New social marketing initiatives are emerging to reflect the concerns of the<br />

industry’s primary and secondary publics.<br />


Pharmaceutical companies and industry associations are developing social<br />

marketing initiatives<br />

Local community<br />

Regulators<br />

Insurers<br />

Physicians<br />

Patients<br />

Patient groups<br />

Professional<br />

Associations<br />

Universities<br />

Employees<br />

Shareholders<br />

Primary public<br />

Source: Kotler, Philipp; Roberto, Ned; Lee, Nancy<br />

Social marketing<br />

initiatives<br />

Secondary<br />

public<br />

Figure 3: Social marketing initiatives<br />

General public<br />

Competitors<br />

Educators<br />

Media<br />

Consumer organizations<br />

Environmental groups<br />

Politicians<br />

Unions<br />

Financial community<br />

4.4 Integrated Customer Marketing<br />

The conventional way was looking at the product as the sole personification of value. This approach<br />

was highly successful in the 90’s as an environment existed in which the following attributes existed:<br />

product choice was limited to a range of brands rarely identical; the patient did not pay for the<br />

products; prescribing decisions were not based on the price; insurers were relatively unsophisticated.<br />

The following indicators are examples for the major changes within the market: Deregulation<br />

activities, generic competition, fixed reference prices, higher competition, substitution of higher<br />

priced therapies through lower cost treatments, patients becoming responsible to bear costs of their<br />

treatments as co payers. These indicators are only a sample of challenges the companies and patients<br />

are facing at the moment. The companies have to react immediately in a world wide increasing<br />

competition. Therefore focus groups are being identified and strategies are developed. The patient is<br />

moving from buying what was presented to being a competent purchaser. The more the patient is<br />

relying on the recommendation of the pharmacist, who has the partner role for the patient. Based on<br />

this point the overall question arises, if a brand focused or a customer focused approach is the better<br />

advertising approach. Having decided this approach it can be answered which strategic channel is<br />

appropriate overall.<br />


Source: Merkle - a new prescription for the pharmaceutical industry, 2009<br />

Figure 4: Integrated Customer Marketing (ICM)<br />

Simultaneously social trends towards health awareness and the need for individuals to take more<br />

responsibility for their own health, coupled with insurers’ interest in promoting patient education and<br />

screening for diseases. Prevention of disease began to broaden customer perceptions, which is going<br />

far beyond the mere product 20 . As indicated above pharmaceutical companies are reacting in several<br />

ways. One important strategy is to concentrate on the emerging focus groups as patients, pharmacists<br />

and wholesalers. For each of them a new strategy has to be developed to be successful in this<br />

changing market environment.<br />

4.5 Limited product opportunities in pharmaceuticals<br />

Since more than 5 years the immense growth opportunities in the pharmaceutical market are limited.<br />

Growth in the major markets is slowing down across the world. The continuing emphasis on cost<br />

containment by favouring generic substitution for existing products and by introducing therapeutic<br />

substitution for new products in some managed care programs may create a decline in the value of a<br />

number of large volume therapeutic segments. Value maturity and even marginal decline in mass<br />

therapy markets crowded with too many competitors will inevitably lead to fierce and costly market<br />

share battles as companies attempt to maintain sales. Most market segments can only support a<br />

leader, a second and third product to expand and develop the market, and a fourth and fifth product<br />

to saturate remaining demand. With more, the whole market suffers, even the leader.<br />

The indicated models are describing how some companies are changing the marketing approaches in<br />

a more vivid, flexible and competitive market environment. This is the only way changing customer<br />

needs are met and to address the growing primacy of customers. The balance of market power shifts<br />

towards the industry’s customers.<br />

20 B. James, 2000, p.39<br />




At the moment one has to differentiate between a large variety of health care insurances which all<br />

maintain large administration, Marketing and sales departments. Competition has to increase in order<br />

to increase innovations within this sector and reduce spending as well. This will be the only way the<br />

patient has the feeling that his money is invested in the most efficient way for him.<br />

5.1 Cost evaluation as the base for new distribution models<br />

Within an economic evaluation costs and benefits of different alternatives and scenarios have to be<br />

evaluated. Major cost components will be analyzed. True economic cost is concerned with the<br />

opportunity cost of that process or intervention. All costs associated with an intervention are<br />

evaluated – not just pure market prices.<br />

Prices for pharmaceutical products are based on 3 major components:<br />

• Ex factory price (Price to which products are actually sold to the wholesaler in the local market)<br />

• Distribution costs (they encompass all related costs for the physical distribution of the product<br />

from the manufacturer up to the wholesaler)<br />

• Taxes (They are depending on the country legislation and vary in Europe by country).<br />

All three elements should be analyzed in detail in order to have a fair view on the cost structure.<br />

Due to different reimbursement levels the patient as the last element of the chain questions what he<br />

finally has to pay. Especially when considering the development of shipping the products directly to<br />

the patient distribution costs will be a more important factor when determination the final consumer<br />

price. Based on the need to save costs in all areas within the pharmaceutical sector the need to save<br />

costs along the health care value chain arises as well. Herewith different models are possible.<br />

5.2 Increasing control of drug distribution to enhance patient safety<br />

The pharmaceutical distribution market is becoming increasingly consolidated. A few players control<br />

more than 60% of the distribution market, with combined sales of more than 50 billion euros. These<br />

players have grown as a result of local market consolidation (purchase of domestic competitors) and<br />

horizontal integration (cross-border acquisitions). They have used their substantial profits to fund<br />

vertical integration by building pharmacy chains and financing pharmacies where chains are illegal.<br />

