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Report<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey<br />

Frigg 2010<br />

Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Report No./DNV Reg No.: 2010-1479/ 12O31ER-5<br />

Rev 01, 2010-11-30


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

Table of Contents<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page ii of iii<br />


CONCLUSIVE SUMMARY / SAMMENDRAG.................................................................. 1<br />

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 3<br />

2 MATERIALS AND METHODS...................................................................................... 4<br />

2.1 Field work .................................................................................................................. 4<br />

2.2 Macrobenthic analyses ............................................................................................... 6<br />

2.2.1 Macrobenthic analyses – an introduction ............................................................ 6<br />

2.2.2 Sorting and species identification........................................................................ 6<br />

2.2.3 Analytical methods .............................................................................................. 7<br />

2.2.4 Comparison of taxonomical data between years ................................................. 7<br />

2.2.5 Quality assurance................................................................................................. 8<br />

2.3 Chemical analysis and physical characterization of the sediments............................ 8<br />

2.3.1 Sediment characterization.................................................................................... 8<br /> Grain size distribution................................................................................. 8<br /> Total organic matter .................................................................................. 11<br />

2.3.2 Chemical analyses ............................................................................................. 11<br /> Hydrocarbons ............................................................................................ 11<br /> Metals........................................................................................................ 13<br /> Determination and quantification limits.................................................... 14<br />

2.3.3 Quality assurance............................................................................................... 14<br />

2.4 Deviation from Guidelines....................................................................................... 14<br />

3 RESULTS ......................................................................................................................... 15<br />

3.1 Sediment characterization ........................................................................................ 15<br />

3.1.1 Grain size distribution........................................................................................ 15<br />

3.1.2 Total organic matter (TOM) .............................................................................. 15<br />

3.2 Chemical analysis..................................................................................................... 16<br />

3.2.1 Hydrocarbons..................................................................................................... 16<br />

3.2.2 Metals ................................................................................................................ 18<br />

3.3 Biological analysis ................................................................................................... 21<br />

3.4 Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 26<br />

4 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 27<br />

Appendix 1 Extract from Survey Report<br />

Appendix 2 Test Report – Sampling and biological analyses<br />

Appendix 3 Analysis Report - Molab


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page iii of iii<br />


Preface<br />

The environmental sediment survey at Frigg in 2010 has been carried out jointly by Det Norske<br />

Veritas and Molab, on behalf of Total E&P Norge AS. The work has been carried out as a part of<br />

the regional environmental monitoring in Region III (Oseberg/Troll) coordinated through Statoil.<br />

Total’s representative has been Laurence Pinturier<br />

Personnel<br />

Field work: Sam-Arne Nøland survey leader, Thomas Møskeland (shift leader), Øyvind<br />

Fjukmoen (shift leader), Marte Braathen, Christian Volan (all DNV) and Gunn Mari Michaelsen<br />

and Odd Strandvoll (both Molab).<br />

Sediment analyses:<br />

Grain size distribution: Terje Kolberg, Eli Ellingsen<br />

TOM analysis: Terje Kolberg, Eli Ellingsen<br />

Metal analyses: Gunn Mari Michaelsen, Terje Pedersen, Hanne Skog<br />

Lillevik, Wenche Brennbakk<br />

THC analysis: Daniel Perez, Anna Jønsson, Tove Kristin Dokka Torstensen<br />

Selected hydrocarbon analyses: Tove Kristin Dokka Torstensen<br />

The grain size distribution is analyzed at Molab AS, section Glomfjord. The organic chemical<br />

analyses are performed at Molab AS, section Oslo, the preparation of the inorganic samples are<br />

performed at Molab AS, section Mo i Rana, and due to a minor fire the instrumental analyses was<br />

carried out by a co-operator, ALS.<br />

Biological analyses:<br />

Species identification: Thomas Møskeland, DNV (Crustacea)<br />

Amund Ulfsnes, DNV (Echinodermata/mollusca)<br />

Per Bie Wikander, Molltax (Mollusca)<br />

Øystein Stokland, Marine Bunndyr (Polychaeta, varia)<br />

Sorting has taken place at DNV’s Biology Laboratory. Christian Volan and Ludvig Søgnen<br />

Jensen have been in charge of the sorting.<br />

Univariate analyses: Amund Ulfsnes, Thomas Møskeland<br />

Multivariate analyses: Amund Ulfsnes<br />

Report preparation:<br />

Chemistry: Tove Kristin Dokka Torstensen<br />

Biology: Amund Ulfsnes, Sam-Arne Nøland<br />

Main Report: Sam-Arne Nøland<br />

Verification: Øyvind Fjukmoen<br />

Project Manager: Sam-Arne Nøland


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />



DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 1 of 27<br />


This report presents the results from the environmental survey at Frigg in 2010. Det Norske<br />

Veritas and Molab AS carried out the survey jointly on the behalf of Total E&P Norge AS.<br />

Apart from the concrete substructures left in place, all installations removed and brought to<br />

shore for material recovery. This survey is part of the mandatory environmental surveys<br />

described in the Frigg Field Cessation Plan and to be undertaken before and after<br />

decommissioning work. The first mandatory environmental survey took place in 2003 before<br />

the start of the decommissioning work; the second took place in 2006 during<br />

decommissioning.<br />

The main results from the survey at Frigg in 2010 are presented below.<br />

The major sediment component is sand (94-99 %), and all samples are classified as fine sand.<br />

The content of silt and clay is low, between 0.5 and 2.2 %. The content of gravel is 2.2 % for<br />

station FRI1 and 4.9 % for FRI25. For the remaining stations the content of gravel is LSC, and<br />

these elevated levels are most pronounced at stations FRIX1, -1, -3 and -4 where the fauna is<br />

slightly different from the other field stations. Compared with previous surveys it is some<br />

minor differences, but it is not found any trend, and overall there were no major differences<br />

compared to previous surveys. A summary of the results are shown in the table below.<br />

Summary of the chemical analyses, sediment characterization and biology.<br />

Analytical method Parameter Variation at Frigg 2010<br />

Sediment characterization<br />

• Grain size distribution Silt and clay (%): 0.5 - 2.2<br />

Sand (%): 99.5 - 93.4<br />

Gravel (%): 0 - 4.9<br />

Median particle diameter (φ): 2.35 - 2.54<br />

• Total organic matter (%) TOM: 0.45 - 0.76<br />

Chemical analyses<br />

• Hydrocarbons (mg/kg) THC: 4 - 11<br />

NPD: 0.08 - 0.08<br />

PAH: 0.142 - 0.142<br />

• Metals (mg/kg) Ba: 28 - 189<br />

Cd: < 0.03 - 0.06<br />

Cr: 4.2 - 12.8<br />

Cu: 1.1 - 26.5<br />

Hg: < 0.01 - 0.02<br />

Pb: 3.2 - 53.8<br />

Zn: 6 - 290


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 2 of 27<br />


Fauna<br />

Shannon-Wiener H’ 3.5 - 5.3<br />

Rarefaction ES100 25 - 39<br />

Pielou’s evenness J 0.56 - 0.80<br />


Hovedresultatene fra etterkantundersøkelsen på Frigg i 2010 er presentert nedenfor.<br />

Sedimentene består hovedsakelig av sand (94-99 %), og alle prøvene blir klassifisert som fin<br />

sand. Innholdet av silt og leire er lavt, og varierer mellom 0,5-2,2 %. Innholdet av grus er 2,2<br />

% på stasjon FRI1 og 4,9 % på stasjon FRI25, på de øvrige stasjonene er innholdet av grus <<br />

0,5 %. Innholdet av totalt organisk materiale er lavt (0,45-0,76 %).<br />

Totalt innhold av THC varierer fra 4-11 mg/kg. Det er valgt å sammenligne med LSC-verdien<br />

for subregion nord fra undersøkelsen på Region II i 2006 (LSC north 97-06). Det er ikke<br />

funnet konsentrasjoner av THC som overstiger LSC-verdien ved noen av stasjonene. På<br />

stasjon FRI3 er konsentrasjonen av PAH og NPD i sjiktet 1-3 cm hhv 4,24 og 1,80 mg/kg,<br />

THC-konsentrasjonen i denne prøven er 15 mg/kg.<br />

Konsentrasjonene av Ba i området er 28-189 mg/kg. Tre stasjoner har Ba-konsentrasjoner<br />

over LSC-nivå. Flere av stasjonene har metallkonsentrasjoner over LSC, mest markert på<br />

stasjonene FRIX1, -1, -3 og -4 der faunaen er litt forskjellig fra de andre feltstasjonene.<br />

Sammenlignet med tidligere undersøkelser er det noen mindre forskjeller, men det er ikke<br />

funnet noen trend. Samlet sett er det små variasjoner i resultatene fra 2010 sammenlignet med<br />

de senere års undersøkelser (2003 og 2006). Et sammendrag av resultatene er gitt i tabellen<br />

under.<br />

Sammendrag av resultatene fra den kjemiske analysen og sedimentkarakteriseringen<br />

Analyse Parameter Variasjon på Frigg 2010<br />

Sedimentkarakterisering<br />

• Kornstørrelsesfordeling Silt og leire (%): 0,5 - 2,2<br />

Sand (%): 99,5 - 93,4<br />

Grus (%): 0 - 4,9<br />

Median partikkeldiameter (φ): 2,35 - 2,54<br />

• Totalt organisk materiale (%) TOM: 0,45 - 0,76<br />

Kjemisk analyse<br />

• Hydrokarboner (mg/kg) THC: 4 - 11<br />

NPD: 0,08 - 0,08<br />

PAH: 0,142 - 0,142<br />

• Metaller (mg/kg) Ba: 28 - 189<br />

Cd: < 0,03 - 0,06<br />

Cr: 4,2 - 12,8<br />

Cu: 1,1 - 26,5<br />

Hg: < 0,01 - 0,02<br />

Pb: 3,2 - 53,8<br />

Zn: 6 - 290<br />

Fauna<br />

Shannon-Wiener H’ 3,5 - 5,3<br />

Rarefaction ES100 25 - 39<br />

Pielou’s jevnhet J 0,56 - 0,80


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />


DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 3 of 27<br />


Det Norske Veritas and Molab AS have carried out in 2010 an environmental sediment survey<br />

within the 500m zone of the Frigg Field on behalf of Total E&P Norge AS.<br />

Frigg is located in block 25/1. Production at the field started in September 1977 and stopped<br />

in October 2004. A total of 14 wells were permanently plugged and abandoned between<br />

October and December 2004. The offshore removal works of the facilities on Frigg<br />

commenced in March 2005. Apart from the three concrete substructures left in place, all<br />

installations and pipelines and cables between the Frigg platforms have been removed and<br />

brought to shore for material recovery.<br />

All offshore removal works were completed in 2009. The post-removal work performed<br />

within the Cessation Project has been:<br />

- a survey to identify the sea floor debris (target) to be removed (Jan-Feb 2010)<br />

- removal of the targets identified (April-Mai 2010)<br />

- a gravel dumping survey to fill in holes at DP2/QP/DP1 (July 2010)<br />

- a final bottom trawling test (September 2010)<br />

The first of the mandatory environmental surveys linked to the decommissioning of the Frigg<br />

Field, to be undertaken before and after completion of the decommissioning work, was carried<br />

out in 2003. The last mandatory sediment survey was scheduled for 2009 as part of the<br />

regional environmental monitoring survey in Region II in the Norwegian Sector of the North<br />

Sea. As the decommissioning work offshore was foreseen completed within 2009, Total E&P<br />

Norge applied for and obtained approval from the Norwegian Climate and Pollution Agency<br />

(KLIF) to postpone the last mandatory survey to 2010. An environmental sediment survey<br />

was also carried out during the decommission work in 2006 as part of the Region II<br />

monitoring.<br />

The 2010 sediment survey has been performed after the debris had been removed.<br />

Seabed Seabed sampling sampling<br />

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010<br />

Gas production stopped<br />

Gas production stopped<br />

Offshore Offshore removal removal started started<br />

Seabed Seabed sampling sampling<br />

Offshore Offshore removal removal completed completed<br />

Debris Debris clearance clearance<br />

Seabed Seabed sampling sampling<br />

The 2010 survey program was based on the results obtained from the previous monitoring<br />

surveys and included both biology and chemistry analyses. The sampling stations were<br />

selected based on 2003 and 2006 program.


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-12-01 Page 4 of 27<br />


Discharges history at Frigg between 2003 and 2009 (all numbers in tons with the exception of<br />

hydraulic oil in litre).<br />

SFT class description SFT* 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009<br />

Number of plugged wells 14 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Water green 5.74 5.67 - 0 0.164 0 0<br />

PLONOR Chemicals green 8.74 10.0 - 0 0 0 0<br />



Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

The main equipment used was:<br />

• van Veen grabs<br />

• Reception table for grab in stainless steel<br />

• Washing table for biological samples<br />

• two sets of sieves for washing of biological samples<br />

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Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 5 of 27<br />


Sampling was carried out in accordance with accredited procedures described in Handbook<br />

for the Biology laboratory quality system; sampling of marine sediment and soft bottom<br />

analyses. It was emphasized that the sediment surface in the samples should be undisturbed<br />

and that the washing/sieving of the fauna samples was carried out gently. Animals were fixed<br />

in formaldehyd (4 % neutralized with hexamine), added pink Bengal and stored in plastic<br />

buckets. All samples were double labelled and packed in solid boxes to avoid damage to the<br />

samples.<br />

The field work was carried out in accordance to the survey program.<br />

The vessel was provided with dynamic positioning equipment. This means very precise<br />

positioning, and that the vessel can be kept in the exact same position over time. The variance<br />

in positioning was better than ± 5 m.<br />

Figure 2-1 Frigg sampling stations 2010. The Reference station FRI10R is not included.


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

2.2 Macrobenthic analyses<br />

2.2.1 Macrobenthic analyses – an introduction<br />

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Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 6 of 27<br />


The macrobenthic fauna considered in this survey is found living either in, or on sand, silt or<br />

clay sediments. This fauna comprises the following main taxonomic groups: Polychaeta,<br />

Crustacea, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Varia (remaining groups). Only animals more than 1<br />

mm (macrobenthos) are included in the analysis.<br />

Macrobenthic fauna are traditionally included in offshore environmental monitoring. The<br />

reason for this is that the study of benthic communities can give an indication of the effects of<br />

pollution from offshore activities, while chemical monitoring of sediments is aimed at<br />

assessing the dispersion and concentration levels of pollutants in the vicinity of offshore<br />

installations. The benthic fauna is a suitable biological parameter for monitoring the effects of<br />

pollution since most of the species have limited mobility and changes in species composition<br />

and densities of individuals can therefore easily be identified. The distribution of the fauna<br />

can be related to natural variations in environmental parameters such as depth and type of<br />

sediment, but also anthropogenic factors such as discharges of drilling fluids, cuttings and<br />

others, including accidental releases of oil and physical disturbances.<br />

2.2.2 Sorting and species identification<br />

In the laboratory the samples were washed on 1 mm sieves with (circular holes) to remove<br />

formaldehyde and remaining fine sediment, and then sorted by hand under a magnifying<br />

glass. The animals were split into the major taxonomic groups; Echinodermata, Polychaeta,<br />

Crustacean, Mollusca and Varia and transferred to 70% ethanol before further identification<br />

was undertaken.<br />

Apart from the exceptions detailed below, all animals were identified to the lowest possible<br />

taxonomic level (i.e. generally to species level) and the number of individuals per taxon in<br />

each sample was recorded.<br />

In accordance with the Activities Regulations, Nematoda, Foraminifera and colonial<br />

organisms (i.e. Porifera and Bryozoa), were excluded from any data analyses. Some taxa (i.e.<br />

Platyhelminthes, Nemertini, Tunicata and Tanaidacea) were quantified but were not identified<br />

further. A number of representative specimens of each of the species/taxa identified were<br />

included in our reference collection.


