06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation


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Gulf of Kachchh<br />

Scientific Name Common Name Status<br />

1 2 3<br />

Gaprimulgus asiatic us Common Indian Night jar R<br />

Apus affinis House Swift RM<br />

Gypsiurus balas/ensis Asian Palm Swift R<br />

Merops philippinus Blue-tailed Bee-eater RM<br />

M. orienta lis Green Bee-eater R<br />

Goracius garrulus European Roller RM<br />

G. benghalensis Indian Roller R<br />

Upupa epops Common Hoopoe RM<br />

Eremopterix grisea Ashy-crowned sparrow-lark R<br />

Galandrella cheleensis Asian Short-toed Lark M<br />

G.ray/al Sand Lark R<br />

Galerida cristatus Crested Lark R<br />

Hirundo rustica Common Swallow RM<br />

H. daurica Red-rumped Swallow RM<br />

liJnius vittatus Bay-backed Shrike R<br />

L. excubitor Great Grey Shrike RM<br />

L. isabel/inus Rufous tailed Shrike M<br />

L. schach Long-tailed Shrike R<br />

Dicrurus macrocercus Black Drongo R<br />

Sturnus pagoda rum Brahminy Starling R<br />

S. roseus Rosy Staling R<br />

Acridotheres tristis Commonm Myna R<br />

A. ginginianus Bank Myna R<br />

Dendrocitta vagabunda Rufous tree-pie R<br />

Gorvus Splendens House Crow R<br />

G.macrorhynchus Jungle Crow R<br />

Pycnonotus leucotis White-eared Bulbul R<br />

P.cafer Redvented Bulbul R<br />

Turdoides caudatus Common Babbier R<br />

T. malcolmi Large Grey Babbler R<br />

Prinia inornata Plain Prinia R<br />

Prinia buchanani Rufous fronted Prinia R<br />

Orthotomus sutorius Common Tailorbird R<br />

Acrocephalus scirpaceus Eurasian Reed Warbler R<br />

Sylvia curruca Lesser Whitethroat R<br />

saxicola torquata Common Stonechat R<br />

Oenanthe deserti Desert Wheatear RM<br />

Oenanthe picata Variable Wheatear R<br />

saxicoloides fulicata Indian Robin R<br />

Anthus campestris Tawny Pipit M<br />

Motacilla f1ava Yellow Wagtail RM<br />

Motacil/a maderaspatesis White-browed Wagtail R<br />

. M. alba White Wagtail RM<br />

Nectarinia asiatica Purple Sunbird R<br />

Zosterops palpebrosus Oriental White-eye R<br />

Passer domestic us House Sparrow R<br />

Petronia xanthocol/is Chestnut-shouldered Petronia R<br />

Ploceus philippinus Baya Weaver R<br />

Lonchura malabarica indian Silverbill R<br />

C=Common; UC=Uncommon; Rr=Rare; RM=Resident migrant; R=Resident; M=Migrant; Ab=Abundant.<br />


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