These players have also vertically integrated by building generic-pharmaceutical companies.<br />

The time has come for the pharmaceutical industry to change its distribution model like many other<br />

high-value industries (e.g., automotive) have successfully done. Full control of and visibility into the<br />

pharmaceutical supply chain by manufacturers is the only way to accurately determine product<br />

movement and gain strategic access to retail outlets. It also presents a tested framework in which to<br />


instigate the change. Pharmaceutical manufacturers’ failure to act will severely hinder their<br />

commercial activities in Europe, resulting in profit erosion. Today’s pharmaceutical-distribution<br />

landscape is characterized by a mix of route-to-market strategies with wholesalers taking the central<br />

position (see Exhibit). Almost three-quarters of all medicines sold in Europe are distributed via<br />

wholesalers. They, in turn, sell to retail pharmacies and dispensing doctors. On the other hand,<br />

pharmaceutical companies distribute directly to hospitals in major markets like Germany, Italy, and<br />

France. Mail-order pharmacies are emerging as a new route for marketing pharmaceuticals. Drug<br />

distribution via mail order is legal in six European countries: Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands,<br />

Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.<br />

Pharmaceutical companies need to react to increasing environmental pressures to preserve their<br />

profit margins. Given the trends described, it is reasonable to conclude that pharmaceutical<br />

companies are under attack from all sides. The vertical integration of wholesalers into retail<br />

pharmacy chains means they may request higher discounts, or product rebates, or a listing fee. If they<br />

do not get their way, they could take numerous other actions to the detriment of pharmaceutical<br />

companies (see Exhibit). In most European countries, wholesalers could exclude pharmaceutical<br />

products from their product portfolios (i.e., “listing out”). They might increase their involvement in<br />

parallel importing and exporting.<br />

Overall it needs to be examined, if alternative distribution models are feasible and what Pros and<br />

Cons need to be evaluated overall. They might also seek to form collaborations with generic<br />

suppliers and parallel importers. For their part, however, pharmacists could rally patients and<br />

physicians against pharmaceutical companies through aggressive lobbying. They would be well<br />

placed to promote competitors’ products to patients, and they could aggressively substitute on-patent<br />

pharmaceutical products with parallel imports. What should pharmaceutical companies do? Gain<br />

more control and visibility of the supply chain! Without a doubt, pharmaceutical companies are<br />

under increasing pressure. How can they reassert themselves as key players in the distribution<br />

process? Classic marketing and sales initiatives and supply policies alone will not get to the root of<br />

the problem.<br />

If the wholesaler controls the point of sale by owning the pharmacy, the pharmaceutical company’s<br />

marketing effort will have no effect. Several other viable options exist to address the problem<br />

effectively. One would be for pharmaceutical companies to introduce a new distribution model to<br />

increase their control over the supply chain (see Exhibit). In another option, pharmaceutical<br />

companies might consider acquiring one or more wholesalers. This would certainly give them<br />

greater supply chain control, but the wholesale business is not a pharmaceutical company’s core<br />

competency and it would require hefty investments. Still another option would be to contract a thirdparty<br />

logistics provider, as Biogen has done with Arvato healthcare service, part of the Bertelsmann<br />

group, for the distribution of its product Avonex®.<br />


In terms of evaluation criteria for strategic options the above mentioned criteria need to be evaluated.<br />

Getting wholesalers to act as agents might also be an option. And some manufacturers might want to<br />

consider building their own direct-to-pharmacy distribution network. All these options have pros and<br />

cons; pharmaceutical companies must assess their long-term sustainability. Overall it can be<br />

summarized that one should recommended that pharmaceutical companies act quickly to take more<br />

legitimate control of the drugs supply chain to enhance patient safety.<br />




In the context of the theoretical analysis the formulation of theses are the bases of the empirical<br />

analysis. These are to be verified in the context of an explicative investigation. The investigation<br />

took place in Germany between January and May 2007.<br />

In the context of standardized written questions different wholesale dealers were asked. A condition<br />

for the investigation was that the asked ones operate as wholesalers. Response behaviour from both<br />

parties is separately analyzed from each other. According to the analyses of other studies wholesalers<br />

based on their size and market power have different goals they are pursuing. The more interesting<br />

was the analysis of their results.<br />

6.1 Questionnaire conception<br />

The questionnaire to answer took 25-minutes and covered an extent of approx. 6 pages. The question<br />

form was predominantly the closed question. The measurement of the answers is to take place<br />

thereby in particular by means of a metric scale.<br />

The questionnaire in the apron with participants of a course in the people's university in Germany<br />

tested concerning the consistency of the questions, difficulty as well as the duration of the<br />

questioning. This critical evaluation serves for it a specifying of the main theses and/or their<br />

indicators to cause.<br />

In the context of a sample selection some students of the university in Karlsruhe of higher semesters<br />

were asked in the canteen. In the final concept 20 wholesale dealers and 150 pharmacists were<br />

questioned. Whether a problem concerning representativity exists, has to be examined by means of<br />

non response bias a test after Armstrong/Overton. The sample selection took place in the context of a<br />

not coincidental selection, as ratios are assigned, which correspond proportionally to the distribution<br />

of the population.<br />

A coding of the questionnaires was not necessary, since the investigations between the selected<br />

groups were not totally independently in each case, so that the allocation of the groups had to be<br />

marked. For the participants of the questioning the anonymity of the answer remains ensured. Before<br />


the background of the interesting topic hope exists that one wins the participants without monetary<br />

incentive for questioning.<br />

For practical decisions it is not however only of importance like the decision in the long run<br />

precipitates, but also as durable the result is. In the context of an analysis of sensitivity is to be<br />

examined, how strongly the decision result reacts to slight changes of the model parameters.<br />

