volume one

volume one

volume one


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entered Bagdad, to prostrate himself at tlie feet of the<br />

caliph, who proclaimed the triumph of his liberators and<br />

theii' sacred claims to the empire. In the midst of an<br />

imposing ceremony, Togrul was successively clothed with<br />

seven robes of honour ; and seven slaves bom in the seven<br />

climates of Arabia were presented to him. Two crowns<br />

were placed upon his head, and, as an emblem of his dominion<br />

over the East and the AVest, thev girded him with two<br />

scimitars. This ceremony rendered the usurpation of the<br />

Turks legitimate in the eves of the Mussulmans. The<br />

empire which the \'icar of ^lahomet pointed out to their<br />

ambition was speedily conquered by their arms. Under the<br />

reign of Alp-Arsland, and that of Malek-Scha, the successors<br />

of Togrul, the seven branches of the dvnasty of Seldjouc<br />

shared amongst them the largest kingdoms of Asia. Thirty<br />

years had scarcely passed away since the Tartars conquered<br />

Persia, and already their military and pastoral colonies extended<br />

from the Oxus to the Euphrates, and from the Indus<br />

to the Hellespont.<br />

One of the lieutenants of !Malek-Scha carried the terror<br />

of his arms to the banks of the Nile, and wrested Syria<br />

from the hands of the Eatunite caliphs. Palestine yielded<br />

to the power of the Tui'ks, and the black flag of the Abassides<br />

floated triumphantly over the walls of Jerusalem. The conquerors<br />

spared neither the Christians nor the children of<br />

Aly, whom the caliph of Bagdad represented to be the<br />

enemies of Grod. The Eg}'ptian garrison was massacred,<br />

and the mosques and the churches were delivered up to<br />

pillage. The holy city was flooded with the blood of Christians<br />

and Mussulmans.<br />

The possession of Jerusalem in no degree arrested the<br />

barbarous fury of the Turks. As their empire was recent<br />

and ill-established, as they were threatened with the armies<br />

of Cairo, and even with those of the AVest, their tyranny<br />

became restless, jealous, and riolent. The Christians trembled<br />

under the hardest and most humiliating subjugation<br />

they were despoiled of their propeiirs', and reduced to the<br />

most frightful deofree of misen\ Thev imderwent much<br />

greater evils than they had suflered during the reign of<br />

Hakim.<br />

A gi'eat number of those who had quitted their families<br />


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