Associazione Internazionale per la Ricerca Dental1 - Maurizio ...

Associazione Internazionale per la Ricerca Dental1 - Maurizio ...

Associazione Internazionale per la Ricerca Dental1 - Maurizio ...


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ANNO ACCADEMICO 2006-2007<br />


“Utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie in igiene dentale:<br />


firenze<strong>la</strong>ser@aio<strong>la</strong>.it<br />



dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />

TESI N°<br />


INDICE<br />

1. OZONO, INTRODUZIONE: .…………………………………. 3-5<br />

2. SCOPO DEL LAVORO:…………………………………………. 6<br />

3. MATERIALI E METODI:……………………………………….. 6<br />

4. ABSTRACT IN ITALIANO:……………………………………. 7-45<br />

5. ENGLISCH ABSTRACT:……………………………………….. 46-147<br />

6. LASER, INTRODUZIONE:……………………………………. 148-156<br />

7. ENGLISCH ABSTRACT:……………………………….………. 157-204<br />

8. ABSTRACT IN ITALIANO:……………………………………. 205-234<br />

9. CONCLUSIONI:………………………………………….………. 235<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Ozono<br />

Introduzione<br />

L'ossigeno-ozono terapia è una metodica consolidata da anni di es<strong>per</strong>ienze clinico-scientifiche e<br />

diffusa in numerosi paesi.<br />

Consente, in un’elevata <strong>per</strong>centuale di casi, di risolvere o migliorare significativamente, con<br />

notevoli benefici <strong>per</strong>sonali e sociali, numerose patologie altrimenti fortemente invalidanti.<br />

Storia<br />

Nel 1781 M. Van Marum sospettò l'esistenza di un composto gassoso di odore pungente, nell'aria<br />

attraversata da scintille elettriche. Nel 1840 Schönbein chiamò ozono (Dal Greco Odorare)<br />

questo gas. Fu nel 1845 che <strong>la</strong> moleco<strong>la</strong> di Ozono, venne prodotta <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> prima volta dal<br />

ricercatore Ginevrino Auguste De <strong>la</strong> Rive. Essa si comporta come un versatile pacchetto di<br />

energia che produce molti effetti. Furono <strong>per</strong>ò J. C. Marignac, H. Becquerel ed E. Fremy a<br />

stabilirne <strong>la</strong> natura di gas molto reattivo, mentre Soret ne determinò <strong>la</strong> formu<strong>la</strong>.<br />

Chimica<br />

È un gas di colore azzurro, di odore forte e penetrante, <strong>per</strong>icoloso a respirarsi <strong>per</strong>ché attacca le<br />

mucose. Di densità 1,66, liquefa a 112 °C dando luogo a un liquido di colore azzurro indaco molto<br />

instabile. Molto più solubile in acqua dell'ossigeno, viene disciolto in molti solventi organici, come il<br />

cloroformio, l'etere, ecc. L'ozono è un ossidante: ossida a freddo lo iodio e quasi tutti i metalli, in<br />

partico<strong>la</strong>re il mercurio e l'argento; sposta il cloro, il bromo e<br />

lo iodio dai loro composti con l'idrogeno e con i metalli; porta al<br />

massimo stadio di ossidazione i composti dello zolfo,<br />

del fosforo e dell'arsenico; trasforma a freddo l'ammoniaca in<br />

nitrito e nitrato di ammonio; le sostanze organiche (sughero,<br />

caucciù) vengono profondamente alterate. Per<br />

scoprire le tracce di ozono, ci si serve di una speciale carta<br />

ozonoscopica, detta di Houzeau: è una carta impregnata di ioduro di potassio, una metà del<strong>la</strong><br />

quale è stata immersa nel<strong>la</strong> salda d'amido e l'altra in una soluzione acida, e quindi rossa, di<br />

tornasole; l'ozono, dando luogo con lo ioduro a iodio libero e idrossido di potassio, colora in<br />

azzurro le due metà del<strong>la</strong> carta; il cloro o il tetrossido di diazoto colorano invece solo <strong>la</strong> prima<br />

metà, l'ammoniaca <strong>la</strong> seconda.<br />

L'ozono è impiegato <strong>per</strong> il suo potere ossidante e battericida; serve in partico<strong>la</strong>re <strong>per</strong> il rinnovo<br />

dell'aria negli ambienti chiusi e <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> sterilizzazione dell'acqua. Viene anche impiegato <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

sbianca dei tessuti, del<strong>la</strong> cera, dell'amido, dell'avorio, <strong>per</strong> l'invecchiamento del vino e del legno.<br />

L'ozono (O3) è <strong>la</strong> forma triatomica dell'ossigeno (O2).<br />

In natura l'ozono si forma, sia mediante i raggi ultravioletti, sia mediante il <strong>la</strong>mpo, che riesce a<br />

dare l'energia necessaria affinché 3 molecole di ossigeno diventino 2 molecole di ozono:<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


3O2 + = 2O3<br />

Per uso medicale viene prodotto estemporaneamente al momento dell'uso<br />

da appositi macchinari. L'O3 è un gas molto instabile e reattivo e deve<br />

essere usato immediatamente dopo il prelievo. Si deve sempre evitare di<br />

dis<strong>per</strong>dere O3 nell'ambiente di <strong>la</strong>voro <strong>per</strong>ché è un gas irritante, dall'odore<br />

pungente e caratteristico.<br />

Il nostro olfatto avverte subito tracce di O3 anche quando <strong>la</strong> concentrazione<br />

del gas è inferiore al<strong>la</strong> dose <strong>per</strong>messa, cioè di 0,2 mg/m 3 di aria <strong>per</strong> un<br />

<strong>per</strong>iodo <strong>la</strong>vorativo di 8 ore. Ciò <strong>per</strong> precisare che piccole fughe di O3 non<br />

sono preoccupanti (ma sempre da evitare) <strong>per</strong>ché l'olfatto già rileva concentrazioni di 0,02 mg/m 3<br />

, che sono ben al di sotto del<strong>la</strong> concentrazione tossica di 0,3 mg/m 3 come stabilito dal<strong>la</strong> CEE.<br />

È quindi dannoso respirare ozono al di sopra di precise concentrazioni, ma è molto utile al<strong>la</strong> salute<br />

<strong>per</strong> tutte le applicazioni descritte.<br />

Azioni dell’ossigeno-ozono<br />

L’ossigeno-ozono terapia è una tecnica dolce che sfrutta le potenzialità dell’ozono, combinato con<br />

l’ossigeno, di stimo<strong>la</strong>re e aumentare i meccanismi di protezione nei confronti del<strong>la</strong> produzione di<br />

radicali liberi (determinandone <strong>la</strong> riduzione) e di sostanze tossiche <strong>per</strong> le cellule. Il tutto<br />

utilizzando una misce<strong>la</strong> composta <strong>per</strong> il 99.99997% da ossigeno e dal 0,00003% da ozono, gas<br />

simile all’ossigeno ma molto più potente e attivo di quest’ultimo.<br />

Attiva <strong>la</strong> circo<strong>la</strong>zione in tutti i tessuti favorendo il ri<strong>la</strong>scio dell’ossigeno agli stessi svolgendo così<br />

diverse azioni: analgesica, antinfiammatoria, antivirale, antibatterica, antimicotica,<br />

immunomodu<strong>la</strong>nte, stimo<strong>la</strong>ndo <strong>la</strong> rigenerazione dei tessuti stessi.<br />

Valori limite<br />

La massima concentrazione di immissione <strong>per</strong> mezz'ora (valore MIK nel breve <strong>per</strong>iodo) e pari ad un valore di<br />

ozono di 120 µg / m 3 . Chi <strong>per</strong>o si espone non più di una volta <strong>la</strong> settimana e <strong>per</strong> non più di 30 minuti ad una<br />

concentrazione di 400 µg / m 3 di ozono non arreca alcun danno al<strong>la</strong> propria salute. Non esiste alcun rischio <strong>per</strong><br />

<strong>la</strong> salute fino ad un valore di soglia di 110 µg/m 3 di ozono in media <strong>per</strong> otto ore. La Kommission der Deutschen<br />

Forschungsgemein-schaft (commissione del<strong>la</strong> comunità di ricerca tedesca) (DFG), dopo aver valutato <strong>la</strong><br />

letteratura specializzata, è giunta al<strong>la</strong> conclusione che: <strong>la</strong> protezione sul posto di <strong>la</strong>voro potrebbe essere<br />

rispettata "con un valore MAK di 200 µg/m 3 <strong>per</strong> 4 ore oppure di 100 µg /m 3 <strong>per</strong> 8 ore."(DFG, OZON<br />

MAK/C<strong>la</strong>ssificazione, Supplemento del 1995, Consegna n. 21, 1995) Per <strong>la</strong> valutazione soggettiva e importante<br />

che l'ozono venga <strong>per</strong>cepito dall'olfatto gia ad un quinto (0,04 mg/m 3 ) del valore limite ammesso.<br />


Tale metodica, ormai consolidata da anni di es<strong>per</strong>ienza clinico-scientifica e diffusa in numerosi<br />

paesi, consente in una elevata <strong>per</strong>centuale di casi di risolvere o <strong>per</strong>lomeno di migliorare, con<br />

notevoli benefici <strong>per</strong>sonali e sociali, numerose patologie, altrimenti fortemente invalidanti.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Patologie in cui è indicata l’ossigeno-ozonoterapia<br />

1. ortopedia, reumatologia e traumatologia: artrosi e artriti comprese le artriti reumatoide e<br />

psoriasica, tendiniti (epicondiliti, epitrocleiti …), sindrome del tunnel carpale, discopatie sia<br />

cervicali che lombari (cervicobrachialgie, lombosciatalgie )<br />

2. disturbi del<strong>la</strong> circo<strong>la</strong>zione arteriosa, venosa e linfatica: vasculopatie <strong>per</strong>iferiche di<br />

origine venosa e arteriosa (postumi di flebite, insufficienza venosa <strong>per</strong>iferica, microangiopatia<br />

diabetica, ulcere <strong>per</strong>iferiche su base vasco<strong>la</strong>re e dismetabolica, linfedema).<br />

3. turbe neurologiche: dai disturbi del<strong>la</strong> memoria fino agli esiti di ischemia cerebrale, sclerosi a<br />

p<strong>la</strong>cche, cefalee di varia natura (su base tensiva e vasco<strong>la</strong>re).<br />

4. senescenza con caduta del<strong>la</strong> efficienza mentale e fisica, morbo di Alzheimer, morbo di<br />

Parkinson, otosclerosi.<br />

5. retinopatie: su base vasco<strong>la</strong>re e dismetabolica, retinopatia macu<strong>la</strong>re (degenerazione<br />

macu<strong>la</strong>re senile).<br />

6. epatopatie: dalle semplici turbe del<strong>la</strong> funzionalità epatica fino alle epatiti.<br />

7. apparato gastrointestinale: gastriti, duodeniti, coliti (colon irritabile, morbo di Crohn, Colite<br />

Ulcerosa).<br />

8. apparato genito urinario : cistiti ricorrenti, vaginiti.<br />

9. ma<strong>la</strong>ttie dermatologiche: herpes simplex e zoster, eczemi acuti e cronici, dermatiti da<br />

contatto, acne, psoriasi, micosi, afte.<br />

10.patologie allergiche.<br />

11. disordini metabolici : i<strong>per</strong>colesterolemia e i<strong>per</strong>glicemia con le loro complicanze.<br />

12. stati di deficienza immunitaria e patologie autoimmuni.<br />

13. astenie su base funzionale e organica.<br />

14. sostegno ai pazienti neop<strong>la</strong>stici con o senza metastasi azione palliativa.<br />

Le applicazioni di ossigeno-ozono sono assolutamente innocue e prive di effetti col<strong>la</strong>terali né<br />

allergiche, non presentano, in linea di massima, controindicazioni si tratta di medicina naturale.<br />

Le modalità di applicazione sono di vario tipo : dalle infiltrazioni <strong>per</strong>i e intrartico<strong>la</strong>ri, al<strong>la</strong><br />

picco<strong>la</strong> e grande autoemo, alle insuff<strong>la</strong>zioni endo rettali -vescicali-vaginali, alle applicazioni di<br />

sacchetti, al<strong>la</strong> utilizzazione di acqua ozonizzata (prodotta tramite appositi gorgogliatori), fino<br />

all’applicazione con apposite cappette in silicone applicata ad un manipolo dal quale viene erogato<br />

l’ozono (Unità di HealOzone, CurOzone, U.S.A.).<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Scopo del <strong>la</strong>voro:<br />

Questo studio è stato condotto <strong>per</strong> valutare, attraverso <strong>la</strong> revisione del<strong>la</strong> letteratura corrente, gli<br />

effetti benefici o meno dell’Ozono e del LASER.<br />

Verificare l’efficacia dell’ozono nel trattamento delle patologie dentarie, carie radico<strong>la</strong>ri, dei solchi<br />

e delle cavità durante <strong>la</strong> fase iniziale e stabilire se esso è in grado di determinare <strong>la</strong> regressione<br />

del processo carioso iniziale, efficacia antibatterica dell’ozono contro i ceppi più importanti di<br />

batteri orali, decontaminazione dei condotti del riunito, ecc.. Congiuntamente agli effetti del Laser<br />

nel<strong>la</strong> rilevazione del calcolo sottogengivale, effetti sui batteri patogeni del<strong>la</strong> ma<strong>la</strong>ttia parodontale,<br />

efficacia del <strong>la</strong>ser congiuntamente allo scaling e root p<strong>la</strong>ning, effetto battericida nel trattamento<br />

delle tasche parodontali, ecc.. E di conseguenza stabilire se, entrambi, possono essere decisivi<br />

nel<strong>la</strong> pratica dell’Igiene Dentale, nel<strong>la</strong> prevenzione Primaria e Secondaria.<br />

Materiali e metodi:<br />

Le ricerche informatiche tramite internet, sono state condotte <strong>per</strong> identificare gli studi pubblicati e<br />

non pubblicati. Sono state cercate le seguenti basi di dati: MEDLINE (dal 1966 al maggio 2007),<br />

EMBASE (dal 1980 al maggio 2004), MEDLINE plus (dal 17 maggio 2004), Biosis (dal 1985 al<br />

maggio 2004), AMED (dal 1985 al maggio 2004), registro nazionale di ricerca del<strong>la</strong> biblioteca di<br />

Cochrane (2 edizioni, 2004).<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Revisione del<strong>la</strong> letteratura corrente sull'utilizzo del LASER, Ozono e<br />

nuove tecnologie in Igiene Orale<br />


Estratti<br />


<strong>Associazione</strong> <strong>Internazionale</strong> <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>Ricerca</strong> Dentale (IADR)<br />

81 a sessione generale<br />

2 o Meeting del<strong>la</strong> Federazione pan-Europea<br />

Göteborg, Svezia, dal 25 al 28 giugno 2003<br />


1 Private practice,Wales, United Kingdom, 2 Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Il trattamento di una lesione cariosa e <strong>la</strong> ricostruzione tradizionale sono metodiche molto invasive.<br />

Il trattamento di una lesione cariosa primaria con Ozono non richiede alcun trattamento invasivo,<br />

semplicemente l'iso<strong>la</strong>mento del dente e l'applicazione di Ozono attraverso le cappette in silicone.<br />

Obiettivi: Questo studio è stato condotto <strong>per</strong> valutare le differenze tra il dispendio di tempo utile<br />

<strong>per</strong> eseguire il trattamento con Ozono rispetto al metodo tradizionale del “drilling and<br />

filling” (trapanazione e otturazione) misurando il tempo reale necessario <strong>per</strong> compiere entrambe le<br />

modalità di trattamento.<br />

Metodo: 40 pazienti adulti, con lesioni cariose primarie dei solchi, sono stati divisi a caso in due<br />

gruppi uguali. Il primo gruppo è stato trattato con il metodo tradizionale del “drilling and filling”; il<br />

secondo gruppo è stato trattato con Ozono. Entrambi i gruppi sono stati curati dagli stessi<br />

Odontoiatri ed assistenti dentali. Il trattamento d’ogni paziente è stato cronometrato, in minuti,<br />

dal momento in cui il paziente si è seduto al<strong>la</strong> poltrona fino al completamento del<strong>la</strong> procedura.<br />

Risultati: il tempo necessario <strong>per</strong> trattare ogni paziente è stato in media di 35min con una<br />

deviazione standard di 10min, mentre il tempo necessario <strong>per</strong> trattare il gruppo terapeutico con<br />

Ozono è stato in media di 8min con una deviazione standard di 2min. (P

Conclusioni: l'uso di Ozono <strong>per</strong> il trattamento delle carie occlusali primarie è stato provato<br />

richiedere meno di un quarto del tempo richiesto <strong>per</strong> praticare le tecniche convenzionali del<br />

“drilling and filling”.<br />

1HealOzone unit, CurOzone USA and KaVo Germany.<br />

Seq #277 - Miscel<strong>la</strong>neous Caries Clinical Studies<br />

11:00 AM-12:15 PM, Saturday, 28 June 2003 Svenska Massan Exhibition Hall B<br />

Back to the Cariology Research Program<br />

Back to the 81st General Session of the International Association for Dental Research<br />

(June 25-28, 2003)<br />

2408 Applicazione di Ozono ad una carie radico<strong>la</strong>re valutazione dopo 12<br />

mesi.<br />

A. BAYSAN, Birmingham University, Dental School, United Kingdom, and E. LYNCH,<br />

Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Obiettivi: L'obiettivo era valutare <strong>la</strong> sicurezza e l'efficacia di un sistema di erogazione di Ozono,<br />

con o senza sigil<strong>la</strong>nte, <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> terapia di una carie radico<strong>la</strong>re.<br />

Metodi: sono stati registrati un totale di 79 pazienti con 220 PRCLs (lesioni cariose primarie del<strong>la</strong><br />

radice). Il gruppo 1 è stato trattato solo con Ozono, il gruppo 2 non è stato trattato né con Ozono<br />

né con sigil<strong>la</strong>nte radico<strong>la</strong>re, mentre il gruppo 3 è stato trattato sia con Ozono che con sigil<strong>la</strong>nte ed<br />

il gruppo 4 è stato trattato solo con sigil<strong>la</strong>nte. Come linea di base sono stati impiegati <strong>la</strong><br />

misurazione del<strong>la</strong> Resistenza Elettrica3 (ECM) e il DIAGNOdent4, a 1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 mesi. Le lesioni<br />

sono state valutate clinicamente. Inoltre sono stati eseguiti i test di verifica di USPHS modificati.<br />

Risultati: 74 pazienti hanno terminato il trattamento, dopo 12 mesi. Non sono stati osservati<br />

eventi avversi. Dopo 12 mesi, il 47% di PRCLs ha avuto un’inversione dell’indice di severità tra 1 e<br />

0 (hard) solo nel gruppo trattato con Ozono, mentre nel gruppo di controllo non si è verificata<br />

nessun’inversione delle lesioni (p

Conclusioni: La carie su<strong>per</strong>ficiale del<strong>la</strong> radice non attiva può essere trattata con Ozono. Questo<br />

tipo di trattamento con Ozono è un'alternativa efficace al “drilling and filling”. Il sigil<strong>la</strong>nte è durato<br />

più a lungo nulle lesioni trattate con Ozono.<br />

Seq #247 - Oral Function, Caries and Health Education (Morita Junior Investigator Award)<br />

9:00 AM-11:00 AM, Saturday, 28 June 2003 Svenska Massan F5<br />

Back to the Geriatric Oral Research Program Back to the 81st General Session of the International<br />

Association for Dental Research (June 25-28, 2003)<br />

2008 Effetto dell’Ozono sul<strong>la</strong> durezza delle su<strong>per</strong>fici dei materiali da<br />

ricostruzione<br />


1 Royal Group of Hospitals, Belfast, United Kingdom, 2 Queen's University, Belfast, UK<br />

Obiettivo: in odontoiatria di recente c’è stato molto interesse sull'uso di Ozono come trattamento<br />

alternativo. Non è stato segna<strong>la</strong>to l'effetto residuo di tale trattamento sul<strong>la</strong> durezza di su<strong>per</strong>ficie<br />

dei materiali da ricostruzione. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di verificare l'effetto del<br />

trattamento con Ozono sul<strong>la</strong> durezza del<strong>la</strong> su<strong>per</strong>ficie su una gamma di materiali da restauro<br />

comunemente usati.<br />

Metodo: Sei dischi prefabbricati <strong>per</strong> test contenenti ciascuno 3 pozzetti sono stati riempiti di<br />

materiali da restauro comunemente usati: un composito ibrido (Spectrum), un vetro ionomerico<br />

(Chemflex), un compomero (Dyract AP), un'amalgama (Dis<strong>per</strong>alloy), un composito fluido<br />

(Revolution) e una resina modificata vetro ionomerica (Fuji II LC). I materiali sono stati<br />

compattati su una <strong>la</strong>stra di vetro <strong>per</strong> produrre una su<strong>per</strong>ficie piana. 24 ore dopo i campioni (18 di<br />

ciascuno) sono stati sottoposti al Test di Micro Durezza Vickers (Mitutoyo) usando un carico di 1Kg<br />

<strong>per</strong> 10 secondi. L'Ozono è stato applicato <strong>per</strong> 10 secondi (Healozone, Curozone, USA e Kavo,<br />

Germany) dopodiché è stata ripetuta <strong>la</strong> prova del<strong>la</strong> durezza su<strong>per</strong>ficiale.<br />

Risultati: I risultati dei test di durezza Vickers ottenuti sui campioni sono i seguenti:<br />

Materiale Durezza media su<strong>per</strong>ficiale<br />

± deviazione standard<br />

Composito ibrido 46.82± 2.82 46.33 ± 3.07<br />

Vetro-ionomerico 38.40 ± 10.85 37.02 ± 4.75<br />

Compomero 27.32 ± 2.77 27.64 ± 2.93<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />

Durezza media su<strong>per</strong>ficiale<br />

dopo applicazione d’ozono<br />

± deviazione standard<br />

Amalgama 127.13 ± 15.65 124.30 ± 14.02<br />

Composito fluido 14.59 ± 2.11 12.61 ± 1.41<br />

Resina modificata<br />

G.I.<br />

32.74 ± 3.18 30.06 ± 2.14<br />


dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


È stata utilizzata un‘analisi statistica bidirezionale ANOVA che non ha rive<strong>la</strong>to alcuna differenza di<br />

durezza delle su<strong>per</strong>fici dopo il trattamento con Ozono (p>0.15).<br />

Conclusione: Si è giunti a conclusione che l'applicazione di Ozono <strong>per</strong> 10 secondi non ha effetto<br />

nocivo sul<strong>la</strong> durezza delle su<strong>per</strong>fici dei materiali esaminati e quindi non dovrebbe interessare le<br />

prestazioni cliniche di tali materiali in vivo.<br />

Seq #209 - Polymer Materials: Pro<strong>per</strong>ties, Clinical Variables<br />

3:45 PM-5:00 PM, Friday, 27 June 2003 Svenska Massan Exhibition Hall B<br />

2034 Trattamento con Ozono in bambini ansiosi con carie dentale:<br />

Atteggiamenti dei genitori dopo <strong>la</strong> prima sessione<br />


LUSSI,<br />

Università di Berna, Svizzera<br />

In odontoiatria pediatrica <strong>la</strong> cura dei bambini ansiosi rimane una sfida. Molte volte le uniche<br />

opzioni sono il trattamento con i sedativi o l'anestesia totale che include un’alto costo, determinati<br />

rischi e i bambini rimangono ansiosi.<br />

Obiettivo: L'obiettivo era di valutare gli atteggiamenti dei genitori di bambini ansiosi nei confronti<br />

del trattamento del<strong>la</strong> carie con Ozono (Heal Ozone Unit, CurOzone, U.S.A.).<br />

Metodi: Dopo il primo trattamento di 20 bambini di età tra 2-10 anni (che include lo<br />

spazzo<strong>la</strong>mento dei denti, lo scavolino (Neos Vanadium Excavator No. 591/3, Hawe Neos Dental,<br />

Switzer<strong>la</strong>nd), misurazioni con DIAGNOdent (KaVo, Germany) e l'applicazione di Ozono), al padre<br />

e/o al<strong>la</strong> madre è stato chiesto, con un questionario, quale fosse il loro atteggiamento nei confronti<br />

del trattamento con Ozono.<br />

Risultati: Tutti i genitori hanno risposto al questionario, ma <strong>la</strong> maggior parte dei bambini sono<br />

stati accompagnati solo dalle loro madri (90%). Il 75% dei bambini avevano paura di andare dal<br />

dentista secondo i loro genitori prima del trattamento con Ozono, ma successivamente alcuni di<br />

questo gruppo hanno <strong>per</strong>so il loro timore e tutti i bambini erano felici di ritornare<br />

all'appuntamento seguente. Il 40% dei genitori avevano paura che il trattamento con Ozono fosse<br />

<strong>per</strong>icoloso <strong>per</strong> i loro bambini ma tutti erano contenti di aver iniziato il trattamento con Ozono.<br />

Dopo <strong>la</strong> prima sessione il 75% dei genitori suggerivano il trattamento con Ozono ai famigliari o<br />

agli amici e acconsentivano ad un altro trattamento con Ozono. L’80% dei genitori era disposto a<br />

pagare di più il trattamento con Ozono rispetto al trattamento tradizionale “drilling and filling”.<br />

Conclusioni: Dopo <strong>la</strong> prima sessione, il trattamento con Ozono sembra essere stato accettato<br />

bene dai bambini e dai loro genitori e in oltre fa diminuire l'ansia dei bambini.<br />

Seq #211 - Fear, Anxiety, and Behavior<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


3:45 PM-5:00 PM, Friday, 27 June 2003 Svenska Massan Exhibition Hall B<br />

Back to the Behavioral Sciences/Health Services Research Program<br />

Back to the 81st General Session of the International Association for Dental Research<br />

(June 25-28, 2003)<br />

0989 Efficacia dell'Ozono nel trattamento delle carie Occlusali dei denti<br />

primari<br />


Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Attualmente si sta studiando l'Ozono come farmaco <strong>per</strong> il trattamento delle carie occlusali dei<br />

denti primari e <strong>per</strong>manenti.<br />

Obiettivi: valutare e monitorare <strong>la</strong> progressione, <strong>la</strong> stabilizzazione o l'inversione delle lesioni<br />

cariose delle su<strong>per</strong>fici occlusali con l’utilizzo del DIAGNOdent, <strong>la</strong> Misurazione del<strong>la</strong> Resistenza<br />

Elettrica (ECM) i valori del<strong>la</strong> sca<strong>la</strong> standard, <strong>la</strong> c<strong>la</strong>ssificazione clinica (Ekstrand, 1998), le macchie<br />

dello smalto (mm), l'indice di colore, l'indice di struttura, lo smalto scheggiato e l'indice di bisogno<br />

<strong>per</strong>cepito di trattamento dopo il trattamento dei denti primari con Ozono.<br />

Metodi: Lo studio in vivo eseguito su 16 pazienti con 42 lesioni cariose occlusali su<strong>per</strong>ficiali è<br />

stato fatto in un <strong>per</strong>iodo di 6 mesi. In linea di massima, a tre mesi ed a sei mesi tutti i denti sono<br />

stati puliti con un sistema abrasivo ad aria denominato Prophyflex 2® (KaVo, Germany). Quindi<br />

sono stati presi i valori ® del DIAGNOdent (D) (KaVo, Germany), i valori del<strong>la</strong> sca<strong>la</strong> standard del<br />

ECM (LODE BV, Paesi Bassi) e <strong>la</strong> c<strong>la</strong>ssificazione clinica (Ekstrand, 1998). La metà delle lesioni è<br />

stata trattata con Ozono a ciascuna di queste è stata trattata <strong>per</strong> tre volte, <strong>per</strong> mezzo di una<br />

cappetta siliconica sigil<strong>la</strong>nte (unità di HealOzone, CurOzone U.S.A. KaVo, Germany) <strong>per</strong> 10<br />

secondi, mentre, l'altra metà delle lesioni è stata riservata come gruppo di controllo.<br />

Risultati: A sei mesi i valori del ECM erano significativamente migliorati (p

(June 25-28, 2003)<br />

1671 Efficacia Antimicrobica dell’Ozono sull’Enterococcus faecalis<br />

H.H. CHANG, C. FULTON, and E. LYNCH,<br />

Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Scopo: studiare l'efficacia battericida dell’Ozono su differenti concentrazioni di Enteroccocus<br />

faecalis<br />

Metodi: Enteroccocus faecalis è stato coltivato durante <strong>la</strong> notte sulle piastre di sangue di Agar.<br />

Una sospensione dei microorganismi era composta da una concentrazione approssimativa di 10 8<br />

usando McFar<strong>la</strong>nd Standards un tamponato salino di fosfati (PBS). Sono state fatte diluizioni di<br />

serie a 10 7 , 10 6 , 10 5 . In ciascuno di questi concentrati sono stati pipettati bene 50 µl di ognuno su<br />

di una piastra del microscopio. Ciascun concentrato a sua volta è stato trattato con Ozono<br />

(HealOzone Unit, CurOzone, USA and KAVO, Germany) con tempi di esposizione differenti di 10s,<br />

20s, 30s e 60s. I campioni sono stati prelevati dai pozzetti, p<strong>la</strong>cca a spirale, incubati ed effettuate<br />

l'enumerazione delle unità di formazione delle colonie (cfu).<br />

Risultati:<br />

Tempo di<br />

esposizione?<br />

Concentrazione?<br />

60s 30s 20s 10s Trattamento<br />

10 8 cfu 2 x 103cfu 4.0 x<br />

2.0 x<br />

105cfu 107cfu<br />

10 7 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 3.4 x<br />

5.5 x<br />

107cfu<br />

4.4 x<br />

in no-PBS<br />

6.0 x 10 8 cfu<br />

5.6 x 10 7 cfu<br />

105cfu 105cfu<br />

10 6 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 6.5 x 10 6 cfu<br />

10 5 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 5.2 x 10 5 cfu<br />

Tempo di esposizione = Tempo di esposizione all’Ozono.<br />

PBS = tamponato salino di fosfati.<br />

Concentrazione = concentrazione approssimata del<strong>la</strong> sospensione batterica.<br />

Conclusioni: L'Ozono ha ottenuto l’eradicazione totale degli Enterococcus Faecalis al<strong>la</strong> re<strong>la</strong>tiva<br />

concentrazione del<strong>la</strong> sospensione di 10 6 o meno, con un tempo d’esposizione di 10 secondi.<br />

Seq #174 - Oral Microbiology & Immunology I<br />

11:00 AM-12:15 PM, Friday, 27 June 2003 Svenska Massan Exhibition Hall B<br />

Back to the Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control Program<br />

Back to the 81st General Session of the International Association for Dental Research<br />

(June 25-28, 2003)<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


2753 Efficacia dell’Ozono nell’invertire <strong>la</strong> Carie Occlusale<br />

R. MORRISON, Harbour Dental Practice, Donaghadee, United Kingdom, and E. LYNCH, Queen's<br />

University Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

L'Ozono è stato indicato in grado d’invertire clinicamente le lesioni cariose primarie del<strong>la</strong> radice e<br />

<strong>la</strong> carie iniziale occlusale dei solchi.<br />

Obiettivi: valutare l'effetto dell'Ozono sulle lesioni cariose primarie dei solchi del<strong>la</strong> cavità in un<br />

<strong>per</strong>iodo di 13 settimane durante un trattamento Odontoiatrico.<br />

Metodi: i soggetti sono stati scelti a caso da 1 di 2 gruppi. Su 145 pazienti sono stati registrate<br />

240 lesioni cariose mentre sono stati inseriti altri 60 soggetti di controllo con 60 lesioni, i quali non<br />

hanno ricevuto alcun trattamento. Per ognuna delle lesione cariose è stato diagnosticato un<br />

trattamento convenzionale. Ad ogni lesione del<strong>la</strong> prova è stato applicato Ozono <strong>per</strong> 40 secondi.<br />

Dopo 13 settimane, i pazienti sono stati richiamati e sono state rivalutate clinicamente le severità<br />

delle lesioni.<br />

Risultati: al<strong>la</strong> visita di controllo si sono presentati 89 soggetti del test con 141 lesioni del<strong>la</strong> prova.<br />

Non sono stati osservati eventi avversi. 123 lesioni cariose primarie del solco e del<strong>la</strong> cavità<br />

trattate con Ozono sono regredite clinicamente basandosi sul<strong>la</strong> misurazione clinica del<strong>la</strong> severità<br />

del<strong>la</strong> lesione mentre le altre 18 lesioni sono rimaste stabili e nessuna si è aggravata (P

Obiettivi: Questo studio è servito a valutare gli effetti dell'Ozono (HealOzone unit, CurOzone USA<br />

and KaVo Germany) sulle lesioni cariose primarie dei solchi occlusali <strong>per</strong> un <strong>per</strong>iodo di 12 mesi.<br />

Metodi: sono stati inseriti 376 pazienti che necessitavano di cure odontoiatriche con 2364 lesioni<br />

cariose primarie del solco occlusale e in 1170 denti erano estese fino a 2 mm nel<strong>la</strong> dentina. Dopo<br />

sono state selezionate a caso, le lesioni che non dovevano ricevere il trattamento con Ozono e<br />

altre che dovevano essere trattate con Ozono. Per misurare obiettivamente le lesioni cariose<br />

primarie del solco occlusale è stato impiegato Il DIAGNOdent (KaVo, Germany). L'Ozono è stato<br />

applicato ad ogni lesione del<strong>la</strong> prova <strong>per</strong> 10, 20, 30 o 40 secondi a seconda del<strong>la</strong> severità clinica e<br />

ripetuto <strong>per</strong> 3 volte mensili se non si fosse ottenuta l'inversione del<strong>la</strong> carie. I pazienti sono stati<br />

richiamati dopo 12 mesi e rivalutati clinicamente. Per <strong>la</strong> registrazione del<strong>la</strong> severità clinica di ogni<br />

lesione, è stato impiegato di nuovo il DIAGNOdent <strong>per</strong> misurare obiettivamente le cavità occlusali<br />

primarie e le lesioni cariose delle fessure.<br />

Risultati: <strong>per</strong> il controllo sono stati richiamati 315 pazienti. Non sono stati osservati eventi<br />

avversi. Il 99% delle lesioni cariose primarie dei solchi occlusali trattate con Ozono (1918 lesioni)<br />

avevano avuto un’inversione del processo e questo era stato constatato clinicamente con il<br />

miglioramento dei valori riferiti dal DIAGNOdent (P

Obbiettivo: stabilire l’accettazione dei pazienti al trattamento con Ozono effettuato in uno studio<br />

dentistico privato.<br />

Metodi: Hanno partecipato a questo studio pazienti (n=250) che presentavano una lesione<br />

cariosa trattata nei sei mesi precedenti con una preparazione convenzionale del<strong>la</strong> cavità mediante<br />

frese ( preparazioni minimamente invasive e/o “air abrasion”), seguite da otturazione, e che<br />

mostravano una lesione simi<strong>la</strong>re che richiedeva trattamento dallo stesso dentista. Accettazione,<br />

ansia <strong>per</strong> le cure dentali e soddisfazione sono stati valutati un mese dopo il trattamento, mediante<br />

un questionario con sca<strong>la</strong> Likert a 5 punti. Il 100% dei pazienti ha partecipato e il 94% ha<br />

completato il questionario entro tre mesi dopo il trattamento. Un questionario simile è stato<br />

proposto ai pazienti (n=45) che avevano ricevuto un trattamento convenzionale minimamente<br />

invasivo negli ultimi sei mesi ma che non avevano s<strong>per</strong>imentato il trattamento con Ozono.<br />

Risultati: tutti i pazienti erano contenti o soddisfatti del trattamento con Ozono che avevano<br />

ricevuto, ed erano contenti o soddisfatti del tempo richiesto dal trattamento.<br />

L’85% ha considerato poco fastidiosi gli appuntamenti di controllo <strong>per</strong> monitorare <strong>la</strong> progressione<br />

del<strong>la</strong> reversione del<strong>la</strong> lesione. Il 55% sono stati soddisfatti di scegliere questo trattamento anche<br />

se più costoso del trattamento rego<strong>la</strong>re, il 100% raccomanderebbe questo trattamento ad amici e<br />

parenti, e il 100% vorrebbe ricevere ancora questo trattamento. L’80% dei pazienti ha riportato<br />

una riduzione dell’ ansietà (p

L'Ozono è stato indicato clinicamente capace d'invertire le lesioni cariose primaria del<strong>la</strong> radice e <strong>la</strong><br />

carie iniziale del solco occlusale.<br />

Obiettivi: Questo studio ha valutato l'efficacia dell'Ozono (HealOzone unit, CurOzone USA) sulle<br />

lesioni cariose dei solchi occlusali primari in un <strong>per</strong>iodo di un mese.<br />

Metodi: sono stati inseriti 105 pazienti con 300 lesioni cariose primarie del solco occlusale che<br />

necessitavano di un trattamento Odontoiatrico generale. Ogni lesione cariosa aveva bisogno di un<br />

trattamento convenzionale ed aveva riportato una lettura con il DIAGNOdent (KaVo, Germany)<br />

(come linea base) fra 20 e 60. Dopo <strong>la</strong> randomizzazione, sono state assegnate le lesioni che non<br />

dovevano ricevere il trattamento con Ozono e quelle che dovevano ricevere il trattamento con<br />

Ozono su ogni soggetto con almeno una lesione di controllo. L'Ozono è stato applicato ad ogni<br />

lesione del<strong>la</strong> prova <strong>per</strong> 20 secondi. Dopo 1 mese, i pazienti sono stati richiamati e rivalutati<br />

clinicamente <strong>per</strong> valutare <strong>la</strong> severità del<strong>la</strong> lesione. E’ stato impiegato nuovamente il DIAGNOdent<br />

<strong>per</strong> misurare obiettivamente le lesioni cariose primarie del solco occlusale.<br />

Risultati: Dopo 1 mese, i pazienti sono stati richiamati <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> rivalutazione. Non si sono osservati<br />

eventi avversi. In base al<strong>la</strong> misurazione clinica del<strong>la</strong> severità del<strong>la</strong> lesioni, le lesioni trattate con<br />

Ozono indicavano segni significativi d’inversione (P

La maggior parte del<strong>la</strong> ricerca sull'uso di Ozono nel<strong>la</strong> remineralizzazione delle lesioni cariose del<strong>la</strong><br />

dentina è stata limitata al trattamento del<strong>la</strong> carie occlusale. Comunque molte lesioni cariose si<br />

presentano in altri luoghi, <strong>la</strong> carie interprossimale è una delle preoccupazioni.<br />

Obiettivi: Questa ricerca ha mirato a stabilire se le altri lesioni, partico<strong>la</strong>rmente interprossimale e<br />

carie occlusale occulta potrebbero essere trattate usando l’airbrasion, <strong>per</strong> poter accedere al<strong>la</strong><br />

lesione, seguita dal trattamento con Ozono, e <strong>per</strong> valutare se questo metodo conservatore possa<br />

essere più veloce delle tecniche convenzionali.<br />

Metodi: sono state selezionate le lesioni che richiedevano un trattamento convenzionale. 37<br />

pazienti con un totale di 48 denti sono stati trattati con airabrasion e Ozono mentre altri 48 denti<br />

negli stessi pazienti sono stati trattati convenzionalmente, ed è stato registrato il tempo richiesto<br />

<strong>per</strong> ristabilire l’integrità. L'accesso alle lesioni è stato ottenuto usando l’airbrasion a 80 PSI<br />

utilizzzando come agente di taglio l'ossido d’alluminio a 27 micron (Abradent DV1). Una volta<br />

stabilito l'accesso al<strong>la</strong> carie, è stato erogato Ozono <strong>per</strong> 40 secondi usando un'unità di HealOzone<br />

(CurOzone U.S.A. e KaVo Germany). Nel trattamento del<strong>la</strong> carie interprossimale, sono state<br />

esplorate diverse tecniche <strong>per</strong> assicurare una efficace sigil<strong>la</strong>tura. Il vetro ionomerico <strong>per</strong> restauri<br />

(Fuji 9 (GC) or Diamond Carve (Kemdent)) è risultato efficace <strong>per</strong> otturare le cavità.<br />

Risultati: Tutte le lesioni sono state esposte ed è stata stabilita con successo una sigil<strong>la</strong>tura <strong>per</strong><br />

l’azione dell’Ozono. Intorno a tutti i ripristini sono state realizzate sigil<strong>la</strong>ture clinicamente<br />

accettabili. La tecnica dell’airabrasion e Ozono è risultata significativamente più veloce delle<br />

tecniche convenzionali (P

2756 Trattamento con Ozono del<strong>la</strong> carie Occlusale in vivo: effetti a uno e<br />

due mesi con Spettroscopia a fluorescenza (QLF) usato come metodo<br />

diagnostico<br />

G.D. MEGIGHIAN, Private Practice, Verona, Italy, and L. BERTOLINI, Private Practice, Verona,<br />

Italy<br />

E’ stato provato che l'Ozono inverte clinicamente <strong>la</strong> carie del<strong>la</strong> radice e le lesioni cariose del solco<br />

e delle fessure. Sono stati studiati più a fondo gli effetti di un trattamento farmaceutico delle<br />

lesioni cariose del solco e delle cavità (PFCLs) nello sviluppo degli studi clinici control<strong>la</strong>ti<br />

longitudinali precedenti. Lo studio applica i protocolli sviluppati nel<strong>la</strong> Dental Clinic, Queen’s<br />

University, Belfast, in uno Studio privato Odontoiatrico a nord-est dell’Italia.<br />

Obiettivi: Lo scopo di questo studio era control<strong>la</strong>re longitudinalmente le letture indotte dal<strong>la</strong><br />

Spettroscopia di fluorescenza (QLF) e <strong>la</strong> c<strong>la</strong>ssificazione clinica delle PFCLs e quindi studiare<br />

l'effetto a medio termine dell'applicazione di Ozono su queste letture.<br />

Metodi: su 80 pazienti sono state registrate un totale di 300 PFCLs. Dopo <strong>la</strong> pulitura di ogni<br />

lesione usando airabrasion con particelle di 27.5 micron, è stato registrato un indice clinico di<br />

severità, letture del<strong>la</strong> sca<strong>la</strong> standard di QLF (DIAGNOdent®, KaVo, Germany). Due terzi delle<br />

lesioni sono stati trattati con Ozono (utilizzando l'unità di HealOzone da CurOzone U.S.A.) <strong>per</strong> 20,<br />

30 e 40s secondo <strong>la</strong> c<strong>la</strong>ssificazione clinica e l'altro terzo è stato riservato come controllo in ogni<br />

paziente che aveva almeno una lesione di controllo. Le letture sono state ripetute dopo un mese e<br />

dopo due mesi.<br />

Risultati: dopo un mese dal trattamento con Ozono è stata prodotta una riduzione generale<br />

significativa delle letture di QLF. La <strong>per</strong>centuale dei denti che hanno prodotto questa riduzione era<br />

più dell’80%. Dopo due mesi le letture di QLF che mostravano <strong>la</strong> riduzione erano più del 90%<br />


2754 Trattamento efficace dell’Ozono sul<strong>la</strong> carie del solco Occlusale<br />


1Private practice, Wales, United Kingdom, 2Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom.<br />

L'Ozono è stato indicato in grado di invertire clinicamente le lesioni cariose primaria del<strong>la</strong> radice e<br />

<strong>la</strong> carie del solco occlusale nel<strong>la</strong> fase iniziale.<br />

Obiettivi: Questo studio ha valutato l'effetto di un sistema di erogazione dell'Ozono (unità di<br />

HealOzone, CurOzone U.S.A.) sulle lesioni cariose primarie dei solchi occlusali in un <strong>per</strong>iodo di un<br />

mese.<br />

Metodi: allo studio hanno partecipato 105 pazienti che necessitavano di un trattamento dentale<br />

generale con 300 lesioni cariose primarie dei solchi occlusali. Ogni lesione cariosa aveva necessità<br />

di un trattamento tradizionale e ad una lettura di base con il DIAGNOdent (KaVo, Germania),<br />

avevano registrato dei valori tra 20 e 60. Dopo, le lesioni, sono state divise, a caso, tra quelle che<br />

non dovevano essere trattate e quelle che dovevano essere trattate con Ozono <strong>per</strong> ogni soggetto<br />

che aveva almeno una lesione di controllo. Ad ogni lesione del<strong>la</strong> prova l'Ozono è stato applicato<br />

<strong>per</strong> 20 secondi. Dopo 1 mese, i pazienti sono stati richiamati e rivalutate clinicamente le severità<br />

delle lesioni. È stato impiegato di nuovo il DIAGNOdent <strong>per</strong> misurare obiettivamente le lesioni<br />

cariose primaria delle fessure occlusali.<br />

Risultati: Dopo 1 mese, i pazienti sono stati richiamati <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> rivalutazione. Non sono stati<br />

osservati eventi avversi. Sul<strong>la</strong> base del<strong>la</strong> misurazione clinica del<strong>la</strong> severità del<strong>la</strong> lesione, le lesioni<br />

trattate con Ozono hanno indicato i segni significativi dell'inversione (P

2750 Trattamento con Ozono del<strong>la</strong> carie primaria di cavità e del solco<br />

Occlusale: Risultati a sei mesi<br />

M.A. CRONSHAW, Private Practice, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom<br />

L'Ozono è stato indicato essere efficace nell'arresto e nell'inversione delle lesioni cariose primarie<br />

del<strong>la</strong> cavità, del solco e del<strong>la</strong> radice.<br />

Obiettivi: Questo studio ha valutato l'effetto dell’Ozono sullo stato clinico e anche le letture del<br />

DIAGNOdent delle carie delle cavità e del solco occlusale in un <strong>per</strong>iodo di sei (6) mesi.<br />

Metodi: sono stati inseriti 18 soggetti con 49 lesioni cariose che avevano bisogno di un<br />

trattamento tradizionale. 31 denti sono stati trattati con Ozono <strong>per</strong> 30 secondi (HealOzone,<br />

CurOzone e KaVo, U.S.A. e Germany) <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> lesione del<strong>la</strong> prova. Ciascun soggetto aveva una<br />

lesione di controllo al<strong>la</strong> quale non è stato effettuato alcun trattamento. Tutte le lesioni sono state<br />

rivalutate dopo sei mesi. La determinazione del<strong>la</strong> severità delle lesioni è stata fatta tramite <strong>la</strong><br />

misurazione con un indice di severità clinica con le letture del DIAGNOdent (KaVo, Germania).<br />

Risultati: Dei 31 denti trattati, 25 sono migliorati secondo le misurzioni del DIAGNOdent mentre<br />

6 sono rimasti invariati (P

Obiettivi: scopo di questo studio era valutare l'utilizzo di Ozono generato da un dispositivo (unità<br />

di HealOzone, CurOzone U.S.A. e KaVo, Grmany) <strong>per</strong> control<strong>la</strong>re <strong>la</strong> carie del<strong>la</strong> cavità e del solco in<br />

un <strong>per</strong>iodo di 3 mesi durante un’attività dentale generale.<br />

