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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Journal of Plant Science (ISSN: 2141-5447) Vol. 2(3) pp. 070-077, March, 2011<br />

Available online http://www.interesjournals.org/IRJPS<br />

Copyright © 2011 <strong>International</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Journals</strong><br />

<strong>Full</strong> length <strong>Research</strong> Paper<br />

Relationships between the occurrence of Desert locust<br />

(Schistocerca gregaria Forsk) and plant communities in<br />

Niger from 1965 to 2007<br />

Issoufou Dogo 1, L. Mina Idrissi Hassani2, Abdelghani Bouaichi3<br />

, Abdou Mamadou1, Garba Yahaya4, Issoufou Alfhari5.<br />

1 Direction Générale Protection des Végétaux, Niamey, Niger<br />

2 Faculté des Sciences Ibn Zohr, Agadir, Maroc,<br />

3 Centre National de Lutte Anti Acridienne, Agadir, Maroc,<br />

4 Centre National de Lutte Anti Acridienne, Niamey, Niger,<br />

5 Centre Régional Agrhymet, Niamey, Niger.<br />

Accepted 24 march, 2011<br />

The study of relationships between Desert locust and plant species evolving in the same habitat was<br />

realized on the basis of archives database of locust prospection conducted from 1965 to 2007 and<br />

available at the Crop Protection Directorate of Niger and the Regional <strong>International</strong> Organization for the<br />

Control of Migrant Pests based in Niger and Senegal. The objective set for this study is to know better<br />

the main plants having a certain affinity with Desert Locust to lead an efficient locust monitoring. The<br />

results obtained have shown that nearly 66% of the territory of Niger was affected by the presence of<br />

locust with a strong concentration in Aïr, Tamesna and Termit. For all the solitarious, gregarious and<br />

transiens of the Desert locust, the strongest correlations based on a level of significance higher than 0,<br />

5 are obtained with Tribulus terrestris, Acacia sp, Aerva javanica, Schouwia sp, Boerhavia coccinea,<br />

Citrullus sp and Panicum tirgidum. Two affinity groups of variables were identified. One containing<br />

gregarious adults and dominant woody plants and the other affected by the herbaceous plants<br />

contained hoppers, solitary and transiens adults.<br />

Key words: plant, correlation, Desert locust, occurrence, Niger<br />


Among the devastating pests of crops, Desert locust<br />

(Schistocera gregaria, Forsk, 1775, Orthoptera,<br />

Acrididae) occupies a prominent place and plays an<br />

important role during invasion period or major<br />

resurgence (Popov, 1958; Uvarov, 1977). Its economic<br />

impact extends to the majority of arid and semi-arid<br />

countries, from the west coast of Africa to India<br />

(Hemming et al., 1979; Lecoq, 2005).<br />

Its threat lies in its phases of transformation (Uvarov,<br />

1977), its high reproductive capacity, its migratory<br />

faculties, its large spectrum of polyphagy (Husain et al.,<br />

1946; FAO, 1967; Roffey and Popov, 1968) and its<br />

abilities to adapt itself to extreme ecological situations.<br />

*Corresponding author Email: issoufoudogo1@yahoo.fr<br />

Consequently, the Desert locust remains a major threat<br />

for the social and food stability, particularly for many<br />

rural people living on agriculture at high climatic risk<br />

(Lecoq, 2004).<br />

Niger which is a locust frontline, stretches on 1267000<br />

km 2 between the longitudes 00 ° 16’ and 16 ° 00 East, and<br />

the latitude 11°10’ and 23 ° 17’ North (CNEDD, 2006), and<br />

shelters important zones of summer reproduction and<br />

gregarization for Desert locust what are Tamesna and<br />

Aïr (Germaux et al., 1964; Pedgley, 1981). Among which<br />

is to add the area Termit potentially favorable<br />

(Mallamaire and Roy, 1958.) and in the past have<br />

attracted special attention from the monitoring teams of<br />

the Regional <strong>International</strong> Organization for the Control of<br />