6.2 Evaluation and interpretation<br />

The challenge of the work lies to ask the positions of the groups who will take part in the future<br />

reform process and their answers in the direct comparison, to evaluate as well as the categories<br />

defined above against each other. Different attitudes, trend, expectations and role changes were<br />

expected. The analysis was even more interesting, because the same question at culturally very well<br />

comparable groups represents a scientific novelty in this area.<br />

To position the wholesaler in a competitive environment, characterized by concentration processes<br />

and significant savings within the pharmaceutical sector the following model should prove the<br />

interdependencies.<br />

6.2.1 System changes and cost reductions implications<br />

In the following chapter results of a self conducted empirical research are introduced and discussed.<br />

One could assume that international operating large-scale enterprises, in particular with foreign<br />

origin, initiate no reduction of cost cutting initiatives due to national legislation adaptations.<br />

Reductions of costs or Supply chain Management activities take place usually based on national<br />

activities or decisions. As a consequence rather small and medium-size enterprises with high<br />

turnover of prescription-requiring medicines would act upon legislative changes more sensitively.<br />

This would therefore lead more easily to cost cutting initiatives.<br />

6.2.2 Openness for changes in the distribution cycle in the enterprises<br />

In the Pharma industry the logistic department is in most enterprises an executive committee<br />

directorate. However the responsibility for logistics lies predominantly on the 2nd Management level<br />

and reports directly to the executive committee. Only in one questioned enterprise it was reported<br />

that logistics are on the third leadership level –this statement is rather exceptional. The usage of the<br />

hierarchical level as an indicator for cost optimization steps is however limited. Regarding the<br />

organizational structure the accomplished interviews resulted in a reference to a substantial potential,<br />

which can be obtained by a process orientated organization of the supply chain. This structure is in<br />

the pharmaceutical industry however still an exception in Germany.<br />

6.2.3 How high are the following cost factors being rated?<br />

The significance of administrative expenses as well as the costs of the order handling is always<br />

evaluated very low. As a consequence for cost optimization purposes this should not lead to high<br />

inventory levels especially not for inferior packaging material, samples and finished goods. Looking<br />

at the valuation of transport costs the result shows a mixed picture. For some companies this point is<br />


egarded as not influence able and does therefore have no importance in the sense of cost reduction<br />

options. The different meaning, which is related to transport costs, is very transparent. The reason for<br />

this lies obviously in different transportation solutions. Some companies undertake the distribution<br />

transportation with a third party solution. In other cases the contractors are directly assigned with<br />

these tasks – as a consequence a higher internal effort for the transportation management is needed.<br />

Production and inventory costs are rated within my interview series with the highest factors. All<br />

asked enterprises quote here at least a medium relevance, the majority even a high significance. The<br />

high product value and current inventory coverage of finished goods from usually 4-6 months have<br />

to be considered. This fact offers potential for inventory optimization. The challenge is even higher<br />

because of the actual need of aligned inventory planning as well as the increase of transparency and<br />

flexibility in the supply chain.<br />

6.2.4 Physical structure and controlling of the supply chain<br />

The data situation concerning the Supply chain structure is not-consistent; due to different<br />

production, customer and order structures this result was already expected.<br />

In Germany a central storage depot structure without regional storages and without national cross<br />

docking was established. The pharmaceutical companies supply wholesalers with finished goods<br />

usually locally or even internationally. The present condition of wholesale dealers guarantees a high<br />

delivery service in the German market towards pharmacies, so that none decentralized, regionally<br />

operating stores of the pharmaceutical companies - apart from production locations are necessary.<br />

The wholesale dealers provide an assortment of articles of about 75,000 different articles (stock<br />

keeping units of pharmaceutical products). Its stock turn rate range amounts to about roughly one<br />

month. Delivery service of several times per day is usual and often carried out with an own fleet 21 . It<br />

was questionable if due to rising health care costs the system of direct supplies towards pharmacies<br />

and hospitals with finished goods stores increases. The questioned enterprises seem to look for a cost<br />

optimization within the range of European distribution nets. Today widespread national logistics<br />

structures exist, even if thinking in regions, like e.g. Northern Europe, Central Europe the same<br />

statement can be made. The European market and in particular the European Union today and in the<br />

near future is served over a central storage depot and several regional storages. In enterprises with<br />

several production locations (usually specialized according to production engineering a structure<br />

with several product group-specific storage depots is the favoured alternative.<br />

6.2.5 Equipment of the national and/or European central storage depots<br />

Existing national central storage depots in Germany have predominantly a high degree of automation<br />

regarding commissioning and radio data transmission. Nearly everything was constructed newly or<br />

automated during the last 10 years. The high degree of automation does not surprise. Not only<br />

