Bulletin - United States National Museum - si-pddr - Smithsonian ...

Bulletin - United States National Museum - si-pddr - Smithsonian ... Bulletin - United States National Museum - si-pddr - Smithsonian ...

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268 BULLETIN 133, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM The one taken has the following measurements: Wing, 64.2; tail, 73.3 ; culmen from base, 12.3 ; tarsus, 22.1 mm. SIPTORNIS STEINBACHI Hartert Siptornis steinbachi, Hartert, Nov. ZooL, vol. 16, December, 1909, p. 213. (Cachi, Salta, Argentina, altitude 2,500 meters.) The skin of a female Siptornis secured March 13, 1921, near the city of Mendoza, is referred to the present species with some reserva- tion. The bird under discussion was taken in the same type of country as that inhabited by the one allotted as S. d. crassirostris and resembles that bird in general appearance, differing in lack of a rufous throat patch, in blackish bill, and deeper rufous on wings, under tail coverts, and flanks. The throat has a faint yellowish tinge in the center, with obscure blackish tips on the feathers. The specimen, apparently adult, is in full molt, and has only three rec- trices, the external ones on the right side. The two outermost are cinnamon, the third is cinnamon save for a blackish stripe, that extends along the middle of the distal half of the outer web and spreads to the shaft at the tip. The skin agrees substantially with the original diagnosis except for the dusky streaks on the lesser wing coverts. The specimen has the following measurements: Wing, 64; tail imperfect; culmen from base, 14.4; tarsus, 22 mm. These correspond closely to the measurements given by Hartert for his type, namely, wing, 66 ; culmen, 14 ; and tarsus, 22 mm. The bird does not seem to have been reported before save from the type-locality from which no specimens are available for com- parison. SIPTORNIS BAERI Berlepsch Siptornis Meri, Berlepsch, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, vol. 16, May 28, 1906, p. 99. (Cosquin, Cordoba.) Five specimens of this species were taken at Victorica, Pampa, on the following dates: December 24, 1920, adult male; December 27, immature male ; and December 28, two adult males, one immature female. The species is easily distinguished from S. sordida, which it resembles superficially, by its heavier more robust bill and the darker median rectrices. Skins in juvenal plumage differ from adults in lighter ventral surface, more indistinct throat patch, and fine vermiculations of duslcy on breast. The species inhabits the same type of country as that frequented by Synallaxis a. albescens, a species quite similar in general appear- ance. Apparently haeri rears two broods during the season, as adults taken in December were in breeding condition, while a first brood was already on the wing. Victorica marks a slight extension in the previously known range.

U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 133 PL. 16 Arid Hills Grown with Scattered Brush, Haunt of Crested Tinamou (Calopezus elegans morenoi ) North of General Roca, Rio Xegro, December 2, 1920 A Quiet Channll ut- the Rio Negro. The Birds in the Water Are Coots (Fulica armillata and F. leucoptera i South of General Roca, Rio Xegro, December 3, 1920


Arid Hills Grown with Scattered Brush, Haunt of Crested Tinamou<br />

(Calopezus elegans morenoi )<br />

North of General Roca, Rio Xegro, December 2, 1920<br />

A Quiet Channll ut- the Rio Negro. The Birds in the Water<br />

Are Coots (Fulica armillata and F. leucoptera i<br />

South of General Roca, Rio Xegro, December 3, 1920

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