volume one

volume one

volume one


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50S msTOET or the ceusades.<br />

and when "he offered bis justification, the bishops and nobles<br />

melted into tears, and besougbt Henry to treat bim with<br />

less injustice and rigour.<br />

Queen Eleanor implored all tbe powers of Europe for the<br />

release of ber son. Tbe complaints and tears of a mother<br />

touched tbe beart of Celestine, who bad recently ascended<br />

tlie cbair of St. Peter. Tbe pope several times demanded<br />

tbe bberty of tbe king of England, and even excommunicated<br />

tbe duke of Austria and tbe emperor ; but tbe thunders<br />

of the Cburcb bad so often been launched against tbe<br />

tbr<strong>one</strong>s of Germanv, tbat they no longer inspired fear,<br />

tbe capti\-ity<br />

Hem-^- braved tbe anathemas of tbe Holy kSee ;<br />

of Eicbard lasted another vear ; and be ouly obtained his<br />

liberty after engaging to pay a considerable ransom. His<br />

kingdom, which be had ruined at his departure for tbe Holy<br />

Land, exhausted itself to hasten bis return ; and England<br />

gave up even her sacred vases to break tbe chains of her<br />

monarch. He was received with enthusiasm by tbe English<br />

his adventures, which di-ew tears, obbt crated the remembrance<br />

of his cruelties, and Europe only recollected his<br />

exploits and his misfortunes.<br />

After the truce made %vith Eicbard, Saladin retired to<br />

Damascus, where he enjoyed his glory but <strong>one</strong> year. Tbe<br />

Orientals celebrate tbe edifying manner in which he died,<br />

distributing: his alms or benevolences to Mussulmans and<br />

Christians alike. Before he expired he ordered <strong>one</strong> of bis<br />

officers to carry his shroud through tbe streets of his capital,<br />

and to cry with a loud voice :<br />

'• Behold all that Saladin,<br />

v:ho overcame the East, hears aivay of his conquests^<br />

Scarcely had he ceased to breathe, when nothing remained<br />

but a vain remembrance of bis laws and bis victories ; his<br />

death was attended by tbat which so frequently happens in<br />

Oriental monarchies, where nothing is regulated concerning<br />

tbe succession ; where victory appears to be tbe most legitimate<br />

title, and where a too numerous offspring await the<br />

death of the prince in fear, servitude, and in ignorance of<br />

tbe affairs of tbe state.<br />

Saladin only left behind bim slaves intimidated by his<br />

glory and bis boundless power, who divided bis authority<br />

among them, but could not support the weight of it.<br />


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