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

2.2.3 Analytical methods<br />

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Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 7 of 27<br />


The statistical and mathematical methods utilised to aid interpretation of the benthic fauna<br />

data are summarised below.<br />

• Abundance ratio<br />

• Shannon-Wiener's diversity index, H' (Shannon & Weaver 1963)<br />

• Evenness calculated by Pielou's "evenness" J' (Pielou 1969)<br />

• Expected number of species in a sample of 100 individuals (ES100)<br />

• Fauna similarity between stations by Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index d (Bray & Curtis<br />

1957). The resulting similarity matrix was utilised in multivariate analyses in order to group<br />

stations and assess gradients in the benthic communities. These methods were: hierarchical<br />

agglomerative classification with group-average sorting (Lance & Williams 1966), ordination<br />

with non-metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS), (Shepard 1962, Kruskal 1964).<br />

Classification and MDS ordination were carried out using the programme-package PRIMER<br />

(Plymouth Routines In Multivariate Ecological Research).<br />

The raw data is stored in MOD; MiljøOvervåkingsDatabasen (Environmental Monitoring<br />

Database).<br />

2.2.4 Comparison of taxonomical data between years<br />

Comparison of data at species level between years (trend analyses) involves taxonomic<br />

sources of errors which have to be minimized in order to get consistent data when using e.g.<br />

multivariate analyses. Comparison of univariate data, such as biodiversity indices between<br />

years does not raise the same problem and gives minimal or small fluctuations. Main sources<br />

of errors when using multiple data sets at species level are sampling methodology and<br />

variations between taxonomists.<br />

Species-level identification of all specimens is practically not possible. A number of obstacles<br />

are always present, e.g. the state of knowledge of the taxonomy of infaunal species. Some<br />

groups are comparatively well known, while others are relatively unknown. A substantial<br />

number of unrecognized species may be assumed to be present in the samples. These factors,<br />

along with various levels of experience and areas of expertise among taxonomists, are present<br />

in any survey of this kind, and will directly impact the survey results (Montagne & Bergen,<br />



Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

2.2.5 Quality assurance<br />

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Date : 2010-11-30 Page 8 of 27<br />


Procedures including routines for quality assurance related to sorting, species identification<br />

and recording of macrobenthos samples are given in DNV’s Biolaboratoriets Kvalitetssystem,<br />

Prøvetaking av marint sediment og bløtbunnsanalyser. A brief summary is given here:<br />

All samples are recorded and double-labelled during fieldwork, and transported in wooden<br />

boxes in a steel container. During sorting in the laboratory all relevant information about each<br />

sample is recorded (who sorted what and when, time spent, number of bottles etc.). After<br />

sorting, each sediment sample is examined for remaining organisms by approved personnel.<br />

Each identifier establishes a separate reference collection of species for comparison purpose.<br />

To maintain traceability each identifier signs a log to keep track over which grab samples and<br />

animal group(s) he or she has been working on. The project reference collection is kept at<br />

DNV, Høvik.<br />

2.3 Chemical analysis and physical characterization of the sediments<br />

Analytical parameters<br />

Analysis Parameter<br />

Sediment characterization<br />

• Grain size distribution - Distribution of pelite (< 63 µm) and sand (> 63 µm)<br />

- Cumulative weight% distribution from 63-2000 µm<br />

- Median particle diameter (Mdφ), standard deviation (SDφ),<br />

skewness (Skφ) and kurtosis (Kφ)<br />

• Total organic matter (TOM) - % TOM in the sediment<br />

Chemical analyses<br />

• Hydrocarbons - THC, sum C12-C35<br />

- NPD, naphthalenes, phenanthrenes and dibenzothiophenes<br />

sum and single compounds<br />

- PAH, 16 EPA compounds<br />

sum and single compounds<br />

• Metals - Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn<br />

2.3.1 Sediment characterization<br /> Grain size distribution<br />

The method for grain size distribution analysis is described in Buchanan (1984). The analysis<br />

includes a fast mechanical separation of the sand fraction (> 63 µm) from the silt and clay<br />

fraction. The sand fraction is then dried and sieved over a series of graded sieves.<br />

From each station three subsamples (0-5 cm) from separate grab samples were mixed and<br />

homogenized, and one homogenized sample from each station was analyzed. Approximately<br />

10 g of the sample was weighed to the nearest 0.01 g before wet sieving on a 63 µm sieve.


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 9 of 27<br />


The fraction passing this sieve was transferred to a plastic bottle. A separate sample was<br />

weighed and dried for dry weight determination. The percentage of silt and clay (< 63 µm) of<br />

total dry weight in the sample was then calculated.<br />

The fraction > 63 µm was dried at 100 °C for 12 hours and sieved over a series of<br />

Wenthworth graded sieves (Endecott Test Sieves, London) with mesh sizes ranging from<br />

2000 to 63 µm. The sample was shaken on a Retsch KG testing sieve shaker for ten minutes.<br />

The weight retained upon each sieve was determined to the nearest 0.01 g. The weight of all<br />

size fractions was used to prepare cumulative weight% distribution tables for each sampling<br />

site. This table was then used in calculating the median particle diameter and deviation,<br />

skewness and kurtosis of the particle size distribution. As the grain size distribution was not<br />

determined for the fraction < 63 µm, the φ-value for this fraction was given the value 8. The<br />

values for Mdφ, SDφ, Skφ, and Kφ should therefore be considered as extrapolated results.<br />

The mathematical expressions are given below.<br />

Mdφ (median particle diameter):<br />

Mdφ = the φ-value of the midpoint (i.e. 50 %) of the cumulative % weight curve. This<br />

measures the central tendency of the size frequency distribution.<br />

SDφ (standard deviation):<br />

SDφ estimated as:<br />

φ84<br />

- φ16<br />

SDφ<br />

=<br />

4<br />

φ95<br />

− φ5<br />

+<br />

6.<br />

6<br />

SDφ gives a measure of the spread in particle size around the Mdφ, and thus is a<br />

measure of the degree of sorting of the particles.<br />

Skφ (skewness):<br />

Kurtosis, Kφ:<br />

Skφ estimated as:<br />

φ16<br />

+ φ84<br />

− 2Mdφ<br />

φ5<br />

+ φ95<br />

− 2Mdφ<br />

Skφ<br />

=<br />

+<br />

2<br />

( φ84<br />

− φ16)<br />

2(<br />

φ95<br />

− φ5)<br />

Skφ describes the symmetry of the spread in distribution around the Mdφ. A<br />

completely symmetrical distribution will have Skφ = 0, negative values indicate<br />

displacement of the distribution curve towards coarser sediment, and positive Skφ<br />

indicates displacement towards finer sediment.<br />

Kφ estimated as:<br />

φ95<br />

- φ5<br />

Kφ<br />

=<br />

2.<br />

44<br />

( φ75<br />

− φ25)<br />

Kφ describes the toppedness of the distribution, i.e. how heavy the tails are (expressed<br />

by the φ5 and φ95 fractions) compared to the central portion of the distribution. For a<br />

normal distribution the expression above will give a Kφ value of 1.00.


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 10 of 27<br />


Interpretation tables are enclosed in Table 2-1 and Table 2-2.<br />

Table 2-1 Grain size distribution. Interpretation of descriptive indiced (Buchanan, 1984).<br />

Parameter Index value Verbal classification<br />

Standard deviation (SDφ) < 0.35 Very well sorted<br />

0.25-0.50 Well sorted<br />

0.50-0.70 Moderately well sorted<br />

0.70-1.00 Moderately sorted<br />

1.00-2.00 Poorly sorted<br />

2.00-4.00 Very poorly sorted<br />

> 4.00 Extremely poorly sorted<br />

Skewness (Skφ) +1.00 to +0.30 Strongly fine skewed<br />

+0.30 to +0.10 Fine skewed<br />

+0.10 to -0.10 Symmetrical<br />

-0.10 to -0.30 Coarse skewed<br />

-0.30 to -1.00 Strongly coarse skewed<br />

Kurtosis (Kφ) +4.5 Silt and clay (pelite)


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br /> Total organic matter<br />

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Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 11 of 27<br />


30-40 g of wet sediment was weighed into a porcelain dish. The sample was heated at 105 °C<br />

for minimum 20 hours, cooled and weighed, and then heated to 480 °C for minimum 16<br />

hours. The percent weight loss after the combustion was then calculated, and this value<br />

represents the total organic matter content (TOM) in the sediment. Two sediment standards<br />

with known TOM and calcium carbonate were heated together with the sediment samples.<br />

The calcium carbonate was used as a cross check on potential weight loss due to the<br />

conversion of carbonate to oxide.<br />

2.3.2 Chemical analyses<br /> Hydrocarbons<br />

The chemical analysis comprises determination of the total hydrocarbon content from n-C12 to<br />

n-C35 (THC) and selected hydrocarbons (NPD and PAH). The analytical steps are shown in<br />

Figure 2-2. The sediment samples were worked up by saponification, followed by extraction<br />

with dichloromethane. The extract was then separated in a non-polar and a polar fraction<br />

using a silica column. The non-polar fractions were analyzed for hydrocarbons by use of gas<br />

chromatography (GC).<br />

Sample preparation procedure:<br />

The sediment samples were collected in Rilsan bags. Homogenization was performed by<br />

stirring in the Rilsan bag, and small portions of the wet sample were taken randomly giving a<br />

total weight of about 50 g. Internal standards were added. The sample was refluxed with KOH<br />

in methanol for 2 hours. The mixture was then extracted by dichloromethane. The extract was<br />

evaporated to approximately 1 mL, re-dissolved in hexane and fractionated (cleaned up) on<br />

Bond-Elut silica columns (Isolute, International Sorbent Technology). The hexane fraction<br />

was concentrated and analyzed for hydrocarbons.<br />

An aliquot of the wet and homogenized sediment was weighed and dried for 48 hours at 105<br />

°C, for determination of the dry weight.<br />

Quantification:<br />

THC (total hydrocarbon content) was determined by gas chromatography with flame<br />

ionization detector, in the boiling range of n-C12 alkane to n-C35 alkane. The quantification<br />

was carried out according to an external standard of the reference oil, HDF 200, a drilling<br />

mud base oil. The reported values were corrected for background levels from procedural<br />

blanks.<br />

NPD and PAH were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry operated in the<br />

selected ion recording mode (SIR). The quantification was carried out according to the added<br />

internal standards and integration of the molecular ions. The following compounds were<br />

determined: Naphthalene, phenanthrene/anthracene, dibenzothiophene and their C1-, C2- and<br />

C3-alkylated derivatives, acenaphtene, acenaphthylene, fluorene, pyrene/fluoranthene,


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

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chrysene/ triphenylene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene/<br />

benzo(j)fluoranthene/ benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene<br />

and dibenzo(a,h)anthracene.<br />

Reference compounds were available for all the aromatic compounds. For each of the C1 - C3<br />

alkyl homologue groups one of the isomers was used as reference in the quantification. The<br />

reported values were corrected for background levels from procedural blanks.<br />

GC-FID conditions:<br />

Gas chromatograph : Perkin Elmer Autosystem XL<br />

Column : 12 m x 0.20 mm i.d., fused silica, crosslinked with dimethyl<br />

silicone<br />

Temperatures: Column : 50 °C (2 min) - 20 °C/min - 350 °C (8 min)<br />

Injector : 320 °C<br />

Detector : 350 °C<br />

Carrier gas : Helium<br />

Injection volume : 1 µL<br />

Data system : TotalChrom 6.2<br />

HDF 200 : 0.1 – 10 mg/mL hexane<br />

GC/MS conditions:<br />

Mass spectrometer : Clarus 500 Mass Spectrometer, Perkin Elmer<br />

Data system : TurboMass<br />

Gas chromatograph : Clarus 500 Gas Chromatograph, Perkin Elmer<br />

Column: : 30 m fused silica, 0.25 µm DB-5ms<br />

Temperatures: Column : 40 °C (2 min) - 20 °C/min - 120 °C -<br />

Injector : 300 °C<br />

Ion source : 180 °C<br />

Carrier gas : Helium<br />

10 °C/min - 300 °C (15 min)<br />

Ionization : Electron impact, 70 eV<br />

Masses (m/z)<br />

C0-C3 naphthalene : 128, 141, 156, 170<br />

C0-C3 phenanthrene : 178, 192, 206, 220<br />

C0-C3 dibenzothiophene : 184, 198, 212, 226<br />

PAH : 152, 153, 166, 202, 228, 252, 276, 278<br />

Deuterated standards : 136, 164, 188, 212, 240, 264<br />

Injection volume : 1 µL


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Figure 2-2 Flow scheme of essential steps in the hydrocarbon analyses of sediments.<br /> Metals<br />

The metal analyses include determination of Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn after digestion<br />

with nitric acid (NS 4770).<br />

The wet sediment sample was dried at 40 °C for two days, homogenized and sieved through a<br />

500 µm nylon sieve. The fractions larger and smaller than 0.5 mm were weighed. 1 g of the<br />

fraction smaller than 0.5 mm was extracted with 20 mL 7 M nitric acid in a Pyrex<br />

decomposition bottle in an autoclave at 120 °C for 30 min. After cooling, 80 mL of distilled<br />

water was added to the Pyrex bottle. The clear solution was decanted into a polyethylene<br />

bottle until analysis.<br />

Ba, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission<br />

spectrometry (ICP-AES). Cd was determined by atomic absorption, graphite furnace


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Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

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Date : 2010-11-30 Page 14 of 27<br />


technique (GF-AAS). Hg was determined by atomic adsorption cold vapor technique (CV-<br />

AAS) based on NS 4768.<br /> Determination and quantification limits<br />

The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) are given in Table 2-3 and<br />

Table 2-4.<br />

Table 2-3. Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ), hydrocarbons.<br />

Analytical parameter LOD LOQ Blank samples<br />

mg/kg mg/kg Number<br />

THC 1 2 11<br />

Sum NPD 0.01 0.03 -<br />

Sum PAH 0.005 0.02 -<br />

Table 2-4. Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ), metals.<br />

Ba Cd Cr Cu Hg Pb Zn<br />


LOD mg/kg 0.5 0.03 0.3 0.1 0.01 0.5 1<br />

LOQ mg/kg 1.5 0.1 1 0.3 0.03 1.5 3<br />

2.3.3 Quality assurance<br />

All the analyses are accredited. Molab AS is accredited by Norsk Akkreditering to perform<br />

chemical analyses, accreditation number Test 032. The accreditation is according to NS-EN<br />

ISO/IEC 17025. Due to a minor fire at our inorganic laboratory, ALS was uses as a cooperator<br />

for the instrumental analyses. The corresponding accreditation number for ALS is<br />

Swedac Ackreditering 2030, and the analyses were performed by ALS Scandinavia AB Luleå.<br />

2.4 Deviation from Guidelines<br />

The survey is performed according to the guidelines.


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

3 RESULTS<br />

3.1 Sediment characterization<br />

3.1.1 Grain size distribution<br />

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The main results are shown in Table 3-1 Comparison of the grain size distribution in 2010<br />

with previous surveys is presented in Figure 3-1. Detailed results are given in Appendix 3.<br />

All samples from the stations consist mainly of sand (94-99 %). All sediments are classified<br />

as fine sand. There were no major differences compared to previous results.<br />

3.1.2 Total organic matter (TOM)<br />

The content of total organic matter is shown in Table 3-1. A comparison with results from<br />

previous surveys is given in Figure 3-1.<br />

The content of TOM is low, and range between 0.45 and 0.76 %. The content is similar, or<br />

lower than previous years.<br />

Table 3-1 Frigg 2010, grain size distribution and total organic matter (TOM) of dry sediment.<br />

FRI10R is reference station and not included in Figure 2-1.<br />

Station Direction Distance Depth TOM Classification Silt & clay Sand Gravel Median<br />

(°) (m) (m) (%) % % % (Φ)<br />

FRI1 350 200 106 0.63 Fine sand 1.3 96.5 2.2 2.49<br />

FRI2 758 196 105 0.47 Fine sand 1.0 99.0 0.0 2.54<br />

FRI3 188 300 102 0.55 Fine sand 0.9 98.7 0.4 2.43<br />

FRIX2 ** 249 1000 111 0.76 Fine sand 2.0 98.0 0.0 2.35<br />

FRI4 249 200 105 0.67 Fine sand 0.9 98.3 0.9 2.49<br />

FRIX1 ** 249 100 105 0.65 Fine sand 2.2 97.8 0.0 2.44<br />

FRI11 350 500 107 0.69 Fine sand 0.5 99.5 0.0 2.42<br />

FRI24 170 250 103 0.45 Fine sand 1.4 98.4 0.1 2.43<br />

FRI25 355 242 105 0.54 Fine sand 1.7 93.4 4.9 2.36<br />

FRI27 70 250 106 0.52 Fine sand 1.4 98.6 0.0 2.49<br />

FRI10R 135.4 14686 118 0.93 Fine sand 6.0 94.0 0.0 2.84<br />

Min.* 0.45 0.5 93.4 0.0 2.35<br />

Max.* 0.76 2.2 99.5 4.9 2.54<br />

*: The reference station is not included<br />

** : Additional stations in 2006 and 2010 because accidental spill of Hg in 2004.


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

TOM (%)<br />

1,4<br />

1,2<br />

1,0<br />

0,8<br />

0,6<br />

0,4<br />

0,2<br />

0,0<br />

FRI1<br />

1992 1997 2000 2003 2010<br />

FRI2<br />

FRI3<br />

FRIX2<br />

FRI4<br />

FRIX1<br />

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FRI11<br />

FRI24<br />

FRI25<br />

FRI27<br />

FRI10R<br />

silt & clay (%)<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

FRI1<br />

FRI2<br />


1992 1997 2000 2003 2010<br />

Figure 3-1 Frigg 2010, sediment characterization (TOM and silt & clay) compared with previous<br />

surveys.<br />

3.2 Chemical analysis<br />

3.2.1 Hydrocarbons<br />

Summarized results of hydrocarbon analyses are given in Table 3-2. Comparison of the THC<br />

content in 2010 with previous surveys is presented in Figure 3-2. The distribution of THC in<br />

all layers (0-1, 1-3 and 3-6 cm) and the distribution related to the field centre are also shown<br />

in Figure 3-2.<br />

FRI3<br />

FRIX2<br />

FRI4<br />

FRIX1<br />

FRI11<br />

FRI24<br />

FRI25<br />

FRI27<br />



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Table 3-2 Frigg 2010, the content of hydrocarbons in sediments. All values in mg/kg dry sediment.<br />

The results from vertical sections of sediments are dark shaded. For comparison LSC-value from the<br />

north sub-region in Region II is included (north 97-06), Botnen 2006. Values above LSC are marked<br />

with bold text.<br />

Station Direction Distance THC PAH NPD<br />

(°) (m) average SD average SD average SD<br />

FRI1 350 200 8 2<br />

FRI2 758 196 4 4<br />

FRI3 188 300 10 3 0.142 0.067 0.08 0.02<br />

FRI3, 0-1 cm 188 300 8 0.074 0.06<br />

FRI3, 1-3 cm 188 300 15 4.24 1.80<br />

FRI3, 3-6 cm 188 300 11 0.182 0.09<br />

FRIX2 249 1000 6 2<br />

FRI4 249 200 6 0<br />

FRIX1 249 100 11 2<br />

FRI11 350 500 9 3<br />

FRI24 170 250 4 1<br />

FRI25 355 242 11 5<br />

FRI27 70 250 4 3<br />

FRI10R 135.4 14686 4 0 0.045 0.003 0.01 0.00<br />

FRI10R, 0-1 cm 135.4 14686 4 0.046 0.01<br />

FRI10R, 1-3 cm 135.4 14686 4 0.048 0.01<br />

FRI10R, 3-6 cm 135.4 14686 4 0.064 0.02<br />

Min.* 4 0.142 0.08<br />

Max.* 11 0.142 0.08<br />

LSC (north 97-06) 11<br />

*: The reference station is not included<br />

THC (mg/kg)<br />

18<br />

16<br />

14<br />

12<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

FRI1<br />

1992 1997 2000 2003 2006 2010 LSC (north 97-06)<br />

FRI2<br />

FRI3<br />

FRIX2<br />

FRI4<br />

Figure 3-2 Frigg 2010, average content of THC compared with previous surveys (upper), THCcontent<br />

in the layers (FRI3 and FRI10R, lower left). The figure at lower right shows the distribution of<br />

THC in sediments at the sampling sites, the size of the circle indicate the amount of THC. The field<br />

centre is marked with an X. Cont.<br />

FRIX1<br />

FRI11<br />

FRI24<br />

FRI25<br />

FRI27<br />



Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

FRI3<br />

FRI10R<br />

0 5 10 15 20<br />

Figure 3-2 cont.<br />

0-1 cm 1-3 cm 3-6 cm<br />

THC (mg/kg)<br />

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The content of THC is low (4-11 mg/kg). None of the measured THC-concentrations are<br />

above LSC-level. The THC-concentration in 2010 is similar or lower than previous surveys.<br />

At station FRI3, in layer 1-3 cm, the content of THC is 15 mg/kg, and PAH and NPD<br />

concentrations are 4.24 and 1.80, respectively.<br />

3.2.2 Metals<br />

Summarized results of metals analyses are given in Table 3-3. Comparison of the metals<br />

content in 2010 with previous surveys is presented in Figure 3-3. Metal analyses (except Hg)<br />

were not included in the 2006 survey. The distribution of Ba in all layers (0-1, 1-3 and 3-6<br />

cm) and the distribution related to the field centre are also shown in Figure 3-4.<br />

The content of Ba varies from 28 to 189 mg/kg. The Ba-concentrations are above LSC for<br />

FRI1, FRI24 and FRI25. Overall the concentrations of metals are quite similar with previous<br />

surveys, and several values are > LSC (north 97-06). The new station FRIX1, located 100m<br />

SW of the center, has the highest levels of all the metals except barium. In 2006 this was the<br />

only station with Hg concentration above LSC. Also in 2010 FRIX1 contains more Hg than<br />

the other stations (there is no LSC for 2010), and thus the overall picture is similar to 2006.


