volume one

volume one

volume one


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inspired the Christians, who were persuaded that God hini-<br />

sell" was coming to their aid, and the war-ciy " It is the will<br />

of God r' was heard as at the beginning of the battle. The<br />

"vsomen and children who had remained in Antioch, and<br />

were collected on the walls, animated the courage of the<br />

Crusaders by their cries and acclamations, whilst the priests<br />

continued to raise their hands towards heaven, and returned<br />

thanks to God by songs of praise and thanksgiving for the<br />

succour he had sent to the Christians. Of the Crusaders<br />

themselves each man became a hero, and nothing could<br />

stand before their impetuous charge. In a moment the<br />

ranks of the Saracens were evervwhere broken, and they<br />

only fought in confusion and disorder. They endeavoured<br />

to rally on the other side of a torrent and upon an elevated<br />

point whence their trumpets and clarions resounded; but<br />

the count de Yermandois attacked them in this last post<br />

and completely routed them. They had now no safety but<br />

in flight, and the banks of the Orontes, the woods, the<br />

plains, the mountains were covered with the fugitives, who<br />

aband<strong>one</strong>d both their arms and their hass^se.<br />

Kerbogha, who had been so certain of victory as to have<br />

announced the defeat of the Christians to the caliph of<br />

Bagdad and the sultan of Persia, fled towards the Euphrates,<br />

escorted bv a small bodv of his most faithful soldiers.<br />

Several of the emirs had taken to flight before the end of<br />

the battle. Tancred and some others, mounted on the<br />

horses of the conquered enemy, pui'sued till night-fall the<br />

sultans of Aleppo and Damascus, the emir of Jerusalem,<br />

and the scattered wreck of the Saracen army. The conquerors<br />

set fire to the intrenchments behind which the<br />

enemv's infantrv had sous^ht refuo^e, and a vast number of<br />

Mussulmans perished iq the flames.<br />

According to the account of several contemporary historians,<br />

the infidels left a hundred thousand dead on the<br />

field of battle. Pour thousand Crusaders lost their lives on<br />

this glorious day, and were placed among the ranks of the<br />

martyrs.<br />

The Christians found abundance beneath the tents of<br />

their enemies ; fifteen thousand camels and a great number<br />

pf horses fell into their hands. As they passed the night<br />

in the camp of the Saracens, they had leisure to admire the

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