06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation

06-bioresourcesstatu.. - M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation


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Lakshadweep Islands<br />

Appendix 5<br />

Significant Notifications related to Coral and Reef Resources<br />

1. The Lakshadweep Gazette<br />

Published By Authority<br />

Extraordinary<br />

VoLxxxvii. No. 35, TUESDAY,18 th SEPTEMBER, 2001/27 th BHADRA, 1923 (SAKA)<br />



New Delhi, the 11'" July, 2001 "2. Shark and Ray (All Elasmobranchii)<br />

S.0.665 (E):- In exercise of the powers conferred by 3. Sea Horse (All Sygnathidians)<br />

Sub-section (1) of section 61 of the wild Life 4. Giant Grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus)";<br />

(Protection) Act, 1972). The central Government, (h) after part IV, relating to Crustacea &<br />

being of the opinion that it is expedient so to do, Insects, the following Parts shall be inserted,<br />

hereby makes the following further amendments in namely:-<br />

Schedule I and schedule III of the said Act with "Part IV A - Coelenterates<br />

effect from the date of publication of this 1. Reef Building Coral (All Scleractinians).<br />

notification in the Official Gazette, namely:- 2. Black Coral (All Antipatharians).<br />

1. In Schedule 1 to the said Act:- 3. Organ Pipe Coral (Tubipora musical<br />

(a) in Part II A relating to "fishes", after entry 4. Fire Coral (All Milipora Species).<br />

1, the following entries shall be inserted, 5. Sea Fan (All Gorgonians)<br />

namely<br />

PART IV B - Mollusca<br />

1. Charonia tritonis 19. Cypraea carneola. 37. Murex ramosus<br />

2. Lambis truncata 20. Cypraea mauritiana 38. StrombiJs plicatus sibbaldi<br />

3. Lambis chiragra 21. Cypraea onyx 39. Strombus listeris<br />

4. Lambis chiragra arlhritica 22. Cypraea argus. 40. Fasciolaria trapazium.<br />

5. Lambis mil/epeda 23. Cypraea testudinaria 41. Fusinus longicaudus<br />

6. Lambis crocea 24. Cypraea moneta 42. Mitra mitra<br />

7. Lambis scorpius 25. Ovula Ovum 43. Mitra papalis<br />

8. Conus bengalensis 26. Volva volva 44. Cymatium pi/eare<br />

9. Conus malne-edwardsi 27. Turbo marmopratus 45. Nauti! us pompili us.<br />

10. Conus textile. 28. Trochus ni/oticus 46. Tridacna maxima<br />

11. Conus nobilis 29. Xancus pyrum 47. Tridacna squamosa.<br />

12. Conus geographus 30. Harpulina lapponica. 48. Hippopus hippopus.<br />

13. Conus marmoreus 31. Harpulina arausiaca 49. Pifer erycina.<br />

14. Cypraea lamancina 32. Tudicla spiralis. 50. P1eria brevi/ata.<br />

15. Cypraea cribaria 33. Cypracsis ruta 51. Placenta placenta<br />

16. Cypraea tigris 34. Cassis cornuta. 52. Paphia ala-papilionis. "<br />

17. Cypraea mappa 35. Murex palmrosae.<br />

18. Cypraea talpa. 36. Murex haustel/um<br />

Part IC C-Echinodermata<br />

Sea Cucumber (All Holothurians)<br />

2. In Schedule III to the said Act, after entry 19<br />

relating to Wild Pig, the following entry shall be<br />

inserted namely:-<br />

"20 Sponges (All Calcareans)."<br />

[F.No. 1-4/95/WL-I]<br />

134<br />

S.C. ShARMA, Add!. Director General of Forests<br />

(WL).<br />

Note: The entries in various Schedules of the<br />

Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 have been amended<br />

from time to time. The last notification in this<br />

regard was issued vide S.O. 474 (E) dated the 29'"<br />

May, 2001

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