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Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

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Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 19 of 27<br />


Table 3-3 Frigg 2010, metals in sediments. All values in mg/kg dry sediment. The results from vertical<br />

sections of sediments are dark shaded. For comparison LSC-value from the north sub-region in<br />

Region II is included (north 97-06). Values above LSC are marked with bold text.<br />

Station Ba Cd Cr Cu Hg Pb Zn<br />

(°/m) avg SD avg SD avg SD avg SD avg SD avg SD avg SD<br />

FRI1 350/200 81 22 0.04 0.01 10.9 1.7 17.8 1.5 0.01 0.002 45.0 5.7 192 23<br />

FRI2 758/196 31 2


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

Cd (mg/kg)<br />

Cu (mg/kg)<br />

Zn (mg/kg)<br />

0,07<br />

0,06<br />

0,05<br />

0,04<br />

0,03<br />

0,02<br />

0,01<br />

0,00<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

350<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

FRI1<br />

FRI1<br />

FRI1<br />

1992 1997 2000 2003 2010 LSC (north 97-06)<br />

FRI2<br />

FRI3<br />

FRIX<br />

2<br />

FRI4<br />

FRIX<br />

1<br />

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FRI11<br />

FRI24<br />

FRI25<br />

FRI27<br />

FRI10<br />

R<br />

1992 1997 2000 2003 2010 LSC (north 97-06)<br />

FRI2<br />

FRI2<br />

FRI3<br />

FRI3<br />

Figure 3-3 Cont.<br />

FRIX<br />

2<br />

FRI4<br />

FRIX<br />

1<br />

FRI11<br />

FRI24<br />

FRI25<br />

FRI27<br />

FRI10<br />

R<br />

1992 1997 2000 2003 2010 LSC (north 97-06)<br />

FRIX<br />

2<br />

FRI4<br />

FRIX<br />

1<br />

FRI11<br />

FRI24<br />

FRI25<br />

FRI27<br />

FRI10<br />

R<br />

Cr (mg/kg)<br />

Pb (mg/kg)<br />

14<br />

12<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

FRI1<br />

FRI1<br />

FRI2<br />

FRI3<br />


2000 2003 2010 LSC (north 97-06)<br />

FRI2<br />

FRI3<br />

FRIX<br />

2<br />

FRIX<br />

2<br />

FRI4<br />

FRI4<br />

FRIX<br />

1<br />

FRIX<br />

1<br />

FRI11<br />

FRI11<br />

FRI24<br />

FRI24<br />

FRI25<br />

FRI25<br />

FRI27<br />

FRI27<br />

FRI10<br />

R<br />

1992 1997 2000 2003 2010 LSC (north 97-06)<br />

FRI10<br />



Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

FRI10R<br />

0-1 cm 1-3 cm 3-6 cm<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70<br />

Ba (mg/kg)<br />

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Figure 3-4 Frigg 2010, Ba-content in the layers (FRI10R, left). The figure at right shows the<br />

distribution of Ba in sediments at the sampling sites, the size of the circle indicate the amount of Ba.<br />

The field centre is marked with an X. Sites with Ba > LSC are marked with filled circles.<br />

The Frigg survey 2010 has not been a part of a regional survey, hence there is no LSC2010<br />

value, and the size of contaminated area has not been estimated. There are, however, no major<br />

changes compared to the previous survey in 2006, and the size of the contaminated area<br />

should be considered to be in the same order of magnitude as in 2006.<br />

3.3 Biological analysis<br />

Abundance<br />

A total of 201 taxa and 11454 individuals were sampled at 11 stations. Greatest abundance<br />

(59.5 %) was found among the polychaetes, of which the species Myriochele oculata<br />

constitutes 40.4 % and Owenia fusiformis constitutes 18.6 %, see Table 3-4.<br />

The abundance of juvenile echinoids (and partly ophiuroids) was also high (992 individuals).<br />

The echinoids were present in the top-10 list from each station, and juveniles are thus<br />

removed from the data set prior to calculation of indices and statistics.


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Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

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Table 3-4 Number of species and individuals distributed between the main groups, Frigg 2010.<br />

Main animal groups<br />

Individuals Species<br />

Number % Number %<br />

All Ex.juv. All Ex.juv. All Ex.juv. All Ex.juv.<br />

Varia 733 733 6.4 7.2 17 17 8.5 8,7<br />

Polychaeta 6822 6714 59.5 65.9 74 71 36.8 36,4<br />

Myriochele oculata 2756 40.4<br />

Owenia fusiformis 1269 18,6<br />

Crustacea 1070 1070 9.3 10,5 49 49 24.4 25,1<br />

Mollusca 762 762 6.6 7.5 45 45 22.4 23.1<br />

Echinodermata 2067 907 18.0 8.9 16 13 8.0 6.7<br />

Total 11454 10186 100.0 100.0 201 195 100.0 100.0<br />

Diversity and dominant species<br />

The dominant species varied from 14.4 % at FRI1 (350°/200m) to 45.2 % at FRI11<br />

(350°/500m). The 10 most abundant species made up from 57.2 % at FRI4 (249°/200m) to<br />

82.8 % at FRI2 (758/196m), see Table 3-5. The bristle worm Myriochele oculata occurs in<br />

very high numbers. Other dominant species are the bristle worms Owenia fusiformis and<br />

Spiophanes bombyx.<br />

Table 3-5 10 most dominant species, Frigg 2010.<br />

10 most common species<br />

FRI 1 (350/200m) Number % Cum % FRI 2 (758/196m) Number % Cum %<br />

Spiophanes bombyx 123 14,44 14,44 Myriochele oculata 507 44,16 44,16<br />

Myriochele oculata 122 14,32 28,76 Owenia fusiformis 190 16,55 60,71<br />

Owenia fusiformis 92 10,80 39,55 Amphiura filiformis 47 4,09 64,81<br />

Cerianthus lloydi 45 5,28 44,84 Unciola planipes 31 2,70 67,51<br />

Amphipholis squamata 45 5,28 50,12 Parvicardium minimum 29 2,53 70,03<br />

Parvicardium minimum 45 5,28 55,40 Goniada maculata 25 2,18 72,21<br />

Siphonoecetes kroeyeranus 38 4,46 59,86 Cerianthus lloydi 23 2,00 74,22<br />

Prionospio cirrifera 23 2,70 62,56 Scoloplos (Scoloplos) armiger 23 2,00 76,22<br />

Nemertina indet. 18 2,11 64,67 Spiophanes bombyx 22 1,92 78,14<br />

Edwardsia sp. 16 1,88 66,55 Edwardsia sp. 20 1,74 79,88<br />

Spiophanes wigleyi 16 1,88 68,43 Paramphinome jeffreysii 17 1,48 81,36<br />

Ophiocten affinis 16 1,88 70,31 Aonides paucibranchiata 17 1,48 82,84<br />

FRI 3 (188/300m) Number % Cum % FRI 4 (249/200m) Number % Cum %<br />

Spiophanes bombyx 115 22,50 22,50 Myriochele oculata 120 14,55 14,55<br />

Cerianthus lloydi 29 5,68 28,18 Spiophanes bombyx 74 8,97 23,52<br />

Siphonoecetes kroeyeranus 25 4,89 33,07 Cerianthus lloydi 47 5,70 29,21<br />

Parvicardium minimum 24 4,70 37,77 Edwardsia sp. 35 4,24 33,45<br />

Owenia fusiformis 23 4,50 42,27 Parvicardium minimum 34 4,12 37,58<br />

Chaetozone setosa complex 20 3,91 46,18 Amphiura filiformis 33 4,00 41,58<br />

Goniada maculata 16 3,13 49,32 Siphonoecetes kroeyeranus 32 3,88 45,45<br />

Amphiura filiformis 14 2,74 52,05 Spiophanes wigleyi 27 3,27 48,73<br />

Spiophanes wigleyi 13 2,54 54,60 Chaetozone setosa complex 26 3,15 51,88<br />

Hippomedon denticulatus 13 2,54 57,14 Ophiocten affinis 22 2,67 54,55<br />

Myriochele oculata 12 2,35 59,49 Prionospio cirrifera 22 2,67 57,21


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

Table 3-5 cont.<br />

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FRI 10R (135/14686) Number % Cum % FRI 11 (350/500m) Number % Cum %<br />

Owenia fusiformis 389 34,12 34,12 Myriochele oculata 533 45,21 45,21<br />

Myriochele oculata 218 19,12 53,25 Owenia fusiformis 151 12,81 58,02<br />

Amphiura filiformis 54 4,74 57,98 Amphiura filiformis 55 4,66 62,68<br />

Phoronis muelleri 36 3,16 61,14 Parvicardium minimum 40 3,39 66,07<br />

Thyasira flexuosa 29 2,54 63,68 Spiophanes bombyx 32 2,71 68,79<br />

Caudofoveata spp. 22 1,93 65,61 Scoloplos (Scoloplos) armiger 26 2,21 70,99<br />

Urothoe elegans 21 1,84 67,46 Paramphinome jeffreysii 24 2,04 73,03<br />

Goniada maculata 19 1,67 69,12 Unciola planipes 20 1,70 74,72<br />

Harpinia antennaria 18 1,58 70,70 Aonides paucibranchiata 20 1,70 76,42<br />

Ophiocten affinis 17 1,49 72,19 Edwardsia sp. 15 1,27 77,69<br />

Aonides paucibranchiata 16 1,40 73,60 Nemertina indet. 14 1,19 78,88<br />

Fri 24 (170/250m) Number % Cum % Fri 25 (355/242m) Number % Cum %<br />

Myriochele oculata 380 35,12 35,12 Myriochele oculata 151 16,50 16,50<br />

Owenia fusiformis 101 9,33 44,45 Owenia fusiformis 83 9,07 25,57<br />

Unciola planipes 70 6,47 50,92 Unciola planipes 66 7,21 32,79<br />

Amphiura filiformis 53 4,90 55,82 Spiophanes bombyx 64 6,99 39,78<br />

Aonides paucibranchiata 46 4,25 60,07 Amphiura filiformis 63 6,89 46,67<br />

Ophiocten affinis 41 3,79 63,86 Aonides paucibranchiata 52 5,68 52,35<br />

Scoloplos (Scoloplos) armiger 25 2,31 66,17 Ophiocten affinis 30 3,28 55,63<br />

Spiophanes bombyx 25 2,31 68,48 Paramphinome jeffreysii 27 2,95 58,58<br />

Cerianthus lloydi 22 2,03 70,52 Scoloplos (Scoloplos) armiger 27 2,95 61,53<br />

Parvicardium minimum 20 1,85 72,37 Aricidea catherinae 27 2,95 64,48<br />

Aricidea catherinae 20 1,85 74,21 Nemertina indet. 19 2,08 66,56<br />

Fri 27 (70/250m) Number % Cum % Fri X1 (249/100m) Number % Cum %<br />

Myriochele oculata 392 39,40 39,40 Spiophanes bombyx 108 14,71 14,71<br />

Owenia fusiformis 82 8,24 47,64 Cerianthus lloydi 53 7,22 21,93<br />

Amphiura filiformis 70 7,04 54,67 Amphiura filiformis 48 6,54 28,47<br />

Aonides paucibranchiata 45 4,52 59,20 Parvicardium minimum 48 6,54 35,01<br />

Antalis entalis 43 4,32 63,52 Spiophanes wigleyi 45 6,13 41,14<br />

Ophiocten affinis 29 2,91 66,43 Edwardsia sp. 34 4,63 45,78<br />

Unciola planipes 25 2,51 68,94 Cirriformia tentaculata 34 4,63 50,41<br />

Aricidea catherinae 24 2,41 71,36 Hippomedon denticulatus 30 4,09 54,50<br />

Echinocyamus pusillus 19 1,91 73,27 Chaetozone setosa complex 28 3,81 58,31<br />

Parvicardium minimum 15 1,51 74,77 Owenia fusiformis 26 3,54 61,85<br />

Scoloplos (Scoloplos) armiger 15 1,51 76,28 Ophiocten affinis 25 3,41 65,26<br />

Fri X2 (249/1000m) Number % Cum %<br />

Myriochele oculata 310 38,70 38,70<br />

Owenia fusiformis 111 13,86 52,56<br />

Amphiura filiformis 49 6,12 58,68<br />

Aricidea catherinae 30 3,75 62,42<br />

Paramphinome jeffreysii 24 3,00 65,42<br />

Ophiocten affinis 19 2,37 67,79<br />

Scaphopoda spp. 16 2,00 69,79<br />

Parvicardium minimum 15 1,87 71,66<br />

Aonides paucibranchiata 14 1,75 73,41<br />

Goniada maculate 13 1,62 75,03


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 24 of 27<br />


The Shannon Wiener diversity index (Table 3-6) varied from 3.5 at the FRI2 (758°/196m) to<br />

5.3 at FRI11 (350/500m) and the Hurlberts index (ES100) varied from 25 to 39, exclusive<br />

juveniles.<br />

Indices above 4 indicate a relatively undisturbed fauna. Indices between 3 and 4 indicate a<br />

slight disturbance, while indices between 2 and 3 indicate a disturbance in the fauna. In<br />

general ES100 indices above 20 characterize a relatively normal fauna community. The fauna<br />

at FRI2 seems to differ somewhat from the other stations with slightly lower indices.<br />

Table 3-6 Numbers of individuals (N) and species (S), depth, Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’),<br />

Pielou’s evenness index (J), and expected number of species per 100 individuals (ES100) for each<br />

station at Frigg 2010 (ex. juv.).<br />

Station º / m Depth (m) S N H' J ES100<br />

FRI 1 350/200 106 79 852 4.8 0.75 33<br />

FRI 2 758/196 105 77 1148 3.5 0.56 25<br />

FRI 3 188/300 102 78 511 5.0 0.80 39<br />

FRI 4 249/200 111 100 825 5.3 0.79 39<br />

FRI 10R 135/ 14686 105 95 1140 4.1 0.63 31<br />

FRI 11 350/500 105 80 1179 3.7 0.58 27<br />

FRI 24 170/250 107 80 1082 4.2 0.66 30<br />

FRI 25 355/242 103 87 915 4.9 0.76 34<br />

FRI 27 70/250 105 86 995 4.0 0.63 29<br />

FRI X1 249/100 106 71 734 4.9 0.79 32<br />

FRI X2 249/1000 118 88 801 4.0 0.62 30<br />

Classification and ordination<br />

The dendrogram from the cluster analysis and the<br />

MDS plot from the ordination analysis based on<br />

station level are presented in Figure 3-5. The<br />

reference station (254°/15000m) separates from<br />

the Frigg stations which forms two separate<br />

groups. The cluster analysis is well supported by<br />

the ordination analysis.<br />

The similarity analysis reveals that the<br />

differences are caused mainly by significantly<br />

higher number of M. oculata and Owenia<br />

fusiformis in group 2 whilst group 1 has higher<br />

abundance of Spiophanes bombyx.<br />

The stations are similar, but not exactly the same<br />

as in the previous faunal survey in 2003. The<br />

results from 2003 indicated that FRI1 and FRI3<br />

were disturbed. The group pattern in 2010 is not<br />

very different from the 2003 groups. The 2010<br />

The polychaete Myriochele oculata (= Galathowenia<br />

oculata) have been the most abundant benthic organism in<br />

the Ekofisk region (Region I) through recent regional<br />

surveys (DNV 2003, DNV 2006, Akvaplan-niva 2009). It<br />

is a small, thin worm, usually less than 1 mm wide but up<br />

to several inches long. It lives in a firm but flexible tube<br />

made of fine-grained sand cemented with mucus, and this<br />

tube can be several times as long as the worm inside the<br />

tube. The tubes are vertically buried in the sediment, with<br />

at least 1 cm of the top end above the sediment. At high<br />

densities M. oculata may give the sediment a "hairy"<br />

appearance. The worm is most abundant in sediments<br />

consisting of fine sand. The vertical distribution varies<br />

from very shallow water down to several hundred meters.<br />

M. oculata feeds on the sediment (probably by bending<br />

the tube so that the mouth can reach deposited particles),<br />

but can also switch to a passive suspension feeding by<br />

placing the head in the flow (Fauchald & Jumars 1979).<br />

This flexibility in food selection strategy means that it can<br />

effectively utilize particulate organic carbon in the<br />

sediment-water interface (Taghon & Greene 1992;<br />

Thomsen et al. 1995). It is probably this flexibility in food<br />

selection strategy that allows it to flourish in huge<br />

amounts when the environmental and biological<br />

conditions are favourable.