Metodi: i soggetti sono stati assegnati a caso ad uno di 2 gruppi. 98 pazienti sono stati inseriti<br />

con 279 lesioni cariose del<strong>la</strong> prova mentre altri 20 soggetti sono stati inseriti con 49 lesioni di<br />

controllo, che non hanno ricevuto alcun trattamento. era stata ritenuto che ogni lesione cariosa<br />

richiedesse un trattamento convenzionale. L'Ozono è stato applicato ad ogni lesione del<strong>la</strong> prova<br />

<strong>per</strong> 10 - 30 secondi secondo <strong>la</strong> loro severità clinica. Dopo 3 mesi, i pazienti sono stati richiamati<br />

<strong>per</strong> rivalutare <strong>la</strong> severità clinica delle lesioni.<br />

Risultati: Fin qui, 32 soggetti con 69 lesioni del<strong>la</strong> prova hanno risposto al<strong>la</strong> visita di controllo.<br />

Non si sono osservati eventi avversi. 58 delle lesione cariose primarie del<strong>la</strong> cavità e del solco<br />

trattate con Ozono avevano registrato un’inversione clinica, basandosi sul<strong>la</strong> misura clinica del<strong>la</strong><br />

severità del<strong>la</strong> lesione, mentre le altre 11 lesioni del<strong>la</strong> prova sono rimaste stabili o addirittura<br />

peggiorate (P

Obiettivi: verificare l’efficacia dell'Ozono(O3) nell’eradicazione da colonizzazione primaria di DUWL<br />

(Dental Unit Water Lines) ed essere un rischio <strong>per</strong> gli adulti Immunodepressi ed i bambini con Fibrosi<br />

Cistica. da P.A.<br />

Metodi: Due nuove unità dentali (KaVo, Germany) sono state control<strong>la</strong>te settimanalmente <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

contaminazione di DUWL. La prima unità è stata trattata con erogazione continua di H2O2<br />

(Oxygenal, KaVo, Germania). La seconda unità, di controllo, è stata <strong>la</strong>vata con acqua (H2O)<br />

conformemente alle raccomandazioni del BDA. Dopo <strong>la</strong> comparsa di P.A. nell'unità di controllo, è<br />

stata trattata con O3 (HealOzone, CurOzone U.S.A.; KaVo, Germany). La macchina di O3 è stata<br />

collegata ad una bottiglia d'acqua e l’O3 è stato fatto gorgogliare nell'acqua <strong>per</strong> 5 minuti di seguito<br />

irrigando i cavi dell’acqua con l'acqua ozonata <strong>per</strong> 10 minuti. Dopo una settimana l'acqua è stata<br />

campionata e dopo un'altra settimana, è stato ripetuto il trattamento con O3. Sono stati raccolti<br />

campioni di acqua da 20 ml, prima e dopo ogni trattamento con O3, e coltivati con Agar nutriente<br />

e incubati <strong>per</strong> 3 giorni a 25°C.<br />

Risultati: Il trattamento continuo di Ossigenazione (O3) dell'acqua ha prodotto un TVC (Total<br />

Viable Count) di circa 100 CFU/ml. Il TVC dell’acqua nell’unità di controllo era di 2.3 x 10 4 e 3.4 x<br />

10 4 CFU/ml dopo 1 e 2 settimane dall’instal<strong>la</strong>zione. Il colonizzatore primario è stato<br />

identificato(API 20 NE kit) come P.A. puro. Dopo il primo trattamento con O3 il TVC si è ridotto a<br />

60 CFU/mL ed è salito a 3.9 x 10 4 CFU/mL dopo una settimana con poche colonie di Psedomonas.<br />

Dopo due settimane,il TVC era di 2.8 x 10 3 CFU/ml senza P.A. rilevato e si è trasformato in 0 CFU/<br />

ml dopo il trattamento. Il campione ripetuto dell'unità <strong>per</strong> 9 settimane non ha mostrato nessuna<br />

ricrescita di P.A.<br />

Conclusione: l’Ossigenazione (O3) può mantenere <strong>la</strong> conta di DUWL a < 100 CFU/ml mentre non<br />

potrebbe un <strong>la</strong>vaggio con acqua. L’P.A. può essere il colonizzatore primario di DUWL e può essere<br />

eradicato con O3. Sostenuto da CurOzone, U.S.A.; KaVo, Germany.<br />

Seq #222 - Biofilms II<br />

3:45 PM-5:00 PM, Friday, 27 June 2003 Svenska Massan Exhibition Hall B<br />

Back to the Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control Program<br />

Back to the 81st General Session of the International Association for Dental Research<br />

(June 25-28, 2003)<br />

Efficacia dell’ozono sul<strong>la</strong> sopravvivenza e <strong>per</strong>meabilità dei<br />

microorganismi orali.<br />

Microbiologia orale Immunol 2004:19: 240-246.<br />

Parole chiave: attività antimicrobica; biofilm del<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>cca batterica dentale; disinfettante;<br />

microorganismi orali; ozono.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Estratto: Nello studio presente abbiamo esaminato l'effetto dell'acqua ozonata sui microorganismi<br />

orali e sul<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>cca batterica dentale. Quasi nessun microorganismo è stato rilevato dopo essere<br />

stato trattato con acqua ozonata (4 mg/l) <strong>per</strong> 10s.<br />

Valutare l’efficacia dell’acqua ozonata nei confronti dello Streptococcus Mutans, le cellule<br />

batteriche sono state esposte con il corredo batterico di attuabilità di LIVE/DEAD BacLight TM.<br />

L'analisi al microscopio a fluorescenza ha rive<strong>la</strong>to che le cellule dello S. Mutans erano<br />

istantaneamente state eliminate dopo trattamento con acqua ozonata. Con l’ausilio del<br />

microscopio elettronico è stata accertata una certa rottura del<strong>la</strong> parete cellu<strong>la</strong>re dello S. Mutans<br />

trattato con acqua ozonata. Quando <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>cca batterica s<strong>per</strong>imentale è stata esposta all'acqua<br />

ozonata, il numero di S. Mutans si è ridotto drasticamente. L'acqua Ozonata è un forte inibitore<br />

del<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>cca batterica in vitro. Dopo che i campioni del<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>cca batterica dei soggetti umani sono<br />

stati esposti all'acqua ozonata in vitro, non è stata rilevata quasi nessuna cellu<strong>la</strong> batterica .<br />

Questi risultati suggeriscono che l'acqua ozonata dovrebbe essere utile nel<strong>la</strong> riduzione delle<br />

infezioni causate dai microorganismi orali del<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>cca batterica.<br />

OZONO, GENIALE: questo gas discutibile può essere tossico o medicamentoso?<br />

Bocci V.<br />

L'ozono è un gas intrinsecamente tossico e <strong>la</strong> re<strong>la</strong>tiva <strong>per</strong>icolosità ha indotto ad una re<strong>la</strong>tiva<br />

considerazione dell’ozono-terapia.<br />

Lo scopo di questa revisione è di indicare che un dogma errato e molte idee sbagliate contrastano<br />

il progresso: in realtà, l’ozono-terapia correttamente utilizzata, ed effettuata da medici es<strong>per</strong>ti,<br />

può essere molto utile quando <strong>la</strong> medicina convenzionale sembra essere inadeguata. L’incredibile<br />

versatilità dell’ozono terapia è dovuta al<strong>la</strong> cascata degli ozono-derivati in grado di agire al<strong>la</strong> base<br />

di uno stato patologico con un’azione multifattoriale. Durante <strong>la</strong> decade passata, al contrario di<br />

tutte le aspettative, è stato dimostrato che l'applicazione giudiziosa di ozono nelle infezioni<br />

croniche , vasculopatie, ortopediche e <strong>per</strong>sino odontoiatriche ha raccolto risultati impressionanti<br />

ed è deplorevole che l'istituzione medica continui ad ignorare l’ozono terapia.<br />

PMID: 15203558 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

È vero che l'ozono è sempre tossico? La conclusione di un dogma.<br />

Bocci V.<br />

Department of Physiology, University of Siena, via A. Moro 2, Siena 53100, Italy. bocci@unisi.it<br />

Ci sono un certo numero di buoni studi s<strong>per</strong>imentali che indicano che l'esposizione da ina<strong>la</strong>zione<br />

prolungata ad ozono troposferico danneggia l'apparato respiratorio e gli organi extrapolmonari. La<br />

pelle, se esposta estesamente, può anche subire danni. Indubbiamente <strong>la</strong> forte reattività<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


dell’ozono ha contribuito a stabilire il dogma che l'ozono è sempre un tossico e <strong>la</strong> re<strong>la</strong>tiva<br />

applicazione medica deve essere prescritta. Anche se meno conosciuto, l’ozonoterapia<br />

giudiziosamente eseguita sta diventando molto utile applicata da so<strong>la</strong> o congiuntamente al<strong>la</strong><br />

medicina tradizionale in una vasta gamma di patologie. Il giudizio degli oppositori<br />

dell’ozonoterapia sul<strong>la</strong> chimica dell'ozono, e medicinale, senza alcuna conoscenza del problema,<br />

spesso è scettico. Durante gli ultimi 15 anni, è stata acquisita una chiara comprensione del<br />

meccanismo d’azione dell’ozono in biologia e in medicina, oggi viene messo in discussione se è<br />

vero che l'ozono è sempre tossico.<br />

I punti fondamentali che sono discussi in questa re<strong>la</strong>zione sono: le caratteristiche anatomiche,<br />

biochimiche e topografiche, degli organi esposti quotidianamente ad ozono contro <strong>la</strong> potente<br />

capacità antiossidante del sangue esposta <strong>per</strong> pochi minuti ad una picco<strong>la</strong> dose calco<strong>la</strong>ta di ozono.<br />

È straordinario come l'apparato respiratorio sottoposto ad uno sforzo cronico ossidativo può<br />

liberarsi lentamente, ma costantemente, di una quantità enorme di residui tossici in grado di<br />

entrare nel<strong>la</strong> circo<strong>la</strong>zione e di causare seri danni. Lo scopo di questa re<strong>la</strong>zione è valutare<br />

obiettivamente questa controversa questione.<br />

PMID: 16890971 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Effetto dell’ozono sulle cellule orali paragonato agli antimicrobici tradizionali.<br />

Huth KC, Jakob FM, Saugel B, Cappello C, Paschos E, Hollweck R, Hickel R, Brand K.<br />

Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich,<br />

Germany. khuth@dent.med.uni-muenchen.de<br />

L'ozono, in odontoiatria, è stato prospettato come agente antisettico alternativo, basandosi sui<br />

rapporti dei re<strong>la</strong>tivi effetti antimicrobici sia in forma gassosa che acquosa. Questo studio ha<br />

stabilito se l’ozono gassoso (4 x 10 6 µg/ml(-3)) e acquoso (1.25 -20 µg/ml(-1)) esercita tutti gli<br />

effetti citotossici sulle cellule epiteliali orali umane (BHY) e sui fibrob<strong>la</strong>sti gengivali (HGF-1)<br />

rispetto agli antisettici imposti [digluconato di clorexidina (CHX) 2%, 0.2%; ipoclorito di sodio<br />

(NaOCl) 5.25%, 2.25%; <strong>per</strong>ossido di idrogeno (H2O2) 3%], <strong>per</strong> oltre 1 minuto e paragonato<br />

all'antibiotico, metronidazolo, <strong>per</strong> oltre 24h. Sono stati valutati, <strong>la</strong> conta delle cellule, l’attività<br />

metabolica, l’Sp-1 binding, i livelli di actina e l’apoptosi. È stato provato che il gas Ozono ha effetti<br />

tossici su entrambi i tipi di cellule. Essenzialmente non è stato osservato alcun segno citotossico<br />

<strong>per</strong> l’ozono acquoso. CHX (2%, 0.2%) era altamente tossica <strong>per</strong> le cellule di BHY, lievemente(2%)<br />

e non tossico (0.2%) <strong>per</strong> le cellule HGF-1. L’NaOCl e <strong>la</strong> H2O2 hanno provocato una marcata<br />

riduzione del<strong>la</strong> sopravvivenza cellu<strong>la</strong>re di(BHY, HGF-1), mentre il metronidazolo ha dimostrato una<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


lieve tossicità soltanto alle cellule BHY. Si desume che, l'ozono acquoso ha evidenziato un livello<br />

elevato di biocompatibilità tra gli antisettici esaminati.<br />

PMID: 17026511 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Biofactors. 2006;27(1-4):5-18.<br />

Indagini con RMN ad alta risoluzione 1H sul consumo ossidativo delle biomolecole<br />

salivari trattate con ozono: attinenza con le applicazioni terapeutiche di questo agente<br />

in odontoiatria clinica.<br />

Grootveld M, Silwood CJ, Lynch E.<br />

Department of Applied Science, London South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, London, UK.<br />

grootvm@lsbu.ac.uk<br />

La risonanza magnetica nucleare (RMN) protonica(1H) ad alta risoluzione spettroscopica è stata<br />

impiegata <strong>per</strong> valutare simultaneamente gli effetti ossidanti dell’Ozono (O3) verso una vasta<br />

gamma di biomolecole salivari in considerazione delle re<strong>la</strong>tive applicazioni nelle pratica dentale, il<br />

quale può essere utilizzato come possibile e conveniente mezzo <strong>per</strong> il trattamento del<strong>la</strong> carie<br />

dentale. Il trattamento dei su<strong>per</strong>natants derivati dai campioni (n=12) di saliva umana stimo<strong>la</strong>ti<br />

con O3 (4.48 mmol) hanno rive<strong>la</strong>to che questa specie reattiva di ossigeno ha causato l’aumento<br />

del consumo ossidativo di piruvato (generando come prodotti acetato e CO2), del <strong>la</strong>ttato (a<br />

piruvato e acetato e CO2), dei carboidrati (un processo che genera formiato), del<strong>la</strong> metionina (che<br />

produce il re<strong>la</strong>tivo ossido di zolfo) e dell’urato. Tuttavia, le minori modifiche O3-indotte hanno<br />

incluso l'ossidazione di trimeti<strong>la</strong>mmina e del 3-D-hydroxybutyrate, <strong>la</strong> frammentazione dei<br />

glicosaminoglicani salivari in frammenti saccaridici RMN-rilevabili e <strong>la</strong> conversione degli acidi<br />

grassi polinsaturi nei loro ozonidi. Inoltre, è stata ottenuta <strong>la</strong> prova del<strong>la</strong> capacità di O3 di indurre<br />

il ri<strong>la</strong>scio delle biomolecole salivari selezionate del<strong>la</strong> picco<strong>la</strong> massa moleco<strong>la</strong>re dai siti di legame<br />

macromoleco<strong>la</strong>ri. Da molti dei prodotti di ossidazione rilevabili nei campioni O3-trattati sono<br />

identici a quelli che risultano dall'attacco del radicale - OH ai componenti del biofilm, sembra che<br />

almeno alcune delle modifiche osservate qui siano attribuibili all'ossidante (derivato da O3 -<br />

generato dal<strong>la</strong> singo<strong>la</strong> riduzione dell'elettrone di O3).<br />

PMID: 17012760 [PubMed - in process]<br />

Braz Dent J. 2006;17(2):134-8<br />

Potenziale antimicrobico dell’ozono in un sistema di pulizia ultrasonica contro lo<br />

Stafilococco Aureo.<br />

Estre<strong>la</strong> C, Estre<strong>la</strong> CR, Decurcio Dde A, Silva JA, Bammann LL.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Faculty of Dentistry, Federal University of Goias, Goiania, GO, Brazil. estre<strong>la</strong>3@terra.com.br<br />

Lo scopo di questo studio era di valutare il potenziale antimicrobico dell’ozono applicato in 3<br />

soluzioni differenti in un sistema di pulizia ultrasonica contro lo Stafilococco Aureo. Sono stati<br />

misce<strong>la</strong>ti un totale di 120 ml di S.Aureus in 6 l di soluzione s<strong>per</strong>imentale (acqua distil<strong>la</strong>ta sterile,<br />

aceto e acqua distil<strong>la</strong>ta sterile + Endozime AWpluz) introdotte in un sistema di pulizia ultrasonica<br />

(UCS). L'ozono è stato prodotto tramite una scarica elettrica e fatto gorgogliare attraverso un<br />

flusso di ossigeno ad una portata di 7 g/h di ozono(1.2%) nel<strong>la</strong> sospensione microbica. Sono stati<br />

raccolti 10 ml di ogni sospensione s<strong>per</strong>imentale ed effettuate 5 diluizioni al<strong>la</strong> volta in 9 ml di BHI<br />

ed incubati a 37 0 C <strong>per</strong> 48 h. È stato valutato lo sviluppo batterico attraverso <strong>la</strong> torbidezza del<br />

terreno di coltura. Allo stesso tempo, è stato raccolto 1 ml del campione batterico ed inocu<strong>la</strong>to in<br />

piastre di BHIA. Dopo incubazione a 37 0 C <strong>per</strong> 48 h, è stato contato il numero delle unità delle<br />

colonie formate (cfu) <strong>per</strong> ml sul<strong>la</strong> su<strong>per</strong>ficie di BHIA. Nel<strong>la</strong> prova di diluizione su tubi di BHI e su<br />

piastre di BHIA (cfu/ml), non è stato osservato alcuna attività batterica in nessuna delle soluzioni<br />

s<strong>per</strong>imentali trattate con ozono. Nelle circostanze esaminate, può essere concluso che l'aggiunta<br />

di ozono in un sistema di pulizia ultrasonica contenenti differenti soluzioni s<strong>per</strong>imentali risulta l’<br />

attività antibatterica contro S.Aureus.<br />

PMID: 16924341 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Eur J Oral Sci. 2006 Aug;114(4):349-53<br />

Effetto antibatterico di un dispositivo che produce ozono messo a confronto con due<br />

sistemi di adesione del<strong>la</strong> dentina.<br />

Polydorou O, Pelz K, Hahn P.<br />

Department of O<strong>per</strong>ative Dentistry and Periodontology, Dental School and Hospital, Albert-<br />

Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany. olga.polydorou@uniklinik-freiburg.de<br />

I microorganismi rimasti sotto i restauri possono causare carie secondaria e danni del<strong>la</strong> polpa. <strong>per</strong><br />

questo, il trattamento antimicrobico è stato di grande aiuto.<br />

Lo scopo di questo studio era di valutare l'effetto antibatterico del dispositivo di HealOzone sullo<br />

Streptococcus Mutans e paragonarlo all'attività già provata di due sistemi di dentin-bonding. 35<br />

mo<strong>la</strong>ri sono stati divisi in 5 gruppi. Allora i denti sono stati sezionati in cavità (n = 28 cavità <strong>per</strong><br />

gruppo). Dopo <strong>la</strong> sterilizzazione, i denti sono stati <strong>la</strong>sciati nelle colture di brodo con 10 6 /ml (-1)<br />

Unità Formanti Colonie (CFU) di S. Mutans a 36 0 C <strong>per</strong> 48 h. Il trattamento adatto seguito (gruppo<br />

A, controllo; gruppo B, Clearfil SE Bond; gruppo C, Clearfil Protect Bond; gruppo D, 40 s di<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


trattamento con ozono; ed il gruppo E, 80 s di trattamento con ozono) dopo le cavità sono state<br />

riempito di resina composita. Dopo 72 h, i restauri sono stati rimossi, sono stati raccolti frammenti<br />

di dentina con un escavatore, ed è stato determinato il numero totale di microorganismi. Tutti i<br />

trattamenti hanno ridotto significativamente il numero dello S. Mutans rispetto al gruppo di<br />

controllo. L'effetto antimicrobico di entrambi i sistemi di bonding il trattamento con ozono <strong>per</strong> 80s<br />

è stato significativamente su<strong>per</strong>iore al trattamento con ozono <strong>per</strong> 40s. In conclusione, HealOzone<br />

ed i sistemi di bonding mostrano gli effetti antimicrobici contro lo S. Mutans.<br />

PMID: 16911107 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Am J Dent. 2006 Feb;19(1):67-72<br />

Effetti del trattamento con ozono sulle proprietà fisiche dello smalto.<br />

Celiberti P, Pazera P, Lussi A.<br />

Department of O<strong>per</strong>ative, Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, University<br />

of Bern, Freiburgstrasse 7, 3010 Bern, Switzer<strong>la</strong>nd. pau<strong>la</strong>celiberti@hotmail.com<br />

SCOPO: valutare gli effetti del<strong>la</strong> moleco<strong>la</strong> altamente reattiva di ozono sulle proprietà fisiche dello<br />

smalto sano ed i re<strong>la</strong>tivi effetti sul<strong>la</strong> capacità sigil<strong>la</strong>nte.<br />

METODI: effetti dell’ozono sul<strong>la</strong> adesività del sigil<strong>la</strong>nte, sono stati valutati le microfessure e le<br />

aree non trattate dei solchi di mo<strong>la</strong>ri sani. Sulle su<strong>per</strong>fici liscie sane sono stati effettuati i tests di<br />

microdurezza, l'angolo di contatto e di resistenza all'acido. I campioni sono stati trattati con ozono<br />

<strong>per</strong> 40 secondi (HealOzone). I campioni di controllo sono stati trattati con aria (HealOzone<br />

modificato) o appena trattati.<br />

RISULTATI: non è stata osservata alcuna differenza statisticamente rilevante in nessuno dei<br />

campioni di controllo e di ozono trattati in tutte le prove. I solchi preparati non hanno presentato<br />

zone non riempite e una microfessure statisticamente significativa è stata confrontata con i solchi<br />

intatti. L'ozono è in grado di disidratare lo smalto e conseguentemente di aumentarne <strong>la</strong> re<strong>la</strong>tiva<br />

microdurezza, che è reversibile.<br />

PMID: 16555661 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Oral Microbiol Immunol. 2005 Aug;20(4):206-10<br />

Efficacia microbicida dell'acqua ozonata verso <strong>la</strong> Candida Albicans che aderisce alle<br />

su<strong>per</strong>fici acriliche del<strong>la</strong> dentiera.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Arita M, Nagayoshi M, Fukuizumi T, Okinaga T, Masumi S, Morikawa M, Kakinoki Y,<br />

Nishihara T.<br />

First Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan.<br />

SCOPO: L'ozono è conosciuto come potente agente antimicrobico contro i batteri,funghi e virus.<br />

Abbiamo esaminato gli effetti dell'acqua ozonata sul<strong>la</strong> Candida Albicans presente sulle su<strong>per</strong>fici<br />

delle dentiere acriliche.<br />

METODI: Le resine acriliche a caldo sono state coltivate con C. Albicans. Dopo il <strong>la</strong>vaggio con<br />

acqua ozonata, è stato contato il numero di C. Albicans fissati. In alcuni es<strong>per</strong>imenti, i campioni<br />

del<strong>la</strong> prova sono stati trattati con acqua ozonata congiuntamente ad ultrasuoni.<br />

RISULTATI: Dopo l'esposizione al flusso di acqua ozonata (2 o 4 mg/l) <strong>per</strong> 1 minuto, le possibili<br />

cellule di C. Albicans erano quasi inesistenti. La combinazione di acqua ozonata e ultrasuoni ha<br />

avuto un forte effetto sul<strong>la</strong> sopravvivenza del<strong>la</strong> C. Albicans che aderisce alle su<strong>per</strong>fici acriliche<br />

del<strong>la</strong> resina. Non ci sono differenze significative nell'attività antimicrobica contro <strong>la</strong> C. Albicans tra<br />

le piastre immerse dentro l'acqua ozonata con ultrasuoni e quelle trattate con i pulitori <strong>per</strong><br />

dentiera disponibili in commercio. In più, l'analisi al microscopio elettronico ha rive<strong>la</strong>to che i piccoli<br />

aumenti di C. Albicans sono rimasti sul<strong>la</strong> piastra dopo l'esposizione a <strong>la</strong>vaggi con acqua ozonata o<br />

l'immersione dentro l'acqua ozonata con ultrasuoni.<br />

CONCLUSIONE: I nostri risultati indicano che l'applicazione di l'acqua ozonata può essere utile<br />

nel<strong>la</strong> riduzione del numero di C. Albicans sulle su<strong>per</strong>fici del<strong>la</strong> dentiera.<br />

PMID: 15943763 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Int J Prosthodont. 1999 Mar-Apr;12(2):179-83.<br />

Influenza dell’ozono sull’ossidazione delle leghe dentali.<br />

Suzuki T, Oizumi M, Furuya J, Okamoto Y, Rosenstiel SF.<br />

Department of Geriatric Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Faculty of Dentistry,<br />

Japan. t.suzuki.gero@dent.tmd.ac.jp<br />

SCOPO: Lo scopo di questo studio era esaminare l'influenza dell’ozono sulle su<strong>per</strong>fici delle leghe<br />

di protesi parziali amovibili(RPD) <strong>per</strong> determinare <strong>la</strong> re<strong>la</strong>tiva utilità come metodo di pulizia <strong>per</strong><br />

RPDs, poiché l'ozono ha forti proprietà di sterilizzazione e di deodorizzazione.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


MATERIALI E METODI: sono stati usati due tipi di pulizia con ozono. Le quantità di ozono<br />

generate con entrambi i metodi erano le stesse (20 mg/h). Nel metodo A l'ozono è stato erogato<br />

<strong>per</strong> 10 minuti ogni 12 ore, nel metodo B l'ozono è stato erogato <strong>per</strong> più di 24 ore al giorno. Gli<br />

esemp<strong>la</strong>ri del<strong>la</strong> prova di 3 tipi di leghe dentali (Co-Cr, Au-Ag-Pt e Au-Cu-Ag-Pd) sono stati<br />

sottoposti ai differenti metodi di pulizia <strong>per</strong> 7 giorni e sono stati misurati in termini di riflessione,<br />

rugosità di su<strong>per</strong>ficie e peso. Per il confronto con i trattamenti dell'ozono sono state usate cinque<br />

soluzioni differenti di pulitori (tre pulitori commerciali <strong>per</strong> dentiera, acido-elettrolitico acquoso con<br />

un pH di 2.4 ed acqua pura).<br />

RISULTATI: Nessun cambiamento significativo è stato rilevato dopo il trattamento del Co-Cr e<br />

delle leghe Au-AG-Pt con ozono. L'ozono ha causato un leggero cambiamento nel<strong>la</strong> lega Au-Cu-<br />

AG-Pd in termini di riflessione, ma i cambiamenti erano meno significativi di quelli causati da<br />

acido-elettrolitico acquoso e da uno dei pulitori commerciali <strong>per</strong> dentiera.<br />

CONCLUSIONE: L'ozono ha influenzato in maniera minima l'ossidazione delle leghe dentali.<br />

PMID: 10371921 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Eur J Oral Sci. 2007 Feb;115(1):77-80.<br />

Efficacia del gas ozono e terapia fotodinamica sul biofilm orale multispecie in vitro.<br />

Muller P, Guggenheim B, Schmidlin PR.<br />

Clinic of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology, University if Zurich, Zurich,<br />

Switzer<strong>la</strong>nd.<br />

Il gas ozono e <strong>la</strong> terapia fotodinamica (PDT) hanno entrambi effetti antimicrobici. Questo studio ha<br />

valutato il loro potenziale antimicrobico in vitro. I biofilms orali di sei specie mature sono stati<br />

trattati come segue (n=9 <strong>per</strong> gruppo):<br />

a) applicazione <strong>per</strong> 60 s con ozono sottovuoto o solo sottovuoto (sui campioni del biofilm<br />

bagnati o asciugati con aria);<br />

b) PDT (cioè blu di metilene con o senza soft <strong>la</strong>ser a diodo e solo un soft <strong>la</strong>ser);<br />

c) soluzioni antimicrobiche: immersione dei biofilms <strong>per</strong> 60 s in clorexidina al 2% e allo 0.2%<br />

o in una soluzione di ipoclorito al 5% e allo 0.5%. I trattamenti con clorexidina o ipoclorito<br />

sono serviti da controllo positivo, mentre i campioni non trattati sono serviti da comandi<br />

negativi. Sono state contate le Unità Formanti Colonie (CFU) con sangue di Agar. Soltanto <strong>la</strong><br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


soluzione con ipoclorito al 5% poteva completamente eliminare i microorganismi del biofilm. La<br />

riduzione osservata dei conteggi possibili dall'applicazione di ozono sottovuoto e da PDT era<br />

meno d'un ceppo (10) punti. Nei termini dello studio corrente, il gas ozono e il PDT hanno<br />

avuto un’effetto minimo sul<strong>la</strong> riproducibilità dei microorganismi organizzati in un biofilm<br />

cariogenico.<br />

PMID: 17305720 [PubMed - in process]<br />

J Endod. 2004 Nov;30(11):778-81.<br />

Effetto antimicrobico dell'acqua ozonata sui batteri che invadono i tubuli dentinali.<br />

Nagayoshi M, Kitamura C, Fukuizumi T, Nishihara T, Terashita M.<br />

Department of O<strong>per</strong>ative Dentistry and Endodontics, Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan.<br />

L'ozono è conosciuto come un forte agente antimicrobico contro batteri, funghi e virus. Nel<br />

presente studio, abbiamo esaminato l'effetto dell'acqua ozonata contro l'Enterococcus Faecalis e<br />

infezioni da Streptcoccus Mutans in vitro su dentina di bovino. Dopo l'irrigazione con acqua<br />

ozonata, l'attività dell’E. Fecalis e l'invasione dei tubuli dentinali dello S. Mutans è diminuita<br />

significativamente. Notevole, quando le specie sono state irrigate con sonicazione, l'acqua ozonata<br />

ha avuto quasi <strong>la</strong> stessa attività antimicrobica dell'ipoclorito di sodio al 2.5% (NaOCl). Inoltre<br />

abbiamo confrontato <strong>la</strong> citotossicità contro i fibrob<strong>la</strong>sti di topo L-929 tra acqua ozonata e NaOCl.<br />

L'attività metabolica dei fibrob<strong>la</strong>sti era alta quando le cellule sono state trattate con acqua<br />

ozonata, mentre è diminuita significativamente quando le cellule sono state trattate con NaOCl al<br />

2.5%. Questi risultati suggeriscono che l'applicazione di acqua ozonata può essere utile <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

terapia endodontica.<br />

PMID: 15505509 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

J Med Dent Sci. 1998 Jun;45(2):135-9.<br />

Metodo di pulizia di una dentiera con l’utilizzo di ozono. Prova in vitro.<br />

Oizumi M, Suzuki T, Uchida M, Furuya J, Okamoto Y.<br />

Department of Geriatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University,<br />

Japan. m.oizumi.gero@dent.tmd.ac.jp<br />

Lo scopo di questo studio era paragonare l'effetto microbicida dell’ozono gassoso a quello<br />

dell'acqua ozonata <strong>per</strong> determinare <strong>la</strong> re<strong>la</strong>tiva utilità come metodo <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> disinfezione delle<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


dentiere. Anche se, sull'effetto battericida dell’ozono, sono stati fatti tantissimi studi di ricerca<br />

poco è conosciuto circa i re<strong>la</strong>tivi effetti microbicidi sui microorganismi orali. Di conseguenza,<br />

abbiamo verificato l'effetto dell’ozono su tre studi standard dei microorganismi orali:<br />

Streptococcus Mutans (studio IID 973), Stafilococco Aureo (studio 209-P) e Candida Albicans (LAM<br />

14322 studio). Quando è stato usato il metodo <strong>per</strong> iniezione di ozono gassoso, i numeri di cellule<br />

di tutti e tre gli studi sono diminuiti a 1/10 (5) in un 1 minuto ed entro 3 minuti erano sotto il<br />

limite di segna<strong>la</strong>zione. Quindi, in poco tempo, è stato accertato l'effetto microbicida dell’ozono<br />

gassoso. In opposizione, quando sono stati usati l'acqua ozonata a 1 PPM e 3 PPM, <strong>la</strong> C. Albicans<br />

è diminuiti a 1/10. <strong>per</strong> preparare 1 PPM di acqua ozonata era necessario un livello di produzione di<br />

ozono di 700 mg/h, mentre dal generatore dell'ozono gassoso sono stati richiesti 20 mg/h di<br />

ozono. Questi risultati indicano che l'esposizione diretta a ozono gassoso sembra avere un’attività<br />

microbicida più efficace rispetto all'acqua ozonata e che l'ozono gassoso può essere clinicamente<br />

utile <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> disinfezione delle dentiere.<br />

PMID: 11186199 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Trattamento con ozono di lesioni cariose a<strong>per</strong>te in bambini ansiosi. Studio clinico<br />

control<strong>la</strong>to in prospettiva.<br />

Dahnhardt JE, Jaeggi T, Lussi A.<br />

Department of O<strong>per</strong>ative, Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, University<br />

of Bern, Switzer<strong>la</strong>nd. daehnhardt@zmk.unibe.ch<br />

SCOPO: Per determinare se il trattamento del<strong>la</strong> carie dentale con ozono sia possibile in bambini<br />

apprensivi ed accertare se l'ozono inverte <strong>la</strong> carie nelle lesioni a<strong>per</strong>te del<strong>la</strong> singole su<strong>per</strong>fici. In più<br />

è stata studiata, l'influenza di ozono sulle letture del <strong>la</strong>ser a fluorescenza.<br />

METODI: sono state valutate 82 lesioni su 28 bambini con almeno due lesioni a<strong>per</strong>te <strong>per</strong> ogni<br />

singo<strong>la</strong> su<strong>per</strong>ficie. I bambini sono stati giudicati, dall’odontoiatra di riferimento, come ansiosi e<br />

quindi non trattabili. Per ogni lesione del test, che è stata trattata con ozono, è stata <strong>la</strong>sciata una<br />

lesione di controllo senza trattamento. Sono stati valutati i valori del <strong>la</strong>ser a fluorescenza ed i<br />

cambiamenti dei valori nelle lesioni durante i test sono stati confrontati con i valori delle lesioni di<br />

controllo a distanza di 2, 4, 6 e 8 mesi.<br />

RISULTATI: il 94% dei bambini sono risultati trattabili e il 93% ha <strong>per</strong>so l’ansia da dentista. I<br />

valori di durezza sono migliorati significativamente nelle lesioni ozono-trattate del<strong>la</strong> test dopo 4, 6<br />

e 8 mesi (P0.05). L'uso di ozono ha<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


provocato una riduzione media di 13% dei valori del <strong>la</strong>ser a fluorescenza subito dopo il<br />

trattamento con ozono.<br />

PMID: 17073201 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Am J Dent. 2005 Aug;18(4):223-8.<br />

Effetto dell’ozono sulle lesioni dei solchi non profonde in un mo<strong>la</strong>re <strong>per</strong>manente. Studio<br />

clinico control<strong>la</strong>to in Prospettiva.<br />

Huth KC, Paschos E, Brand K, Hickel R.<br />

Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology, Dental School, Ludwig-Maximilians-<br />

University, Goethe Street 70, D-80336 Munich, Germany. khuth@dent.med.uni-muenchen.de<br />

SCOPO: valutare, con uno studio clinico control<strong>la</strong>to randomizzato, l'effetto dell’ozono sulle carie<br />

su<strong>per</strong>ficiali del solco occlusale confrontate alle lesioni di controllo contro<strong>la</strong>terali non trattate (split<br />

mouth) prendendo in considerazione pazienti a rischio di carie.<br />

METODI: allo studio hanno partecipato 41 pazienti con 57 paia di lesioni (età media 7.7 +/- 2.2<br />

anni; mascel<strong>la</strong>re su<strong>per</strong>iore n=29, mascel<strong>la</strong>re inferiore n=28). L'ozono gassoso (HealOzone) è<br />

stato applicato una volta <strong>per</strong> 40 secondi a caso al mo<strong>la</strong>re del test di ogni accoppiamento senza<br />

l'uso delle soluzioni rimineralizanti.<br />

La progressione o l'inversione del<strong>la</strong> lesione è stata control<strong>la</strong>ta dal sistema del <strong>la</strong>ser a fluorescenza<br />

DIAGNOdent <strong>per</strong> oltre 3 mesi ed il deterioramento o il miglioramento confrontato con le lesioni<br />

ozono-trattate e le lesioni non trattate, di controllo (negli accoppiamenti). Questo studio è stato<br />

condotto sull’intero campione di popo<strong>la</strong>zione e un sottogruppo di pazienti con alto rischio di carie<br />

(coppia di lesioni n=26).<br />

RISULTATI: Dopo 3 mesi, l'analisi dei dati ha rive<strong>la</strong>to che le lesioni ozono-trattate hanno<br />

mostrato una sensibile inversione del<strong>la</strong> carie o una ridotta progressione del<strong>la</strong> carie rispetto alle<br />

lesioni non trattate di controllo nel gruppo di pazienti ad alto rischio di carie (Wilcoxon-Prova, P =<br />

0.035). Non c’era importanza statistica che esamina <strong>la</strong> popo<strong>la</strong>zione di tutto lo studio. Dai dati può<br />

essere concluso che l'applicazione di ozono ha migliorato significativamente <strong>la</strong> carie iniziale<br />

su<strong>per</strong>ficiale del solco in pazienti con alto rischio di carie in un <strong>per</strong>iodo di tre mesi.<br />

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(3):CD004153.<br />

Ozono terapia <strong>per</strong> il trattamento delle carie dentali<br />

Old Sandstone Dental Practice, The Chine, Dorking, Surrey, UK, RH4 1QT.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


SCOPO: La carie dentale è una ma<strong>la</strong>ttia batterico mediata caratterizzata dal<strong>la</strong> demineralizzazione<br />

del<strong>la</strong> su<strong>per</strong>ficie del dente, che può condurre al<strong>la</strong> cavitazione, al disagio, al dolore ed al<strong>la</strong> <strong>per</strong>dita<br />

finale del dente. L'ozono in vitro è tossico <strong>per</strong> i batteri ed è stato ipotizzato che trattando con<br />

ozono una lesione cariosa esso possa ridurre il numero dei batteri cariogeni. Questo possibilmente<br />

potrebbe arrestare il progredire del processo carioso e, in presenza di fluoruro, <strong>per</strong>mettere <strong>la</strong><br />

remineralizzazione dello smalto. Se ciò fosse vero potrebbe, a sua volta, far ritardare o impedire<br />

l'esigenza di effettuare le metodiche di conservativa dentale tradizionali.<br />

OBIETTIVI: valutare l’efficacia dell'ozono ad arrestare o invertire <strong>la</strong> progressione del processo<br />

carioso.<br />

STRATEGIA DI RICERCA: le ricerche sono state effettuate su Cochrane gruppo di salute orale (7<br />

novembre 2003); Registro centrale delle prove control<strong>la</strong>te (CENTRALI) (edizione 3 del<strong>la</strong> biblioteca<br />

di Cochrane, 2003) di Cochrane; MEDLINE e PREMEDLINE (OVID, dal 1966 a novembre del 2003);<br />

EMBASE (OVID, 1980 a novembre del 2003); CINAHL (OVID, 1982 a novembre del 2003); AMED<br />

(OVID, 1985 a novembre del 2003). Quintessence ricerca manuale 2002 e contatto KaVo come<br />

fornitori dell'apparecchiatura di HealOzone <strong>per</strong> le prove pubblicate o non pubblicate<br />

supplementari.<br />

CRITERI DI SELEZIONE: Lo studio è stato valutato almeno da due critici indipendenti. Le prove<br />

erano incluse solo se rispondessero ai seguenti test di verifica: prova control<strong>la</strong>ta randomizzata;<br />

singo<strong>la</strong> lesione cariosa in vivo di su<strong>per</strong>ficie accessibile all'applicazione con ozono; dissimu<strong>la</strong>zione<br />

libera di ripartizione; applicazione di ozono alle lesioni nel gruppo del test; nessuna applicazione di<br />

ozono nel gruppo di controllo; risultati misurati dopo almeno 6 mesi.<br />

RACCOLTA DEI DATI ED ANALISI: I critici hanno estratto indipendentemente le informazioni<br />

due volte. Una scarsità dei dati paragonabili non ha <strong>per</strong>messo <strong>la</strong> riunione meta-analitica degli<br />

studi inclusi.<br />

RISULTATI PRINCIPALI: sono state incluse tre prove, con un totale di 432 lesioni ripartite con<br />

scelta casuale (137 partecipanti). Sono stati esclusi gli atti del congresso, 42 estratti e manifesti<br />

(da un numero sconosciuto di studi). Il rischio di po<strong>la</strong>rizzazione in tutto lo studio è sembrato alto.<br />

Le analisi di tutte e tre le prove sono state condotte alivello del<strong>la</strong> lesione, che non è indipendente<br />

dal<strong>la</strong> <strong>per</strong>sona, <strong>per</strong> questo motivo <strong>la</strong> riunione dei dati non era adatta o adattabile. L'individuo studia<br />

gli effetti contradditori indicati dall’ozono sul<strong>la</strong> carie, attraverso le misure differenti del<strong>la</strong><br />

progressione o del<strong>la</strong> regressione del<strong>la</strong> carie. Sono stati segna<strong>la</strong>ti pochi risultati secondari, e una<br />

prova ha segna<strong>la</strong>to un'assenza di eventi avversi.<br />

CRITERI DI CONCLUSIONE: Dato l'elevato rischio di po<strong>la</strong>rizzazione negli studi disponibili e di<br />

mancanza di consistenza fra risultato e differente misura, non c’è prova certa che l’applicazione<br />

del gas ozono sul<strong>la</strong> su<strong>per</strong>ficie dei denti inverte il processo di de<strong>per</strong>imento. C’è un'esigenza<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


fondamentale di una maggiore prova di rigore adatto e qualità prima dell'uso dell’ozono può<br />

essere accettata nel<strong>la</strong> cura dentale primaria tradizionale o può essere considerata un'alternativa<br />

possibile ai metodi correnti <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> gestione ed il trattamento del<strong>la</strong> carie dentale.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Ozono, inversione clinica del<strong>la</strong> carie radico<strong>la</strong>re, prova Random di 18 mesi a Doppio-<br />

Cieco<br />

Holmes J.<br />

UKSmiles Dental Practice, Wokingham, Berkshire, UK. julian@o3dc.co.uk<br />

OBIETTIVO: valutare l'effetto di un sistema di erogazione dell’ozono, combinato con un kit<br />

paziente di remineralizzazione <strong>per</strong> uso quotidiano, sul<strong>la</strong> severità clinica delle lesioni cariose<br />

primarie radico<strong>la</strong>ri su<strong>per</strong>ficiali (PRCL), in un gruppo di popo<strong>la</strong>zione anziana.<br />

DISEGNO: È stato reclutato un totale di 89 soggetti, (range d'età 60-82, Deviazione Standard,<br />

70.8 +/- 6 anni), ciascuno con due PRCL <strong>per</strong> su<strong>per</strong>ficie. In uno studio Odontoiatrico privato le<br />

lesioni di ogni soggetto sono state assegnate a caso <strong>per</strong> il trattamento con ozono o con aria, con il<br />

metodo a Doppio-cieco. I soggetti sono stati richiamati a 3, 6, 12 e 18 mesi. Le lesioni sono state<br />

registrate clinicamente durante ogni richiamo come consistenza: molle, media o dura; effettuato<br />

con un indice convalidato di severità del<strong>la</strong> carie radico<strong>la</strong>re.<br />

RISULTATI: Non si sono osservati eventi avversi.<br />

Dopo tre mesi, nel gruppo ozono-trattato, 61 PRCL (69%) erano regredite e nessuna era<br />

peggiorata, mentre nel gruppo di controllo, quattro PRCL (4%) erano peggiorate (p

Pubblicato su American Journal of Dentistry<br />


Trattamento del<strong>la</strong> carie del<strong>la</strong> radice con l’utilizzo di OZONO<br />

A. BAYSAN 1 and E. LYNCH 2<br />

1Department of Adult Oral Health,Barts and the Royal London Queen Mary's School of Medicine<br />

and Dentistry, London, UK<br />

2Division of Restorative Dentistry and Gerodontology, Dental School, Royal Victoria Hospital,<br />

Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ire<strong>la</strong>nd<br />

Corrispondenza a:<br />

Aylin Baysan BDS MSc Barts and the Royal London Queen Mary's School of Medicine and<br />

Dentistry, Department of Adult Oral Health, Turner Street, E1 2AD, London, UK Tel: +44 20 7377<br />

7000 ext. 2186 - Fax +44 20 7377 7375 E- mail: abaysan@mds.qmw.ac.uk<br />


Il trattamento conservativo del<strong>la</strong> carie del<strong>la</strong> radice è di partico<strong>la</strong>re interesse al<strong>la</strong> luce delle<br />

difficoltà di visibilità, controllo dell’umidità, accesso a lesioni cariate, prossimità del<strong>la</strong> polpa,<br />

prossimità al margine gengivale, e contenuto altamente organico del<strong>la</strong> dentina [Titus, 1991]. Molti<br />

materiali <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> conservativa, come i vetroionomerici, resine-modificate, i cementi di<br />

vetroionomero [Lynch and Tay, 1989a,b; Burgess, 1995], composti e amalgama, sono stati usati<br />

<strong>per</strong> il restauro di lesioni cariose: tuttavia sono sorti svariati problemi, come microfratture e scarsi<br />

adattamenti marginali con <strong>la</strong> necessità di frequenti sostituzioni dei materiali di otturazione [Taylor<br />

and Lynch, 1992; Taylor and Lynch 1993]. Ad oggi è riconosciuto che il trattamento più<br />

desiderabile <strong>per</strong> le carie radico<strong>la</strong>ri è <strong>la</strong> remineralizzazione [Allen et al.,1999]. L’Ozono può essere<br />

considerato come una strategia di trattamento alternativa del<strong>la</strong> carie radico<strong>la</strong>re. Recentemente<br />

Baysan et al.,[2000] hanno riportato che l’applicazione di Ozono <strong>per</strong> 10 o 20s risulta efficace ad<br />

eliminare <strong>la</strong> grande maggioranza di microrganismi in lesioni primarie di carie del<strong>la</strong> radice (PRCL)<br />

in vitro e questa applicazione <strong>per</strong> una durata di 10s risulta anche in grado di ridurre i numeri di<br />

Streptococcus Mutans e S. Sobrinus in vitro. Beighton et al., [1993] hanno convalidato un indice<br />

di severità <strong>per</strong> le carie del<strong>la</strong> radice e un criterio di diagnosi clinica <strong>per</strong> le PRCL. L’Electrical Caries<br />

Monitor III (ECM III, Monitoraggio elettrico del<strong>la</strong> carie) è altresì stato dimostrato essere corre<strong>la</strong>to<br />

con <strong>la</strong> severità delle PRCL [Baysan et al., 2002].<br />

Lo scopo di questo studio longitudinale è di valutare <strong>la</strong> sicurezza e l’efficacia di un nuovo sistema<br />

di distribuzione dell’Ozono con o senza un sigil<strong>la</strong>nte del<strong>la</strong> radice, utilizzando il Monitoraggio<br />

elettrico del<strong>la</strong> carie (ECM), DIAGNOdent e un criterio di individuazione clinica <strong>per</strong> il trattamento<br />

del<strong>la</strong> carie del<strong>la</strong> radice.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />



Pazienti considerati <strong>per</strong> lo studio<br />

L’approvazione etica è stata ottenuta dal District Ethics Committee del<strong>la</strong> Queen's University di<br />

Belfast. I dati sono stati ottenuti da 220 PRCL di 79 pazienti. E’ stato selezionato un totale di 49<br />

(62%) partecipanti di sesso maschile e 30 (38%) di sesso femminile con almeno una PRCL.<br />

