BIB-SEM.6HB-dial _2010 - Telefonica.net

BIB-SEM.6HB-dial _2010 - Telefonica.net

BIB-SEM.6HB-dial _2010 - Telefonica.net


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E. Qimron, “Observations on the history of Early Hebrew (1000 R.C.E.-200 C.E) in the light of<br />

the Dead Sea documents”, in DSS, pp. 349-362.<br />

G.A. Rendsburg, “Morphological evidence for regional <strong>dial</strong>ects in Ancient Hebrew”, in LBH,<br />

pp. 65-88.<br />

G.A. Rendsburg, Diglossia in Ancient Hebrew (American Oriental Series, 72), New Haven CT<br />

1990.<br />

G. Rendsburg, “Diglossia in Ancient Hebrew as revealed through compound verbs”, in Fs.<br />

Kerns, pp. 665-677.<br />

G.A. Rendsburg, “Note on Israelian Hebrew (I)”, in Fs. Heltzer, pp. 255-258 [on šyrh,<br />

šbr, spl, šbt].<br />

G.A. Rendsburg, “Note on Israelian Hebrew (II)”, JWSL 26, 2000, 33-45<br />

G. Rendsburg, “A Comprehensive Guide to Israelian Hebrew”, Orient 38, 2003, 5-35.<br />

B. Spolsky, “Diglossia in Hebrew in the late Second Temple Period”, SWJL 10, 1991, 85-104.<br />

W. von Soden, “Gab es bereits im vorexilischen Hebraisch Aramaismen in der Bildung und der<br />

Verwendung von Verbalformen?, ZAH 4, 1991, 32-45.<br />

M. Waltisberg, “Zum Alter der Sprache des Deboraliedes Ri 5”, ZAH 12/2, 1999, 218-232.<br />

I. Young, “Late Biblical Hebrew and the Qumran Pesher Habakkuk”, JHS 25, 2008, 2-38.<br />

6B.2.2. Textual<br />

6B.2.2.1. Pentateuch and its “Sources”<br />

S. Levin, “The Hebrew of the Pentateuch”, in Fs. Ehrman, pp. 291-323.<br />

G. Rendsburg, “Late Biblical Hebrew and the Date of ‘P’”, JAES 12, 1980, 65-80.<br />

G.A. Rendsburg, “Israelian Hebrew in Genesis 49”, Maarav 8, 1992 (Fs. Gevirtz), 161-170.<br />

G.A. Rendsburg, “Aramaic-like Features in the Pentateuch”, Hebrew Studies 47, 2006, 163-276.<br />

G.A. Rendsburg, “Israelian Hebrew Features in Deuteronony 33”, in Fs. Tigay, pp. 167-183.<br />

D.T. Tsumura, The Earth and the Watersin Genesis 1 and 2: A Linguistic Investigation, xxx xxx<br />

[rev.: JBL 110, 1991, 136-138 (R.A. Rendsburg)].<br />

6B.2.2.2. Major Prophets<br />

P. Auvray, “Remarques sur la langue d’Ézéchiel”, in Sacra pagina. Miscellanea biblica<br />

Congressus internationalis catholicus. de re biblica, I (Bibliotheca EphThL 12), Paris 1959,<br />

pp. 461-470.<br />

G. del Olmo Lete, “Notas críticas al texto hebreo de Jer 14-17”, Claretianum 11, 1971, 283-358.<br />

S.P. Garfinkel, Studies in Akkadian influences in the book of Ezekiel, Diss. Columbia Univ.. 1983<br />

[DAb 44/12, 1984, 3672-A].<br />

I. Gluska, “Akkadian Influences on the Book of Ezequiel”, in Fs. Klein, pp. 718-737.<br />

B.A. Levine, “Research in the priestly Source: the linguistic factor” (Heb.), ErIs 16, 1982, 124-131.<br />

H.-P. Müller, “Sprachliche und reIigionsgeschichtliche Beobachtungen zu Jesaja 6”, ZAH<br />

5,1992,163-185.<br />

G.A. Rendsburg, “Late Biblical Hebrew and the date of ‘P’”, JAES 12, 1980, 65-80.<br />

G.A. Rendsburg, “Israelian Hebrew Features in Deuteronomy 33”, in Fs. Tigay, pp. 167-183.<br />

M.F. Rooker, Biblical Hebrew in transition: the language of the Book of Ezekiel (JSOT, Suppl.<br />

series, 90), Sheffield 1990 [revision of author’s Diss. Brandeis Univ.), [rev.: ETL 67, 1991,<br />

424 (J. Lust); JJewS 42, 1991, 124-126 (E. Qimron); ZAW 103, 1991, 308 (H.W. Hoffmann);<br />

JSS 37, 1992, 87-88 (D. Pardee); VT 42, 1992, 140-141 (R.P. Gordon); BiOr 50, 1993, 220-<br />

221 (J. Klener); CBQ 54/3, 1992, 540-542 (E. Ben Zvi); JBL III/3, 1992, 521 (D.I. Block)].<br />

R. Tournay, “A propos des babylonismes d’Ézéchiel”, RB 68, 1961, 388-393.<br />

6B.2.2.3. Minor Prophets<br />

A.E. Hill III, The book of Malachi: its place in post-exilic chronology linguistically<br />


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