volume one

volume one

volume one


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instant yuccour from me and you; but it is my duty to<br />

think of the safety of the Christian cities now left without<br />

gaffisons. In this army assembled on the plain of Sephouri<br />

exists the only hope which the Christians of the East have<br />

left. You behold here all the soldiers of Christ, all the<br />

defenders of Jerusalem ; if they perish, the infidels have no<br />

other foes to dread. Beware, then, of leading this multitude<br />

of men and horses into a drv and arid country, where the<br />

season, with thii'st and hunger, must soon deliver them up<br />

without defence to the enemy. The number even of the<br />

Christian soldiers inspires me with more alarm than confidence.<br />

They present nothing but a confused troop of men<br />

got together in haste, and totally unable to support fatigue.<br />

The Mussulman archers are more skilful than our soldiers<br />

in casting javelins, and may harass us on our march, without<br />

our being able to defend ourselves ; the cavalry of Saladin<br />

is more numerous and better trained than ours, and may<br />

attack us with advantage on the plains, across which we<br />

must pass. Abandon, then, I entreat you, Tiberias to the<br />

Mussulmans, and let us save an army which may yet repair<br />

our losses.<br />

"I swear before God and before man, that I would willingly<br />

abandon the county of Tripoli, with all the lands I possess,<br />

to procure the safety of the citv of Christ. Our only aim<br />

must be to destroy tlie power of Saladin, and at the same<br />

time to preserve some defenders for the kingdom of Jerusalem.<br />

If we go to meet the enemy and should be con-<br />

quered, Grod liimself will not be able to save the Christians,<br />

but will allow us to be delivered up to the infidels. If, on<br />

the contrary, the enemy come to offer themselves to our<br />

arms, all our losses will be repaii'ed, and the evils that will<br />

fall upon me, will become for me a source of gratification,<br />

since I shall have suffered for the cause of Christ and the<br />

safety of his people."<br />

The more generosity there was in this advice, the less<br />

sincere it was esteemed. The grand master of the Templars,<br />

blinded by his hatred for Eavmond, interrupted him several<br />

times ; he reminded the assembly of the alliance of the<br />

count of Tripoli with Saladin, and exclaimed aloud that he<br />

could plainly perceive tlie wolfs skin iindei' the fleece of the<br />

shee^, AYhen Eaymond invoked the name of Christ, the

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