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 25 of 27<br />


data are, however, disturbed by the high abundances of the bristle worm Myriochele oculata<br />

(see text box). Thus the same analysis, but omitting M. oculata from the data, was performed.<br />

The results are shown in Figure 3-6, and do not change the picture. The differences between<br />

group 1 and 2 are caused mainly by higher numbers of S. bombyx in group 1 and more O.<br />

fusiformis in group 2. This result is very similar to the picture in 2003.<br />

Similarity<br />

50<br />

60<br />

70<br />

80<br />

90<br />

100<br />

Fri X1<br />

Fri 03<br />

G roup 1<br />

Fri 10R<br />

Fri 01<br />

Fri 01<br />

Fri 03<br />

Fri 04<br />

Fri 04<br />

Fri X1<br />

Fri x2<br />

Fri 25<br />

Fri 11<br />

Fri 02 Fri 24<br />

Fri 02<br />

Transf orm: Square root<br />

Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity<br />

Fri 27<br />

Fri 11<br />

Group 1 Group 2<br />

Fri 10R<br />

Fri x2<br />

G roup 2<br />

Fri 27<br />

2D Stress: 0,04<br />

Trans f orm : Square root<br />

Res em blanc e: S17 Bray Curtis s imilarity<br />

Fri 24<br />

Fri 25<br />

Station<br />

Figure 3-5 Dendrogram and MDS plot of Frigg stations 2010 (ex. juv.).<br />

Direction/<br />

distance<br />

Depth (m)<br />

FRI1 350/200 106<br />

FRI2 758/196 105<br />

FRI3 188/300 102<br />

FRIX2 249/1000 111<br />

FRI4 249/200 105<br />

FRIX1 249/100 105<br />

FRI11 350/500 107<br />

FRI24 170/250 103<br />

FRI25 355/242 105<br />

FRI27 70/250 106<br />

FRI10R 135.4/ 14686 118


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Similarity<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

40<br />

60<br />

80<br />

100<br />

Fri 10R<br />

Fri 01<br />

Fri 03<br />

Fri 04<br />

Fri X1<br />

Fri x2<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 26 of 27<br />

Fri 27<br />

Transform: Square root<br />

Resemblance: S17 Bray Curtis similarity<br />

Fri 24<br />

Fri 25<br />

Fri 02<br />

Fri 11<br />


Figure 3-6 Dendrogram and MDS plot of Frigg stations 2010 (ex. juv. and ex. M. oculata).<br />

The sediment characteristics are uniform across all stations except the reference station data,<br />

but data from the chemical analyses suggests that the metal concentrations except barium are<br />

higher at stations FRI1, -3, -4 and –X1 (group 1). Using the BioEnv analysis shows that Cu is<br />

the single environmental parameter that correlates the most with the fauna distribution<br />

(coefficient=0.71), number two is Pb (0.61). If FRI10R is omitted from the analysis, the<br />

correlation coefficient for Cu increases to 0.79. The over all best combination (coefficient<br />

0.91) to explain the faunal variations at Frigg is the environmental parameters depth and Cu.<br />

In 2003 the combination of Cr, TOM and silt/clay gave the best correlation. Thus it seems like<br />

the levels of metals, especially Cu, Pb and Cr, may contribute to the faunal variations at Frigg.<br />

The concentrations are highest at FRIX1, FRI1, FR3 and FRI4.<br />

3.4 Conclusions<br />

All stations consists mainly of sand (94-99 %) and the content of total organic matter is low<br />

(0.45-0.76 %). The concentrations of THC are low (4-11 mg/kg), and none of the measured<br />

THC-concentrations are above LSC-level. The concentrations of Ba are in the range from 28<br />

to 189 mg/kg. Three stations have Ba-concentrations above LSC-level. Several of the stations<br />

have metal concentration >LSC (north97-06), and these elevated levels are most pronounced<br />

at stations FRX1, -1, -3 and -4 where the fauna is slightly different from the other field<br />

stations. Compared with previous surveys it is some minor differences, but it is not found any<br />

trend, and overall there were no major differences compared to previous surveys.


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />


DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30 Page 27 of 27<br />


Akvaplan-niva 2009. Offshore sediment survey of Region I 2008. Akvplan.niva AS Rapport:<br />

4315-02.<br />

Bray, J.R., & Curtis, J.T. (1957), An ordination of the upland forest communities of southern<br />

Wisconsin. Ecol. Monogr. 27: 325-349.<br />

Buchanan, J.B. (1984), Sediment analysis. In "Methods for the study of marine benthos".<br />

Editors: Holme, N.A., and A.D. McIntyre. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, UK, pp.<br />

41-65.<br />

DNV 2003. Environmental Monitoring Region I – Ekofisk 2002. DNV report-2006-0187.<br />

DNV 2006. Environmental Monitoring Region I – Ekofisk 2005. DNV report-2003-0338.<br />

DNV 2010. Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i omkringliggende<br />

regioner. DNV-rapport 2010-0908.<br />

Fauchald, K., Jumars, P. A. 1979. The diet of worms: a study of polychaete feeding guilds.<br />

Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Annu. Rev. 17:193-284.Holland, G.J., Greenstreet, S.P.R., Gibb, I.M.<br />

2005.<br />

Lance, G. N., & Williams, W.T. (1967). A general theory of classificatory sorting strategies.<br />

II. Clustering systems. -Computer Jour. 10: 271-277.<br />

Pielou, E.C. (1969). An introduction to mathematical ecology. Wiley-Interscience, New York.<br />

Shannon, C.E., & Weaver, W.W. (1963). The mathematical theory of communities.<br />

University of Illinois Press. Urbana, Illinois. 117 s.<br />

Taghon, G. & Greene, R. R. 1992. Utilization of deposited and suspended particulate matter<br />

by benthic interface feeders. Limnology and Oceanography. 37: 1370-1391.<br />

Thomsen, L., Graf, G., Juterzenka, K., Witte, U., 1995. An in situ experiment to investigate<br />

the depletion of seston above an interface feeder field on the continental margin of the<br />

western Barents Sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 123: 295-300.<br />

Unifob 2004. Environmental Monitoring Survey of Region II, 2003. TL 2003/011.<br />

Unifob 2007. Miljøovervåking av olje- og gassfelt i Region II i 2006.


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30<br />


1<br />




Toktrapport<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og<br />

grunnlagsundersøkelser i omkringliggende<br />

regioner<br />

Rapportnr./DNV Referansenr.: DNV 2010-0908 / 12O31ER-3<br />

Rev. 00, 2010-05-14


Rapport for Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i<br />

omkringliggende regioner<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og<br />

grunnlagsundersøkelser i omkringliggende regioner<br />

Oppdragsgiver:<br />

Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Postboks 7200<br />

5020 BERGEN<br />

Norway<br />

Oppdragsgivers referanse:<br />

Endre Aas<br />

Dato for første<br />

utgivelse:<br />

2010-05-14 Prosjektnr.: EP022920<br />

DNV Referansenr.: 12O31ER-3<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00<br />

Dato: 2010-06-28 Side i av iii<br />



P.O.Box 300<br />

1322 Høvik, Norway<br />

Tlf: +47 67 57 99 00<br />

Faks: +47 67 57 99 11<br />

http://www.dnv.com<br />

Org. nr.:<br />

Rapportnr.: DNV-rapp. 2010-0908 Organisasjonsenhet: Environmental Risk Management<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00 Emnegruppe: Marin Overvåking<br />

Sammendrag:<br />

Rapporten presenterer gjennomføringen av feltarbeid i Region III 2010, grunnlagsundersøkelser på Yme Beta<br />

og Gamma, Bream, Pi Nord og Sør, Pan Pandora og Jordbær Sentral og Vest samt etterkantundersøkelse på<br />

Frigg.<br />

Utarbeidet av:<br />

Verifisert av:<br />

Godkjent av:<br />

Navn og tittel<br />

Sam Arne Nøland<br />

Principal Consultant<br />

Navn og tittel<br />

Amund Ulfsnes<br />

Senior Consultant<br />

Navn og tittel<br />

Tor Jensen<br />

Customer Service Manager<br />

Signatur<br />

Signatur<br />

Signatur<br />

Ingen distribusjon uten tillatelse fra oppdragsgiver eller ansvarlig<br />

organisasjonsenhet, men fri distribusjon innen DNV etter 3 år<br />

Ingen distribusjon uten tillatelse fra oppdragsgiver eller ansvarlig<br />

organisasjonsenhet<br />

Strengt konfidensiell<br />

Fri distribusjon<br />

Indekseringstermer<br />

Nøkkelord<br />

Serviceområde <br />

Markedssegment<br />

Sedimenter, bunnfauna, prøvetaking,<br />

vann<br />

SHE Management<br />

Oil and Gas<br />

Revisjon nr. / Dato: Årsak for utgivelse: Utarbeidet av: Godkjent av: Verifisert av:


Rapport for Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i<br />

omkringliggende regioner<br />

Innholdsfortegnelse<br />

DNV Referansenr.: 12O31ER-3<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00<br />

Dato: 2010-06-28 Side ii av iii<br />


1 INNLEDNING ................................................................................................................... 1<br />

2 FARTØY OG FELTUTSTYR.......................................................................................... 3<br />

3 TOKTPERSONELL.......................................................................................................... 6<br />

4 GJENNOMFØRING AV TOKTET ................................................................................ 6<br />

5 FELT FOR FELT .............................................................................................................. 7<br />

5.1 Yme Beta og Gamma ................................................................................................. 7<br />

5.2 Bream ......................................................................................................................... 8<br />

5.3 Pi Sør og Nord............................................................................................................ 9<br />

5.4 Frigg ......................................................................................................................... 11<br />

5.5 Oseberg J .................................................................................................................. 11<br />

5.6 Oseberg Sør .............................................................................................................. 12<br />

5.7 Tune Sør ................................................................................................................... 14<br />

5.8 Oseberg Delta........................................................................................................... 15<br />

5.9 Oseberg Feltsenter.................................................................................................... 16<br />

5.10 Brage ........................................................................................................................ 17<br />

5.11 Troll A...................................................................................................................... 18<br />

5.12 Troll B og C.............................................................................................................. 18<br />

5.13 Fram Øst................................................................................................................... 20<br />

5.14 Fram Vest ................................................................................................................. 21<br />

5.15 Pan Pandora.............................................................................................................. 21<br />

5.16 Jordbær Sentral og Vest ........................................................................................... 22<br />

5.17 Huldra....................................................................................................................... 24<br />

5.18 Veslefrikk ................................................................................................................. 24<br />

5.19 Oseberg Øst .............................................................................................................. 26<br />

5.20 Oseberg C................................................................................................................. 27<br />

5.21 Oseberg G................................................................................................................. 28<br />

6 ERFARINGER FRA TOKTET ..................................................................................... 29<br />

Vedlegg 1 Detaljer fra prøvetakingen


Rapport for Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i<br />

omkringliggende regioner<br />

Vedlegg 2 Informasjon om fartøyet<br />

Vedlegg 3 Surveyrapport, Fugro<br />

DNV Referansenr.: 12O31ER-3<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00<br />

Dato: 2010-06-28 Side iii av iii<br />



Rapport for Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i<br />

omkringliggende regioner<br />


DNV Referansenr.: 12O31ER-3<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00<br />

Dato: 2010-06-28 Side 1 av 29<br />


På vegne av Statoil har DNV og Molab gjennomført innsamling av sedimenter og vannprøver i<br />

Region III i forbindelse med regional miljøundersøkelse. Innsamlingen inkluderte også enkelte<br />

grunnlagsundersøkelse utenfor region III samt etterkantundersøkelse på Frigg. Rapporten<br />

presenterer feltarbeidet basert på et program forelagt SFT/ekspertgruppen før arbeidet startet.<br />

Feltarbeidet er gjennomført iht. Aktivitetsforskriften og DNVs akkrediterte metoder for denne<br />

type arbeid (Test 083). Undersøkelsen omfatter innsamling av sedimenter for kjemiske og<br />

biologiske analyser, samt karakterisering av sedimentene. I tillegg ble det samlet inn vannprøver<br />

for analyser av enkelte radioaktive elementer. På vegne av Uni Research ble det også tatt<br />

sedimentprøver for DNA-analyser.<br />

Innsamlingen foregikk med fartøyet fiskefartøyet Libas”. Toktet som helhet foregikk i perioden<br />

18. mai til 2. juni.<br />

Tabell 1-1 og Figur 1-1b) gir en oversikt over undersøkelsesprogrammet for Region III. Andre<br />

felt inkludert i undersøkelsen er listet opp i Tabell 1-2 og vist i Figur 1-1 a).<br />

Tabell 1-1 Oversikt over felt som inngår i overvåkingen i Region III 2010. Statoil er operatør på alle<br />

feltene i regionen.<br />

Planlagt Faktisk antall<br />

antall<br />

stasjoner<br />

Region/ underregion Felt Type<br />

stasjoner<br />

Region III/Oseberg Oseberg Feltsenter Overvåking 8 8<br />

Oseberg C Overvåking 10 10<br />

Oseberg Øst Overvåking 12 12<br />

Oseberg Sør Overvåking 17 17<br />

Oseberg G Overvåking 8 8<br />

Oseberg J Overvåking 8 8<br />

Oseberg Delta Overvåking 5 5<br />

Brage Overvåking 8 8<br />

Tune Sør* Overvåking 5 5<br />

Veslefrikk Overvåking 13 16<br />

Huldra Overvåking 5 5<br />

Region III/Troll Troll B +C Overvåking 17 17<br />

Fram Vest Overvåking 12 12<br />

Fram Øst* Overvåking 20 19<br />

Troll A Overvåking 8 8<br />

Regionale Overvåking 12 12<br />

Sum<br />

*= første gangs oppfølging<br />

168 170


Rapport for Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i<br />

omkringliggende regioner<br />

DNV Referansenr.: 12O31ER-3<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00<br />

Dato: 2010-06-28 Side 2 av 29<br />


Tabell 1-2 Felt utenfor Region III som er inkludert i undersøkelsen.<br />

Region/ underregion Selskap Felt Type Antall stasjoner<br />

Region I Talisman Yme Beta Grunnlag 14*<br />

Yme Gamma Grunnlag 13<br />

BG Pi Sør Grunnlag 13<br />

Region II BG Bream Grunnlag 14*<br />

BG Pi Nord Grunnlag 14*<br />

Total Frigg Etterkant 11<br />

Region IV Statoil Pan Pandora Grunnlag 14*<br />

BG Jordbær Sentral Grunnlag<br />

13<br />

Jordbær Vest Grunnlag<br />

14*<br />

Totalt antall stasjoner 120<br />

*: Inklusive regional stasjon<br />

6770000<br />

6760000<br />

6750000<br />

6740000<br />

6730000<br />

6720000<br />

6710000<br />

6700000<br />

b)<br />

a)<br />

Figur 1-1 a) Hele undersøkelsesområdet, b), Region III. Regionale stasjoner er merket som røde sirkler.<br />

REG3-7<br />

Huldra<br />

REG3-16<br />

REG3-15<br />

REG3-13<br />

Veslefrikk<br />

REG3-14<br />

Oseberg C<br />

Oseberg G<br />

REG3-17 Tune<br />

Oseberg<br />

sør<br />

Delta<br />

REG3-19<br />

Oseberg Øst<br />

Brage<br />

REG3-18<br />

Oseberg Feltsenter<br />

Oseberg Sør<br />

Oseberg J<br />

REG3-11<br />

Fram Vest<br />

Fram Øst<br />

REG3-12<br />

TROLL B<br />

TROLL C<br />

REG3-8-04<br />

TROLL A<br />

REG3-6<br />

470000 480000 490000 500000 510000 520000 530000 540000


Rapport for Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i<br />

omkringliggende regioner<br />


DNV Referansenr.: 12O31ER-3<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00<br />

Dato: 2010-06-28 Side 3 av 29<br />


Undersøkelsen ble gjennomført fra fiskefartøyet Libas. Detaljer om fartøyet finnes i Appendiks<br />

B.<br />

I henhold til Aktivitetsforskriften skal prøvetakingen skje innenfor en radius av 50m rundt en<br />

stasjon. I de tilfellene det var nødvendig å gå utenfor denne avstanden ble stasjonen regnet som<br />

en ny stasjon (dette er anmerket i de tilfellene dette var nødvendig).<br />

Region III domineres av to typer bunnsedimenter. Den relativt grunne vestre delen av regionen<br />

(underregion Oseberg) består av fin til grov sand og krever en relativt tung grabb, mens de dypere<br />

deler av regionen (Fram/Trollområdet) består av myk leire, og det er vanskelig å få prøver av<br />

uforstyrret sedimentoverflate fordi grabben synker for dypt ned i sedimentet. Det ble tatt med 6<br />

van Veen grabber med ulik vekt og utforming.<br />

Appendiks A inneholder opplysninger om evt. forflytninger der dette var hensiktsmessig.<br />

Prøvetakingen som ble utført er standard for denne type undersøkelser og følgende utstyr ble<br />

be<strong>nytt</strong>et:<br />

o Langarmet van Veen grabb, offshore type (Delprodukter merket B15)<br />

o Ekstra langarmet van Veen grabb, offshore type (Delprodukter merket B1)<br />

o Langarmet van Veen grabb, lett offshore type (Delprodukter merket B22)<br />

o Kortarmet van Veen grabb (B17)<br />

o 2 x Kombigrabb – modifisert van Veen (0, 15m 2 overflateareal, tar kjemi- og<br />

biologiprøver i samme hugg) (merket B23)<br />

o Mottaksbord i rustfritt stål<br />

o Målesylinder<br />

o Vaskebord<br />

o Sikter (5 mm og 1,0 mm runde hull)<br />

o Vinsj/aggregat pakke (KC)<br />

o Niskin vannhenter (5 liter)<br />

De biologiske prøvene ble tilsatt formalinløsning (bufret med hexamin) med fargestoff<br />

(bengalrosa). Prøvene ble oppbevart på plastspann, og lagret i finérkasser. Sedimentprøver til<br />

kjemiske analyser ble oppbevart i rilsanposer eller i plastbegere. Seks dypfrysere ble be<strong>nytt</strong>et for<br />

lagring av kjemiske prøver. Prøve for DNA-analyse ble tatt fra de øvre 5cm av sedimentet og<br />

konservert med 96% EtOH. Vannprøver for radioaktivitet (10 liter/prøve) ble konservert med<br />

salpetersyre.<br />

Det var også planlagt å prøve ut enkelte substitutter for formalin som fikseringsmiddel. Det lyktes<br />

imidlertid ikke å skaffe de aktuelle substitusjonsstoffene tidsnok til toktet.