Migrant Pests (OCLALAV).<br />

During the last generalized invasion of 1987-1989, the

ecorded losses of Niger were estimated at<br />

approximately 50% of the one million ha of grazing land<br />

and about 33% of around 12 000 ha of attacked rain-fed<br />

crops (Lecoq, 2003).The consequences of the invasion<br />

of 2004, combined to those of the drought have caused<br />

significant losses of cereal production (FAO/WFP, 2004).<br />

To delineate the extent damage caused by the high<br />

predation of locusts in areas of crops and pasturage is<br />

generally used chemical control (Steedman, 1988; FAO,<br />

1991) notwithstanding the adverse environmental and<br />

human health (Levitan et al., 1996; Langewald et al.,<br />

1999) and inadequacy of economic profitability (FAO,<br />

2003).<br />

Hence the interest of favoring approach prevention<br />

(Lomer et al., 2001) based on a permanent monitoring of<br />

locust in remission period and the control of gregarious<br />

populations (Roffey and Popov, 1968). It is the only<br />

strategy of struggle economically bearable and<br />

ecologically acceptable (Lecoq, 2004) because the<br />

recurrent costs can be lesser to those created by the<br />

simple management of necessary emergency<br />

assistances in period of invasion.<br />

Under current conditions in Niger, where access to<br />

certain parts of zones is often difficult due to its vast<br />

extent, problems of insecurity and the limited human and<br />

material means(Showler, 2003; FAO, 2010), a better<br />

knowledge of the habitats mostly attended by the Desert<br />

locust could contribute to a more efficient locust<br />

monitoring. Indeed, these habitats often colonized at<br />

various degrees by many plant species, which could be<br />

precious sources of food of, shelter for Locust, and play<br />

a big role in its spatiotemporal distribution.<br />

Through this present work, we will try to determine<br />

exclusively the correlation that could exist between<br />

Desert locust and plant species having evolved together<br />

in the same natural environment, while basing ourselves<br />

on the data archive collected during the prospection<br />

locust prospection led from 1965 to 2007 in Niger. The<br />

perception of this relationship could contribute to know of<br />

advantage the plants having a certain affinity with the<br />

Desert locust and to allow the reinforcement of predictive<br />

capacity teams of prospection in the planning of their<br />

monitoring activities focusing locust best sites colonized<br />

by these plants.<br />

Studies of this kind strictly centered on the archival<br />

data are rather rare or absent in the typical case of<br />

Niger. However, certain works already highlighted the<br />

importance of some plant species towards Desert locust<br />

through methods other than those based on the analysis<br />

of archival data. In fact, in the particular case of<br />

Mamadou et al. (2009) who led studies on the influence<br />

of fifteen plant species on the genesic activity in the<br />

Locust while carrying out a breeding out of cages in the<br />

valley of Tafidet in Niger. The work of Freiburg (2002)<br />

undertaken in Mauritania showed the part which can be<br />

played by the vegetation in the displacement of the larval<br />

bands in natural environment, by evaluating the damage<br />

Issoufou et al. 071<br />

caused using the method of analysis of density with an<br />

estimate of the damage. To determine qualitatively the<br />

food mode of the Locust, Benrima et al. (2002)<br />

compared the range of 50 plant species in the biotopes<br />

occupied by Schistocerca gregaria with those, which<br />

compose their feces.<br />


The documentary archives that have been exploited for the data<br />

collection stemmed from different locust prospection done all over<br />

Niger from 1965 to 2007 were come from OCLALAV and the Crop<br />

Protection Directorate (CPD) of Niger. The choice of this period is<br />

justified by the availability and regularity of data according to a<br />

step of monthly time in these structures.<br />

OCLALAV data<br />

OCLALAV data have covered the period going from 1965 to 1989.<br />

Since it stopped its activities in 1989, the documents have been<br />