All’inizio del <strong>la</strong>voro l’età media (± errore standard) dei soggetti era di 65 anni (± 14.76) con un<br />

minimo di 30 e un massimo di 72 anni. In questo studio sono state scelte solo carie del<strong>la</strong> radice<br />

nel<strong>la</strong> categoria media di severità (lesioni coriose con indice di severità 2) secondo l’indice di<br />

necessità <strong>per</strong>cepita di trattamento [Beighton et al., 1993], su almeno due su<strong>per</strong>fici di due denti<br />

diversi che erano accessibili <strong>per</strong> le procedure diagnostiche.<br />

Attrezzatura utilizzata<br />

o Sistema di distribuzione di Ozono<br />

Il sistema di distribuzione di Ozono è un apparecchio portatile con un generatore di Ozono <strong>per</strong> il<br />

trattamento del<strong>la</strong> carie che distribuisce Ozono ad una concentrazione di 2,100 ppm ± 10% (Figura<br />

1). Una pompa a vuoto spinge aria attraverso il generatore a 615 cc/min in modo da fornire<br />

Ozono al<strong>la</strong> lesione e purificare il sistema dall’Ozono al termine del trattamento. E’ dotato anche di<br />

una cappetta in silicone monouso removibile da applicare al<br />

manipolo, applicabile sull’area del dente da trattare. La ventosa,<br />

che si serra strettamente allo strumento, sigil<strong>la</strong> l’area scelta del<br />

dente in modo da prevenire <strong>la</strong> fuga di Ozono (Figura 2). Un<br />

sistema di aspirazione rimuove poi ogni possibile traccia di<br />

Ozono mentre <strong>la</strong> ventosa è ancora applicata al<strong>la</strong> PRCL (il<br />

sistema di aspirazione trasmette il gas dal sistema di<br />

distribuzione attraverso ioni di Manganesio (II)). Questo<br />

neutralizzatore di Ozono converte l’Ozono in ossigeno. Il<br />

sistema, infine, emette un liquido che contiene Xilitolo e 1000<br />

ppm di Fluoruro attraverso <strong>la</strong> cappetta sigil<strong>la</strong>nte in modo da<br />

neutralizzare ogni possibile residuo di Ozono.<br />

Figura 2 Manipolo, con cappetta applicata.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />

Figura 1 Sistema di distribuzione dell’Ozono.<br />


o L’ECM III (Lode Diagnostics BV, Groningen, O<strong>la</strong>nda)<br />

La resistenza elettrica è stata presa nei punti centrale, mesiale, distale, occlusale e<br />

linguale/pa<strong>la</strong>tale di ogni PRCL [Baysan et al., 2001a]. Il monitor registra il valore al termine del<br />

tempo di essiccazione (valore finale) e l’area sotto <strong>la</strong> curva durante il <strong>per</strong>iodo di essiccazione<br />

stesso (valore integrato).<br />

o Il DIAGNOdent<br />

Il DIAGNOdent (KaVo, Germania) è stato utilizzato <strong>per</strong><br />

individuare e quantificare <strong>la</strong> severità delle PRCL.<br />

Questo apparecchio misura <strong>la</strong> fluorescenza <strong>la</strong>ser all’interno Figura 3 DIAGNOdent.<br />

del<strong>la</strong> struttura del dente. Quando <strong>la</strong> luce <strong>la</strong>ser viene propagata dentro <strong>la</strong> lesione cariosa, le fibre<br />

ottiche a due vie <strong>per</strong>mettono all’unità di quantificare <strong>la</strong> luce <strong>la</strong>ser riflessa. Una su<strong>per</strong>ficie di dente<br />

sano presenta fluorescenza scarsa o nul<strong>la</strong>, visualizzando sul disp<strong>la</strong>y letture in sca<strong>la</strong> minime.<br />

Tuttavia le lesioni cariose presentano alcuni livelli di fluorescenza proporzionali al<strong>la</strong> severità delle<br />

lesioni, che risultano letture in sca<strong>la</strong> sul disp<strong>la</strong>y elevate. Il sistema DIAGNOdent registra i valori<br />

istantanei e di picco. La lettura istantanea indica il valore in tempo reale che viene misurato dal<strong>la</strong><br />

punta del<strong>la</strong> sonda, mentre il valore di picco si riferisce al livello più alto riportato sul dente.<br />

L’apparecchio DIAGNOdent si accende premendo l’anello grigio sullo strumento da impugnare. La<br />

calibrazione viene effettuata prima di ogni sessione secondo le istruzioni del produttore. Il valore<br />

di picco è stato sottoposto ad analisi statistiche.<br />

Materiale usato<br />

- Sigil<strong>la</strong>nte <strong>per</strong> radici.<br />

Il sigil<strong>la</strong>nte del<strong>la</strong> radice (Seal & Protect, Dentsply, Germany) è autoadesivo e contiene una misce<strong>la</strong><br />

di resina dimetacri<strong>la</strong>ta in acetone come solvente, con triclosan e fluoruro.<br />

Scopo dello studio<br />

Lo studio ha coinvolto 79 pazienti con 2 o 4 PRCL che sono stati suddivisi in modo casuale in<br />

quattro gruppi.<br />

Questi gruppi sono stati trattati nel modo seguente:<br />

Gruppo 1. Gruppo con solo Ozono<br />

1. All’inizio sono state effettuate le misurazioni ECM e DIAGNOdent.<br />

2. Successivamente sono stati valutati i criteri clinici <strong>per</strong> individuare le PRCL.<br />

3. Dopo aver<strong>la</strong> pulita con uno spazzolino sterile e con acqua, <strong>la</strong> su<strong>per</strong>ficie del dente è stata iso<strong>la</strong>ta<br />

e asciugata con un rotolo di <strong>la</strong>na e cotone sterile.<br />

4. E’ stato emesso Ozono <strong>per</strong> una durata di 10 secondi nel<strong>la</strong> cappetta, applicata serratamente ad<br />

ogni PRCL.2<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


5. L’aspirazione si è attivata in modo automatico <strong>per</strong> 10 s. Come parte del sistema di aspirazione,<br />

il residuo di Ozono catturato è stato trasmesso dal sistema di distribuzione attraverso ioni di<br />

Manganesio (II), che agivano come neutralizzatori di Ozono (consumatore).<br />

6. Il liquido riducente ha riempito <strong>la</strong> cappetta <strong>per</strong> una durata di 5 s e <strong>la</strong> componente di aspirazione<br />

del sistema ha rimosso ogni possibile traccia di Ozono mentre <strong>la</strong> cappetta era ancora applicata al<strong>la</strong><br />

PRCL.<br />

7. Per riserva, è stato utilizzato in ogni occasione anche il sistema di aspirazione ad alta velocità<br />

del riunito.<br />

8. Dopo l’applicazione di Ozono <strong>la</strong> carie del<strong>la</strong> radice non è stata rimossa.<br />

9. Dopo un mese, le procedure applicate inizialmente sono state ripetute senza l’applicazione di<br />

Ozono.<br />

10. Dopo tre mesi, le stesse procedure sono state ripetute con l’applicazione di Ozono <strong>per</strong> una<br />

durata di 10 s.<br />

Gruppo 2. Gruppo senza Ozono e senza sigil<strong>la</strong>nte del<strong>la</strong> radice (Gruppo di controllo)<br />

1. All’inizio sono state effettuate le misurazioni ECM e DIAGNOdent.<br />

2. Successivamente sono stati valutati i criteri clinici <strong>per</strong> individuare le PRCL, come <strong>per</strong> il gruppo<br />

1.<br />

3. Le PRCL hanno ricevuto solo il liquido, senza l’applicazione di Ozono <strong>per</strong> una durata di 5 s.<br />

4. Le stesse procedure sono state ripetute dopo 1 e 3 mesi.<br />

Gruppo 3. Gruppo con Ozono e sigil<strong>la</strong>nte<br />

1. Al’inizio sono state effettuate le misurazioni di ECM e DIAGNOdent.<br />

2. Successivamente sono stati valutati i criteri clinici <strong>per</strong> individuare le PRCL, come <strong>per</strong> il gruppo<br />

1.<br />

3. In questo gruppo è stato applicato un sigil<strong>la</strong>nte <strong>per</strong> radice (Seal & Protect, Dentsply, Germany)<br />

sopra <strong>la</strong> PRCL senza rimuovere <strong>la</strong> dentina cariata e dopo l’applicazione di Ozono <strong>per</strong> 10 secondi<br />

come <strong>per</strong> il gruppo 1.<br />

4. Per precauzione, ad ogni trattamento è stato anche utilizzato il sistema di aspirazione ad alta<br />

velocità del riunito.<br />

5. Dopo un mese, le procedure applicate inizialmente sono state ripetute senza l’applicazione di<br />

Ozono.<br />

6. Sempre dopo un mese sono state eseguite anche delle valutazioni cliniche dei sigil<strong>la</strong>nti secondo<br />

i criteri USPHS modificati (Concilio dei Materiali dentali, Strumenti e attrezzature, 1994).<br />

7. I sigil<strong>la</strong>nti sono stati di nuovo applicati, ma solo in caso di sospetto di parziale o totale <strong>per</strong>dita<br />

del sigil<strong>la</strong>nte.<br />

8. Dopo tre mesi le stesse procedure sono state ripetute. In aggiunta, l’Ozono è stato applicato<br />

<strong>per</strong> una durata di 10 s. Anche i sigil<strong>la</strong>nti sono stati applicati, ma solo in caso di sospetto di parziale<br />

o totale <strong>per</strong>dita del sigil<strong>la</strong>nte.<br />

Group 4. Gruppo con solo sigil<strong>la</strong>nte <strong>per</strong> radici<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


1. Inizialmente sono state eseguite misurazioni con resistenza elettrica e DIAGNOdent su ogni<br />

lesione prima e dopo l’applicazione del sigil<strong>la</strong>nte al<strong>la</strong> radice.<br />

2. Sono stati applicati i criteri clinici <strong>per</strong> individuare le PRCL.<br />

3. In questo gruppo, a seguito dell’applicazione di liquido senza Ozono <strong>per</strong> una durata di 5 s, il<br />

sigil<strong>la</strong>nte è stato messo solo sul<strong>la</strong> parte su<strong>per</strong>iore delle PRCL, senza rimozione del<strong>la</strong> dentina<br />

cariata.<br />

4. Anche in questo caso, dopo uno e tre mesi rispettivamente sono state eseguite misurazioni<br />

del<strong>la</strong> resistenza elettrica, valutazioni cliniche e i criteri USPHS modificati .<br />

5. Sempre dopo uno o tre mesi è stato applicato il sigil<strong>la</strong>nte nel caso fossero andate parzialmente<br />

o totalmente <strong>per</strong>si. Se i pazienti presentavano una qualunque forma di disagio, le PRCL di ogni<br />

gruppo venivano immediatamente trattate con le procedure convenzionali di asportazione e<br />

otturazione. I pazienti dei gruppi di cui sopra utilizzavano dentifricio standard, contenente 1,100<br />

ppm di Fluoruro di Sodio (dentifricio sbiancante, Natural White, U.S.A) e spazzolini morbidi (Soft<br />

bristle, Natural White, U.S.A). I dentifrici e gli spazzolini sono stati forniti durante il <strong>per</strong>iodo di<br />

studio, cioè dopo uno e tre mesi, o prima, <strong>per</strong> posta, se richiesto.<br />

Analisi statistica<br />

Le medie delle letture di resistenza e DIAGNOdent registrate all’inizio e rispettivamente dopo uno,<br />

tre e sei mesi sono state utilizzate <strong>per</strong> l’analisi dei dati. Successivamente, le letture ECM sono<br />

state trasformate con <strong>la</strong> funzione di logaritmo in base 10 in modo da normalizzare <strong>la</strong> varianza <strong>per</strong><br />

tutti i gruppi.<br />

Sono state registrate <strong>per</strong> ogni variabile (cavità, dimensione, distanza dal margine gengivale e<br />

indice di severità) media ed errore standard. Dove veniva eseguita l’analisi statistica, il gruppo con<br />

Ozono è stato confrontato con il gruppo di controllo, mentre il gruppo con sigil<strong>la</strong>nte e Ozono è<br />

stato confrontato con il gruppo con solo sigil<strong>la</strong>nte. Nei gruppi con Ozono e di controllo <strong>la</strong> variabile<br />

principale risultante era invertita rispetto all’indice di severità, mentre <strong>per</strong> i gruppi con sigil<strong>la</strong>nte e<br />

Ozono e con solo Ozono l’adattamento marginale del sigil<strong>la</strong>nte al<strong>la</strong> radice era <strong>la</strong> variabile<br />

principale risultante.<br />

- Indice di durezza e di severità<br />

Sono state testate le differenze nel numero di lesioni che si induriscono il cui indice diventa meno<br />

grave.<br />

- Letture ECM e DIAGNOdent, distanza dal margine gengivale, cavità e dimensione.<br />

Sono state calco<strong>la</strong>te le differenze di resistenza ECM (DR), misurazioni DIAGNOdent (DD), distanza<br />

dal margine gengivale (DDGM), cavità (DC) e dimensione (DS) fra inizio dello studio, a uno, tre e<br />

sei mesi, sottraendo i valori a uno, tre e sei mesi da quelli iniziali. Tutti i test statistici sono stati<br />

eseguiti con il sistema statistico SPSS <strong>per</strong> Windows MS versione 6.1. e <strong>la</strong> soglia di significatività<br />

statistica è stata fissata a 0.05.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />



Durezza All’inizio tutte le lesioni erano di consistenza coriacea. Le <strong>per</strong>centuali di durezza delle<br />

PRCL nel gruppo dell’Ozono sono illustrate in Figura 3 (p < 0.001).<br />

Figura 3 Percentuali di durezza delle PRCL nel gruppo di solo Ozono dopo uno, tre e sei mesi.<br />

Cavità<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />

Lesioni inizialmente non incavate (

Valori ottenuti con l'ECM<br />

I valori ECM medi sono mostrati in Tabel<strong>la</strong> 1. All’inizio, i valori ECM erano simili <strong>per</strong> tutti i gruppi. I<br />

valori ECM medi <strong>per</strong> il gruppo di controllo tendono a decrescere in tutti i controlli (p < 0.05). In<br />

contrasto, I valori ECM medi delle lesioni dei gruppi con solo Ozono, con Ozono e sigil<strong>la</strong>nte e solo<br />

con sigil<strong>la</strong>nte aumentano durante lo studio se confrontati con i valori iniziali. Si riscontrano<br />

differenze statisticamente significative nei cambiamenti delle letture ECM <strong>per</strong> i gruppi con Ozono e<br />

di controllo re<strong>la</strong>tivamente agli esami a uno, tre e sei mesi nei modelli di regressione (p < 0.001).<br />

O3<br />

Nessun<br />

trattamento<br />

O3 + sigil<strong>la</strong>nte Solo sigil<strong>la</strong>nte<br />

Inizio 5.24 ± 0.04 5.20 ± 0.04 5.24 ± 0.31 5.25 ± 0.34<br />

1 mese 5.78 ± 0.07 5.18 ± 0.03 6.30 ± 0.77 5.95 ± 0.93<br />

3 mesi 5.63 ± 0.08 5.13 ± 0.03 5.75 ± 0.66 5.60 ± 0.71<br />

6 mesi 5.62 ± 0.12 4.92 ± 0.21 5.56 ± 0.14 5.45 ± 0.16<br />

Tabel<strong>la</strong> 1 Medie (± errore standard) log10 dei valori ECM <strong>per</strong> tutti i gruppi.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Valori ottenuti con il DIAGNOdent<br />

I valori DIAGNOdent medi sono mostrati in Tabel<strong>la</strong> 2. All’inizio, le letture con il DIAGNOdent erano<br />

simili <strong>per</strong> tutti i gruppi. I valori DIAGNOdent medi <strong>per</strong> il gruppo di controllo tendono a decrescere<br />

dopo uno, tre e sei mesi se confrontati con i valori iniziali (p

Il principale problema clinico degli approcci farmaceutici nel trattamento del<strong>la</strong> carie radico<strong>la</strong>re è <strong>la</strong><br />

difficoltà nel sopprimere ed eliminare i microrganismi <strong>per</strong> un <strong>per</strong>iodo piuttosto lungo di tempo.<br />

Dopo il trattamento con farmaci selezionati, gli organismi possono proliferare e ricolonizzare le<br />

PRCL. E’ interessante il fatto che il 38,1% delle lesioni in questo studio hanno avuto una<br />

remineralizzazione dopo 6 mesi. Si possono fare congetture riguardo al fatto che <strong>la</strong> maggior parte<br />

delle lesioni si demineralizzano. Questo è associato a svariati fattori, incluso il livello di riduzione<br />

microbica e gli effetti ossidanti sulle PRCL. La drastica riduzione del<strong>la</strong> flora microbica <strong>per</strong>mette una<br />

eradicazione del<strong>la</strong> nicchia ecologica dei microrganismi acidogeni e acidurici. Questo spostamento<br />

del<strong>la</strong> flora microbica verso i normali commensali orali dovrebbe prevalentemente <strong>per</strong>mettere al<strong>la</strong><br />

remineralizzazione di aver luogo durante il processo carioso. In aggiunta, un ossidante (ipoclorito<br />

di sodio) precedentemente è stato dimostrato di migliorare il potenziale di remineralizzazione del<strong>la</strong><br />

dentina demineralizzata. Inaba et al., [1995] hanno sco<strong>per</strong>to che l’utilizzo di un ossidante<br />

(ipoclorito di sodio 10%) sulle lesioni demineralizzate del<strong>la</strong> dentina radico<strong>la</strong>re migliora il loro<br />

potenziale di remineralizzazione, <strong>per</strong>ché l’ipoclorito di sodio è un agente proteolitico non specifico<br />

ed è efficace nel<strong>la</strong> rimozione di componenti organici delle lesioni. Successivamente Inaba et al.,<br />

[1996] hanno dimostrato che quando dei campioni di dentina del<strong>la</strong> radice vengono trattati con<br />

questo ossidante <strong>per</strong> 2 min, aumenta <strong>la</strong> <strong>per</strong>meabilità degli ioni fluoruro (F - ) arrivando al<strong>la</strong><br />

conclusione che <strong>la</strong> rimozione di materiale organico dalle lesioni del<strong>la</strong> dentina rappresenta una<br />

tecnica accettabile <strong>per</strong> aumentare <strong>la</strong> remineralizzazione. Questo potrebbe essere un parziale<br />

fattore degli ottimi risultati di remineralizzazione ottenuti in questo studio a seguito delle<br />

applicazioni di Ozono. Potrebbe altresì essere indice del fatto che l’Ozono ha <strong>la</strong> capacità di<br />

rimuovere le proteine nelle lesioni di carie e di agevo<strong>la</strong>re <strong>la</strong> diffusione di ioni Calcio e di Fosfato<br />

attraverso le lesioni, un fenomeno che in questo studio ha come risultato <strong>la</strong> remineralizzazione di<br />

alcune PRCL a seguito dell’applicazione di Ozono. Dopo l’iniziale soppressione totale dei<br />

microrganismi, <strong>la</strong> ricolonizzazione dei microrganismi potrebbe essere ritardata da una resistenza<br />

del<strong>la</strong> normale flora commensale orale all’intrusione di organismi all’interno delle lesioni. In<br />

aggiunta, <strong>la</strong> nicchia ecologica di questi microrganismi acidogeni e acidurici verrebbe gravemente<br />

disgregata, fatto che a sua volta potrebbe interferire con <strong>la</strong> ricolonizzazione e <strong>la</strong> ricrescita di<br />

questa specifica microflora. Ciò potrebbe sfociare in una soppressione di lunga durata dei<br />

microrganismi acidogenici e acidurici nelle PRCL. Anche Emilson [1981] ha riportato che dopo un<br />

breve ed intensivo trattamento del<strong>la</strong> bocca con clorexidina all’1%, l’S Mutans è stato soppresso in<br />

vivo <strong>per</strong> un <strong>per</strong>iodo di tempo significativamente lungo (14 settimane). E’ possibile che<br />

l’i<strong>per</strong>mineralizzazione del<strong>la</strong> su<strong>per</strong>ficie abbia minor probabilità di aver luogo al termine<br />

dell’applicazione di Ozono. Dal momento che l’Ozono è un potente ossidante, indubbiamente<br />

ossigenerà le biomolecole delle PRCL aprendo quindi i tubuli dentinali delle lesioni. L’Ozono<br />

potrebbe anche favorire <strong>la</strong> diffusione all’interno del<strong>la</strong> lesione di ioni Calcio e Fosfato. Inoltre, si<br />

deve osservare, che i pazienti hanno utilizzato un dentifricio contenente una quantità standard di<br />

fluoruro. Martens and Verbeeck [1998] hanno riportato che basse concentrazioni di fluoruro<br />

hanno <strong>la</strong> capacità di remineralizzare lesioni cariose nel<strong>la</strong> profondità. A questo riguardo, sono<br />

necessari studi futuri <strong>per</strong> determinare il significato di questi studi. I materiali riempitivi falliscono<br />

con frequenza al<strong>la</strong>rmante e sono molto costosi in termini di dolore, disagio e fattori economici. In<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Inghilterra e nel Galles nel 2000 lo Stato ha speso 1.5 miliardi di sterline <strong>per</strong> l’odontoiatria. Ciò<br />

non include gli studi privati, che attualmente si stima contribuisce al 50% sugli introiti dei dentisti.<br />

Inoltre, ospedali e cliniche Odontoiatriche ricevono fondi molto sostanziosi <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> cura dei pazienti.<br />

Il costo totale di tutti i trattamenti Odontoiatrici in Inghilterra e nel Galles nel 2000 va<br />

probabilmente oltre i 3 miliardi di sterline [General Dental Council, Annual Statistics, 2000].<br />

La maggiorparte di queste spese sono da ascriversi a otturazioni, otturazioni del<strong>la</strong> radice, protesi<br />

dentarie, corone e ponti, ma almeno una parte dei costi associati a trattamenti odontoiatrici può<br />

essere associata ad aspetti iatrogeni del trattamento del<strong>la</strong> carie. Rapporti pubblicati indicano che<br />

approssimativamente <strong>la</strong> metà dei restauri applicati nel<strong>la</strong> pratica dentistica sono delle sostituzioni<br />

di restauri precedenti e circa <strong>la</strong> metà di questi vengono sostituiti a causa di carie secondarie. Negli<br />

USA si riscontra un trend simile, nonostante <strong>la</strong> prevalenza di carie sia diminuita. Il costo sanitario<br />

re<strong>la</strong>tivo all’odontoiatria, negli USA è stimato <strong>per</strong> 52 bilioni di dol<strong>la</strong>ri l’anno, di cui <strong>la</strong> metà può<br />

essere associato a trattamenti conservativi. E’ altresì riportato che vengono <strong>per</strong>si diversi giorni<br />

<strong>la</strong>vorativi l’anno a causa di ma<strong>la</strong>ttie orali. Nonostante progressi nel<strong>la</strong> ricerca clinica e di<br />

<strong>la</strong>boratorio, approssimativamente il 50% del<strong>la</strong> popo<strong>la</strong>zione americana di età su<strong>per</strong>iore ai 65 anni<br />

mostra evidenze di carie del<strong>la</strong> radice. [Anusavice, 2000]. Chiaramente, esiste <strong>la</strong> possibilità di<br />

risparmi considerevoli sia nei paesi avanzati, che nei paesi poveri e specialmente in quelli in via di<br />

sviluppo. Questi potrebbero essere realizzati sfruttando il trattamento con Ozono e magari<br />

combinando il trattamento con Ozono con l’uso di un dentifricio con elevato contenuto di fluoruro<br />

(Lynch et al 2000, Baysan et al 2001a, Lynch and Baysan 2001). I risultati raccolti dallo<br />

studio sull’Ozono sono molto promettenti. L’utilizzo di Ozono è sicuro ed efficace in termini di costi<br />

e di tempo. Una corretta igiene orale e l’assistenza professionale <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> cura del<strong>la</strong> bocca diventano<br />

difficili <strong>per</strong> le <strong>per</strong>sone più anziane, <strong>per</strong>ché condizioni somatiche e mentali diventano<br />

compromettenti. Queste situazioni possono essere su<strong>per</strong>ate se si ricorre a strategie preventive di<br />

intervento. A questo riguardo, può essere preso in considerazione l’utilizzo di Ozono, specie <strong>per</strong><br />

pazienti patologicamente compromessi, pazienti che necessitano di assistenza domiciliare, e<br />

<strong>per</strong>sone anziane costrette a rimanere a casa [Baysan et al., 2001b]. Per il trattamento con<br />

Ozono non è necessaria alcuna iniezione e il sistema di distribuzione dell’Ozono è portatile. Per<br />

questo, <strong>per</strong>sone anziane che hanno accesso limitato ai servizi odontoiatrici possono avere<br />

moltissimi beneficiare con questo trattamento.<br />

In conclusione, questo nuovo regime di trattamento che utilizza l’Ozono è in grado di far<br />

regredire clinicamente <strong>la</strong> PRCL <strong>per</strong>sistenti e può essere considerato una rivoluzionaria<br />

alternativa al<strong>la</strong> tecnica convenzionale di “trapanazione e otturazione”. Inoltre, il<br />

sigil<strong>la</strong>nte radico<strong>la</strong>re ha una migliore adesione su PRCL <strong>per</strong>sistenti trattate con Ozono.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />



Sistematic review of the running literature on use of the<br />

LASER, OZONE and new Technologies in Oral Hygiene<br />

Treating open carious lesions in anxious children with ozone. A prospective controlled<br />

clinical study.<br />

Dahnhardt JE, Jaeggi T, Lussi A.<br />

Department of O<strong>per</strong>ative, Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, University<br />

of Bern, Switzer<strong>la</strong>nd. daehnhardt@zmk.unibe.ch<br />

PURPOSE: To determine whether the treatment of dental caries with ozone was possible in<br />

apprehensive children and to ascertain whether ozone reverses caries in open single-surface<br />

lesions. Further, the influence of ozone on <strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence was investigated.<br />

METHODS: 82 lesions in 28 children with at least two open single-surface lesions were assessed.<br />

The children were anxious and were judged by the referring dentist as non-treatable. For each<br />

test lesion,<br />

which was treated with ozone, a control lesion was left without ozone treatment. Hardness and<br />

<strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence values were assessed and the changes for hardness and <strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence<br />

values in the test lesion were compared with the values in the control lesion after 2, 4, 6, and 8<br />

months.<br />

RESULTS: 94 <strong>per</strong>cent of the children were treatable and 93% lost their dental anxiety. The<br />

hardness values improved significantly in the ozone-treated test lesions after 4, 6, and 8 months<br />

(P< 0.05) compared with baseline while the control lesions had no significant change in hardness<br />

at any recall interval. Comparing the differences between test and control teeth over time, the<br />

<strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence values improved, however the improvement was not statistically significant (P><br />

0.05). The use of ozone resulted in an average reduction of 13% of the <strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence values<br />

immediately after the ozone treatment.<br />

PMID: 17073201 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Am J Dent. 2005 Aug;18(4):223-8.<br />

Effect of ozone on non-cavitated fissure lesions in <strong>per</strong>manente mo<strong>la</strong>r. A controlled<br />

prospective clinical study.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Huth KC, Paschos E, Brand K, Hickel R.<br />

Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology, Dental School, Ludwig-Maximilians-<br />

University, Goethe Street 70, D-80336 Munich, Germany. khuth@dent.med.uni-muenchen.de<br />

PURPOSE: To investigate, with a randomized controlled clinical study, the effect of ozone on non-<br />

cavitated initial occlusal fissure caries compared with untreated contra-<strong>la</strong>teral control lesions (split<br />

mouth) considering the patient's current caries risk.<br />

METHODS: Forty-one patients with 57 pairs of lesions were enrolled in the study (mean age 7.7<br />

+/- 2.2 years; up<strong>per</strong> jaw n=29, lower jaw n=28). Gaseous ozone (HealOzone) was applied once<br />

for 40 seconds to the randomly assigned test mo<strong>la</strong>r of each pair without the use of remineralizing<br />

solutions. Lesion progression or reversal was monitored by the <strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence system<br />

DIAGNOdent for up to 3 months and the deterioration or improvement compared between the<br />

ozone-treated lesions and the untreated control lesions (in pairs). This was done for the whole<br />

study popu<strong>la</strong>tion and a subgroup of patients with high current caries risk (lesion pairs n=26).<br />

RESULTS: After 3 months, explorative data analysis revealed that the ozone-treated lesions<br />

showed significantly more caries reversal or reduced caries progression than the untreated control<br />

lesions within the group of patients at high current caries risk (Wilcoxon-Test, P= 0.035). There<br />

was no statistical significance examining the whole study popu<strong>la</strong>tion. From the data it can be<br />

concluded that ozone application significantly improved non-cavitated initial fissure caries in<br />

patients at high caries risk over a 3-month <strong>per</strong>iod.<br />

PMID: 16296426 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(3):CD004153.<br />

Ozone therapy for the treatment of dental caries.<br />

Rickard GD, Richardson R, Johnson T, McColl D, Hoo<strong>per</strong> L.<br />

Old Sandstone Dental Practice, The Chine, Dorking, Surrey, UK, RH4 1QT.<br />

BACKGROUND: Dental caries is a bacterially mediated disease characterised by demineralisation<br />

of the tooth surface, which may lead to cavitation, discomfort, pain and eventual tooth loss.<br />

Ozone is toxic to certain bacteria in vitro and it has been suggested that delivering ozone into a<br />

carious lesion might reduce the number of cariogenic bacteria. This possibly could arrest the<br />

progress of the lesion and may, in the presence of fluoride, <strong>per</strong>haps allow remineralisation to<br />

occur. This may in turn de<strong>la</strong>y or prevent the need for traditional dental conservation by 'drilling<br />

and filling'.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


OBJECTIVES: To assess whether ozone is effective in arresting or reversing the progression of<br />

dental caries.<br />

SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register (to 7<br />

November 2003); Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library<br />

Issue 3, 2003); MEDLINE and PREMEDLINE (OVID, 1966 to November 2003); EMBASE (OVID,<br />

1980 to November 2003); CINAHL (OVID, 1982 to November 2003); AMED (OVID, 1985 to<br />

November 2003). Quintessence was handsearched through 2002 and KaVo were contacted as<br />

manufacturers of the HealOzone apparatus for any additional published or unpublished trials.<br />

SELECTION CRITERIA: Inclusion was assessed independently by at least two reviewers. Trials<br />

were only included if they met the following criteria: randomisation in a controlled trial; single<br />

surface in vivo carious lesion accessible to ozone application; clear allocation concealment; ozone<br />

application to the lesions in the intervention group; no such application of ozone in the control<br />

group; outcomes measured after at least 6 months.<br />

DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Reviewers independently extracted information in<br />

duplicate. A paucity of comparable data did not allow meta-analytic pooling of the included<br />

studies.<br />

MAIN RESULTS: Three trials were included, with a combined total of 432 randomised lesions<br />

(137 participants). Forty-two conference pa<strong>per</strong>s, abstracts and posters were excluded (from an<br />

unknown number of studies). The risk of bias in all studies appeared high. The analyses of all<br />

three studies were conducted at the level of the lesion, which is not independent of the <strong>per</strong>son, for<br />

this reason pooling of data was not appropriate or attempted. Individual studies showed<br />

inconsistent effects of ozone on caries, across different measures of caries progression or<br />

regression. Few secondary outcomes were reported, but one trial reported an absence of adverse<br />

events.<br />

REVIEWERS' CONCLUSIONS: Given the high risk of bias in the avai<strong>la</strong>ble studies and <strong>la</strong>ck of<br />

consistency between different outcome measures, there is no reliable evidence that application of<br />

ozone gas to the surface of decayed teeth stops or reverses the decay process. There is a<br />

fundamental need for more evidence of appropriate rigour and quality before the use of ozone can<br />

be accepted into mainstream primary dental care or can be considered a viable alternative to<br />

current methods for the management and treatment of dental caries.<br />

PMID: 15266519 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Clinical reversal of root caries using ozone, double-blind, randomised, controlled 18-<br />

month trial.<br />

Holmes J.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


UKSmiles Dental Practice, Wokingham, Berkshire, UK. julian@o3dc.co.uk<br />

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of an ozone delivery system, combined with the daily use of a<br />

remineralising patient kit, on the clinical severity of non-cavitated leathery primary root carious<br />

lesions (PRCL's), in an older popu<strong>la</strong>tion group.<br />

DESIGN: A total of 89 subjects, (age range 60-82, mean +/- SD, 70.8 +/- 6 years), each with<br />

two leathery PRCL's, were recruited. The two lesions in each subject were randomly assigned for<br />

treatment with ozone or air, in a double-blind design, in a general dental practice. Subjects were<br />

recalled at three, six, 12 and 18 months. Lesions were clinically recorded at each visit as soft,<br />

leathery or hard, scored with a validated root caries severity index.<br />

RESULTS: There were no observed adverse events. After three months, in the ozone-treated<br />

group, 61 PRCL's (69%) had become hard and none had deteriorated, whilst in the control group,<br />

four PRCL's (4%) had become worse (p

management of root caries. The best management strategy still remains to be developed. Initial<br />

studies have indicated that an application of ozone for a <strong>per</strong>iod of either 10 or 20 seconds is<br />

capable of clinically reversing leathery root carious lesions. It is suggested that, subject to<br />

confirmation from extensive trials, this simple and non-invasive technique may benefit many<br />

patients with root caries throughout the world since this approach to treat root caries can easily<br />

be employed in primary care clinics and in the domiciliary treatment of home-bound elderly people<br />

and immobile patients in hospices and hospitals.<br />

PMID: 16393498 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Stomatologiia (Mosk). 2005;84(6):20-2.<br />

[Ex<strong>per</strong>ience in medical ozone use for root canal treatment] [Article in Russian]<br />

Bezrukova IV, Petrukhina NB, Voinov PA.<br />

The results of clinical and <strong>la</strong>boratory assessment of effectiveness of PSR-diagnosis are presented.<br />

The high efficacy of ozone therapy is revealed. The findings demonstrate the reduction of number<br />

in the micro-organisms in root canal: Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans from 31.25% to<br />

10.21%; Bacteriodes forsythus from 68.75% to 15.50%; Treponema dentico<strong>la</strong> from 37.5% to<br />

11.4%; Porphyromonas gingivalis from 56.25% to 45%; Prevotel<strong>la</strong> intermedia from 16% to 0%.<br />

PMID: 16353031 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Dent Clin North Am. 2005 Oct;49(4):905-21, viii.<br />

Nonsurgical treatment of incipient and hidden caries.<br />

Thompson VP, Kaim JM.<br />

Department of Biomaterials & Biomimetics, New York University College of Dentistry, 345 East<br />

24th Street, 804S, New York, NY 10010, USA. van.thompson@nyu.edu<br />

Traditionally, dentists have been trained in the surgical model for caries management whereby<br />

detection is akin to diagnosis. This model unfortunately has been trans<strong>la</strong>ted to patient<br />

expectations. Nevertheless, a growing body of clinical evidence suggests that noncavitated<br />

lesions, even those extending into dentin, can be managed by nonsurgical means with an<br />

expectation for remineralization.<br />

PMID: 16150323 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Mediators Inf<strong>la</strong>mm. 2004 Feb;13(1):3-11.<br />

Ozone as Janus: this controversial gas can be either toxic or medically useful.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Bocci V.<br />

Department of Physiology, University of Siena, Italy. bocci@unsi.it<br />

Ozone is an intrinsically toxic gas and its hazardous employment has led to a poor consideration of<br />

ozone therapy. The aim of this review is to indicate that a wrong dogma and several<br />

misconceptions thwart progress: in reality, pro<strong>per</strong>ly <strong>per</strong>formed ozone therapy, carried out by<br />

ex<strong>per</strong>t physicians, can be very useful when orthodox medicine appears inadequate. The<br />

unbelievable versatility of ozone therapy is due to the cascade of ozone-derived compounds able<br />

to act on several targets leading to a multifactorial correction of a pathological state. During the<br />

past decade, contrary to all expectations, it has been demonstrated that the judicious application<br />

of ozone in chronic infectious diseases, vasculopathies, orthopedics and even dentistry has yielded<br />

such striking results that it is deplorable that the medical establishment continues to ignore ozone<br />

therapy.<br />

PMID: 15203558 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2006 Nov 1;216(3):493-504. Epub 2006 Jun 27.<br />

Is it true that ozone is always toxic? The end of a dogma.<br />

Bocci V.<br />

Department of Physiology, University of Siena, via A. Moro 2, Siena 53100, Italy. bocci@unisi.it<br />

There are a number of good ex<strong>per</strong>imental studies showing that exposure by inha<strong>la</strong>tion to<br />

prolonged tropospheric ozone damages the respiratory system and extrapulmonary organs. The<br />

skin, if extensively exposed, may also contribute to the damage. The undoubtful strong reactivity<br />

of ozone has contributed to establish the dogma that ozone is always toxic and its medical<br />

application must be proscribed. Although it is less known, judiciously practiced ozonetherapy is<br />

becoming very useful either on its own or applied in combination with orthodox medicine in a<br />

broad range of pathologies. The opponents of ozonetherapy base their judgment on the ozone<br />

chemistry, and physicians, without any knowledge of the problem, are often skeptical. During the<br />

<strong>la</strong>st 15 years, a clear understanding of the action of ozone in biology and medicine has been<br />

gained, allowing today to argue if it is true that ozone is always toxic.<br />

The fundamental points that are discussed in this pa<strong>per</strong> are: the topography, anatomical and<br />

biochemical characteristics of the organs daily exposed to ozone versus the potent antioxidant<br />

capacity of blood exposed to a small and precisely calcu<strong>la</strong>ted dose of ozone only for a few<br />

minutes. It is becoming clear how the respiratory system undergoing a chronic oxidative stress<br />

can release slowly, but steadily, a huge amount of toxic compounds able to enter the circu<strong>la</strong>tion<br />

and cause serious damage. The aim of this pa<strong>per</strong> is to objectively evaluate this controversial<br />

issue.<br />

PMID: 16890971 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


J Dent. 2007 Mar;35(3):195-200. Epub 2006 Oct 6.<br />

Assessment of the safety of two ozone delivery devices.<br />

Mil<strong>la</strong>r BJ, Hodson N.<br />

Primary Care Dentistry, King's College London Dental Institute at Guy's, King's College & St.<br />

Thomas' Hospitals, Caldecot Road, London SE5 9RW, UK. brian.mil<strong>la</strong>r@kcl.ac.uk<br />

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the safety of an ozone gas device designed for use in dentistry.<br />

METHODS: Two commercially avai<strong>la</strong>ble ozone applicators, Ozi-cure and HealOzone were used in a<br />

clinical simu<strong>la</strong>tion using a phantom head while recordings of ozone levels were made in<br />

pharyngeal and nasal regions of the patient and near the mouth of the o<strong>per</strong>ator. Clinical<br />

simu<strong>la</strong>tions included ozone application for caries management and endodontic treatment.<br />

Recordings were made five times with different levels of suction to assess the effect on ozone<br />

levels.<br />

RESULTS: The results with Ozi-cure on caries mode resulted in a peak ozone level in the pharynx<br />

of 1.33+/-0.52 ppm when no suction was used. The use of suction nearby reduced the ozone level<br />

to zero while suction on the opposite side of the mouth reduced the level to 0.22+/-0.04 ppm.<br />

Used on endodontic mode the peak ozone level in the pharynx was 5.51+/-1.63 ppm when no<br />

suction was used. The use of suction nearby reduced the ozone level to zero while suction on the<br />

opposite side of the mouth reduced the level to 0.84+/-0.54 ppm. Recordings in the patient's<br />

nasal region gave a peak of 0.22 ppm when using the Ozi-cure on endodontic mode with no<br />

suction. At the o<strong>per</strong>ator's mouth the ozone level did not exceed 0.01 ppm although the<br />

characteristic smell of ozone was detectable. All recordings with HealOzone were zero.<br />

Concentrations of 15 ppm were recorded in a simu<strong>la</strong>ted tooth cavity with Ozi-cure and >20 ppm<br />

with HealOzone.<br />

CONCLUSIONS: The Ozi-cure device when used without adequate suction allows ozone to be<br />

reach a concentration above <strong>per</strong>mitted levels and therefore should not be used. The HealOzone<br />

was safe to use.<br />

PMID: 17030396 [PubMed - in process]<br />

Res Rep Health Eff Inst. 1994 Nov;(65 Pt 7):3-26; discussion 27-34.<br />

Consequences of prolonged inha<strong>la</strong>tion of ozone on F344/N rats: col<strong>la</strong>borative studies.<br />

Part VII: Effects on the nasal mucociliary apparatus.<br />

Harkema JR, Morgan KT, Gross EA, Cata<strong>la</strong>no PJ, Griffith WC.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Inha<strong>la</strong>tion Toxicology Research Institute, Love<strong>la</strong>ce Biomedical and Environmental Research<br />

Institute, Albuquerque, NM.<br />

Besides the centriacinar region of the lung, the nose is a principal target for ozone toxicity. Acute<br />

exposures to concentrations of ozone in ambient air induce secretory cell metap<strong>la</strong>sia in the nasal<br />

transitional epithelium of rats. This study examined the effects of chronic ozone exposure on the<br />

structure and function of the nasal mucociliary apparatus of the rat. Male and female F344/N rats<br />

were exposed to ozone concentrations of 0.0 (controls), 0.12, 0.5, or 1.0 parts <strong>per</strong> million (ppm),<br />

six hours <strong>per</strong> day, five days <strong>per</strong> week, for 20 months. All rats were killed seven or eight days after<br />

the end of the exposure. Immediately after death, mucous flow rates throughout the nasal<br />

passages were determined using in vitro video motion analysis. Following assessment of<br />

mucociliary function, the nasal tissues were processed for light microscopy and stained with Alcian<br />

blue (pH 2.5)/<strong>per</strong>iodic acid-Schiff to detect intraepithelial mucus. Image analysis was used to<br />

quantitate the amount of mucus within the nasal transitional epithelium. In rats exposed to 0.5 or<br />

1.0 ppm ozone, mucous flow rates were markedly slower over the <strong>la</strong>teral wall and turbinates of<br />

the proximal third of the nasal airways than they were in rats exposed to 0.0 or 0.12 ppm ozone.<br />

These intranasal regions in the rats exposed to 0.5 or 1.0 ppm ozone contained marked mucous<br />

cell metap<strong>la</strong>sia and 25 to 300 times more mucus in nasal transitional epithelium than was found in<br />

control rats. In addition, male and female rats exposed to 0.5 or 1.0 ppm ozone had marked<br />

epithelial hy<strong>per</strong>p<strong>la</strong>sia in nasal transitional epithelium, increases in eosinophilic globules in the<br />

surface epithelium lining the distal nasal airways, and a mild to moderate inf<strong>la</strong>mmatory cell influx<br />

in the nasal mucosa in the proximal and middle nasal passages. Male rats also had conspicuous<br />

bony atrophy in maxilloturbinates and nasoturbinates. There were no significant decreases<br />

between the mucous flow rates of rats exposed to 0.12 ppm ozone and those of control rats.<br />

There were, however, mild increases in various flow rates in some areas of the nasal airways in<br />

rats exposed to 0.12 ppm ozone compared with control rats. No significant morphologic<br />

alterations were evident in the rats exposed to 0.0 or 0.12 ppm ozone. The results of this study<br />

indicate that rats chronically exposed to 0.5 or 1.0 ppm ozone have significant alterations in the<br />

function and structure of the nasal mucociliary apparatus. Though there was a mild increase in<br />

mucous flow rates in a few nasal regions of some rats exposed to 0.12 ppm ozone, this functional<br />

change was interpreted as a physiologic, rather than a pathologic, response to ozone at this<br />

re<strong>la</strong>tively low concentration.<br />

PMID: 7888110 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1997 May;16(5):521-30.<br />

Mucous cell metap<strong>la</strong>sia in rat nasal epithelium after a 20-month exposure to ozone: a<br />

morphometric study of epithelial differentiation.<br />

Harkema JR, Hotchkiss JA, Griffith WC.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing<br />

48824, USA.<br />

The present study was designed to examine the effects of long-term ozone exposure on nasal<br />

epithelia and intraepithelial mucosubstances (IM) throughout the nasal airways of F344/N rats.<br />

Animals were exposed to 0 (controls), 0.12, 0.5, or 1.0 ppm ozone, 6 h/day, 5 days/wk, for 20<br />

mo. Rats were killed 1 wk after the end of the exposure, and nasal tissues were processed for<br />

light and electron microscopy. Standard morphometric techniques were used to determine<br />

epithelial cell densities and the amounts of IM in the surface epithelium lining the nasal airways.<br />

No mucous cells or IM were present in the epithelia lining the nasal <strong>la</strong>teral meatus and maxil<strong>la</strong>ry<br />

sinus of rats exposed to 0 or 0.12 ppm ozone. In contrast, rats exposed to 0.5 or 1.0 ppm ozone<br />

had marked mucous cell metap<strong>la</strong>sia (MCM) with numerous mucous cells and conspicuous amounts<br />

of IM in the surface epithelium lining these up<strong>per</strong> airways. Ozone-induced increases in total<br />

epithelial cells (i.e., epithelial hy<strong>per</strong>p<strong>la</strong>sia) were present only in rats exposed to 1.0 ppm. The<br />

results of this study indicate that rats chronically exposed to 1.0 or 0.5 ppm, but not 0.12 ppm,<br />

ozone can develop marked MCM with significant increases in IM in both proximal and distal nasal<br />

airways. The epithelial changes observed throughout the nasal passages of ozone-exposed rats<br />

may be adaptive responses in an attempt to protect the up<strong>per</strong> and lower respiratory tract from<br />

further ozone-induced injury.<br />

PMID: 9160834 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Eur J Oral Sci. 2006 Oct;114(5):435-40<br />

Effect of ozone on oral cells compared with established antimicrobials.<br />

Huth KC, Jakob FM, Saugel B, Cappello C, Paschos E, Hollweck R, Hickel R, Brand K.<br />

Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich,<br />

Germany. khuth@dent.med.uni-muenchen.de<br />

Ozone has been proposed as an alternative antiseptic agent in dentistry based on reports of its<br />

antimicrobial effects in both gaseous and aqueous forms. This study investigated whether gaseous<br />

ozone (4 x 10(6) microg m(-3)) and aqueous ozone (1.25-20 microg ml(-1)) exert any cytotoxic<br />

effects on human oral epithelial (BHY) cells and gingival fibrob<strong>la</strong>st (HGF-1) cells compared with<br />

established antiseptics [chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) 2%, 0.2%; sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)<br />

5.25%, 2.25%; hydrogen <strong>per</strong>oxide (H(2)O(2)) 3%], over a time of 1 min, and compared with the<br />

antibiotic, metronidazole, over 24 h. Cell counts, metabolic activity, Sp-1 binding, actin levels, and<br />

apoptosis were evaluated. Ozone gas was found to have toxic effects on both cell types.<br />

