volume one

volume one

volume one


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placencY the ^an-iors of the "West covered v,it\i the rags of<br />

iudigence. The emperor was desirous of seeing the extraordinarv<br />

man who had roused the western world bt liis<br />

eloquence, and Peter was admitted to an audience of Alexis.<br />

In the presence of all his court, the emperor extolled the<br />

zeal of the preacher of the crusade ; and as he had nothing<br />

to fear from the ambition of a hermit, he loaded him with<br />

presents, caused arms, m<strong>one</strong>y, and provisions to be distributed<br />

amons: his armv, and advised him to defer the comraencement<br />

of the war to the amval of the princes and<br />

illustrious captains who had assumed the cross.<br />

This advice was salutarv. but the most renowned heroes<br />

of the crusade were not yet ready to leave Europe ; they<br />

were to be preceded by fresh troops of Crusaders, who,<br />

marching without forethought and without discipline in the<br />

steps of tlie army of Peter, should commit the same excesses,<br />

and be exposed to the same reverses. A priest of the Palatinate<br />

had preached the crusade in several pro^'inces of<br />

G-ennany. At his voice fifteen or twenty thousand men had<br />

taken the oath to fight the infidels, and had assembled in an<br />

armed body. As the preachers of the holy war passed for<br />

men inspired by God. the people believed they were obeying<br />

the will of heaven in taking them for chiefs of the crusade.<br />

G-otschalk obtained the same honour that had been conferred<br />

on Peter the Hermit, and was elected general by the men<br />

he had prevailed upon to take arms. This army arrived<br />

in Hungary towards the end of siunmer. The harvest, which<br />

was abundant, furnished the G-ermans with a ready opportimity<br />

of giving themselves up to intemperance. In the<br />

enjoyment of tumultuous scenes of debauchery, they forgot<br />

Constantinople. Jerusalem, and Christ himself whose worship<br />

and laws they were marching to defend. Pillage, violarion,<br />

and murder were evervwhere left as the traces of their<br />

passage. Coloman assembled troops to chastise their license,<br />

and to recall them to a sense of the maxims of justice and<br />

the laws of hospitahty. The soldiers of Grotschalk were full<br />

of courage, and, at first, defended themselves with advantage.<br />

Their resistance even inspired serious alarm among the<br />

Hungarians, who resolved to employ stratagem to reduce<br />

them. The o:eneral of Coloman feimed to be desirous of<br />

peace. The chiefs of the Hungarians presented themselves

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