stocked in its former offices in Dakar in Senegal and Zinder in<br />

Niger. For this last one, the archives have been kept in very bad<br />

conditions often piled on the floor in different offices that required a<br />

major dust before entering. The operation consisted in to<br />

extracting the whole documents related to Desert locust and its<br />

ecology then to sort and categorize them according to their nature<br />

(report of activities, bulletins, work, registers, notebook, and<br />

binders). The second step consisted in classifying them year per<br />

year in order to constitute series of reports bulletins of activities<br />

following a temporal, monthly and decade slot.<br />

CPD data<br />

The data collected have covered the period from 1990 to 2007 and<br />

have widely been provided by those collected at the National Anti-<br />

Locust Center of Agadez where the majority of document and<br />

information related to it one for the essential digitalized. Data from<br />

1996 to 2007 have already been recorded in a RAMSES-Niger<br />

base (Reconnaissance and Management System of the<br />

Environment Schistocerca) finalized by FAO.<br />

Data Processing<br />

Excel software under Windows have been used for the constitution<br />

of matrix data. The database created for the seizure of the<br />

recordings consists of two corpus named A and B. We put on line,<br />

sites (A), in column (B), all information about Locust and its<br />

environment that we ship called variables. These are as follows :<br />

date of list, the decade, name of the locality, geographic<br />

coordinates converted in decimal degree, year, month, solitary<br />

hoppers, transiens hoppers, gregarious hoppers, solitary adults,<br />

transiens adults, gregarious adults, bands, swarms, habitat, soils,<br />

prospected area, infected and treated as well as the different plant<br />

species. The set of all such information collected at a site surveyed<br />

was called registration.<br />

At the junction of each line and each column, qualitative variables<br />

(presence and absence) were used to make the presence or<br />

absence of Desert locust or plant species for each of the sites<br />

surveyed. To facilitate the treatment of this information, we have<br />

encoded these variables numerically by using value “1” for the<br />

presence and “0” for the absence.<br />

For the exclusive need of this study, it was extracted from initial<br />

database the records of locust’ presence (6), seven (7) grassy

072 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci.<br />

species and (6) woody species. The choice of these plant species<br />

from 70 genera identified are explained by their importance in<br />

number of frequency in our initial matrix and belongs to the<br />

principal plants reported by the studies of Germaux et al. (1964),<br />

Popov (1965) and Duranton et al. (1982).<br />

Designation of variables<br />

The nineteen (19) variables used for the study of this relationship<br />

titled as follows:<br />

Six (6) locust conditions: solitary hoppers, transiens hoppers,<br />

gregarious hoppers, solitary adults, transiens adults and<br />

gregarious adults;<br />

Six (6) species of the woody vegetation: Acacia sp, Balanites<br />

aegyptiaca, Indigofora sp, Maerua sp, Calotropis sp and<br />

Salvadoria persica;<br />

Seven (7) species of grassy vegetation like Aerva javanica,<br />

Aristidae sp, Boerhavia coccinea, Citrullus sp, Panicum tirgidum,<br />

Schouwia sp and Tribulus terrestris.<br />

Generation of maps<br />

From the initial matrix, we trained for each variable an Excel file<br />

formed by three columns: variable, latitude and longitude<br />

converted to decimal degree. The files thus formed, converted into<br />

<strong>Text</strong> file to be consistent with the device's System of Information<br />

for Geography (SIG) of the Regional Center of Agrhymet /Niamey/<br />

Niger. A layer of mesh at ¼ degree square geographic<br />

(approximately 50 km x 50 km) is used. This, for to be in adequacy<br />

with the work of Ould Baba (2001), Keita (2009) and of El Mouden<br />

(2009), which led studies on the cartographic distribution of locust<br />

presence thanks to the data archive of locust prospection .After the<br />

coupling of the <strong>Text</strong> file in tools SIG, we started the automatic<br />