Rapport for Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i<br />

omkringliggende regioner<br />

DNV Referansenr.: 12O31ER-3<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00<br />

Dato: 2010-06-28 Side 4 av 29<br />


Det ble også tatt med en kommunikasjonsenhet for trådløs forbindelse mellom grabb og båtdekk.<br />

Hensikten var å prøve ut om signalene fra enheten ble mottatt på fartøyet på de aktuelle<br />

vanndypene. Avhengig av resultatet vil enheten senere kunne be<strong>nytt</strong>es til å gi informasjon til<br />

dekke om grabben har løst ut eller ikke.<br />

I tillegg til innleid navigasjonssystem fra Fugro (se Appendiks C) var det montert opp et separat<br />

navigasjonssystem (GPS fra Garmin og kartplotterprogram fra Nobeltec). Systemet gjør det greit<br />

å sjekke ut hvor fartøyet til enhver tid befinner seg, samt at alle posisjoner blir lagret hvert 10<br />

min. I Figur 2-1 er det vist et eksempel på et skjermbilde som viser seilingsruten og fartøyets<br />

plassering på en stasjon. Den ytterste sirkelen har en radius på 50m som avgrenser området hvor<br />

prøvene skal tas.<br />

Figur 2-1. Eksempel på skjermbilde som viser seilingsrute og fartøyets plassering på en stasjon.<br />

Ytterste sirkel har radius på 50 m som avgrenser området hvor prøvene skal tas.<br />

Alle felt i region III har vært undersøkt tidligere, senest i 2007. I noen få tilfeller var det<br />

nødvendig å justere plasseringen av stasjoner på enkelte felt på grunn av konflikt med<br />

undervannsinstallasjoner, rørledninger eller ankerkjettinger. I Appendiks A – Detaljer fra<br />

prøvetakingen er faktiske posisjoner som ble prøvetatt oppgitt.<br />

• I tilfeller der stasjoner er flyttet utenfor 50m-sonen er stasjonsnavnet endret (fått endelsen -<br />

10) og ny retning/avstand og posisjon er oppgitt.<br />

• Der stasjoner er flyttet, men fremdeles ligger innenfor 50m-sonen, er den nye posisjonen<br />

oppgitt som faktisk mens retning/avstand er som før.<br />

Tabell 2-1 gir en oversikt over antall planlagte stasjoner og analyser for hvert felt. I tillegg ble tatt<br />

ut en sedimentprøve (0-5 cm) fra hver stasjon for DNA-analyser på de felt der Statoil er operatør.


Rapport for Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i<br />

omkringliggende regioner<br />

DNV Referansenr.: 12O31ER-3<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00<br />

Dato: 2010-06-28 Side 5 av 29<br />


Tabell 2-1. Totalt antall planlagte stasjoner og analyser inkludert i prøvetakingsprogrammet i Region III<br />

2010. De regionale stasjonene i region III er oppgitt separat, mens regionale stasjoner som er tatt i<br />

forbindelse med enkelte av grunnlagsundersøkelsene er inkludert i disse.<br />

Felt Stasjoner Bio Korn/<br />

TOM<br />


THC Metaller NPD/<br />

PAH<br />

Radioakt.<br />

Radioakt.<br />

i vann<br />

Regionale 12 60 12 36 36 36 6 2<br />

Oseberg feltsenter 8 25 5 24 24 6<br />

Oseberg C 10 50 10 30 30 6<br />

Oseberg Øst 12 30 6 36 36 6<br />

Oseberg Sør 17 40 8 51 39 18<br />

Oseberg G 8 30 6 24 24 9<br />

Oseberg J 8 35 7 24 24 12<br />

Oseberg D 5 20 4 15 15 6<br />

Brage 8 30 6 24 24 15 24 6<br />

Veslefrikk 13 35 7 39 39 15<br />

Huldra 5 20 4 15 15 15<br />

Troll A 8 0 0 24 24 6<br />

Troll B og C 17 15 3 51 51 9 24 24<br />

Fram Vest 12 20 4 36 36 6<br />

Fram Øst 20 80 16 60 60 12<br />

Tune Sør 5 25 5 19 19 19<br />

Sum Region III 168 515 103 516 504 204 54 32<br />

Grunnlagsundersøkelser<br />

Pan Pandora 14 70 14 46 46 46<br />

Yme Gamma 13 65 13 43 43 43<br />

Yme Beta 14 70 14 46 46 46<br />

Pi 27 135 27 89 89 89<br />

Bream 14 70 14 46 46 46<br />

Etterkantundersøkelse<br />

Frigg 11 55 11 37 33 10<br />

Totalt 2010 261 980 196 823 807 484 54 32


Rapport for Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i<br />

omkringliggende regioner<br />


Toktet ble gjennomført med 6-timers skiftordning med følgende personell:<br />

Sam-Arne Nøland (DNV), toktleder<br />

Thomas Møskeland (DNV), skiftleder<br />

Øyvind Fjukmoen (DNV, skiftleder)<br />

Christian Volan (DNV)<br />

Marte Braathen (DNV)<br />

Gunn Mari Michaelsen (MOLAB)<br />

Odd Strandvoll (MOLAB)<br />

DNV Referansenr.: 12O31ER-3<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00<br />

Dato: 2010-06-28 Side 6 av 29<br />


Rannveig Elise Otterlei (første uken) og Endre Aas (resten av toktet) var Statoils representanter<br />

under toktet.<br />


Været var meget bra og stabilt i hele perioden. Tabell 4-1 viser en kronologisk oversikt over<br />

prøvetakingen.<br />

Tabell 4-1 Detaljoversikt, forbruk av tid på de enkelte felt.<br />

Felt Start Slutt Totalt tid<br />

Snitt<br />

prøvetak.<br />

Snitt<br />

gangtid<br />

Tilrigging 18.05, 09:15 Avreise ca. kl.16.30. 7<br />

Yme Beta og Gamma (inkl. Reg1-10) 19.05, 06:15 20,05, 11:10 28:55 0:45 0:19<br />

Bream (inkl. Reg2-11) 20.05, 14:45 21.05, 07:25 16:40 1.03 0:07<br />

Pi Nord og Sør (inkl. Reg2-6) 21.05, 13:30 22.05, 12:40 23:10 0:42 0:09<br />

Frigg 22.05, 21:00 23.05, 05:40 8:40 0:34 0:12<br />

Oseberg J 23.05, 08:40 15:05 6:25 0:40 0:08<br />

Oseberg Sør 23.05, 15:40 24.05, 02:30 10:50 0:27 0:10<br />

Tune Sør 24.05, 05:55 10:20 4:25 0:42 0:10<br />

Oseberg Delta 24.05, 11:05 14:45 3:40 0:35 0:09<br />

Oseberg Feltsenter 24.05, 15:25 21:25 6:00 0:33 0:11<br />

Brage 24.05, 23:55 25.05, 08:10 8:15 0:51 0:11<br />

Troll A 25.05, 21:20 26.05, 04:25 7:05 0:41 0:11<br />

Troll B og C 26.05, 05:05 27.05, 05:30 24:25 0:51 0:34<br />

Fram Øst 27.05, 08:05 28.05, 05:15 21:10 0:50 0:13<br />

Fram Vest 28.05, 05:35 16:25 10:50 0:42 0:13<br />

Pan Pandora (inkl. Reg4-3) 28.05, 20:50 29.05, 10:00 13:10 0:44 0:11<br />

Jordbær (inkl. Reg4-12) 29.05, 12:35 30.05, 20:10 32:35 0:56 0:16<br />

Huldra 31.05, 01:35 05:10 4:35 0:36 0:19<br />

Veslefrikk 31.05, 07:35 20:25 12:50 0:31 0:16<br />

Oseberg Øst 31.05, 22:50 01.06, 04:20 05:30 0:20 0:06<br />

Oseberg C 01.06, 06:10 12:10 06:00 0:24 0:11<br />

Oseberg G 01.06, 13:35 18:35 04:55 0:25 0:11<br />

Bergen 02.06, 01:00<br />

Demobilisering 02.06, 10:30


Rapport for Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i<br />

omkringliggende regioner<br />

Figur 5-6 Typisk sediment fra Pi-området.<br />

5.4 Frigg<br />

DNV Referansenr.: 12O31ER-3<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00<br />

Dato: 2010-06-28 Side 11 av 29<br />


Stasjonsdypet på Frigg varierte fra 102 til 118m. Sedimentet består hovedsakelig av olivenbrun<br />

fin sand. Prøvetaking ble utført i henhold til programmet uten nevneverdige problemer.<br />

Stasjonsplassering og rekkefølge er vist i Figur 5-7. Det ble registrert sorte flekker i to av<br />

grabbprøvene fra FRI03.<br />

Stnr Senter Retning Avstand<br />

FRI01 TCP2 350 200<br />

FRI02 TCP2 58 196<br />

FRI03 TCP2 188 300<br />

FRIX2 TP1 249 1000<br />

FRI04 TP1 249 200<br />

FRIX1 TP1 249 100<br />

FRI11 TCP2 350 500<br />

FRI24 DP2 170 250<br />

FRI25 DP2 355 242<br />

FRI27 DP2 70 250<br />

FRI10R TCP2 135.4 14686<br />

Figur 5-7 Prøvetaking på Frigg, stasjonsplassering (ED50-UTM, sone 31) og rekkefølge. Det ble tatt<br />

biologi- og kjemiprøver fra alle stasjoner.<br />

5.5 Oseberg J<br />

Stasjonsdypet på Oseberg J varierte fra 103 til 106m. Sedimentet består hovedsakelig av<br />

olivenbrun fin sand. Prøvetaking ble utført i henhold til programmet uten nevneverdige


Rapport for Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i<br />

omkringliggende regioner<br />

DNV Referansenr.: 12O31ER-3<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00<br />

Dato: 2010-06-28<br />


B<br />




Rapport for Statoil Petroleum AS<br />

Miljøovervåking Region III 2010 og grunnlagsundersøkelser i<br />

omkringliggende regioner<br />

DNV Referansenr.: 12O31ER-3<br />

Revisjon nr.: 00<br />

Dato: 2010-06-28<br />


C<br />




Prepared for: Statoil ASA / Multiclient<br />


Forushagen<br />

4035 Stavanger<br />

Norway<br />

Contract Number:<br />

Nygårdsviken 1, 5164 Laksevåg, Norway<br />

Phone: +47 55 34 94 00, Fax: +47 55 34 94 50, http://www.fugro.no<br />

M/V LIBAS<br />



Survey Period: 18 May to 2 June 2010<br />

Report Number: P9087-50<br />

1 Report Revision Morten Nielsen Thor-Inge Meltveit John A. Vint 21 June 2010<br />

0 Report Revision Morten Nielsen Thor-Inge Meltveit John A. Vint 9 June 2010<br />

Rev Description Prepared Checked Approved Date




1. SUMMARY 1<br />

2. AREA MAP 2<br />



A. FIELD LOG<br />


FSAS Ref. P9087-50, Revision 1, 21 June 2010 Page i<br />




1. SUMMARY<br />

The scope of work was to provide accurate and reliable positioning of the “Libas” during environmental<br />

testing, Region III in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Sampling was to be carried out at several<br />

locations on each field. Positions were provided by Statoil ASA.<br />

Fugro Survey AS supplied one surveyor and DGPS System for this survey.<br />

The job was carried out in the period 18 May to 2 June 2010.<br />

FSAS Ref. P9087-50, Revision 1, 21 June 2010 Page 1



2. AREA MAP<br />

FSAS Ref. P9087-50, Revision 1, 21 June 2010 Page 2




Move<br />

Vessel: M/V Libas<br />

Location area: Region III, North Sea<br />

Personnel<br />

Fugro Survey: Eivind Jacobsen (Field Surveyor)<br />

Client representative: Rannveig Elise Otterlei / Endre Aas<br />

Navigation Systems<br />

Rig Positioning Software: Starfix Suite 8.1 SP3 with Seis RC 11<br />

Primary System: Trimble DGPS<br />

Secondary System: Trimble DGPS<br />

Gyro: From HPR System<br />

Key Events Time Weekday Date<br />

Personnel arrived onboard : 09:00 Tuesday 18 May 2010<br />

Equipment mobilised: 15:30 Tuesday 18 May 2010<br />

Started operations at region III: 06:30 Wednesday 19 May 2010<br />

Completed operations at region III: 20:00 Tuesday 1 June 2010<br />

Equipment demobilized: 09:00 Wednesday 2 June 2010<br />

Personnel departed from the vessel: 10:00 Wednesday 2 June 2010<br />

FSAS Ref. P9087-50, Revision 1, 21 June 2010 Page 6



Position ID Easting Northing<br />

Alternative<br />

East<br />

Alternative<br />

North Comments<br />

PI NORD<br />

Pi Nord 436 538 6 431 101 Center sampling area<br />

Pi-14 436 715 6 431 278<br />

Pi-15 436 892 6 431 455<br />

Pi-16 437 245 6 431 808<br />

Pi-17 436 715 6 430 924<br />

Pi-18 436 892 6 430 747<br />

Pi-19 437 245 6 430 394<br />

Pi-20 437 952 6 429 687<br />

Pi-21 436 361 6 430 924<br />

Pi-22 436 184 6 430 747<br />

Pi-23 435 831 6 430 394<br />

Pi-24 436 361 6 431 278<br />

Pi-25 436 184 6 431 455<br />

Pi-26 435 831 6 431 808<br />

REG2-6 460 590 6 429 051 Area Reference station<br />

FRIGG<br />

FRI01 447 719 6 638 770<br />

FRI02 447 942 6 638 675<br />

FRI03 447 674 6 638 246<br />

FRIX2 446 694 6 638 180<br />

FRI04 447 440 6 638 466<br />

FRIX1 447 534 6 638 503<br />

FRI11 447 668 6 639 031<br />

FRI24 448 135 6 638 942<br />

FRI25 448 070 6 639 480<br />

FRI27 448 327 6 639 324<br />

FRI10R 458 362 6 627 966 Area reference station<br />


Oseberg J 494 486 6 691 052 Center sampling area<br />

OSJ01 494 663 6 691 229<br />

OSJ02 494 840 6 691 406<br />

OSJ05 494 663 6 690 875<br />

OSJ06 494 840 6 690 698<br />

OSJ09 494 309 6 690 875<br />

OSJ10 494 132 6 690 698<br />

OSJ13 494 269 6 691 177 Center sampling area<br />

OSJ14 494 053 6 691 302<br />

FSAS Ref. P9087-50, Revision 1, 21 June 2010 Page 9




FSAS Ref. P9087-50, Revision 1, 21 June 2010 Page 17



A. FIELD LOG<br />

FSAS Ref. P9087-50, Revision 1, 21 June 2010 Appendix A



All times refers to Norwegian Local Time (UTC +2 hours)<br />

Time Event<br />

Tuesday 18 May 2010<br />

08:30 FSAS personnel Eivind Jacobsen left home, Gylfi Runarsson left Fugro workshop.<br />

09:00 E. Jacobsen & Gylfi Runarsson arrived Libas at Lie,Sotra.<br />

09:30 Started mobilization.<br />

15:30 Mobilization completed, ant offsets entered from CPR:<br />

Port GPS : x= -5m, y = 10.5m.<br />

Starbord GPS: x= 6.4m, y = 6.2m.<br />

Grabb : x= 10m, y = 20m.<br />

15:35 G. Runarsson departed Libas for Fugro workshop.<br />

15:45 Departed Lie for testing equipment.<br />

16:15 MOB drill<br />

16:30 On DP, testing equipment.<br />

17:30 Departed for sample-area, Yme.<br />

23:59 Enroute to Yme.<br />

Wednesday 19 May 2010<br />

06:15 Logging started.<br />

06:25 In position YMEB2-13, prepare to launch grab.<br />

06:30 Start sample-taking at YMEB2-13, fix # 2.<br />

09:30 On clients request, station YMEB2-4 is moved to new location dt underwater structure. New coordinates:<br />

581 692E, 6 402 406N. Position is 26m in 127° from original location.<br />

20:02 Completed station Yme Beta, heading for Yme Gamma<br />

23:59 Continue sampling at Yme Gamma.<br />

Thursday 20 May 2010<br />

00:00 Continue sampling at Yme Gamma.<br />

09:16 Completed Yme field, heading for station REF/REG, should be renamed to REG1-10.<br />

10:35 Start sampling at station REG1-10.<br />

11:13 Sampling completed on REG1-10, heading for Bream field.<br />

13:00 Start sampling at Bream field.<br />

19:03 Station BRE11 moved 42m in 220° dt rocks. New position 553 891E, 6 449 136N.<br />

