For The Defense, December 2011 - DRI Today

For The Defense, December 2011 - DRI Today

For The Defense, December 2011 - DRI Today


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Drug anD MeDical Device<br />

“mere beef jerky,” IMS Health Inc. v Ayotte,<br />

550 F.3d 42, 53 (CA1 2008), and the Second<br />

Circuit viewed it as speech akin to a “cookbook,<br />

laboratory result or train schedule,”<br />

the Supreme Court granted certiorari.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Supreme Court analysis began by<br />

stating that “[s]peech in aid of pharmaceutical<br />

marketing, however, is a form of expression<br />

protected by the Free Speech Clause of<br />

Sorrell… plainly paves the<br />

way for courts to review the<br />

First Amendment implications<br />

of the patchwork regulatory<br />

scheme governing offlabel<br />

communications.<br />

the First Amendment.” 131 S. Ct. at 2659.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Court found that the law warranted<br />

heightened scrutiny because Vermont<br />

“designed [the law] to impose a specific,<br />

content- based burden on protected expression.”<br />

Id. at 2664. <strong>The</strong> Court wrote that<br />

“[t]he First Amendment requires heightened<br />

scrutiny whenever the government<br />

creates a ‘regulation of speech because of<br />

disagreement with the message it conveys.’”<br />

Id. Vermont argued, as does the FDA about<br />

manufacturer off- label speech, that heightened<br />

scrutiny was not warranted because<br />

the law was “a mere commercial regulation.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> Supreme Court disagreed, stating<br />

that (1) the “law does not simply have<br />

an effect on speech, but is impermissibly<br />

directed at certain content and is aimed at<br />

particular speakers,” and (2) distinct from<br />

previous cases that considered limiting access<br />

to using governmental information,<br />

the law in Sorrell “implicated” commercially<br />

available information and restricted<br />

“[a]n individual’s right to speak… when information<br />

he or she possesses is subjected<br />

to ‘restraint on the way in which the information<br />

might be used or disseminated.’”<br />

Id. at 2665 (internal citation omitted). In<br />

addressing the conflict between the First<br />

Circuit and the Second Circuit, the Court<br />

stated that “[f]acts, after all, are the begin-<br />

46 ■ <strong>For</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Defense</strong> ■ <strong>December</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

ning point for much of the speech that is<br />

most essential to advance human knowledge<br />

and to conduct human affairs. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

is thus a strong argument that prescriber-<br />

identifying information is speech for First<br />

Amendment purposes.” Id. at 2667.<br />

According to the Supreme Court,<br />

Those who seek to censor or burden free<br />

expression often assert that disfavored<br />

speech has adverse effects. But the “fear<br />

that people would make bad decisions if<br />

given truthful information cannot justify<br />

content- based burdens on speech.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> First Amendment directs us to be<br />

especially skeptical of regulations that<br />

seek to keep people in the dark for what<br />

the government perceives to be their<br />

own good. <strong>The</strong>se precepts apply with<br />

full force when the audience, in this<br />

case prescribing physicians, consists of<br />

“sophisticated and experienced consumers.”…That<br />

the State finds expression too<br />

persuasive does not permit it to quiet the<br />

speech or to burden its messengers.<br />

131 S. Ct. 2670.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Court quoted one Vermont physician:<br />

“We have a saying in medicine, information<br />

is power. And the more you know,<br />

or anyone knows, the better decisions can<br />

be made.” Id. at 2671.<br />

Sorrell is not an off- label case, but it<br />

plainly paves the way for courts to review<br />

the First Amendment implications of the<br />

patchwork regulatory scheme governing<br />

off- label communications. Significantly,<br />

the Second Circuit will review another<br />

First Amendment case, this time squarely<br />

addressing the First Amendment in the<br />

context of off- label marketing.<br />

U.S. v. Caronia, 576 F. Supp.<br />

2d 385 (E.D.N.Y. 2008)<br />

Orphan Medical manufactured and marketed<br />

a sleep- inducing depressant, Zyrem.<br />

A government informant contacted Mr.<br />

Caronia, a sales representative, asking for<br />

information on off- label use and for a presentation<br />

by a medical liaison. Mr. Caronia<br />

arranged the presentation, and the sting<br />

operation resulted in prosecution. Unfortunately<br />

for Mr. Caronia, his employer<br />

admitted to a conspiracy to misbrand and<br />

paid a hefty penalty. In addition, a former<br />

manager testified that he had personally<br />

instructed the medical liaison to misbrand<br />

the product on prior occasions.<br />

In denying Mr. Caronia’s motion to dismiss,<br />

the trial court presciently stated:<br />

Reduced to its essence, Caronia’s argument<br />

is that the government cannot<br />

restrict truthful, non- misleading promotion<br />

by a pharmaceutical manufacturer<br />

(or its employees) to a physician<br />

of the off- label uses of an FDA- approved<br />

drug… squarely, Caronia’s constitutional<br />

attack calls into questions America’s<br />

regulatory regime for the approval<br />

and marketing of prescription drugs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> court went on to state: “<strong>The</strong> Constitutional<br />

issues raised in Caronia’s motion are<br />

very much unsettled, not only in the circuit<br />

but nationwide.” <strong>The</strong> court ruled that “[i]t<br />

is clear to the Court that the promotion of<br />

off- label uses of an FDA- approved prescription<br />

drug is speech not conduct.” <strong>The</strong> court<br />

found the facts supported three of the four<br />

Central Hudson factors and stated: “With<br />

that the overture ends and the play begins.<br />

Enter on stage the essential question—can<br />

government satisfy the fourth prong of Central<br />

Hudson?” In answering that question,<br />

the Caronia trial court stated that<br />

here, the FDA’s maintaining through the<br />

FDCA’s misbranding provisions some<br />

control over the off- label promotion of<br />

manufacturers does appear essential to<br />

maintaining the integrity of the FDA’s<br />

new drug approval process…this Court<br />

is unable to identify non- speech restrictions<br />

that would likely constrain in any<br />

effective way manufacturers from circumventing<br />

that approval process.<br />

<strong>The</strong> case was tried to a verdict against<br />

Mr. Caronia, and the jury convicted him<br />

on one count of “conspiracy to introduce<br />

or deliver for introduction into interstate<br />

commerce a drug, Xyrem, that was misbranded.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> jury imposed a $25 fine and<br />

community service as a sentence.<br />

With the tide rising on the First Amendment,<br />

Mr. Caronia has been joined by amici<br />

that have been battling this issue since the<br />

days when it was “laughed out of court.”<br />

Only now no one is laughing. Caronia is<br />

up before the Second Circuit, and supplemental<br />

briefing was filed in August <strong>2011</strong>,<br />

addressing the First Amendment issues<br />

raised by the Supreme Court in Sorrell.<br />

While it is not clear how the Second<br />

Circuit will rule in Caronia, in Sorrell the<br />

Second Circuit found that the Vermont<br />

statute violated the First Amendment, stat-

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