06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation


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one or two families in very few of other villages.<br />

Each year about 5000 people within a radius of ten<br />

to 100 kIn around Pulicat Lake come for fishing.<br />

(fig 3)<br />

'00<br />

90<br />

0)<br />

70<br />

eo<br />

40 '"<br />

90<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

Figure 3. Community Composition of Pullcat Lake<br />

FOrw8rd<br />

BllCkward<br />

Souroe : F1sberJes Census" 2000<br />

1. Livelihood patterns<br />

Most backward<br />

ScheckileclC&ste<br />

Historically fishing was the major livelihood<br />

activity in the region. The changes in the bioresource<br />

pattern lead to giving an equal emphasis<br />

to the agriculture in the surrounding regions of the<br />

lake. In the present context both can be<br />

considered as important sources of livelihood. The<br />

other sources of livelihoods are Charcoal making,<br />

toddy tapping, timber plantation and agricultural<br />

labourers. Small-scale livelihoods include shell<br />

excavation, woodcutting, transportation, .small<br />

.business, money lending, vending etc. Out of total<br />

adult population in the Pulicat region of Tamil<br />

Pulicat Lake<br />

Nadu, 57.71% are involved in money earning<br />

livelihoods in which 80.54% is men and 19.46% is<br />

women. Fishing, fresh fish trade (FIT), dry fish<br />

trade (DFT), net making, allied activities,<br />

government and private jobs are the<br />

main occupation of the region. Men<br />

mainly concentrate on fishing where as<br />

women concentrate on FFT and DIT.<br />

Less than 5% of the income generating<br />

population is involved in government<br />

and private jObs (fig 4).<br />

iii. Economic Conditions<br />

Pulicat was a thriving market in<br />

international trade during the pre<br />

colonial and colonial times. It was<br />

during the Dutch period that Pulicat<br />

was at its peak of glory, exporting a<br />

wide range of textiles from cotton to silk, muslin,<br />

and colored velvet's, calicoes, salted fish and<br />

spices. Today though agricultural products do not<br />

contribute much to the economic activity of<br />

Pulicat, other occupations like fishing and trading<br />

have made it an emerging urban center. However,<br />

the fisher folk in the Pulicat region are much<br />

below the poverty line of the country, more than<br />

50% of population earns less than Rs 6000 per<br />

year. Only 4 % represent above 15,000, which is<br />

also IIluch below the poverty line (fig 5).<br />

SchedJledTribe<br />

The traditional industries of PulIcat are<br />

• Pullcat Handloom Lungi Industry: Pulicat was<br />

one of the major cotton textile centers in the<br />

Figure 4. Comparison of Livelihoods among Men and Women In the Pul1cat Region In Tamil Nadu<br />

0).00<br />

70.00<br />

60.00<br />

50.00<br />

% ,",,00<br />

90.00<br />

20.00<br />

10.00<br />

000<br />

RSll<br />

.67 0.04 0.01 1.66 0,01 0.01 0.70 0.09<br />

322<br />

0.02 1.10 0.00 0.89 0.32<br />

ASling HT OFT Net !mldna: Alliedactivlties Governrrent Prlyate Othen Total<br />

Source : FJaber/sa Census, 3000<br />

147<br />


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