21:12 Station BRE12 moved 40m in 298° dt rocks. New position 553 713E, 6 449 314N.<br />

23:59 Continue sampling at Bream field.<br />

Friday 21 May 2010<br />

00:00 Continue sampling at Bream field.<br />

04:55 Station BRE2 moved 31m in 348° dt rocks. New position 554 274E, 6 449 148N.<br />

05:30 Completed Bream field, heading for REG2-11.<br />

06:21 Start sampling at REG2-11.<br />

07:28 Completed REG2-11, heading for REG2-6.<br />

11:30 Start sampling at REG2-6.<br />

12:15 Completed REG2-6, heading for area Pi-sør.<br />

13:30 Start sampling at Pi sør field.<br />

19:45 Station Pi10 moved 40m in 29° dt rocks. New position 436 166E, 6 424 456N<br />

23:59 Continue sampling at Pi-sør field.<br />

Saturday 22 May 2010<br />

00:00 Continue sampling at Pi-sør field.<br />

01:10 Pi-sør area completed, heading for Pi-nord<br />

01:40 Start sampling at Pi-nord area.<br />

FSAS Ref. P9087-50, Revision 1, 21 June 2010 Appendix A



Saturday 22 May 2010 cont.<br />

12:45 Completed Pi-nord area, heading for FRI10R<br />

21:10 Start sampling FRI10R<br />

21:50 Completed FRI10R, heading for Frigg field.<br />

22:43 Start sampling on Frigg-field, FRIX2.<br />

23:59 Continue sampling at Frigg-field.<br />

Sunday 23 May 2010<br />

00:00 Continue sampling at Frigg-field.<br />

05:40 Completed Frigg area, heading for Oseberg J field.<br />

08:40 Start sampling at Oseberg J area, OSJ 11.<br />

09:10 Finish at OSJ11, but this station is not in the new program., Moving to OSJ10.<br />

15:08 Completed Oseberg J area, heading for Oseberg Sør.<br />

15:40 Start sampling at Oseberg Sør area, OSS07.<br />

19:39 Extra station OSS11X, position 488 598E, 6 695 135N.<br />

19:49 Extra station OSS11X2, position 488 520E, 6 695 306N.<br />

23:59 Continue sampling at Oseberg Sør field.<br />

Monday 24 May 2010<br />

00:00 Continue sampling at Oseberg Sør field.<br />

02:30 Completed Oseberg Sør area, heading for REG3-19.<br />

02:58 Start sampling at REG3-19.<br />

03:46 Completed REG3-19, heading for REG3-17.<br />

04:43 Start sampling at REG3-17.<br />

05:22 Completed REG3-17, heading for Tune Sør area.<br />

05:54 Start sampling at Tune Sør area.<br />

10:20 Completed Tune Sør area, heading for Oseberg Delta area.<br />

10:55 Start sampling at Oseberg Delta area.<br />

14:46 Completed Oseberg Delta area, heading for Oseberg Feltsenter.<br />

15:20 Start sampling at Oseberg Feltsenter area.<br />

21:30 Completed Oseberg Feltsenter area, heading for REG3-18.<br />

22:15 Start sampling at REG3-18.<br />

23:22 Completed REG3-18, heading for Brage.<br />

23:55 Start sampling Brage area.<br />

23:59 Continue sampling in Brage area.<br />

Tuesday 25 May 2010<br />

00:00 Continue sampling in Brage area.<br />

08:10 Brage area completed, heading for Bergen for Clientrep-change.<br />

12:45 Alongside Skarholmen, Askøy.<br />

14:00 Departed Skarholmen, heading for REG3-6.<br />

19:07 Start sampling at REG3-6.<br />

20:25 Completed REG3-6, heading for Troll A.<br />

21:20 Start sampling Troll A area.<br />

23:59 Continue sampling in Troll A area.<br />

Wednesday 26 May 2010<br />

00:00 Continue sampling in Troll A area.<br />

04:30 Completed Troll A area, heading for Troll B & C area.<br />

05:05 Start sampling at Troll B & C area.<br />

23:59 Continue sampling in Troll B & C area.<br />

FSAS Ref. P9087-50, Revision 1, 21 June 2010 Appendix A



Thursday 27 May 2010<br />

00:00 Continue sampling in Troll B & C area.<br />

05:29 Completed Troll B & C area, heading for REG3-12.<br />

06:19 start sampling at REG3-12.<br />

07:18 Completed REG3-12, heading for Fram area.<br />

08:04 Start sampling in Fram Øst area.<br />

23:59 Continue sampling in Fram Øst area.<br />

Friday 28 May 2010<br />

00:00 Continue sampling in Fram Øst area.<br />

16:28 Completed Fram Øst area, heading for REG3-11.<br />

17:08 Start sampling at REG3-11.<br />

17:51 Completed REG3-11, heading for Pan Pandora area.<br />

20:40 Start sampling in Pan Pandora area.<br />

23:59 Continue sampling in Pan Pandora area.<br />

Saturday 29 May 2010<br />

00:00 Continue sampling in Pan Pandora area.<br />

08:50 Completed Pan Pandora area, heading for REG4-3.<br />

09:19 Start sampling REG4-3.<br />

10:03 Completed REG4-3, heading for Jordbær field.<br />

12:34 Start sampling at Jordbær field.<br />

23:59 Continue sampling at Jordbær field.<br />

Sunday 30 May 2010<br />

00:00 Continue sampling at Jordbær field.<br />

18:10 Fire drill.<br />

18.38 Completed Jordbær-field, heading for REG4-12.<br />

19:13 Start sampling at REG4-12.<br />

20:15 Completed REG4-12, heading for REG3-7.<br />

23:59 En route to REG4-12.<br />

Monday 31 May 2010<br />

00:05 Start sampling on REG4-12.<br />

00:45 Completed sampling on REG4-12, heading for Huldra field.<br />

01:32 Start sampling at Huldra field.<br />

05:20 Huldra field completed, heading for REG3-13.<br />

06:05 Start sampling at station REG3-13.<br />

07:02 Completed REG3-13, heading for Veslefrikk field.<br />

07:40 Start sampling at Veslefrikk area.<br />

20:26 Completed Veslefrikk area, heading for REG3-14.<br />

20:58 Start sampling at station REG3-14.<br />

21:23 Completed REG3-14, heading for Oseberg Øst field.<br />

22:04 Start sampling at Oseberg Øst field.<br />

23:59 Continue sampling at Oseberg Øst field.<br />

FSAS Ref. P9087-50, Revision 1, 21 June 2010 Appendix A



Tuesday 1 June 2010<br />

00:00 Continue sampling at Oseberg Øst field<br />

04:20 Completed Oseberg Øst field, heading for REG3-15.<br />

05:10 start sampling at REG3-15.<br />

05:28 Completed REG3-15, heading for Oseberg C field.<br />

12:09 Completed Oseberg C field, heading for REG3-16.<br />

12:50 Start sampling at REG3-16.<br />

13.14 Completed REG3-16, heading for Oseberg G field.<br />

13:15 Station OSG05 moved 40m in 37° due to embillical on seabed. New position 482 948E, 6 711 345N.<br />

13:40 Start sampling at Oseberg G field.<br />

18:30 Oseberg G completed, heading for CCB, Sotra. ETA 2nd of June 0900 hrs.<br />

18:39 Logging stopped, start demobilization.<br />

21:45 De-mobilization completed.<br />

23:59 En route to CCB, Sotra.<br />

Wednesday 2 June 2010<br />

09:00 Demobilization completed.<br />

10:00 FSAS personnel departed “Libas”.<br />

FSAS Ref. P9087-50, Revision 1, 21 June 2010 Appendix A


Det Norske Veritas:<br />

Det Norske Veritas (DNV) er en ledende, uavhengig leverandør av tjenester for risikostyring, med<br />

global virksomhet gjennom et nettverk av 300 kontorer i 100 ulike land. DNVs formål er å arbeide for<br />

sikring av liv, verdier og miljø.<br />

DNV bistår sine kunder med risikostyring gjennom tre typer tjenester: klassifisering, sertifisering og<br />

konsulentvirksomhet. Siden etableringen som en uavhengig stiftelse i 1864 har DNV blitt en<br />

internasjonalt anerkjent leverandør av ledelsestjenester og tekniske konsulent- og<br />

rådgivningstjenester, og er et av verdens ledende klassifiseringsselskaper. Dette innebærer<br />

kontinuerlig utvikling av ny tilnærming til helse-, miljø- og sikkerhetsledelse, slik at bedrifter kan<br />

fungere effektivt under alle forhold.<br />

Global impact for a safe and sustainable future:<br />

Besøk vår internettside for mer informasjon: www.dnv.no


Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30<br />



2<br />



Report<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg<br />

2010<br />

Test Report<br />

The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey<br />

2010 - Region III<br />

TEST 083<br />

Report No./DNV Reg No.: 2010 - 1478/ 12O31ER-6<br />

Rev 01, 2010-10-04


Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

Table of Contents<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page ii of ii<br />


1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1<br />

2 SAMPLING........................................................................................................................ 1<br />

3 SORTING........................................................................................................................... 2<br />

4 SPECIES IDENTIFICATION ......................................................................................... 2<br />

5 TOP 10 ................................................................................................................................ 3<br />

6 INDICES............................................................................................................................. 5<br />

Appendix 1 Check list<br />

Appendix 2 Details from sampling<br />

Appendix 3 Species list


Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />


DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 1 of 5<br />


On behalf of the project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010-Region III DNV’s<br />

Biology Laboratory has conducted macro fauna sampling and analyses from the Frigg field 2010.<br />

The work was conducted based on program prepared by Total E&P Norge AS and carried out as<br />

on the same survey as the regional environmental monitoring in Region III.<br />

DNV’s Biology laboratory (DNV Energy) is accredited by the Norwegian Accreditation<br />

(accreditation number TEST 083) for performing sampling and analyses of macro benthic fauna.<br />

Accreditation is according to NS-EN ISO/IEC 17025.<br />

The report is prepared according to the DNV procedure OP-ENENO752-5-3-14.<br />

Sampling, sorting and taxonomic analyses are carried out according to relevant procedures<br />

described in DNV’s Quality System.<br />

2 SAMPLING<br />

The sampling was carried out from the vessel M/V Libas the 22. and 23. of May 2010. Altogether<br />

11 stations were sampled for biological and chemical parameters.<br />

The fieldwork was performed according to Aktivitetsforskriften (Kap. X-1 - § 51 og 52, Vedlegg<br />

1; Teknisk vedlegg 2 – Sedimentovervåkning (Ptil, SFT, Shdir 2001) and DNV’s accredited<br />

procedures for this kind of work (Test 083).<br />

Location: Frigg, Nordsjøen<br />

Date: 22.05.10 - 23.05.10<br />

Survey Leader: Sam-Arne Nøland (DNV)<br />

Survey peronnnel: The feildwork was carried out with a 6-hours shift work:<br />

Sam-Arne Nøland (DNV), survey Leader<br />

Thomas Møskeland (DNV), shift Leader<br />

Øyvind Fjukmoen (DNV), shift Leader<br />

Marte Braathen (DNV)<br />

Christian Volan (DNV)<br />

Gunn Mari Michaelsen (MoLab)<br />

Odd Strandvold (MoLab)<br />

The work was coordinated by Endre Aas, Statoil.<br />

Appendix 2 shows the details from the sampling.


Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

3 SORTING<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 2 of 5<br />


The sorting was carried out by Christian Volan, Ludvig Søgnen Jensen, Jacob Søgnen Jensen,<br />

Marthe Røgeberg, Theis Alexander Aspholm, Vegard Bjørnestad Skar, Peter Nikolai Knudsen,<br />

Tuva Kristine Østby, Kasper Nøland, Lisa Aurora Hauff, Jostein Olafsen, Aksel Gravir, Anders<br />

Glette Johnsen, Anders Westin, Charlotte Krossholm, Einar Ingebrigtsen and Tore Martinsen<br />

Olsvold in the Biology Laboratory at Høvik in June and July 2010.<br />

Procedures: OP-ENENO752-5-3-7, OP-ENENO752-5-3-9.<br />


Identification of species was carried out in July-September 2010.<br />

Mollusca was identified by Per Bie Wikander (Molltax) and Amund Ulfsnes<br />

Echinodermata was identified by Amund Ulfsnes<br />

Crustacea was identified by Thomas Møskeland<br />

Varia and Polychaeta was identified by Øystein Stokland (Marine Bunndyr AS).<br />

Procedures: OP-ENENO752-5-3-10, OP-ENENO752-5-3-12.


Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

5 TOP 10<br />

10 most dominant species, Frigg 2010.<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 3 of 5<br />


FRI 1 (350/200m) Number % Cum % FRI 2 (758/196m) Number % Cum %<br />

Spiophanes bombyx 123 14,44 14,44 Myriochele oculata 507 44,16 44,16<br />

Myriochele oculata 122 14,32 28,76 Owenia fusiformis 190 16,55 60,71<br />

Owenia fusiformis 92 10,80 39,55 Amphiura filiformis 47 4,09 64,81<br />

Cerianthus lloydi 45 5,28 44,84 Unciola planipes 31 2,70 67,51<br />

Amphipholis squamata 45 5,28 50,12 Parvicardium minimum 29 2,53 70,03<br />

Parvicardium minimum 45 5,28 55,40 Goniada maculata 25 2,18 72,21<br />

Siphonoecetes kroeyeranus 38 4,46 59,86 Cerianthus lloydi 23 2,00 74,22<br />

Prionospio cirrifera 23 2,70 62,56 Scoloplos (Scoloplos) armiger 23 2,00 76,22<br />

Nemertina indet. 18 2,11 64,67 Spiophanes bombyx 22 1,92 78,14<br />

Edwardsia sp. 16 1,88 66,55 Edwardsia sp. 20 1,74 79,88<br />

Spiophanes wigleyi 16 1,88 68,43 Paramphinome jeffreysii 17 1,48 81,36<br />

Ophiocten affinis 16 1,88 70,31 Aonides paucibranchiata 17 1,48 82,84<br />

FRI 3 (188/300m) Number % Cum % FRI 4 (249/200m) Number % Cum %<br />

Spiophanes bombyx 115 22,50 22,50 Myriochele oculata 120 14,55 14,55<br />

Cerianthus lloydi 29 5,68 28,18 Spiophanes bombyx 74 8,97 23,52<br />

Siphonoecetes kroeyeranus 25 4,89 33,07 Cerianthus lloydi 47 5,70 29,21<br />

Parvicardium minimum 24 4,70 37,77 Edwardsia sp. 35 4,24 33,45<br />

Owenia fusiformis 23 4,50 42,27 Parvicardium minimum 34 4,12 37,58<br />

Chaetozone setosa complex 20 3,91 46,18 Amphiura filiformis 33 4,00 41,58<br />

Goniada maculata 16 3,13 49,32 Siphonoecetes kroeyeranus 32 3,88 45,45<br />

Amphiura filiformis 14 2,74 52,05 Spiophanes wigleyi 27 3,27 48,73<br />

Spiophanes wigleyi 13 2,54 54,60 Chaetozone setosa complex 26 3,15 51,88<br />

Hippomedon denticulatus 13 2,54 57,14 Ophiocten affinis 22 2,67 54,55<br />

Myriochele oculata 12 2,35 59,49 Prionospio cirrifera 22 2,67 57,21<br />

Fri 10R (135/14686) Number % Cum % Fri 11 (350/500m) Number % Cum %<br />

Owenia fusiformis 389 34,12 34,12 Myriochele oculata 533 45,21 45,21<br />

Myriochele oculata 218 19,12 53,25 Owenia fusiformis 151 12,81 58,02<br />

Amphiura filiformis 54 4,74 57,98 Amphiura filiformis 55 4,66 62,68<br />

Phoronis muelleri 36 3,16 61,14 Parvicardium minimum 40 3,39 66,07<br />

Thyasira flexuosa 29 2,54 63,68 Spiophanes bombyx 32 2,71 68,79<br />

Caudofoveata spp. 22 1,93 65,61 Scoloplos (Scoloplos) armiger 26 2,21 70,99<br />

Urothoe elegans 21 1,84 67,46 Paramphinome jeffreysii 24 2,04 73,03<br />

Goniada maculata 19 1,67 69,12 Unciola planipes 20 1,70 74,72<br />

Harpinia antennaria 18 1,58 70,70 Aonides paucibranchiata 20 1,70 76,42<br />

Ophiocten affinis 17 1,49 72,19 Edwardsia sp. 15 1,27 77,69<br />

Aonides paucibranchiata 16 1,40 73,60 Nemertina indet. 14 1,19 78,88<br />



Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 4 of 5<br />


Fri 24 (170/250m) Number % Cum % Fri 25 (355/242m) Number % Cum %<br />

Myriochele oculata 380 35,12 35,12 Myriochele oculata 151 16,50 16,50<br />

Owenia fusiformis 101 9,33 44,45 Owenia fusiformis 83 9,07 25,57<br />

Unciola planipes 70 6,47 50,92 Unciola planipes 66 7,21 32,79<br />

Amphiura filiformis 53 4,90 55,82 Spiophanes bombyx 64 6,99 39,78<br />

Aonides paucibranchiata 46 4,25 60,07 Amphiura filiformis 63 6,89 46,67<br />

Ophiocten affinis 41 3,79 63,86 Aonides paucibranchiata 52 5,68 52,35<br />

Scoloplos (Scoloplos) armiger 25 2,31 66,17 Ophiocten affinis 30 3,28 55,63<br />

Spiophanes bombyx 25 2,31 68,48 Paramphinome jeffreysii 27 2,95 58,58<br />

Cerianthus lloydi 22 2,03 70,52 Scoloplos (Scoloplos) armiger 27 2,95 61,53<br />

