volume one

volume one

volume one


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marcli towards Cilicia. Tliej had no boats to cross overfiowing<br />

rivers ; they had uo arms with which to resist the<br />

Turks, and they ahnost all perished. Others who followed<br />

them shared the same fate, whilst the sick in the city of<br />

Attalia were ruthlessly massacred. It has been a painful<br />

task for the historian to record even a few details of these<br />

and it is in this place we find the words<br />

frigiitful disasters ;<br />

of the old chronicles so applicable—<br />

" Grod al<strong>one</strong> knows the<br />

number of the mart^-rs whose blood flowed beneath the<br />

blade of the Turks, and even under the sword of the<br />

Greeks."<br />

Many Christians, bewildered by despair, believed that the<br />

God who thus left them a prey to so many ills could not be<br />

the true God ;* three thousand of them embraced the faith<br />

of Mahomet and joined the Mussulmans, who took pity on<br />

their wretchedness. The Greeks were soon punished for<br />

their perfidious cruelty ; pestilence uniting its ravages with<br />

those of war, left the city of Attalia almost without inhabitants,<br />

a very few weeks after the departure of "Louis YII.<br />

"^""hen Louis arrived in the principality of Aiitioch,t he<br />

had lost tliree-fourths of his armv ; but he was not the less<br />

warmly welcomed by Ea^Tuond of Poictiers. The French<br />

who accompanied him soon forgot, in the midst of pleasures,<br />

both the dangers of their voyage and the deplorable<br />

of their companions.<br />

death<br />

Antioch could then boast of haATng within its walls the<br />

countess of Thoulouse, the countess of Blois, Sibylla of<br />

TTanders, Maurille countess de Eoussy, Talquery duchess<br />

de Bouillon, and several other ladies celebrated for their<br />

birth or their beauty. The fetes which Eaymond gave<br />

them received additional splendour from the presence of<br />

Eleanor of Guienne. This young princess, daughter of<br />

"William IX. and niece of the prince of Antioch, united the<br />

most seducing gifts of mind to the graces of her person.<br />

She had been much admired at Constantinople, and had<br />

found no rival in the court of Manuel. She was accused,<br />

and with some reason, of being more desirous of admiration<br />

than became a Christian queen. It was neither sincere<br />

* Odo de Deuil is the only writer who speaks of these events ; but his<br />

account appears to us full of obscurity in some parts.<br />

t The 19th of March, 1U8.

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