Essentially no cytotoxic signs were observed for aqueous ozone. CHX (2%, 0.2%) was highly toxic<br />

to BHY cells, and slightly (2%) and non-toxic (0.2%) to HGF-1 cells. NaOCl and H(2)O(2) resulted<br />

in markedly reduced cell viability (BHY, HGF-1), whereas metronidazole disp<strong>la</strong>yed mild toxicity<br />

only to BHY cells. Taken together, aqueous ozone revealed the highest level of biocompatibility of<br />

the tested antiseptics.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


PMID: 17026511 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Biofactors. 2006;27(1-4):5-18.<br />

High resolution 1H NMR investigations of the oxidative consumption of salivary<br />

biomolecules by ozone: relevance to the therapeutic applications of this agent in clinical<br />

dentistry.<br />

Grootveld M, Silwood CJ, Lynch E.<br />

Department of Applied Science, London South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, London, UK.<br />

grootvm@lsbu.ac.uk<br />

High resolution proton (1H) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was employed to<br />

simultaneously evaluate the oxidising actions of ozone (O3) towards a wide range of salivary<br />

biomolecules in view of its applications in dental practices, which may serve as a viable and<br />

convenient means for the treatment of dental caries. Treatment of su<strong>per</strong>natants derived from<br />

unstimu<strong>la</strong>ted human saliva specimens (n=12) with O3 (4.48 mmol) revealed that this reactive<br />

oxygen species gave rise to the oxidative consumption of pyruvate (generating acetate and CO2<br />

as products), <strong>la</strong>ctate (to pyruvate and sequentially acetate and CO2), carbohydrates in general (a<br />

process generating formate), methionine (giving rise to its corresponding sulphoxide), and urate<br />

(to al<strong>la</strong>ntoin). Further, minor O3-induced modifications included the oxidation of trimethy<strong>la</strong>mine<br />

and 3-D-hydroxybutyrate, the fragmentation of salivary glycosaminoglycans to NMR-detectable<br />

saccharide fragments, and the conversion of polyunsaturated fatty acids to their ozonides.<br />

Moreover, evidence for the ability of O3 to induce the release of selected low-molecu<strong>la</strong>r-mass<br />

salivary biomolecules from macromolecu<strong>la</strong>r binding-sites was also obtained. Since many of the<br />

oxidation products detectable in O3-treated samples are identical to those arising from the attack<br />

of *OH radical on biofluid components, it appears that at least some of the modifications observed<br />

here are attributable to the <strong>la</strong>tter oxidant (derived from O3*- generated from the single electron<br />

reduction of O3).<br />

PMID: 17012760 [PubMed - in process]<br />

Braz Dent J. 2006;17(2):134-8<br />

Antimicrobial potential of ozone in an ultrasonic cleaning system against<br />

Staphylococcus aureus.<br />

Estre<strong>la</strong> C, Estre<strong>la</strong> CR, Decurcio Dde A, Silva JA, Bammann LL.<br />

Faculty of Dentistry, Federal University of Goias, Goiania, GO, Brazil. estre<strong>la</strong>3@terra.com.br<br />

The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial potential of ozone applied to 3 different<br />

solutions in an ultrasonic cleaning system against Staphylococcus aureus. A total of 120 mL of S.<br />

aureus were mixed in 6 L of the ex<strong>per</strong>imental solutions (sterile distilled water, vinegar and sterile<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


distilled water + Endozime AWpluz) used in a ultrasonic cleaning system (UCS). Ozone was<br />

produced by an electric discharge through a current of oxygen and bubbling with flow rate at 7 g/<br />

h ozone (1.2%) into the microbial suspensions. Ten mL of each ex<strong>per</strong>imental suspension were<br />

collected and 5 fold dilutions were made in 9 mL of BHI and incubated at 37 degrees C for 48 h.<br />

Bacterial growth was evaluated by turbidity of the culture medium. At the same time, 1 mL of<br />

bacterial samples was collected and inocu<strong>la</strong>ted in BHIA p<strong>la</strong>tes. After incubation at 37 degrees C for<br />

48 h, the number of colony forming units (cfu) <strong>per</strong> mL on BHIA surface was counted. In dilution<br />

test in BHI tubes and in BHIA p<strong>la</strong>tes (cfu/mL), bacterial growth was not observed in any of the<br />

ex<strong>per</strong>imental solutions when ozone was added. Under the tested conditions, it may be concluded<br />

that the addition of ozone to a ultrasonic cleaning system containing different ex<strong>per</strong>imental<br />

solutions resulted in antibacterial activity against S. aureus.<br />

PMID: 16924341 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Eur J Oral Sci. 2006 Aug;114(4):349-53<br />

Antibacterial effect of an ozone device and its comparison with two dentin-bonding<br />

systems.<br />

Polydorou O, Pelz K, Hahn P.<br />

Department of O<strong>per</strong>ative Dentistry and Periodontology, Dental School and Hospital, Albert-<br />

Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany. olga.polydorou@uniklinik-freiburg.de<br />

Microorganisms remaining beneath restorations can cause secondary caries and pulp damage.<br />

Because of this, antimicrobial treatment could be useful. The aim of this study was to evaluate the<br />

antibacterial effect of the HealOzone device on Streptococcus mutans and to compare it with the<br />

already proven activity of two dentin-bonding systems. Thirty-five human mo<strong>la</strong>rs were divided<br />

into 5 groups. Cavities were then cut into the teeth (n = 28 cavities <strong>per</strong> group). After sterilization,<br />

the teeth were left in broth cultures of 10(6) colony-forming units (CFU) ml(-1) of S. mutans at 36<br />

degrees C for 48 h. The appropriate treatment followed (group A, control; group B, Clearfil SE<br />

Bond; group C, Clearfil Protect Bond; group D, 40 s of treatment with ozone; and group E, 80 s of<br />

treatment with ozone), and the cavities were then filled with composite resin. After 72 h, the<br />

restorations were removed, dentin chips were collected with an excavator, and the total number<br />

of microorganisms was determined. All treatments significantly reduced the number of S. mutans<br />

present compared with the control group. The antimicrobial effect of both bonding systems and<br />

treatment with 80 s of ozone was significantly higher than the 40 s ozone treatment. In<br />

conclusion, HealOzone and the bonding systems show striking antimicrobial effects against S.<br />

mutans.<br />

PMID: 16911107 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Quintessence Int. 2006 May;37(5):353-9<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


The use of ozone in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery: a review.<br />

Stubinger S, Sader R, Filippi A.<br />

University Clinic for Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Cranio- and Maxillofacial Surgery,<br />

University Hospital Basel, Switzer<strong>la</strong>nd. sstuebinger@uhbs.ch<br />

Ozone has been successfully used in medicine because of its microbiologic pro<strong>per</strong>ties for more<br />

than 100 years. Its bactericide, virucide, and fungicide effects are based on its strong oxidation<br />

effect with the formation of free radicals as well as its direct destruction of almost all<br />

microorganisms. In addition, ozone has a therapeutic effect that facilitates wound healing and<br />

improves the supply of blood. For medical purposes, ozone may be applied as a gas or dissolved<br />

in water. Despite the advantages that the therapeutic use of ozone offers, reservations remain in<br />

terms of its application in the oral and maxillofacial area. Particu<strong>la</strong>rly, the gaseous application of<br />

ozone is critically evaluated because of its possible side effects on the respiratory system. The<br />

objective of this article is to provide an overview of the current applications of ozone in dentistry<br />

and oral surgery. Research was based on peer-reviewed sources found through a Medline/PubMed<br />

search and other textbooks, reviews, and journals.<br />

PMID: 16683682 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Am J Dent. 2006 Feb;19(1):67-72<br />

The impact of ozone treatment on enamel physical pro<strong>per</strong>ties.<br />

Celiberti P, Pazera P, Lussi A.<br />

Department of O<strong>per</strong>ative, Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, University<br />

of Bern, Freiburgstrasse 7, 3010 Bern, Switzer<strong>la</strong>nd. pau<strong>la</strong>celiberti@hotmail.com<br />

PURPOSE: To assess the effects of the highly reactive molecule of ozone on sound enamel<br />

physical pro<strong>per</strong>ties and its effects on sealing ability.<br />

METHODS: The effect of ozone on sea<strong>la</strong>nt tag length, microleakage and unfilled area proportion<br />

were evaluated on intact and prepared sound mo<strong>la</strong>r fissures. Microhardness, contact angle and<br />

acid resistance tests were <strong>per</strong>formed on ground sound smooth surfaces. The samples were treated<br />

with ozone for 40 seconds (HealOzone). Control samples were treated with air (modified<br />

HealOzone) or left untreated.<br />

RESULTS: No statistically significant difference was observed between the control and ozone<br />

treated samples in all tests. Prepared fissures exhibited no unfilled areas and a statistically<br />

significantly lower microleakage compared to intact fissures. Ozone was shown to dehydrate<br />

enamel and consequently enhance its microhardness, which was reversible.<br />

PMID: 16555661 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Ann Acad Med Stetin. 2005;51(2):39-42.<br />

[Ozone therapy with the OzonyTron apparatus]<br />

[Article in Polish]<br />

Skomro P, Opalko K, Gadomska-Krasny J, Lietz-Kijak D, Perzanowska-Stefanska M.<br />

Zak<strong>la</strong>d Propedeutyki i Fizykodiagnostyki Stomatologicznej Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej al<br />

Powstancow Wlkp 72, Szczecin.<br />

PURPOSE: OzonyTron is one of the newest devices for the generation of ozone. The aim of this<br />

study was to assess the benefits of ozone in some pathologies.<br />

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ozone therapy was used in 20 patients, including eight with lip<br />

herpes, five after dental surgery and chiseling of third mo<strong>la</strong>rs, six with seborrheal inf<strong>la</strong>mmation of<br />

facial skin and one with mycosis of the toes.<br />

RESULTS: Treatment with OzonyTron is noninvasive and painless. The oxidative pro<strong>per</strong>ties of<br />

ozone are exploited to combat microbial infection. Thus, the device is valuable primarily for its<br />

antiseptic action. Following ozone therapy, a very good effect was observed in each case.<br />

PMID: 16519095 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Prim Dent Care. 2006 Jan;13(1):37-41.<br />

The use of ozone in dentistry and medicine. Part 2. Ozone and root caries.<br />

Baysan A, Lynch E.<br />

Department of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics, GKT Dental Institute, Guy's Tower Floor 25,<br />

King's College London, Guy's Hospital, London SE1 9RT, UK. aylin.baysan@kcl.ac.uk<br />

A previous pa<strong>per</strong>, recently published in Primary Dental Care, gave an overview of the medical<br />

uses of ozone and outlined some of its uses in dentistry. The current pa<strong>per</strong> focuses on a<br />

description of use of ozone in the management of root caries and considers recent studies in this<br />

area. There has been re<strong>la</strong>tively limited research into the non-invasive (pharmaceutical)<br />

management of root caries. The best management strategy still remains to be developed. Initial<br />

studies have indicated that an application of ozone for a <strong>per</strong>iod of either 10 or 20 seconds is<br />

capable of clinically reversing leathery root carious lesions. It is suggested that, subject to<br />

confirmation from extensive trials, this simple and non-invasive technique may benefit many<br />

patients with root caries throughout the world since this approach to treat root caries can easily<br />

be employed in primary care clinics and in the domiciliary treatment of home-bound elderly people<br />

and immobile patients in hospices and hospitals.<br />

PMID: 16393498 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Am J Dent. 2005 Aug;18(4):223-8.<br />

Effect of ozone on non-cavitated fissure carious lesions in <strong>per</strong>manent mo<strong>la</strong>rs. A<br />

controlled prospective clinical study.<br />

Huth KC, Paschos E, Brand K, Hickel R.<br />

Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology, Dental School, Ludwig-Maximilians-<br />

University, Goethe Street 70, D-80336 Munich, Germany. khuth@dent.med.uni-muenchen.de<br />

PURPOSE: To investigate, with a randomized controlled clinical study, the effect of ozone on non-<br />

cavitated initial occlusal fissure caries compared with untreated contra-<strong>la</strong>teral control lesions (split<br />

mouth) considering the patient's current caries risk.<br />

METHODS: Forty-one patients with 57 pairs of lesions were enrolled in the study (mean age 7.7<br />

+/- 2.2 years; up<strong>per</strong> jaw n=29, lower jaw n=28). Gaseous ozone (HealOzone) was applied once<br />

for 40 seconds to the randomly assigned test mo<strong>la</strong>r of each pair without the use of remineralizing<br />

solutions. Lesion progression or reversal was monitored by the <strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence system<br />

DIAGNOdent for up to 3 months and the deterioration or improvement compared between the<br />

ozone-treated lesions and the untreated control lesions (in pairs). This was done for the whole<br />

study popu<strong>la</strong>tion and a subgroup of patients with high current caries risk (lesion pairs n=26).<br />

RESULTS: After 3 months, explorative data analysis revealed that the ozone-treated lesions<br />

showed significantly more caries reversal or reduced caries progression than the untreated control<br />

lesions within the group of patients at high current caries risk (Wilcoxon-Test, P= 0.035). There<br />

was no statistical significance examining the whole study popu<strong>la</strong>tion. From the data it can be<br />

concluded that ozone application significantly improved non-cavitated initial fissure caries in<br />

patients at high caries risk over a 3-month <strong>per</strong>iod.<br />

PMID: 16296426 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Oral Microbiol Immunol. 2005 Aug;20(4):206-10<br />

Microbicidal efficacy of ozonated water against Candida albicans adhering to acrylic<br />

denture p<strong>la</strong>tes.<br />

Arita M, Nagayoshi M, Fukuizumi T, Okinaga T, Masumi S, Morikawa M, Kakinoki Y, Nishihara T.<br />

First Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan.<br />

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Ozone is known to act as a strong antimicrobial agent against bacteria,<br />

fungi, and viruses. We examined the effect of ozonated water on Candida albicans on acrylic<br />

denture p<strong>la</strong>te.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


METHODS: The heat-cured acrylic resins were cultured with C. albicans. After treatment of<br />

flowing ozonated water, the number of attached C. albicans was counted. In some ex<strong>per</strong>iments,<br />

the test samples were treated with ozonated water in combination with ultrasonication.<br />

RESULTS: After exposure to flowing ozonated water (2 or 4 mg/l) for 1 min, viable C. albicans<br />

cells were nearly nonexistent. The combination of ozonated water and ultrasonication had a strong<br />

effect on the viability of C. albicans adhering to the acrylic resin p<strong>la</strong>tes. There were no significant<br />

differences in antimicrobial activity against C. albicans between p<strong>la</strong>tes immersed in ozonated<br />

water with ultrasonication and those treated with commercially avai<strong>la</strong>ble denture cleaners. In<br />

addition, electron microscopic analysis revealed that small amounts of C. albicans remained on the<br />

p<strong>la</strong>te after exposure to flowing ozonated water or immersion in ozonated water with<br />

ultrasonication.<br />

CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that application of ozonated water may be useful in reducing<br />

the number of C. albicans on denture p<strong>la</strong>tes.<br />

PMID: 15943763 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Prim Dent Care. 2005 Apr;12(2):47-52<br />

The use of ozone in dentistry and medicine.<br />

Baysan A, Lynch E.<br />

Department of Restorative Dentistry, GKT, King's College London, London SE1 9RT, UK.<br />

aylin.baysan@kcl.ac.uk<br />

There is growing interest in the use of ozone in oral healthcare and the National Institute for<br />

Clinical Excellence (NICE) is at present reviewing the evidence for its effectiveness in the<br />

management of occlusal and p<strong>la</strong>in surface caries. These are only two of the clinical problems for<br />

which ozone can, and has, been used; it has also been employed for a wide variety of other<br />

purposes in both dentistry and medicine. This pale blue-coloured gas p<strong>la</strong>ys an important role as a<br />

natural constituent in the higher <strong>la</strong>yer of the Earth's atmosphere. There is growing evidence that it<br />

can be employed as a useful therapeutic agent. This pa<strong>per</strong> reviews its therapeutic uses to date<br />

and suggests its possible future clinical applications. Consumer demands for this strong oxidant<br />

may increase as the general public becomes increasingly aware of its therapeutic capacity and the<br />

non-invasive manner in which it can be administered.<br />

PMID: 15901432 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Mediators Inf<strong>la</strong>mm. 2004 Feb;13(1):3-11.<br />

Ozone as Janus: this controversial gas can be either toxic or medically useful.<br />

Bocci V.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Department of Physiology, University of Siena, Italy. bocci@unsi.it<br />

Ozone is an intrinsically toxic gas and its hazardous employment has led to a poor consideration of<br />

ozone therapy. The aim of this review is to indicate that a wrong dogma and several<br />

misconceptions thwart progress: in reality, pro<strong>per</strong>ly <strong>per</strong>formed ozone therapy, carried out by<br />

ex<strong>per</strong>t physicians, can be very useful when orthodox medicine appears inadequate. The<br />

unbelievable versatility of ozone therapy is due to the cascade of ozone-derived compounds able<br />

to act on several targets leading to a multifactorial correction of a pathological state. During the<br />

past decade, contrary to all expectations, it has been demonstrated that the judicious application<br />

of ozone in chronic infectious diseases, vasculopathies, orthopedics and even dentistry has yielded<br />

such striking results that it is deplorable that the medical establishment continues to ignore ozone<br />

therapy.<br />

PMID: 15203558 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Int J Prosthodont. 1999 Mar-Apr;12(2):179-83.<br />

Influence of ozone on oxidation of dental alloys.<br />

Suzuki T, Oizumi M, Furuya J, Okamoto Y, Rosenstiel SF.<br />

Department of Geriatric Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Faculty of Dentistry,<br />

Japan. t.suzuki.gero@dent.tmd.ac.jp<br />

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of ozone on the surface of<br />

removable partial denture (RPD) alloys to determine its usefulness as a cleaning method for RPDs,<br />

since ozone has powerful sterilizing and deodorizing pro<strong>per</strong>ties.<br />

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two types of ozone cleaning were used. The quantities of ozone<br />

generated by both methods were the same (20 mg/h). In method A, ozone was generated for 10<br />

minutes every 12 hours and in method B, ozone was generated over 24 hours a day. Test<br />

specimens of 3 types of dental alloy (Co-Cr, Au-Ag-Pt, and Au-Cu-Ag-Pd) were subjected to<br />

different cleaning methods for 7 days and measured in terms of reflectance, surface roughness,<br />

and weight. Five different cleaning solutions (three commercial denture cleaners, acid-electrolyzed<br />

water with a pH of 2.4, and pure water) were used for comparison with the ozone treatments.<br />

RESULTS: No significant changes were detected after treatment of the Co-Cr and Au-Ag-Pt alloys<br />

with ozone. Ozone caused a slight change in the Au-Cu-Ag-Pd alloy in terms of reflectance, but<br />

the changes were significantly less than those caused by acid-electrolyzed water and one of the<br />

commercial denture cleaners.<br />

CONCLUSION: Ozone had little influence on the oxidation of dental alloys.<br />

PMID: 10371921 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1998;77(6):7-8.<br />

[Changes in the quantitative composition of the microbial flora of dental deposits during<br />

the intensification of oral hygiene]<br />

Lukinykh LM, Kosiuga SIu.<br />

The efficacy of hygienic treatment of the oral cavity in combination with ozone therapy is<br />

assessed. This combination mechanically removes soft dental deposit and decreases bacterial<br />

contamination.<br />

PMID: 10067405 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Eur J Oral Sci. 2007 Feb;115(1):77-80.<br />

Efficacy of gasiform ozone and photodynamic therapy on a multispecies oral biofilm in<br />

vitro.<br />

Muller P, Guggenheim B, Schmidlin PR.<br />

Clinic of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology, University if Zurich, Zurich,<br />

Switzer<strong>la</strong>nd.<br />

Ozone gas and photodynamic therapy (PDT) have been c<strong>la</strong>imed to be antimicrobially effective.<br />

This study assessed their antimicrobial potential in vitro. Mature six-species oral biofilms were<br />

treated as follows (n = 9 <strong>per</strong> group):<br />

(i) a 60-s application of gasiform vacuum-ozone or vacuum alone (on wet or air-dried biofilm<br />

samples);<br />

(ii) PDT (i.e. methylene blue in combination with or without a diode soft <strong>la</strong>ser, and a soft <strong>la</strong>ser<br />

alone);<br />

(iii) antimicrobial solutions: immersion of biofilms for 60 s in 0.2 and 2% chlorhexidine or in 0.5<br />

and 5% hypochlorite solution. Treatment with chlorhexidine or hypochlorite served as a positive<br />

control, whereas untreated samples served as negative controls. Colony-forming units on blood<br />

agar were counted. Only the 5% hypochlorite solution was able to totally eliminate the<br />

microorganisms in the biofilm. The observed reduction of viable counts by vacuum-ozone<br />

application and PDT was less than one log(10) step. Under the conditions of the current study,<br />

gasiform ozone and PDT had a minimal effect on the viability of microorganisms organized in a<br />

cariogenic biofilm.<br />

PMID: 17305720 [PubMed - in process]<br />

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2006 Nov-Dec;(6):34-7.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


[Ozone therapy in gastroduodenal pathology associated with Helicobacter pylori]<br />

[Article in Russian]<br />

Fedorov AA, Gromov AS, Sapronenok SV, Kurochkin VIu, Zhernakova ZM.<br />

Three methods of ozone therapy (intravenous injection of ozonized physiologic saline, oral intake<br />

of ozonized low-mineral water and combination of the two treatments) were compared by efficacy<br />

in 215 patients with gastroduodenal pathology associated with Helicobacter pilori. All the<br />

techniques of ozone therapy proved effective in re<strong>la</strong>tion to regress of clinical symptoms,<br />

regeneration processes, eradication of Helicobacter pylori, but the combined regimen was the<br />

best.<br />

PMID: 17201222 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Health Technol Assess. 2006 May;10(16):iii-iv, ix-80.<br />

Systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of HealOzone for the<br />

treatment of occlusal pit/fissure caries and root caries.<br />

Brazzelli M, McKenzie L, Fielding S, Fraser C, C<strong>la</strong>rkson J, Kilonzo M, Waugh N.<br />

Health Services Research Unit, Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK.<br />

OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of HealOzone (CurOzone USA<br />

Inc., Ontario, Canada) for the management of pit and fissure caries, and root caries. The complete<br />

HealOzone procedure involves the direct application of ozone gas to the caries lesion on the tooth<br />

surface, the use of a remineralising solution immediately after application of ozone and the supply<br />

of a “patient kit”, which consists of toothpaste, oral rinse and oral spray all containing fluoride.<br />

DATA SOURCES: Electronic databases up to May 2004 (except Conference Pa<strong>per</strong>s Index, which<br />

were searched up to May 2002).<br />

REVIEW METHODS: A systematic review of the effectiveness of HealOzone for the management<br />

of tooth decay was carried out. A systematic review of existing economic evaluations of ozone for<br />

dental caries was also p<strong>la</strong>nned but no suitable studies were identified. The economic evaluation<br />

included in the industry submission was critically appraised and summarised. A Markov model was<br />

constructed to explore possible cost-effectiveness aspects of HealOzone in addition to current<br />

management of dental caries.<br />

RESULTS: Five full-text reports and five studies published as abstracts met the inclusion criteria.<br />

The five full-text reports consisted of two randomised controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the use of<br />

HealOzone for the management of primary root caries and two doctoral theses of three<br />

unpublished randomised trials assessing the use of HealOzone for the management of occlusal<br />

caries. Of the abstracts, four assessed the effects of HealOzone for the management of occlusal<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


caries and one the effects of HealOzone for the management of root caries. Overall, the quality of<br />

the studies was modest, with many important methodological aspects not reported (e.g.<br />

concealment of allocation, blinding procedures, compliance of patients with home treatment). In<br />

particu<strong>la</strong>r, there were some concerns about the choice of statistical analyses. In most of the full-<br />

text studies analyses were undertaken at lesion level, ignoring the clustering of lesions within<br />

patients. The nature of the methodological concerns was sufficient to raise doubts about the<br />

validity of the included studies' findings. A quantitative synthesis of results was deemed<br />

inappropriate. On the whole, there is not enough evidence from published RCTs on which to judge<br />

the effectiveness of ozone for the management of both occlusal and root caries. The <strong>per</strong>spective<br />

adopted for the study was that of the NHS and Personal Social Services. The analysis, carried out<br />

over a 5-year <strong>per</strong>iod, indicated that treatment using current management plus HealOzone cost<br />

more than current management alone for non-cavitated pit and fissure caries (40.49 pounds<br />

versus 24.78 pounds), but cost less for non-cavitated root caries ( 14.63 pounds versus 21.45<br />

pounds). Given the limitations of the calcu<strong>la</strong>tions these figures should be regarded as illustrative,<br />

not definitive. It was not possible to measure health benefits in terms of quality-adjusted life-<br />

years, due to uncertainties around the evidence of clinical effectiveness, and to the fact that the<br />

adverse events avoided are transient (e.g. pain from injection of local anaesthetic, fear of the<br />

drill). One-way sensitivity analysis was applied to the model. However, owing to the limitations of<br />

the economic analysis, this should be regarded as merely specu<strong>la</strong>tive. For non-cavitated pit and<br />

fissure caries, the HealOzone option was always more expensive than current management when<br />

the probability of cure using the HealOzone option was 70% or lower. For non-cavitated root<br />

caries the costs of the HealOzone comparator were lower than those of current management only<br />

when cure rates from HealOzone were at least 80%. The costs of current management were<br />

higher than those of the HealOzone option when the cure rate for current management was 40%<br />

or lower. One-way sensitivity analysis was also <strong>per</strong>formed using simi<strong>la</strong>r NHS Statement of Dental<br />

Remuneration codes to those that are used in the industry submission. This did not alter the<br />

results for non-cavitated pit fissure caries as the discounted net present value of current<br />

management remained lower than that of the HealOzone comparator ( 22.65 pounds versus 33.39<br />

pounds).<br />

CONCLUSIONS: Any treatment that preserves teeth and avoids fillings is welcome. However, the<br />

current evidence base for HealOzone is insufficient to conclude that it is a cost-effective addition<br />

to the management and treatment of occlusal and root caries. To make a decision on whether<br />

HealOzone is a cost-effective alternative to current preventive methods for the management of<br />

dental caries, further research into its clinical effectiveness is required. Independent RCTs of the<br />

effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of HealOzone for the management of occlusal caries and root<br />

caries need to be pro<strong>per</strong>ly conducted with adequate design, outcome measures and methods for<br />

statistical analyses.<br />

PMID: 16707073 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of HealOzone ® for the<br />

treatment of occlusal pit/fissure caries and root caries<br />

M Brazzelli, 1* L McKenzie, 2 S Fielding, 3 C Fraser, 1 J C<strong>la</strong>rkson, 4 M Kilonzo 2 and N Waugh 3<br />

1 Health Services Research Unit, Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK<br />

2 Health Economics Research Unit, Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen,<br />

UK<br />

3 Department of Public Health, Institute of Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK<br />

4 Dental Health Services Research Unit, MacKenzie Building, Dundee, UK<br />

* Corresponding author. Current affiliation: Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of<br />

Edinburgh, Western General Hospital, UK<br />

Background<br />

Dental caries is a chronic disease caused by the localised and progressive demineralisation of the<br />

hard tissues of the coronal and root surfaces of the teeth. Caries location, development and<br />

progression depend on a range of environmental, social and genetic factors, and vary greatly<br />

among individuals.<br />

Despite the decline in the prevalence of dental caries observed in the high-income countries<br />

during the past few decades as a consequence of the increased avai<strong>la</strong>bility of fluoride products<br />

and improved oral hygiene, dental caries is still a common disease ex<strong>per</strong>ienced by almost 80% of<br />

children by the age of 18 years and by almost 90% of adults.<br />

The current management of early non-cavitated occlusal and root caries, and cavitated root<br />

caries, which are still accessible to cleaning, is based on non-o<strong>per</strong>ative preventive strategies that<br />

include information on oral hygiene, dietary advice, use of topically applied fluorides and<br />

application of sea<strong>la</strong>nts. For cavitated occlusal caries and cavitated root caries that are not easily<br />

accessible to cleaning, restorative interventions are adopted (drilling and filling).<br />

HealOzone ® (CurOzone USA Inc., Ontario, Canada) has recently been proposed as a novel method<br />

for the treatment of dental caries. It is suggested that HealOzone may reverse, arrest or slow the<br />

progression of dental caries. The complete HealOzone procedure involves the direct application of<br />

ozone gas to the caries lesion on the tooth surface, the use of a remineralising solution<br />

immediately after application of ozone and the supply of a ‘patient kit’, which consists of<br />

toothpaste, oral rinse and oral spray all containing fluoride.<br />

Objective<br />

The review aims to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of HealOzone for the<br />

management of pit and fissure caries, and root caries.<br />

Methods<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Electronic searches were conducted to identify published and unpublished studies. The following<br />

databases were searched: MEDLINE (1966 to May 2004), EMBASE (1980 to May 2004), MEDLINE<br />

Extra (17 May 2004), Science Citation Index (1981 to May 2004), Biosis (1985 to May 2004),<br />

AMED (1985 to May 2004), Cochrane Library (Issue 2, 2004) National Research Register (Issue 2,<br />

2004), Current Controlled Trials (18 May 2004), Clinical Trials (18 May 2004), SCI Proceedings<br />

(1991 to May 2004), Conference Pa<strong>per</strong>s Index (1982 to May 2002), ZETOC conferences (1993 to<br />

May 2004) and IADR meeting abstracts (2002 to 2004). Two reviewers independently assessed<br />

the methodological quality of included studies and extracted data. Criteria for assessment of study<br />

quality included method and unit of randomisation, concealment of allocation, comparability of<br />

groups at baseline, blinding procedures, number of withdrawals/dropouts and completeness of<br />

assessment at follow-up.<br />

A systematic review of the effectiveness of HealOzone for the management of tooth decay was<br />

carried out. A systematic review of existing economic evaluations of ozone for dental caries was<br />

also p<strong>la</strong>nned but no suitable studies were identified. The economic evaluation included in the<br />

industry submission was critically appraised and summarised.<br />

A Markov model was constructed to explore possible cost-effectiveness aspects of HealOzone in<br />

addition to current management of dental caries.<br />

Results<br />

Number and quality of studies, and direction of evidence<br />

Five full-text reports and five studies published as abstracts met the inclusion criteria. Of these,<br />

only one was published in a refereed journal, but it <strong>la</strong>cked some study details. The remaining<br />

studies were PhD theses, unpublished reports or conference proceedings. The five full-text reports<br />

consisted of two randomised controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the use of HealOzone for the<br />

management of primary root caries and two PhD theses of three unpublished randomised trials<br />

assessing the use of HealOzone for the management of occlusal caries. Of the five studies<br />

published as abstracts, four assessed the effects of HealOzone for the management of occlusal<br />

caries and one the effects of HealOzone for the management of root caries.<br />

Overall, the quality of the studies was modest, with many important methodological aspects not<br />

reported (e.g. concealment of allocation, blinding procedures, compliance of patients with home<br />

treatment). In particu<strong>la</strong>r, there were some concerns about the choice of statistical analyses. In<br />

most of the full-text studies analyses were undertaken at lesion level, ignoring the clustering of<br />

lesions within patients. The nature of the methodological concerns was sufficient to raise doubts<br />

about the validity of the included studies’ findings. A quantitative synthesis of results was deemed<br />

inappropriate.<br />

Summary of benefits<br />

Root caries<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Two studies (one published and one unpublished) assessing the use of HealOzone for the<br />

management of primary non-cavitated root caries reported high success rates for ozone-treated<br />

lesions and no significant changes in the control lesions, despite application of topical fluoride.<br />

This is puzzling, since topical fluoride is known to be effective. Results of cavitated root lesions<br />

were poorly defined and reported in one of these two studies. Cavitated lesions did not seem to<br />

benefit from ozone application.<br />

One unpublished study showed that fissure sea<strong>la</strong>nts preceded by the application of ozone for the<br />

preventive treatment of non-cavitated root lesions were more likely to remain intact (61% versus<br />

42%, p < 0.05).<br />

Pit and fissure caries<br />

One unpublished study did not show any significant benefits of HealOzone for the management of<br />

non-cavitated pit and fissure lesions in the <strong>per</strong>manent dentition. Simi<strong>la</strong>rly, a small unpublished<br />

pilot study did not show any significant differences between cavitated occlusal lesions treated with<br />

or without ozone, apart from an improvement in the hardness and visual clinical indices. In<br />

contrast, findings from conference proceedings (which provide little detail for the assessment of<br />

their methodological quality and therefore are of little use in systematic reviews) reported very<br />

high success rates (from 86.6% to 99% of reversal of caries).<br />

Adding ozone to a fissure sea<strong>la</strong>nt did not seem to produce better sea<strong>la</strong>nt retention in occlusal<br />

lesions extending 2–4 mm into dentine.<br />

Data on the use of HealOzone for the treatment of occlusal lesion in the deciduous dentition were<br />

avai<strong>la</strong>ble from only one unpublished study. An overall reduction in clinical severity scores was<br />

reported for non-cavitated occlusal lesions in primary mo<strong>la</strong>rs treated with ozone.<br />

On the whole, there is not enough evidence from published RCTs on which to judge the<br />

effectiveness of ozone for the management of both occlusal and root caries.<br />

Costs<br />

The <strong>per</strong>spective adopted for the study was that of the NHS and Personal Social Services. The<br />

analysis, carried out over a 5-year <strong>per</strong>iod, indicated that treatment using current management<br />

plus HealOzone cost more than current management alone for non-cavitated pit and fissure caries<br />

(£40.49 versus £24.78), but cost less for non-cavitated root caries (£14.63 versus £21.45). Given<br />

the limitations of the calcu<strong>la</strong>tions these figures should be regarded as illustrative, not definitive.<br />

Cost <strong>per</strong> quality-adjusted life-year<br />

It was not possible to measure health benefits in terms of quality-adjusted life-years. This was<br />

mainly due to uncertainties around the evidence of clinical effectiveness, and to the fact that the<br />

adverse events avoided are transient (e.g. pain from injection of local anaesthetic, fear the drill).<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Sensitivity analyses<br />

One-way sensitivity analysis was applied to the model. However, owing to the limitations of the<br />

economic analysis, this should be regarded as merely specu<strong>la</strong>tive. For non-cavitated pit and<br />

fissure caries, the HealOzone option was always more expensive than current management when<br />

the probability of cure using the HealOzone option was 70% or lower. For non-cavitated root<br />

caries the costs of the HealOzone comparator were lower than those of current management only<br />

when cure rates from HealOzone were at least 80%. The costs of current management were<br />

higher than those of the HealOzone option when the cure rate for current management was 40%<br />

or lower.<br />

One-way sensitivity analysis was also <strong>per</strong>formed using simi<strong>la</strong>r NHS Statement of Dental<br />

Remuneration codes to those that are used in the industry submission. This did not alter the<br />

results for non-cavitated pit fissure caries as the discounted net present value of current<br />

management remained lower than that of the HealOzone comparator (£22.65 versus £33.39).<br />

Conclusions<br />

Any treatment that preserves teeth and avoids fillings is welcome. However, the current evidence<br />

base for HealOzone is insufficient to conclude that it is a cost-effective addition to the<br />

management and treatment of occlusal and root caries.<br />

Limitations of the calcu<strong>la</strong>tions<br />

The economic analysis was severely constrained by the uncertainty over clinical effectiveness, and<br />

it could be argued that such analysis was inappropriate. It was done merely to illustrate the key<br />

factors involved in economic modelling. The long-term effects of HealOzone are unknown and the<br />

assumption that reversed caries remains inactive may not be reliable.<br />

Recommendations for research<br />

To make a decision on whether HealOzone is a cost-effective alternative to current preventive<br />

methods for the management of dental caries, further research into its clinical effectiveness is<br />

required. Independent RCTs of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of HealOzone for the<br />

management of occlusal caries and root caries need to be pro<strong>per</strong>ly conducted with adequate<br />

design, outcome measures and methods for statistical analyses.<br />

Publication<br />

Brazzelli M, McKenzie L, Fielding S, Fraser C, C<strong>la</strong>rkson J, Kilonzo M, et al. Systematic review of the<br />

effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of HealOzone ® for the treatment of occlusal pit/fissure caries<br />

and root caries. Health Technol Assess 2006;10(16).<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


NHS R&D HTA Programme<br />

The research findings from the NHS R&D Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme<br />

directly influence key decision-making bodies such as the National Institute for Health and Clinical<br />

Excellence (NICE) and the National Screening Committee (NSC) who rely on HTA outputs to help<br />

raise standards of care. HTA findings also help to improve the quality of the service in the NHS<br />

indirectly in that they form a key component of the ‘National Knowledge Service’ that is being<br />

developed to improve the evidence of clinical practice throughout the NHS.<br />

The HTA Programme was set up in 1993. Its role is to ensure that high-quality research<br />

information on the costs, effectiveness and broader impact of health technologies is produced in<br />

the most efficient way for those who use, manage and provide care in the NHS. ‘Health<br />

technologies’ are broadly defined to include all interventions used to promote health, prevent and<br />

treat disease, and improve rehabilitation and long-term care, rather than settings of care.<br />

The HTA Programme commissions research only on topics where it has identified key gaps in the<br />

evidence needed by the NHS. Suggestions for topics are actively sought from people working in<br />

the NHS, the public, service-users groups and professional bodies such as Royal Colleges and NHS<br />

Trusts.<br />

Research suggestions are carefully considered by panels of independent ex<strong>per</strong>ts (including service<br />

users) whose advice results in a ranked list of recommended research priorities. The HTA<br />

Programme then commissions the research team best suited to undertake the work, in the<br />

manner most appropriate to find the relevant answers. Some projects may take only months,<br />

others need several years to answer the research questions adequately. They may involve<br />

synthesising existing evidence or conducting a trial to produce new evidence where none currently<br />

exists.<br />

Additionally, through its Technology Assessment Report (TAR) call-off contract, the HTA<br />

Programme is able to commission bespoke reports, principally for NICE, but also for other policy<br />

customers, such as a National Clinical Director. TARs bring together evidence on key aspects of<br />

the use of specific technologies and usually have to be completed within a short time <strong>per</strong>iod.<br />

Criteria for inclusion in the HTA monograph series<br />

Reports are published in the HTA monograph series if (1) they have resulted from work<br />

commissioned for the HTA Programme, and (2) they are of a sufficiently high scientific quality as<br />

assessed by the referees and editors.<br />

Reviews in Health Technology Assessment are termed ‘systematic’ when the account of the<br />

search, appraisal and synthesis methods (to minimise biases and random errors) would, in theory,<br />

<strong>per</strong>mit the replication of the review by others.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


The research reported in this monograph was commissioned and funded by the HTA Programme<br />

on behalf of NICE as project number 03/50/01. The protocol was agreed in June 2004. The<br />

assessment report began editorial review in June 2005 and was accepted for publication in<br />

September 2005. The authors have been wholly responsible for all data collection, analysis and<br />

interpretation, and for writing up their work. The HTA editors and publisher have tried to ensure<br />

the accuracy of the authors’ report and would like to thank the referees for their constructive<br />

comments on the draft document. However, they do not accept liability for damages or losses<br />

arising from material published in this report.<br />

The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the<br />

HTA Programme, NICE or the Department of Health.<br />

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Tom Walley Series Editors: Dr Aileen C<strong>la</strong>rke, Dr Peter Davidson,<br />

Dr Chris Hyde, Dr John Powell, Dr Rob Riemsma and Dr Ken Stein<br />

Managing Editors: Sally Bailey and Sarah Llewellyn Lloyd<br />

© 2006 Crown Copyright<br />

Am J Dent. 2004 Feb;17(1):56-60.<br />

Effect of ozone on the oral microbiota and clinical severity of primary root caries.<br />

Baysan A, Lynch E.<br />

The School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham, St Chad's Queensway, Birmingham B4 6NN,<br />

UK. a.baysan@bham.ac.uk<br />

PURPOSE: To assess the effect of ozone on the microbial flora and clinical severity of primary root<br />

caries.<br />

METHODS: 26 patients with 70 primary root carious lesions (PRCLs) were entered. Each PRCL<br />

was c<strong>la</strong>ssified in terms of color, cavitation, size, hardness, distance from the gingival margin and<br />

severity. Overlying p<strong>la</strong>que was then removed and each lesion dried. A biopsy was taken from half<br />

of each PRCL using a sterile excavator. Subsequently, the remaining lesions were exposed to<br />

ozone gas for a <strong>per</strong>iod of either 10 seconds (n = 35) or 20 seconds (n = 35) and a further biopsy<br />

was taken.<br />

RESULTS: Using a paired Student t-test, a significant (P < 0.001) difference (mean +/- SE) in<br />

total micro-organisms was observed in the ozone-treated samples after either a 10 seconds<br />

(log10 4.35 +/- 0.49) or 20 seconds (log10 0.46 +/- 0.26) ozone application compared with the<br />

control samples (log10 7.00 +/- 0.24) and (log10 6.00 +/- 0.21) respectively. Using Pearson's<br />

corre<strong>la</strong>tion tests, there were significant corre<strong>la</strong>tions for the reduction in total micro-organisms<br />

after 10 seconds of ozone application with cavitation, size, distance from gingival margin and<br />

severity of PRCLs (P < 0.05). In conclusion, ozone application either for 10 or 20 seconds<br />

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dramatically reduced most of the micro-organisms in PRCLs without any side effects recorded at<br />

recall intervals between 3 and 5.5 months. Out of the 65 PRCLs reviewed, 33 lesions had become<br />

hard, 27 lesions reversed to severity index 1 from severity index 2, and five lesions remained the<br />

same following ozone application for a <strong>per</strong>iod of either 10 or 20 seconds.<br />

PMID: 15241911 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Oral Microbiol Immunol. 2004 Aug;19(4):240-6.<br />

Efficacy of ozone on survival and <strong>per</strong>meability of oral microorganisms.<br />

Nagayoshi M, Fukuizumi T, Kitamura C, Yano J, Terashita M, Nishihara T.<br />

Department of O<strong>per</strong>ative Dentistry and Endodontics, Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan.<br />

In the present study, we examined the effect of ozonated water on oral microorganisms and<br />

dental p<strong>la</strong>que. Almost no microorganisms were detected after being treated with ozonated water<br />

(4 mg/l) for 10 s. To estimate the ozonated water-treated Streptococcus mutans, bacterial cells<br />

were stained with LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit. Fluorescence microscopic analysis<br />

revealed that S. mutans cells were killed instantaneously in ozonated water. Some breakage of<br />

ozonated water-treated S. mutans was found by electron microscopy. When the ex<strong>per</strong>imental<br />

dental p<strong>la</strong>que was exposed to ozonated water, the number of viable S. mutans remarkably<br />

decreased. Ozonated water strongly inhibited the accumu<strong>la</strong>tion of ex<strong>per</strong>imental dental p<strong>la</strong>que in<br />

vitro. After the dental p<strong>la</strong>que samples from human subjects were exposed to ozonated water in<br />

vitro, almost no viable bacterial cells were detected. These results suggest that ozonated water<br />

should be useful in reducing the infections caused by oral microorganisms in dental p<strong>la</strong>que.<br />

PMID: 15209994 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

J Endod. 2004 Nov;30(11):778-81.<br />

Antimicrobial effect of ozonated water on bacteria invading dentinal tubules.<br />

Nagayoshi M, Kitamura C, Fukuizumi T, Nishihara T, Terashita M.<br />

Department of O<strong>per</strong>ative Dentistry and Endodontics, Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan.<br />

Ozone is known to act as a strong antimicrobial agent against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. In the<br />

present study, we examined the effect of ozonated water against Enterococcus faecalis and<br />

Streptcoccus mutans infections in vitro in bovine dentin. After irrigation with ozonated water, the<br />

viability of E. faecalis and S. mutans invading dentinal tubules significantly decreased. Notably,<br />

when the specimen was irrigated with sonication, ozonated water had nearly the same<br />

antimicrobial activity as 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). We also compared the cytotoxicity<br />

against L-929 mouse fibrob<strong>la</strong>sts between ozonated water and NaOCl. The metabolic activity of<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


fibrob<strong>la</strong>sts was high when the cells were treated with ozonated water, whereas that of fibrob<strong>la</strong>sts<br />

significantly decreased when the cells were treated with 2.5% NaOCl. These results suggest that<br />

ozonated water application may be useful for endodontic therapy.<br />

PMID: 15505509 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

J Med Dent Sci. 1998 Jun;45(2):135-9.<br />

In vitro testing of a denture cleaning method using ozone.<br />

Oizumi M, Suzuki T, Uchida M, Furuya J, Okamoto Y.<br />

Department of Geriatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University,<br />

Japan. m.oizumi.gero@dent.tmd.ac.jp<br />

The purpose of this study was to compare the microbicidal effect of gaseous ozone with that of<br />

ozonated water in order to determine its usefulness as a method for disinfecting dentures.<br />

Although a <strong>la</strong>rge number of research studies have been done on the bactericidal effect of ozone,<br />

little is known about its microbicidal effects on oral microorganisms. Therefore, we tested the<br />

effect of ozone on three standard strains of oral microorganisms: Streptococcus mutans (strain<br />

IID 973), Staphylococcus aureus (strain 209-P), and Candida albicans (strain LAM 14322). When<br />

the gaseous ozone injection method was used, the numbers of cells of all three strains decreased<br />

to 1/10(5) at 1 min, and by 3 min they were below the detection limit. Thus, the microbicidal<br />

effect of gaseous ozone was ascertained in a short time. In contrast, when ozonated water at 1<br />

ppm and 3 ppm was used, C. albicans decreased to 1/10. A 700 mg/h ozone production level was<br />

needed to prepare 1 ppm ozonated water, whereas 20 mg/h of ozone was required by the<br />

gaseous ozone generator. These findings indicate that direct exposure to gaseous ozone seems to<br />

be a more effective microbicide compared with ozonated water, and that gaseous ozone can be<br />

clinically useful for disinfection of dentures.<br />

PMID: 11186199 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Arch Environ Health. 1989 Sep-Oct;44(5):311-6.<br />

Oral and oronasal breathing during continuous exercise produce simi<strong>la</strong>r responses to<br />

ozone inha<strong>la</strong>tion.<br />

Adams WC, Schelegle ES, Shaffrath JD.<br />

Physical Education Department, University of California, Davis.<br />

Breathing route has a profound effect on sulfur dioxide-induced pulmonary function response in<br />

human subjects. There is comparatively little evidence of the effects of oral, nasal, and oronasal<br />

breathing on ozone (O3)-induced responses in humans. In this study, six young adult males were<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


exposed on five occasions to 0.40 parts <strong>per</strong> million (ppm) O3 while exercising continuously at one<br />

of two workloads (minute venti<strong>la</strong>tion, VE, of approximately 30 and 75 l/min). The VE exposure<br />

time product was simi<strong>la</strong>r for all protocols. Four exposures were delivered randomly with a Hans-<br />

Rudolph respiratory valve attached to a silicone facemask, with breathing route effected with and<br />

without noseclip. A 2 x 2 analysis of variance revealed no statistically significant differences (p<br />

less than .05) across conditions in pulmonary function, exercise venti<strong>la</strong>tory pattern, or subjective<br />

symptoms responses. The fifth exposure, delivered via the same respiratory valve with<br />

mouthpiece, but without facemask, revealed significantly greater forced expiratory volume in 1 s<br />