21 source: www.phagro.de<br />


personnel savings and compact flow of material was established. Operating regulation for<br />

pharmaceutical entrepreneurs and GMP is being considered. At production locations automated<br />

logistics concepts, which integrate flow of material and storage of raw material, packaging means<br />

and finished goods were integrated to secure an optimized product flow. Since incoming goods and<br />

samples are temporally decoupled, material release becomes more important.<br />

6.2.6 Trends in the outsourcing process<br />

The outsourcing of storekeeping and logistics increase in value services is traditionally not in the<br />

focus of the pharmaceutical sector, although with PharmLog a highly considered and valued example<br />

exists already. Also different enterprises cooperate within the operational completion. The feedback<br />

of the interviews show that consequently the task assigned to a third party provider is the pure<br />

transport. The reason lies in the fact that large logistic service providers have very good references in<br />

the pharmaceutical industry. In the course of the last 10 years they have automated their capacities<br />

across the industry.<br />

6.2.7 Supply chain co-operations<br />

Generally the picture is very heterogeneous regarding supplier-lateral co-operations. Different<br />

structures or a minted development projection with some enterprises e.g. by introduction of supplierlateral<br />

vendor management Inventory (VMI) or „sample course “with the supplier can be viewed. As<br />

expected co-operations are rated significantly higher with their main suppliers based on good day to<br />

day relations than with the rest of their business partners. The future trend is that co-operations will<br />

increase with the main suppliers. The results show that enterprises cooperate only with few suppliers<br />

– a trend which is realistic for the future as well.<br />

6.3 Expectations and openness for new models in the pharmaceutical sector<br />

The EU monitors the legislative structure in all EU countries with the clear goal to increase<br />

competition within and across the countries. Both indicators are strong factors for the liberalization<br />

of the pharmacy market all over the world but especially in Europe. Sales of drugs through cross<br />

border internet pharmacies across Europe and American consumers is picking up tremendously.<br />

How strong the competition of the classical pharmacist will be with mail order pharmacies can be<br />

discussed controversially. Above chart expresses the desire to have the product within 3 days. The<br />

experience from other countries expresses that a border of 7-10% will probably not be accessed,<br />

since only this part of the population is affine for this form of the distribution. Mail order pharmacies<br />

are especially interesting for chronically ill or immobile patients. Definitely it can be stated that both<br />

retailers and their customers are brought together much closer as a great achievement of the Web.<br />

They hope to use the new medium to gather detailed data about consumers, so they can then make an<br />

informed sales pitch.<br />


Data may range from the very basic (a customer's age and address, for instance) to the very specific<br />

(the customer likes blue flower motifs). The greater the amount of information, the argument goes,<br />

the greater the cross-sell potential<br />

The second trend are the new point of sales as local mail order pharmacies who are also the result of<br />

price comparisons and increasing price sensitivity in all countries, to limit pharmaceutical expenses<br />

around the globe.<br />

6.4 Key results of empirical study<br />

The findings of the empirical study fall into two parts – first the expert meetings and secondly the<br />

analysis of the written feedback from the questionnaires.<br />

A) From the accomplished market analysis and the experts’ meetings the following substantial action<br />

fields in the pharmaceutical industry were derived:<br />

1. A high rating was given concerning the potential of supplier integration. This lies in direct<br />

connection with the supply chain management and the IT support used for it. Objective is primarily<br />

the creation of transparency and flexibility as well as the reduction of the complexity within the<br />

whole process chain in order to achieve cost reduction potentials.<br />

Usually the incoming goods of the raw and semi finished products for the pharmaceutical production<br />

are set together with incoming goods at the own location. Furthermore one has to take into<br />

consideration incoming goods from other locations of the own group and incoming goods of external<br />

suppliers. Overall this mix is very heterogeneous. However even the largest pharmaceutical<br />

manufacturers are overall for the majority of their suppliers still so small customers that in this<br />

regard no negotiating pressure can be exercised- rather collaborative relation ships should be built up<br />

on which base improvements can be reached.<br />

2. Obstructed by national labelling regulations still large potentials lie in the integration of the supply<br />

chain on European level. International pharmaceutical companies avoid possible constraints from<br />

these obligations in the context of their global production. Despite this fact they aim to implement<br />

integrated European logistics structures, since these offer substantial cost advantages for them.<br />

Concepts detached from national borders strive for a centralization of inventories, a concept which<br />

represents best practice. In the context of a European centralization a European production group can<br />

be implemented for each stock keeping unit at several different locations. The supply of<br />

decentralized existence of national wholesale dealers should take place in optimal combination from<br />

Push and Pull concepts.<br />

3. The differentiation of the distribution after different product and customer groups as well as<br />

associated close co-operations with business partners, wholesale dealers and in particular hospital (-<br />

chains) on basis of eProcurement and vendor management seems to be a promising action field. This<br />

field is even more interesting taking the associated inventory reductions into account as well.<br />


However the attention of co-operation with suppliers and customers should be intensified. Having<br />

both fields in the centre of interest is for most companies not developed far enough yet.<br />

4. For the realization of the points 1-3 usually appropriate IT systems are needed. Nearly all<br />

participating enterprises see therefore high potentials of implementing EDP-steered processes and<br />

information flows, they already plan the employment of eProcurement, and supply chain<br />

management software usage as well as of RFID. Therein the importance of the supply chain process<br />

is underlined.<br />

5. Apart from „the classical “supply chain management topics specified above in the context of the<br />

study also two organizational approaches with high potential were classified. On the one hand the<br />

process orientated organizational structure and on the other hand the target setting process and the<br />

creation of an achievement transparency is necessary. These topics are interesting, especially<br />

considering that only small investment demand is necessary to realize these topics. The smallest<br />

potential is seen in the cross docking and in the improvement of the contracts with logistic partners.<br />