process of generation of the maps.<br />

From the data of the table attribute maps of the 19 variables, we<br />

constituted a rectangular table in the form of matrix (X) articulated<br />

below and comprising N(1 to 295) lines and p(1 to 19) columns and with<br />

Xij like the frequency of presence of individual i (mesh i) for the<br />

variable J.<br />

Variables’ processing<br />

A Principal component analysis (PCA) was used for the data<br />

processing of the rectangular matrix (X) of the variables thanks to<br />

XLSTAT program, method which relays on a geometrical model<br />

according to Michael and Christopher (1999) and centered on the<br />

synthesis of information that a table of figures containing<br />

individuals and quantitative variables. It makes it possible to<br />

identify a possible similarity between the individuals and to<br />

determine the connection between the variables. This present<br />

analysis, which is exclusively about the variables, has aim to<br />

determine the links being able to exist between the locusts’<br />

variables on the one hand and plant variables on the other.<br />

The studies of cases of principal component analysis presented<br />

in the work of Pardoux et al. (2010) and Turler (2006) have been<br />

our reference for constructing the graph and interpreting the<br />

results. In this sense, our analysis conducted on two axes:<br />

a) The determination of the matrix of correlation to inform us<br />

about the intensity of the link and the direction of the correlation<br />

which can exist between the variables taken two by two on a level<br />

of 5 % significance.<br />

b) The determination of the number of the factorial axes to<br />

interpret by using the rule of Kaiser (1960) in order to proceed to<br />

the chart of the variables being able to allow us to identify the<br />

possible regrouping of the adjacent variables.<br />


Distribution of the mesh<br />

In referring to the map generated for all variables, it<br />

appears for Niger, 448 meshes quarter-degree square<br />

mesh on which 295 showed the presence of locusts and<br />

/ or plants is 66% (Figure 1).<br />

Links between variables<br />

According to the signs and strengths of correlation<br />

between pairs of variables (Table 1), we distinguished<br />

two main groups.<br />

Strong supposed positive linear connections<br />

(correlations > 0, 50) in particular between:<br />

a) Solitary and Tribulus terrestris (r = 0,888),<br />

Schouwia sp (r = 0,862), Citrullus sp (r = 0,832), Aerva<br />

javanica (r = 0,818), Panicum tirgidum (r = 0,738),<br />

Acacia sp (r = 0,506);<br />

b) Transiens and Panicum tirgidum (r = 0,748),<br />

Acacia sp (r = 0,723), Schouwia sp (r = 0,655), Tribulus<br />

terrestris (r = 0,635), Citrullus sp (r = 0,649), Aristidae sp<br />

(r = 0,620), Boerhavia coccinea (r = 0,607), Balanites<br />

aegyptiaca (r = 0,541);<br />

c) Gregarious and Balanites aegyptiaca (r = 0,710),<br />

Acacia sp (r = 0,686), Aristidae sp (r = 0,581), Tribulus<br />

terrestris (r = 0,571), Panicum tirgidum (r = 0,654),<br />

Citrullus sp (r = 0,543) Boerhavia coccinea (r = 0,540),<br />

Schouwia sp (r = 0,529), Indigofora sp (r = 0,527).<br />

Low supposed positive linear connections (correlations <<br />

0, 50) mainly between:<br />

d) Solitary and Aristidae sp (r = 0,449), Calotropis<br />

procera (r = 0,387), Maerua sp (r = 0,335), Salvadoria<br />

persica (r = 0,210), Balanites aegyptiaca (r = 0,106),<br />

Indigofora sp (r = 0,078);<br />

e) Transiens and Maerua sp (r = 0,497), Aerva<br />

javanica (r = 0,484), Indigofora sp (r = 0,369), Salvadoria<br />

persica (r = 0,345), Calotropis procera (r = 0,330);<br />

f) Gregarious and Acacia sp (r = 0,425), Aristidae<br />

sp (r = 0,358), Calotropis procera (r = 0,305), Maerua sp

Figure1. Mesh layer frequencies of Desert locust and plants from 1965 to 2007 in Niger.<br />