(FEV1.0) impairment than that observed for the respiratory valve, facemask with noseclip<br />

exposure (-20.4% and -15.9%, respectively). The <strong>la</strong>tter suggests partial O3 reactivity to the<br />

facemask and clean shaven facial surface of the subjects, although reduced oral scrubbing by<br />

mouthpiece-induced bypassing of the oral vestibule might account, in part, for this difference.<br />

Recent O3 uptake evidence from another <strong>la</strong>boratory, however, supports our conclusion that<br />

breathing route during moderate and heavy continuous exercise does not affect acute physiologic<br />

responses to 0.40 ppm O3.<br />

PMID: 2817961 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Eur J Oral Sci. 2006 Oct;114(5):435-40.<br />

Effect of ozone on oral cells compared with established antimicrobials.<br />

Huth KC, Jakob FM, Saugel B, Cappello C, Paschos E, Hollweck R, Hickel R, Brand K.<br />

Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich,<br />

Germany. khuth@dent.med.uni-muenchen.de<br />

Ozone has been proposed as an alternative antiseptic agent in dentistry based on reports of its<br />

antimicrobial effects in both gaseous and aqueous forms. This study investigated whether gaseous<br />

ozone (4 x 10(6) microg m(-3)) and aqueous ozone (1.25-20 microg ml(-1)) exert any cytotoxic<br />

effects on human oral epithelial (BHY) cells and gingival fibrob<strong>la</strong>st (HGF-1) cells compared with<br />

established antiseptics [chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) 2%, 0.2%; sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)<br />

5.25%, 2.25%; hydrogen <strong>per</strong>oxide H2O2) 3%], over a time of 1 min, and compared with the<br />

antibiotic, metronidazole, over 24 h. Cell counts, metabolic activity, Sp-1 binding, actin levels, and<br />

apoptosis were evaluated. Ozone gas was found to have toxic effects on both cell types.<br />

Essentially no cytotoxic signs were observed for aqueous ozone. CHX (2%, 0.2%) was highly toxic<br />

to BHY cells, and slightly (2%) and non-toxic (0.2%) to HGF-1 cells. NaOCl and H2O2 resulted in<br />

markedly reduced cell viability (BHY, HGF-1), whereas metronidazole disp<strong>la</strong>yed mild toxicity only<br />

to BHY cells. Taken together, aqueous ozone revealed the highest level of biocompatibility of the<br />

tested antiseptics.<br />

PMID: 17026511 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Dtsch Zahnarztl Z. 1991 Jul;46(7):485-7.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


[Water disinfection of dental treatment units using ozone]<br />

Filippi A, Tilkes F, Beck EG, Kirschner H.<br />

Med. Zentrum fur Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde der Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen.<br />

The disinfecting effect of ozonized water has been investigated. Under the precondition that the<br />

dental chair had been thoroughly sanitized, the system showed a good disinfecting effect. Finally,<br />

for reasons of practical medical treatment, the ozone concentration in air and, for reasons of<br />

hygiene in drinking water, the ozone concentrations in water were determined under various<br />

conditions. In addition, the influence of continuous-flow water heaters is discussed. The problem<br />

of continuous-flow water heaters regarding their effects on the colonisation of water by microbes<br />

proves not to be significant. The exposure of patients to disinfectants is discussed.<br />

PMID: 1817912 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Evid Based Dent. 2005;6(2):34.<br />

No reliable evidence that ozone gas stops or reverses tooth decay.<br />

McComb D.<br />

Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.<br />

DATA SOURCES: The Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register, Cochrane Central Register of<br />

Controlled Trials, Medline and Premedline, Embase, CINAHL (Cumu<strong>la</strong>tive Index to nursing and<br />

Allied Health Literature)l and the Allied and Complementary Medicine Database were searched.<br />

The journal Quintessence was searched by hand and KaVo Dental (Biberach, Germany)<br />

manufacturers of HealOzone apparatus were contacted for any additional published or unpublished<br />

trials.<br />

STUDY SELECTION: Inclusion was assessed independently by at least two reviewers. Trials were<br />

only included if they met the following criteria: randomisation in a controlled trial; single surface<br />

in vivo carious lesion accessible to ozone application; clear allocation concealment; ozone<br />

application to the lesions in the intervention group; no such application of ozone in the control<br />

group; and outcomes measured after at least 6 months.<br />

DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Reviewers independently extracted information in<br />

duplicate. A paucity of comparable data did not allow meta-analytic pooling of the included<br />

studies.<br />

RESULTS: Three trials were included, with a combined total of 432 randomised lesions (137<br />

participants). Forty-two conference pa<strong>per</strong>s, abstracts and posters were excluded (from an<br />

unknown number of studies). The risk of bias in all studies appeared high. The analyses of all<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


three studies were conducted at the level of the lesion, which is not independent of the <strong>per</strong>son.<br />

For this reason, pooling of data was not appropriate or attempted. Individual studies showed<br />

inconsistent effects of ozone on caries, across different measures of caries progression or<br />

regression. Few secondary outcomes were reported, but one trial reported an absence of adverse<br />

events.<br />

CONCLUSIONS: Given the high risk of bias in the avai<strong>la</strong>ble studies and <strong>la</strong>ck of consistency<br />

between different outcome measures, there is no reliable evidence that application of ozone gas to<br />

the surface of decayed teeth stops or reverses the decay process. There is a fundamental need for<br />

more evidence of appropriate rigour and quality before the use of ozone can be accepted into<br />

mainstream primary dental care or can be considered a viable alternative to current methods for<br />

the management and treatment of dental caries.<br />

PMID: 16208384 [PubMed]<br />

Ozone therapy for the treatment of dental caries<br />

GD Rickard, R Richardson, T Johnson, D McColl, L Hoo<strong>per</strong><br />

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007 Issue 1Copyright © 2007 The Cochrane<br />

Col<strong>la</strong>boration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.<br />

DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004153.pub2 This version first published online: 19 July 2004 in<br />

Issue 3, 2004<br />

Date of Most Recent Substantive Amendment: 14 May 2004<br />

This record should be cited as: Rickard GD, Richardson R, Johnson T, McColl D, Hoo<strong>per</strong> L. Ozone<br />

therapy for the treatment of dental caries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue<br />

3. Art. No.: CD004153. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004153.pub2.<br />

Abstract<br />

Background<br />

Dental caries is a bacterially mediated disease characterised by demineralisation of the tooth<br />

surface, which may lead to cavitation, discomfort, pain and eventual tooth loss. Ozone is toxic to<br />

certain bacteria in vitro and it has been suggested that delivering ozone into a carious lesion<br />

might reduce the number of cariogenic bacteria. This possibly could arrest the progress of the<br />

lesion and may, in the presence of fluoride, <strong>per</strong>haps allow remineralisation to occur. This may in<br />

turn de<strong>la</strong>y or prevent the need for traditional dental conservation by 'drilling and filling'.<br />

Objectives<br />

To assess whether ozone is effective in arresting or reversing the progression of dental caries.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Search strategy<br />

We searched the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register (to 7 November 2003); Cochrane<br />

Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library Issue 3, 2003); MEDLINE<br />

and PREMEDLINE (OVID, 1966 to November 2003); EMBASE (OVID, 1980 to November 2003);<br />

CINAHL (OVID, 1982 to November 2003); AMED (OVID, 1985 to November 2003). Quintessence<br />

was handsearched through 2002 and KaVo were contacted as manufacturers of the HealOzone<br />

apparatus for any additional published or unpublished trials.<br />

Selection criteria<br />

Inclusion was assessed independently by at least two reviewers. Trials were only included if they<br />

met the following criteria: randomisation in a controlled trial; single surface in vivo carious lesion<br />

accessible to ozone application; clear allocation concealment; ozone application to the lesions in<br />

the intervention group; no such application of ozone in the control group; outcomes measured<br />

after at least 6 months.<br />

Data collection and analysis<br />

Reviewers independently extracted information in duplicate. A paucity of comparable data did not<br />

allow meta-analytic pooling of the included studies.<br />

Main results<br />

Three trials were included, with a combined total of 432 randomised lesions (137 participants).<br />

Forty-two conference pa<strong>per</strong>s, abstracts and posters were excluded (from an unknown number of<br />

studies). The risk of bias in all studies appeared high. The analyses of all three studies were<br />

conducted at the level of the lesion, which is not independent of the <strong>per</strong>son, for this reason<br />

pooling of data was not appropriate or attempted. Individual studies showed inconsistent effects<br />

of ozone on caries, across different measures of caries progression or regression. Few secondary<br />

outcomes were reported, but one trial reported an absence of adverse events.<br />

Authors' conclusions<br />

Given the high risk of bias in the avai<strong>la</strong>ble studies and <strong>la</strong>ck of consistency between different<br />

outcome measures, there is no reliable evidence that application of ozone gas to the surface of<br />

decayed teeth stops or reverses the decay process. There is a fundamental need for more<br />

evidence of appropriate rigour and quality before the use of ozone can be accepted into<br />

mainstream primary dental care or can be considered a viable alternative to current methods for<br />

the management and treatment of dental caries.<br />

P<strong>la</strong>in <strong>la</strong>nguage summary<br />

There is no evidence that ozone therapy can reverse or stop tooth decay.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Tooth decay can be painful, is expensive to treat and can lead to the loss of teeth. It has been<br />

suggested that treatment of a decayed tooth with ozone will stop or reverse the decay process.<br />

This review of trials found no sound evidence that ozone is capable of reversing or stopping the<br />

progression of tooth decay. High quality research is needed to show whether or not it works.<br />

Ozone should not be considered an alternative to current treatment methods in dental practices.<br />

Ozone therapy for the treatment of dental caries<br />

Rickard GD, Richardson R, Johnson T, McColl D, Hoo<strong>per</strong> L<br />

This is a Cochrane review abstract and p<strong>la</strong>in <strong>la</strong>nguage summary, prepared and maintained by The<br />

Cochrane Col<strong>la</strong>boration. The full text of the review is avai<strong>la</strong>ble in The Cochrane Library (ISSN<br />

1464-780X).<br />

The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007 Issue 1<br />

Copyright © 2007 The Cochrane Col<strong>la</strong>boration. Published by John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.<br />

Date of <strong>la</strong>st Subtantial Update: May 14. 2004<br />

P<strong>la</strong>in <strong>la</strong>nguage summary<br />

There is no evidence that ozone therapy can reverse or stop tooth decay.<br />

Tooth decay can be painful, is expensive to treat and can lead to the loss of teeth. It has been<br />

suggested that treatment of a decayed tooth with ozone will stop or reverse the decay process.<br />

This review of trials found no sound evidence that ozone is capable of reversing or stopping the<br />

progression of tooth decay. High quality research is needed to show whether or not it works.<br />

Ozone should not be considered an alternative to current treatment methods in dental practices.<br />

Abstract<br />

Background<br />

Dental caries is a bacterially mediated disease characterised by demineralisation of the tooth<br />

surface, which may lead to cavitation, discomfort, pain and eventual tooth loss. Ozone is toxic to<br />

certain bacteria in vitro and it has been suggested that delivering ozone into a carious lesion<br />

might reduce the number of cariogenic bacteria. This possibly could arrest the progress of the<br />

lesion and may, in the presence of fluoride, <strong>per</strong>haps allow remineralisation to occur. This may in<br />

turn de<strong>la</strong>y or prevent the need for traditional dental conservation by 'drilling and filling'.<br />

Objectives<br />

To assess whether ozone is effective in arresting or reversing the progression of dental caries.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Search strategy<br />

We searched the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register (to 7 November 2003); Cochrane<br />

Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library Issue 3, 2003); MEDLINE<br />

and PREMEDLINE (OVID, 1966 to November 2003); EMBASE (OVID, 1980 to November 2003);<br />

CINAHL (OVID, 1982 to November 2003); AMED (OVID, 1985 to November 2003). Quintessence<br />

was handsearched through 2002 and KaVo were contacted as manufacturers of the HealOzone<br />

apparatus for any additional published or unpublished trials.<br />

Selection criteria<br />

Inclusion was assessed independently by at least two reviewers. Trials were only included if they<br />

met the following criteria: randomisation in a controlled trial; single surface in vivo carious lesion<br />

accessible to ozone application; clear allocation concealment; ozone application to the lesions in<br />

the intervention group; no such application of ozone in the control group; outcomes measured<br />

after at least 6 months.<br />

Data collection and analysis<br />

Reviewers independently extracted information in duplicate. A paucity of comparable data did not<br />

allow meta-analytic pooling of the included studies.<br />

Main results<br />

Three trials were included, with a combined total of 432 randomised lesions (137 participants).<br />

Forty-two conference pa<strong>per</strong>s, abstracts and posters were excluded (from an unknown number of<br />

studies). The risk of bias in all studies appeared high. The analyses of all three studies were<br />

conducted at the level of the lesion, which is not independent of the <strong>per</strong>son, for this reason<br />

pooling of data was not appropriate or attempted. Individual studies showed inconsistent effects<br />

of ozone on caries, across different measures of caries progression or regression. Few secondary<br />

outcomes were reported, but one trial reported an absence of adverse events.<br />

Authors' conclusions<br />

Given the high risk of bias in the avai<strong>la</strong>ble studies and <strong>la</strong>ck of consistency between different<br />

outcome measures, there is no reliable evidence that application of ozone gas to the surface of<br />

decayed teeth stops or reverses the decay process. There is a fundamental need for more<br />

evidence of appropriate rigour and quality before the use of ozone can be accepted into<br />

mainstream primary dental care or can be considered a viable alternative to current methods for<br />

the management and treatment of dental caries.<br />

Carcinogenesis. 2003 Mar;24(3):613-9.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Combined oral benzo[a]pyrene and inha<strong>la</strong>tory ozone exposure have no effect on lung<br />

tumor development in DNA repair-deficient Xpa mice.<br />

Hoogervorst EM, de Vries A, Beems RB, van Oostrom CT, Wester PW, Vos JG, Bruins W,<br />

Roodbergen M, Cassee FR, Vijg J, van Schooten FJ, van Steeg H.<br />

National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Laboratory of Toxicology, Center for<br />

Environment and Health Research, Bilthoven, The Nether<strong>la</strong>nds.<br />

There is considerable concern about an enhanced risk of lung tumor development upon exposure<br />

of humans to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), like benzo[a] pyrene (B[a]P), in<br />

combination with induced lung cell proliferation by toxic agents like ozone. We studied this issue<br />

in wild-type (WT) C57BL/6 mice, the cancer prone nucleotide excision repair-deficient Xeroderma<br />

pigmentosum complementation group A mice (Xpa-/-) and the even more sensitive Xpa-/-/p53+/-<br />

mice. The mice were treated with B[a]P through the diet at a dose of 75 p.p.m., in combination<br />

with intermittent ozone exposures (0.8 p.p.m.). First, a dose-range finding study with WT and<br />

Xpa-/- mice was conducted to determine the optimal ozone concentration giving high cell<br />

proliferation and low toxic side effects. We show by BrdU incorporation that cell proliferation in the<br />

lung was induced by ozone, with an optimal concentration of 0.8 p.p.m., which was subsequently<br />

used in the (sub)chronic studies. In the subchronic study, in which <strong>la</strong>cZ mutant frequency and<br />

BPDE-DNA adduct formation were measured, the mice were treated for 13 weeks with B[a]P and/<br />

or ozone, whereas in the chronic study this treatment protocol was followed by a 6 month <strong>per</strong>iod<br />

on control feed and filtered air. As expected, oral B[a]P exposure appeared to be highly<br />

carcinogenic to Xpa-/- and Xpa-/-/p53+/- mice and to a lesser extent to WT mice. A high<br />

incidence of forestomach tumors and some tumors of the esophagus were found. In the lung, a<br />

clear genotoxic effect of B[a]P was found as shown by the presence of BPDE-DNA adducts.<br />

However, these DNA adducts in combination with induction of cell proliferation did not result in<br />

increased <strong>la</strong>cZ mutations, nor in lung tumor formation not even in the highly sensitive Xpa-/- and<br />

Xpa-/-/p53+/- mice. The implication of these findings for tumor risk assessment will be discussed.<br />

Publication Types:<br />

Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.<br />

PMID: 12663525 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

European Journal of Oral Sciences<br />

Volume 114 Issue 5 Page 435 - October 2006<br />

To cite this article: Karin C. Huth, Franz M. Jakob, Bernd Saugel, Christian Cappello, Ekaterini<br />

Paschos, Regina Hollweck, Reinhard Hickel, Korbinian Brand (2006) Effect of ozone on oral cells<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


compared with established antimicrobials European Journal of Oral Sciences 114 (5), 435–440.<br />

doi:10.1111/j.1600-0722.2006.00390.x<br />

Prev Article Next Article<br />

Effect of ozone on oral cells compared with established antimicrobials<br />

Karin C. Huth 11<br />

Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology, Ludwig-Maximilians-<br />

University, Munich, Germany, Franz M. Jakob 11<br />

Department of Restorative Dentistry and<br />

Periodontology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany, Bernd Saugel 22<br />

Institute of<br />

Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, Christian Cappello 22<br />

Institute of Clinical Chemistry and<br />

Pathobiochemistry, Ekaterini Paschos 11<br />

Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology,<br />

Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany, Regina Hollweck 33<br />

Institute for Medical Statistics<br />

and Epidemiology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University, Munich, Germany,<br />

Reinhard Hickel 11<br />

Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology, Ludwig-Maximilians-<br />

University, Munich, Germany, Korbinian Brand 22<br />

Institute of Clinical Chemistry and<br />

Pathobiochemistry<br />

1 Department of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich,<br />

Germany; 2 Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, and 3 Institute for Medical<br />

Statistics and Epidemiology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University, Munich, Germany<br />

Dr Karin C. Huth, Department of Restorative Dentistry & Periodontology, Dental School, Ludwig-<br />

Maximilians-University, Goethe Street 70, 80336 Munich, Germany<br />

Telefax: +49–89–51605344<br />

E-mail: khuth@dent.med.uni-muenchen.de<br />

Huth KC, Jakob FM, Saugel B, Cappello C, Paschos E, Hollweck R, Hickel R, Brand K. Effect of<br />

ozone on oral cells compared with established antimicrobials. Eur J Oral Sci 2006; 114: 435–440.<br />

© 2006 The Authors. Journal compi<strong>la</strong>tion © 2006 Eur J Oral Sci<br />

Abstract<br />

Ozone has been proposed as an alternative antiseptic agent in dentistry based on reports of its<br />

antimicrobial effects in both gaseous and aqueous forms. This study investigated whether gaseous<br />

ozone (4 × 10 6 µg m -3 ) and aqueous ozone (1.25–20 µg ml -1 ) exert any cytotoxic effects on<br />

human oral epithelial (BHY) cells and gingival fibrob<strong>la</strong>st (HGF-1) cells compared with established<br />

antiseptics [chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) 2%, 0.2%; sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) 5.25%,<br />

2.25%; hydrogen <strong>per</strong>oxide (H2O2) 3%], over a time of 1 min, and compared with the antibiotic,<br />

metronidazole, over 24 h. Cell counts, metabolic activity, Sp-1 binding, actin levels, and apoptosis<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


were evaluated. Ozone gas was found to have toxic effects on both cell types. Essentially no<br />

cytotoxic signs were observed for aqueous ozone. CHX (2%, 0.2%) was highly toxic to BHY cells,<br />

and slightly (2%) and non-toxic (0.2%) to HGF-1 cells. NaOCl and H2O2 resulted in markedly<br />

reduced cell viability (BHY, HGF-1), whereas metronidazole disp<strong>la</strong>yed mild toxicity only to BHY<br />

cells. Taken together, aqueous ozone revealed the highest level of biocompatibility of the tested<br />

antiseptics.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Efficacy of ozone on survival and <strong>per</strong>meability of oral microorganisms<br />

M. Nagayoshi 1 , T. Fukuizumi 2 , C. Kitamura 1 , J. Yano 1 , M. Terashita 1 , T. Nishihara 2 ,<br />

1 Department of O<strong>per</strong>ative Dentistry and Endodontics, 2 Department of Oral Microbiology, Kyushu<br />

Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan<br />

Tatsuji Nishihara, D.D.S., Ph.D., Department of Oral Microbiology, Kyushu Dental College, 2-6-1<br />

Manazuru, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu 803–8580, Japan Tel.: + 81 93 582 1131, ext. 5485; fax: +<br />

81 93 581 4984; e-mail: tatsujin@kyu-dent.ac.jp<br />

Nagayoshi M, Fukuizumi T, Kitamura C, Yano J, Terashita M, Nishihara T. Efficacy of ozone on<br />

survival and <strong>per</strong>meability of oral microorganisms. Oral Microbiol Immunol 2004: 19: 240–246.©<br />

B<strong>la</strong>ckwell Munksgaard, 2004.<br />

Abstract<br />

In the present study, we examined the effect of ozonated water on oral microorganisms and<br />

dental p<strong>la</strong>que. Almost no microorganisms were detected after being treated with ozonated water<br />

(4 mg/l) for 10 s. To estimate the ozonated water-treated Streptococcus mutans, bacterial cells<br />

were stained with LIVE/DEAD ® BacLight TM Bacterial Viability Kit. Fluorescence microscopic analysis<br />

revealed that S. mutans cells were killed instantaneously in ozonated water. Some breakage of<br />

ozonated water-treated S. mutans was found by electron microscopy. When the ex<strong>per</strong>imental<br />

dental p<strong>la</strong>que was exposed to ozonated water, the number of viable S. mutans remarkably<br />

decreased. Ozonated water strongly inhibited the accumu<strong>la</strong>tion of ex<strong>per</strong>imental dental p<strong>la</strong>que in<br />

vitro. After the dental p<strong>la</strong>que samples from human subjects were exposed to ozonated water in<br />

vitro, almost no viable bacterial cells were detected. These results suggest that ozonated water<br />

should be useful in reducing the infections caused by oral microorganisms in dental p<strong>la</strong>que.<br />

Efficacy of gasiform ozone and photodynamic therapy on a multispecies oral biofilm in<br />

vitro.<br />

Author: Müller P , Guggenheim B , Schmidlin PR<br />

Source: Eur J Oral Sci, 115(1): 77-80 2007<br />

Abstract: Ozone gas and photodynamic therapy (PDT) have been c<strong>la</strong>imed to be antimicrobially<br />

effective. This study assessed their antimicrobial potential in vitro. Mature six-species oral biofilms<br />

were treated as follows (n = 9 <strong>per</strong> group):<br />

1. a 60-s application of gasiform vacuum-ozone or vacuum alone (on wet or air-dried biofilm<br />

samples);<br />

2. PDT (i.e. methylene blue in combination with or without a diode soft <strong>la</strong>ser, and a soft <strong>la</strong>ser<br />

alone); or<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


3. antimicrobial solutions: immersion of biofilms for 60 s in 0.2 and 2% chlorhexidine or in 0.5<br />

and 5% hypochlorite solution. Treatment with chlorhexidine or hypochlorite served as a<br />

positive control, whereas untreated samples served as negative controls. Colony-forming units<br />

on blood agar were counted. Only the 5% hypochlorite solution was able to totally eliminate<br />

the microorganisms in the biofilm. The observed reduction of viable counts by vacuum-ozone<br />

application and PDT was less than one log(10) step. Under the conditions of the current study,<br />

gasiform ozone and PDT had a minimal effect on the viability of microorganisms organized in a<br />

cariogenic biofilm.<br />

The use of ozone in dentistry and medicine.<br />

Author: Baysan A , Lynch E<br />

Source: Prim Dent Care, 12(2): 47-52 2005<br />

Abstract:<br />

There is growing interest in the use of ozone in oral healthcare and the National Institute for<br />

Clinical Excellence (NICE) is at present reviewing the evidence for its effectiveness in the<br />

management of occlusal and p<strong>la</strong>in surface caries. These are only two of the clinical problems for<br />

which ozone can, and has, been used; it has also been employed for a wide variety of other<br />

purposes in both dentistry and medicine. This pale blue-coloured gas p<strong>la</strong>ys an important role as a<br />

natural constituent in the higher <strong>la</strong>yer of the Earth's atmosphere. There is growing evidence that it<br />

can be employed as a useful therapeutic agent. This pa<strong>per</strong> reviews its therapeutic uses to date<br />

and suggests its possible future clinical applications. Consumer demands for this strong oxidant<br />

may increase as the general public becomes increasingly aware of its therapeutic capacity and the<br />

non-invasive manner in which it can be administered.<br />

Ozone therapy for the treatment of dental caries.<br />

Author: Rickard GD , Richardson R , Johnson T , McColl D , Hoo<strong>per</strong> L<br />

Source: Cochrane Database Syst Rev, (3): CD004153 2004<br />

Abstract:<br />

BACKGROUND: Dental caries is a bacterially mediated disease characterised by demineralisation<br />

of the tooth surface, which may lead to cavitation, discomfort, pain and eventual tooth loss.<br />

Ozone is toxic to certain bacteria in vitro and it has been suggested that delivering ozone into a<br />

carious lesion might reduce the number of cariogenic bacteria. This possibly could arrest the<br />

progress of the lesion and may, in the presence of fluoride, <strong>per</strong>haps allow remineralisation to<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


occur. This may in turn de<strong>la</strong>y or prevent the need for traditional dental conservation by 'drilling<br />

and filling'.<br />

OBJECTIVES: To assess whether ozone is effective in arresting or reversing the progression of<br />

dental caries.<br />

SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register (to 7<br />

November 2003); Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library<br />

Issue 3, 2003); MEDLINE and PREMEDLINE (OVID, 1966 to November 2003); EMBASE (OVID,<br />

1980 to November 2003); CINAHL (OVID, 1982 to November 2003); AMED (OVID, 1985 to<br />

November 2003). Quintessence was handsearched through 2002 and KaVo were contacted as<br />

manufacturers of the HealOzone apparatus for any additional published or unpublished trials.<br />

SELECTION CRITERIA: Inclusion was assessed independently by at least two reviewers. Trials<br />

were only included if they met the following criteria: randomisation in a controlled trial; single<br />

surface in vivo carious lesion accessible to ozone application; clear allocation concealment; ozone<br />

application to the lesions in the intervention group; no such application of ozone in the control<br />

group; outcomes measured after at least 6 months.<br />

DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Reviewers independently extracted information in<br />

duplicate. A paucity of comparable data did not allow meta-analytic pooling of the included<br />

studies.<br />

MAIN RESULTS: Three trials were included, with a combined total of 432 randomised lesions<br />

(137 participants). Forty-two conference pa<strong>per</strong>s, abstracts and posters were excluded (from an<br />

unknown number of studies). The risk of bias in all studies appeared high. The analyses of all<br />

three studies were conducted at the level of the lesion, which is not independent of the <strong>per</strong>son, for<br />

this reason pooling of data was not appropriate or attempted. Individual studies showed<br />

inconsistent effects of ozone on caries, across different measures of caries progression or<br />

regression. Few secondary outcomes were reported, but one trial reported an absence of adverse<br />

events.<br />

REVIEWERS' CONCLUSIONS: Given the high risk of bias in the avai<strong>la</strong>ble studies and <strong>la</strong>ck of<br />

consistency between different outcome measures, there is no reliable evidence that application of<br />

ozone gas to the surface of decayed teeth stops or reverses the decay process. There is a<br />

fundamental need for more evidence of appropriate rigour and quality before the use of ozone can<br />

be accepted into mainstream primary dental care or can be considered a viable alternative to<br />

current methods for the management and treatment of dental caries.<br />

Efficacy of ozone on survival and <strong>per</strong>meability of oral microorganisms.<br />

Author: Nagayoshi M , Fukuizumi T , Kitamura C , Yano J , Terashita M , Nishihara T<br />

Source: Oral Microbiol Immunol, 19(4): 240-6 2004<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Abstract: In the present study, we examined the effect of ozonated water on oral microorganisms<br />

and dental p<strong>la</strong>que. Almost no microorganisms were detected after being treated with ozonated<br />

water (4 mg/l) for 10 s. To estimate the ozonated water-treated Streptococcus mutans, bacterial<br />

cells were stained with LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit. Fluorescence microscopic<br />

analysis revealed that S. mutans cells were killed instantaneously in ozonated water. Some<br />

breakage of ozonated water-treated S. mutans was found by electron microscopy. When the<br />

ex<strong>per</strong>imental dental p<strong>la</strong>que was exposed to ozonated water, the number of viable S. mutans<br />

remarkably decreased. Ozonated water strongly inhibited the accumu<strong>la</strong>tion of ex<strong>per</strong>imental dental<br />

p<strong>la</strong>que in vitro. After the dental p<strong>la</strong>que samples from human subjects were exposed to ozonated<br />

water in vitro, almost no viable bacterial cells were detected. These results suggest that ozonated<br />

water should be useful in reducing the infections caused by oral microorganisms in dental p<strong>la</strong>que<br />

Ozone effect on dental p<strong>la</strong>que<br />

14. Shargawi JM, Theaker ED, Drucker DB, MacFar<strong>la</strong>ne T, Duxbury AJ.<br />

Sensitivity of Candida albicans to negative air ion streams. J Appl Microbiol, 87:889-897;1999.<br />

1999 O3 in Negative air ions (NAIs) at different emitter distances, exposure times, re<strong>la</strong>tive<br />

humidities & under aerobic & oxygen-free conditions O3 levels increased with increasing exposure<br />

times (P < 0. 01) but were significantly reduced as emitter distance increased (P < 0. 01). When<br />

utilized in a nonventi<strong>la</strong>ted room, levels of O3 produced did not exceed recognized safety limits.<br />

15. Grootveld M, Lynch E. Mills B, Smith C, Baysan A, Silwood C.<br />

Therapeutic Oxidation Of Human P<strong>la</strong>que Biomolecules by an Anti-Bacterial Ozone-Generating<br />

Device. BSDR Abstract no. 292; 2001. 2001 12 10 seconds Analysis of p<strong>la</strong>que by high field 1H –<br />

NMR spectroscopy to detect oxidation of biomolecules by O3 O3 treatment gave rise to the<br />

oxidative decarboxy<strong>la</strong>tion of the electron donor pyruvate (generating acetate and CO2 as<br />

products), and the oxidation of the vo<strong>la</strong>tile sulphur compound precursor methionine to its<br />

corresponding sulphoxide. Moreover, evidence for the O3-mediated oxidation of 3-D-<br />

hydroxybutyrate was also obtained.<br />

16. Grootveld M., Baysan A, Silwood C, Lynch E.<br />

Oxidation Of Human P<strong>la</strong>que Biomolecules by an Anti-Bacterial Ozone-Generating Device. The First<br />

Pan European Festival of Oral Sciences, Cardiff, UK. Abstract no. 595; 2002 2002 12 10 seconds<br />

Analysis of p<strong>la</strong>que by high field 1H –NMR spectroscopy to detect oxidation of biomolecules by O3<br />

O3 treatment gave rise to the oxidative decarboxy<strong>la</strong>tion of the electron donor pyruvate<br />

(generating acetate and CO2 as products), and the oxidation of the vo<strong>la</strong>tile sulphur compound<br />

precursor methionine to its corresponding sulphoxide. Moreover, evidence for the O3-mediated<br />

oxidation of 3-D-hydroxybutyrate was also obtained.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


17. Nagayoshi M, Fukuizumi T, Kitamura C, Yano J, Terashita M, Nishihara T.<br />

Efficacy of Ozone on survival & <strong>per</strong>meability of oral microorganisms. Oral Microbiol Immunol,<br />

19:240-246; 2004. 2004 ozonated water (4 mg/l) for 10 s Streptococcus mutans, And dental<br />

p<strong>la</strong>que from human subjects 1. breakage S. mutans seen by electron microscopy . 2. Ozonated<br />

water inhibited the accumu<strong>la</strong>tion of ex<strong>per</strong>imental dental p<strong>la</strong>que in vitro 3. Human dental p<strong>la</strong>que<br />

exposed to ozonated water in vitro had no viable bacterial cells detected.<br />

Assessment of Anxiety & Fear with Ozone Treatment v Traditional Dental Therapy<br />

18. Al Shorman H, Abu-Naba'a L, Lynch E. Patient's Attitude to Treatment of Pit & Fissure Caries<br />

with Ozone. Caries Res, 36:187; 2002. 2002 49 n/a n/a Pit & Fissure Caries 98% happy with<br />

treatment, 94% happy with time, 94% would choose O3 even if higher fee, 94% would<br />

recommend it for a friend or re<strong>la</strong>tive. 100% would choose O3 treatment again, & 100% not<br />

anxious after O3 treatment same visit<br />

19. Domingo H, Smith C, Freeman R, Lynch E.<br />

Patients attitudes to managing caries with Ozone. J Dent Res, 81: A-183; 2002 2002 99 n/a n/a<br />

Patients had drilling & fillings previously & now O3 treatment by the same dentist happy or<br />

satisfied with 1. O3 treatment 99% 2. time 97% 3. if cost was more than conventional treatment<br />

95% 4. Recommend to a friend/ Re<strong>la</strong>tive 97% 5.Receive treatment once more 100% 6. Patients<br />

reported a reduction in anxiety associated with the O3 treatment (p

Combining Ozone Treatment with Other Preparation Systems<br />

77. Clifford C.<br />

Successful Use of Airbrasion in Conjunction with Ozone Treatment. J Dent Res, 82: B-2747; 2003.<br />

2003 37 48 40 Seconds Approximal lesion requiring drilling and filling airabrasion and Ozone with<br />

GI filling All lesions were successfully exposed and a seal established for the delivery of ozone.<br />

Clinically acceptable seals have been achieved around all restorations. The airabrasion and Ozone<br />

technique was significantly faster than conventional drilling and filling (P

Treatment of Primary/Deciduous Teeth<br />

73. Abu-Salem OT.<br />

Management of Occlusal Caries in Primary Teeth Using Ozone. Mphil thesis, Queens University<br />

Belfast, 2004.<br />

74. Abu-Salem OT, Marashdeh MM, Lynch E .<br />

Immediate Effect of Ozone on Occlusal Caries of Primary Teeth. The First Pan European Festival of<br />

Oral Sciences, Cardiff, UK. Abstract no. 432; 2002 and J Dent Res, 82: C-535; 2003 2002 12<br />

invitro 10 seconds Occlusal Carious Lesions DIAGNOdent and standard scale ECM readings<br />

corre<strong>la</strong>ted significantly with the clinical c<strong>la</strong>ssification (rs=0.675, p = 0.016 and rs= -0.697,<br />

p=0.012 respectively). Ozone application reduced the DIAGNOdent readings after 10s application<br />

(t = 2.891, p =0.015), and after 20s (t = 5.313, p < 0.001).<br />

75. Abu-Salem OT, Marashdeh MM, Lynch E Ozone Efficacy in Treatment of Occlusal Caries in<br />

Primary Teeth. J Dent Res, 82: B-136; 2003 2003 16 42 10 Seconds Occlusal Carious Lesions At<br />

six months ECM readings were improved significantly (p

treated restorations were symptom less throughout the 9 months. All 34 Fuji 7 restorations,<br />

removed after 3 months recall, showed hard ‘caries' to exploration suggesting remineralisation<br />

was successful. All lesions were successfully exposed and a seal established for the delivery of<br />

ozone at baseline. The airbrasion and Ozone technique was significantly faster (lesions were<br />

exposed, ozonated and sealed in under 7 minutes) than conventional drilling and filling (P

Reduction in treatment time with combined air abrasion & Ozone compared to traditional ‘Drill &<br />

Fill’ & cost comparison. IADR abstract 2004. 2004 64 128 40 Seconds Primary Root Caries AA &<br />

Ozone was faster than Drill & Fill. AA was more profitable than D&F<br />

Ozone Treatment of Endodontic Pathologies<br />

84. Schwan L, Bamfaste M.<br />

[Ex<strong>per</strong>iences with the use of chlorine gas and ozone in the treatment of root gangrene and dental<br />

granuloma]. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z, 6:301-308; 1951. 1951<br />

85. Brunel A, Vannier R, Archinet F.<br />

[Sterilization of minute endodontic material by the combination of ethylene oxide and ozone.<br />

Ex<strong>per</strong>imental evaluation of its effectiveness]. Acta Stomatol Belg 62:355-359;1965. 1965<br />

86. Sandhaus S.<br />

[Ozone therapy in odontostomatology, especially in treatments of infected root canals]. Rev Belge<br />

Med Dent, 20:633-646;1965. 1965.<br />

87. Haimovici A, Lacatusu S, Irjicianu A, Joan E.<br />

[Ozone in endodontic therapy]. Stomatologia (Bucur ),; 17:303-307; 1970. 1970<br />

88. Chang H, Fulton C, Lynch E.<br />

Antimicrobial Efficacy of Ozone on Enterococcus faecalis. J Dent Res, 82: B-220; 2003. 2003 n/a<br />

n/a 60, 30, 20, 10, 0 seconds 108 solution E Faecalis 60= 0 cfu's, 30= 0 cfu's, 20= 0 cfu's, 10= 0<br />

cfu's at 106 & 105 concentrations. Higher concentrations were markedly reduced<br />

89. Nagayoshi M, Kitamura C, Fukuizumi T, Nishihara T, Terashita M.<br />

Antimicrobial effect of ozonated water on bacteria invading dentinal tubules. J Endodontics,<br />

778-781; 2004. Part 2 2004 Enterococcus faecalis & Streptcoccus mutans infections in vitro in<br />

bovine dentin. When the specimen was irrigated with sonication, ozonated water had nearly the<br />

same antimicrobial activity as 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). After irrigation with ozonated<br />

water, the viability of E. faecalis and S. mutans invading dentinal tubules significantly decreased<br />

Use of ozone in treatment associated with Dental and maxillofacial surgery<br />

90. Minguez F, Gomez-Lus ML, Andre J, Cabronero MJ, Prieto J.<br />

[Antimicrobial activity of ozonized water in determined ex<strong>per</strong>imental conditions]. Rev Sanid Hig<br />

Publica (Madr ), 64:415-423; 1990. 1990 Disinfection of Buccal flora and hand flors Antimicrobial<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


activity in ozonized water on bacterial suspensions and contaminated materials was meaningful<br />

and depended fundamentally on concentration and time of exposure. On buccal flora, one rinse<br />

alone had no effect, but various successive rinses led to substantial reductions in the number of<br />

colonies of bacteria. Ozone had a simi<strong>la</strong>r effect, although more pronounced, on the flora of the<br />

hands. Ozonized water p<strong>la</strong>ced in an open dish kept up antimicrobial activity for the first 20<br />

minutes, but after 30 minutes this activity decreased substantially.<br />

91. Kiniapina ID, Durnovo EA<br />

[The efficacy of using ozone in the combined treatment of disseminated odontogenic phlegmons of<br />

the maxillofacial area]. Stomatologiia (Mosk), Spec No:60-6; 1996. 1996<br />

92. Lazutikov OV, Lunev BV.<br />

[The use of ozonized solutions in the combined treatment of odontogenic putrefactive-necrotic<br />

phlegmons of the maxillofacial area and neck]. Stomatologiia (Mosk), Spec No:64-65;1996. 1996<br />

93. Ma<strong>la</strong>nchuk VA, Gorshevikova EV, Kopchak AV.<br />

[Antimicrobial action of ozone in the treatment of mandibu<strong>la</strong>r fracture]. Klin Khir, 3:43-46;2000.<br />

2000.<br />

94. Korotkikh NG, Lazutikov OV, Dmitriev VV.<br />

[The effect of ozone on the microbiological characteristics of the oral fluid in patients with<br />

mandibu<strong>la</strong>r fractures]. Stomatologiia (Mosk), 79:20-21;2000. 2000<br />

95. Korzhachkina NB, Radzievskii SA, Olesova VN.<br />

[Preventive use of ozone, short waves, and <strong>la</strong>ser therapy alone and in combination in early<br />

posto<strong>per</strong>ative <strong>per</strong>iod after dental imp<strong>la</strong>ntation]. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult,6:17-19;<br />

2002. 2002<br />

Ozone treatment for Gingivitis and Periodontitis<br />

96. Brauner A.<br />

[Clinical studies of therapeutic results from ozonized water for gingivitis and <strong>per</strong>iodontitis].<br />

Zahnarztl Prax , 42:48-50;1991. 1991<br />

OHManagement Software for Patient Management<br />

97. Scholz V.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


OHManagement Software for quality management in an Ozone treatment practice. IADR Absrtact<br />

no. 715; 2004. 2004 n/a n/a n/a 10 clinics o<strong>per</strong>ating with new OHManagement Software,<br />

compared to no OHM Patient recall attendence (53% v 44%) & compliance (84% v 75%) were<br />

better with the new OHM<br />

Ozone Treatment of Dentinal sensitivities<br />

98. Ciriello G.<br />

[Ozone and dentinal sensitivity.]. Riv Ital Stomatol, 10:159-164;1955. 1955<br />

Ozone treatment of Pulpal pathologies<br />

99. Dechaume M.<br />

[The use of ozone in the local treatment of caries, pulpitis and <strong>per</strong>iapical osteitis.]. Suom<br />

Hammas<strong>la</strong>ak Toim, 48:61-66; 1952. 1952<br />

1H NMR Studies on Tooth Whitening<br />

100. Holmes J, Grootveld M, Smith C, C<strong>la</strong>xson AWD, Lynch E.<br />

Bleaching of Components Responsible for Extrinsic Tooth Discoloration by Ozone. AADR Abstract<br />

no. 615; 2003. 2003 n/a n/a 5,10,15, 20 seconds tooth stain removal (Me<strong>la</strong>noidins) Stains were<br />

generated via the reaction of L-lysine (1.25-250.0 x 10-3 mol. dm-3) with an equivalent<br />

concentration of alpha-D-glucose in phosphate buffer (pH 7.00) at 80oC for a <strong>per</strong>iod of 240 hr.<br />

Substantial bleaching of me<strong>la</strong>noidins following treatment with O3 [e.g., at an O3 delivery level of<br />

4.48 mmol, the decrease in absorbance at 366 nm was 90 ± 4% (mean ± s.e.) for the 1.25 x<br />

10-3 mol.dm-3 reaction mixture, and 28 ± 3% for that initially containing 250.0 x 10-3 mol.dm-3<br />

reactants]. The extent of the bleaching process observed increased with increasing levels of O3<br />

treatment The mechanism of this process may involve the ozonation of (>C=C

In vitro testing of a denture cleaning method using Ozone. J Med Dent Sci, 45:135-139; 1998.<br />

1998 700 mg/h gas for 1 & 3 minutes ozonated water at 1 ppm & 3 ppm Streptococcus mutans<br />

(IID 973), Staphylococcus aureus (209-P), & Candida albicans (LAM 14322). direct exposure to<br />

gaseous O3 seems to be a more effective microbicide compared with ozonated water, & that<br />

gaseous O3 can be clinically useful for disinfection of dentures.<br />

103. Krozer A, Hall J, Ericsson I.<br />

Chemical treatment of machined titanium surfaces. An in vitro study. Clin Oral Imp<strong>la</strong>nts Res,<br />

10:204-11; 1999. 1999 O3 made by commercial mercury <strong>la</strong>mp in ambient air Imp<strong>la</strong>nt material<br />

rinsed with a disinfectant solution with amino-alcohol 1. Amino alcohols forms a stable & dense<br />

film in vitro. Which most likely prevents re-integration to occur at the imp<strong>la</strong>nt-tissue interface in<br />

vivo 2 Rrinsing in water, saline solution, & 5% H2O2 did not remove the amino-alcohol from the<br />

surface. O3 complete removal of the adsorbed amino-alcohol adherent film.<br />

104. Suzuki T, Oizumi M, Furuya J, Okamoto Y, Rosenstiel SF.<br />

Influence of Ozone on oxidation of dental alloys. Int J Prosthodont, 12:179-83; 1999. 1999 O3<br />

gas 20 mg/h dental alloys (Co-Cr, Au-Ag-Pt, & Au-Cu-Ag-Pd). reflectance, surface roughness, &<br />

weight were measured O3 caused a slight change in the Au-Cu-Ag-Pd alloy in terms of measured<br />

reflectance, but the changes were significantly less than those caused by acid-electrolyzed water<br />

& one of the commercial denture cleaners.<br />

105. Zhao H, Zheng D, Hong L.<br />

The disinfection efficiency comparison of different treatments on dental impression & gypsum<br />

casts. Hua Xi Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi, 18:332-335;2000. 2000 Gypsum casts O3 treatment is an<br />

effective method in disinfecting the gypsum casts.<br />

106. Hussey D, Armstrong C,Lynch E.<br />

Bond strengths of composite to enamel /dentine treated with ozone. The First Pan European<br />

Festival of Oral Sciences, Cardiff, UK. Abstract no. 697; 2002. 2002 n/a 40 teeth enamel and<br />

dentine samples 10 Seconds 2.7min diameter tubes of composite resin (Esthet-X, Dentsply,<br />

&bonding agent (Prime and Bond NT, Dentsply) The mean loads (Newtons) to debond the<br />

specimens were as follows: enamel without ozone 116.4 (sd 50. 1), enamel with ozone 128.6 (sd<br />

49.4), dentine without ozone 54.7 (sd 23.6), dentine with ozone 51.6 (sd 15.6). Wilcoxon signed<br />

rank test revealed no statistically significant difference between the groups with and without the<br />

ozone treatment (Enamel z= -1.05, p=0.29, Dentine z-- -0.15, p=0.88).<br />

107. Baysan A, Lynch E.<br />

Management of Primary Root Caries using Ozone The First Pan European Festival of Oral Sciences,<br />

Cardiff, UK. Abstract no 195; 2002. 2002 79 220 10 seconds Fissure sea<strong>la</strong>nt applied over Root<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


caries 61% of intact sea<strong>la</strong>nts in the O3 & sea<strong>la</strong>nt group & 42% of intact sea<strong>la</strong>nts in the sea<strong>la</strong>nt<br />

only group (p < 0. 05). After 3 6 & 9 months, O3 & sea<strong>la</strong>nt group also had greater improvements<br />

in the ECM & DIAGNOdent values when compared to the sea<strong>la</strong>nt only group (p < 0. 05).<br />

108. Matsumura K, Ikumi K, Nakajima N, Peng C, Hyon SH, & Tsutsumi S,<br />

A Trial of Regeneration of Periodontal Ligament around Dental Imp<strong>la</strong>nts J Dent Res, 81: A-101;<br />

2002. 2002 titanium imp<strong>la</strong>nt PDL cell taken from dog’s a. titanium imp<strong>la</strong>nt was oxidized by<br />

30%H2O2 b. poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol)(EVA) was coated onto the imp<strong>la</strong>nt & O3 c. Third, the<br />

col<strong>la</strong>gen sponge was immobilized around the imp<strong>la</strong>nt by freeze-drying method. d. PDL cells were<br />

seeded onto the imp<strong>la</strong>nt and then imp<strong>la</strong>nted into dog's alveo<strong>la</strong>r bone. After 3 months of<br />

imp<strong>la</strong>ntation, the imp<strong>la</strong>nts and their surrounding tissues were removed. The specimens were<br />

stained with Masson Trichrome stain. From the results, the tissue around imp<strong>la</strong>nt was observed to<br />

be simi<strong>la</strong>r to the one around natural tooth.<br />

109. Murakami H, Mizuguchi M, Hattori M, Ito Y, Kawai T, Hasegawa J.<br />

Effect of denture cleaner using ozone against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and E.<br />

coli T1 phage. Dent Mater J, 21:53-60; 2002. 2002 10 ppm Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus<br />

aureus (MRSA) and T1 phag virus bacteria was 3.1 x 10(3) CFU/mL at the beginning of the<br />

ex<strong>per</strong>iment, fell to 1.0 x 10(0) CFU/mL 10 min <strong>la</strong>ter, and was 1.0 x 10(0) CFU/mL or less<br />

afterwards. In contrast, when the ozone supply was cut off (air bubble only), the number of<br />

bacteria was 3.4 x 10(3) CFU/mL at the beginning of the ex<strong>per</strong>iment, and had fallen to 3.0 x<br />