The latter does not surprise, if one realizes how low the outsourcing process of the asked enterprises<br />

is being rated. The above points are the key results of the empirical study.<br />

6.5 Interpretation of the key trends – based on the findings of the empirical study<br />

The liberalization of the pharmacy market is the cause for the existence of internet pharmacies.<br />

Presently lots of regulations are being closely monitored. The increasing pressure of all countries to<br />

reduce costs in the healthcare segment opens the way for new ideas.<br />

The vision for cross-selling on the Internet was intensively analyzed. Those loyal few are more likely<br />

to shrink than expand in number as the Web makes price research easier. Market transparency has<br />

the potential to destroy entry barriers to online retailers and undermine brand loyalty. Bargain<br />

hunting on the Internet is ballooning, in fact as auction sites gain in popularity.<br />

So far, retailers have comforted themselves with the knowledge that price does not count for<br />

everything. Most consumers will also consider value, service, delivery schedules and other factors in<br />

making a purchasing decision. Through branding, a company convinces a consumer that it can<br />

provide superior value. This is what creates customer loyalty.<br />

Yet greater market visibility on the Web means retailers will be under far greater pressure to provide<br />

better value all the time. That is because consumers are able to build comparisons for service and<br />

quality as well as price. Companies as MySimon, for instance, have plans to extend its research<br />

capability to give consumers a better sense of value. Companies are therefore moving into the next<br />

generation of bots, which will not focus exclusively on price, but on quality, terms of sale and other<br />

factors.<br />

A company using a similar strategy is Insite Marketing Technology. The new company is creating<br />

software to improve retailers' ability to provide information to customers. The idea is being used at<br />

the CompUSA Web site, where a customer can get help from a virtual sales advisor. The advisor<br />


asks buyers to prioritize their requirements for a laptop, for instance, including specifications for disk<br />

drive, weight, battery life and other factors. The advisor then makes recommendations based on the<br />

information. Similar questionnaires are used by a number of automobile sales sites.<br />

While recommendation sites share some aspects of tailored marketing, there are key distinctions<br />

between them. First, the consumer's current, not historical, requirements drive the recommendations.<br />

Second, the shopper, not the retailer, is in the driver's seat. Contact is made only at the customer's<br />

bidding.<br />


Branded drugs are products with a high degree of confidence and reliability. This quality has to be<br />

guaranteed to the patients. This service includes competent consultancy, just in time delivery as well<br />

as the pharmacist’s discretion concerning patient’s needs.<br />

The market undergoes severe changes and is therefore a highly interesting field for studies especially<br />

within the European context. A number of new models for the pharmacists are under discussion in<br />

Europe and could be the base for the same developments in a number of European countries.<br />

Especially in East Europe where the pharmaceutical companies are realizing high sales growth due<br />

to an increasing growth national product as well as an increasing national income high investments<br />

are made and the base for the above mentioned models is being made. To prove the assumptions an<br />

empirical study was be made with the wholesalers in Germany. Of central interest were the key<br />

trends which are being foreseen and in how far this can be described in a model.<br />

The key trends based on the increasing price sensivity of consumers and national insurances are 2<br />

global developments in the rapidly changing markets. The rise of market imports and exports often<br />

characterized as parallel trade from one wholesaler to the next in different countries to benefit from<br />

price deviations across the world. Especially the common currency in most European markets was<br />

the base for the knowledge where price differences occur and how from them can profited.<br />

The second trend is the also related to the ability of markets growing together based on lower<br />

distribution costs and better IT capabilities around the world. Internet pharmacies are the base for<br />

consumers to offer their products globally while benefiting even from very small price differences.<br />

In the past the absolute value for most products was around 10 -15%, when people decided to go<br />

with a new supplier – today even for margins as small as 1-5% these decisions are being taken.<br />

Within the thesis major processes and structures in the pharmaceutical market were analyzed and the<br />

value proposition of the main protagonists was being described. Considering potential legislative<br />

adaptations as well as the increasing expansion of international operating pharmaceutical companies<br />

the implications for pharmacists will be analyzed in detail, to be able to react to market<br />

developments in time.<br />


Pharmaceutical wholesalers use a logistic service supplier to cover the last mile to the patient.<br />

Cooperative solution between the pharmacy and the wholesaler large mail order pharmacies through<br />

cooperation and usage of synergies New market entrants – for example international wholesalers.<br />

Many small mail order pharmacies are a supporting leg for the traditional pharmacy. The above<br />

mentioned tendencies show that no player can act on his own, since he cannot dispose over the<br />

necessary resources and competencies to build up a new distribution system. Restrictions within the<br />

present health care system will only be terminated to allow the above models fulfil cost reduction<br />

potentials for the local governments.<br />

Measures adopted by the European government to cap prescription prices have also put pressure on<br />

the parallel traders. The UK is decreasing prices for branded medicines by 7% over the next five<br />

years, while Italy for example is raising prices of some branded products to bring them in line with<br />