Table 1. Correlation Matrix [Pearson (n)]<br />

Variables<br />

Solitary<br />

adults<br />

Transiens<br />

adults<br />

Gregarious<br />

adults<br />

Solitary<br />

hoppers<br />

Transiens<br />

hoppers<br />

Issoufou et al. 073<br />

Gregarious<br />

hoppers<br />

Acacia sp 0,506 0,723 0,686 0,425 0,563 0,422<br />

Aerva javanica 0,818 0,484 0,350 0,720 0,383 0,263<br />

Aristidae sp 0,449 0,620 0,581 0,358 0,406 0,245<br />

Balanites aegyptiaca 0,106 0,541 0,710 0,079 0,301 0,380<br />

Boerhavia coccinea 0,708 0,607 0,540 0,624 0,433 0,219<br />

Citrullus sp 0,832 0,649 0,543 0,754 0,519 0,345<br />

Indigofora sp 0,078 0,369 0,527 0,071 0,115 0,067<br />

Maerua sp 0,335 0,497 0,380 0,235 0,339 0,148<br />

Panicum tirgidum 0,738 0,748 0,654 0,660 0,577 0,360<br />

Salvadoria persica 0,210 0,345 0,341 0,127 0,198 0,181<br />

Schouwia sp 0,862 0,655 0,529 0,829 0,576 0,407<br />

Tribulus terrestris 0,888 0,635 0,571 0,855 0,479 0,266<br />

Calotropis procera 0,387 0,330 0,284 0,305 0,258 0,116<br />

(r = 0, 2359, Salvadoria persica (r = 0,127), Balanites<br />

aegyptiaca (r = 0,079), Indigofora sp (r = 0,071).<br />

Choice of the factorial axes<br />

The application of the rule of Kaiser (1960), which<br />

recommends taking into account factors to proper values<br />

superior to 1, seems to be verified with the first three<br />

components of table 2. Thus, as the two first explain<br />

alone more than 70% of the total variance, they were<br />

retained for the graphic representation of variables<br />

consigned in figure 2.<br />

Analyses<br />

Based on the data matrix, we can group together<br />

meshes with the largest recorded Locust and plant<br />

frequencies in two different sectors.