10(3) CFU/mL 60 min <strong>la</strong>ter (no statistically significant difference). In the virucidal activity test, the<br />

number of phages was 1.2 x 10(6) PFU/mL before ozone treatment, fell to about 1/10 of that<br />

number 10 min <strong>la</strong>ter, and was 6.1 x 10(0) PFU/mL 40 min <strong>la</strong>ter.<br />

110. Campbell D, Hussey D, Cunningham L, Lynch E.<br />

Effect of Ozone on Surface Hardness of Restorative Materials. J Dent Res,82:B-262; 2003. 2003<br />

n/a 18 x 3 10 Seconds Restorative Materials Statistical analysis using a 2-way ANOVA did not<br />

reveal any difference in surface hardness following the treatment with O3 (p >0.15)<br />

111. Baysan A, Lynch E.<br />

12-month Assessment of Ozone on Root Caries J Dent Res, 82; B-311; 2003. 2003 79 220 10<br />

seconds Fissure sea<strong>la</strong>nt applied over Root caries Modified USPHS criteria revealed that there were<br />

61% of intact sea<strong>la</strong>nts in the ozone and sea<strong>la</strong>nt group and 26.1% of intact sea<strong>la</strong>nts in the sea<strong>la</strong>nt<br />

only group (p < 0.05). After 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, the ozone and sea<strong>la</strong>nt group also had<br />

greater improvements in the ECM and DIAGNOdent values when compared to the sea<strong>la</strong>nt only<br />

group (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Leathery root caries can be treated non-o<strong>per</strong>atively with ozone<br />

112. Hiller Ka, Federlin M, Mackow A, Redlich M, And Schmalz G.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Influence of ozone treatment on marginal adaptation of fissure sealing Continental NOF Divisions<br />

of the IADR Abstract no. 62; 2004. 2004 120 extracted human mo<strong>la</strong>rs Art + Group I: O3 40s, seal<br />

Tetric Flow, Helioseal Clear or Fuji VII Group II: restorations were p<strong>la</strong>ced immediately after<br />

preparation. Before TC, the frequency of silver-staining was 26-50% (group I) and 23-50% (group<br />

II), TF revealing the lowest (26%) and FU the highest frequency (50%) (group I). After TC, the<br />

frequency of silver-staining was 8-46% (group I) and 10-50% (group II), TF revealing the lowest<br />

(8%/10%) and FU the highest frequency (46%/50%) in groups I and II. Before and after TC,<br />

microleakage was limited to enamel with TF and FU, whereas with HC silver-staining included<br />

enamel and dentin. The Error Rates Method revealed a significant influence of the sealing material<br />

upon the frequency of silver-staining but no difference was determined with respect to ozone<br />

treatment. thermocycling 60s/cycle), stored in saline at 37°C for one week.<br />

113. Czarnecka B, Deegowska-Nosowicz P, Prylinski M, Limanowska-Shaw H.<br />

Bond strength of g<strong>la</strong>ss-ionomer's to dentine after Heal Ozone treatment Continental NOF Divisions<br />

of the IADR Abstract no. 63; 2004. 2004 60 extracted bovine teeth n/a group Ozone then<br />

conditioned with conditioner group B were treated with Ozone and Reductant then conditioned.<br />

Group C (controls) were conditioned. samples of g<strong>la</strong>ss ionomer Fuji Fast (GC International-X) and<br />

20 simi<strong>la</strong>r samples of Ketac Mo<strong>la</strong>r Aplicap (3M-ESPE, Seefeld, Germany-Y) were bonded to the<br />

prepared surfaces; Group A gave the lowest values of SBS in both cases though this was<br />

statistically significant (p

Ozone & Sea<strong>la</strong>nt Treatment of Root Caries after 12-Months. J Dent Res, IADR Abstract 2005. 2005<br />

62 124 40 seconds flowable root sea<strong>la</strong>nt Primary Occlusal Fissure Carious Lesions and 60/61<br />

arrested in treatment group, 24/61in control at one month. retention of sea<strong>la</strong>nts on these<br />

arrested lesions is very promising 2/55 Tt; 8/32 in control lost retention completely or partially 1<br />

& 12 month.<br />

117. Abu-Naba'a L, Al Shorman H, Lynch E.<br />

Fissure sea<strong>la</strong>nt retention over Ozone-treated occlusal pit & fissure caries: 12-months results. J<br />

Dent Res, IADR Abstract 2005. 2005 53 132 10 seconds Primary Occlusal Fissure Carious Lesions<br />

& fissure sea<strong>la</strong>nt O3 treatment followed by immediate sea<strong>la</strong>nt p<strong>la</strong>cement was not detrimental to<br />

retention rate compaired to the control group. 0% secondery caries, 0% complete loss of fissure<br />

sea<strong>la</strong>nt retention after one year.<br />

118. Abu-Naba'a L, Al Shorman H, Hayajneh R, Lynch E.<br />

Ozone effects on denture acrylic surface. J Dent Res, IADR Abstract 2005. 2005 40 samples 1 & 2<br />

hours Heat cured acrylic with a polished & g<strong>la</strong>zed surface O3 didn’t produce any change in the<br />

roughness of the surface of treated samples.<br />

Treatment of Dental Unit Water Lines (DUWL)<br />

119. Filippi A, Tilkes F, Beck EG, Kirschner H.<br />

[Water disinfection of dental treatment units using ozone]. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z, 46:485-487; 1991.<br />

1991 Dental unit Under the precondition that the dental chair had been thoroughly sanitized, the<br />

system showed a good disinfecting effect. Finally, for reasons of practical medical treatment, the<br />

ozone concentration in air and, for reasons of hygiene in drinking water, the ozone concentrations<br />

in water were determined under various conditions. In addition, the influence of continuous-flow<br />

water heaters is discussed. The problem of continuous-flow water heaters regarding their effects<br />

on the colonisation of water by microbes proves not to be significant. The exposure of patients to<br />

disinfectants is discussed<br />

120. Al Shorman, Coulter W, Lynch E C<strong>la</strong>xson AWD, Silwood CJL,Grootveld M<br />

Use of Ozone to Treat Dental Unit Water Lines. BSDR Abstract no. 219; 2001. 2001 n/a n/a 10<br />

seconds DUWL samples the biomolecules in the DUW were acetate, proprionate, formate, the<br />

amino acid glycine, aromatic compounds & occasionally ethanol. O3 treatment of the DUW gave<br />

rise to oxidation of ethanol & an increase in formate levels presumably due to oxidation of<br />

carbohydrate.<br />

121. Walker JT, Bradshaw DJ, Fulford MR, Martin MV, Marsh PD.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Control of p<strong>la</strong>nktonic and biofilm contamination in a <strong>la</strong>boratory dental unit water system J Dent<br />

Res, 81:A-445; 2002. 2002 200mg/hour Combizyme (1.25%) Tegodor (1%), Spor-Klenz (Neat),<br />

Dialox (Neat), Tegodor (1%), Bleach (0.5%), Ozone (200mg/hour), Chlorhexidine (0.2%),<br />

Ultrakleen (powder) and Betadene (10%) were tested overnight (16h). Flushing did not reduce<br />

the viability or the extent of the biofilm on DUWS tubing. Only Combizyme did not completely<br />

reduce the total viable counts of p<strong>la</strong>nktonic or biofilms cells. However, the efficiency of biofilm<br />

removal was: Dialox > Bleach > Ultrakleen > Betadine > Spor-Klenz > Bio2000.<br />

122. Cardon B, Eleazer P, Miller R, Staat R.<br />

Low concentration Ozone treatment insufficient to control DUWL biofilm. AADR Abstract no. 714;<br />

2002. 2002 n/a n/a O3 conc 0. 05ppm DUWL samples The O3 concentrations at the handpiece<br />

during recircu<strong>la</strong>tion was 0.01 to 0.06 ppm;. Microbiological data indicated that water samples<br />

taken 30 or more minutes after the O3 treatment cycles all exceeded 10,000 CFU. After 10 weeks<br />

of O3treatment, microscopic analysis showed biofilm formation on the interior of all tubing<br />

sections.<br />

123. Al Shorman, Abu-Naba'a, Coulter W, Lynch E.<br />

Ozone efficacy in the treatment of Dental Unit Water Lines. J Dent Res, 81: B 299. 2002. 2002 2<br />

dental units n/a 1 & 3 minutes / unit/ days 1,2,3,4,& 7 DUWL samples after flushing for 2 minutes<br />

Reduction of bacteria 1000 fold on day 7 for the 1 min application. Sterile water on day 2 for the 3<br />

min application, sterile water followed up till 5 weeks.<br />

124. Al Shorman, Coulter W, Abu-Naba'a, Mohan G, Boyle C, Lynch E.<br />

Effect of Ozone on biofilms in Dental Unit Water Lines. AADR Abstract 2002. 2002 4 dental units<br />

n/a 1,2,3 minutes & 15 min 1,2,3 minutes application 2 min flushing, 15 min application & 15 min<br />

flushing 10 fold increase for 1 min, 10,000 fold decrease of bacterial counts for 2 & 3 min<br />

application times. Biofilm <strong>la</strong>yer seen to be reduced at 15 min application time & 10 min flushing,<br />

but completely removed at 15 minutes application & flushing time 7 days for units 1,2 & 3<br />

125. Al Shorman, Abu-Naba'a, Coulter W, Lynch E.<br />

Ozone, An Effective Treatment For Dental Unit Water Lines. J Dent Res 81:A-112; 2002. 2002 1<br />

dental units n/a 3 minutes, at 2100ppm O3, 615 ml/min DUWL flushed for 2 minutes O3<br />

treatment showed reduction from 5. 2*103 CFU/ml to 300 CFU/ml after first application, then 0<br />

CFU/ml at the second & subsequent (1000 fold reduction)<br />

126. Al Shorman, Abu-Naba'a, Coulter W, Lynch E.<br />

Ozone, An Effective Treatment For Dental Unit Water Lines. J Dent Res 81:A-112, 2002. 2002 1<br />

dental units n/a 3 minutes, at 2100ppm O3, 615 ml/min DUWL flushed for 2 minutes O3<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


treatment showed reduction from 5. 2*103 CFU/ml to 300 CFU/ml after first application, then 0<br />

CFU/ml at the second & subsequent (1000 fold reduction)<br />

127. Smith C, Al Shorman H, Grootveld M, Silwood C, Lynch E, Mills B, Silwood C.<br />

Rapid Detection of Microbial-Derived Components in Dental Unit Water Lines by NMR Analysis. J<br />

Dent Res, 81:A-112, 2002. 12 dental units Multicomponent 1H NMR investigations of DUWLs<br />

Results acquired revealed that many biomolecules were detectable in the samples examined,<br />

including a wide range of microbial fermentation products (MFPs). For example, the organic acid<br />

anions acetate, formate, <strong>la</strong>ctate, propionate and succinate, and occasionally ethanol were present<br />

in the samples examined. Further components detectable included the amino acids a<strong>la</strong>nine and<br />

glycine, and also a series of aromatic compounds. Treatment of DUWLs with the powerful<br />

microbicidal agent ozone gave rise to a substantial reduction in many of the MFPs detectable in<br />

samples collected 18 hr. after treatment (p < 0.01).<br />

128. Walker JT, Bradshaw DJ, Fulford MR, Marsh PD.<br />

Microbiological evaluation of a range of disinfectant products to control mixed-species biofilm<br />

contamination in a <strong>la</strong>boratory model of a dental unit water system. Appl Environ Microbiol,<br />

69:3327- 32; 2003. A model in-vitro O3 was applied for 10 min In-vitro model Low concentration<br />

of O3 did not completely reduce the biofilm total bacterial count at this concentration nor reduce<br />

the <strong>per</strong>centage biofilm coverage 129. Smith C, Al Shorman H, Abu-Naba'a L, Grootveld M, Silwood<br />

C and Lynch E<br />

Detection of Microbial-Derived Components in Dental Unit Water Lines using NMR. The First Pan<br />

European Festival of Oral Sciences, Cardiff, UK. Abstract no. 477; 2002 & J Dent Res, 82: C-542;<br />

2003. 16 dental units 10 seconds Multicomponent 1H NMR investigations of DUWLs signals<br />

presented in control samples by microbial-derived organic acid anionsused for chemotaxonomic<br />

‘markers’ of, notably acetate, formate , <strong>la</strong>ctate, propionate and succinate. Others are the amino<br />

acid glycine, a number of aromatic compounds and occasionally ethanol. O3 caused reduction in<br />

many of the microbial fermentation products detectable in samples collected 18 hr. after<br />

treatment (p < 0.01).<br />

130. Al Shorman, Abu-Naba'a, Coulter W, Lynch E.<br />

Primary Colonization of DUWL by P. aeruginosa & its Eradication by Ozone. J Dent Res, 82: B-284;<br />

2003. 5 minutes ozone then 10 minutes flushing Dental Unit Water Lines treated either with<br />

continuous H2O2 (Oxygenal, KaVo, Germany) or ozone Oxygenal treatment continuously<br />

produced water with TVC of less than 100 CFU/mL. TVC of water from the control unit was 2.3 x<br />

104 and 3.4 x 104 CFU/mL after 1 and 2 weeks of instal<strong>la</strong>tion. The primary coloniser was<br />

identified (API 20 NE kit) as pure P.A. After the first O3 treatment the TVC was reduced to 60<br />

CFU/mL and rose to 3.9 x 104 CFU/mL after a week with few Pseudomonas colonies. After two<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


weeks, TVC was 2.8 x 103CFU/mL CFU/mL with no detected P.A. and became 0 CFU/mL after the<br />

treatment. Repeated sampling of the unit for 9 weeks showed no re-growth of P.A.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Studies on Ozonated Oils<br />

131. Lynch E, Grootveld M, Holmes J, Silwood CJ, C<strong>la</strong>xson AWD, Prinz J, Toms H.<br />

Analysis of Ozone-treated Grapeseed, Olive, & Sunflower Seed Oils. AADR Abstract no. 182; 2003.<br />

Ozonated Oils Comparison Treatment of each vegetable oil with O3 gave rise to the consumption<br />

of polyunsaturated fatty acids present (i.e. significant reductions in their mono- and bis-allylic-<br />

CH2 group resonances located at 2.06 and 2.76 ppm respectively, and also that of their vinylic<br />

protons at 5.38 ppm), consistent with their ozonation. Indeed, signals present in the 5.10-5.25<br />

ppm regions of the ozonated GO and SO spectra are assignable to the ring protons of ozonides.<br />

Further O3-induced modifications to the oils included the production of aldehydes, i.e. -CH2CHO<br />

aldehydic group triplet resonances at 9.65 (ozonated GO and SO) and 9.74 ppm (all ozonated<br />

oils), terminal products arising from the decomposition of ozonides.<br />

Other References<br />

132. Baysan A, Lynch E, Grootveld M.<br />

The use of Ozone for the management of primary root carious lesions. Tissue Preservation &<br />

Caries Treatment. . Quintessence Book 2001, Chapter 3, 49-67. 2001 50 100 10 Seconds Primary<br />

Root Caries<br />

Ozone safety<br />

1. Baysan A, Lynch E.<br />

Safety of an Ozone delivery system during caries treatment in-vivo. J Dent Res, 80: 1159; 2001.<br />

2001 40 80 10 & 20 Seconds Root Caries Both application times produced O3 aroungd the<br />

application cup below the FDA & EU <strong>per</strong>missible O3 levels in air<br />

2. Ebensberger U, Pohl Y, Filippi A.<br />

PCNA-expression of cementob<strong>la</strong>sts & fibrob<strong>la</strong>sts on the root surface after extraoral rinsing for<br />

decontamination. Dent Traumatol,18:262-266;2002. 2002 O3 in water Extracted teeth,<br />

cementobalsts & fibrob<strong>la</strong>sts Marked by Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA): Irrigation with<br />

ozonized water showed higher <strong>la</strong>belling indices in comparison with saline, but this could not be<br />

statistically substantiated (P = 0. 24). Ozonized water, not being isotonic, had no negative effect<br />

on <strong>per</strong>iodontal cells remaining on the tooth surface after irrigation for 2 min.<br />

3. Nagayoshi M, Kitamura C, Fukuizumi T, Nishihara T, Terashita M.<br />

Antimicrobial effect of ozonated water on bacteria invading dentinal tubules. Journal of<br />

Endodontics, 778-781;2004. Part 1 2004 O3 in water L-929 mouse fibrob<strong>la</strong>sts The metabolic<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


activity of fibrob<strong>la</strong>sts was high when the cells were treated with ozonated water, whereas that of<br />

fibrob<strong>la</strong>sts significantly decreased when the cells were treated with 2. 5% NaOCl<br />

1H NMR Studies on Caries Biomolecules<br />

4. Smith C, Lynch E, Baysan A, Silwood CJ, Mills B, Grootveld M.<br />

Oxidative consumption of root caries biomolecules by a novel anti bacterial Ozone delivery<br />

system, J Dent Res, 80:1178;2001. 2001 Analysis of root caries by high field 1H –NMR<br />

spectroscopy to detect oxidation of biomolecules by O3. O3 caused oxidative decarboxy<strong>la</strong>tion of<br />

pyruvate & oxidative attack of carbohydrates to generate formate. O3 also oxidised PRCL <strong>la</strong>ctate,<br />

urate, glycosaminoglycans & methionine to yield acetate & CO2, al<strong>la</strong>ntoin, low-molecu<strong>la</strong>r-mass<br />

saccharide fragments & methionine sulphoxide, respectively.<br />

5. Lynch E, Silwood CJL, Smith C, Grootveld M.<br />

Oxidising actions of an Anti-Bacterial Ozone-Generating Device towards Root Caries Biomolecules.<br />

J Dent Res, 81:A-138;2002. 2002 20 20 5 Seconds Analysis of 12 soft root caries by high field 1H<br />

–NMR spectroscopy to detect oxidation of biomolecules by O3. Results obtained revealed that in<br />

addition to giving rise to the oxidative decarboxy<strong>la</strong>tion of pyruvate (generating acetate and CO2<br />

as products), and the attack of carbohydrates to produce formate, O3 also oxidised PRCL <strong>la</strong>ctate,<br />

urate, glycosaminoglycans and methionine to yield acetate and CO2 (via pyruvate), al<strong>la</strong>ntoin, low-<br />

molecu<strong>la</strong>r-mass saccharide fragments and methionine sulphoxide, respectively.<br />

6. Lynch E, Silwood C, Smith C, Grootveld M.<br />

Oxidising actions of Ozone towards Root Caries Biomolecules. The First Pan European Festival of<br />

Oral Sciences, Cardiff, UK. Abstract no 197; 2002. 2002 18 10 seconds Analysis of Soft root caries<br />

by high field 1H –NMR spectroscopy to detect oxidation of biomolecules by O3. Bacterial- or yeast-<br />

derived organic acid anions (formate, acetate, propionate, n-butyrate, <strong>la</strong>ctate, and pyruvate),<br />

amino acids (predominantly a<strong>la</strong>nine and glycine) and carbohydrates such as glucose were present.<br />

O3 gave rise to the oxidative decarboxy<strong>la</strong>tion of pyruvate (generating acetate and CO2),<br />

carbohydrates to produce formate, also oxidised <strong>la</strong>ctate, urate and glycosaminoglycans to yield<br />

acetate and CO2, al<strong>la</strong>ntoin and low-molecu<strong>la</strong>r-mass saccharide fragments respectively. VSC<br />

precursor methionine was oxidised to sulphoxide. O3-mediated oxidation of 3-D-hydroxybutyrate .<br />

7. Lynch E, Silwood CJ, Abu-Naba'A L, Al Shorman H, Baysan A, Holmes J, Grootveld M.<br />

Oxidative Consumption of Root Caries Biomolecules using Ozone. Journal Caries Res,<br />

38:364;2004. 2004 30 30 30 Seconds Analysis of root caries by high field 1H -NMR spectroscopy<br />

to detect oxidation of PRCL biomolecules by O3. O3 caused oxidative decarboxy<strong>la</strong>tion of pyruvate<br />

& oxidative attack of carbohydrates to generate formate. O3 also oxidised PRCL <strong>la</strong>ctate, urate,<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


glycosaminoglycans & methionine to yield acetate & CO2, al<strong>la</strong>ntoin, low-molecu<strong>la</strong>r-mass<br />

saccharide fragments & methionine sulphoxide, respectively.<br />

1H NMR Studies on Saliva Biomolecules<br />

8. Lynch E, A Baysan A, Silwood C, Grootveld M.<br />

Therapeutic oxidising activity of a novel anti-bacterial Ozone-generating device on saliva. J Dent<br />

Res, 77: 1187; 1998. 1998 20 30 seconds Analysis of saliva by high field 1H -NMR spectroscopy<br />

to detect oxidation of biomolecules by O3 O3 produced oxidative de- carboxy<strong>la</strong>tion of pyruvate, &<br />

oxidation e sulphur compound methionine to its corresponding sulphoxide, oxidative consumption<br />

of polyunsaturated fatty acids O3. Moreover, -mediated oxidation of 3-D-hydroxybutyrate was<br />

also obtained.<br />

9. Lynch E, Smith E, Baysan A, Silwood CJL, Mills B, Grootveld M.<br />

Salivary Oxidising Activity of a Novel Anti-bacterial Ozone-generating Device. J Dent Res,<br />

80:13;2001. 2001 20 10 seconds Analysis of saliva by high field 1H –NMR spectroscopy to detect<br />

oxidation of biomolecules by O3 Oxidation e sulphur compound methionine to its corresponding<br />

sulphoxide, oxidative consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids O3.<br />

10. C<strong>la</strong>xson AWD, Smith C, Turner MD, Silwood CJL, Lynch E, Grootveld M.<br />

Oxidative Modification of Salivary Biomolecules with Therapeutic Levels of Ozone. J Dent Res,<br />

81:A-502; 2002. 2002 20 20 10 seconds Analysis of saliva by high field 1H –NMR spectroscopy to<br />

detect oxidation of biomolecules by O3. In addition to the complete oxidative consumption of<br />

salivary pyruvate (mean ? s.e. salivary level prior to treatment 1.75 ? 0.62 mM) and partial<br />

oxidation of methionine, results acquired revealed (1) marked elevations in the concentration of<br />

formate (a product derived from the oxidation of carbohydrates), (2) substantial reductions in<br />

<strong>la</strong>ctate level (up to 92%) via its oxidation to pyruvate, which in turn is oxidised to acetate and<br />

CO2, (3) the oxidation of 3-D-hydroxybutyrate to acetoacetate, which liberates acetone on<br />

decomposition, (4) the generation of al<strong>la</strong>ntoin from salivary urate (up to levels of 40??M), (5) the<br />

production of low-molecu<strong>la</strong>r-mass saccharide fragments from hyaluronate, and (6) oxidation of<br />

malodorous trimethy<strong>la</strong>mine (initial salivary concentration 78 ? 23 ?M) to its corresponding, non-<br />

malodorous N-oxide.<br />

11. Turner M, Silwood CJL, Grootveld M, Lynch E.<br />

Oxidative Consumption of Biomolecules using Ozone. The First Pan European Festival of Oral<br />

Sciences, Cardiff, UK. Abstract no. 594; 2002. 2002 10 seconds 5.00 ml of aqueous solutions:<br />

sodium pyruvate, D-glucose, L-cysteine and L-methionine (5.00 mM) were prepared in 40.0 mM<br />

phosphate buffer (pH 7.00)(rigorously deoxygenated with argon gas) As expected, treatment of<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


aqueous solutions of L-methionine with ozone confirmed oxidation to its corresponding sulphoxide.<br />

H NMR analysis demonstrated that exposure of aqueous solutions of L-cysteine to ozone<br />

generated its corresponding disulphide, cystine, as a major product. H NMR analysis also showed<br />

that ozonolysis of D-glucose generated formate as a major reaction product, i.e., a concentration<br />

of 1.29 mM was produced from the 5.00 mM glucose substrate, an observation consistent with<br />

previous studies conducted on the interactions of ROS (e.g., radiolytically-generated .OH radical)<br />

with carbohydrates in general. Treatment of pyruvate with this oxidant produced acetate and CO2<br />

via an oxidative decarboxy<strong>la</strong>tion process immediate.<br />

12. Turner M, Grootveld M, Silwood C, Lynch E.<br />

Oxidative Consumption of Biomolecules by Therapeutic Levels of Ozone J Dent Res,<br />

81:A-272;2002. 2002 10 seconds Aqueous solutions containing sodium pyruvate, ?-D-glucose, L-<br />

cysteine and L-methionine (5.00 mM) were prepared in 40.0 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.00)<br />

which was rigorously deoxygenated with argon gas prior to use. Attack of O3 on ?-D-glucose gave<br />

rise to formate as a major product, i.e. 1.21 ? 0.11 mM (mean ? s.e.) generated, and treatment of<br />

pyruvate with this oxidant produced acetate and CO2 via an oxidative decarboxy<strong>la</strong>tion process (93<br />

? 4 % yield under our ex<strong>per</strong>imental conditions). Moreover, the amino acid vo<strong>la</strong>tile sulphur<br />

compound (VSC) precursors cysteine and methionine were converted to their corresponding<br />

primary oxidation products cystine (100% yield) and methionine sulphoxide (98 ? 2 % yield)<br />

respectively.<br />

13. Silwood C, Smith C, Turner M, Grootveld M, Lynch E.<br />

Oxidative Modification of Salivary Biomolecules with Ozone. The First Pan European Festival of<br />

Oral Sciences, Cardiff, UK. Abstract no. 593; 2002. 2002 16 0.60 ml saliva 20 seconds Analysis of<br />

saliva by high field 1H –NMR spectroscopy to detect oxidation of biomolecules by O3. After<br />

complete oxidative consumption of salivary pyruvate and partial oxidation of methionine, results<br />

acquired revealed (1) marked elevations in the concentration of formate (a product derived from<br />

the oxidation of carbohydrates), (2) substantial reductions in <strong>la</strong>ctate level via its oxidation to<br />

pyruvate, which in turn is oxidised to acetate and CO2, (3) the oxidation of 3-D-hydroxybutyrate<br />

to acetoacetate, which liberates acetone on decomposition, (4) the generation of al<strong>la</strong>ntoin from<br />

salivary urate, (5) the production of low-molecu<strong>la</strong>r-mass saccharide fragments from hyaluronate,<br />

and (6) oxidation of malodorous trimethy<strong>la</strong>mine to its corresponding, non-malodorous N-oxide.<br />

Efficacy of ozone on survival and <strong>per</strong>meability of oral microorganisms. Oral Microbiol<br />

Immunol 2004: 19: 240–246.<br />

Key words: antimicrobial activity; dental p<strong>la</strong>que biofilm; disinfectant; oral microorganisms;<br />

ozone<br />

Abstract<br />

In the present study, we examined the effect of ozonated water on oral microorganisms and<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


dental p<strong>la</strong>que. Almost no microorganisms were detected after being treated with ozonated water<br />

(4 mg/l) for 10 s. To estimate the ozonated water-treated Streptococcus mutans, bacterial cells<br />

were stained with LIVE/DEAD BacLight TM Bacterial Viability Kit. Fluorescence microscopic analysis<br />

revealed that S. mutans cells were killed instantaneouslyin ozonated water. Some breakage of<br />

ozonated water-treated S. mutans was found byelectron microscopy. When the ex<strong>per</strong>imental<br />

dental p<strong>la</strong>que was exposed to ozonated water, the number of viable S. mutans<br />

remarkablydecreased. Ozonated water stronglyinhibited the accumu<strong>la</strong>tion of ex<strong>per</strong>imental dental<br />

p<strong>la</strong>que in vitro. After the dental p<strong>la</strong>que samples from human subjects were exposed to ozonated<br />

water in vitro, almost no viable bacterial cells were detected. These results suggest that ozonated<br />

water should be useful in reducing the infections caused byoral microorganisms in dental p<strong>la</strong>que.<br />

Efficacy_of_ozone.pdf (460 KB)<br />

Ozone Treatment of Primary Occlusal Pit and Fissure Caries (POPFC): 12-Months Clinical<br />

Severity Changes<br />

by L Abu-Naba'a, H Al Shorman and E Lynch<br />

School of Dentistry, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ire<strong>la</strong>nd, UK<br />

Conclusion: Clinical changes were significant from baseline for both groups. Detailed clinical<br />

scoring should be developed to refine this validated diagnostic tool to monitor remineralisation. As<br />

Ozone-treated lesions stabilised using a clinical severity score system from 6-months, the control<br />

lesions steadily deteriorated. (*, p

improved or remained stable in Trt than in Ctrl at all recalls. 6 lesions in Ctrl changed score from 1<br />

to 3 compared to only 1 in Trt. Different patterns of change suggested dissimi<strong>la</strong>r mechanisms<br />

within the groups. As Ctrl steadily increased, most probably by further lesion progression, the Trt<br />

stabilisation may have reflected what was clinically noticed by lesions getting darker (score 1<br />

changes to 2 but score 2 remains stable with more staining). More surface destruction (score 3)<br />

was noticed in Ctrl.<br />

Conclusion<br />

Clinical changes were significant from baseline for both groups. Detailed clinical scoring should be<br />

developed to refine this validated diagnostic tool to monitor remineralisation. As Ozone-treated<br />

lesions stabilised using a clinical severity score system from 6-months, the control lesions steadily<br />

deteriorated. (*, p

Objectives<br />

To assess and monitor the progression of carious lesions using both DIAGNOdent® (KaVo,<br />

Germany) and Electrical Caries Monitor (ECM, LODE BV, Nether<strong>la</strong>nds) standard scale readings<br />

after Ozone treatment in primary teeth.<br />

Methods<br />

17 patients with 50 non-cavitated occlusal carious lesions were recruited. All teeth were cleaned<br />

by an air-abrasive system called Prophyflex 2® (KaVo, Germany) before DIAGNOdent, ECM<br />

standard scale readings and clinical c<strong>la</strong>ssifications (Ekstrand, 1998) were recorded. After<br />

randomisation, half of the lesions were treated with Ozone using a silicone-sealed cup via a hand<br />

piece (HealOzone unit, CurOzone USA) for 10 seconds, whereas, the other half was reserved as a<br />

control group. The DIAGNOdent, ECM standard scale readings and clinical c<strong>la</strong>ssifications readings<br />

were repeated after 3 months.<br />

Results<br />

ECM readings were increased significantly (p

criteria for sea<strong>la</strong>nt quality. The changes in readings were tested from baseline by t-test of (loge<br />

recall value/base value), and paired t-test between various groups and 2-way analysis for block<br />

and treatment effects. The effect of co-variables was tested.<br />

Results<br />

No adverse effect was recorded. Mean change in ECM was 0.337 and -0.065 for the treatment and<br />

control groups respectively. Difference between groups was better in treatment group from the<br />

first month recall (p60, mean 70.8yrs, SD 7). A total of 68 patients with 3<br />

lesions each (204 PRCL’s in total) were recruited. The lesions were randomly assigned into three<br />

groups; treatment with Ozone, or air abrasion and filling or traditional drilling and filling (D&F).<br />

Results: 64 patients completed this study. There were no observed adverse events. Air abrasion<br />

decreased the mean time for cavity preparation by 4 times when compared to traditional rotary<br />

drills (67 seconds (SD 12) compared to 4.5 minutes (SD 1.75 minutes)(p < 0.05)). The mean<br />

time required for ozone treatment was 40 seconds (SD 5 seconds) for each lesion, whilst for<br />

traditional D&F, the average time needed was 27 minutes (1620 seconds) (SD 8 minutes) (p <<br />

0.01). Ozone treatment was faster by a factor of 40. The cost of the treatment was assessed. The<br />

average cost to treat a lesion with ozone was 3.6 times less compared to the average cost for<br />

each traditional filling.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Conclusions: The new technologies of air abrasion and Ozone offer economic savings for dental<br />

practices and patients. Compared with conventional drilling and filling of root caries, Ozone<br />

treatment is 40 times faster and 3.6 times chea<strong>per</strong>.<br />

Keywords: Gerontology, Health services research, Cariology, Therapeutics, Quality of life.<br />

First Author<br />

Presenting<br />

Helene Domingo Health Services Research Queen's University of Belfast Dental School<br />

Clinical reversal of root caries using ozone<br />

By E Lynch, N Johnson and J Johnson<br />

Objectives: The objective was to assess the safety and efficacy of a novel ozone delivery system<br />

(1) for the management of soft primary root caries as well as non cavitated leathery primary root<br />

caries in the least severe category.<br />

Methods: A total of 260 subjects, each with 2 primary root carious lesions (PRCLs) were<br />

recruited. 60 Subjects had each 2 soft PRCL's and 200 subjects had each 2 leathery non cavitated<br />

PRCL's which were in the least severe leathery category (J Dent Res 1993,73: 623-629). The<br />

lesions were randomly assigned into two groups; treated with ozone, or no ozone. The Ozone<br />

treatment was applied by a different o<strong>per</strong>ator than the one recording the clinical criteria used to<br />

define the severity of the lesions. When no Ozone was applied the cup and suction system were<br />

p<strong>la</strong>ced on the control lesion for the same time interval as on the test lesions. At baseline, 3 and 6<br />

months, the lesions were clinically assessed as soft, leathery or hard, scored with the validated<br />

root caries severity index and received treatment as at baseline.<br />

Results: After 6 months, there were no observed adverse events, 48 of the ozone treated soft<br />

PRCL’s had reversed from severity index 4 to 3, whilst the control soft lesions did not significantly<br />

change (p < 0.01), 189 of ozone treated leathery PRCL’s had reversed from severity index 1 to 0<br />

(i.e., hard and arrested), whilst the control leathery lesions did not significantly change (p <<br />

0.01).<br />

Conclusions: Leathery non cavitated primary root caries can be arrested non-o<strong>per</strong>atively with<br />

ozone. This novel treatment regime using ozone is an effective alternative to conventional<br />

management methods including "drilling and filling". 1 HealOzone unit, CurOzone USA and KaVo<br />

Keywords: Gerontology, Cariology, Therapeutics, Clinical trials, Remineralization<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


First Author<br />

Presenting<br />

Edward Lynch, BDentSc, FDS, Ph Second Author Newton Johnson, BDS, FDS Third Author Judith<br />

Johnson, MSC<br />

In-Vivo Reversal of Occlusal Caries with Ozone after Six Months<br />

By G Megighian and L Bertolini Private practice, Verona, Italy The use of ozone using HealOzone<br />

technology allows the treatment of a vast range of dental caries at a very early stage and to<br />

induce lesion remineralisation from saliva. Such methodology has the potential to be the<br />

alternative to the conventional drilling and filling of dental caries.<br />

Objectives: The aim of this randomised, double blind clinical trial was to longitudinally monitor<br />

pit and fissure carious lesions (PFCLs) using light-induced fluorescence readings using a clinical<br />

c<strong>la</strong>ssification of PFCLs as well as the DIAGNOdent (KaVo Germany), and to quantify the effects of<br />

Ozone application on these readings after six months.<br />

Methods: A total of 300 PFCLs were entered in 80 patients. After cleaning each lesion using air<br />

abrasion with 27.5 micron particles, a clinical severity index and DIAGNOdent (KaVo, Germany)<br />

standard scale readings were recorded. 220 lesions were treated at baseline with Ozone (using<br />

the HealOzone unit from CurOzone USA and KaVo Germany) for 20, 30 or 40 seconds according to<br />

their clinical severity, after one other lesion (receiving no Ozone) was randomised as control in<br />

each Patient. The clinical severity indices and DIAGNOdent readings were repeated after six<br />

months to evaluate changes on both the test and control lesions.<br />

Results: Ozone treated lesions clinically reversed (P

Ability of Therapeutic Levels of Ozone to Oxidatively Consume Biomolecules<br />

C Smith, M Grootveld, C Silwood, L Abu-Naba'a, H Al Shorman and E Lynch Queen's ngdom<br />

Objectives: The powerful microbiocidal activity of ozone (O3)is well known and previous<br />

investigations have demonstrated the potential employment of this reactive oxygen specis<br />

(ROS)as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of dental caries. This ROS is extremely reactive<br />

towards selected carious dentine biomolecules, and such reactions are likely to be of relevance to<br />

its microbiocidal activity. Therefore, in this study we have employed high resolution proton (1H)<br />

nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to determine the nature and extent of the<br />

oxidation of biomolecules present in carious dentine, p<strong>la</strong>que and saliva.<br />

Methods: Aqueous solutions containing sodium pyruvate, a-D-glucose, L-cysteine and L-<br />

methionine (4.00 mM) were prepared in 40.0 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.00) which was<br />

rigorously deoxygenated with argon gas prior to use. 5.00 ml aliquots of these solutions were<br />

treated with O3 [1] for a <strong>per</strong>iod of 20 s (equivalent to a delivery of 8.96 mmol. of this oxidant).<br />

These ex<strong>per</strong>iments were conducted in triplicate. Matching de-oxygenated solutions of these<br />

biomolecules untreated with O3 served as controls.<br />

Results: Attack of O3 on a-D-glucose gave rise to formate as a major product, i.e. 1.69 ± 0.1<br />

mM (mean ± s.e.) generated, and treatment of pyruvate with this oxidant produced acetate and<br />

CO2 via an oxidative decarboxy<strong>la</strong>tion process (98 ± 2% yield under our ex<strong>per</strong>imental conditions).<br />

Moreover, the amino acid vo<strong>la</strong>tile sulphur compound (VSC) precursors cysteine and methionine<br />

were converted to their corresponding primary oxidation products cystine (100% yield) and<br />

methionine sulphoxide (99 ± 1% yield) respectively.<br />

Conclusions: Multicomponent analysis of appropriate chemical model systems provides valuable<br />

molecu<strong>la</strong>r information regarding the reactivity of O3 towards oral environment biomolecules. For<br />

example, oxidation of cysteine and methionine provides evidence for the ability of O3 to combat<br />

oral malodour since these biomolecules are precursors to vo<strong>la</strong>tile sulphur compounds (VSCs). [1]<br />

HealOzone Unit, CurOzone, U.S.A. and KaVo<br />

Topic: Cariology Research<br />

Keywords: Cariology, Chemistry, Therapeutics<br />

Oxidative Consumption of Root Caries Biomolecules by Ozone<br />

Objectives: Restorative treatment of primary root carious lesions (PRCLs) represents a major<br />

challenge. This investigation compared a unique method of non-restorative management of PRCLs<br />

using ozone gas (O3). Hence, a multicomponent evaluation of the oxidative consumption of PRCL<br />

biomolecules by O3 has been conducted using high-field proton (1H) nuclear magnetic resonance<br />

(NMR) spectroscopy. O3 was generated by the commercially-avai<strong>la</strong>ble HealOzone Unit [1].<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Methods: 24 soft PRCLs requiring restoration from teeth were used since these are the severest<br />

type of lesions found in humans. After p<strong>la</strong>que removal and drying, a sample of PRCL was taken<br />

using a sterile excavator from half of the most active part of lesion. After this collection process,<br />

O3 was applied to the lesion for 20 s (equivalent to a delivery of 8.96 mmol. of this oxidant) and<br />

another sample was taken from the other half of the most active part of the lesion. Each sample<br />

was then accurately weighed on a microba<strong>la</strong>nce and <strong>per</strong>chloric acid extracts derived therefrom<br />

were subjected to 1H-NMR analysis at an o<strong>per</strong>ating frequency of 600 MHz.<br />

Results: Results obtained revealed that O3 gave rise to the oxidative decarboxy<strong>la</strong>tion of pyruvate<br />

(generating acetate and CO2 as products), and its oxidative attack of carbohydrates to generated<br />

formate. O3 also oxidised PRCL <strong>la</strong>ctate, urate, glycosaminoglycans and methionine to yield<br />

acetate and CO2 (via pyruvate), al<strong>la</strong>ntoin, low-molecu<strong>la</strong>r-mass saccharide fragments and<br />

methionine sulphoxide, respectively.<br />

Conclusions: Multicomponent analysis of root caries by high field 1H-NMR spectroscopy provides<br />

useful information regarding the oxidation of PRCL biomolecules by O3. For example, pyruvate is<br />

an extremely strong acid and its consumption by O3 may offer protection against tooth<br />

demineralisation. Moreover, oxidation of the vo<strong>la</strong>tile sulphur compound precursor methionine to<br />

its corresponding sulphoxide may serve as a useful means of blocking the development of oral<br />

malodour. [1] CurOzone U.S.A. and KaVo Germany<br />

Topic: Geriatric Oral Research<br />

Keywords: Gerontology, Cariology, Chemistry, Diagnosis, Therapeutics<br />

First Author<br />

Presenting<br />

Martin Grootveld, BSc, PHD,Health Services Research,Queen's University of Belfast Dental School<br />

Ozone Treatment of Root Caries after 21-Months<br />

By J C Holmes Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Objectives: The objective was to assess the efficacy of an ozone delivery system1 combined with<br />

the daily use of a remineralising toothpaste, mouthrinse and spray(KaVo Gmbh) for the<br />

management of non cavitated leathery primary root carious lesions (PRCL’s) in an ageing patient<br />

group (>60, mean 70.8yrs, SD+ 6).<br />

Methods: A total of 89 patients with 2 leathery lesions each (178 PRCL’s in total) in the middle<br />

severity lesion group 2 (J Dent Res 1993,73: 623-629) were recruited. The lesions were randomly<br />

assigned into two groups; treated with ozone, or no ozone and received a professionally applied<br />

remineralising solution1. The Ozone treatment was applied by a different o<strong>per</strong>ator than the one<br />

recording the clinical criteria used to define the severity of the lesions. When no Ozone was<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


applied the cup and suction system were p<strong>la</strong>ced on the control lesion for the same time interval as<br />

on the test lesions. Remineralising pastes, mouthrinses and sprays were also dispensed to each<br />

patient with instructions. At baseline, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 21 months, the lesions were clinically<br />

assessed as soft, leathery or hard, scored with the validated root caries severity index and<br />

received treatment as at baseline.<br />

Results: After 21 months, 81 patients completed the study. There were no observed adverse<br />

events. At 21 months, 100% of ozone treated PRCL’s had reversed, whilst only 8% of the control<br />

lesions reversed (p < 0.001). At 21 months, in the control group,12% of the PRCL’s had<br />

progressed from severity index 2 to 3 (p < 0.001); i.e. they had become more severe.<br />

Conclusions: Leathery non cavitated primary root caries can be treated non-o<strong>per</strong>atively with<br />

ozone. This novel treatment regime using ozone is an effective alternative to conventional "drilling<br />

and filling".<br />

Restoration of ART and Ozone treated primary root carious lesions<br />

By Julian Holmes Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Objectives: This study assessed p<strong>la</strong>cement time required and durability of restorations p<strong>la</strong>ced on<br />

ART and Ozone treated primary root carious lesions (PRCL) in the most severe category (J Dent<br />

Res 1993;73: 623-629) compared to conventional treatment. A previous study showed that 100%<br />

caries reversal with ozone treated PRCL’s can be obtained (Gerodontology, 2003: 20, 106-114) in<br />

the middle severity lesion group 2.<br />

Methods: 60 subjects, each with 2 soft PRCL were selected. After randomisation, each subject<br />

had one PRCL made caries free using conventional local analgesia (LA), drilling and filling using<br />

Optibond Solo Plus and Point 4 (KerrHawe) composite resin. 11 pulp exposures were detected<br />

during cavity preparation and RCT was also <strong>per</strong>formed on these teeth. The remaining 60 PRCL in<br />

the 60 subjects received only the ART technique and Ozone treatment for 20 seconds (HealOzone,<br />

KaVo) without LA, followed by filling using Optibond Solo Plus and Point 4.. Up to 1 mm of<br />

softened carious dentine was left overlying the pulpal floor prior to Ozone treatment. The mean<br />

(SD) time required for ART, Ozone treatment and p<strong>la</strong>cement of a restoration was 10 (2) minutes,<br />

whilst the conventional technique, including LA, required 23 (4) minutes (P

Restoration of Ozone treated carious lesions<br />

By L Steier Dental Clinic, Mayen, Germany Some Dentists are currently treating stained carious<br />

lesions with Ozone without p<strong>la</strong>cing any restoration whilst others are bonding composite resin on<br />

top of the Ozone treated stained lesion.<br />

Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the p<strong>la</strong>cement time required and durability of<br />

restorations p<strong>la</strong>ced on Ozone treated carious lesions as well as to assess the aestetics of these<br />

restorations from a Patients <strong>per</strong>spective.<br />

Methods: 100 lesions in 50 subjects (2 <strong>per</strong> subject) were treated with Ozone from the HealOzone<br />

system (KaVo, Germany) for 40 seconds. Immediately after Ozone treatment, 50 randomly<br />

chosen lesions (1 <strong>per</strong> subject) were etched for 15 seconds with 37% Phosphoric Acid Etching Gel<br />

and sealed with Nano-Bond Adhesive (Pentron Clinical Technologies,Wallingford, CT USA 06492),<br />

cured using Ultralume 5 (Ultradent Products, South Jordan, Utah 84095) for 20 seconds, and<br />

Simile Nano-hybrid Composite (Pentron) was p<strong>la</strong>ced and cured for 20 seconds. The remaining 50<br />

Ozone treated lesions served as controls.<br />

Results: The mean (SD) time required to Ozone treat and p<strong>la</strong>ce a restoration was 3 (1) minutes.<br />

After 6 weeks, 100% of all restorations scored alpha in every recorded USPHS criteria. The test<br />

lesions were scored aesthetically as excellent in appearance in 100% of cases whilst the control<br />

lesions were scored aesthetically as excellent in only 10% of cases (P

Alena Knezevic<br />

University of Zagreb<br />

School of Dental Medicine<br />

Department of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry<br />

Gunduliceva 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia<br />

Tel: 00385 (0)1 48 02 113<br />

Fax: 00385 (0)1 48 02 159<br />

e-mail: ma505ak@yahoo.com<br />

Received: October 19, 2006<br />

Accepted: January 10, 2007<br />

Avai<strong>la</strong>ble online: March 1, 2007<br />

Acta Stomatol Croat. 2007;41(1):31-8<br />

Original scientific article<br />

Abstract<br />

Minimally invasive dentistry holds an important p<strong>la</strong>ce in the treatment of caries lesion.<br />