E.U. averages. At the same time, the prices of several products that make the bulk of parallel traders<br />

have fallen as patents have expired.<br />

Personal Contributions<br />

This thesis follows an empirical study based on an intensive theoretical framework within the<br />

pharmaceutical environment. This approach was carefully designed to meet all theoretical<br />

requirements.<br />

A) Scientific contributions<br />

The thesis is a contribution based on an intensive analysis in the pharmaceutical environment. It<br />

included the analysis of the different distribution processes and models, while incorporating the<br />

analysis of present marketing theory.<br />

The analysis is based on an empirical study to see in how far the market is open for new models and<br />

an implementation of a direct distribution model is realistic.<br />

The standard distribution chain was being analyzed and measured in how far other options are<br />

feasible and possible in the complex pharmaceutical environment.<br />

This work demonstrates the advantages of a direct to pharmacy model as well as a direct mail order<br />

pharmacy. The importance of going a direct process chain was clearly shown.<br />

B) Marketing contribution<br />

The work and examples presented in this thesis are the result of a careful marketing analysis.<br />

Present marketing models are the base for the understanding and the foundation for the empirical<br />

assessment.<br />

The mail order pharmacy model is a constant development of the direct to patient relationship and a<br />

similarity to consumer marketing where direct distribution models are already established since a<br />

long time.<br />

C) Further directions for Research<br />


The thesis is based on an intensive empirical research which out of which a distribution model was<br />

developed. These potential trends need to be examined in the day to day environment. Especially the<br />

forecast that local mail order pharmacies and drugstores are directly being served by the wholesaler<br />

need to be analyzed closer. The further this direct distribution model is being developed, the more<br />

classical wholesalers will be forced to look for new business models.<br />

This would consequently establish a long arm for the manufactures in future with a potential direct<br />

relationship to the pharmacy or eventually to the patient. This relationship would be a basis for new<br />

marketing models since a DTP (Direct to Patient relationship is established). Moreover the classical<br />

field force approach visiting the doctor could be challenged, since it will be also important visiting<br />

the pharmacy to promote new products or in the long run going for patient events where new<br />

medicines will be introduced and side effects directly presented to the patient.<br />

To fully realize these marketing strategies over the longer term and then sustain this strategy by<br />

addressing anticipated future changes in the marketplace. The marketers will consequently work with<br />

scientific and clinical teams in the pharmaceutical company to plan further clinical development<br />

studies on the product to be able to explain this to patients being the customer for the pharmaceutical<br />

industry.<br />

The promotional strategy is the communication platform. It will be promoted to doctors as being<br />

highly effective and it will have less side effects than current competitors. The new process we will<br />

see over the time is that the promotional strategy flow might now be conveyed to the customers<br />

(patients) based on a direct relationship. These will include more specific statements surrounding its<br />

efficacy. Promotional objectives are the goals the marketer sets for acceptance of the product in the<br />

mind of the customer, or in the minds of customer groups.<br />

The described effects are already realized within consumer marketing where a DTC (Direct to<br />

Consumer) model is state of the art. Thomas Jacobsen with his actual publication - hinting to this<br />

effect - might be a chance for future research. 22<br />


Figure 1: Evolution of global pharmaceutical sales compared with the relative annual growth of<br />

global markets 1999 - 2007<br />

Figure 2: Global cardiovascular forecast by disease class 2007 - 2015<br />

Figure 3: Worldwide pharmaceutical sales/profits of leading pharmaceutical companies<br />

Figure 4: Global pharmaceutical top markets in % of Sales share<br />

Figure 5: Worldwide revenue of cardiovascular diagnostics drugs and devices 2005 – 2012<br />

Figure 6: Romania – Health expenditure; Total (% of GDP)<br />

Figure 7: Romanian real GDP growth rate during 2003 -2010 (year 2010 data only estimate<br />

Figure 8: Real annual growth in health expenditure and GDP<br />

22 See Thomas M Jacobsen (2010), S. 221<br />


Figure 9: Health expenditure per capita, US$ PPP, 2008<br />

Figure 10 : Total unaudited and audited Global Pharmaceutical Market 2002 - 2009<br />

Figure 11: Leading Pharmaceutical Innovation - Trends and Drivers for Growth in the<br />

Pharmaceutical Industry<br />

Figure 12: The influence of the key stakeholders within the pharmaceutical industry<br />

Figure 13: Overview over the top 3 distribution channels<br />

Figure 14: Pharmaceutical distribution landscape is influenced by the illustrated key trends<br />

Figure 15: Top pharmacy customer segments<br />

Figure 16: Portfolio of the pharmacist based model<br />

Figure 17: Drug industry consolidation 1993 – 2010<br />

Figure 18: German cost containment law implications 2005 in Germany<br />

Figure 19: Key cost containment measures in Europe<br />

Figure 20: Comparison of prescriptions and over the counter drugs<br />

Figure 21: Overview of retailers pricing structure<br />

Figure 22: European commission working group results<br />

Figure 23: Member states implanting different cost containment measures<br />

Figure 24: Discussion points of the European Committee; 2007<br />

Figure 25: Wholesaler concentration process<br />

Figure 26: Sales development of the worldwide largest pharmaceutical markets<br />

Figure 27: Five pillars of successful marketing and sales organizations<br />

Figure 28: Successful innovations in the pharmaceutical industry 2008 in %<br />

Figure 29: Pharmaceutical marketing levers<br />

Figure 30: Process ineffectiveness causes within the pharmaceutical industry<br />

