Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 ... - S3 Tech Training

Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 ... - S3 Tech Training

Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 ... - S3 Tech Training


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The id parameter specifies the ID of the table/procedure. The column parameter specifies the name of<br />

the column/parameter. The property parameter specifies the data that should be returned for the<br />

column or procedure parameter. The property parameter can be one of the following values:<br />

❑ AllowsNull — Allows NULL values.<br />

❑ IsComputed — The column is a computed column.<br />

❑ IsCursorType — The procedure is of type CURSOR.<br />

❑ IsFullTextIndexed — The column has been full-text indexed.<br />

❑ IsIdentity — The column is an IDENTITY column.<br />

❑ IsIdNotForRepl — The column checks for IDENTITY NOT FOR REPLICATION.<br />

❑ IsOutParam — The procedure parameter is an output parameter.<br />

❑ IsRowGuidCol — The column is a ROWGUIDCOL column.<br />

❑ Precision — The precision for the data type of the column or parameter.<br />

❑ Scale — The scale for the data type of the column or parameter.<br />

❑ UseAnsiTrim — The ANSI padding setting was ON when the table was created.<br />

The return value from this function will be 1 for True, 0 for False, and NULL if the input was not<br />

valid — except for Precision (where the precision for the data type will be returned) and Scale<br />

(where the scale will be returned).<br />


The DATABASEPROPERTY function returns the setting for the specified database and property name. The<br />

syntax is as follows:<br />


Apendix A: System Functions<br />

The database parameter specifies the name of the database for which data on the named property will<br />

be returned. The property parameter contains the name of a database property and can be one of the<br />

following values:<br />

❑ IsAnsiNullDefault — The database follows the ANSI-92 standard for NULL values.<br />

❑ IsAnsiNullsEnabled — All comparisons made with a NULL cannot be evaluated.<br />

❑ IsAnsiWarningsEnabled — Warning messages are issued when standard error conditions<br />

occur.<br />

❑ IsAutoClose — The database frees resources after the last user has exited.<br />

❑ IsAutoShrink — Database files can be shrunk automatically and periodically.<br />

❑ IsAutoUpdateStatistics — The autoupdate statistics option has been enabled.<br />

❑ IsBulkCopy — The database allows nonlogged operations (such as those performed with the<br />

Bulk Copy Program).<br />


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