volume one

volume one

volume one


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\ip in the monastery of Eedon,* and died regretted by the<br />

eenobites whom he had edified by the relation of his pilgrimages.<br />

Many years after the death of Protmonde, Centius,<br />

prefect of E-ome, who had nsed violence to the Pope in the<br />

chnrch of St. Mary the G-reat, who had dragged him from<br />

the altar, and placed him in a dungeon, needed nothing more<br />

to expiate this sacrilege than to perform the pilgrimage to<br />

the Holy Land. Poulque-jSTerra, count of Anjou, charged<br />

with crimes, and stained with blood, thought to eftace all his<br />

cruelties by a voyage to Jerusalem. His brother, whom he<br />

had caused to perish in a dungeon, presented himself<br />

wherever he went, before his eyes ; it appeared to him that<br />

the numerous victims sacrificed to his ambition in unjust<br />

wars issued from their tombs to disturb his sleep, and<br />

reproach him for his barbarity. Pursued everj^diere by<br />

these frightful images, Poulque left his states, and repaired<br />

to Palestine, in the gaib of a pilgi-im. When he arrived at<br />

Jerusalem, he passed through the streets of the holy city<br />

with a cord about his neck, beaten with rods by his domestics,<br />

repeating in a loud voice these words : " Lord, have<br />

pity on a perjured and fugitive Christian." During his<br />

abode in Palestme,t he bestowed numerous benefactions,<br />

comforted the miseries of the pilgrims, and left everywhere<br />

testimonials of his devotion and charity. He returned to<br />

his duchy, bringing with him a portion of the true cross, and<br />

* The account of the pilgrimage of Frotmonde, drawn up by an<br />

anonymous monk of Redon, is inserted in the " Acta Sanctorum Ordin.<br />

Sanct. Ben." sseculi 4, part. 2.<br />

f The aggregated history of the annals and chronicles of Anjou, which<br />

describes tlae pilgrimages of Foulque, relates an incident which appears<br />

to deserve to be known, for the full relation of which we refer to the<br />

Appendix.<br />

A Latin chronicle, entitled " Gesta. Consulum Andegav. Spicilegium,"<br />

torn. X. p. 465, relates the same fact, with more brevity and some circum-<br />

stantial differences :<br />

Dixerunt, nuUo modo ad sepulcrum optatum pervenire posset nisi<br />

super illud et crucem Dominicam mingeret ; quod vir prudens licet<br />

invitus annuit. Qusesita igitur arietis vesic4, purgata atque mundata, et<br />

Optimo vino repleta, quae etiam apte inter ejus femora posita est, et<br />

comes discalciatus ad sepulcrum Domini accessit, vinumque super sepulcrum<br />

fudit, et sic ad libitum cum sociis omnibus intravit, et fusis multis<br />

lacrymis peroravit.

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