06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation


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Bhitarkanika<br />

Before 1952, the forests were governed under Section 50 gives powers to the officers for entry,<br />


meaning rules for management of Kanika Jungles.<br />

search, arrest<br />

the provisions<br />

and detention, if any violation of<br />

of this act are noticed. It also<br />

The notification was issued by Mr. Gopal Pra~ad gives immunity to the officers for certain<br />

Das, Dewan of Kanika Raj. It has the listlof actions done in good faith.<br />

protected forest blocks and various prescripti@ns<br />

for public use of forest produce were incorporated<br />

specifying the rates against different use. I<br />

a. Indian Forest Act. 1927. This Act was enacted<br />

on 21" September 1927 to consolidate the law<br />

relating to forests, the transit of forest prodbce<br />

and the duty leviable on timber and other forfst<br />

produce in the above act. Chapter II deals v-;ith<br />

the whole process of declaration of ReserVed<br />

Forest and the acts that are prohibited in stich<br />

forests in sections 3 to 27. Chapter III de~ls<br />

with the Village Forests and Chapter IV delus<br />

with the Protected Forests. Section 29 to 33<br />

deal with the process of declaration i of<br />

Notifications issued under section 30. Chapter V<br />

deals with the control over forests and laJds<br />

not being the property of Government. Chapter<br />

VI and VII have the provisions for imposing<br />

duty on timber and other forest produce dnd<br />

controlling their transit. Chapter IX lias<br />

important provisions regarding seizure lof<br />

,<br />

property therein.<br />

b. Wildlife (Protection) Act. 1972 This act receiVed<br />

the assent of the President of India on 19'h<br />

September, 1972 and is one of the impordnt ,<br />

steps taken by Government of India for<br />

protection of wildlife. It has undergone certain<br />

modifications from time to time. Main featutes<br />

of this Act are : I<br />

Chapter II deals with prohibition on hunting, of<br />

animals mentioned in schedules I, II, III and Iv.<br />

c. The Forest (Conservation) Act. 1980 This is a<br />

landmark piece of legislation in the history of<br />

Nature conservation in India and was enacted<br />

at a time when developmental activities were<br />

taking a heavy toll on the natural resources by<br />

diverting large chunks of forest land. This<br />

imposes strict restriction on the diversion of<br />

forest land for non-forest purpose without the<br />

prior approval of the Central Government and<br />

provides for raising compensatory afforestation<br />

on equivalent non-fore.st land. As a result, the<br />

diversion of forest land for developmental<br />

activities has slowed down. In Bhitarkanika<br />

incidents of leasing of forest land by local<br />

Revenue Authorities were observed till 1994<br />

and after action was initiated against the<br />

erring officials, the process has come to a halt.<br />

d. The Orissa Marine Fishing Regulation Act 1982<br />

The Act provides for the regulation of fishing in<br />

the sea along the coast of Orissa state. Chapter<br />

II of the act deals with the regulation of fishing<br />

and lays down restrictions in specified areas.<br />

Chapter III prescribes for penalties to be<br />

imposed for violation of the prescribed<br />

regulations. Section 14 empowers the<br />

authorized officer to enter and search a vessel<br />

if he has reason to believe that the vessel is<br />

used in contravention of any of the provisions of<br />

this Act and such a vessel can be impounded<br />

and any fish found in it can be seized. Section<br />

17 provides for imposing penalties after holding<br />

It also deals<br />

under special<br />

with grant of hunting<br />

circumstances.<br />

permIts an enquiry. There is a provision for appeal to<br />

the appropriate Appellate Board ..<br />

Chapter IV deals with the process. of<br />

declaration of Sanctuary, National Park and<br />

closed areas, settlement of rights inside<br />

I<br />

the<br />

sanctuary,<br />

sanctuary<br />

restrictions on<br />

and other controls.<br />

entry in the<br />

I<br />

Chapter V is an important chapter dealing I in<br />

trade or commerce in Wild Animals, articles<br />

and trophies and includes<br />

in certain wildlife articles.<br />

guidelines for tdde<br />

Those who deal I in<br />

wildlife articles. are supposed to talke<br />

permission from Chief Wildlife Warden of the<br />

state and submit the returns. I<br />

Chapter VI is the most impl)rtant chapter<br />

dealing with crime control and investigati6n.<br />

I<br />

192<br />

e. The Environment (Protection) Act. 1986 This<br />

Act provides for the protection and<br />

improvement of environment and for matters<br />

connected therewith. It empowers the Central<br />

Government to take necessary measures for<br />

protecting and improving the quality of the<br />

environment and preventing, controlling and<br />

abating environmental pollution. There is a<br />

provision for making rules to implement the<br />

Act. In Bhitarkanika this Act is of great<br />

significance since all the coastal stretches of<br />

th~ area fall in the CRZ I category.<br />

Apart 'from the above acts, there are a few<br />

institutions that help in the management and

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