06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation


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Malvan<br />

S.No. Family Scientitic Name Common Name<br />

81 Rallidae Fulica atra Coot<br />

82 Rallidae Gallinu/a chloropus Moorhen<br />

83 Rostratulidae Rostratula bnga/ensis Painted snip<br />

84 Scolopacidae Numenius arquara Curlew<br />

85 Scolopacidae Tringa tetanus Common red shank<br />

86 Scolopacidae Tringa ochropus Green sandpiper<br />

87 Scolopacidae Tnnga hypo/eucos Common sandpiper<br />

88 Strigidae Athene brama Spolted owlet<br />

89 Strigidae Bubo bubo Eagle owl<br />

90 Strigidae Sturnus contra Pied myna<br />

91 Strigidae Acridotheres tristis Common myna<br />

92 Strigidae Acr/dotheres fuse us Jungle myna<br />

93 Sylviidae Or/hotomus sutprius Tailor bird<br />

94 Sylviidae Acrocephalus agericola Paddy field Warbler<br />

95 Sylviidae PhyUoscopus fuscatus DuskY leaf Warbler<br />

96 Timaiidae Turdiodes striatus Jungle babler<br />

97 Turldae Copsvchus saularis Magpie robin<br />

98 Turidae Erithacus svecicus Blue throat MIGRATORY<br />

99 Upupidae Upupa epops Hoopoe<br />


S.No. Family Scientific Name Common Name<br />

1 Canidae Canis aureus Jackal<br />

2 Cercopithecidae Macaca mula Ita Rhesus macauque<br />

3 Fedilae Felis viverina Fishing Cat<br />

4 Lutrinae Lutra lutra Eurasian olter<br />

5 Muridae Mus booduga Liltle Indian field mouse<br />

6 Muridae Mus museu/us House mouse<br />

7 Muridae Rattus rat/us House rat<br />

8 Petropodidae Pteropus giganteus Indian flying fox<br />

9 Viverrldae Herpestes edwardsi Indian grey man goose<br />

10 Viverridae Herpestes palustris Marsh mangoose<br />


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