074 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci.<br />

Table 2 . Eigen Values<br />

Component Main Eigenvalue Cumulative variance explained (%)<br />

1 10.609 55.838<br />

2 3.012 71.69<br />

3 1.766 80.987<br />

4 0.889 85.664<br />

5 0.685 89.267<br />

6 0.475 91.766<br />

7 0.36 93.66<br />

8 0.281 95.138<br />

9 0.226 96.325<br />

10 0.173 97.237<br />

11 0.119 97.863<br />

12 0.107 98.428<br />

13 0.085 98.876<br />

14 0.071 99.252<br />

15 0.05 99.517<br />

16 0.031 99.68<br />

17 0.025 99.811<br />

18 0.019 99.911<br />

19 0.017 100<br />

Figure 2. Graphic representation of variables<br />

The first which extends to the great ecological units from<br />

the Tamesna and Aïr, already defined by the work of<br />

Duranton et al.(1982) could cover the meshes M281 to<br />

M286, M254 to M259, M278 to M279, M336 to M241,<br />

M363 to M366, M390 to M395, M416 to M422, M416 to<br />

M422, M447 to M450, M472 to M475, M499 to M450,

M499 to M502 and M529, which extend between 16°00'<br />

and 19°00' north and 04°30' and 10° 00' east. These<br />

zones of strong frequency could be related to the large<br />

valleys fed by rainwater from the mountains of Aïr where<br />

the vegetation could be more important (Popov, 1965;<br />

Pedgley, 1981). They could be also assimilated to<br />

gregarious areas, confirming the status of the permanent<br />

habitat of Aïr and Tamesna reported by many authors<br />

(Popov, 1958; Germaux et al., 1964; Roeffy an Popov,<br />

1968; Uvarov, 1977; Pedgley, 1981).<br />

These areas are typically characterized by sandy and<br />

clayey soil, an annual pluviometric index lower than 200<br />

mm and vegetation composed of many herbaceous and<br />

woody species (Popov, 1965; Germal et al, 1964). Of<br />

these plants, we can note Schouwia sp, Tribulus<br />

terrestris, Panicum tirgidum, Citrullus sp, Aerva javanica,<br />

Boerhavia coccinea, Acacia sp and Balanites aegyptiaca<br />

, which are the subject of the present study.<br />

The second area could be made of meshes M603 to<br />

M606 and M630 to M631, which extend between 15°30'<br />

and 16°30' north, and 11° and 11°30 east, and are<br />

located in Termit. According to Saadou and al. (1998)<br />

and Popov (1965), this zone crossed by isohyets 100<br />

mm contains plants as Tribulus terrestris, Boerhavia sp,<br />

Aristida sp, Acacia sp and Maerua sp, which our study<br />

highlighted.<br />

Through this study, it arises from the matrix of<br />

correlation that the plant species having strong positive<br />

linear constraints with the three phases (solitary adults,<br />

gregarious adults and transiens adults) are Acacia sp,<br />

Aerva javanica, Boerhavia coccinea, Citrullus sp,<br />

Panicum tirgidum, Schouwia sp and Tribulus terrestris<br />

contrary to Maerua sp, Salvadoria persica and<br />

Calotropis procera, which present weak positive links.<br />

By referring to the studies of Turler (2006) and<br />

Pardoux et al. (2010) which report, that if two variable<br />

points are close to the circle and that their arrows form a<br />

weak angle, their correlation is strong, whereas it is<br />

almost null if the angle is of 90°. It thus emerges, of<br />

figure 2, that all the couples of the plant variables and<br />

locust are far away from the center and that the angles<br />

that they form between them are lower than 90°. We<br />

may thus, suppose that these variables are relatively<br />

correlated, thus corroborating the data of the matrix<br />

correlation. Apart from the confirmation of the force links,<br />

the graphic representation filters variables by showing<br />

two groups of affinities.<br />

The first on, composed of Tribulus terrestris, Schouwia<br />

sp, Citrullus sp, Aerva javanica, solitary hoppers, solitary<br />

adults, transiens adults and gregarious hoppers, is<br />

singularly dominated by grassy plants. This association<br />

could be justified by the accessibility that these types of<br />

plants, generally low, could offer to the hoppers and<br />

protection that they bring against predators and<br />

extremes temperatures. The possibility to meet hoppers<br />

in the areas of locust distribution in Niger, even in dry<br />

season, could find its justification in this association<br />

Issoufou et al. 075<br />

with these species. Which have the capacity to vegetate<br />

until cold season (January-February), when the rains<br />

recorded during the season is sufficient in certain Oueds<br />

of Aïr and Tamesna and in the edges of large valleys of<br />

Termit.<br />

The second group composed of gregarious adults,<br />

Acacia sp, Aristidae sp, Balanites aegyptiaca, Calotropis<br />

procera, Indigofora sp, Maerua sp, Panicum tirgidum,<br />

Salvadoria persica and Boerhavia coccinea, where<br />

woody plants mainly dominated. The preference of<br />

adults for plant tree could be explained by the fact that<br />

the mandibles of locusts are morphologically better<br />

adapted for gnawing the leaves of woody than<br />

herbaceous vegetation, and the gregarious usually fly<br />

day and night, they arise on wood (Latchininsky et al,<br />

1997).<br />

These two tendencies affinity that our study has<br />

highlighted, corroborate the works of Ashall and Chaney<br />

(1979) and Popov (1965) out of the two food behaviors<br />

recognized with the Locust where they reported that the<br />

adults feed on plants on which they pose in the late<br />

afternoon and early morning and the hoppers feed<br />

intermittently throughout the day by walking.<br />

The common elements that these plants could lay out<br />

and who are of a great interest for the herbivores in<br />

general and the Locust in particular would be their water<br />