Introduction of <strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence as a diagnostic and ozone as a therapeutic means finds more<br />

frequent usage in both preventive and curative dentistry. DIAGNOdent device (KaVo, Germany) is<br />

based on <strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence which enables early diagnosis as well as monitoring the development<br />

of caries lesion while use of ozone with HealOzone device (KaVo, Germany) provides painless<br />

treatment. Even though there are number of indications for use of ozone in dentistry, most<br />

important is therapy of caries lesions. Purpose of this investigation was to observe the effect of<br />

ozone applied via HealOzone device on the total of 70 primary fissure lesions previously detected<br />

with DIAGNOdent device and to determine whether there is a decrease in lesion demineralization<br />

values between first visit, first and second recall after one and two month <strong>per</strong>iod. Results showed<br />

statistically significant difference in demineralization values recorded on DIAGNOdent scale<br />

between first visit and every repeated recall (p

The most often used conventional caries diagnostic methods such as probing and radiography are<br />

based primarily on subjective evaluations, which may lead to <strong>la</strong>rge diagnostic variations among<br />

different examiners. These methods have qualitative, limited value for monitoring lesion<br />

development and evaluating the effectiveness of preventive procedures. The ideal diagnostic<br />

method should be safe for both patients and users, enabling lesion detection at an early stage.<br />

Also it should be objective and quantitative, non invasive and cost effective and the<br />

measurements observed with this method should be reproduciable (2).<br />

One of the most popu<strong>la</strong>r methods for caries detection today is the <strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence based device<br />

DIAGNOdent (Kavo, Biberach, Germany). DIAGNOdent contains a <strong>la</strong>ser diode (655 nm,<br />

modu<strong>la</strong>ted, 1 mW peak power) as the excitation light source and a photo diode combined with a<br />

long pass filter (transmission >680 nm) as detector. Fluorescence spectroscopic investigations<br />

revealed considerable contrast between sound and carious tooth tissues when excited by red light,<br />

655 nm (3), fluorescence was found to be more intense in carious tissue than sound tooth tissue.<br />

Due to the good reproducibility, the device should be useful for longitudinal monitoring of the<br />

carious process and thus for assessing the outcome of preventive interventions (4).<br />

Technology development has not only resulted in caries detection methods improvement, but also<br />

in non-invasive, painless caries treatment methods. One of the most popu<strong>la</strong>r is caries treatment<br />

with ozone. Ozone has been used for many years in medicine, and within recent years in dentistry<br />

in the management of occlusal and p<strong>la</strong>in surface caries. These are only two of the clinical<br />

problems for which ozone can, and has, been used in dentistry (5).<br />

Ozone is a very powerful antimicrobial agent, and commercially is avai<strong>la</strong>ble as HealOzone<br />

(CuroOzone, USA and KaVo, Germany). Recently, Baysan et al. reported that ozone application<br />

either for 10 or 20 seconds was effective to kill the great majority of microorganisms in carious<br />

lesions (>99% microbial killing after 10 seconds ozone application) (6,7). Prskalo et al. also<br />

confirmed in their study the antimicrobial effect of HealOzone on carious lessions (8).<br />

The HealOzone has been proven to reverse primary root caries in longitudinal clinical trials (9,10).<br />

Bysan and Lynch (9) found that ozone application either for 10 or 20 seconds dramatically<br />

reduced most of the micro-organisms in primary root caries lesions without any side effects.<br />

Holmes (10) concluded that non-cavitated primary root caries can be arrested non-o<strong>per</strong>atively<br />

with ozone and remineralising products. This treatment regime is an effective alternative to<br />

conventional „drilling and filling“.<br />

Baysan and Lynch (11) also reported that this simple and non-invasive technique may benefit<br />

many patients with root caries throughout the world since this approach to treat root caries can<br />

easily be employed in primary care clinics and in the domiciliary treatment of home-bound elderly<br />

people and immobile patients in hospices and hospitals (12).<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


The aim of this pilot study was to detect initial carious lesions with <strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence device and<br />

to assess the effect of an ozone delivery system, combined with the daily use of a remineralizing<br />

patient kit, on the initial fissure caries in premo<strong>la</strong>rs and mo<strong>la</strong>rs.<br />

Materials and methods<br />

Study popu<strong>la</strong>tion<br />

Ethical approval was obtained by the Ethics Committe of School of Dental Medicine, University of<br />

Zagreb, Croatia. Each subject had given their informed consent for both dental examinations and<br />

ozone treatment to be undertaken at the Department of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry,<br />

School of Dental Medicine, Zagreb. A total of 70 lesions in 39 subjects, males and females, aging<br />

from 22 to 60 years, have been selected.<br />

Equipment used<br />

The DIAGNOdent was used to detect and quantify the severity of fissure carious lesions. The<br />

instant reading indicated the real time value that the probe tip was measuring, whilst the peak<br />

value refered to the highest level scanned on the lesion. The peak value was used in statistical<br />

analyses.<br />

HealOzone – ozone delivery system. The HealOzone is a device that takes in air and produces<br />

ozone gas which is then delivered via a hose into a disposable sterile cup at a concentration of<br />

2,100 ppm±10%. The ozone gas is refreshed in this disposable cup at a rate of 615 cc/minute<br />

changing the volume of gas inside the cup over 300 times every second. The cup forms a seal<br />

around the lesion being treated so that ozone cannot leak into the oral cavity.<br />

Protocol treatment<br />

After inspection (Figure 1), tooth cleaning with PROPHYflex and recording of demineralisation<br />

values in fissures of premo<strong>la</strong>rs and mo<strong>la</strong>rs using the DIAGNOdent (Figure 2), treatment with<br />

HealOzone was used as shown in Table 1 (13,14). After treatment with ozone, 5 drops of a<br />

remineralizing solution containing xylitol, fluoride, calcium, phosphate and zinc (HealOzone<br />

remineralizing solution) was applied to the lesion. To each subject instructions were given for<br />

using the HealOzone remineralizing toothpaste twice a day, and the HealOzone mineral mouth<br />

wash once a day. Subjects were recalled at one and two months after the first visit. At each recall<br />

the same protocol was repeated.<br />

Descriptive statistics, t-test and Pearson Corre<strong>la</strong>tions were used for data analyses.<br />

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Figure 1 Suspected caries lesion on premo<strong>la</strong>r<br />

Figure 2 Use of DIAGNOdent for determining demineralization value<br />

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Table 1 Treatment duration with ozone according to DIAGNOdent values (6)<br />

Results<br />

The results are shown in tables 2, 3, 4. As it can be seen, there was a significant difference<br />

between the first visit and the first recall, the first visit and the second recall, and between the<br />

first and the second recall: t-test revealed a signifficant difference between all three pairs<br />

(combinations) at the level of p

Table 4 Corre<strong>la</strong>tion between tested parameters<br />

Discussion<br />

Early diagnosis of primary fissure caries with the <strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence device DIAGNOdent is of great<br />

importance because of the low sensitivity of visual, probing and bitewing examination which leads<br />

to a significant number of teeth with undetected dentinal caries. High reproducibility of<br />

DIAGNOdent has previously been reported under both in vitro and in vivo conditions (15,16).<br />

Thus, this method is suitable for longitudinal monitoring of carious lesions and also enables<br />

preventive interventions. Longitudinal monitoring of remineralization of demineralized lesions is of<br />

great important in the case of ozone therapy.<br />

The goal of treatment of carious lesions with ozone is to reduce the causative microbiota and<br />

contributing risk factors to halt the caries decay process and stimu<strong>la</strong>te remineralization. Research<br />

has shown that ozone breaks up acid products of cariogenic bacteria, which may be important in<br />

the aetiology of the developing carious lesion (14). Research by Baysan and others (5) has shown<br />

that an application of ozone for a <strong>per</strong>iod of 10 seconds was capable of reducing the Streptococcus<br />

Mutans and Streptococcus Sobrinus in vitro. Further research by OT Abu-Salem (17) have shown<br />

that occlusal caries in deciduous teeth can be effectively controlled with ozone. The main problem<br />

of non-invasive pharmaceutical approaches in clinical practice for management of caries reversal<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


and remineralization of the lesion is the difficulty in suppressing or eliminating micro-organisms<br />

for long <strong>per</strong>iods of time required for remineralization.<br />

Ozone enables the shifting of microbial flora from acidogenic and aciduric micro-organisms to<br />

normal oral commensals which will allow the remineralization to occur within the carious process<br />

(6). Ozon has the ability to remove proteins in carious lesions, and to enable calcium and<br />

phosphate ions to diffuse through the lesions, which results in remineralization of the lesion after<br />

ozone application.<br />

Ozone is extensively used in general practice followed by sealing of the carious lesions.<br />

Fortunately this ozone treatment has been proven not to be detrimental to the bond. Ozone did<br />

not influence the studied enamel physical pro<strong>per</strong>ties and neither enhanced nor harmed the sealing<br />

ability (18). Thus, adhesive restoration p<strong>la</strong>cement should be possible immediately after ozone<br />

application for cavity disinfection (19).<br />

In this study, there were highly significant decreases in DIAGNOdent values between the first<br />

baseline visit and the first/second recall. After the initial elimination of microorganisms,<br />

decolonisation of microorganisms may be reinforced by <strong>la</strong>ck of avai<strong>la</strong>ble organic substrate<br />

essential for the metabolism of cariogenic bacteria (20). Within the limitations of this study it can<br />

be concluded that the use of ozone in primary fissure caries not only preserves the tooth structure<br />

by avoiding the use of invasive techniques for the removal of carious tissue, but also promotes the<br />

caries reversal and tooth remineralization.<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

This study was supported by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Grant No. 0065007,<br />

Zagreb, Croatia.<br />

References<br />

1. Featherstone JD. The caries ba<strong>la</strong>nce: the basis for caries management by risk assessment. Oral<br />

Health Prev Dent. 2004;2 Suppl 1:259-64.:. ABSTRACT :.<br />

2. Heinrich-Weltzien R, Weerheijm KL, Kuhnisch J, Oehme T, Stosser L. Clinical evaluation of<br />

visual, radiographic, and <strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence methods for detection of occlusal caries. ASDC J Dent<br />

Child. 2002;69(2):127-32, 123.:. ABSTRACT :.<br />

3. Hibst R, Paulus R, Lussi A. Detection of occlusal caries by <strong>la</strong>ser fluorescence. Basic and clinical<br />

investigations. Med Laser Appl. 2001;16:205–13.<br />

4. Astvaldsdottir A, Holbrook WP, Tranaeus S. Consistency of DIAGNOdent instruments for clinical<br />

assessment of fissure caries. Acta Odontol Scand. 2004;62(4):193-8.:. ABSTRACT :.<br />

5. Baysan A, Lynch E. The use of ozone in dentistry and medicine. Prim Dent Care. 2005;12(2):<br />

47-52.:. ABSTRACT :.<br />

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6. Baysan A, Whiley RA, Lynch E. Antimicrobial effect of a novel ozone- generating device on<br />

micro-organisms associated with primary root carious lesions in vitro. Caries Res. 2000;34(6):<br />

498-501.:. ABSTRACT :.<br />

7. Baysan A, Lynch E. Management of root caries using ozone in vivo. J Dent Res. 2001;<br />

80:37.<br />

8. Prskalo K, Perinić M, Šutalo J, Kalenić S, Tarle Z, Knežević A. Antimicrobial effect of HealOzone<br />

in c<strong>la</strong>ss I caries lesions. J Dent Res. 2005; 63.<br />

9. Baysan A, Lynch E. Effect of ozone on the oral microbiota and clinical severity of primary root<br />

caries. Am J Dent. 2004;17(1):56-60.:. ABSTRACT :.<br />

10. Holmes J. Clinical reversal of root caries using ozone, double-blind, randomised, controlled 18-<br />

month trial. Gerodontology. 2003;20(2):106-14.:. ABSTRACT :.<br />

11. Baysan A, Lynch E. The use of ozone in dentistry and medicine. Part 2. Ozone and root caries.<br />

Prim Dent Care. 2006;13(1):37-41.:. ABSTRACT :.<br />

12. Huth KC, Paschos E, Brand K, Hickel R. Effect of ozone on non-cavitated fissure carious lesions<br />

in <strong>per</strong>manent mo<strong>la</strong>rs. A controlled prospective clinical study. Am J Dent. 2005;18(4):223-8.:.<br />

ABSTRACT :.<br />

13. Holmes J, Lynch E. News From the HealOzone Users Congress & The HealOzone User Group<br />

[document on the Internet]. Yorkshire: The First HealOzone User Group Congress Meetings; 2003<br />

[cited 2006 April 3]. Avai<strong>la</strong>ble from: http://www.the-o-zone.cc/docs/TxO3A01.pdf<br />

14. Lynch E. Ozone: The revolution in dentistry. Surrey: Quintessence Publishing, 2004.<br />

15. Knezevic A, Tarle Z, Negovetic Mandic V Brzovic V, Panduric V, Prskalo K. Use of DIAGNOdent<br />

and HealOzone for detecting and treatment of fissure initial caries lesions. Ital J O<strong>per</strong> Dent. 2006;<br />

Abstr. R33., 259.<br />

16. Lussi A, Hibst R, Paulus R. DIAGNOdent: an optical method for caries detection. J Dent Res.<br />

2004;83:C80-3.:. ABSTRACT :.<br />

17. Abu Salem OT, Marashed MM, Lynch E. Immediate effect of ozone on occlusal caries of<br />

primary teeth. J Dent Res. 2002;82:C-535.<br />

18. Celiberti P, Pazera P, Lussi A. The impact of ozone treatment on enamel physical pro<strong>per</strong>ties.<br />

Am J Dent. 2006;19(1):67-72.:. ABSTRACT :.<br />

19. Schmidlin PR, Zimmermann J, Bindl A. Effect of ozone on enamel and dentin bond strength. J<br />

Adhes Dent. 2005;7(1):29-32.:. ABSTRACT :.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


20. Inaba D, Ruben J, Takagi O, Arends J. Effect of sodium hypochlorite treatment on<br />

remineralization of human root dentine in vitro. Caries Res. 1996;30(3):218-24.:. ABSTRACT :.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Gerodontology<br />

Volume 20 Issue 2 Page 106 - December 2003.<br />

Clinical reversal of root caries using ozone, double-blind, randomised, controlled 18-<br />

month trial<br />

• J Holmes 11<br />

UKSmiles Dental Practice, Wokingham, Berkshire, UK<br />

•<br />

1 UKSmiles Dental Practice, Wokingham, Berkshire, UK<br />

Address for correspondence: Dr Julian Holmes, BDS UKSmiles Dental Practice, 3 Old Row Court,<br />

Rose Street,Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 1XZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1189795559 e-mail:<br />

julian@o3dc.co.uk<br />

Abstract<br />

Objective: To assess the effect of an ozone delivery system, combined with the daily use of a<br />

remineralising patient kit, on the clinical severity of non-cavitated leathery primary root carious<br />

lesions (PRCL's), in an older popu<strong>la</strong>tion group.<br />

Design: Atotal of 89 subjects, (age range 60–82, mean ± SD, 70.8 ± 6 years), each with two<br />

leathery PRCL's, were recruited. The two lesions in each subject were randomly assigned for<br />

treatment with ozone or air, in a double-blind design, in a general dental practice. Subjects were<br />

recalled at three, six, 12 and 18 months. Lesions were clinically recorded at each visit as soft,<br />

leathery or hard, scored with a validated root caries severity index.<br />

Results: There were no observed adverse events. After three months, in the ozone-treated<br />

group, 61 PRCL's (69%) had become hard and none had deteriorated, whilst in the control group,<br />

four PRCL's (4%) had become worse (p

This article is cited by:<br />

This article is cited by the following articles in B<strong>la</strong>ckwell Synergy and CrossRef<br />

• J Holmes. (2006) Missing the point. British Dental Journal 200:6, 305<br />

• Dorothy McComb. (2005) No reliable evidence that ozone gas stops or reverses tooth decay.<br />

Evidence-Based Dentistry 6:2, 34<br />

• D Richards. (2005) Ozone revolution? Or em<strong>per</strong>or's new clothes?. British Dental<br />

Journal 199:8, 485<br />

Gerodontology<br />

Volume 20 Issue 2 Page 106 - December 2003<br />

To cite this article:<br />

J Holmes (2003) Clinical reversal of root caries using ozone, double-blind, randomised, controlled<br />

18-month rial Gerodontology 20 (2), 106–114. doi:10.1111/j.1741-2358.2003.00106.x<br />

Clinical reversal of root caries using ozone, double-blind, randomised, controlled 18-<br />

month trial<br />

• J Holmes 11<br />

UKSmiles Dental Practice, Wokingham, Berkshire, UK<br />

•<br />

1 UKSmiles Dental Practice, Wokingham, Berkshire, UK<br />

Address for correspondence: Dr Julian Holmes, BDS UKSmiles Dental Practice, 3 Old Row Court,<br />

Rose Street,<br />

Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 1XZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1189795559 e-mail:<br />

julian@o3dc.co.uk<br />

Abstract<br />

Objective: To assess the effect of an ozone delivery system, combined with the daily use of a<br />

remineralising patient kit, on the clinical severity of non-cavitated leathery primary root carious<br />

lesions (PRCL's), in an older popu<strong>la</strong>tion group.<br />

Design: Atotal of 89 subjects, (age range 60–82, mean ± SD, 70.8 ± 6 years), each with two<br />

leathery PRCL's, were recruited. The two lesions in each subject were randomly assigned for<br />

treatment with ozone or air, in a double-blind design, in a general dental practice. Subjects were<br />

recalled at three, six, 12 and 18 months. Lesions were clinically recorded at each visit as soft,<br />

leathery or hard, scored with a validated root caries severity index.<br />

Results: There were no observed adverse events. After three months, in the ozone-treated<br />

group, 61 PRCL's (69%) had become hard and none had deteriorated, whilst in the control group,<br />

four PRCL's (4%) had become worse (p

and 18 months, 87 Subjects attended. In the ozone group at 12 months, two PRCL's remained<br />

leathery, compared to 85 (98%) that had hardened, whilst in the control group 21 (24%) of the<br />

PRCL's had progressed from leathery to soft, i.e. became worse, 65 PRCL's (75%) were still<br />

leathery, and one remained hard (p

Design: Atotal of 89 subjects, (age range 60–82, mean ± SD, 70.8 ± 6 years), each with two<br />

leathery PRCL's, were recruited. The two lesions in each subject were randomly assigned for<br />

treatment with ozone or air, in a double-blind design, in a general dental practice. Subjects were<br />

recalled at three, six, 12 and 18 months. Lesions were clinically recorded at each visit as soft,<br />

leathery or hard, scored with a validated root caries severity index.<br />

Results: There were no observed adverse events. After three months, in the ozone-treated<br />

group, 61 PRCL's (69%) had become hard and none had deteriorated, whilst in the control group,<br />

four PRCL's (4%) had become worse (p

Clinical reversal of root caries using ozone, double-blind, randomised, controlled 18-<br />

month trial<br />

• J Holmes 11<br />

UKSmiles Dental Practice, Wokingham, Berkshire, UK<br />

•<br />

1 UKSmiles Dental Practice, Wokingham, Berkshire, UK<br />

Address for correspondence: Dr Julian Holmes, BDS UKSmiles Dental Practice, 3 Old Row Court,<br />

Rose Street, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 1XZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1189795559 e-mail:<br />

julian@o3dc.co.uk<br />

Abstract<br />

Objective: To assess the effect of an ozone delivery system, combined with the daily use of a<br />

remineralising patient kit, on the clinical severity of non-cavitated leathery primary root carious<br />

lesions (PRCL's), in an older popu<strong>la</strong>tion group.<br />

Design: Atotal of 89 subjects, (age range 60–82, mean ± SD, 70.8 ± 6 years), each with two<br />

leathery PRCL's, were recruited. The two lesions in each subject were randomly assigned for<br />

treatment with ozone or air, in a double-blind design, in a general dental practice. Subjects were<br />

recalled at three, six, 12 and 18 months. Lesions were clinically recorded at each visit as soft,<br />

leathery or hard, scored with a validated root caries severity index.<br />

Results: There were no observed adverse events. After three months, in the ozone-treated<br />

group, 61 PRCL's (69%) had become hard and none had deteriorated, whilst in the control group,<br />

four PRCL's (4%) had become worse (p

• D Richards. (2005) Ozone revolution? Or em<strong>per</strong>or's new clothes?. British Dental<br />

Journal 199:8, 485<br />

CrossRef<br />

Miracle Ozone Dentistry. A New Anti-Decay Dental Practice<br />

By Dr Julian Holmes 1-31-7<br />

Let me paint you a picture. Every Monday morning, dental practices over the world power up for a<br />

week's worth of drilling and filling, tooth removal, and reconstruction work. Queues of fearful<br />

patients, tearful children being comforted by anxious parents, people in considerable pain, line up<br />

outside the doors to their dental surgeries. Once inside, these patients are subjected to the<br />

traditional smells of oil of cloves, disinfectants, and the noises of the high pitch whine of the<br />

dental drill; the odd scream or two filters through the hushed, usually silent waiting room into the<br />

street outside. It is a sad fact of life that every dentist is trained that if there is an area of decay<br />

in your tooth, the only way to treat this is to drill the decay out or amputate it, and then p<strong>la</strong>ce a<br />

filling that will have to be rep<strong>la</strong>ced at some stage.<br />

For a small minority of patients, where their dental practices have chosen to invest in a new<br />

technology, the opposite happens almost every day. The queue is one of bright, cheerful adults<br />

and children; there are few smells to associate this practice with the traditional one down the<br />

road. The noise of the drill is seldom heard, and happy smiling faces emerge from the treatment<br />

room.<br />

Since 1998 researchers, lead by Professor Edward Lynch from Queen's Dental Hospital and Belfast<br />

University, Ire<strong>la</strong>nd, have opened a radically and revolutionary way forward. The dental profession<br />

no longer has to destroy tooth tissue to eliminate bacteria. A simple 60 second (average<br />

treatment time) treatment with a device that delivers a burst of ozone will destroy all the bacteria<br />

that caused the infection and the decay. It destroys all the organic effluents that are produced by<br />

these bacteria; this is shown in Fig 1 opposite. The top data shows the spread of organic bio-<br />

molecules produced by an active carious lesion. The lower data shows the effect of 10 seconds of<br />

ozone; the profile now consists of a single main spike of acetate acid, and the other oxidation by-<br />

product is carbon dioxide. This H MNR research proved that ozone worked as a pharmaceutical<br />

approach to caries in-vitro. By effectively sterilising the lesion, minerals from the patients own<br />

saliva will re-enter the areas of mineral loss to harden them. Once hardened, it is more resistant<br />

to future bacterial attack and mineral loss.<br />

There is in all our mouths a natural ba<strong>la</strong>nce. Your tooth surface losses minerals into your saliva at<br />

certain times, usually just after you start to eat. These acidic conditions favour mineral loss. The<br />

normal acid/alkaline ba<strong>la</strong>nce exists in the oral cavity. When bacteria attach themselves to a tooth<br />

surface, they set up a complex community of some 450 different bacterial types over a <strong>per</strong>iod of<br />

time. If patients skimp on using a tooth brush, or forget to use dental floss on a regu<strong>la</strong>r basis,<br />

these communities of bacteria evolve into one which produces <strong>la</strong>rge volumes of acids. These acids<br />

attack the tooth surface, dissolving out the minerals, leaving a hole or cavity. As this cavity now<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


gives the bacterial colonies a degree of protection, tooth brushing cannot remove the bacteria and<br />

so the process of decay accelerates.<br />

Yet decay is only an infection process that leads to the softening of the tooth, and the formation of<br />

a cavity, so could this infection be treated with, say, antibiotics? The bacteria that cause tooth<br />

decay are often found deep within the structure of the tooth, so their removal has to date only<br />

been by amputating the infected part of the tooth. Antibiotics and other pharmaceutical agents<br />

cannot penetrate deep enough through bacterial pellicle and tooth structure to eliminate acid<br />

niche environment. This teaching and technique is based on sound engineering principles that<br />

originate from the Victorians! Despite modern advances, there is no simple test that can be<br />

applied to a cavity to tell the dentist if they have removed all the infection! or enough tooth<br />

material! And if areas of infection are left behind, there is a good chance that the filling p<strong>la</strong>ced will<br />

fail at some time in the future.<br />

In an attempt to prevent further infection and to restore the tooth to its original shape and<br />

function, a filling is then p<strong>la</strong>ced. Studies over the years have shown that fillings do not <strong>la</strong>st very<br />

long, any where from 6 months to several years. But once a tooth has had part of it amputated,<br />

there is no going back. For each time the filling needs to be removed and rep<strong>la</strong>ced, there is a little<br />

less of the original tooth left and a <strong>la</strong>rger filling. A point is reached where there is no option but to<br />

opt for expensive reconstruction work with advanced dental care or have the tooth removed.<br />

The dental professions goal is to help and educate the patient, how to avoid them entering into<br />

this cycle of tissue amputation and <strong>per</strong>iodic filling rep<strong>la</strong>cement. Oral care education and modern<br />

toothpastes have helped reduce the number of cavities, but in poorer communities, those with<br />

disabilities and in long term institutions, as well as our aging popu<strong>la</strong>tion, decay is still prevalent.<br />

And diet advice is often <strong>la</strong>cking, so although patients may think they are doing well at home, the<br />

process of decay continues! The days of 'Wait & Watch' are over the profession is not entirely<br />

sure of what it is watching unless clinicians are using advanced clinical diagnostic tools.<br />

Dental Ozone is a completely new way to look at decay. In the early stages of mineral loss, no use<br />

of the drill is required. The treatment is simple, inexpensive (certainly less than the cost of a<br />

filling), and requires no injection of anaesthetics. This does of course depend on the use of<br />

modern diagnostic equipment, such as the DIAGNOdent (KaVo GmbH). This <strong>la</strong>ser is more accurate<br />

than x-rays, and far su<strong>per</strong>ior to the traditional mirror and probe that dentists often use. The<br />

mirror and probe are tools that can find holes, not diagnose areas of first stage decay. And<br />

research has shown that x-rays are very poor to visualise decay in a tooth surface, until it is 2-3<br />

mm inside the inner <strong>la</strong>yer of the tooth.<br />

If the area of decay is dee<strong>per</strong>, and more extensive, Ozone still has a role to p<strong>la</strong>y. The dental drill<br />

may need to be used to remove the cover of enamel over the decay, but this can also be carried<br />

out with air abrasion. No local anaesthetics are required, and Ozone is used to sterilise the area of<br />

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decay, without the need to amputate a <strong>la</strong>rge volume of tooth structure. In this way, damage to<br />

the tooth is limited, and the inherent strength is preserved. Even in really deep areas of decay,<br />

Ozone can be used to preserve tooth tissue.<br />

When Ozone is combined with traditional care, then there are a number of advantages that<br />

patients and the dental profession can make use of. Ozone can be used to sterilise a cavity before<br />

a filling is p<strong>la</strong>ced, so there will be virtually no sensitivity after the local anaesthetic wears away. It<br />

can be used to eliminate sensitivity after new crowns or veneers are p<strong>la</strong>ced. And where wear<br />

facets have produced sensitive areas at the necks of teeth, in most cases a simple 40 second<br />

application with ozone can eliminate this sensitivity. There are many more applications for Ozone<br />

in a general dental or medical practice, and the studies for some of these can be found on<br />

www.the-o-zone.cc. This www site not only allows you to find a dental practice which has and<br />

uses Ozone, but also allows you to view the research pa<strong>per</strong>s that have been published from<br />

centres around the world.<br />

There is not a single facet of a medical, dental or veterinary practice where ozone cannot be used<br />

in some form for the benefit of patients from the general to specialist practice and health care<br />

centre all can take advantage of this new technology.<br />

So, <strong>per</strong>haps a Monday morning at a dental practice that has invested in modern technology is no<br />

longer the stressful, painful and anxious visit that it used to be. The waiting room in this practice<br />

are full of smiles, people chatting to the dental team members as they wait with happy<br />

anticipation at being called through for their turn in the treatment room. Mums and dads with<br />

children have no fear or anxiety, as they are reassured that modern technology has opened a door<br />

for them, that most of the older popu<strong>la</strong>tion had never believed possible. For both the patient and<br />

the dental practice, it is a technology that has a winning solution for both; the treatment is fast, it<br />

is predictable, it is painless, and also reduces the long-term cost of the treated tooth. For the<br />

dental practice, the treatment times are reduced, it is profitable, and the treatment less stressful.<br />

For the patient, modern technology has allowed them to have a 21st century treatment, rather<br />

than one that is old fashioned, and out-dated.<br />

In a lead article published in 2003 I wrote;<br />

'In the vast majority of dental practices - not just in the United Kingdom and Europe, but<br />

throughout the world - the primary method to reverse the effects of decay remains 'drill and fill'.<br />

The entry of a patient into the cycle of drill and fill is irreversible. Once a hole is drilled into a<br />

tooth, the patient always will have it; and no matter how good a clinician each dentist <strong>per</strong>ceives<br />

themselves to be, any restorative material will fail at some time.'<br />

The dental profession has not kept up with their medical counterparts in finding a holistic<br />

treatment method for what is a prevalent infection caries. The Victorian principles of amputation<br />

to establish a sound foundation for restorative care no longer are valid in the light of new<br />

published research and clinical ex<strong>per</strong>ience.<br />

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Ozone at <strong>la</strong>st offers the dental profession this new approach instead of the out-dated and Victorian<br />

amputational model.<br />

Dr Julian Holmes, 2007.<br />

The Ozi-cure is a self-contained device to generate ozone gas from air for the use in Dental,<br />

Medical or Veterinary Practice for surface application.<br />

The Ozi-cure Dental Unit manufactured by O3 and distributed in Germany by American Dental<br />

GmbH. The Ozi-cure achieved CE and Medical Directive Certificates in November 2006.<br />

The treatment times used in dental ozone treatment are short from 10 to 60 seconds (Baysan and<br />

Lynch, 2001). The area to be treated and the application of ozone is carefully controlled by<br />

localised 'bagging' and high-volume suction.<br />

The use of ozone in dental practice takes dental care into the 21st Century. It sets the standard of<br />

a modern pharmaceutical method to treat dental and medical patients;<br />

Studies from Europe (Abu-Salem et al, 2003; Baysan and Lynch 2001; Holmes, 2003; Holmes and<br />

Lynch, 2003) have shown conclusively that the use of ozone in dental care is effective as a non-<br />

destructive method to manage decay and its destructive effects. The use of ozone has been shown<br />

to be the ideal way to manage anxiety of patients young and old - and their carers (Dahnhardt et<br />

al, 2003; Domingo et al, 2004).<br />

The effects of ozone reduce tooth destruction in routine preparation (Clifford, 2004; Holmes,<br />

2004; Holmes and Lynch, 2004) and ozone reduces the time and the cost of dental care (Domingo<br />

and Holmes, 2004; Johnson et al, 2003) and raises the practice income. In Endodontics, ozone is<br />

effective against Enterococcus faecalis (Chang et al, 2003).<br />

Professor Velio Bocci from Mi<strong>la</strong>n University (1994) has emphasised that the potential toxicity of O3<br />

should not preclude its employment for medical, dental & veterinary purposes. This statement has<br />

been echoed by thousands of health professionals who use ozone in clinical practices around the<br />

world, and millions of patients that have been treated.<br />

The correct o<strong>per</strong>ation of the Ozi-cure meets all current Health and Safety Regu<strong>la</strong>tions in all<br />

countries. The Ozi-cure is completely safe when used according to the Ozi-cure O<strong>per</strong>ating<br />

Instructions.<br />

Ozone is <strong>per</strong>ceived to be a dangerous gas; let's put this into a scientific context. In 1978 an FDA<br />

Report showed that 1.5 million people were hospitalised by pharmaceutical reactions, and there<br />

were 140,000 deaths from prescription drug usage.<br />

In stark contrast, a 1980 German Medical Society Report for Ozone Therapy cited 5.6 million<br />

ozone treatments carried out for that year. Of the 5.6 million ozone treatments, there were just<br />

40 reported cases of side effects (0.000007%), and 4 deaths from inappropriate administration of<br />

ozone gas. Ozone remains the safest and effective pharmaceutical treatment.<br />

In World War I, ozone was used to treat wounds, burns and infections. The modern development<br />

of ozone's application to Medicine began in the 1950s in Europe, Australia, Israel, Cuba, Brazil and<br />

Columbia. Today, over 9000 doctors, dentists & vets worldwide now routinely use ozone in their<br />

clinical management.<br />

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Research in Cuba, Europe, the USA and South Africa concerning the anti-microbial efficacy of<br />

ozone has continued over the <strong>la</strong>st twenty years and has conclusively shown the ability of both<br />

gaseous and dissolved ozone to eradicate a wide range of bacteria, bacterial spores and viruses<br />

(Baysan and Lynch, 2001; Ishizaki, 1986; Katzeneleson, 1974; Vaughan, 1987; Whistler and<br />

Sheldon, 1989).<br />

A clinical guide for the use of ozone in dental and medical practice is included with every Ozi-cure<br />

device sold.<br />

References;<br />

Abu-Salem OT, Marashdeh MM, Lynch E: Ozone Efficacy in Treatment of Occlusal Caries in<br />

Primary Teeth. IADR Abstract 2003<br />

Baysan A and Lynch E: Management of root caries using ozone in-vivo. Journal of Dental Research<br />

2001; 80:37<br />

Bocci V: Autohaemotherapy after treatment of blood with ozone, a reappraisal. Int Med Res 1994;<br />

22: 131-144.<br />

Chang H, Fulton C, Lynch E: Antimicrobial Efficacy of Ozone on Enterococcus faecalis. IADR<br />

Abstract 2003.<br />

Clifford C: Reversal of Caries Using Airbrasion and Ozone- Nine Month Results. IADR Abstract<br />

2004<br />

Dahnhardt JE, Jaeggi T, Scheidegger N, Kellerhoff N, Francescut P, Lussi A: Treating Caries in<br />

Anxious Children with Ozone: Parents' Attitudes after the First Session. IADR Abstract 2003<br />

Domingo H, Abu-Naba'a L, Al Shorman H, Holmes J, Marshdeh MM, Abu-Salem AT, Freeman R,<br />

Lynch E: Reducing Barriers to Care in Patients Managed with Ozone. IADR Abstract 2004.<br />

Domingo H and Holmes J: Reduction in treatment time with combined air abrasion and ozone<br />

compared to traditional 'Drill & Fill'. IADR abstract 2004.<br />

Holmes J: Clinical reversal of root caries using ozone, double-blind, randomised, controlled 18-<br />

month trial. Gerodontol 2003: 20 (2): 106-14.<br />

Holmes J: Restoration of ART and Ozone treated primary root carious lesions. IADR Abstract 2004.<br />

Holmes J and Lynch E: Arresting Occlusal Fissure Caries Using Ozone. IADR Abstract 2003.<br />

Holmes J and Lynch E: Reversal of Occlusal Caries using Air Abrasion, Ozone, and Sealing. IADR<br />

Abstract 2004<br />

Ishizaki K: Inactivation of bacillus spores by gaseous ozone. J Applied Bacteriol 1986; 60: 67-72.<br />

Johnson N, Johnson J, Lynch E: Cost Benefit Assessment of a Novel Ozone Delivery System vs.<br />

Conventional Treatment. IADR Abstract 2003.<br />

Katzeneleson E: Inactivation of viruses and bacteria by ozone. In chemistry of water supply,<br />

treatment and disinfection. Ann Arbor Science Publishers Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich, 1974.<br />

: J Adhes Dent. 2005 Spring;7(1):29-32<br />

Effect of ozone on enamel and dentin bond strength.<br />

• Schmidlin PR,<br />

Zimmermann J, Bindl A.<br />

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Clinic for Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology and Cariology, Center for Dental Medicine,<br />

University of Zurich, Switzer<strong>la</strong>nd. patrick.schmidlin@zzmk.unizh.ch<br />

PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of direct high-dose gaseous ozone application (2100 ppm)<br />

on dentin and enamel shear bond strength.<br />

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten bovine enamel and dentin samples <strong>per</strong> group were pretreated<br />

as follows: (I) ozone application (Healozone, KaVo) for 60 s alone or (II) with subsequent<br />

application of a fluoride- and xylitol-containing antioxidant (liquid reductant), (III) light-activated<br />

bleaching with 35% hydrogen <strong>per</strong>oxide for 5 min serving as negative control (Hi-Lite, Shofu), and<br />

(IV) untreated enamel and dentin (positive control). Specimens were bonded with a functional 3-<br />

step adhesive system (Syntac C<strong>la</strong>ssic, Ivoc<strong>la</strong>r Vivadent) and restored with a composite (Tetric<br />

Ceram, Ivoc<strong>la</strong>r Vivadent) according to the Ultradent method. After storage in water at 37 degrees<br />

C for 24 h, shear bond strength was measured using a Zwick universal testing machine. Data<br />

were analyzed using ANOVA and Scheffe's post hoc analysis. Results: In concordance with the<br />

existing literature, bleaching resulted in significantly decreased bond strength (p < 0.05) on<br />

enamel specimens. No decrease in shear bond strength was detected for ozone-pretreated<br />

specimens compared to untreated controls.<br />

CONCLUSION: Despite a possible retention of surface and subsurface oxide-re<strong>la</strong>ted substances<br />

during high-dose ozone application, shear bond strength was not impaired. Thus, adhesive<br />

restoration p<strong>la</strong>cement should be possible immediately after ozone application for cavity<br />

disinfection.<br />

PMID: 15892361 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

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International Association for Dental Research IADR 81st General<br />

Session 2nd Meeting of the Pan European Federation<br />

Göteborg, Sweden , June 25-28, 2003<br />

Abstracts<br />

2755 Comparison of Conventional Treatment vs. Ozone for Occlusal Caries with Ozone<br />

Therapy<br />


1 Private practice,Wales, United Kingdom, 2 Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Traditional restorative treatment for a carious lesion involves several invasive steps. The<br />

treatment of a primary carious lesion by means of ozone does not require any invasive treatment,<br />

simply the iso<strong>la</strong>tion of the tooth and the application of the ozone via the novel ozone delivery<br />

system1.<br />

Objectives: This study aimed to assess the differences in time expenditure in providing<br />

treatment with ozone compared with traditional ‘drill and fill’ methods by measuring the actual<br />

time taken to deliver both treatment modalities.<br />

Method: 40 adult patients judged to have an early primary fissure carious lesion were randomly<br />

divided into two equal groups. The first group had traditional ‘drill and fill’ treatment; the second<br />

group was treated by the application of ozone. Both groups were treated by the same dentist and<br />

dental nurse. Each patient’s treatment was timed, in minutes, from the patient sitting in the<br />

dental chair until the completion of the procedure.<br />

Results: The conventionally treated (i.e. ‘drill and fill’) patients averaged 35 minutes <strong>per</strong> patient<br />

with a SD of 10 minutes whilst the group treated by therapeutic ozone averaged 8 minutes with a<br />

SD of 2 (P

2408 12-month Assessment of Ozone on Root Caries<br />

A. BAYSAN, Birmingham University, Dental School, United Kingdom, and E. LYNCH,<br />

Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Objectives: The objective was to assess the safety and efficacy of a novel ozone delivery<br />

system1 with or without a root sea<strong>la</strong>nt2 for the management of root caries.<br />

Methods: A total of 79 patients with 220 PRCLs were recruited. Group 1 had only ozone<br />

treatment, Group 2 had neither ozone nor root sea<strong>la</strong>nt, whilst Group 3 had both ozone and<br />

sea<strong>la</strong>nt and Group 4 had only sea<strong>la</strong>nt. At baseline, and 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, the Electrical<br />

Caries Monitor3(ECM)and DIAGNOdent4 were employed. Lesions were clinically assessed. Modified<br />

USPHS criteria were also <strong>per</strong>formed.<br />

Results: After 12 months, 74 patients completed. There were no observed adverse events. At 12<br />

months, 47% of PRCLs reversed from severity index 1 to 0 (i.e., hard) in the ozone only group,<br />

whilst none of the lesions became hard in the control group (p < 0.001) and 52% of lesions<br />

reversed from severity index 2 to 1 in the ozone group compared to only 11.6% in the control<br />

group (p < 0.001). Modified USPHS criteria revealed that there were 61% of intact sea<strong>la</strong>nts in the<br />

ozone and sea<strong>la</strong>nt group and 26.1% of intact sea<strong>la</strong>nts in the sea<strong>la</strong>nt only group (p < 0.05). After<br />

1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, the ECM and DIAGNOdent readings showed improvements in the ozone<br />

only group when compared to the control group (p < 0.001). The ozone and sea<strong>la</strong>nt group also<br />

had greater improvements in the ECM and DIAGNOdent values when compared to the sea<strong>la</strong>nt only<br />

group (p < 0.05).<br />

Conclusions: Leathery root caries can be treated non-o<strong>per</strong>atively with ozone. This novel<br />

treatment regime using ozone is an effective alternative to conventional "drilling and filling". The<br />

sea<strong>la</strong>nt was retained better on ozone treated lesions. 1HealOzone unit, CurOzone USA,2Seal and<br />

Protect, Dentsply, Germany,3LODE Diagnostics, Nether<strong>la</strong>nds, 4Kavo,Germany<br />

Seq #247 - Oral Function, Caries and Health Education (Morita Junior Investigator Award)<br />

9:00 AM-11:00 AM, Saturday, 28 June 2003 Svenska Massan F5<br />

Back to the Geriatric Oral Research Program Back to the 81st General Session of the International<br />

Association for Dental Research (June 25-28, 2003)<br />

2008 Effect of Ozone on Surface Hardness of Restorative Materials<br />


1 Royal Group of Hospitals, Belfast, United Kingdom, 2 Queen's University, Belfast, UK<br />

Objective: There has been much recent interest in the use of ozone as an interceptive treatment<br />

in dentistry. The residual effect of such treatment on the surface hardness of restorative materials<br />

has not been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of ozone treatment on<br />

the surface hardness of a range of commonly used restorative materials.<br />

Method: Six prefabricated hardness testing disks containing 3 wells were each filled with<br />

commonly used restorative materials: hybrid composite (Spectrum), g<strong>la</strong>ss ionomer (Chemflex),<br />

compomer (Dyract AP), amalgam (Dis<strong>per</strong>alloy), flowable composite (Revolution) and resin<br />

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modified g<strong>la</strong>ss ionomer (Fuji II LC). The materials were packed against a g<strong>la</strong>ss s<strong>la</strong>b to produce a<br />

f<strong>la</strong>t surface. 24 hours <strong>la</strong>ter the specimens (18 of each) were subjected to Micro Vickers Hardness<br />

Testing (Mitutoyo) using a load of 1Kg for 10 seconds. Ozone was then applied for 10 seconds<br />

(Healozone, Curozone, USA and Kavo, Germany) and the surface hardness test was repeated.<br />

Results: The Vickers numbers obtained for the samples was as follows:<br />

Material Mean surface hardness ± s.d. Mean surface hardness after<br />

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Ozone treatment ± s.d.<br />

Composito ibrido 46.82± 2.82 46.33 ± 3.07<br />

Vetro-ionomerico 38.40 ± 10.85 37.02 ± 4.75<br />

Compomero 27.32 ± 2.77 27.64 ± 2.93<br />

Amalgama 127.13 ± 15.65 124.30 ± 14.02<br />

Composito fluido 14.59 ± 2.11 12.61 ± 1.41<br />

Resina modificata<br />

G.I.<br />

32.74 ± 3.18 30.06 ± 2.14<br />


Statistical analysis using a 2-way ANOVA did not reveal any difference in surface hardness<br />

following the treatment with Ozone (p >0.15)<br />

Conclusion: It is concluded that the application of Ozone for 10 seconds has no detrimental effect<br />

on the surface hardness of the materials tested and should therefore not affect the clinical<br />

<strong>per</strong>formance of such materials in-vivo.<br />

Seq #209 - Polymer Materials: Pro<strong>per</strong>ties, Clinical Variables<br />

3:45 PM-5:00 PM, Friday, 27 June 2003 Svenska Massan Exhibition Hall B<br />

2034 Treating Caries in Anxious Children with Ozone: Parents' Attitudes after the First<br />

Session<br />



University of Bern, Switzer<strong>la</strong>nd Treating anxious children remains a challenge in pediatric<br />

dentistry. Many times the only options are the treatment with sedatives or in general anesthesia<br />

which includes high cost,<br />

certain risks and a child that will stay anxious.<br />

Objective: The goal was to evaluate parents’ attitudes towards the treatment of caries with<br />

ozone (Heal Ozone Unit, CurOzone, U.S.A.) in anxious children.<br />

Methods: After the first treatment of 20 children from age 2-10 years (which included brushing<br />

the teeth, hand excavation (Neos Vanadium Excavator No. 591/3, Hawe Neos Dental,<br />

Switzer<strong>la</strong>nd), DIAGNOdent measurement (KaVo, Germany) and ozone application), the father<br />

and/or mother was questioned about their attitudes toward the ozone treatment.<br />

Results: All parents answered the questionnaire but most children were accompanied by their<br />

mothers only (90%). Seventy-five <strong>per</strong> cent of the children were afraid of going to the dentist<br />

according to their parents prior to the ozone treatment but this group lost some of their fear and<br />

all children were happy to come back to the next appointment. Forty <strong>per</strong> cent of the parents were<br />

afraid that the ozone treatment could be hazardous for their child but all of them were happy that<br />

they started the ozone treatment. After the first session 75% of the parents would recommend<br />

the ozone treatment to family or friends and would agree to have an ozone treatment again.<br />

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Eighty <strong>per</strong> cent of the parents were willing to pay more for the ozone treatment than for<br />

conventional „drilling and filling“.<br />

Conclusions: After the first session, the treatment with ozone seems to be well accepted by<br />

children and by parents and decreases anxiety in children.<br />

Seq #211 - Fear, Anxiety, and Behavior<br />

3:45 PM-5:00 PM, Friday, 27 June 2003 Svenska Massan Exhibition Hall B<br />

Back to the Behavioral Sciences/Health Services Research Program<br />

Back to the 81st General Session of the International Association for Dental Research<br />

(June 25-28, 2003)<br />

0989 Ozone Efficacy in Treatment of Occlusal Caries in Primary Teeth<br />


Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Ozone is now being investigated as a pharmaceutical treatment for occlusal caries in <strong>per</strong>manent<br />

and primary teeth.<br />

Aims : To assess and monitor the progression, stabilization or reversal of occlusal carious lesions<br />

using DIAGNOdent, Electrical Caries Monitor (ECM) standard scale readings, clinical c<strong>la</strong>ssification<br />

(Ekstrand, 1998), Stained enamel (mm), Colour index, Texture index, Frosted enamel and<br />

<strong>per</strong>ceived treatment need index after Ozone treatment in primary teeth.<br />

Methods : In vivo study where 16 patients with 42 non-cavitated occlusal carious lesions were<br />

reviewed at the 6- month stage. At baseline, three months and six months All teeth were cleaned<br />

by an air-abrasive system called Prophyflex 2® (KaVo, Germany). Then, DIAGNOdent ® (D)<br />

(KaVo, Germany), ECM (LODE BV, Nether<strong>la</strong>nds) standard scale readings and clinical c<strong>la</strong>ssification<br />

(Ekstrand, 1998) were taken. Half of the lesions were treated with Ozone at each of these three<br />

visits, using a silicone-sealed cup via a hand piece (HealOzone unit, CurOzone USA and KaVo,<br />

Germany) for 10 seconds, whereas, the other half of the lesions was reserved as a control group.<br />

