06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation


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Gulf of Kachchh<br />

IX. Checklist of the marine mammals and reptiles recorded in the Gull of Kachchh<br />

Category Species Name Common Name Habitat Status<br />

Reptiles<br />

Sea snakes Hydrophis spiralis Yellow Snake Coastal & Open Sea C<br />

Hydrophis cyanocinctus Annulated Snake Coastal & Open Sea UC<br />

Hydrophis mamillaris Bombay sea snake Coastal & Open Sea UC<br />

Hydrophis caerulescens Many toothed snake Coastal & Open Sea UC<br />

Turtles Chelonia mydas Green Turtle Coastal & Open Sea EN<br />

Lepidochelys alivacea Olive Ridley Turtle Coastal & Open Sea EN<br />

Ceretta ceretta Loggerhead Turtle Coastal & Open Sea EN<br />

Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback Turtle Coastal & Open Sea UN<br />

Mammals<br />

Delphinus delphis Common Dolphin Coastal & Open Sea T<br />

Tursiops truncatus Bottle-nosed Dolphin Coastal & Open Sea R<br />

Sauca chi/ensis Indo-Pacific humpbacked Dolphin Coastal & Open Sea R<br />

Neophocaena phocaenoides Finless Porpoise Coastal & Open Sea T<br />

Dugong dugon Dugong Coastal & Open Sea EN<br />

X. Checklist of the mammals & reptiles recorded on the periphery and adjoining<br />

areas of the Gulf of Kachchh.<br />

Category Species Name Common Name Status<br />

Reptiles<br />

Uromastyx hardwickii Spiny tailed lizard C<br />

Calotes versicolar Common Garden lizard C<br />

Hamidactylus flaviviridis Northern house Gecko C<br />

Hamidactylus brookii Brook's Gecko UC<br />

Mebuya carinata Common shink UC<br />

Varanus begulensis Common Indian monitor UC<br />

Ptyas mucosus Rat snake UC<br />

Eryx conicus Russell's earth boa UC<br />

Naja naja Indian Cobra UC<br />

Echis carinatus Saw-scaled viper C<br />

Daboia russe /Ii Russel's viper C<br />

Bungarus caeruleus Krait C<br />

Mammals<br />

Ungulates Anti/ope cervicapra Black buck C<br />

Boselaphus tragocamelus Nilgai C<br />

Gazella gazella Chinkara C<br />

Eqivus hemionus khur Wiid ass C<br />

Sus scrota Wild boar C<br />

Carnivores Felis chaus Jungle cat C<br />

Felis libyca Desert cat R<br />

Felis caracal Caracal -<br />

Viverricula indica Small Indian civet R<br />

Paradoxurus hermaphroditus Common palm civet R<br />

Herpestes edwardsi Common mongoose C<br />

Herpestes auropunctatus Small Indian mongoose C<br />

Hyaena hyaena Stripped hyaena R<br />

Canis lupus Wolf C<br />

Canis aureus Jackal C<br />


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