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Bulletin - United States National Museum - si-pddr - Smithsonian ... Bulletin - United States National Museum - si-pddr - Smithsonian ...

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194 BULLETIN 133^ UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM was swift and direct. Their chattering notes were high pitched and at times suggested the excited calls of barn swallows. Three were taken. On March 21 a flock was recorded at an altitude of 1,800 meters near the hotel at Potrerillos. MYIOPSITTA MONACHUS MONACHUS (Boddaert) Psittactis monachus Boddaert, Tabl. Planch. Enl., 1783, p. 48. (Monte- video. ) No locality is cited by Boddaert in connection with his Psittacus tnonachus^ though Brabourne and Chubb "^^ give Montevideo as the type locality, apparentl}^ taking this from Latham.*'^ Latham under his gray-breasted parrakeet includes reference to Buffon, Daubenton, and Pernetty, the latter of whom says that the species was found at Montevideo. As it is proposed to divide the species into three geographic races, Montevideo, Uruguay, is here accepted as the type-locality. The three subspecies recognized in available material will stand as follows: MYIOPSITTA MONACHUS MONACHUS (Boddaert). Bill large and heavj'^; abdomen more yellowish; dorsal surface bright green. Culmen from cere, 18.6-22; wing, 140.5-157; tarsus, 17-19.4 mm. Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Entre llios, and Uruguay (at least in southern part). MYIOPSITTA MONACHUS COTORRA (Vieillot). Bill small; abdomen less yellowish; dorsal surface bright green. Culmen from cere, lG-17.3; wing, 127-140.6; tarsus, 15.2-16.9 mm. Formosa (Kilometer 182) and Paraguay (Puerto Pinasco). MYIOPSITTA MONACHUS CALITA (.Tardine and Selby). Bill small, wing short, dorsal surface distinctly duller green. Culmen from cere, 16.8-17.7; wing, 131-137.5; tarsus, 15-16.4 mm. Mendoza, and San Luis (Nueva Galia). According to Hartert,^^ also at Rio Colorado, Tucuman, and La Banda, Santiago del Estero. The large-billed form of the monk parrakeet was recorded near Lavalle, Buenos Aires, from October 23 to November 15, 1920, and a male and two females were preserved as skins on October 30. A small colony inhabited a clump of eucalyptus trees in town, while at the estancias in the surrounding country the birds were common wherever there was tree growth to furnish them shelter. At Los Yngleses large stick nests of this parrakeet were placed in the higher "« Birds South America, 1912, p. 85. «o Syn. Birds, vol. 1, pt. 1, 1781, p. 247. ''opsittaca calita Jardine aud Selby, 111. Oni., vol. 2, pt. 6, August, 1830, pi. 82 (Province of Mendoza). The name calita is an evident lapsus calami for catita, the common name of this parrakeet in Argentina and Uruguay. Las Catitas in the Province of Mendoza, given by Jardine and Selby as calitas, is today an important center in the grape district. " Nov. Zool.. vol. 16, December, 1909, p. 234.

U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 133 PL. 12 Border of a Banado, or Lowland Marsh Near San Vicente Uruguay January 27, 1921 A View in One of the Lowland Palm Forests of Eastern Uruguay Near San Vicente, Uruguay, January 27, 1921


Border of a Banado, or Lowland Marsh<br />

Near San Vicente Uruguay January 27, 1921<br />

A View in One of the Lowland Palm Forests of Eastern Uruguay<br />

Near San Vicente, Uruguay, January 27, 1921

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