volume one

volume one

volume one


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city of Ascalon. But the garrison of this place, formed of<br />

the wrecks of several conquered armies, still threatened the<br />

territories of the Christians. Although the Egyptians had<br />

lost the cities of Tyre, Tripoli, and Ptolemais, they still continued<br />

masters at sea, and their fleets cruised Mathout obstacle<br />

along the coasts of Syria, when the maritime nations of<br />

Europe did not happen to send succour to the Franks established<br />

in Palestine.<br />

The Turks, accustomed to the military and pastoral life,<br />

did not aspire to the empire of the seas, but they never left<br />

the Christians at rest. They made themselves dreaded, not<br />

so much by their great armies, which were frequently nothmg<br />

but confused and undisciplined multitudes, but by<br />

their continual, harassing incursions. Docile and patient,<br />

they endmed hunger, thirst, and fatigue, better than they<br />

would face an enemy. Their knowledge of the country,<br />

their being accustomed to the climate, and the intelligence<br />

they kept up with the inhabitants, gave them, in all their<br />

warlike expeditions, a decided advantage over the Christians.<br />

Their soldiers surpassed the Franks in the arts of shooting<br />

with the bow, or hurling a javelin, as well as in horsemanship<br />

; and their leaders were practised, and excelled in all<br />

the stratagems of war. Their tactics consisted in wearing<br />

out their enemies, in preparing ambushes for them, or in<br />

drawing them into difiicult positions, where they might<br />

triumph without fighting. The endless discord which pre-<br />

vailed among the Mussulman princes of Syria, and the revolutions<br />

which daily threatened their power, prevented them<br />

from following up, for any length of time, the same plan of<br />

but when in the enjoyment of a transient<br />

defence or attack ;<br />

tranquillity, sometimes excited by a thirst for plunder, or<br />

sometimes animated by the prayers and the counsels of the<br />

caliph of Bagdad, they would burst like a sudden and unexpected<br />

storm over the territories of Antioch, Edessa, Tripoli,<br />

or the kingdom of Jerusalem. If the Mussulmans experienced<br />

a defeat, they retired with the hope of finding a<br />

more favourable opportunity ; if they were conquerors, they<br />

ravaged the cities and the plains, and returned to their country,<br />

loaded with booty, singing these words : " Tlie Koran<br />

o'ejoices, and the Gospel is in tears.''''<br />

The hopes of booty every year attracted new hordes and

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