volume one

volume one

volume one


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advice he offered to iN oureddiu, after his arrival, therefore,<br />

v,as to endeavour to unite this rich country to his own<br />

empire. The sultan of Syria sent ambassadors to the caliph<br />

of Bagdad, not to ask aid of him, but to give a religious<br />

colour to his enterprise. During several centuries, the<br />

caliphs of Bagdad and Cairo had been divided by an implacable<br />

hatred ; each of them boasting of being the vicar of the<br />

Prophet, and considering his rival as the enemy of God. In<br />

the mosques of Bagdad, they cursed the caliphs of Egypt<br />

and their sectarians ;<br />

in those of Cairo, they devoted to the<br />

infernal powers, the Abassides and their partisans.<br />

The caliph of Bagdad did not hesitate to comply with the<br />

wishes of Koureddin. AVhilst the sultan of Syria was solely<br />

occupied by his endeavours to extend his empire, the ^dcar<br />

of the Prophet was only ambitious to preside al<strong>one</strong> over the<br />

Mussulman religion. He commanded the Imans to preach<br />

a war against the Fatimites, and promised the delights of<br />

Paradise to all who shoidd take up arms in the holy expedi-<br />

tion. At the call of the caliph, a great number of faithful<br />

Mussulmans flocked to the standard of Xoureddin, and<br />

Chirkou, by the order of the sultan, prepared to return into<br />

Egypt, at the head of a powerful army.<br />

The fame of these preparations spread throughout the<br />

East, particularly in Egypt, where it created the most serious<br />

alarms. Amauiy, who had returned to his own states,<br />

received ambassadors from Chaver, soliciting his help and<br />

aUiance against the enterprise of Noureddin. The states of<br />

the kingdom of Jerusalem were assembled at Kaplouse, and<br />

the king there exposed to them the advantages of another<br />

expedition into Egypt. An impost was levied to carry on a<br />

war from w'hich the greatest hopes were entertained, and the<br />

Christian armv soon set out from Graza to fight with the<br />

troops of Xoureddin on the banks of the Nile.<br />

In the mean time Chu'kou was crossinix the desert, where<br />

he encountered the greatest dangers. A \dolent tempest<br />

surprised him on his march ; all at once the heavens were<br />

darkened, and the earth, which was strewed with the pros-<br />

trate Syrians, became like a stormy sea. Immense waves of<br />

sand were lifted by the winds, and rising into whirlwinds or<br />

forming moving moimtains, scattered, bore away, or swallowed<br />

up men and horses. In this tempest the Syrian

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