Bulletin - United States National Museum - si-pddr - Smithsonian ...

Bulletin - United States National Museum - si-pddr - Smithsonian ...

Bulletin - United States National Museum - si-pddr - Smithsonian ...


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female, July 26)<br />

; Riacho Pilaga, Formosa, August 11 and 18 (two<br />

males, taken on the latter date) ; and Tapia, Tucuman, April 7 to<br />

13 (an immature female, shot April 7). There is no appreciable<br />

difference in appearance in specimens from the three localities rep-<br />

resented by the five birds preserved as skins. The association of this<br />

and allied straight-billed forms in the genus Ufucerthia with spe-<br />

cies of the U. dumetaria type is questionable.<br />

These birds of wrenlike appearance and action inhabited heavy<br />

brush where they worked about on or near the ground, in such dense<br />

cover that it was difficult to observe them. At any alarm they gave<br />

vent to loud whistled calls, suggestive of those of a canyon wren,<br />

and at times were called out by squeaking noises. Their notes are<br />

loud and might ea<strong>si</strong>ly be attributed to a bird of greater bulk.<br />

In an immature male the maxilla and tip of the mandible were<br />

dull black; base of mandible pallid brownish drab; tarsus and toes<br />

fuscous.<br />

UPUCERTHIA LUSCINIA (Barmeister)<br />

Ochetorhynchus Luscinia Burmeister, Journ. fiir Ornith., 1860, p. 249.<br />

( Mendoza. ) '*<br />

The present species was encountered only on a dry flat above the<br />

city of Mendoza, Province of Mendoza, western Argentina, on March<br />

13, 1921, when a female was taken. The few noted Avere found in<br />

low brush along a dry wash.<br />

This bird has been treated as a geographic race of U. cei^thioideSy<br />

a usage not borne out in my opinion by examination of specimens,<br />

<strong>si</strong>nce luscima^ in addition to larger <strong>si</strong>ze, much more robust form, and<br />

more grayish coloration, has a decidedly longer tail and broader rec-<br />

trices. The difference between the two is so exten<strong>si</strong>ve that any in'<br />

tergradation, indicating subspecific relationship, must be con<strong>si</strong>dered<br />

extremely doubtful unless it may be definitely proved by specimens.<br />


Anthu8 fuscus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. Hist. Xat., vol. 26, 1818, p. 490.<br />

(Montevideo and Buenos Aires.)<br />

At Berazategui, in the Province of Buenos Aires, several were<br />

seen and a male was taken on June 29, 1920, on low ground near the<br />

Rio de la Plata. An immature male Avas shot at El Salto, at an ele-<br />

vation of 1,600 meters above Potrerillos, Mendoza, on March 19, 1921.<br />

This second specimen has several white feathers in the crov.n, an<br />

albinistic tendency. It is darker brown than the one shot near<br />

Buenos Aires.<br />

These birds walk on the ground with constantly wagging tails, and<br />

when flushed may fly, with a flash of the light band in the wings, to a<br />

** According to Ilartert (Nov. Zool.. vol. 16, December, 1909, p. 208).

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