Parvicardium minimum 20 1,85 72,37 Aricidea catherinae 27 2,95 64,48<br />

Aricidea catherinae 20 1,85 74,21 Nemertina indet. 19 2,08 66,56<br />

Fri 27 (70/250m) Number % Cum % Fri X1 (249/100m) Number % Cum %<br />

Myriochele oculata 392 39,40 39,40 Spiophanes bombyx 108 14,71 14,71<br />

Owenia fusiformis 82 8,24 47,64 Cerianthus lloydi 53 7,22 21,93<br />

Amphiura filiformis 70 7,04 54,67 Amphiura filiformis 48 6,54 28,47<br />

Aonides paucibranchiata 45 4,52 59,20 Parvicardium minimum 48 6,54 35,01<br />

Antalis entalis 43 4,32 63,52 Spiophanes wigleyi 45 6,13 41,14<br />

Ophiocten affinis 29 2,91 66,43 Edwardsia sp. 34 4,63 45,78<br />

Unciola planipes 25 2,51 68,94 Cirriformia tentaculata 34 4,63 50,41<br />

Aricidea catherinae 24 2,41 71,36 Hippomedon denticulatus 30 4,09 54,50<br />

Echinocyamus pusillus 19 1,91 73,27 Chaetozone setosa complex 28 3,81 58,31<br />

Parvicardium minimum 15 1,51 74,77 Owenia fusiformis 26 3,54 61,85<br />

Scoloplos (Scoloplos) armiger 15 1,51 76,28 Ophiocten affinis 25 3,41 65,26<br />

Fri X2 (249/1000m) Number % Cum %<br />

Myriochele oculata 310 38,70 38,70<br />

Owenia fusiformis 111 13,86 52,56<br />

Amphiura filiformis 49 6,12 58,68<br />

Aricidea catherinae 30 3,75 62,42<br />

Paramphinome jeffreysii 24 3,00 65,42<br />

Ophiocten affinis 19 2,37 67,79<br />

Scaphopoda spp. 16 2,00 69,79<br />

Parvicardium minimum 15 1,87 71,66<br />

Aonides paucibranchiata 14 1,75 73,41<br />

Goniada maculate 13 1,62 75,03


Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

6 INDICES<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 5 of 5<br />


Numbers of individuals (N) and species (S), depth, Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’), Pielou’s<br />

evenness index (J), and expected number of species per 100 individuals (ES100) for each station at Frigg<br />

2010 (ex. juv.).<br />

Station º / m Depth (m) S N H' J ES100<br />

FRI 1 350/200 106 79 852 4.8 0.75 33<br />

FRI 2 758/196 105 77 1148 3.5 0.56 25<br />

FRI 3 188/300 102 78 511 5.0 0.80 39<br />

FRI 4 249/200 111 100 825 5.3 0.79 39<br />

FRI 10R 135/ 14686 105 95 1140 4.1 0.63 31<br />

FRI 11 350/500 105 80 1179 3.7 0.58 27<br />

FRI 24 170/250 107 80 1082 4.2 0.66 30<br />

FRI 25 355/242 103 87 915 4.9 0.76 34<br />

FRI 27 70/250 105 86 995 4.0 0.63 29<br />

FRI X1 249/100 106 71 734 4.9 0.79 32<br />

FRI X2 249/1000 118 88 801 4.0 0.62 30


Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />


1<br />


- o0o -<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 1-6<br />



Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />


2<br />


DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 1-7<br />


Frigg 2010<br />


Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 1-8<br />


UTM Org./ NPD/ Kjemi Bio<br />

St. nr. º / m N E Bio Korn THC Metall PAH Dyp Dato Start Slutt Tid #1 #2 #3 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Grabb Bom Beskrivelse Kommentarer<br />

FRI01 350 200 6638770 447719 5 1 3 3 106 23.mai 02:40 03:10 00:30 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 B25/B17 0 Brungrønn fin sand<br />

FRI02 58 196 6638675 447942 5 1 3 3 105 23.mai 03:20 03:45 00:25 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 B25/B17 0 Brungrønn fin sand<br />

FRI03 188 300 6638246 447674 5 1 5 3 5 102 22.mai 23:40 00:25 00:45 6 7 8 6 7 8 7 8 B25 0 Brungrønn fin sand Svarte flekker i gr.4 og 5<br />

FRIX2 249 1000 6638180 446694 5 1 3 3 111 22.mai 22:40 23:20 00:40 7 7 6 7 7 6 7 8 B25 1 Brungrønn fin sand<br />

FRI04 249 200 6638466 447440 5 1 3 3 105 23.mai 00:35 01:10 00:35 8 7 8 8 7 8 8 8 B25/B17 0 Brungrønn fin sand<br />

FRIX1 249 100 6638503 447534 5 1 3 3 105 23.mai 01:15 01:50 00:35 8 8 9 9 8 7 9 9 B25/B17 0 Brungrønn fin sand<br />

FRI11 350 500 6639031 447668 5 1 3 3 107 23.mai 02:00 02:25 00:25 9 9 7 8 9 8 7 8 B25/B17 0 Brungrønn fin sand<br />

FRI24 170 250 6638942 448135 5 1 3 3 103 23.mai 03:55 04:25 00:30 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 7 B25/B17 0 Brungrønn fin sand<br />

FRI25 355 242 6639480 448070 5 1 3 3 105 23.mai 05:05 05:40 00:35 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 B25/B17 0 Brungrønn fin sand m/noe grus<br />

FRI27 70 250 6639324 448327 5 1 3 3 106 23.mai 04:30 05:00 00:30 9 8 8 9 9 8 8 9 B25/B17 0 Brungrønn fin sand Noe svart i gr. 3?<br />

FRI10R 135.4 14686 6627966 458362 5 1 5 3 5 118 22.mai 21:00 21:50 00:50 9 8 8 10 10 9 8 8 B15 m/ lodd 1 Brungrønn fin sand Sjikt


Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />


3<br />


DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 1-8<br />



Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

VARIA<br />

Hydrozoa<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 1-9<br />


Fri 01 Fri 02 Fri 03 Fri x2 Fri 04 Fri X1 Fri 11 Fri 24 Fri 25 Fri 27 Fri 10R<br />

Acaulis primarius 0 8 2 0 4 7 6 9 13 2 0<br />

Molgulidae spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 0<br />

Pennatula phosphorea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />


Cerianthus lloydi 45 23 29 4 47 53 10 22 19 11 2<br />

Edwardsia sp. 16 20 9 1 35 34 15 14 16 7 1<br />

Hydroida indet. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Virgularia mirabilis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0<br />

Caryophyllia smithii 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Anthozoa indet. 1 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Onchnesoma steenstrupii steenstrupii 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

OTHERS<br />

Phoronis muelleri 0 5 1 5 1 0 2 10 5 3 36<br />

Nemertina indet. 18 9 5 5 12 16 14 11 19 10 11<br />

Platyhelminthes spp. 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0<br />

Nematoda spp. 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 3 5 0<br />

Bryozoa indet. 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Siboglinidae indet. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2<br />

Oligochaeta indet. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0<br />




Aphrodita aculeata 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0<br />


Pholoe baltica 2 0 2 3 5 5 5 3 2 0 4<br />

Sthenelais limicola 0 7 5 6 4 4 1 4 1 3 5<br />


Chaetoparia nilssoni 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1<br />

Eteone longa 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Eteone c.f flava 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0<br />

Eteone foliosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0<br />

Phyllodoce rosea 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0<br />

Phyllodoce mucosa 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />

Phyllodocidae indet. juv 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />


Glycera alba 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1<br />

Glycera lapidum 5 1 7 2 14 11 3 4 13 3 2<br />

Goniada maculata 4 25 16 13 16 8 13 14 10 7 19<br />

Glycinde nordmanni 0 1 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0<br />


Sphaerodorum gracilis 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />



Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 1-10<br />


Fri 01 Fri 02 Fri 03 Fri x2 Fri 04 Fri X1 Fri 11 Fri 24 Fri 25 Fri 27 Fri 10R<br />

Nereididae indet. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1<br />


Nephtys longosetosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0<br />

Nephtys caeca 9 1 2 1 5 0 2 2 3 6 10<br />

Nephtys hombergii 0 1 1 3 1 1 3 0 1 0 1<br />

Nephtys paradoxa 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Nephtys sp. juv 4 5 3 4 2 3 2 6 2 3 10<br />


Paramphinome jeffreysii 11 17 8 24 21 16 24 14 27 10 9<br />

Onuphidae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Hyalinoecia tubicola 6 3 1 2 3 1 5 2 2 3 0<br />

Onuphis conchylega 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 4 0 0<br />


Scoloplos (Scoloplos) armiger 15 23 6 7 12 10 26 25 27 15 12<br />


Aricidea catherinae 5 9 5 30 12 0 7 20 27 24 14<br />

Aricidea (Acmira) cerrutii 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 1 7<br />

Aricidea laubieri 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0<br />

Aricidea wassi 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0<br />

Levinsenia gracilis 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6<br />

Paradoneis lyra 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0<br />


Aonides paucibranchiata 7 17 2 14 7 2 20 46 52 45 16<br />

Spio filicornis 9 7 7 2 1 3 1 9 9 3 1<br />

Dipolydora coeca 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Pseudopolydora antennata 4 1 2 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 3<br />

Pseudopolydora pulchra 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0<br />

Prionospio cirrifera 23 6 8 9 22 22 11 16 15 11 10<br />

Prionospio fallax 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 6<br />

Scolelepis (Scolelepis) foliosa 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 1 1 1<br />

Spiophanes kroyeri 0 0 0 3 1 1 2 2 2 8 4<br />

Spiophanes bombyx 123 22 115 11 74 108 32 25 64 11 7<br />

Spiophanes wigleyi 16 5 13 2 27 45 11 1 9 1 3<br />


Poecilochaetus serpens 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0<br />


Aphelochaeta sp. 0 1 0 0 4 7 0 1 0 1 0<br />

Chaetozone setosa complex 15 5 20 7 26 28 14 1 8 5 5<br />

Cirriformia tentaculata 9 0 0 0 19 34 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Caulleriella sp. 0 1 4 2 1 3 0 3 4 1 0<br />


Diplocirrus glaucus 1 0 0 5 1 0 1 0 0 1 5<br />


Ophelina cylindricaudata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />

Ophelina abranchiata 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 4<br />



Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 1-11<br />


Fri 01 Fri 02 Fri 03 Fri x2 Fri 04 Fri X1 Fri 11 Fri 24 Fri 25 Fri 27 Fri 10R<br />

Scalibregma inflatum 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />


Myriochele oculata 122 507 12 310 120 11 533 380 151 392 218<br />

Myriochele danielsseni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 11 1<br />

Owenia fusiformis 92 190 23 111 21 26 151 101 83 82 389<br />

Owenia fusiformis juv 6 16 1 9 4 2 5 7 5 5 3<br />


Pectinaria (Lagis) koreni 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 5<br />

Pectinaria (Amphictene) auricoma 0 0 4 3 6 5 6 1 6 2 7<br />

Pectinaria sp. 4 2 2 0 2 6 2 0 1 1 7<br />


Ampharete lindstroemi 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 1<br />

Anobothrus gracilis 2 2 4 2 3 2 7 5 4 0 2<br />

Sabellides octocirrata 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 5<br />

Samytha sexcirrata 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0<br />

Mugga wahrbergi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2<br />

Pterolysippe vanelli 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />

Amphicteis gunneri 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0<br />


Lanice conchilega 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />

Hauchiella tribullata 0 2 2 0 1 0 2 1 2 2 0<br />


Terebellides stroemii 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2<br />


Jasmineira caudata 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 2<br />

Jasmineira sp. 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 3 0 10<br />

Euchone sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />

Chone sp. 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5<br />


Ditrupa arietina 10 0 7 0 8 13 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Hydroides norvegicus 1 0 5 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0<br />


OTHERS<br />

Paguridae spp. 3 2 3 5 2 2 0 9 6 4 2<br />

Sarsinebalia typhlops 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Astacilla dilatata 1 10 1 1 3 2 4 0 4 7 0<br />

Amphilochoides sp. 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0<br />

Lepidepecreum longicornis 2 4 1 2 2 1 3 0 5 2 0<br />

Liocarcinus sp. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Hyas coarctatus 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0<br />


Tmetonyx cicada 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0<br />

Hippomedon denticulatus 9 8 13 1 19 30 8 5 11 8 3<br />

Gitanopsis sp. 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0<br />

Leucothoe lilljeborgi 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 0<br />

Harpinia antennaria 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 18


Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 1-12<br />


Fri 01 Fri 02 Fri 03 Fri x2 Fri 04 Fri X1 Fri 11 Fri 24 Fri 25 Fri 27 Fri 10R<br />

Argissa hamatipes 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 2 1<br />

Ampelisca brevicornis 2 0 1 0 7 2 0 2 0 2 0<br />

Ampelisca diadema/tenuicornis 9 3 4 4 10 11 8 7 9 5 6<br />

Ampelisca macrocephala 2 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 2<br />

Ischyroceridae sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />

Autonoe longipes 12 3 8 1 6 12 3 5 8 1 1<br />

Siphonoecetes (Centraloecetes) kroeyeranus 38 7 25 0 32 21 3 4 3 9 0<br />

Pontocrates spp. 4 2 1 0 2 1 3 2 3 4 1<br />

Synchelidium spp. 1 2 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 2 0<br />

Westwoodilla caecula 2 0 1 2 4 2 1 0 0 0 1<br />

Ampelisca sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0<br />

Ampelisca c.f. typica 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Lysianassidae indet. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0<br />

Caprellidae spp. 1 5 1 1 2 0 11 3 5 2 0<br />

Bathyporeia c.f. elegans 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 4 2 3 0<br />

Megamphopus cornutus 1 1 4 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 1<br />

Tryphosites longipes 6 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 2 3 0<br />

Unciola planipes 5 31 1 1 2 5 20 70 66 25 0<br />

C.f. Pardaliscidae sp. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Scopelocheirus hopei 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Photis longicaudata 5 0 5 0 10 0 0 4 2 0 0<br />

Monoculodes sp. 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0<br />

Acidostoma obesum 0 1 0 1 1 1 4 4 1 2 0<br />

Urothoe elegans 0 1 0 5 1 0 0 1 1 3 21<br />

Leptognathia sp. 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Hippomedon sp. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Anonyx c.f. lilljeborgii 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Tryphosella c.f. nanoides 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Iphimediidae sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />

Natatolana borealis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />


Eudorellopsis deformis 3 2 4 1 6 2 0 6 2 2 1<br />

Pseudocuma sp. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0<br />

Hemilamprops roseus 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Diastylis spp. 1 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 0 3 3<br />

Leucon sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />

Eudorella truncatula/hirsutha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3<br />



Caudofoveata spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 22<br />

Neomenia carinata 1 1 1 0 6 1 0 1 2 2 0<br />


Euspira pulchella 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0<br />

Euspira montagui 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0<br />

Aporrhais c.f serresianus 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 1 1 1<br />

Melanella sp. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 1-13<br />


Fri 01 Fri 02 Fri 03 Fri x2 Fri 04 Fri X1 Fri 11 Fri 24 Fri 25 Fri 27 Fri 10R<br />

Epitonium trevelyanum 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0<br />


Acteon tornatilis 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 5 1 2 0<br />

Cylichna cylindracea 2 2 0 4 1 0 1 1 0 0 7<br />

Philine scabra 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0<br />

Cylichnina umbilicata 0 3 0 5 1 0 5 2 1 1 1<br />

Nudibranchia spp. 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 3 0<br />

Volvulella acuminata 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Scaphander punctostriatus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1<br />

Turbonilla c.f. crenata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0<br />


Abra prismatica 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 6<br />

Abra nitida 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Acanthocardia echinata 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3<br />

Arctica islandica 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0<br />

Axinulus croulinensis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14<br />

Cuspidaria cuspidata 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0<br />

Hiatella arctica 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />

Kurtiella bidentata 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0<br />

Lucinoma borealis 4 5 0 1 0 0 3 4 12 1 2<br />

Montacuta substriata 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0<br />

Phaxas pellucidus 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Tellimya ferruginosa 1 1 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0<br />

Tellimya tenella 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 5<br />

Thracia papyracea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1<br />

Thyasira flexuosa 7 0 1 7 1 0 1 1 2 1 29<br />

Timoclea ovata 12 3 6 1 9 4 3 10 4 1 9<br />

Parvicardium minimum 45 29 24 15 34 48 40 20 17 15 7<br />

Bivalvia indet 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Thyasira equalis 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Astarte sulcata 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0<br />

Thracia villosiuscula 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />

Limatula gwyni 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Thyasira biplicata 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />

Dosinia lupinus 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0<br />

Thyasira succisa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0<br />

Thyasira obsoleta 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3<br />

Adontorhina similis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2<br />

Scaphopoda spp. 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Antalis entalis 0 12 0 0 3 0 11 16 2 43 4<br />

Antalis spp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1<br />



Asteroidea spp.juv. 8 7 10 6 8 8 10 8 7 6 1<br />


Amphiura filiformis 4 47 14 49 33 48 55 53 63 70 54


Report for The project 2010/00119-Environmental Sediment Survey 2010 -<br />

Region III<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-6<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-10-08 Page 1-14<br />


Fri 01 Fri 02 Fri 03 Fri x2 Fri 04 Fri X1 Fri 11 Fri 24 Fri 25 Fri 27 Fri 10R<br />

Amphiura chiajei 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0<br />

Ophiocten affinis 16 5 12 19 22 25 7 41 30 29 17<br />

Ophiuroidea spp.juv. 5 12 23 9 15 4 6 6 3 2 4<br />

Amphipholis squamata 45 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Ophiactis balli 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Ophiura albida 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0<br />


Echinocardium flavescens 2 2 6 6 2 3 5 1 2 1 4<br />

Echinoidea spp.juv. 86 200 46 132 93 27 83 100 20 60 145<br />

Echinocyamus pusillus 5 4 0 7 7 1 7 10 3 19 0<br />

Echinus sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2<br />

Holothuroidea sp. 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Labidoplax buskii 0 0 0 1 3 0 4 4 5 3 3<br />