content, in carbohydrate, in proteins and nitrogen, like<br />

those studies reported by Mamadou (2009), Correra<br />

(2006) and Simpson (2002).<br />

These links recorded between the plant variables and<br />

Locusts which could be expressed in the forms of food,<br />

shelters or perch and from which our study comes to put<br />

forward on the data basis of locust files, corroborate the<br />

results of certain work concerning the Desert locust and<br />

his food, although they were conducted by methods<br />

different from ours.<br />

Thus according to the results of the studies<br />

undertaken by Benrima et al.(2002), the plant species<br />

mostly appreciated by the Locust belong to the families<br />

of Boraginaceae, Poacaea, Zygophyllaceae, Solanaceae<br />

and Nyctaginaceae and those which are completely<br />

forsaken belong to the families like Capparidaceae,<br />

Convolvulaceae, Mimosaceae Cucurbitaceae and<br />

Asclepiadaceae. This is in adequacy with the whole of<br />

the species that we recorded apart from Citrullus sp,<br />

which presents a strong relation with the Locust although<br />

it belongs to the family of the Cucurbitaceous.<br />

In Niger, Mamadou et al. (2009) had to study the<br />

influence of fifteen plant species on the fecundity of the<br />

Locust in his two phase’s conditions in semi-controlled<br />

habitat. From these species, Schouwia thebaica,<br />

Boerhavia coccinea, Acacia sp, Panicum turgidum and<br />

Aristida sp belong to those, which are accepting mostly<br />

by the Locust. On the other hand, Cassia sp, Aerva<br />

javanica, Citrillus colocynthis, Salvadora persica and<br />

Calotropis procera belonged to the group of the least<br />

favorable species on the genesic plant , therefore the

076 Int. Res. J. Plant Sci.<br />

least consumed by the Locust; although our<br />

observations were noted a strong correlation with Aerva<br />

javanica and Citrillus sp.<br />

For the studies of Uvarov (1977), Schouwia thebaica,<br />

Tribulus terrestris and Boerhavia repens formed also<br />

part of the principal plant species, which composed the<br />

mode of food of the hopper’s locust. According to<br />

Philippe (1991), the association of Tribulus terrestis and<br />

Boehravia repens contributes to make of a station, a<br />

preferential habitat of the Locust which although<br />

polyphageous, expresses its preference for certain plant<br />

species such as Tribulus terrestris, Schouwia purperea,<br />

Aerva javanica (Popov, 1965; Chapman and Sword,<br />

1997). Our results confirm apparently this link between<br />

the Desert locust and these plants brought back by<br />

these authors.<br />

For the various plant species consumed by the<br />

hoppers of Locust, one can note Aerva javanica,<br />

Schouwia purpurea, Maerua crassifolia, Balanites<br />

aegypitiaca, Panicum turgidum, Boerhavia repens,<br />

Tribulus sp and Indigifora sp. Unlike Citrullus<br />

colocynthis, Calotropis procera and Aristida<br />

adscensionis rejected by the hoppers (Freiburg, 2002),<br />

although in the case of our study, the presence of<br />

Citrullus colocynthis was well correlated with Locust.<br />

Based on this observation, we can suppose that the part<br />

played by the latter could be that of a shelter.<br />

In the light of the results of our study and the works of<br />

some authors, it comes out that the plant species having<br />

privileged links with Desert Locust are none other than<br />

Acacia sp, Boerhavia sp, Panicum tirgidum, Schouwia<br />

sp Tribulus terrestris and Aerva javanica. Nevertheless<br />

the case of Citrullus sp whose link is variously<br />

appreciated deserves a special attention.<br />

These non-exhaustive results that we have just<br />

recorded subsequently consolidate the thesis according<br />

to which the Locust in his solitary phase despite its<br />

polyphagy, shows preferences which very often<br />

determine its presence on such or such other plant<br />

(Woldewahid et al., 2004; Popov, 1958), which could be<br />

used to better fight it.<br />


The results of this study based on archives data of locust<br />

surveys that carried out from 1965 to 2007 in Niger, has<br />

enabled us to reinforce the major knowledge on the<br />

relationship plants-locust thanks to a Principal<br />

component analysis, notwithstanding its constraints<br />

often related to the choices of the axes and their<br />

interpretation.<br />

The importance of this relationship raised between the<br />

Locust and certain plant species mainly Boerhavia<br />

coccinea, Citrullus sp, Acacia sp, Tribulus terrestris,<br />

Schouwia and Aerva javanica, could be more<br />

consolidated by showing if this relationship depends on<br />

the preference of the food plants, their availability or<br />

other dissimulated factors. For this, studies could be<br />

conducted in areas with higher frequencies of locust and<br />

plant presence based on a phytosociological protocol<br />

adapted to enhance the results obtained from the<br />

archives.<br />


At the end of this study, the authors thank the<br />

Department of Vegetation Protection of Niger and the<br />

responsible of former OCLALAV offices in Dakar,<br />

Senegal for making available to them all the archives.<br />

Their thanking go also goes to the PLUCP (Emergency<br />

Project to Fight against Desert Locust) in Niger and to<br />

Agryhmet Regional Center of Niamey respectively for<br />

their financial and material support. The Faculty of<br />

Sciences of Zohr University, Agadir, and Agadir’s Antilocust<br />

National Center in Morocco are duly thanked for<br />

technical support.<br />


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