Figure 31: Industry lifecycle analysis<br />

Figure 32: Principles of Marketing<br />

Figure 33: R&D expenditures in Europe, Japan and USA<br />

Figure 34: Social marketing initiatives<br />

Figure 35: Integrated Customer Marketing (ICM)<br />

Figure 36: Direct to consumer spending mix analysis<br />

Figure 37: Promotional mix for a world wide operating company<br />

Figure 38: Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical<br />

Figure 39: Sales and product shares of top pharmaceutical companies<br />

Figure 40: Pharmaceutical markets by region and forecast<br />

Figure 41: The Managerial Grid<br />

Figure 42: WCF-model<br />

Figure 43: Relationship between Salesperson Performance and Understanding of Customer Decision<br />

Making<br />

Figure 44: Forecast model for the behaviour of sales persons<br />

Figure 45: Integrative behaviour oriented sales model<br />

Figure 46: One dimension sales model for straight purchasing processes<br />

Figure 47: Pharmacy trend as part of the consolidation process within pharmaceuticals<br />

Figure 48: Pharmaceutical distribution outlook<br />

Figure 49: Trends within the pharmaceutical distribution landscape<br />

Figure 50: External pressure from wholesales and pharmacies towards pharmaceutical companies<br />

Figure 51: Alternative distribution models under evaluation<br />

Figure 52: Three core phase model for a new distribution model<br />

Figure 53: Relationship between system changes and cost reductions<br />

Figure 54: Importance of central cost factors along the process chain<br />

Figure 56: Single versus several product group-specific storage depots<br />

Figure 57: Allowance of re-imports and local mail order pharmacies will significantly change the<br />

distribution process for pharmaceutical products<br />

Figure 58: A maximum three day delivery period is the key need of the patients<br />

Figure 59: Target groups for mail order pharmacies<br />



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Curriculum Vitae<br />

Informatii personale:<br />

Nume, Prenume: Hafemeister, Thiemo<br />

Data si locul nasterii: May 2nd, 1967 in Kiel<br />

Stare civila: Casatorit; 1 copil<br />

Adresa de resedinta: Stindestrasse 18, 12167 Berlin<br />

Educatie:<br />

Scoala primara: August 1973 – July 1977<br />

Scoala gimnaziala: August 1977 – July 1984<br />

Exchange program: 84 -85 Fort Worth Texas; diploma de absolvire<br />

Liceu: Absolvirea liceului Max Planck School, Kiel 1988 (Abitur)<br />

Indeplinirea cerintelor pentru admiterea la universitate<br />

Facultate: Admitere octombrie 1989, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel<br />

Sectia Administrarea afacerii<br />

Specializare Finante si Organizare<br />

Lucrarea de absolvire – Abordarea organizational a conceptului de<br />

pensionare in Germania - schimari, provocari si solutii<br />

Absolvire decembrie 1994 (Diploma de Economist)<br />

Media generala 2,2<br />

Master in Administrarea Afacerii, Schiller International University, absolvit in iulie 2000<br />

Program de management avansat, Universitatea Mannheim, absolvit in mai 2004<br />

Stagiu militar:<br />

Perioada: July 1988 – September 1989<br />

Responsabilitati: Navigator pe o nava antimina in Marea Nordului<br />

Limbi straine: Engleza si franceza, fluent, scris si vorbit<br />

Locuri de munca in cadrul companiei Pfizer:<br />

2007 – prezent Director de achizitii cu statul German<br />

2002 – 2007: Manager de proiect:<br />

♦ Dezvoltarea si implementarea initiativelor strategice in<br />

Germania si cu Europa<br />


♦ Activitati conexe<br />

♦ Externalizarea si initiative de optimizare<br />

2000 – 2002 Manager financiar la divizia germana de farmaceutice din cadrul<br />

firmei Pfizer:<br />

♦ Coordonator de rezultate in termini de vanzari si profit<br />

la sediul european pentru raportare si planuri de<br />

operare/previziuni<br />

♦ Coordonator de taxe si documente legale la<br />

departamentul de taxe si documente legale, dar si cu<br />

consultati externi<br />

♦ Imbunatatirea managementului contabilitatii<br />

2000 Pfizer & Warner Lambert – responsabil cu fuzionarea (merger) – aflata<br />

pana atunci in sediul german Pfizer<br />

1998 -2000 Manager financiar in OTC (over-the-counter market) pentru Warner<br />