Results : At six months ECM readings were improved significantly (p

1671 Antimicrobial Efficacy of Ozone on Enterococcus faecalis<br />

H.H. CHANG, C. FULTON, and E. LYNCH,<br />

Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Aim: To investigate the bactericidal efficacy of Ozone on different concentrations of Enteroccocus<br />

faecalis<br />

Methods: Enterococcus faecalis was cultured overnight on blood agar p<strong>la</strong>tes. A suspension of the<br />

micro-organisms was made up to an approximate concentration 108 using McFar<strong>la</strong>nd Standards in<br />

phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Serial dilutions to 107, 106, 105 were made. From these 50 µl of<br />

each concentrate was pipetted into each well of a microtitre p<strong>la</strong>te. Each well of concentrate was<br />

treated in turn with Ozone (HealOzone Unit, CurOzone, USA and KAVO, Germany) at different<br />

exposure times of 10s, 20s, 30s and 60s. Samples were taken from the wells, spiral p<strong>la</strong>ted,<br />

incubated and enumeration of the colony forming units(cfu) <strong>per</strong>formed.<br />

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Results:<br />

Exp Time ? 60s 30s 20s 10s Trattamento<br />

Concentrazione?<br />

10 8 cfu 2 x 103cfu 4.0 x<br />

105cfu<br />

2.0 x<br />

107cfu<br />

10 7 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 3.4 x<br />

105cfu<br />

5.5 x<br />

107cfu<br />

4.4 x<br />

105cfu<br />

in no-PBS<br />

6.0 x 108cfu<br />

5.6 x 107cfu<br />

10 6 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 6.5 x 106cfu<br />

10 5 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 0 cfu 5.2 x 105cfu<br />

Exp Time=time exposed to Ozone PBS = phosphate buffered saline<br />

Conc.= approximate concentration of the bacterial suspension<br />

Conclusions: Ozone kills all Enterococcous faecalis when its concentration in suspension is 106<br />

and lower, even at exposure times of only 10 seconds.<br />

Seq #174 - Oral Microbiology & Immunology I<br />

11:00 AM-12:15 PM, Friday, 27 June 2003 Svenska Massan Exhibition Hall B<br />

Back to the Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control Program<br />

Back to the 81st General Session of the International Association for Dental Research<br />

(June 25-28, 2003)<br />

2753 Efficacy of Ozone to Reverse Occlusal Caries<br />

R. MORRISON, Harbour Dental Practice, Donaghadee, United Kingdom, and E. LYNCH, Queen's<br />

University Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Ozone has been shown to clinically reverse primary root carious lesions and early occlusal pit and<br />

fissure caries.<br />

Objectives: This study assessed the effect of a novel ozone delivery system1 on primary pit and<br />

fissure carious lesions over a 13-week <strong>per</strong>iod in a general dental practice.<br />

Methods : subjects were randomly allocated to one of 2 groups. 145 patients were entered with<br />

240 test carious lesions whilst another 60 subjects were entered with 60 control lesions, which did<br />

not receive any treatment. Each carious lesion had been deemed to require conventional drilling<br />

and filling. Ozone was applied to each test lesion for 40 seconds. After 13 weeks, patients were<br />

recalled and the lesions were clinically re-assessed for severity.<br />

Results: 89 test subjects wit h 141 test lesions have to date attended the recall visit. There were<br />

no observed adverse events. 123 of the ozone treated primary pit and fissure carious lesions had<br />

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clinically reversed based on the clinical measurement of lesion severity whilst the other 18 lesions<br />

remained stable and none became worse (P

(June 25-28, 2003)<br />

2069 Patients' Attitudes toward and Satisfaction with Managing Caries with Ozone as a<br />

Routine Treatment in Dental Private Practice<br />

G.D. MEGIGHIAN, and M.V. DAL VERA, Private Practice, Verona, Italy<br />

Ozone with the HealOzone (KaVo, Germany) is currently being used as an alternative treatment of<br />

dental decay to local anaesthesia, drilling and filling.<br />

Objectives: To assess the patients' attitudes to the treatment with ozone in a private practice<br />

environment.<br />

Methods : Patients (n=250) who had a carious lesion treated with conventional minimally<br />

invasive drilling and/or air abrasion and filling within the previous 6 months with a simi<strong>la</strong>r lesion<br />

requiring treatment by the same dentist took part in the study. Attitudes, dental anxiety and<br />

satisfaction, one month after treatment, were assessed on a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire.<br />

100% of patients participated and 94% completed the questionnaire within three months after<br />

treatment. A simi<strong>la</strong>r questionnaire was administered to patients (n=45) who had undergone<br />

conventional minimally invasive treatment within the <strong>la</strong>st 6 months but who did not require ozone<br />

treatment.<br />

Results: All patients were happy or satisfied with the Ozone treatment they received and were<br />

happy or satisfied with the amount of time the Ozone treatment required. 85% considered the<br />

check up appointments to monitor the progression of clinical reversal of lesions a minor draw<br />

back. 55% were satisfied to choose this treatment even if the Ozone treatment costs more than<br />

regu<strong>la</strong>r treatment, 100% would recommend this treatment to a friend or close re<strong>la</strong>tive and 100%<br />

would like to receive this treatment again. 80% of patients reported a reduction in anxiety (p<br />

2754 Effective Treatment of Occlusal Fissure Caries Using Ozone<br />


1 Private practice, Wales, United Kingdom, 2 Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Ozone has been shown to clinically reverse primary root carious lesions and early occlusal fissure<br />

caries.<br />

Objectives: This study assessed the effect of a novel ozone delivery system (HealOzone unit,<br />

CurOzone USA) on primary occlusal fissure carious lesions over a 1- month <strong>per</strong>iod.<br />

Methods: 105 patients attending a general dental practice were entered with 300 primary<br />

occlusal fissure carious lesions. Each carious lesion had been deemed to require drilling and filling<br />

and had a DIAGNOdent (KaVo, Germany) reading between 20 and 60 at baseline. After<br />

randomisation, lesions were assigned to either receiving no treatment or ozone treatment with<br />

each subject having at least one control lesion. Ozone was applied to each test lesion for 20<br />

seconds. After 1 month, patients were recalled and clinically re-assessed for lesion severity. The<br />

DIAGNOdent was again employed to objectively quantify the primary occlusal fissure carious<br />

lesions.<br />

Results: After 1 month, patients were recalled for revaluation. There were no observed adverse<br />

events. Based on the clinical measurement of lesion severity, the ozone treated lesions showed<br />

significant signs of reversal (P

airbrasion delivered at 80 psi using 27-micron aluminium oxide as the cutting agent (Abradent<br />

DV1). Once access to the caries was established, ozone was applied for 40 seconds using a<br />

HealOzone unit (CurOzone USA and KaVo Germany). In the treatment of interproximal caries,<br />

techniques have been explored to ensure an effective seal. G<strong>la</strong>ss ionomer restorative (Fuji 9 (GC)<br />

or Diamond Carve (Kemdent)) restored the cavities.<br />

Results: All lesions were successfully exposed and a seal established for the delivery of ozone.<br />

Clinically acceptable seals have been achieved around all restorations. The airabrasion and Ozone<br />

technique was significantly faster than conventional drilling and filling (P

Conclusion: The results demonstrate the effectiveness of Ozone to reduce the QLF readings at<br />

two months after application in more than 90% of the lesions. Control showed increased QLF<br />

readings . Any effect will be monitored over time.<br />

Seq #277 - Miscel<strong>la</strong>neous Caries Clinical Studies<br />

11:00 AM-12:15 PM, Saturday, 28 June 2003 Svenska Massan Exhibition Hall B<br />

Back to the Cariology Research Program<br />

Back to the 81st General Session of the International Association for Dental Research<br />

(June 25-28, 2003)<br />

0983 6-month Clinical Indices Changes after Ozone Treatment of Pit and Fissure Caries<br />

(PFC)<br />


Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom<br />

Ozone treatment of PFC is investigated in a controlled clinical trial.<br />

Objectives: to quantify changes in clinical indices after Ozone treatment.<br />

Methods: 34 non-cavitated PFC lesions (8 patients) were enrolled. After cleaning (Prophyflex 2®;<br />

KaVo, Germany), the following were recorded: clinical c<strong>la</strong>ssification (Ekstrand, 1998), the<br />

DIAGNOdent® (D) (KaVo, Germany) readings, Hardness index (hard, leathery, soft), Colour index<br />

(normal, yellow, light brown, grey, dark brown, b<strong>la</strong>ck), Frosted enamel (mm), Stained enamel<br />

(mm), Perceived treatment need index (requiring no intervention, requiring a pharmaceutical<br />

approach but not drilling and filling (D&F) and not preventive resin restoration (PRR), possibly<br />

requiring D&F or PRR, and definitely requiring D&F), visual index (Sound, arrested, active). 17<br />

lesions were treated with Ozone (HealOzone unit; CurOzone & KaVo, USA & Germany) for 40<br />

seconds and the other 17 were reserved as controls. After 1, 3 & 6- months (m), the procedure<br />

was repeated. The change in the clinical indices values was tested from baseline by t-test, and<br />

between groups by univariate analysis of the mean change over the 6m.<br />

Results: The lesions in the treatment group showed a significant reduction in hardness, frosted<br />

enamel and <strong>per</strong>ceived treatment need indices at 1,3 and 6m and visual index at 6m (p0.05). No significant<br />

changes were recorded for the control group for the hardness index at any recall visit.<br />

Conclusion: Treating PFC lesions with Ozone significantly produced clinical changes that can be<br />

detected in a regu<strong>la</strong>r dental setting and consistent at recall visits.<br />

Seq #109 - Clinical and Restorative Studies<br />

3:45 PM-5:00 PM, Thursday, 26 June 2003 Svenska Massan Exhibition Hall B<br />

Back to the Cariology Research Program<br />

Back to the 81st General Session of the International Association for Dental Research<br />

(June 25-28, 2003)<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


2750 Treatment of Primary Occlusal Pit and Fissure Caries with Ozone: Six-month<br />

Results<br />

M.A. CRONSHAW, Private Practice, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom<br />

Ozone has been shown to be effective in the arrest and reversal of primary pit and fissure as well<br />

as root carious lesions.<br />

Objectives: This study aimed at assessment of the effect of an ozone application on the clinical<br />

status as well as the DIAGNOdent readings of occlusal pit and fissure caries over a six- month<br />

<strong>per</strong>iod.<br />

Methods : 18 subjects with 49 carious lesions deemed to require drilling and filling were entered.<br />

31 teeth were treated with 30 seconds Ozone (HealOzone, CurOzone and KaVo, USA and<br />

Germany) <strong>per</strong> test lesion. Each of the subjects had one control lesion which received no<br />

treatment. All lesions were reassessed after a six- month <strong>per</strong>iod. Determination of the severity of<br />

the lesions was made by measurement with an index of clinical severity and calibrated<br />

DIAGNOdent (KaVo, Germany) readings.<br />

Results : Of the 31 teeth treated, 25 showed improvements in DIAGNOdent measurements whilst<br />

6 remained the same (P

lesions remained stable or progressed (P

Bibliografia<br />

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Need for early detection of caries lesions: A United States Perspective Necessità<br />

dell’identificazione precoce di lesioni di carie: una prospettiva degli Stati Uniti Proceedings of the<br />

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Anti-microbial effects of a novel ozone generating device on micro-organisms associated with<br />

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generazione di Ozono su microrganismi associati a lesioni primarie di carie del<strong>la</strong> radice in vitro.<br />

Caries Res 2000; 34: 498-501.<br />

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Reversal of primary root caries using dentifrices containing 5,000 and 1,100 ppm fluoride.<br />

Riduzione di carie del<strong>la</strong> radice primarie utilizzando dentifricio che contiene 5,000 e 1,100 ppm<br />

fluoruro. Caries Res 2001a; 35: 41-46.<br />

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Quintessence Book 2001b, Chapter 3, p. 49-67.<br />

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A microbiological study of primary root caries lesions with different treatment needs. (Uno studio<br />

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Dent Res 1993; 73: 623-629.<br />

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Dental materials for the restoration of root surface caries. (Materiali dentistici <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> conservativa<br />

di carie del<strong>la</strong> radice su<strong>per</strong>ficiali.) Amer J Dent 1995; 8: 342-351.<br />

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Effects of chlorhexidine gel treatment on Streptococcus mutans popu<strong>la</strong>tion in human saliva and<br />

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nel<strong>la</strong> saliva umana e nel<strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>cca dentale. Scand J Dent Res 1981; 89: 239-246.<br />

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Caries Res 1996; 30: 214-218.<br />

Lynch E, Baysan A, Ellwood R, Davies R, Petersson L, Borsboom P.<br />

A comparison of the ability of two dentifrices, one containing 5,000 and the other 1,100 ppm F, to<br />

arrest primary root carious lesions. Un confronto del<strong>la</strong> capacità di due dentifrici, uno contenente<br />

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Reversal of primary root caries using a dentifrice with a high fluoride content. (Riduzione di carie<br />

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trattamento.) Amer J Dent 1991; 4: 61-68.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


L.A.S.E.R.<br />

LASER è l'acronimo inglese di Light Amplification by the Stimu<strong>la</strong>ted Emission of Radiation, ovvero<br />

Amplificazione di Luce tramite Emissione Stimo<strong>la</strong>ta di Radiazioni.<br />

La radiazione <strong>la</strong>ser proviene dunque interamente dal processo di emissione stimo<strong>la</strong>ta:<br />

M * + hν → M + 2hν<br />

In condizioni di equilibrio del sistema questo è un processo sfavorito rispetto all'assorbimento.<br />

Infatti se ci rifacciamo all'analisi di Einstein, le probabilità che avvengano l'emissione stimo<strong>la</strong>ta e<br />

l'assorbimento sono date da:<br />

Pes = BN2ρ(ν12)<br />

Pass = BN1ρ(ν12)<br />

dove B è il coefficiente di Einstein;<br />

N1 è <strong>la</strong> popo<strong>la</strong>zione dello stato a energia E1;<br />

N2 è <strong>la</strong> popo<strong>la</strong>zione dello stato a energia E2; (E2 > E1);<br />

ρ(ν12) è <strong>la</strong> densità del campo di radiazione al<strong>la</strong> frequenza ν12 = (E2 - E1)/h;<br />

Dal confronto tra Pes e Pass risulta evidente che è <strong>la</strong> popo<strong>la</strong>zione dei livelli a determinare il processo<br />

dominante. In condizioni di equilibrio N1 è sempre maggiore di N2 (<strong>per</strong>ché le popo<strong>la</strong>zioni dei due<br />

livelli sono descritte dal<strong>la</strong> distribuzione di Boltzmann:<br />

N2 =N1e -(E2-E1)/KT<br />

da notare l'esponente negativo) e quindi <strong>per</strong> ottenere prevalenza dell'emissione stimo<strong>la</strong>ta è<br />

necessario mantenere il sistema lontano dall'equilibrio, attuando l'inversione di popo<strong>la</strong>zione.<br />

Caratteristiche del<strong>la</strong> radiazione <strong>la</strong>ser<br />

Direzionalità<br />

Al contrario delle sorgenti tradizionali il <strong>la</strong>ser <strong>per</strong>mette di emettere <strong>la</strong> radiazione in un'unica<br />

direzione. Più precisamente l'angolo solido sotteso da un fascio <strong>la</strong>ser è estremamente piccolo.<br />

Questa caratteristica viene sfruttata in diversi ambiti, <strong>per</strong> esempio <strong>per</strong>mette di trattare le su<strong>per</strong>fici<br />

in maniera estremamente accurata (litografia, CD, etc.). In spettroscopia si ha <strong>la</strong> possibilità di<br />

aumentare notevolemente il cammino ottico e quindi <strong>la</strong> sensibilità usando una sorgente <strong>la</strong>ser che<br />

attraversa il campione con una traiettoria a zig-zag grazie a un sistema di specchi.<br />

Monocromaticità<br />

L'al<strong>la</strong>rgamento del<strong>la</strong> banda di emissione è dato dal<strong>la</strong> <strong>la</strong>rghezza naturale e dall'effetto Doppler (che<br />

può essere eliminato o comunque contenuto parecchio). In spettroscopia si sfrutta questa<br />

caratteristica <strong>per</strong> ottenere spettri ad alta risoluzione. Gli spettri Raman non potrebbero essere<br />

ottenuti senza questa caratteristica dei <strong>la</strong>ser.<br />

Bril<strong>la</strong>nza<br />

Nei <strong>la</strong>ser <strong>la</strong> quantità di energia emessa <strong>per</strong> unità di angolo solido è incomparabilmente più elevata<br />

rispetto alle sorgenti tradizionali. In partico<strong>la</strong>re è elevato il numero di fotoni <strong>per</strong> unità di<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


frequenza. Questa caratteristica è diretta conseguenza delle due precedentemente citate. Grazie a<br />

questa caratteristica si ha <strong>la</strong> possibilità di osservare fenomeni partico<strong>la</strong>ri, come <strong>per</strong> esempio<br />

l'assorbimento a molti fotoni. L'elevata intensità ha trovato anche diverse applicazioni<br />

tecnologiche, <strong>per</strong> esempio nel taglio dei metalli.<br />

Coerenza<br />

Mentre nell'emissione spontanea ogni fotone viene emesso in maniera casuale rispetto agli altri,<br />

nell'emissione stimo<strong>la</strong>ta ogni fotone ha <strong>la</strong> stessa fase del fotone che ha indotto l'emissione. La<br />

fase viene mantenuta nel tempo e nello spazio. Questa caratteristica ha <strong>per</strong>messo lo sviluppo<br />

del<strong>la</strong> tecnica CARS.<br />

Impulsi ultra-brevi<br />

Con diverse tecniche è possibile costruire <strong>la</strong>ser che emettano pacchetti d'onde estremamente<br />

stretti nel dominio del tempo, attualmente si è giunti allo sviluppo di impulsi dell'ordine del<br />

femtosecondo. Questi <strong>la</strong>ser hanno trovato impieghi in diversi ambiti di ricerca, hanno <strong>per</strong> esempio<br />

<strong>per</strong>messo <strong>la</strong> nascita di una nuova disciplina, che è stata chiamata femtochimica.<br />

Il <strong>la</strong>ser in medicina<br />

Successivamente al<strong>la</strong> sua invenzione nel 1960, il <strong>la</strong>ser è stato usato diffusamente <strong>per</strong> scopi<br />

medici. La risposta terapeutica dipende in maniera complessa dal<strong>la</strong> scelta del<strong>la</strong> lunghezza d'onda,<br />

del<strong>la</strong> durata di irradiazione e del<strong>la</strong> potenza del <strong>la</strong>ser. Combinazioni diverse di questi parametri<br />

sono impiegate <strong>per</strong> trasformare l'energia luminosa in energia meccanica, termica o chimica.<br />

Generalmente, gli effetti meccanici sono prodotti dall'applicazione di brevi impulsi (dell'ordine dei<br />

nanosecondi) e alte energie.<br />

In questo modo onde di stress meccanico possono essere prodotte con sufficiente forza <strong>per</strong><br />

disintegrare calcoli urinari. Gli effetti termici si ottengono abbassando <strong>la</strong> potenza del <strong>la</strong>ser. Brevi<br />

impulsi <strong>la</strong>ser vengono usati <strong>per</strong> ab<strong>la</strong>re sottili strati di tessuto in chirurgia rifrattiva, utilizzando luce<br />

<strong>la</strong>ser che penetra solo alcuni micrometri nel tessuto. La lunghezza d'onda del<strong>la</strong> luce <strong>la</strong>ser può<br />

essere scelta in modo tale che <strong>la</strong> luce sia assorbita selettivamente dal bersaglio. La coagu<strong>la</strong>zione<br />

selettiva delle vene varicose in chirurgia estetica può essere compiuta usando luce <strong>la</strong>ser assorbita<br />

selettivamente dall'emoglobina. L'impulso è scelto allora sufficientemente breve così da non<br />

arrecare danno al tessuto normale circostante, ma anche lungo a sufficienza da <strong>per</strong>mettere <strong>la</strong><br />

coagu<strong>la</strong>zione sull'intero diametro del vaso.<br />

Oftalmologia<br />

Un altro importante uso medico del <strong>la</strong>ser è <strong>la</strong> cura di difetti al<strong>la</strong> visione, in partico<strong>la</strong>re <strong>la</strong> correzione<br />

del<strong>la</strong> miopia, ottenuta modificando con varie tecniche (PRK, LASIK) il profilo del<strong>la</strong> cornea.<br />

L'asportazione di un nanometro di su<strong>per</strong>ficie cornea corregge un difetto di movimento del muscolo<br />

ocu<strong>la</strong>re con l'introduzione di un difetto organico nell'occhio.<br />

Dal 2005 è utilizzato anche <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> correzione di un difetto visivo più raro, l'astigmatismo.<br />

Sostanzialmente, l'errore non è nell'occhio, ma nel modo in cui viene mosso. Poiché è difficile<br />

correggere il movimento e rieducare <strong>la</strong> musco<strong>la</strong>tura, si deforma lievemente (ma in modo<br />

<strong>per</strong>manente) <strong>la</strong> cornea <strong>per</strong> riequilibrare il difetto e acquisire una visione <strong>per</strong>fetta (10/10). Il<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


macchinario è derivato da quelli utilizzati nell'industria <strong>per</strong> l'asportazione di truciolo (invece del<br />

truciolo si asporta una parte di cornea), con <strong>la</strong> precisione che caratterizza una macchina a<br />

controllo numerico.<br />

L'intervento non è così banale, poiché il macchinario non o<strong>per</strong>a sul<strong>la</strong> su<strong>per</strong>ficie corneale dell'occhio<br />

che è necessario sollevare e richiudere dopo avere o<strong>per</strong>ato su uno strato di cornea sottostante.<br />

Tali macchine e<strong>la</strong>borano delle curve statistiche <strong>per</strong> sezionare correttamente una su<strong>per</strong>ficie sottile.<br />

L'interpo<strong>la</strong>zione è buona di solito ed ha successo (un buon taglio) anche nel singolo caso.<br />

Le statistiche <strong>per</strong>ò non dicono nul<strong>la</strong> sul singolo caso, e non si può assicurare un 100% dei<br />

successi. L'insuccesso in genere non dipende da un'imprecisione del macchinario, quanto dal fatto<br />

che <strong>la</strong> cornea del paziente ha una forma partico<strong>la</strong>re (un difetto organico) sul<strong>la</strong> quale macchinari di<br />

quel produttore o concorrenti hanno o<strong>per</strong>ato in pochi casi e il macchinario non è in grado di<br />

correggere. L'es<strong>per</strong>ienza accumu<strong>la</strong>ta e le curve interpo<strong>la</strong>te sono inserite di serie su tutti i<br />

macchinari anche nuovi. Non sempre i produttori condividono l'apprendimento delle macchine di<br />

produzione. Ciò rallenta l'estendibilità del <strong>la</strong>ser a tutti i tipi di cornee. L'intelligenza del<br />

macchinario dipende totalmente dall'es<strong>per</strong>ienza acquisita in interventi precedenti; <strong>la</strong> sua<br />

precisione è nell'applicare nel<strong>la</strong> cornea esattamente le misure di taglio calco<strong>la</strong>te, che <strong>per</strong>ò non<br />

sempre sono adatte con precisione al<strong>la</strong> cornea o<strong>per</strong>ata. Tuttavia, prima dell'intervento si può<br />

capire se <strong>la</strong> cornea è o<strong>per</strong>abile col macchinario in dotazione. Accade che <strong>la</strong> macchina è tarata <strong>per</strong><br />

ampiezze del<strong>la</strong> pupil<strong>la</strong> (che sono dell'ordine del micron) leggermente inferiori al<strong>la</strong> massima<br />

estensione da misurare che è quel<strong>la</strong> raggiunta dal<strong>la</strong> pupil<strong>la</strong> di notte.<br />

Al<strong>la</strong> "pupil<strong>la</strong> grossa" è attribuito talvolta un errore di decentramento del<strong>la</strong> macchina durante<br />

l'o<strong>per</strong>azione.<br />

Non è idonea <strong>per</strong> un intervento del genere una cornea "pulsante", in altre parole predisposta di<br />

suo a degli "spostamenti" che si sarebbero tradotti in continue fluttuazioni e cambiamenti di<br />

gradazione.<br />

L'intervento ha successo in un buon 90% dei casi; rarissimi i casi di cecità; diversamente, si<br />

mantiene un livello di vista simile a quello precedente l'intervento con l'onere di portare tutta <strong>la</strong><br />

vita occhiali o lenti a contatto.<br />

Il macchinario consente il day-hospital e richiede (<strong>per</strong> l'elevato costo da ammortizzare) interventi<br />

con una certa frequenza (da tre a trenta minuti <strong>per</strong> intervento). Non c'è un macchinario così<br />

flessibile da poter o<strong>per</strong>are tutti i tipi di cornee, ma una varietà di macchinari in commercio <strong>per</strong><br />

ogni tipo di cornea. Spesso <strong>per</strong>ò il macchinario ultramoderno in dotazione è uno solo.<br />

Arrivati al<strong>la</strong> quarta generazione di macchinari attuale, gli "effetti col<strong>la</strong>terali", assenti o non troppo<br />

evidenziati nel "consenso informato", che <strong>la</strong>menta un non trascurabile 7% degli o<strong>per</strong>ati, sono:<br />

secchezza degli occhi (assenza di <strong>la</strong>crime), abbassamento del<strong>la</strong> visione notturna, fotofobia,<br />

astigmatismo irrego<strong>la</strong>re che fa esplodere le luci in tante macchie indefinite, sdoppiamento delle<br />

immagini, aloni, forte bruciore nei locali chiusi, gli occhi <strong>per</strong>ennemente arrossati. Le complicanze<br />

possono essere gravi, impedire <strong>la</strong> guida notturna (insufficienza e fastidio dell'illuminazione<br />

stradale), il <strong>la</strong>voro in ambienti a forte luminosità (ogni luce diviene un'esplosione di luci). Le<br />

complicazioni tendono a manifestarsi fin dai primi giorni dopo l'intervento e ad aggravarsi con gli<br />

anni.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Se l'occhio è molto scavato e il lembo da rimuovere <strong>per</strong> l'incisione <strong>la</strong>ser è cicatrizzato<br />

definitivamente, oppure se il <strong>la</strong>ser ha commesso errori nel sollevare e riporre <strong>la</strong> su<strong>per</strong>ficie<br />

corneale <strong>per</strong> asportare microon dello strato sottostante, l'occhio non è rio<strong>per</strong>abile e il danno è<br />

<strong>per</strong>manente.<br />

Talora si ricorre al trapianto di cornea, dall'esito incerto e meno promettente rispetto alle attese<br />

<strong>per</strong> un intervento al <strong>la</strong>ser. Nel caso poi di errori del <strong>la</strong>ser restano pieghe sul<strong>la</strong> cornea che diviene<br />

di forma irrego<strong>la</strong>re <strong>per</strong> cui non esistono occhiali e lenti a contatto in commercio in grado di<br />

correggerlo.<br />

Forti dolori post-o<strong>per</strong>atori sono dovuti talvolta ad allergia al cortisone contenuto nei colliri.<br />

Nel caso in cui venga firmata una liberatoria prima dell'intervento, non vi sono responsabilità né<br />

estremi di reato. Il "consenso informato" in vari casi viene firmato pochi minuti prima<br />

dell'intervento, sotto anestesia locale degli occhi. Non è viceversa semplice trovare uno specialista<br />

che certifichi con <strong>la</strong> firma su una cartel<strong>la</strong> clinica il danno eventualmente subito da un collega, che<br />

sarebbe equivalente ad una denuncia penale. Per ottenere un ricarcimento in tribunale e una<br />

radiazione dall'albo è appunto necessaria una <strong>per</strong>izia tecnica.<br />

Terapia fotodinamica contro alcuni tumori<br />

Il <strong>la</strong>ser viene utilizzato come tecnica non invasiva <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> completa rimozione di tumori allo stadio<br />

iniziale.<br />

Nelle cellule viene iniettato un farmaco innocuo che riconosce e si "incol<strong>la</strong>" alle sole cellule ma<strong>la</strong>te,<br />

sensibile al<strong>la</strong> luce. Al passaggio del <strong>la</strong>ser, il farmaco attiva una reazione che ha <strong>per</strong> protagonista<br />

l'ossigeno, ossida e distrugge le sole cellule ma<strong>la</strong>te. Il fatto eccezionale è che il farmaco agisce<br />

selettivamente e le cellule sane non vengono minimamente intaccate, come purtroppo avviene<br />

durante un asportazione chirurgica.<br />

Per tumori più estesi, serve a circoscrivere <strong>la</strong> metastasi, ma non guarisce <strong>la</strong> ma<strong>la</strong>ttia.<br />

Altri utilizzi<br />

Dei <strong>la</strong>ser vengono utilizzati <strong>per</strong> realizzare effetti speciali<br />

durante uno spettacolo<br />

Il <strong>la</strong>ser viene utilizzato nel<strong>la</strong> tecnica in una gran varietà di<br />

apparecchiature:<br />

Nelle telecomunicazioni e nelle reti di computer viene<br />

utilizzato <strong>per</strong> trasferire enormi quantità di dati attraverso le<br />

fibre ottiche. Viene utilizzato come elemento di lettura nei<br />

p<strong>la</strong>yer di CD e DVD e <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> scrittura nei masterizzatori. In ambito industriale il <strong>la</strong>ser viene<br />

utilizzato <strong>per</strong> tagliare o saldare <strong>la</strong>miere in metallo anche di elevati spessori. In metrologia grazie ai<br />

<strong>la</strong>ser si possono effettuare delle misure di estrema precisione nel campo che va dai micron alle<br />

decine di metri. In campo edile vengono utilizzate sempre più spesso livelle <strong>la</strong>ser. Si realizzano<br />

puntatori <strong>per</strong> armi, o più pacificamente, <strong>per</strong> conferenze. Enormi <strong>la</strong>ser <strong>per</strong>metteranno forse in un<br />

prossimo futuro di ottenere reattori nucleari a fusione efficienti.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


Nel settore militare i <strong>la</strong>ser vengono utilizzati come componente dei sistemi di puntamento ma il<br />

loro uso come arma offensiva o difensiva non è diffuso. I <strong>la</strong>ser hanno ricevuto spesso ingenti fondi<br />

ma ottenendo risultati piùttosto modesti. I comandi militari hannno richiesto sistemi <strong>la</strong>ser di<br />

elevata potenze (100 KiloWatt almeno) e maneggevoli, cioè apparecchiature trasportabili su mezzi<br />

cingo<strong>la</strong>ti o su gomma. I ricercatori sono stati in grado di realizzare <strong>la</strong>ser di notevole potenza<br />

(anche diversi MegaWatt) e <strong>la</strong>ser portatili ma non sono stati in grado di realizzare sistemi che<br />

riunissero entrambi le caratteristiche.<br />

Nel febbraio 2007 utilizzando un <strong>la</strong>ser SSHCL (Solid State Heat Capacity Laser) ricercatori<br />

statunitensi hanno dichiarato di aver raggiungo potenze di 67 KiloWatt con un dispositivo<br />

trasportabile.<br />

I ricercatori ritengono di poter raggiungere potenze di 100 KiloWatt entro il 2008. [1]<br />

Il Laser viene utilizzato anche <strong>per</strong> manipo<strong>la</strong>re <strong>la</strong> materia a livello atomico. Il <strong>la</strong>ser può essere<br />

utilizzato <strong>per</strong> saldare, dividere o forare elementi a livelli atomici, inoltre viene spesso utilizzato <strong>per</strong><br />

raffreddare i composti a tem<strong>per</strong>ature prossime allo zero assoluto (-273,16 ° C). Il raffreddamento si<br />

ottiene illuminando <strong>la</strong> materia con i fotoni, sotto opportune condizioni gli atomi assorbono il fotone<br />

e ne emettono uno a energia su<strong>per</strong>iore <strong>per</strong>dendo di conseguenza energia. Si sta studiando <strong>la</strong><br />

possibilità di utilizzare queste tecniche <strong>per</strong> raffreddare i semiconduttori. [2]<br />

Tipi di <strong>la</strong>ser<br />

- A rubino - A gas - A giunzione - A coloranti organici<br />

Riferimenti<br />

1. Un <strong>la</strong>ser da guerre spaziali contro missili e carri armati<br />

2. Semiconduttori raffreddati con <strong>la</strong> luce. Le Scienze. URL consultato il 09-05-2007.<br />

Bibliografia<br />

• Orazio Svelto. Principi dei <strong>la</strong>ser (Tamburini, 1970).<br />

• (EN) Anthony E. Siegman. Lasers (University Science Books, 1986).<br />

• Mario Bertolotti. Storia del <strong>la</strong>ser (Bol<strong>la</strong>ti Boringhieri, 1999). ISBN 8833911985<br />

Voci corre<strong>la</strong>te<br />

• Maser<br />

• Laser a eccimeri<br />

• Laser atomico<br />

Altri progetti<br />

• Commons contiene file multimediali su Laser<br />

Collegamenti esterni<br />

• (EN) Simu<strong>la</strong>tore interattivo <strong>per</strong> il <strong>la</strong>ser al rubino<br />

• (EN) Simu<strong>la</strong>tore interattivo <strong>per</strong> il <strong>la</strong>ser all'elio neon<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


• (EN) Simu<strong>la</strong>tore interattivo <strong>per</strong> il diodo <strong>la</strong>ser<br />

• Per una fantasiosa storia del <strong>la</strong>ser<br />

Storia del Laser<br />

1917: Il fisico tedesco Albert Einstein descrive il principio teorico del <strong>la</strong>ser: è possibile stimo<strong>la</strong>re <strong>la</strong><br />

materia in modo da farle emettere luce con partico<strong>la</strong>ri caratteristiche.<br />

1951: I fisici americani Charles Townes e Joseph Weber e i russi Alexander Prokchorov e Nico<strong>la</strong>i<br />

Basov , separatamente, studiano il maser, progenitore del <strong>la</strong>ser, in cui al posto del<strong>la</strong> luce sono<br />

usate le microonde.<br />

1957: I fisici americani Charles Townes e Arthur Schawlow iniziano a <strong>la</strong>vorare sui principi del<br />

<strong>la</strong>ser.<br />

1960: Il fisico americano Theodor e Maiman costruisce il primo <strong>la</strong>ser mettendo in pratica il<br />

principio descritto da Einstein.<br />

1961: Gli oftalmologi americani Charles Campbell e Charles Koester applicano <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> prima volta il<br />

<strong>la</strong>ser sull'uomo rimuovendo un tumore retinico.<br />

1964: Nico<strong>la</strong>i Basov , Alexander Prokhorov , Charles Townes ricevono il premio Nobel in Fisica <strong>per</strong><br />

lo studio del maser e delle applicazioni del <strong>la</strong>ser.<br />

Anni 60-70: I. Kap<strong>la</strong>n impiega i <strong>la</strong>ser <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> prima volta in chirurgia p<strong>la</strong>stica, Leon Goldman in<br />

dermatologia, Billie Aronoff e R.eza Jako in Otorino<strong>la</strong>ringoiatria, Alfons Hofstetter in urologia,<br />

Peter Kiefhaber , R. Verschueren e R. Dwyer in gastroenterologia ed endoscopia, J. Bellina in<br />

ginecologia ed ostetricia, G. Abe<strong>la</strong> in cardiochirurgia, P.W. Ascher in neurochirurgia, M. W. Berns<br />

<strong>per</strong> lo studio delle cellule in vitro, G . Lynn-Powell in odontoiatria, D. Apfelberg <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> cura degli<br />

angiomi e delle lesioni vasco<strong>la</strong>ri.<br />

Seconda metà degli anni '60<br />

II secondo impiego fu quello del <strong>la</strong>ser Nd-Yag come supporto al<strong>la</strong> chirurgia endoscopica.<br />

Successivamente fu il <strong>la</strong>ser ad Argon a trovare <strong>la</strong>rgo impiego nel l'oculistica <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> correzione del<br />

distacco del<strong>la</strong> retina, grazie al<strong>la</strong> sua capacità di essere assorbito dall'emoglobina.<br />

1966: E. Mester si accorge che il <strong>la</strong>ser rosso a bassa energia accelera <strong>la</strong> ricrescita del pelo nei<br />

ratti depi<strong>la</strong>ti e successivamente lo impiega <strong>per</strong> stimo<strong>la</strong>re <strong>la</strong> cicatrizzazione delle ulcere da<br />

decubito.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


1967: T. Dougherty utilizza s<strong>per</strong>imentalmente i <strong>la</strong>ser <strong>per</strong> attivare alcune sostanze fotosensibili che<br />

identificano le cellule tumorali, si legano ad esse e le distruggono selettivamente: si par<strong>la</strong> di<br />

diagnosi e terapia fotodinamica.<br />

Anni '70<br />

È con l'introduzione del <strong>la</strong>ser Co2 che il <strong>la</strong>ser entra prepotentemen te nello studio del medico. È del<br />

1972 <strong>la</strong> prima unità <strong>la</strong>ser ad anidride carbonica <strong>per</strong> uso chirurgico realmente funzionante<br />

realizzata da Isaac Kap<strong>la</strong>n, chirurgo p<strong>la</strong>stico e dermatologo israeliano.<br />

1972: J. Walker , P.R. Chekurov , T. Oshiro e M. Trelles utilizzano gli effetti<br />

antidolorifici/antinfiammatori dei <strong>la</strong>ser nel<strong>la</strong> cura delle ma<strong>la</strong>ttie osteo-reumatiche e nel<strong>la</strong><br />

traumatologia sportiva. J. Walker nel<strong>la</strong> nevralgia da arto fantasma.<br />

1975: Primo impiego italiano dei <strong>la</strong>ser in Chirurgia p<strong>la</strong>stica, da parte del Prof. Riccardo Pariente ,<br />

a Roma.<br />

Anni 75-80: Rosario Brancato utilizza i primi <strong>la</strong>ser <strong>per</strong> oftalmologia in Italia, a Trieste., e<br />

Pasquale Spinelli li utilizza in endoscopia, a Mi<strong>la</strong>no, Gaetano Bandieramonte (Mi<strong>la</strong>no) e Marcello<br />

D'Ovidio (Roma) in Urologia, Fausto Chiesa (Mi<strong>la</strong>no) e G. Motta (Napoli) in Otorino<strong>la</strong>ringoiatria,<br />

Anton Giulio Sesti e Leonardo Longo <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> guarigione delle ferite e delle ulcere cutanee e <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

cura delle ma<strong>la</strong>ttie osteo-muscolo-tendinee (reumatismi fibromiositici , traumatologia sportiva), D.<br />

Dioguardi , G. Micali e A. Musajo-Somma <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> cura degli angiomi, V. Fasano (Torino) in<br />

neurochirurgia, F. Buttafarro (Torino) e P. Santoianni (Napoli) in dermatologia, E. Panzoni e C.<br />

C<strong>la</strong>user in odontoiatria e chirurgia maxillo-facciale , H. Emanuelli in chirurgia generale, S.<br />

Cavaliere in broncologia , L. Roccia in agopuntura.<br />

1976: primo caso di ulcera da decubito trattato in Italia con <strong>la</strong>ser non chirurgici, a Firenze, presso<br />

l' Ospedale INRCA di Poggiosecco , dall'equipe del Prof. A.G. Sesti.<br />

1977-1983: Il CNR Italiano promuove un progetto di ricerca sulle Applicazioni biomediche dei<br />

<strong>la</strong>ser , diretto dal Prof. Alberto Sona (Mi<strong>la</strong>no).<br />

1979: nasce <strong>la</strong> prima Societa' Italiana di Laser Chirurgia e Medicina, a cui ne seguono altre<br />

trentadue.<br />

1980: R. Rox- Anderson e John Parrish e<strong>la</strong>borano <strong>la</strong> teoria del<strong>la</strong> fotolisi selettiva, su cui si basa<br />

l'80% degli impieghi dei <strong>la</strong>ser in medicina: in poche parole i <strong>la</strong>ser riconoscono i tessuti dal colore<br />

di essi e si assorbono selettivamente solo nei tessuti di colore complementare.<br />

1981: Nico<strong>la</strong>as Bloembergen , Arthur Schawlow , Kai Siegbahn ricevono il premio Nobel in Fisica<br />

<strong>per</strong> lo sviluppo del<strong>la</strong> spettroscopia <strong>la</strong>ser.<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


1983: T Oshiro e K. Atsumi descrivono gli impieghi dei <strong>la</strong>ser non chirurgici ed i possibili<br />

meccanismi d'azione. N. Passerel<strong>la</strong> studia l'effetto dei <strong>la</strong>ser sui mitocondri cellu<strong>la</strong>ri. In varie parti<br />

del mondo si inizia a trattare l'i<strong>per</strong>glicemia dei diabetici insulino-dipendenti con i <strong>la</strong>ser<br />

ipoglicemizzanti.<br />

1984: GD Baxter descrive gli impieghi dei <strong>la</strong>ser in fisioterapia.<br />

1984: L' FDA traccia le linee guida <strong>per</strong> gli impieghi dei <strong>la</strong>ser <strong>per</strong> le lesioni vasco<strong>la</strong>ri e<br />

dermatologiche, e le aggiorna tutti gli anni.<br />

1985: P.W. Ascher e D. Choy impiegano i <strong>la</strong>ser <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> decompressione delle ernie del disco<br />

vertebrale senza ricorrere al<strong>la</strong> chirurgia.<br />

1986: primo caso di Induratio Penis P<strong>la</strong>stica Calcifica trattato nel mondo con un <strong>la</strong>ser fotoacustico<br />

, da A. Durval , P. Peruzzi e L. Longo , a Firenze.<br />

1987: Viene proposta <strong>la</strong> Laserscleroterapia combinata <strong>per</strong> il trattamento delle te<strong>la</strong>ngiectasie<br />

(capil<strong>la</strong>ri) degli arti inferiori, metodica tutt' ora insu<strong>per</strong>ata.<br />

Anni '90<br />

Nell'ultimo decennio le fonti <strong>la</strong>ser si sono moltiplicate, ottenendo risultati assolutamente unici in<br />

molti ambiti del<strong>la</strong> medicina: un esempio tra tutti il <strong>la</strong>ser ad eccimeri <strong>per</strong> <strong>la</strong> correzione del<strong>la</strong> miopia.<br />

1990: primi casi di Laser-resurfacing del viso (R. Gregory ed altri) e si inizia a par<strong>la</strong>re di saldatura<br />

<strong>la</strong>ser dei tessuti (Laser Tissue Welding , Dix Poppas ).<br />

I <strong>la</strong>ser <strong>per</strong> il ringiovanimento<br />

1993: CO2. Nasce il primo <strong>la</strong>ser <strong>per</strong> il ringiovanimento del viso. Agisce vaporizzando i tessuti, cioè<br />

creando un'ustione che, distruggendo le vecchie cellule, <strong>per</strong>mette <strong>la</strong> "risalita" di una pelle nuova<br />

durante il processo di guarigione. Il <strong>la</strong>ser CO2 non solo elimina gli strati più su<strong>per</strong>ficiali ma è anche<br />

in grado di determinare una importante contrazione delle fibre col<strong>la</strong>gene ed e<strong>la</strong>stiche presenti nel<br />

derma e di rendere <strong>per</strong>ciò <strong>la</strong> pelle molto più tonica ("effetto lifting"). Il <strong>per</strong>iodo post-o<strong>per</strong>atorio è<br />

abbastanza impegnativo e l'arrossamento che ne consegue <strong>per</strong>mane a lungo (circa 3 mesi).<br />

1995: primi casi di <strong>la</strong>ser hair removal.<br />

1997:primi casi di ringiovanimento cutaneo con <strong>la</strong>ser e luce pulsata.<br />

1997: nasce Laser Florence, “Una finestra sul mondo del<strong>la</strong> Laser Medicina”, dove vengono<br />

presentate, discusse e selezionate le principali novita' mondiali del settore. Tale conferenza ha<br />

cadenza annuale.<br />

1998: Laser Erbium. Molto più 'dolce' del CO2, funziona causando delle microesplosioni<br />

(fotoab<strong>la</strong>zione) delle cellule su<strong>per</strong>ficiali del<strong>la</strong> pelle, senza surriscaldare gli strati più profondi del<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


derma. Ciò consente un <strong>per</strong>iodo posto<strong>per</strong>atorio più rapido (10/15 giorni di lontananza dal<strong>la</strong> vita<br />

sociale, mentre solo dal 5° giorno ci si può truccare o radere). Dunque un arrossamento più<br />

limitato nel tempo, ma anche un risultato inferiore.<br />

2000: Laser non ab<strong>la</strong>tivi. Con l'arrivo del nuovo secolo arrivano i <strong>la</strong>ser non ab<strong>la</strong>tivi. Al<strong>la</strong> loro<br />

base un raggio freddo, emesso ad una potenza molto bassa, associato all'emissione di un getto di<br />

gas refrigerato <strong>per</strong> evitare ogni surriscaldamento, in grado di sollecitare il col<strong>la</strong>gene e rigenerare i<br />

tessuti sottostanti l'epidermide, senza "toccare" <strong>la</strong> su<strong>per</strong>ficie del<strong>la</strong> pelle. Un trattamento soft, con<br />

scarsissimi effetti col<strong>la</strong>terali e <strong>la</strong> possibilità di tornare subito al <strong>la</strong>voro o alle proprie occupazioni<br />

abituali. I risultati sono meno evidenti, incostanti e non prevedibili, non certo paragonabili a quelli<br />

di un CO2 e nemmeno di un <strong>la</strong>ser Erbium.<br />

2003: La 'Luce Pulsata'. Nata <strong>per</strong> l'uso dermatologico vasco<strong>la</strong>re negli anni '90 solo con i primi<br />

anni del nuovo secolo ottiene quel<strong>la</strong> precisione tecnica che <strong>per</strong>mette <strong>la</strong> sua diffusione. Si tratta di<br />

una sorgente a luce pulsata che emette un f<strong>la</strong>sh con un ampio spettro luminoso. La luce si<br />

trasforma in calore che innalza <strong>la</strong> tem<strong>per</strong>atura e provoca una leggera lesione control<strong>la</strong>ta dello<br />

strato su<strong>per</strong>iore del derma senza causare alcun danno all'epidermide. Il processo di guarigione<br />

determina <strong>la</strong> neoformazione di col<strong>la</strong>gene migliorando l'aspetto generale del<strong>la</strong> pelle. Clinicamente<br />

l'effetto del<strong>la</strong> neoformazione di col<strong>la</strong>gene si evidenzia alcuni mesi dopo il ciclo di trattamenti (circa<br />

8-10 distanziati di 10 giorni l'uno dall'altro). Il risultato migliore si ottiene sulle microrughe e sullo<br />

stato generale (texture, luminosità e turgore) del<strong>la</strong> cute. Il rischio di bruciature è più elevato con i<br />

fototipi più scuri (V-VI).<br />

2006: Fraxel. Dopo un anno di studi e s<strong>per</strong>imentazione negli USA, arriva in Italia Fraxel: un<br />

<strong>la</strong>ser a fibre ottiche di tipo 'non ab<strong>la</strong>tivo', dunque una metodica con minime conseguenze post-<br />

trattamento, in grado <strong>per</strong>ò di offrire i risultati di un <strong>la</strong>ser CO2, in modo più sicuro e prevedibile, su<br />

una serie di inestetismi sino ad oggi affrontabili solo in parte e con metodiche assai più invasive.<br />

Bibliografia:<br />

Istituto Laser Medicina<br />

dott Cosimo Ciglio<strong>la</strong><br />


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