volume one

volume one

volume one


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him a considerable sum, lie vras obliged to follow them to<br />

Jerusalem.<br />

The quarrel which was begun between Eaymond and<br />

Godfrey before Ascalon was renewed a few days after before<br />

the city of Arsouf, situated near the sea, twelye miles to the<br />

north of Eamla. The count of St. Gilles, who marched first<br />

with his troops, undertook to besiege this place, but as he<br />

met with an obstinate resistance, he aband<strong>one</strong>d the siege,<br />

and continued his march, after ha\-ing warned the garrison<br />

that they had nothing to fear from the king of Jerusalem.<br />

A short time after, G-odfrey haying besieged the city, found<br />

the Saracens determined to defend themselyes, and as he<br />

learnt that their resistance was the fruit of the counsels of<br />

Eaymond, he could not restrain his anger, but resolyed to<br />

ayenge this affront in the blood of his riyal. He marched<br />

with his ensigns displayed, against the count de St. Gilles,<br />

who, on his part, was willing to meet him, and prepared for<br />

the conflict. The Christians were on the point of proceeding<br />

to extremities, when the two Eoberts and Tancred<br />

threw themselyes betvyeen Eaymond and Godfrey, and used<br />

their utmost exertions to appease them. After a long altercation,<br />

the two riyals, oyercome by the prayers of the other<br />

chiefs, embraced in the presence of their soldiers, who had<br />

taken part in. their animosity.<br />

The reconciliation was sincere on both sides. The pious<br />

Godfrey, says Albert d'Aix, conjured his companions to<br />

forget the dissension that had broken out among the Chris-<br />

tian warriors, and implored them, with tears in his eyes, to<br />

remember that they had together deliyered the holy tomb,<br />

that they were all brothers in Christ, and that concord was<br />

still necessary to defend Jerusalem. AYhen the inhabitants<br />

of Arsouf learnt that the leaders of the Christian army were<br />

reconciled, they repented of their resistance, and engaged<br />

to pay a tribute to Godfrey.*<br />

After haying receiyed and giyen hostages as a guarantee<br />

of the treaty, Godfrey, followed by all the other chiefs,<br />

quitted the territory of Arsouf, to return to Jerusalem. The<br />

Christian army was loaded with an immense booty. It<br />

» t/<br />

* For tliis quarrel between Godfrey and Raymond, see Albert d Aix,<br />

lib. vi. cap. 41, 42, and 43.

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