Psolus sp. juv 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Pseudothyone raphanus 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0

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Report for Total E&P Norge AS<br />

Environmental Sediment Survey Frigg 2010<br />

DNV Reg. No.: 12O31ER-5<br />

Revision No.: 01<br />

Date : 2010-11-30<br />


3<br />



Molab as, 8607 Mo i Rana<br />

Telefon: 75 13 63 50<br />

Besøksadr. Mo i Rana: Mo Industripark<br />

Besøksadr. Oslo: Kjelsåsveien 174<br />

Besøksadr. Glomfjord: Ørnesvn. 3<br />

Besøksadr. Porsgrunn: Hydroveien 67<br />

Organisasjonsnr.: NO 953 018 144 MVA<br />

Appendix<br />

Chemical analysis<br />

Frigg 2010 Appendix<br />

Side 1

Frigg 2010 Appendix<br />

Side 2<br />

1.0 Quality assurance ....................................................................................... 4<br />

1.1 Grain size distribution.................................................................................... 4<br />

1.2 Total organic matter ...................................................................................... 4<br />

1.3 Chemical analysis ......................................................................................... 5<br />

2.0 Analytical results ........................................................................................ 6<br />

2.1 Sediment characterization............................................................................. 6<br />

2.2 Chemical analysis ......................................................................................... 9

Molab AS is accredited by Norwegian Accreditation to perform chemical analyses,<br />

accreditation number Test 032. The accreditation is according to NS-EN ISO/IEC 17025.<br />

Personnel<br />

Field work: Gunn Mari Michaelsen,<br />

Odd Strandvoll<br />

Grain size distribution: Terje Kolberg,<br />

Eli Ellingsen<br />

TOM analyses: Terje Kolberg,<br />

Eli Ellingsen<br />

Metal analyses: Gunn Mari Michaelsen,<br />

Terje Pedersen,<br />

Hanne Skog Lillevik,<br />

Wenche Brennbakk<br />

THC analyses: Daniel Perez,<br />

Anna Jønsson,<br />

Tove Kristin Dokka Torstensen<br />

Selected hydrocarbon analyses: Tove Kristin Dokka Torstensen<br />

Report preparation: Tove Kristin Dokka Torstensen<br />

Accuracy and precision are controlled by analysis of certified reference material.<br />

Details concerning measurement uncertainty will be given by request. Restsamples will be<br />

stored deepfreezed in 1 year after Molab have received the samples.<br />

Frigg 2010 Appendix<br />

Side 3

1.0 Quality assurance<br />

1.1 Grain size distribution<br />

Frigg 2010 Appendix<br />

Side 4<br />

An in house standard (Glomfjord) has been analyzed after the same procedure and together<br />

with the samples.<br />

The results of the analyses of the in house standard are given in Table 1.1-1. The results of the<br />

present analysis are in good accordance with the results from 2009.<br />

Table 1.1-1 Grain size distribution, in house standard Glomfjord results for 2009 and 2010 (% dried<br />

sediment)<br />

Sample Median diameter Classification St. deviation Skewness Kurtosis<br />

MdΦ<br />

SDΦ SkΦ KΦ<br />

Average 2009 2,84 Fine sand 1,16 0,28 2,13<br />

St. dev 2009 0,04 0,09 0,05 0,06<br />

Average 2010 2,85 Fine sand 1,11 0,28 2,14<br />

St. dev 2010 0,02 0,05 0,03 0,08<br />

Molab has participated in an interlaboratory comparison called WEPAL ISE. The results are<br />

given in Table 1.1-2.<br />

Table 1.1-2 Grain size distribution, results from an interlaboratory comparison WEPAL ISE<br />

(International Soil-Analytical Exchange) October - December 2009<br />

Sample 986 919 884 881<br />

Fraction < 63 µm % 9.85 20.2 55.1 93.6 Molab<br />

NDA mean 9.29 20.35 53.63 93.8<br />

Fraction > 63 µm % 90.2 79.8 44.9 6.45 Molab<br />

NDA mean 89.76 78.1 46.05 6.825<br />

1.2 Total organic matter<br />

Calsium carbonate and in house standards was heated to 480 °C together with the samples.<br />

The results are given in Table 1.2-1.<br />

Table1.2-1 Quality assurance analyses for total organic matter<br />

CaCO3 In house standard Glomfjord<br />

Average 2009 0.10 1.46<br />

SD 2009 0.04 0.09<br />

Average 2010 0.14 1.48<br />

SD 2010 0.03 0.09

Molab has participated in a interlaboratory comparison called WEPAL ISE. The results are<br />

given in Table 1.2-2<br />

Table 1.2-2 Total organic matter, results from an interlaboratory comparison WEPAL ISE<br />

(International Soil-Analytical Exchange) October - December 2009<br />

Sample 986 919 884 881<br />

Org.matter (L.O.I)% 3.55 4.75 6.49 3.4 Molab<br />

NDA mean 3.577 4.834 6.719 3.892<br />

1.3 Chemical analysis<br />

Quality assurance analyses for THC and PAH<br />

Table1.3-1 Quality assurance analyses for THC<br />

THC mg/kg Comments<br />

In house standards<br />

THC Oseberg 86 ± 20 n = 10, within the action limits in the control chart<br />

THC Oseberg Mini 5 ± 2 n = 7, within the action limits in the control chart<br />

Certified ref. material<br />

THC CRM CC-017 5600 ±1200 Certified value: 6600 ± 500 mg/kg<br />

Frigg 2010 Appendix<br />

Side 5<br />

Interlaboratory comparison<br />

SLP-SETOC SETOC median mg/kg Z-score<br />

SETOC 2010-2 #1 659 613 0.23<br />

#2 936 871 0.12<br />

#3 644 514 0.68<br />

#4 517 285 1.50<br />

Table1.3-2 Quality assurance analyses for PAH<br />

Interlaboratory comparison<br />

SLP-SETOC SETOC median mg/kg Z-score<br />

SETOC 2010-2 #1 11.68 10.30 0.39<br />

#2 79.29 84.29 -0.21<br />

#3 37.66 35.41 0.20<br />

#4 69.21 68.10 0.05<br />

Metals:<br />

In house standards (N1 and B1), certified reference material (LGC) and blank samples are<br />

included in the analyses. The results for the in house standards and the reference material are<br />

given in Table 1.3-3. The indicated intervals are given by two standard deviations of the<br />

measured means. The results are in good agreement with the reference value.

Table 1.3-3 Quality assurance analyses for metals (mg/kg dried sample)<br />

Element Ba Cd Cr Cu Hg Pb Zn<br />


N1 1)<br />

76 4 0.02 9.3 2.8 0.009 7.0 13<br />

Mean N1 761 ± 29 0.05 ± 0.06 9.1 ± 0.5 3.1 ± 0,4 0.008 ± 0.002 6.8 ± 0.5 13 ± 1<br />

81 0.05 22.9 8.3 0.018 9.4 29<br />

Mean B1 80±2 0.07±0.03 20.7±0.8 7.8±1 0.020±0.004 9.5±0.6 30±3<br />

B1 1)<br />

LGC 1)<br />

237 2.72 79.5 80.4 1.3 77.1 433<br />

Cert. LGC -<br />

2.7±0.3 84.0±9.4<br />

1: The analyses are performed by ALS Laboratory Group<br />

2.0 Analytical results<br />

2.1 Sediment characterization<br />

Table2.1-1. Grain size distribution, Frigg 2010<br />

83.6±4.1<br />

1.4±0.1<br />

Frigg 2010 Appendix<br />

77.2±4.5<br />

439±26<br />

Station MDΦ Classification Silt & clay Sand Gravel SDΦ SkΦ KΦ<br />

FRI1 2.49 Fine sand 1.3 96.5 2.2 0.52 -0.16 1.38<br />

FRI2 2.54 Fine sand 1.0 99.0 0.0 0.48 -0.03 1.11<br />

FRI3 2.43 Fine sand 0.9 98.7 0.4 0.44 -0.04 1.08<br />

FRIX2 2.35 Fine sand 2.0 98.0 0.0 0.44 0.09 1.10<br />

FRI4 2.49 Fine sand 0.9 98.3 0.9 0.42 -0.09 1.04<br />

FRIX1 2.44 Fine sand 2.2 97.8 0.0 0.42 -0.09 1.01<br />

FRI11 2.42 Fine sand 0.5 99.5 0.0 0.46 -0.05 1.14<br />

FRI24 2.43 Fine sand 1.4 98.4 0.1 0.47 -0.03 1.12<br />

FRI25 2.36 Fine sand 1.7 93.4 4.9 0.95 -0.41 2.42<br />

FRI27 2.49 Fine sand 1.4 98.6 0.0 0.42 0.01 1.01<br />

FRI10R 2.84 Fine sand 6.0 94.0 0.0 0.88 0.05 1.33<br />

MDΦ: Median diameter, SDΦ; Standarddeviation, SkΦ: Skewness, KΦ: Kurtosis<br />

Side 6

Frigg 2010 Appendix<br />

Side 7<br />

Table 2.1-2. Weightfaction and kumulative weight (KV), Frigg 2010<br />

FRI1 FRI11<br />

Diameter Ф Weight Weight KV Diameter Ф Weight Weight KV<br />

(µm) (g) (%) (%) (µm) (g) (%) (%)<br />

2000 -1 0.37 2.2 2.2 2000 -1 0.00 0.0 0.0<br />

1000 0 0.06 0.4 2.6 1000 0 0.08 0.6 0.6<br />

500 1 0.30 1.8 4.4 500 1 0.28 2.1 2.7<br />

355 1.5 0.30 1.8 6.2 355 1.5 0.35 2.6 5.4<br />

250 2 0.88 5.3 11.5 250 2 1.04 7.8 13.2<br />

180 2.5 6.54 39.3 50.8 180 2.5 5.84 44.0 57.2<br />

125 3 7.03 42.2 93.0 125 3 4.90 36.9 94.1<br />

90 3.5 0.70 4.2 97.2 90 3.5 0.50 3.8 97.9<br />

63 4 0.25 1.5 98.7 63 4 0.21 1.6 99.5<br />

Frigg 2010 Appendix<br />

Side 8<br />

FRIX2 FRI27<br />

Diameter Ф Weight Weight KV Diameter Ф Weight Weight KV<br />

(µm) (g) (%) (%) (µm) (g) (%) (%)<br />

2000 -1 0.00 0.0 0.0 2000 -1 0.00 0.0 0.0<br />

1000 0 0.00 0.0 0.0 1000 0 0.02 0.2 0.2<br />

500 1 0.05 0.5 0.5 500 1 0.07 0.6 0.7<br />

355 1.5 0.19 2.0 2.6 355 1.5 0.12 1.0 1.7<br />

250 2 1.22 13.0 15.6 250 2 0.72 6.0 7.7<br />

180 2.5 4.58 48.9 64.5 180 2.5 5.26 43.6 51.3<br />

125 3 2.78 29.7 94.2 125 3 5.07 42.0 93.3<br />

90 3.5 0.24 2.6 96.8 90 3.5 0.50 4.1 97.4<br />

63 4 0.12 1.3 98.0 63 4 0.14 1.2 98.6<br />

Table2.1-3. Total organic matter (TOM), Frigg 2010.<br />

Station ° / m TOM (%)<br />

FRI1 0.63<br />

FRI2 0.47<br />

FRI3 0.55<br />

FRIX2 0.76<br />

FRI4 0.67<br />

FRIX1 0.65<br />

FRI11 0.69<br />

FRI24 0.45<br />

FRI25 0.54<br />

FRI27 0.52<br />

FRI10R 0.93<br />

2.2 Chemical analysis<br />

Table2.2-1. Total hydrocarbons in sediments (THC),(mg/kg dry sediment), Frigg 2010<br />

Station ° / m Layer Grab#1 Grab#2 Grab#3 Average Stdev<br />

FRI1 0-1 cm 10.0 7.5 6.6 8.0 1.7<br />

FRI2 0-1 cm 2.5 2.2 8.4 4.3 3.5<br />

FRI3 0-1 cm 8.1 7.7 12.8 9.5 2.8<br />

FRI3 1-3 cm 14.6<br />

FRI3 3-6 cm 10.7<br />

FRIX2 0-1 cm 7.6 6.7 3.5 5.9 2.2<br />

FRI4 0-1 cm 5.9 6.2 5.6 5.9 0.3<br />

FRIX1 0-1 cm 11.1 9.4 13.3 11.3 1.9<br />

FRI11 0-1 cm 8.3 12.1 5.5 8.6 3.3<br />

FRI24 0-1 cm 4.4 5.0 3.6 4.3 0.7<br />

FRI25 0-1 cm 8.7 7.0 16.4 10.7 5.0<br />

FRI27 0-1 cm 2.6 8.0 2.7 4.4 3.1<br />

FRI10R 0-1 cm 4.2 3.7 3.9 4.0 0.3<br />

FRI10R 1-3 cm 4.4<br />

FRI10R 3-6 cm 3.8<br />

Frigg 2010 Appendix<br />

Side 9

Frigg 2010 Appendix<br />

Side 10<br />

Table 2.2-2. Sum PAH and NPD (mg/kg dry sediment), Frigg 2010<br />

Station ° / m Layer Grab#1 Grab#2 Grab#3 Average Stdev<br />

PAH<br />

FRI3 0-1 cm 0.208 0.074 0.144 0.142 0.067<br />

FRI3 1-3 cm 4.238<br />

FRI3 3-6 cm 0.182<br />

FRI10R 0-1 cm 0.046 0.041 0.048 0.045 0.003<br />

FRI10R 1-3 cm 0.048<br />

FRI10R 3-6 cm 0.064<br />

NPD<br />

FRI3 0-1 cm 0.10 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.02<br />

FRI3 1-3 cm 1.80<br />

FRI3 3-6 cm 0.09<br />

FRI10R 0-1 cm 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00<br />

FRI10R 1-3 cm 0.01<br />

FRI10R 3-6 cm 0.02

Table 2.2-3. Individual distribution of PAH and NPD (µg/kg dry sediment) Frigg 2010<br />

Station FRI3<br />

Grab #1 #2 #3 #2 #2<br />

Layer (cm) 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-3 3-6<br />

PAH (µg/kg)<br />

Naftalene 1 1 2 8 < 1<br />

Acenaftylen < 1 < 1 < 1 1 < 1<br />

Acenaften 4 3 7 56 1<br />

Fluoren 7 3 7 110 1<br />

Fenantren 29 13 13 621 7<br />

Antracen 14 2 3 479 3<br />

Fluoranten 43 13 26 886 29<br />

Pyren 27 9 18 669 24<br />

Benzantracen 14 3 11 366 21<br />

Krysen/trifenylen 14 5 10 284 18<br />

Benzo(b/j/k)fluoranten 23 10 20 383 34<br />

Benzo(a)pyren 12 4 11 216 19<br />

Dibenzantracen 1 < 1 1 20 2<br />

Indeno(1,2,3)pyren 9 4 8 69 11<br />

Benzo(ghi)perylen 9 4 8 72 12<br />

Sum PAH 208 74 144 4238 182<br />

NPD (µg/kg)<br />

Naftalene 1 1 2 8 < 1<br />

C1-Naphtalene 2 2 3 8 1<br />

C2-Naphtalene 4 4 6 20 4<br />

C3-Naphtalene 10 19 23 47 28<br />

Fenantren 29 13 13 621 7<br />

Antracen 14 2 3 479 3<br />

C1-Fenantrene 12 7 6 247 11<br />

C2-Fenantrene 15 10 9 175 19<br />

C3-Fenantrene 6 3 3 60 9<br />

Dibenzoethiofen 2 1 1 52 1<br />

C1-Dibenzoethiofen 1 < 1 1 25 1<br />

C2-Dibenzoethiofen 4 1 2 30 4<br />

C3-Dibenzoethiofen 4 1 1 28 5<br />

Sum NPD 105 63 72 1798 92<br />

Frigg 2010 Appendix<br />

Side 11

Station FRI10R<br />

Grab #1 #2 #3 #1 #1<br />

Layer (cm) 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-3 3-6<br />

PAH (µg/kg)<br />

Naftalene < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1<br />

Acenaftylen < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1<br />

Acenaften < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1<br />

Fluoren < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1<br />

Fenantren 1 1 1 1 2<br />

Antracen < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1<br />

Fluoranten 2 2 2 2 3<br />

Pyren 2 1 1 1 2<br />

Benzantracen 1 1 1 1 1<br />

Krysen/trifenylen 2 2 2 2 3<br />

Benzo(b/j/k)fluoranten 13 12 13 13 17<br />

Benzo(a)pyren 2 2 2 2 3<br />

Dibenzantracen 1 1 1 1 2<br />

Indeno(1,2,3)pyren 9 8 10 10 14<br />

Benzo(ghi)perylen 11 10 12 12 16<br />

Sum PAH 46 41 48 48 64<br />

NPD (µg/kg)<br />

Naftalene < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1<br />

C1-Naphtalene 1 1 1 1 1<br />

C2-Naphtalene 2 2 3 2 4<br />

C3-Naphtalene 3 3 4 3 6<br />

Fenantren 1 1 1 1 2<br />

Antracen < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1<br />

C1-Fenantrene 1 1 1 1 2<br />

C2-Fenantrene 4 3 3 4 4<br />

C3-Fenantrene 1 1 1 1 2<br />

Dibenzoethiofen < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1<br />

C1-Dibenzoethiofen < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1<br />

C2-Dibenzoethiofen < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 1<br />

C3-Dibenzoethiofen < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 1<br />

Sum NPD 14 11 16 15 22<br />

Frigg 2010 Appendix<br />

Side 12

Table 2.2-4. Metals (mg/kg dry sediment), Frigg 2010.<br />

Stasjon °/m Prøve Ba Cd Cr Cu Hg Pb Zn<br />

FRI1 1 62 0,05 9.2 16.1 0.01 388 166<br />

2 105

3 54

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