BIB-SEM.6HB-dial _2010 - Telefonica.net

BIB-SEM.6HB-dial _2010 - Telefonica.net

BIB-SEM.6HB-dial _2010 - Telefonica.net


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H. Birkeland, The Language of Jesus (Avhandlinger utg. av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akad. i<br />

Oslo, II. Hist.-filos. Klasse 1954, 1), Oslo 1954 [rev.: BSL 50, 2, 1954, 186 (J. Cantineau);<br />

JES 14, 1955, 277 (F. V Fiíson); orsk Teologlsk Tidsskrift 55, 1954, 251 (A. S.<br />

Kapelrud); Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 195, 122-123 [??] (H. Ljungman); BSL 50, 2,<br />

1954, 186 (J. Cantineau); JES 14, 1955, 277 (F. V Filson); orsk Teologlsk Tidsskrift 55,<br />

1954, 251 (A.S. Kapelrud); Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 31, 1955, 122-123 (H.<br />

Ljungman); JJewS 7, 1956, 95-96 (C. Rabin); OLZ 1957, 47-50 (R. Meyer)].<br />

M. Black, “Die Erforschung der Muttersprache Jesu”, ThLZ 82, 1957, 653-668.<br />

M. Black, “The Aramaic spoken by Christ and Luke 14, 5”, JThS N. S. 1, 1950, 60-62.<br />

M. Black, “The Recovery of the Language of Jesus”, TStud 3, 1956-57, 305-313.<br />

M. Black, “Aramaic studies and the language of Jesus”, in Fs. Kahle, pp. 17-28.<br />

M. Black, An Aramaic approach to the Gospels and Acts, Oxford 1954 2 [rev.: Gnomon 27,<br />

1955, 87-91 (P. Katz); RB 62, 1955, 447-448 (P. B[enoit]);.Biblica 36, 1955, 372 (J.<br />

Bonsirven); JBL 74, 1955, 54 (F.V. F[ilson]); JThS 6, 1955, 129-130 (T.W. Manson); RSPh<br />

39, 1955, 272-273 (A. Viard)].<br />

R. Bogacz, Rola hapax legomenów w przedstawieniu misji Chrystusa wedłlug Hbr 1, 1-5, l0,<br />

Kraków 1997 (The role of hapax legomena in the representation of Christ’s mission<br />

accoring to Letter to the Hbr. 1, 1-5, 10).<br />

R. Buth, “Luke 19:31-34, Mishnaic Hebrew, and Bible translation: is kúrioi toû pṍlou singular?”,<br />

JBL 104, 1985, 680-685 [on the use of a plural form b c lym for a singular owner in Mishnaic<br />

Hebrew].<br />

J. Cantineau, “Quelle langue parlait le peuple en Palestine au Ier siecle de notre ere?”, Semitica<br />

5, 1955, 99-101 [à propos de l’étude de H. Birkeland, The language of Jesus, 1954 (cf. BibL<br />

1954, 294)].<br />

A. Díez Macho, “La lengua hablada por Jesucristo”, OA 2, 1963, 95-132.<br />

S. I. Eigin, “The original language of the gospels”, JF, S II 1943, 187-197.<br />

J.A. Emerton, “Did Jesus speak Hebrew?”, JThS 12, 1961, 189-202 [discusses H. Birkeland’s<br />

theory, The Language of Jesus, 1954].<br />

J.A. Emerton, “The problem of vernacular Hebrew in the first century A.D. and the language of<br />

Jesus”, JThS 24, 1973, 1-23.<br />

S.I. Feigin, “The original language of the gospels”, JES 2, 1943, 187-197.<br />

J.A. Fitzmyer, “The languages of Palestine in the first century A.D.”, CBQ 32, l970, 501-531.<br />

J.C. Greenfield, “The languages of Palestine, 200 B.C.E. 200 C-E.”, in JLThV, pp 143-154.<br />

[response by Herbert C. Youtie, pp. 155-157; by Francis E. Peters, pp. 159-164]<br />

H. Gzella, “Elemente systemischen Sprachkontaktes in den hebräischen Bar-Kosiba-Briefen”, in<br />

Fs. Jenni, pp. 93-107.<br />

H. Gzella, “The Use of the Participle in the Hebrew Bar Kosiba Letters in the Linght of<br />

Aramaic”, DSD 14, 2007, 90-98.<br />

R.H. Gundry, “The language milieu of first century Palestine. Its bearing on the authenticity of<br />

the Gospel tradition”, JBL 83, 1964, 404-408.<br />

R.S. Hanson, “Paleo-Hebrew scripts in the Hasmonean age”, BASOR 175, 1964, 26-42.<br />

Zd. Kapera, “Selected bibliography on the so-called ossuary of Jacob (October 2002 -<br />

September 2003)”, PJBR 2/2 (4), 2003, 91-96.<br />

K. Kjaer-Hansen, Studier i nav<strong>net</strong> Jesus, Diss. Univ. of Lund, Aarhus 1982.<br />

R. Laurentin, “Traces d’allusions étymologiques en Luc 1-2 (I-II)”, Biblica 37, 1956, 435-456 ;<br />

38, 1957, 1-23 [on NT names with an anex on the problem of the Hebrew substract].<br />

R. Le Déaut, “Le substrat araméen des évangiles: scolies en marge de l'Aramaic approach de M.<br />

Black”, Biblica 49, 1968, 388-399.<br />

A. Lemaire, “Critical evaluation of the IAA Cornmittee reports regarding the ossuary<br />

inscription”, PJBR 2/2 (4), 2003, 29-60.<br />

J. Luzárraga, “‘O ‘uiós toū ’anthōpou en Jn, y su traducción al arameo”, in Fs. Florentino<br />

García, pp. 387-427.<br />

S. Lyosov, “The Syntax of the Hebrew Narrative and the Syntax of the Gospel of Mark”, Biblia<br />

1, 1998, 280-288.<br />

J. Milgrom, Studies in cultic theology and terminology (Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity<br />


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