Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 ... - S3 Tech Training

Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 ... - S3 Tech Training

Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 ... - S3 Tech Training


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Again, many of the items here (New, Open, Save, Cut, Paste, and so on) are things that you have seen<br />

plenty of times in other Windows applications and should be familiar with, but there’s also a fair amount<br />

that’s specific to <strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Server</strong>. The main thing to notice for now is that the menus in the Management<br />

Studio are context sensitive — that is, different menus are available and what they contain changes based<br />

on which window is active in the Studio. Be sure to explore the different contextual menus you get as<br />

you explore different parts of the Management Studio.<br />

Query Window<br />

This part of the Management Studio takes the place of what was, at one time, a separate tool that was<br />

called Query Analyzer. The Query window is your tool for interactive sessions with a given <strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Server</strong>. It’s<br />

where you can execute statements using Transact-<strong>SQL</strong> (T-<strong>SQL</strong>). I lovingly pronounce it “Tee-Squeal,” but<br />

it’s supposed to be “Tee-Sequel.” T-<strong>SQL</strong> is the native language of <strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Server</strong>. It’s a dialect of Structured<br />

Query Language (<strong>SQL</strong>), and is largely compliant with modern ANSI/ISO <strong>SQL</strong> standards. You’ll find that<br />

most RDBMS products support basic ANSI/ISO <strong>SQL</strong> compatibility.<br />

Because the Query window is where we will spend a fair amount of time in this book, let’s take a more<br />

in-depth look at this tool and get familiar with how to use it.<br />

Getting Started<br />

Well, I’ve been doing plenty of talking about things in this book, and it’s high time we started doing<br />

something. To that end, open a new Query window by clicking the New Query button towards the topleft<br />

of the Management Studio, or choosing File ➪ New ➪ New Query With Current Connection from the<br />

File menu. When the Query window opens, you’ll get menus that largely match those in Query Analyzer<br />

back when that was a separate tool. We will look at the specifics, but let’s get our very first query out of<br />

the way.<br />

Start by selecting AdventureWorks<strong>2008</strong> in the database drop-down box on the <strong>SQL</strong> Editor toolbar, then<br />

type the following code into the main window of the Query window:<br />

SELECT * FROM Person.Address;<br />

Notice several things happen as you type:<br />

Chapter 2: Tools of the Trade<br />

❑ The coloring of words and phrases changes as you type.<br />

❑ As you type, the Management Studio guesses at what you’re trying to do (as shown in Figure 2-9).<br />

Utilizing IntelliSense, much like Visual Studio, <strong>SQL</strong> <strong>Server</strong> will give you hints as to what probably<br />

should come next in your code.<br />

Statement keywords should appear in blue. Unidentifiable items, such as column and table names (these<br />

vary with every table in every database on every server), are in black. Statement arguments and connectors<br />

are in red. Pay attention to how these work and learn them. They can help you catch many bugs<br />

before you’ve even run the statement (and seen the resulting error).<br />


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