Lambert, responsabil pentru Germania, Austria, Elvetia and estul<br />

Europei (Polonia, Cehia/ Slovacia, Ungaria, EE)<br />

♦ Dezvolatrea planurilor de operare, stabilirea masurilor<br />

pentru atingerea tintelor de profit<br />

♦ Actualitate vs. Planificare - comparatii<br />

♦ Raport lunar, semestrial si anual de operare si obiective<br />

statutare<br />

♦ Coordonator raportare statutara cu auditorii<br />

♦ Analize de investitii si control<br />

♦ Activitati de joint-venture<br />

1997 Analist la departmental de costuri de contabilitate in principal cu<br />

proiectele de imbunatatire a productiei<br />

1996 Experienta international de lucru la sediul din New Jersey<br />

1995 -1996 Trainer financiar la Warner Lambert, Freiburg, Germany<br />

Curriculum Vitae<br />

Personal Information:<br />

Name, First Name: Hafemeister, Thiemo<br />

Date of Birth/ Place: May 2nd, 1967 in Kiel<br />

Father: Leader of the finance department<br />

Marital Status: Not married<br />

Residence: Oberwaldstr. 23<br />

D 76227 Karlsruhe<br />

Education:<br />

Elementary School: August 1973 – July 1977<br />

High School Germany: August 1977 – July 1984<br />

Exchange Program: 84 -85 Fort Worth Texas; US High School degree<br />

High School Germany: Graduation Max Planck School, Kiel 1988 (Abitur)<br />

Requirement to university admission met<br />

Army:<br />

Duration: July 1988 – September 1989<br />

Responsibility: Navigator on a mine sweeper in the North Sea<br />

University:<br />

Start: October 1989<br />

University Kiel: Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel<br />

Study field: Business Administration<br />

Majors: Finance and Organization<br />


6 month thesis: Organizational approach of the German retirement concept –<br />

changes, challenges issues and solutions<br />

Graduation: December 1994 (Diplom Kaufmann)<br />

Grad Point Average: 2,2<br />

Schiller International Master of Business Administration<br />

University: in International Business<br />

Graduation: July 2000<br />

University Mannheim: Advanced Management Program<br />

Successfully terminated in May 2004<br />

Languages: English & French fluent in word and written<br />

Employment with Pfizer (current first):<br />

2002 – today: Working as international Project Manager:<br />

♦ Development & implementation of strategic initiatives<br />

in Germany and within Europe<br />

♦ Merger activities<br />

♦ Outsourcing & optimization initiatives<br />

2000 – 2002 Working as Finance Manager within the German<br />

pharmaceutical sector for Pfizer:<br />

♦ Co-ordination of results in terms of Sales, profit with<br />

European Headquarter for actual reporting and<br />

Operating Plans/ Forecasts<br />

♦ Co-ordination of tax and legal issues with internal tax<br />

and legal department and external consultants<br />

♦ Improvement of Management Accounting<br />

2000 Pfizer & Warner Lambert Merger - located since then in the<br />

German Pfizer Headquarter<br />

1998 -2000 Working as Finance Manager in the OTC business for Warner<br />

Lambert with responsibility for the Germany, Austria,<br />

Switzerland and East Europe (Poland, Czech/ Slovak, Hungary,<br />

EE)<br />

♦ Development of Operating Plans, agree measures to<br />

ensure targeted profit<br />

♦ Actual vs. Plan comparisons<br />

♦ Monthly, quarterly and year-end reporting for operating<br />

& statutory purposes<br />

♦ Co-ordinate statutory reporting with auditors<br />

♦ Investment analysis and control<br />

♦ Joint Venture Activities<br />

1997 Working as analyst in the Cost accounting department mainly<br />

within production improvement projects<br />

1996 Working experience in the world wide headquarters New Jersey<br />

1995 -1996 Starting as Finance Trainee for Warner Lambert in Freiburg,<br />

Germany<br />

Academic Life – publications (current first):<br />

2005: Internet pharmacies – a constant threat or an opportunity for pharmacists – Pfizer paper<br />

2004: Radical changes within the pharmaceutical environment in Europe – Pfizer paper<br />


2001: Euro – what are the main challenges of the new currency – Pfizer paper<br />

2000: Various case studies and analysis within the MBA program which were part of the regular<br />

studies, but not officially published<br />

2000: Shareholder value – a Management concept for the future - MBA paper<br />

2000: International Monetary and Banking System – Research Project – MBA paper<br />

1999: Internal publication for year 2000 activities, key issues and solutions – Pfizer paper<br />

1999: Selected problems of International Economics – Monetary and fiscal policy – MBA paper<br />

1996: EVA – a new monthly key performance indicator Warner Lambert publication<br />

1995: Retirement alternatives and challenges from a psychological perspective as Co Author for<br />

Prof. Martin Kleinmann<br />

1993: Publication of Retirement challenges, implications from an organizational perspective;<br />

thesis paper 150 pages for the Kiel University<br />

Academic Life – major activities (current first):<br />

2003 -2004 Advanced Management Program initiated and conducted by the University of<br />

Mannheim composed of 6 modules:<br />

♦ Marketing and Sales - Prof. Homburg<br />

♦ Business Finance - Prof. Franz<br />

♦ Marketing and Sales - Prof. Homburg<br />

♦ Organizational Change - Prof. Stock<br />

♦ Corporate Strategy - Prof. Perlitz<br />

♦ Mangerial Dec. Making - Prof. Weber<br />

2003 Certificate in International Accounting (CINA) certified by Prof. Leibfried Head of<br />

Academy for International Accounting Standards<br />

2000 Graduation from Schiller International University with the degree MBA. The program<br />

consists of 15 modules, which all have to be successfully terminated:<br />

♦ Organizational Behavior<br />

♦ Managerial Accounting<br />

♦ Managerial Finance<br />

♦ International Marketing<br />

♦ Multinational Business Management<br />

♦ Production and Operations Management<br />

♦ International Monetary and Banking Systems<br />

♦ Business, Government and International Economy<br />

♦ Comprehensive Business Management Seminar<br />

♦ Human Resource Management<br />

♦ Selected Problems of International Economics<br />

♦ International Business Law<br />

♦ Managerial Statistics and Quantitative Methods<br />

♦ Recent Trends in Information Technology<br />

♦ Methods of Research and Analysis<br />


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