Bio - NCH Healthcare System

Bio - NCH Healthcare System

Bio - NCH Healthcare System


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Society Cardiol (Accepted). 1996.<br />

Michael Scott Flynn, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I. November 2011<br />


6. Kern MJ, Anderson HV, Talley JD, Caracciolo EA, Bach RG, Donohue TJ, Aguirre FV, Moore JA,<br />

Flynn MS, Segal J, Mechem CJ, Cauley M, Stikovac M. Relationship of post-procedural distal<br />

coronary flow dynamics with restenosis after coronary angioplasty: results of a multicenter pilot<br />

study. 43rd Scientific Sessions American College of Cardiology J Am Coll Cardiol 1994;<br />

7. Moore JA, Kern MJ, Donohue TJ, Bach RG, Caracciolo EA, Aguirre FV, Flynn MS. Distal coronary<br />

flow velocity and physiology during direct angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction in patients.<br />

43rd Scientific Sessions American College of Cardiology J Am Coll Cardiol 1994; 23:243A.<br />

8. Kern MJ, Aguirre FV, Bach RG, Caracciolo EA, Donohue TJ, Moore JA, Flynn MS, Mechem CJ,<br />

Cauley M , Labovitz A J. C omparison o f intralesional D oppler flow v elocity and q uantitative<br />

angiography f or de termination o f translesional pr essure gradients in patients. 43rd S cientific<br />

Sessions American College of Cardiology J Am Coll Cardiol 1994; 23:174A.<br />

9. Bach RG, Kern MJ, Donohue TJ, Aguirre FV, Caracciolo EA, Flynn MS, Wolford T. Correlation of<br />

intracoronary flow velocity with subsequent stent restenosis. Society for Cardiac Angiography &<br />

Interventions, 17th Annual Meeting. Cathet Cardiovasc Diag 1994; 32:92.<br />

10. Moore JA, Kern MJ, Donohue TJ, Bach RG, Caracciolo EA, Aguirre FV, Flynn MS. Disparity of<br />

TIMI grade flow and directly measured coronary flow velocity during direct angioplasty for acute<br />

myocardial i nfarction. Society f or C ardiac A ngiography & I nterventions, 17th A nnual M eeting.<br />

Cathet Cardiovasc Diag 1994; 32:86.<br />

11. Steven B H Timmis, G erald C . Timmis, M ark C . Pica, William B eaumont H ospital, Michael S.<br />

Flynn, Ro bert B . Tober, N aples Co mmunity Ho spital, William W. O'Neill, William B eaumont<br />

Hospital. F acilitated primary p ercutaneous i ntervention i n acute myocardial i nfarction using<br />

glycoprotein IIB/IIIA inhibitors with or without thrombolytic therapy. AHA Scientific Sessions 2001,<br />

November 11-14, 2001, Anaheim, California, Abstract ID 115616.<br />


1. Flynn MS, Werth D, Gudipati R, Pedersen W, Serota H, Johnson WB, Gibson P, Hamilton W,<br />

Morton D, Changlani M, Armbruster R, Stonner T, Al-Joundi B, Lewen M, Aguirre F for the rt-PA<br />

heparin duration t rial investigators. Influence o f h eparin d uration on c oronary ang iographic<br />

characteristics in patients receiving accelerated weight-adjusted rt-PA dosing for acute myocardial<br />

infarction. A m Heart A ssociation 66th Scientific S ession, N ovember, 1 993, Circulation 1993;<br />

88(4):I-201.<br />


1. Timmis S B, T immis G C, Flynn MS, Pica MC, Dixon S R, T ober RB , O 'Neill WW. A djunctive<br />

thrombolytic therapy with or without glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition prior to percutaneous coronary<br />

intervention in acute myocardial infarction. ACC 50th Annual Scientific Session, Orlando, Florida,<br />

Tuesday, March 20, 2001. JACC 2001; 37, No. 2 (supplement A) 350A, 1186-78.<br />


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