volume one

volume one

volume one


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CONTENTS. xxvi;<br />

Cairo—Emir of Tripoli defeated—Palestine—Phoenicia—Plain of Berytu*<br />

—Serpents— Ptolemais—Emmaus and Bethlehem—Alarm from an eclipse<br />

—The city of Jerusalem—Enthusiasm of the Crusaders on first beholding<br />

it— Siege of Jerusalem—Indignities heaped upon the Christians— Fountain<br />

of Siloe—The Genoese fleet enter the port of Jaffa—Gaston de<br />

Beam—Mount of Olives—Address of Arnold de Rohes— Speech of Pete}<br />

the Hermit to the Crusaders—Tower of Tancred— Machines used at the<br />

siege of Jerusalem—The Saracen magicians— Miraculous appearance oi<br />

St. George—The Crusaders enter Jerusalem by storm—Creton Rheimhault—Everard<br />

de Puysaie—Mosque of Omar— Slaughter of the Mus-<br />

sulmans, and pious fervour of the Christians— Destruction of the Jews<br />

Wealth found in Jerusalem— Discovery of the " true cross"—Speech ol<br />

the count of Flanders— Prophetic visions—Godfrey elected king of Jerusalem—Rejoicings<br />

among the Christians, and despair of the Mussulmans<br />

—Elegy of ModhafFer Abyverdy—Afdhal, the Muj^sulman commander<br />

Signal defeat of the Saracens at Ascalon—Tasso—Godfrey's quarrel with<br />

Raymond— Siege of Ascalon—Riou de Loheac— Stephen de Salviac<br />

Peter de Salviac—Death of Gaston de Beam— Peter the Hermit and<br />

many of the Christian leaders return to Europe—William IX., count<br />

of Flanders, sets out for the East—William, count de Nevers, defeated<br />

by the Turks—Eude, duke of Burgundy, slain—Conrad, marshal of<br />

Henry I. of Germany—Wolf IX., duke of Bavaria—Humbert II., count<br />

of Savoy, departs for the Holy Land— Alexius, emperor of Constantinople,<br />

opposes the Crusaders— City of Ancyra captured—The Crusaders<br />

defeated by the Turks—Capture of Tortosa— Invasions of the Tartars<br />

— Tasso's "Jerusalem Delivered" — Ordinances of Gaston de<br />

Beam pp. 187-264.<br />

BOOK v.—A.D. 1099-1148.<br />

Kingdom founded by the victories of the Crusaders— State of Palestine<br />

at that period— Political measures of Godfrey—Tiberias captured by<br />

Tancred—Siege of Arsur—Jerusalem visited by numerous pilgrims and<br />

distinguished Crusaders—Archbishop Daimbert elected patriarch of Jerusalem—<br />

" Assizes of Jerusalem"—Death of Godfrey—His brother Baldwin<br />

elected king— Carries on successful hostilities against the Infidels of<br />

Palestine, Egypt, &c.— Csesarea and Arsur besieged and captured—City<br />

of Ramla taken by the Saracens— Hospitallers of St. John— Insidious<br />

poUcy of Alexius—Josselin de Courtenay— Baldwin taken pris<strong>one</strong>r<br />

Bohemond, prince of Antioch, visits Italy, and returns with a large army<br />

against Alexius—His death— Release of Baldwin— Distresses of Antioch<br />

—Quarrels between Baldwin and the patriarch of Jerusalem—The<br />

Genoese and Pisan fleets assist the Crusaders— Siege and capture of<br />

Ptolemais—Armies of Egypt defeated—Tripoli, Biblies, Sarepta, Berytus,<br />

and Sidon, taken by the Crusaders—Sigur, prince of Norway—The<br />

" tme cross"—Death of Tancred—The Christians defeated — Palestine<br />

devastated— Death of Baldwin— Baldwin du Bourg elected king of<br />

Jerusalem—Taken pris<strong>one</strong>r—Eustache Grenier, regent—The Venetians<br />

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