06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation


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threat of low fish production, 'low output from fish<br />

industry and disturbed economy of the area.<br />

Most of the people are dependent of fish as major<br />

item in their meals. If fish catch goes. down or if<br />

crabs and other mollusc productiop is lowered due<br />

to mangrove degradation, it will affect the local<br />

inhabitants in two ways: their daily dietary item<br />

will not be available and secondly, fishing as a<br />

livelihood will be lost. As a consequence the labour<br />

in fish processing factory will have to lose the job.<br />

Same is true for mango and cashew labour.<br />

Tourism may prove harmful to natural<br />

bioresources of this area, if utmost care is not<br />

taken.<br />

VII.Conservation And Management Efforts<br />

The conservation efforts are negligible. Fishery<br />

ponds are developed by cutting down (felling)<br />

couple of Xylocarpus trees at some places, though<br />

not within the boundary of Malvan Tahsil.<br />

Nevertheless, at Achra fishery ponds have become<br />

a threat to mangroves.<br />

i. Current Legal Status<br />

A Marine Park is planned at Malvan, which will be<br />

legally protected. At present it is not under<br />

Biosphere Reserve or any such protection<br />


Census of India 2001. Series 28 Maharashira<br />

Provisional Population Totals, Paper 1 of 2001.<br />

Brought out by Samir Kumar Biswas, Director of<br />

Census Operations, Mabarasbtra.<br />

Census of India 2001 Series 28 Maharasbtra Provisional<br />

Population Totals. Paper 2 of 2001, Rural-urban<br />

Distribution of Population. Brought out by Samir<br />

Kumar Biswas, Director of Census Operations,<br />

Mabarasbtra.<br />

Fish, Production Report 1997-98.Dep!.of Fisberies Govi.<br />

of Mabarashtra, Mumbai.<br />

Information Bulletin on Sindbudurg District. Brougbt<br />

out by Shri Milind Bandivadekar, Cbief Dis!.<br />

Information Officer, Sindhudurg district.<br />

Jbila SamajIk & Artbik Samalochan, Sindhudurg Jbila.<br />

(District Social and EconomicReview,Sindhudurg<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Malvan<br />

measure. Some areas of the Western Ghat region<br />

of Malvan Tahsil are protected under Reserve<br />

Forest.<br />

ii. Applicable Protection Acts<br />

Forest Acts, Environment Pollution (Control) Acts<br />

and CRZ are applicable' in this region.<br />

iii. Government, Non-Government,<br />

Local Communities and Other Institutes<br />

There is hardly any regular conservation activity<br />

except that some part of Western Ghat Forest<br />

comes under Reserve Forests. Now some NGOs are<br />

coming forward to work in Sindhudurg district.<br />

The overall picture is disappointing.<br />

VIII. Future Prospects<br />

Eventhough conservation activities, are not<br />

initiated in this area, there is enough room to<br />

undertake awareness' programmes to educate<br />

common public.<br />

The conservation status6f the bioresources can be<br />

improved by undertaking programmes for public<br />

I.e. local inhabitants. What is needed is the joint<br />

effort of forest department, educationaVresearch<br />

institute and NGO active in the region.<br />

District). Finance & Statistics Directorate, Govi.<br />

of Mabarasbtra. Mumbai<br />

Nagarpalika Varsbiki (Artbik Stbiti) (Annual Report of<br />

Municipality on Economic Status) 1999-2000.<br />

District Sindbudurg. Dist639582*1. Statistical<br />

Office, Sindhudurg.<br />

District Domestic Product of Mabarasbtra. 1993-94to<br />

1998-99. Directorate of Economics & Statistics.<br />

Gov!. of Mabarashtra, Mumbai.<br />

Regional Plan. Ratnagiri-Sindbudurg Resource Region<br />

(Draft) 1981-2001. Vol. I: Survey Ratnagiri-<br />

Sindbudurg Regional Planning Board, Ratnagiri.<br />

Report on Malvan Tahsil prepared on special occasion<br />

by Tabsil Agriculture Officer,Malvan. Sept. 2001<br />

District and Block level officers - personal interviews.<br />

My heartfelt thanks are due to Dr. M.S. <strong>Swaminathan</strong> for giving me the opportunity to work as a partner<br />

of this project. I also put on record my thanks to Dr. PC. Kesavan, Director, MSSRF and Dr. Ajay Parida .<br />

for keeping my involvement in this piece of work.<br />

I am thankful to Government of Maharashtra officials in Sindhudurg district and other resource persons<br />

whose help made this report possible.<br />


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