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Bulletin - United States National Museum - si-pddr - Smithsonian ... Bulletin - United States National Museum - si-pddr - Smithsonian ...

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U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 133 PL. 19 Rio Tunuyan, near Tunuyan, Mendoza Taken Maich 22, I'.L'l Dry Forest near Tapia, Tucuman Taken Apiil 14, l'.)21

BIRDS OF ARGENTINA, PARAGUAY, URUGUAY, AND CHILE 325 SPIZITORNIS PARULUS LIPPUS Wetmore. Spizitoriiis parulus Jippus Wetjioee. Univ. California Publ. Zo?5l.. vol. 21, 1923, p. 336. (Mayne Harbor, Evans Island, Owens Islands, Chile.) Similar to parulus but darker above, black of head duller, and breast more abundantly streaked. Straits of Magellan. SPIZITORNIS PARULUS PATAGONICUS Hellmayr Spisitornis parulus patagonicus, Hellmayr Arch, fiir Naturg., voL 85, November, 1920, p. 51. (Neiiquen, Gobernacion de Neuquen, Argen- tina.) Two adult males secured at General Koca, Rio Negro, November 29 and December 3, 1920, have the underparts white, rather heavily streaked, two well-marked white wing bars, and the dorsal surface gray and may be considered typical of this form since they were taken only a short distance east of the type locality. Near Koca this bird often was found in low bushes in the same areas that were occupied by A. flavirostHs. However, on December 3, 1 encountered 'patagonicus among growths of Atriplex and similar shrubs on the low flats near the Rio Negro, where flavirosfris was not seen, so that when the birds are settled for the summer at their breeding stations, the two species may affect different ecological associations. The two were similar in actions but had slightly dif- ferent notes and were easily distinguished by color. A male, shot November 29, had the bill black; inside of mouth zinc orange; iris pale olive bluff save for a purplish area that cov- ered a segment on the upper side ; tarsus black. TACHURIS RUBRIGASTRA RUBRIGASTRA (Vieillot) Sylvia ruhrigrastra Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. Hist. Nat., vol. 11, 1817, p. 277. (Paraguay and Buenos Aires.) Four specimens of this bright-colored marsh flycatcher include an adult male from Dolores, Buenos Aires, October 21, 1920, a male and a female from Tunuyan, Mendoza, March 26, 1921, and a female from Concon, Chile, April 29. Comparison of a series of 19 skins from Buenos Aires, Rio Negro, Mendoza, and Chile, indicates that birds from the southern part of the range of the species do not differ sectionally in spite of the wide range included. The two skins from Tunuyan and the one from Concon are immature individuals in first winter plumage, distinguished from older individuals by a yellow spot on the rump. True to their reputation these handsome mites of the feathered world were found among rushes in marshes, usually where the water was something less than a meter in depth. They were local in oc- 54207—26 22



Spizitoriiis parulus Jippus Wetjioee. Univ. California Publ. Zo?5l.. vol. 21,<br />

1923, p. 336. (Mayne Harbor, Evans Island, Owens Islands, Chile.)<br />

Similar to parulus but darker above, black of head duller, and<br />

breast more abundantly streaked.<br />

Straits of Magellan.<br />


Spi<strong>si</strong>tornis parulus patagonicus, Hellmayr Arch, fiir Naturg., voL 85,<br />

November, 1920, p. 51. (Neiiquen, Gobernacion de Neuquen, Argen-<br />

tina.)<br />

Two adult males secured at General Koca, Rio Negro, November<br />

29 and December 3, 1920, have the underparts white, rather heavily<br />

streaked, two well-marked white wing bars, and the dorsal surface<br />

gray and may be con<strong>si</strong>dered typical of this form <strong>si</strong>nce they were<br />

taken only a short distance east of the type locality.<br />

Near Koca this bird often was found in low bushes in the same<br />

areas that were occupied by A. flavirostHs. However, on December<br />

3, 1 encountered 'patagonicus among growths of Atriplex and <strong>si</strong>milar<br />

shrubs on the low flats near the Rio Negro, where flavirosfris was<br />

not seen, so that when the birds are settled for the summer at their<br />

breeding stations, the two species may affect different ecological<br />

associations. The two were <strong>si</strong>milar in actions but had slightly dif-<br />

ferent notes and were ea<strong>si</strong>ly distinguished by color.<br />

A male, shot November 29, had the bill black; in<strong>si</strong>de of mouth<br />

zinc orange; iris pale olive bluff save for a purplish area that cov-<br />

ered a segment on the upper <strong>si</strong>de ; tarsus black.<br />


Sylvia ruhrigrastra Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. Hist. Nat., vol. 11, 1817, p. 277.<br />

(Paraguay and Buenos Aires.)<br />

Four specimens of this bright-colored marsh flycatcher include<br />

an adult male from Dolores, Buenos Aires, October 21, 1920, a male<br />

and a female from Tunuyan, Mendoza, March 26, 1921, and a female<br />

from Concon, Chile, April 29. Comparison of a series of 19 skins<br />

from Buenos Aires, Rio Negro, Mendoza, and Chile, indicates that<br />

birds from the southern part of the range of the species do not differ<br />

sectionally in spite of the wide range included. The two skins from<br />

Tunuyan and the one from Concon are immature individuals in<br />

first winter plumage, distinguished from older individuals by a<br />

yellow spot on the rump.<br />

True to their reputation these handsome mites of the feathered<br />

world were found among rushes in marshes, usually where the water<br />

was something less than a meter in depth. They were local in oc-<br />

54207—26 22

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