volume one

volume one

volume one


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HISTOKr or THE CRUSADES. 279<br />

tory was for a length of time uncertain ;<br />

but at last, says an<br />

historian, the will of God was declared in favoiu' of the soldiers<br />

of Christ. The Egyptian army liad lost its leader, and<br />

was entirely routed ; five thousand infidels remaining on the<br />

field of battle.<br />

The enemy fled in such complete disorder that they aband<strong>one</strong>d<br />

their tents and their baggage. As Baldwin was pursuing<br />

them, his ear was struck by tlie plaintive cry of a<br />

woman. He checked his war-horse, and perceived a female<br />

Mussulman in the pains of childbirth. He threw his mantle<br />

to her to cover her, and ordered her to be placed on carpets<br />

laid upon the ground. By his commands, fruits and a skin<br />

of water were brought to this bed of pain, and a female<br />

camel furnished milk for the nourishment of the newlv-born<br />

child. The mother was confided to the care of a slave, with<br />

orders to conduct her to her husband. The latter, who held<br />

a distinguished rank among the Mussulmans, shed tears of<br />

joy on beholding a wife whose death he was lamenting, and<br />

vowed never to forget the generous action of Baldwin.<br />

Conqueror of the Saracens, the king of Jerusalem had<br />

sent back his troops, and was reposmg at Jaffa, after the<br />

fatigues of the war, when he learnt that the Mussulman<br />

army had rallied, and was in fidl march to attack the Christians.<br />

Baldwin, whom victory had rendered rash, without<br />

assembling all his troops, went immediately to meet the<br />

enemy, at the head of two hundred knights, and a few pilgrims<br />

lately arrived from the AYest. IS'ot at all dismayed<br />

by the number of the Saracens, he gave battle ; but, at the<br />

first charge, the Christians were surrounded, and only sought<br />

a glorious death, fighting by the side of their leader. The<br />

king of Jerusalem, obliged to fly, concealed himself among<br />

the long dried grass and bushes which covered the plain.<br />

As the Saracens set fire to these, Baldwin with difficulty<br />

escaped being biu-nt ahve ; and, after many perils, was glad<br />

to take refuge in Eamla.<br />

Night checked the pursuit of his enemies, but on the following<br />

day, the place which served him as an asylum was<br />

threatened with an immediate siege, and had no "means of<br />

defence. Baldwin was a prey to the most distressing anxiety,<br />

when a stranger, who had by some means got into the cit'y,<br />

demanded to speak instantly with the king of Jerusalem.—

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